Team Bonding (MellowYellow)

Had Starfire and Raven changed places, then no doubt Star would have easily believed the 'team bonding' excuse and headed on her merry way without a care. Raven however looked at the two as if they had just said the dumbest conceivable excuse in that moment... kind of was really, because it didn't even really make for an excuse at all... coming from these two though, it was perhaps the best justification she was going to get.

And then of course Garfield just had to go and say something that stunned even her. "W-what?" Raven asked, the surprise of the question being enough to make even her dour tone rise an octave higher, much like the more chipper aspects of her personality that resided in her mindscape. "S-seriously?" she added again, still reeling from the surprise. Even hooded, the red creeping onto her grey cheeks was all too obvious.

Starfire gave an excited chirp at the prospect, always the one to welcome frienship exercises, and proceeded to grip Raven's wrists and abruptly pulled her onto the couch. "Oh yes you must join us! The excitement and the pleasure Beast Boy can give would make even you smile!"

A low grumble, muffled by the flesh of Starfire's potent orbs in her face, followed soon after by Raven raising her head a bit. She flushed and looked away from the two. "Fine... but it better be good or else... I don't know, I guess I'll make your little affair common knowledge," she warmed. Her cloak seemed to face away in a flash of blackness, revealing the tight rubbery leotard that clung tight to much of her womanly body.

Starfire was curvier in many respects, but one had to appreciate just how tight Raven kept herself. And her breasts were hardly insubstantial at a perky C-cup. Soon that leotard vanished away too, leaving her completely bare while looking away from the duo. She was no longer at risk from her father's influence, so perhaps taking an extra risk would be good... and fulfilling a crush like this was something she could do with, something she could take some joy in.
Beast Boy was caught off guard over how Raven seemed to be considering the entire notion of joining in for this ‘bonding’ session, only for his own brief stupor to be interrupted by Starfire’s energetic grab for their teammate’s wrist to pull her onto the couch with them. A small yelp escaped his lips as the naked pair were joined by the cloaked female, who surprised (and delighted) the horny young Titan by actually relenting on joining in with them. “R-Really?!” Gar let out in disbelief; the excitement evident upon his voice and the widening of his eyes, even as he gulped slightly at her warning on making sure the experience was a good one.

The green complexioned hero watched as Raven undressed and showed off her own natural beauty. Gar had always found an appreciation for the quiet teammate’s physique during the brief periods when she was seen outside of her cloak, but rarely did he get to see her in that leotard so up close and personal. When the leotard itself vanished away, the teen’s jaw grew slack as he soaked in the often fantasized beauty of his other female team member. While she may not have held the same curves as Starfire, she was indeed quite the stunning sight in her own right, as Gar gazed upon her in unrestrained admiration for her body while uttering out a simple, yet very appreciative, “….wow…”

Swallowing hard, the horny teenager then glanced over at Starfire, as he threw her a wide, lecherous (if a tad goofy) grin before reminding, “Well, Star. She did say we better make it good. So, let’s get started!”

The lean yet fit young hero then took a page of the Tamaranian’s book by reaching over and grabbing Raven around the waist before pulling her onto his lap with a surprising burst of strength on his part. The seated male lifted her slightly, letting her legs move in helping to work herself along with his guided positioning, until she was seated just below his abdomen with his throbbing cock now wedging itself between her slender thighs. She was facing away from Beast Boy, which allowed for Gar’s hands to slip under her arms and reach for her firm breasts to begin groping them with eager, if surprisingly skilled, finges.

“Wow, Raven.” The changeling breathed out as his fingers firmly massaged themselves along the curves of her breasts, as his chin rested over her shoulder to give himself a better look at her pail orbs pressed within his emerald fingers, “I’ve fantasized a lot about what you were hiding beneath that cloak all of this time. But you’re even better looking in the buff than I ever imagined.” His fingers tightened their grasp lightly, with the tips of his index and thumbs paying special attention to her budding nipples, as he added with wide smile, “You feel a lot better than I imagined, too.”

The entire time this happened, his throbbing cock continued to firmly press itself between her inner highs as she practically sat along the length of it. His chest rising and falling against the swell of her back as his ever molesting hands held Raven closely in an affectionate, if lewd, manner. The embrace of his warm breath being felt along her shoulder with every passing moment, as he pulled his admiring gaze away from the her breasts in order to take a sly glance toward Starfire to teasingly ask, “What do ya think, Star? Is she close to cracking a smile?”
"Hey... don't stare like that you pervert..." the purple-haired girl said, flushing and shrinking a bit when he so openly oggled her. She of course had wanted him to look at her in that way for some time, but the reality was still a touch embarrassing. She made a small yelping noise as she was pulled back, now feeling strong hands reach up to grope and fondle the twin grey mounds of her breasts while she felt... quite a good deal of her lovers own warmth pressing into her.

She gave a few panting groans, eyes half-shut from the new pleasure building within. As she had spent so much time rigidly regulating her emotions it was to be expected that lust had been crammed down the pipe too when she entered into puberty. Not a single touch of her fingers had graced her nether, and now it felt as if a dam was getting set to burst between her legs with how Garfield touched her.

Starfire, laying on her stomach and looking up at her close 'gal pal' (Though Raven often rejected that label quite vigorously), surveyed her expression as if she was a curious cat watching a laser pointer in motion. "She looks more to me like she is melting," the redhead remarked matter-of-factly.

Sure enough her face was cycling through different visages of pleasure, while huffing moans of arousal continued rising up out of her throat. Star smiled and leaned in, slowly trailing her tongue up her new lovers stomach until the duo were kissing, with Starfire taking the lead due to more experience. It must have been quite the show, and from how Raven blushed it was clear she was enjoying it a great deal. Star pulled back and grinned at her lover "She seems to be positively soaking down there" she said with a quick giggle.
“Oh, man.” The teenaged hero let out with a slight whine while watching Starfire explore Raven’s front with her tongue before embracing their teammate with a kiss only inches away of himself; the resulting visual causing his already throbbing arousal to begin aching with need as he half-jokingly added, “Best. Day. Ever.”

Giving a quick snicker before smiling back at his lover, that smile crept into a widening smirk as Starfire noted about how moist their teammate had become in a relatively short amount of time. “Maybe we should drag her into the shower with us afterward?” Beast Boy considered with a light chuckle as his hands continued to play along the half-demon’s full breasts while holding her closely against his body. The shared warmth between them would only grow further as her slender back remained pressed into his firm chest, while that throbbing cock began to press into her a little more insistently.

“So, how are we doing, Raven?” Gar would teasingly whisper into her ear as one hand slipped away of her breasts and slid down her slender stomach until the tips of his digits found their way to her gushing nether region. “Still thinking to tell on us?” The changeling would continue to lightly push her buttons with his words as his fingers pressed them more directly; his words being whispered out into the grey complexioned teens ears as her soaking folds were fondled with surprising gentleness on Beast Boy’s part.

His fingers stroked the lengths of themselves along the outline of her folds, as they would practically cup themselves over her mound and drag those teasing digits from the bottom of her lower lips, before sliding upwards with a single finger hooking itself inside of her every inch of the way. This teasing motion repeated itself several times as Beast Boy’s fingers and palm grew increasingly soaked with Raven’s arousal, with his invading digit making the effort to search out her clitoris and attempt to brush itself with little flicks along the sensitive nub before pulling the hand away to repeat the motion from the start. The often comical young hero had always enjoyed trying to joke with or tease Raven to get any response he could out of her, and this seemed to be translating itself rather nicely into the bedroom (or living room, as it were).

Beast Boy would eventually slip his fingers away from its spot within Raven’s soaking inner thighs, as he then raised the glistening fingers and palm between the two female Titan’s to let the one on his lap take a look at the results of his teasing. “Wow, she really is soaking.” The green complexioned hero noted toward the alien Princess, as he then offered the fingers toward her while inquiring with a smirk, “How do you think she tastes, Star?”
"I couldn't exactly rat you out if I'm in on it too," Raven said, completely deadpan once more, only to feel her breath hitch in a mounting excitement from the skilled hands rolling down to her midriff and then toward her partially visible mound. Starfire watched all this with a building excitement all her own, as if she was a cat spying a laser pointer, shmmering green eyes filled with a clear intrigue as Garfield toyed with her.

Raven's moans were more subdued than Starfire's, as one might expect as it so thoroughly reflected the two of them, but try as she might the wriggling poking fingers were still able to draw out a fire within the half-demon. Her moans grew a little cruder, a little lewder, all while the volume of her juices seemed to increase. She was more subdued than Koriand'r, certainly, but there was no doubt that she was every bit as turned on right now.

When finally his fingers pulled free Star marvelled at them and seemed to applaud him with quick claps of her hands "Astounding lover! I did not think it would be possible to arouse Raven this much!" In she leaned, her mouth closing around the outstretched fingers, and with a vacuum like intensity she got to sucking and slurping the dry of any lingering traces of that sweet, delicious desire.

Raven was flushed furiously, embarrassed that Gar of all people was able to draw that out of her... but in a way she was glad. It was nice to know her affection wasn't misplaced. "So... should we go 'all the way'?" she asked, sounding just a touch nervous at the prospect.
“Aww, thanks, Star. I amaze myself someti-eeeng!!” The teenaged hero started to boast with a chuckle over how aroused Raven had become, before jumping slightly at the force with which she began sucking and slurping away the traces of their teammates arousal. Gar would squirm in place slightly as Starfire cleaned up his sensitive fingertips, but did compose himself enough to give the beautiful Princess an appreciative smirk as he briefly worked the digits to and fro between her lips in a suggestive manner.

“I wonder if you’d show that much enthusiasm if I gave you something bigger to lick clean?” Beast Boy teased with lewd smile as he considered the possibilities, before returning his attention toward Raven upon hearing her nervous query.

“Oh, yeah. I think we’re about ready for that.” The young Titan stated with a notable amount of eagerness as he slowly pulled his fingers away of Starfire’s lips and then gripped either side of Raven’s hips to adjust her upon his lap until she was turned around to facing his front. She was made to scoot up a little further, until his throbbing cock began to peek out from between her gray inner thighs. It was an interesting contrast, considering both of their unique complexions, as that green organ nestled itself within the half-demon’s inner thighs while Beast Boy shifted around into a more comfortable position.

“There we go.” Gar stated with a sense of satisfaction before giving Raven a playful pat on the rear as he gazed up into her eyes while admitting, “I want to be able to see your face during every second of this, Raven. It’s not often we get to see different expressions out of you.” His gaze did drift away, however, as he glanced downward to take in a fresh look at her full breasts and feeling himself stiffen up beneath her at the thought of her bouncing on his lap as he admitted with a smirk, “Well, your face, and other parts of you.”

Glancing over at Starfire with an eager expression on his face, the changeling found himself wishing he could fuck both of his teammates at the same time, but did find a thrill in having her watching and likely continuing to join in where possible as he returned his focus to Raven. “Please, please, please tell me you’re ready….” Beast Boy stated in a near whimper while both hands rested on her hips as she remained perched over his throbbing cock; not wanting to simply slam her down without care for what seemed to be her first time, yet very obviously eager to fuck her with the way that swollen tip continued to rub incessantly along the purple-haired girls nether region.
Being maneuvered about in such a manner had her flushed in surprise, and the meaning behind the change only seemed to embarrass Raven even more. "You dork..." she remarked in a low grumble, pushing her rear back to meet the grip of his stroking hand. Rae heaved a low sigh "I guess if it's that big a deal for you we can be facing each other," she admitted, turning her attention to the ceiling to hide her embarrassment a touch.

"I do not understand your embarrassment Raven. I thought you told me that you had 'the feelings' for-"

"Star I will throw you clean through that window," Raven replied curtly, evidently annoyed to have her only ladyfriend blabbering on about more private thoughts. But she supposed Star couldn't help it- human conventions, even after spending some years on the planet, still seemed to evade her full understanding.

Now the purple-haired beauty was sighing and turning her focus down to the apex grinding against her rather unflinching pussy. Seemed to be a metaphor for their past relationship really... She gave a sigh, braced herself for the impending pain. Down she went then, a low grunt rising out of her girlish throat, feeling the thick green shaft start to split her virginal pussy open. "Sh-shit... feels... even bigger than it looks..."
The often slow to the take Beast Boy was a touch confused when Raven cut off whatever Starfire had to say. Granted, that may have partly been due to the amount of blood flowing to his groin compared to his brain right now, as he pushed the exchange aside for the moment and waited eagerly while Raven finished adjusting herself. “Oh man…” The teenage hero let out at barely above a whisper as he let his hands rest upon Raven’s thighs while a part of himself remained in disbelief on this happening.

Beast Boy almost expected to awaken from an amazing dream any second, but there was little mistaking the sensations felt during his ‘shower’ with Starfire, nor was there any mistaking how feel it felt when Raven lowered herself onto the crown of that throbbing cock. “God, Raven… such a tight fit…” The young Titan let out with a light groan; seemingly in agreement from his respective point of view over his teammates remark.

His fingers tightened their grip along her slender thighs, holding tightly onto those grey legs, while his own body began to slowly gyrate from beneath her. Beast Boy wasn’t about to just slam himself in there, despite how much he may have wanted to, but the way his hips moving about to grind himself along her inner walls was rather evident of how much he wanted to fuck her. Breathing a little heavier now, he looked down at where they were slowly, steadily joining together, before gazing up at Raven’s face and suddenly reaching up a hand to slide his fingers through her purple hair.

“It’s okay, Raven. You can do this…” Gar stated with a quick smile before cupping the back of her head and drawing her in closely for a firm kiss on the lips. His eyes grew lidded as he held her with just enough effort to keep her from easily pulling away; savoring the taste of the lips of the girl he often tried to make smile and had come to care for as something other than a teammate or even friend over the years. Deepening the kiss as his lips parted to let his tongue play along her lips and teeth, Beast Boy’s other hand pressed along her hips and slowly, steadily, started to give that extra push for helping Raven impale herself further and gladly accept her virginity.
When it came to power levels, Raven was perhaps the strongest of the team with a wide gap between her and the others when she really let loose. Sexually however she seemed to be just a touch on the submissive side, letting out cute squeaks and shivers as her tight pussy was so continuously spread out by the large phallic intruder prying her way. She could pull away if she pleased, but this whole endeavour was giving her quite the thrill.

"Okay, I c-" she was cut off, making another squeaking noise of surprise as his lips met hers, seeming to make the fire rise inside her. Odd, she never would have thought he could be romantic in the past and yet... well Raven hardly had a whole lot of experience when it came to relationships, the closest thing being an evil book-entity that tried to fry her, but this felt oh so right in her mind that she couldn't help but lean in and work away.

Starfire watched all this transpire, a gleeful little grin on her pretty face as the erotic sight unfolded before her very eyes. She and Beast Boy had gotten a bit on the rough side, but she did admit that this was all rather sweet. And to some extent she was hoping she would get the same treatment at some point.

For now though she leaned in, her hands groping Raven's perky bust from behind and earning a shrill gasp of shock and pleasure from the cute goth. Star got to groping and kneading the mounds, leaving Raven gasping and groaning, feeling herself neatly sandwiched between the duo as she was steadily brought closer to release. Through the miasma of pleasure building within she managed to croak out "In... side..." as a signal for what she wanted.
The male Titan was breathing heavily as he let Raven control the pace rather than rushing in there for a harder, faster series of motions similar to what he’d shared with Starfire. Despite the casualness of their joining, Beast Boy did want her first time, their first time, to play out as a good memory for each of them. His lower lip curled beneath his sharp teeth as he bit down on it while stifling a groan, only for a larger groan to escape those lips as their hips moved in unison together. “You’re so warm…” He whispered in reflection of how nice she felt wrapped around that steadily thrusting cock as his arms moved to wrap around her waist; finding this to be a rather nice development in contrast to how cold or distant she often came across to others until they got to know her better.

His eyes would look past Raven at points to glance over at Starfire while she joined them in heightening their friend and teammates pleasure. A wide, if slightly strained with pleasure, smile would stretch across Beast Boys as one hand moved from around Raven’s back to rest upon the alien Princess’ own warm thigh. A simple gesture, done to assure her, as if it were needed, on how he’d not forgotten about her despite the current focus on the purple haired goth bouncing on his lap between them. Starfire would also feel it as that hold on her thigh would gradually tighten, as to be expected, when both of her teammates turned lovers started to hit that sought after peak of pleasure.

“Raven…” He breathed out her name while starting to move his hips with an increasing level of force during those pivotal moments; feeling his back arching itself off the couch, as the grey complexioned teenager was finding herself being thrusted into with a quickened, yet mostly controlled pace. It may have helped that he’d already been with Starfire less than an hour prior to them starting on the couch, but Beast Boy was showing a fine degree of control in himself, as he caught onto what Raven wanted and gave a quick look into her eyes for confirmation before nodding eagerly.

The young changeling parted his lips as if wanting to let her know he understood, only for little more than strained groans and heavy breathing to come out in the place of words, before the teen found himself unable to hold back any longer. “Cumming!” He did manage to blurt out with a series of whimpered moans before pushing his head back into the top cushions of the couch, as his back arched and his hips managed to rise off the sofa with enough force during the start of his climax that he momentarily lifted Raven with him; causing gravity to force that thick cock to delve even deeper inside of her right as the twitching organ erupted with those first torrents of his hot, sticky seed.

The fit young hero felt his legs tremble in supporting the weight as both feet remained planted on the floor. He managed to keep Raven lifted up off the couch for a few fleeting seconds while his arched lower body shook beneath her, before finally collapsing back onto the cushions to let the two of them continue riding out their shared climax. Smaller grinding motions would follow, as the hand still on Raven’s back would dig its fingers into her soft skin to lightly rake themselves downward until settling on cupping one of her firm cheeks. His hips continuing to move beneath her in a grinding motion, as he further pumped her full of his less forceful, yet still rather copious amounts of cum; all the while his mouth would occasionally hang open to pant for a few seconds in a manner which may remind the girls of a mixture between a typical teenage male who just got laid and a canine who just went for a good walk.
The normally cool-headed goth felt her heartbeat pick up in tempo, her breathing growing harsher while her pale grey skin seemed sheen in the light of the living room. Starfire continued to watch this unfold all without losing the groping power of her hands, impressed and enthralled at the spectacle of watching her dear friend in the throes of pleasure. It was intriguing, another side of Raven that seemed to never get to probe out into the light of day. She, having no qualms in being attracted to both men and women, had to admit that she looked positively gorgeous.

Raven now felt him fully stuff her, the sheer size making the opening of her cervix strain wide, almost letting his head probe her womb, all while the thick green cock ground along the tight muscles of her inner walls. She was trying to speak, but with so much pleasure crashing and racing through her like a fine electrical current all her words morphed into moans and gasps of absolute delight.

When he let loose she gave another gasp, a breathless cry at the positively exquisite sensation of thick and hot seed flooding her innermost fathoms, eyes rolling back in her head as her own orgasm hit less than a second later- the muscles of her sweet pussy massaging and tightening, seeking to milk out every last drop as if on instinct. She slumped back into Starfire's embrace, eyes shut, and gave a few soft little whimpers while her now-sore muscles twitched from the exertion that was only now starting to catch up to the gothic beauty. "Amazing..." she breathed out, a slim smile on her pretty face.

"Friend Raven, are you not worried about pregnancy?" Star asked, cocking her head.

"... 's fine. Magic took care of it..."

"Oh." Star turned her focus to Garfield "You know lover, this experience has given me a most wonderful idea! On my planet, exceptionally virile males are given ample mates to handle their excessive stamina. Surely one such as you could handle more women than Raven and I."
His breathing would remain labored for a good while, but Beast Boy was able to regain some composure as he looked over Raven while she remarked on how amazing their first time had felt; his eyes catching onto the slim smile on her lovely features as he breathed out with a smile of his own, “You can… say that again…” Laying there on the couch for now as he soaked in the afterglow and that feeling of Raven’s trembling sex continuing to squeeze around his semi-softening cock for every last drop, the teen did raise a concerned eyebrow at Starfire’s question, before letting out a sigh of relief at the response.

“Whew. Magic to the rescue…” He let out with a small chuckle as the hands on Raven’s slender back and Starfire’s soft thigh would continue to lightly caress themselves along his two teammates until the Tamaranean Princess brought to light a rather interesting tidbit which caused Gar’s previously resting head to shoot up in a flash.

“W-Wait, really??” Beast Boy would ask in an unbelieving tone as he processed what she was saying, before remembering who it was he was talking to and knowing she was completely serious in everything she said. This revelation caused a wide smile to stretch across the young changelings face, as the teen hero looked like he may have started jumping giddily in place if he weren’t currently pinned to the couch by two women.

“Y’know, Star… I think I’m starting to like your planets customs a lot more than what we have here on Earth.” The eager young male admitted as his mind immediately swam with the possibilities of potential partners they could try bringing into this unique mix. He almost seemed lost in his own world for a few moments there, as his thoughts drifted toward the different women they encountered in their adventures which he’d lusted after in past. “But if you’re both open to it…”He started with a pause to look over at Raven in question of how she felt on the subject, before continuing for now, ”…then I can think of a few girls I wouldn’t mind having join up with us.”

Almost like a kid being asked by Santa on what he wanted for Christmas if he was a good boy that year, Beast Boy gave an eager, if slightly perverted, smile while gazing upward as if going over a mental checklist as he mused, “This might be the type of thing that could finally convince Terra into rejoining the team. Or at least be a much, MUCH more fun way of trying. And I wouldn’t mind paying a visit to some of our extended or honorary Titan members like Bumblebee and Jinx. And then there are the sexy lady villains! And.... And...“ He managed to stop himself with a touch of effort there, as he looked over at Starfire and Raven, before giving an embarrassed little laugh while lifting a hand to rub at the side of his neck a bit, “Uh. It’s the… animal in me? Pack leader mentality and libido and… stuff.”
At his question Raven seemed to regain a bit of lost energy, sitting up slightly so she wouldn't need to use Kori as a body pillow. She pondered the offer before giving a slight shrug "So long as you don't forget about me, then I don't mind," she replied. After all Gar had made it clear that his affection for her was genuine, and she was doubtful she had the energy that she'd need to tire him out.

All the same she gave a small roll of her eyes as he seemed to drive off into a tangent about the possible women that could be brought in. Yes, there was no shortage of attractive young women to match their age group- a few fine honourary titans coupled with some wicked teenage villainesses. Star seemed quite chipper at the idea- it could finally be the chance to reconcile with her dear sister! She was, after all, quite notorious as a slut.

"For now, we should perhaps rest," Star remarked, floating her naked body up and casually stretching her arms overhead. "I believe my bed should fit the three of us!" she commented eagerly, before starting to float from the living room toward the door at the back edge of the room. "You're not serious are you...?" Raven replied, only to give a sigh and float on behind her pretty, ditzy friend.

It seemed a bit of perversion in the shower had opened quite the door for Garfield, but the question remained- who was he going to go for first?
The eager young hero would watch as Starfire suggested they rest up and started floating upwards in preparation of departing. He supposed she was right, since even his degree of stamina could only go so far after two sessions with fresh partners back to back, atop of the energy spent during super heroics earlier. Besides, going by what Starfire suggested, it seemed that he might need that rest for the following day. Then she suggested the three of them sharing her bed, which caused Beast Boy to perk up a bit and remark with a hint of amazement in his voice, “It’s like the slumber party of my dreams….”

Raven would eventually follow after their ditzy teammate and friend, which left Beast Boy on the couch to soak in for a few moments just what had transpired up to this point. “I love this team!” He let out in a short outburst of excitement, before jumping up from his spot and looking over at the departing heroines, “I’m right behind you two!” With that, his powers would kick in for the short trip over to Starfire’s room, as his body shape shifted into that of an eager green dog which followed after them with its tail wagging in a very happy and energetic manner.

The night would go relatively uneventful compared to the events in the shower and on the couch. The three would rest besides the other on Starfire’s bed, with Beast Boy being the one lying in the middle between the pair; an arm around both of them and the hint of a smile on his features even while he slept away until the morning.

As the dawn of the next day came, the trio would gradually awake and greet each other at their own paces, as Beast Boy’s mind immediately started to swim with the possibilities presented by Starfire’s suggestion the day prior. “Morning, lover!” He eagerly greeted Starfire with a wide smile when she did awake; fidgeting in his spot on the bed slightly, as he gradually built up the courage on inquiring, “So, um…. were you serious about what you said last night? Because, I kind of had an idea on whom I’d like to try and approach about this first.” His eyes then gleaned down at his blanket covered crotch, where a rather obvious case of ‘morning wood’ could be seen sporting itself from beneath the covers, “See?? Already willing and eager to get started the first chance we get today.”
"Not so loud..." Raven mumbled from her spot on the bed, abruptly pulling the covers over her head to cover her entirely. She looked like a caterpillar getting comfy in a cocoon, and the spectacle earned a girlish titter from Starfire as she sat up in bed. Sighing happily she proceeded to look over to her green skinned lover and made a humming noise in the back of her throat at his question to her.

"Certainly I was. I am surprised it is not the case on earth for virile individuals," Star said. One quick shake of her head smoothed out the tangled of red that had formed in her slumber, and she proceeded to then stretch her tanned arms overhead. This act inadvertently (or perhaps intentionally, given that it could be quite troublesome to tell if Star was being provocative or innocently unaware) caused her bust to briefly push out his way.

Either way there was a bit of perversion in her smile "An ideal male or female with exceptional stamina is, on my planet, often known for taking many lovers. After the fun of yesterday, I would be very eager to help you," she explained. And indeed she had helped with Rae last night, so the Tamaranian beauty could come in handy.

"Too. Loud," Raven said, muffled under the covers. Another lump poked up in the duvet, her hand rising while a black and white glow formed under the fabric. Star gave a yelp as her ass was pinch telekinetically, and she gave a quick glare to Raven's spot under the covers. "Too rude," she replied, sticking her tongue out.
“Hey, it’s a custom that I’m in favor of becoming a bigger deal here.” Beast Boy remarked on Starfire’s surprise over Earth not having a similar tradition for virile individuals. The way she stretched out as she awoke hadn’t gone without his notice as the young Titan felt that familiar urge to pounce the beautiful alien Princess brewing within. His own features showed a similarly perverted (along with very eager) smile as she continued about being willing to help out similar to their encounter with Raven.

“I should have asked you to join me in the shower months ago.” He half-joked at the Tamaranian beauty, only to turn his attention toward Raven she complained on the noise and set off her powers. Gar couldn’t help in giving a brief chuckle at Starfire’s response to the telekinetic pinch, as he lightly teased, “It looks like a certain somebody isn’t exactly a morning person.”

The young changeling considered teasing their often gloomy teammate, as he was often want to do, but relented for now as he suggested to Starfire in a hushed tone, “Let’s let her sleep in for now. I… kind of had an idea on where to start off with finding other partners.” With that, Garfield carefully slipped under the covers and slowly crawled out from the corner of the bed as he got to his feet. He grabbed an extra change of uniform which he’d picked up from his room on the way to Starfire’s the night before and clumsily changed while standing up; nearly knocking over a few items like Stars lamp and almost tripping over a chair along the way.

After he was dressed, the male Titan would wait for Starfire to follow along when she was ready, so that the pair could start on their way down the hallway while Raven was allowed to sleep in for now. “I know it’s a long shot considering…. well, a lot of stuff,” Beast Boy mused to his newfound lover as he spoke with a hint of remorse over his past attempts at talking to the person he intended to see next, “But if we get ready and head out now, we should be able to catch Terra before her classes begin.”
For a moment Star had hoped to go out bare, but then she recalled how such a practice was looked down on by humans. It was a shame, some humans looked great without any obscuring garments in the way. Oh well. Star had no qualms changing into another set of her usual attire, donning the tube top, short skirt, elbow-length gloves and knee high boots that had made her such a sex symbol on the planet.

Raven seemed more than happy to sleep in for now, and on the way out she murmured something along the lines of "I'll fuck you later on today Garfield..." The goth beauty was certainly going to be happy to repeat yesterdays performance, but she also had quite a love of her late starts to the day.

Once they were out of the room Starfire blinked her pretty emerald eyes in confusion "Terra? But lover, she is not living anymore. In the chaos of the last meeting with her, she turned to stone," Kori replied. They had seen many strange things, but the idea of someone coming back from the dead was a touch odd even to her. "But I will investigate with you," she added, now casually looping an arm around his waist.

They were technically dating after all, might as well follow some human dating customs.
“Oh, right. I never…” Beast Boy started to respond as he recalled how he never told the others on what happened that day. It seemed pointless to do so at the time, with the distraught Titan coming to accept that his old friend and almost girlfriend had either lost her memory for good or simply refused to acknowledge her past. But now, after one bold risk paid off for him wonderfully with Starfire, he was ready to take a chance on another such move.

“Just… trust me. I’ll explain along the way and you’ll see what I mean once we get there.” The changeling explained as he caught his breath in his chest at the feel of the beautiful alien Princess placing her arm around his waist. There was a slight hesitation, as he questioned how Robin or Cyborg may feel if they saw them like so, but one look at the kindhearted Starfire who was ready to go along with his strange request was enough for Gar to wrap an arm around her waist in return as he smiled warmly at her. She really was making him happy in ways other than simple sex.

The male Titan would explain his experience in seeing the familiar girl shortly after they returned from dealing with the Brotherhood of Evil. Of his attempt at talking to her. On his encounter with the Slade robot. It was quite the tale to drop on another’s lap so early in the day, but Garfield explained it as best he could while they approached the school which he hadn’t come near in what felt like a lifetime. Various students would come and go as they hid behind a nearby bush as if they were some sort of secret reconnaissance mission. They only thing missing were a pair of trench coats and binoculars for the both of them.

It didn’t take long before they saw a familiar presence approaching the school with a couple of friends in matching uniforms, as Beast Boy pointed her out to his understandably doubtful teammate, “There, you see??” Aside from the uniform, she hadn’t really seemed to change much since they last saw her, as the pair would watch for a few moments until fate seemed to shine on them as the blonde stopped to tie her shoelaces while gesturing for her friends go on ahead of her.

Swallowing hard, the green complexioned hero waited until the other girls and classmates were out of the picture, as he took in a deep breath before whispering, “I guess it’s now or never.” Not often being one who was known for the subtle approach, the young hero stepped out from behind the bushes and threw himself into the matter, as he raced over with a hand raised up and waiving to catch the blonde before she could depart into the school, “Hey, wait up! Terra!”
The story was an odd one, but he spoke with such conviction. Even if Beast Boy wasn't a well known liar, Star's innocence would have left her unaware of the prospect of this being anything but the truth. And in all honesty the Titans had a group had encountered things even stranger than what Beast Boy was describing. As a result Kori didn't mind following his way over to the high school and hiding about in the bushes.

"This reminds me of the cartoon you showed me, with the four turtle men disguising themselves in a silly fashion," Starfire remarked in a low whispering tone as she peaked her head through a small gap in the bushes. So this was an earth high school... she had passed this area so many times, yet the redhead never thought to get near enough to look properly. How odd... not that she couldn't imagine herself spending some time here as a student, if the possibility existed.

And then she saw her.

Any thought in her mind of this being a fabricated tale, slim a prospect as that was given how trusting she was, were doused as she glimpsed the blonde. She looked exactly like their former teammate, with the same flowing blonde locks, same petite yet powerful frame, pretty blue eyes... that HAD to be her, the resemblance was just too uncanny for it to be some manner of mistake.

The blonde turned as Beast Boy approached, her face instantly paling while she made a loud gulping noise. Yes, she recalled their last meeting... and since that day, more and more memories had unfortunately returned despite her best attempts to suppress them. "Oh... Beast Boy..." she remarked, as if it was the only thing she could think to say. Once Starfire floated over, shock evident on her pretty face, Terra gave a quick sigh "And... Starfire too."
Beast Boy wasn’t certain on what type of reception he might get when Terra saw him, but the reaction she gave was one he could (unfortunately) understand. He had reluctantly decided to leave her be so that she could enjoy her new life, even if he believed there was a way for her to accept the past and be happy with who she was and is at the same time. Having Starfire at his side now, Gar wanted to believe he could find that solution as the green teen gave a nervous smile and wave, “Uh, hey there! Long time so see, right?”

An awkward little laugh followed as he silently questioned on whether or not she remained amnesiac over her past, until the way she reacted to Starfire upon seeing her old teammate had caused him to give pause. “Wait? Do you remember Starfire? I mean, not just from the news and stuff??” He questioned while pointing over his shoulder at the alien Princess with a couple of jabbing motion fingers.

Regardless of what her answer may or may not be, Beast Boy was quick to respond to this apparent revelation, as he suddenly zoomed over in the blink of an eye and hugged her uncomfortably close, “Terra!! I knew you’d get your memories back sooner or later!” The hug may have been uncomfortable for one trying to escape their past, but the affection and thankfulness was surely felt in those arms as he almost lifted her off the ground, before suddenly stopping himself and letting go.

“Oh! Sorry, sorry! Personal space issues. Moving too fast, I know.” He apologized while holding his hands up in a defensive manner. Taking a couple of steps back to try and take matters a little slower despite how much he wanted to embrace her apparent ‘return’, Gar stood beside Starfire for now as he asked, “But, I mean… you DO have some of your memories back now, right? How much do you remember?”
Terra frowned deeply, and she didn't much react to the hug in the way she had hoped she could. She glanced about and found the sudent body to have filtered into the building by now. A bit of privacy. Good. With a reserved sigh she proceeded to flick two fingers up, the earth dislodging beneath her and Garfield's feet, turning into a floating platform that slowly moved up into the air at an even rate until it reached the rooftop and landed slowly.

In a flash Starfire had joined them up there, flying on her own accord, and ultimately she was slightly concerned about all this. The last time they met Terra had kind of... almost killed her. And everyone else on the team. "I remember everything," she said firmly, glancing over her shoulder at the green-skinned young man. There was a sadness in Terra's gaze, a sense of a general lack of hope.

A common feeling to her.

"I wanted to forget. I had a chance to be normal, and I... well I tried to be normal. But ever since we met again everything started to come back to me. Every thought and experience both good and... and awful..." Sighing softly she touched a hand to her eyes, and from how her modest frame seemed to tremble it was as if she was fighting back tears. "I avoided you guys at first because I didn't want to think my past existed... and now I avoided you guys because I was so ashamed of my past. I thought you'd be better off thinking I had died back there..."
“You remember…” Beast Boy started to repeated as she revealed how much she had remembered by now; the realization of how hard that must have been for her sinking in on the young hero as he gazed back into her saddened eyes. The young Titan was suddenly left wondering if leaving her alone had been the right call, since it did provide her with extra weeks of carefree life, but it also meant she was alone when reality finally came crashing around her. Garfield felt guilt over that. Over his initial confrontation long ago which set off her repressed memories. Just… guilt.

“Terra…” He spoke in a soft, slightly squeaked out voice as she fought back those tears while finishing what she had to say for now. “We know how Slade used you back then. He took advantage of your fears and insecurities at the time. It’s the type of thing he’s done to more people than you in the past. We can’t forget the past, but the team’s come to forgive you for what you did.” Beast Boy explained, as he then raised a gloved hand to his chest while adding with emphasis, “I forgive you.”

Glancing over at Starfire in concern on how she felt about this entire situation as the higher altitude made the wind blow through their hair, Beast Boy then returned his attention toward Terra as he took a few steps closer while explaining, “I was so happy when I thought you might be alive. Even happier when I found you.” A short pause as he stopped within arms reach of her, the changeling added, “And… happier now, knowing that you’ve remembered who you are. A Titan.”

Another short pause, before Beast Boy slowly reached out a comforting hand to place it on her shoulder, as he told her frankly, “Look, if you want to continue living a normal life going to classes and hanging out with your friends at the mall, then we’re not going to stop you from doing that. But don’t go thinking I’d be better off with you dead. Because that’s way from the truth.”
Star watched the whole scene unfold before her eyes, but the general shock of this reveal was leaving her without much to say. It was a surprising thing to see, and despite her... well, 'apprehensions' toward Terra, she felt a great sensation of sadness for what the young woman went through. They had been friends, before the chaos unfolded... and now it felt as if she should brush aside her former dislike of the blonde.

Once he gripped her shoulder Terra gave him a sad smile, brushing a few flowing strands of fine golden hair behind her ear. "It's... I um... Well I can't really live the normal life anymore after remembering all I did. It's, you know, kind of disrupted all that for me," she explained. She dried her eyes with the back of her wrist but maintained a soft smile. She seemed remorseful for the past at the very least. "But, I just don't know if I'd really be welcomed back after all that happened between us."

"Oh but we would welcome you back! We missed you dearly, especially Beast Boy!" Star exclaimed, now quickly flying over to Terra. She hugged the blonde tight from behind, leaving Terra flushed a deep red from the sensation of Kori's more impressive bust quashed into her back. "In fact, Beast Boy also wishes to make you one of his lovers," she added, a statement that made Terra's blush all the deeper.

"S-seriously? W-wait... lovers? As in plural?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, myself and Raven have had much loving from him."

The shock at that was evident on her face, but when she glanced Garfield's way there was just a touch of awe in her gaze "W-wow. You seriously managed to please those two...? Like, at the same time?"
Beast Boy gave a soft smile at seeing Starfire moving in to embrace Terra following her stated concern on whether they would welcome her back, before his eyes suddenly grew as wide as saucers in surprise at how frankly the Tamaranian brought up how he wanted to make the blonde one of his lovers. “Star!” He blurted out in a shock as he waved his arms for a few second; not being certain on how Terra may respond to such a blunt statement so quickly after they had finally started to make amends with her past actions.

Fortunately, the blonde didn’t seem bothered over the notion, so much as surprised as she looked over in his direction for verification. “Hey… don’t act like it’s that big of a surprise.” He responded with a nervous laugh, as he started to regain his cool (well, cool for Beast Boy) while noting with a growing smirk, “After all, they don’t call me Beast Boy for nothing.”

The joke was cheesy, but very much himself, as Garfield moved in closer to the pair and placed a hand on Starfire’s shoulder while continuing to address Terra, “I mean, I don’t want to rush you into anything…. but I would be lying if I said us never being together wasn’t one of my biggest regrets about the time we shared.” The look in his eyes was one of both adoration and a growing desire. Terra had meant the world to him at one point and, in spite of everything which transpired, she was still somebody of great importance to the teen.

Raising his free hand to gently cup a gloved hand over her flushed cheeks, Beast Boy offered a small smile and a light shrug as he half-jokingly suggested, “We could consider it a part of your re-initiation onto the team?”
Despite the obvious cheesiness of the joke (Even Star couldn't bring herself to laugh at it) Terra gave a small snicker. It brought back a general sense of nostalgia and reminded her of better times. However soon she found herself flustered all over again, the offer serving to fill her with both apprehension... and the more unfamiliar sensation of desire. It would be nice to do that one thing they had never done during their time on the team.

On the other hand... well Terra supposed, in terms of sexuality, that she had always had a bit of an envy toward Star and Raven. Her figure was lean, petite, with both girls having better 'proportions' than her. In addition both women gave off generally arousing vibes- with Star as the funloving 'girl next planet' who could steal the hearts of anyone, and the dark and mysterious Raven who seemed to always be a little out of reach. Forbidden fruit.

Naturally, they were a tough act to follow.

Terra hesitated for a moment longer, before deciding to throw caution to the wind. When the hell would she, if ever, get another chance for this? Redemption and forgiveness weren't just handed out on the street. "If you're sure you'd be... okay with me. But there is no way I'm having my first time on a school roof." Star gave a smile and kissed Terra's cheek, turning the new prospective lover pink from the sensation. "Where would you suggest we go? Back to the tower?" Star asked, glancing Garfield's way.
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