Team Bonding (MellowYellow)


Oct 6, 2013
"Uck. Feel like I'm going to be scrubbing muck out of my fur for a week. And I didn't even know I had fur in some of these places." The changeling young hero known as Beast Boy complained to himself while looking over the gunk that was currently staining his uniform. At his side was Starfire, the Tamaranean alien Princess and one of his fellow teammates on the Teen Titans, as the pair made their way down one of the hallways for Titan Towers after a hard fought mission.

"Oh goodness...that mud-monster was quite strong." the orange skinned alien remarked, wincing as she tugged at one glob of goo tangled into her glorious red hair. "And we have a meeting to attend soon too." Starfire turned her focus toward the green-skinned human "Oh! Perhaps we could save time if we shower together Beast Boy! After all, it is a custom on my planet to have group showers after a hard fought battle!"

The suggestion came suddenly enough for Beast Boy to literally stop dead in his tracks. His body rather comically stiff as a board as it stood in a straight upward position, before slowly turning his head with rather disbelieving eyes at his teammate, "Wait. You mean. You? And me? Shower?" This seemed too good to be true. Sure, Starfire's culture tended to clash a lot with Earth standards, so it's not like he doubted the sincerity. But there was Robin. There was common decency. There was... that cute, perfect alien figure which stood there before him with that same wide eyed cuteness she often held.

"I think... that... is a great idea, Starfire!" Beast Boy suddenly let out with a wide smile and an approving thumbs up at the orange skinned beauty. Don't worry about Robin, he figured. It was just a shower. An innocent, platonic shower between friends and teammates. Besides, he was the one always on the team for being punctual for meetings.

Already changing his direction to head toward the showers, Beast Boy was eager to start before anything ruined this one time chance, "C'mon, Star! The quicker we get in there, the more we can focus on getting cleaned up before the meeting starts."

A short time later, the two young Titans would indeed find themselves alone in the shower area of the Tower. Beast Boy let Starfire prepare on her own as he got the waters ready. "This has to be a dream." The shapeshifter uttered under his breath while checking the water temperature; his uniform still on at the moment aside from the gloves as he considered the worse, "Or maybe Cyborg's pulling some crazy, messed up prank on me? Man, I'm so putting novelty bumper stickers on his back again if that's the case." Around then, the sound of another approach would draw Beast Boy's attention away from the by now ready shower; causing the somewhat skeptical teen to turn around and verify who was there.
Indeed, to the alien princess known as Starfire this was all an innocent expression of kinship and friendship. Her people comoly held communal washes on Tamaran, to clean the blood off their friends after a hard-fought and well-won battle. And what luck that Beast Boy accepted the suggestion, Raven had turned the alien princess down when she made the offer the first time.

So once alone in the woman's changing room, the orange skinned alien was quick to remove her stained purple tube top, revealing her generous orange breasts, followed by her purple miniskirt to show off her shaved mounds. "Goodness, these clothes are filthy." Starfire remarked aloud as she took her gloves off, before stepping out of her knee-high boots. The freedom was much obliged, and soon she was fully naked.

Covered in monster mud in a few places, but still naked. Small wonder she was the object of desire for many boys in Jump City, even if she was oblivious to that.

Well now that she was ready to go, she quickly starte flying toward the shower itself, deciding to meet up with the green-skinned hero in the men's room. "Beast Boy!" she remarked, sounding like a fussy mother "You are not naked yet! You cannot wash in your clothes, you'll never get clean like that." she said firmly, placing her hands on her rounded hips. "Do you require assistance undressing?" the innocent alien asked, tilting her head to the side.
"Wooooaaaaah....." The green human nearly squeaked out at the sight of the alien Princess which flew before him. His mouth hanging agape. Eyes wide at the beautiful perfection on display before him. His already excited body by now pulsing with arousal and anticipation as Starfire's remarks and innocent question nearly went by without notice. Should have sent a poet...

Giving a light shake to literally shake himself out of his stupor, the eager Beast Boy gazed into her innocent, yet radiant eyes while quickly responding, "Oh... oh, no, I can handle it myse-Aaaaaactually." Catching himself before finishing that last thought, the teenage changeling rather quickly reconsidered her offer.

Okay. A shower was one thing. It was looking, not touching. Hands to yourself. Both in the shower, and while in your room alone later that night while remembering the experience. But this? This was touching. Even if just clothes. Although. The touching of clothes on its own wasn't so bad, was it? With that sliver of reasoning in mind, Beast Boy gave Starfire a somewhat nervous, albeit mostly hopeful smile while inquiring about further assistance, "It usually takes me the longest to undo my belt and pants. And with my uniform clinging because of the mud..."

There was some truth to that, at least. So it wasn't an actual lie. That made it okay, right? Totally! "So, maybe you can help me with that while I try to peel off the top? You know. For better efficiency and stuff." The green hero finished with a nervous chuckle; his hands moving to begin yanking at the clinging top and pulling it slowly over his slim yet fit abdominal area.

While doing so, Beast Boy's fingers shook somewhat with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation while trying his darndest to maintain composure. Not exactly the simplest of tasks considering the vision of perfection standing in front of him. Also tricky to deal with was the quickly tenting arousal which-wait,tentingarousal? Beast Boy frozen in the midst of pulling the uniform over his head. Gazing down at the rather considerable bulge which was barely pinned down within the tightness of his uniform. 'Traitorous body', he thought, 'don't ruin this for us'.
Starfire tilted her head at the odd behaviour her teammate was showing. Was nudity that big a deal on Earth? Okay Tamaranians didn't spend all their time in the buff, but if you saw your neighbour walking about naked you'd think nothing of it. It was just a normal thing to see for them. Still, when he asked her to help him out of his pants, Starfire was far too nice and far too naive to understand any other lewd connotations to the offer.

"Of course Beast Boy! My skirt was quite a chore to remove because of that mud monster. And my boots were in a similar boat." the busty alien said, smiling as she floated down to inspect his belt. Her hands roamed over the silver material until they reached the familiar circular buckle of it with a distinct and satisfying click.

She hummed softly as her orange fingers hooked under the hem of his pants and his underwear, and despite some stiffness caused by the dried fragments of mud monster, her superhuman strength won out and soon he was pantsless before the alien princess. Her emerald eyes blinked slightly, lingering on her teammates large hard green cock.

"Goodness Beast Boy you have a very large shlong. I don't think I've ever seen one of such a scale..." her breath teased along the hard surface of his cock, and for a moment it looked as if her soft lips were about to wrap around it...and then she rather abruptly stood up and grabbed him by the wrist "Well, let us not waste any time and get to washing!"

Those were the words repeating within a seemingly endless loop throughout Beast Boy's head as Starfire agreed on giving a helping hand. His lower body tingling even at the slight vibration felt by the simple friction of her fingers working over his belt until it came undone with a simple click. As she tugged away at the uniform and the underwear beneath, Beast Boy felt that mixture of anticipation and dread over what may happen upon seeing the obvious signs of his arousal up close and fully exposed like so.

What came next was both a relief and surprise for the by now rather pent up teenager. Not only was she not visibly bothered by the sight of his cock so engorged before her, but she even went so far as to compliment his size. So this meant he was even bigger than any of the males on her planet? Or Robin's? The thought of either filled the young hero with a sense of pride, as he gave a barely stifled gasp at the feel of her breath along his flesh. The warm air being enough to make his hardened flesh jump briefly as the green complexioned hero replied with some strain and uncertainty, "Uh, thanks, Star. Always figured I was kind of average, but you know..."

His thoughts trailed off as it indeed seemed she may be inching herself closer to that mushroom tip. The young man's already erect flesh actually growing a little harder at the prospect alone. His breath caught in his throat. Not believing, yet fully prepared for it. Until, of course, she instead grabbed his wrist and turned their attention back to getting washed up.

"....huh?" The teen uttered following a shot pause; his cock nearly deflating itself with disappointment immediately afterward, before snapping out of it and trying to play off his reaction with a semi-forced laugh, "Oh... right! Heh. Yeah, let's get right to work on that, huh?"

Smiling at the alien Princess, Beast Boy pulled his legs out of his pants and let her drag them both into the shower. The warm water indeed proving to be rather welcomed for his tired body after the earlier exercise. Propping his head under the stream of water, grabbing a bar of soap for himself while leaving the rest for Starfire. Soap and warm water was about all the teen needed in terms of washing up, but his attention remained split toward observing the Tamaranian as she went about cleaning herself up. Seeing her naked was already a stunning sight and more than any many could hope for. But with the water cascading down her body? Adding that perfect glint of light, along with the resulting bubbles of whatever she picked for washing herself up. The temptation was too much

"Uh, Starfire?" The green teen uttered with a slight hesitation on his part. Swallowing hard, then giving her a smile while suggesting in as nonchalant a manner as he could muster, "Would you like me to help you wash your back? It could help shave off a few minutes from the shower?" Beast Boy knew he was already pushing his luck to this point. But, well. Surely an innocent little back scrubbing couldn't do any harm?
By earth standards, the shower water raining down on them was fairly hot, yet Starfire seemed to be feeling only the bare minimum of discomfort as the heat tingled and crawled along her bronzed skin. She licked her lips and then got to humming, singing a little tune to herself while she alternated between washing and soaping herself up.

The combination of steam rising off her golden frame and the soapy reflection on he womanly curves brought about by the gleaming soap, well it only served to make her more attractive. She seemed a little distracted, lost in the act of washing herself, when Garfield broke her from her thoughts with a seemingly innocent question.

"Would you like me to help you wash your back?"

The question gave Koriand'r pause, the Tamaranian tilting her head like a curious dog. "Okay then!" she said cheerily, turning her back to him so he could see the toned frame of her behind, and her glorious orange buttocks. She brushed her wet red hair away from her back, keeping her sweet and innocent smile "After you friend Beast Boy."
Beast Boy swallowed hard at having her body put even further on display for himself. Garfield had been trying to avoid staring at her too much for appearance sake, but now that he had a reason for watching her closely? Perfection. That was the best the green hero could put it as those wide eyes explored over her slender back and curvy yet firm bottom. That innocent smile she gave only made things harder for Beast Boy. She was so sweet and cute. Yet so very tempting for any guy. Such an incredible tease without even meaning to be.

Giving her a friendly smile in return, Beast Boy lathered up some suds using the bar of soap in his hand while stepping closer, "Sure thing, Star." The soapy hands first started along her shoulders. Gently rubbing the material into her orange flesh as it covered and then slowly cascaded itself further down her bare back. His eyes followed where the flowing bubbles went while continuing to work over her upper body. Lower and lower they went. Downward along the center of her spin, before coming to the curvy top of her buttocks.

The teen swallowed hard as his eyes lingered there for a few seconds. His hands by now inching their way lower along her exposed back. Building up a good lather of the cleansing material along Starfire's flesh as they inched their way lower. Along her lower back now. His hands so very close to her firm cheeks as he looked back at her and gave another friendly smile. "Almost done back here." Her teammate stated; his heart racing quickly as the now somewhat shaky hands moved to rest their soapy palms against the aliens rather heavenly bottom.

"Oh man..." The teen whispered beneath his breath; the sound of the water falling from the shower head masking the brief slip, as Garfield began to gently knead at Starfire's perfect rear. His eyes sought out any sign of her appearing uncomfortable or even ready to snap at him for going beyond simply washing her back, yet there didn't seem to be any which the teen could notice. Adding a little more firmness to his actions, Beast Boy continued kneading at the female's orange bottom while seemingly rather intent on working in that soap.

When it seemed time for him to desist and pull away, however, the young hero instead began to press himself closer toward the alien Princess' slender body. His arms moved around Starfire slowly. Still cautious of not going into anything which she may turn out to be against, yet now feeling curious enough in testing her limits to grow bolder in his actions. "I figured I should give a hand elsewhere while I'm at it." Beast Boy explained with a semi-forced smile; still feeling a little uncertain about this even as his hands slid around her midsection and began scrubbing along her abdominal area.

While doing so, Beast Boy was close enough to begin gazing over Starfire's shoulder to better inspect his work. This both gave the youth a rather nice view of her chest from a new angle, along with allowing for his own naked body to press into hers. In particular, for the head and upper portion of his cock to gently nudge itself upon her firm bottom. Not pressed forward entirely, so much as giving the occasional brush which sent a jolt of electricity throughout the changelings body. Enough of a jolt to urge the teen onward, as the hands soaping along Starfire's abdominal area soon found the courage to inch their way upward and begin rubbing the soap along her chest area.
Starfire, in her innocent way, was more than happy to let Garfield rub at her invulnerable skin. She let out a soft and silent groan when Garfield's green digits felt along the back of her shoulders, working out the soreness of her muscles. Then his hands moved downward, clearly with some sort of intent that Starfire didn't seem to recognise at first. Again she groaned as he rubbed along her spine, so close to her magnificent bottom.

And then his strong hands reached her backside, sending arcs of lightning racing up her spine. "Oh my..." Starfire mouthed, letting him continue lathering her bottom at his leather, the gropeable flesh conforming to his grip and massaging fingers, and the alien princess slowly pushed her hips back to give him a better grip on her.

Well... now there were two kinds of wetness forming in the shower now...

Koriand'r might have been well known for her innocence and sugary sweet personality, but by no means was she new to the concept of sexuality and arousal. She leaned back slightly and managed to smile at him "Go right ahead..." she said, trying to suppress her growing pleasure, shuddering and biting her bottom lip as Garfield rubbed at her toned midsection.

Suddenly Starfire reached up with one hand, letting her slender orange digits rest on the back of Beast Boy's green neck. She watched him with half lidded eyes, her full lips curled into a small smile "If I did not know better..." she began in a low sultry purr, leaning in until their faces were mere inches apart "I would think you had some sort of ulterior motive, Beast Boy..."
The green teen swallowed a bit when she gave the go ahead for continuing to assist in helping to scrub her clean from their earlier mission. His body pressed further into the aliens own as the male's hips began to grow bolder in how much that growing arousal would nudge itself into her backside. Both hands scrubbing along Starfire's abdominal area and already beginning to inch their way upward when the unexpected feel of her slender fingers reaching for the back of his neck had caused a brief gasp to become caught within the young heroes throat.

Gazing at her with a half-uncertain smile in response to her own small smile, Garfield would then swallow hard as her face moved in closer and she spoke with that sultry tone which caused his entire body to stiffen up in more ways than one. "U-Ulterior motive??" Beast Boy let out with a nervous attempt at sounding surprised over the notion; both hands currently resting in place along her toned stomach, before suddenly resuming their earlier motions with a hint of urgency in trying to play off the suggestion.

"C'mon, Star! You know me better than that..." He suggested with a nervous smile and light chuckle, those hands roaming higher while working the warm soap closer toward her chest as the water continued to cascade over them, "I'm just, you know, trying to help out a friend. I'm sure you'd do the same for me."

Despite his words to the contrary, Beast Boy couldn't help himself in pay extra attention to 'cleaning' Starfire's chest of any possible filth that had gathered there. His palms had an eagerness to them. A slight clumsiness, which was at least made up for with that eager care for detail in terms of how much attention was given to her perfect breasts.

"...actually." He suddenly began to let out before even fully realizing it, as his increasingly lust filled mind caused the teen to take the boldest chance yet by adjusting his lower body. Adjusting it enough, to where his cock was able to slip between the alien Princess' inner thighs, before pushing forward until the majority of his length was presented at the front while sticking out between her legs as if it were a mistakenly colored extension of her own body, "Maybe... you can give me a quick hand in cleaning up, too? I, uh, mostly only got around to doing my head and upper body so far."
Kori seemed slightly disappointed as Garfield tried to weasel out of things. She wasn't a rocket scientist, and she certainly wasn't an expert when it came to earth culture, but surely he didn't think she was that dense? Still she didn't really raise any objection, simply letting his strong hands roam along her torso, teasing at her stomach and always scraping dangerously close to her breasts... but ever actually touching them, much to the aliens own annoyance.

"I know you quite well Beast Boy," the orange-skinned alien grumbled. He was easily the most perverse member of the team after all, and it seemed that every heroine (and villainess too if you were to ask Jinx or Blackfire) had to deal with his roaming eyes. But if he wasn't going to make a move, then Starfire felt there was no point in really complaining...

Her lime green eyes widened then in a clear surprise, blinking twice at the sensation of something long, hard and hot pushing between her silky toned thighs and pressing then against her slick pussy. The redhead alien glanced down, seeing the first few inches of Beast Boy's cock pushing out into view between her legs, the sight enough to make Starfire grin. He certainly was a large one, larger than his stature would imply... a side effect of his animal powers perhaps...?

It didn't matter, she supposed. She nodded and continued smiling. "Oh of course my friend. How could I ever refuse an offer like that?" she purred in that same low tone. She reached down, and Kori's palm lightly brushed over the glans of his cock. Her other hand moved from her chest, down one of Gafield's own hand, taking a handful of soap suds in the process. Then she, rather casually began to wash oer the front of his cock with those soft and silky digits.
His heart raced as she complied with his request. She would likely be able to feel it beating against her back with the pace it was going, as Gar's legs nearly grew too wobbly to support himself at the first contact of those soft fingers working over the front of his cock. "Oh man..." The teenager nearly whined out with a soft whimper into Starfire's ear; his own hands continuing to 'wash' over her breasts as best they could while numerous jolts of pleasure washed over his body with every movement of the beautiful aliens hands.

"Thank you, Star." The green complexioned hero whispered out of appreciation for both her kindness and (far more so) the waves of building pleasure caused by having her helping to scrub himself down there. This had to be a dream. Beast Boy kept thinking this to himself. Those nights alone in his room. Those weaker moments of letting himself enjoy a late night fantasy involving any of his female teammates or even several of their allies or villains. This was so much better than any late night session before bed.

With his body pressing firmly into her own as the warm water continued to cascade over the pair of young heroes, Beast Boy allowed for his head to further rest upon Starfire's shoulder as his cheek started to nestle into her own. His eyes focused on the handful of breasts within his grasp, as a pervy little smile spread across his features while questioning, "So. You know me, huh?"

Not fully awaiting for a response, the young Titan started to adjust his fingers until they were able to gently grasp the alien Princess' soft nipples within their grasp. Letting his palms continue to cup at the underside of her breasts, Gar began to pay special attention to those sensitive tips of flesh as he rolled them slowly, teasingly, within his thumbs and index fingers. The fingers occasionally tightening their grip enough to give the slightest of pulls. Enough to try and insure they were fully erect during his little scrub down.

While this was happening, his lower body continued to enjoy his teammates efforts, as the teen began to slowly rock his hips into Starfire's body. Not fully being aware of it at first, so much as his body working on its own accord to an extent. Slow, steady motions. Allowing for the portion of his considerable length which wasn't being attended to by her hands to rub itself in an almost sawing motion within her inner thighs as the upper portion rubbed itself against her warm folds. The tip starting to push a little more into her silky fingers, as Beast Boy grew further engrossed in the increasingly less subtle thrusting.

"Star..." Gar breathed out while turning his head enough to let his almost panting lips press into her soft cheek. Taking in the scent and feel of his beautiful teammate, before puckering his lips and placing a soft kiss onto her cheek. Followed by another. This time closer toward her own lips. Then another, as the pervy little prankster began to kiss a small trail while searching out her own mouth. Seeking out a returned embrace, as his fingers and hips continued their efforts at working them both into a further state of arousal then they already were.
The orange skinned alien could feel her body being heated up with the kind of passion she hadn't felt since her time on her homeworld. Humans were fun and all, there were certainly far worse species' in the universe, but they just never seemed to hang loose and have fun like Garfield could. A soft gasp pulled out of hr mouth, a mix from both a bid for fresh air and a moan forcing its way out of her mouth from the mauling of her heavy tits.

A mutual heat was clearly building between the two of them, and it drove Starfire to grope the front of Garfield's cock with a growing degree of strength. Not TOO much pressure of course- if a woman like Starfire applied too much pressure, you would certainly feel it. Her motions were instead light and refined, stroking at hot green flesh.

Despite everything that was happening between them, the sudden kissing of her cheek did earn a small, silent gasp from her. She hadn't expected THAT, certainly. He pressed on, and Kori made no move to actually stop him or push him away. If anything it just excited her even more, that sensation of love and lust minging together and igniting a powerful fire that raced from her heart through to the ends of her extremities.

"Ah... B-Beast Boy..." she murmured, before pressing her lips to meet his. her tongue probed his mouth, her flowing mane of wet hair dragging along his toned torso. She pulled back, grinning mirthfully "I feel we have passed the point of mere washing..."
The green teen let out a low groan as he felt the increased pressure being applied within the grip his teammate held around his engorged cock. Her fingers and palm felt incredible around his throbbing arousal as she stroked them along the nearly aching length, which in turn caused Gar’s own hands to continuously increase their efforts at firmly massaging along the alien Princess’ breasts. The sound of her sweet, sensual voice calling out his more commonly used code name had caused the young hero to give pause in his actions, as his eyes then widened in momentary surprise when she embraced his lips with her own.

The pause was indeed only momentarily, as the eager youth quickly returned the kiss and met her tongue with his own until she drew back from the heated kiss; his own head actually leaning forward as if not wanting to break contact with those delicious orange lips of hers. Blinking at her remark with a brief glimpse his usual stupor, Starfire was then greeted with a widening grin which was a unique mixture of lechery and typical Beast Boy goofiness. “I don’t know, Star. I can think of one other place that needs a scrubbing.” He remarked with a use of his often mixed attempts at humor.

The words would matter little, however, as his actions spoke volumes more with the sudden withdrawal of his hips from their place against that perfect bottom. Leaving the embrace of her hands was hard for Garfield to do, but it was a necessary action for what came next, as the teenager started to let his swollen tip brush itself along the aliens’ heated entrance. Removing a hand from her breast, the young Titan reached between them and started to adjust the positioning of his considerable length; guiding it upward to attempt in parting those soft lower lips in order to finally penetrate the teammate he’d often fantasized about during long nights in his room after missions.

With the warm water continuing to cascade around them during the entirety of this, Beast Boy’s other hand almost seemed to double its efforts to make up for the absence of its partner. His hold relaxing just enough to allow Starfire to position herself however was the most comfortable for her to take what was coming next. Despite this, the changelings passion for the beautiful Princess was ever present, as his mouth placed a fresh kiss upon those soft lips, before trailing downward to kiss and lick along the swell of her neck. He wanted to touch her. To taste her. To imprint as much of her as he could manage onto those heightened animal-ish senses.
Starfire couldn't help but give a girlish giggle at his crude attempt at a sex joke. They were alike in that way, the most lighthearted of the team, and that was perhaps the reason they had grown as close as they had. Smiling sheepishly she said "It would be most prudent to be thorough in our cleaning, wouldn't it?" she remarked simply in turn, her eyes half shut from the mounting arousal inside her. She played the innocent young woman most of the time, but it was clear that beneath her natural state was the presence of a sensual and exotic woman with the kind of passion many women had.

A low purring moan rolled from her mouth at the stroking of her pussy with the engorged peak of his green cock, the sensations making her toned legs tremble and her breath hitch. "Beast b-" Again their lips met, that stray breath stolen in an instant and making more fog fill her mind. So good... they should have done this MUCH sooner! The attraction was clear, and it was only now they could remove all that awkwardness.

When his pointed teeth and skilled lips continued along her shoulder it seemed that her moans just grew stronger from the teasing feelings along her bundles of nerves. Slowly and steadily she forced her hips down, allowing the engorged apex entry to the sweet alien nirvana of her pussy.
His entire body tensed up in anticipation at the first indications of Starfire forcing her hips downward onto the considerable appendage. Those lean muscles flexing. Warm breath brushing along his teammates neck and shoulder. A low groan slipping free of his lips as the hand around his cock continued to slowly feed the alien beauty the upper portion of that throbbing arousal, before slipping away to trust her body in doing the rest; the now freed arm encircling itself around Starfire’s slender waist to assist in pulling her closer.

“Oh wow…” Was the only thing Beast Boy could think to mutter at the fantastic sensations caused by being engulfed within the heated embrace of the orange beauty’s moist sex. Gar’s own hips trembled eagerly, with his lower body already starting to lightly gyrate into the female with an eagerness which was both typical of a teenaged male and an animal in heat. Over half of that swollen length buried inside of her. Stretching her. Giving an unspoken confirmation to her earlier proclamation of being the biggest she had ever seen, as the horny young Titan’s increasingly bucking hips began to further stretch and test her limits.

“This is amazing, Star.” The teen hero whispered out with a soft growl into the orange complexioned girls ear; his mouth then lowering to kiss and nibble along her shoulder. The hand at her chest still firmly kneading those grabby fingers along those perfect breasts as best they could, while at the same time anchoring himself onto her as his legs worked on supporting those growing movements of his lower body. The quick little humping motions began to give way to longer movements; the sound of their already wet bodies lightly slapping together joining in with the ever increasing chorus of intimate noises that were partly drowned by that of the running shower head.
As one could well imagine, Star was a tough young woman despite her bubbly and sugary sweet mannerisms. So much so that even the feeling of having her pussy stretched more than she ever dared imagine didn't cause her any real discomfort- instead she had just jumped straight into the heights of pleasure. "Ooooh~ Beast Boy, I must agree~!" she said in between quick yelping moans that seemed to alternate in volume. He was good, those rough rutting motions proving to be more than pleasant to her. If anything he was mimicking Tamaranian mating down to a T.

His teeth grazing and lips sucking along taut orange flesh was enough to better thrill the redhead, her whole body gleaming from the slick moisture of the lengthy shower. Her alien physiology would keep her from pruning for several hours, so she had no real fear of that. All the same she felt her hand pressing into one of the wet tiled walls, digging her nails in with such force that a cobweb of cracks formed around her digging digits.

She threw her head back, eyes briefly flashing a vibrant neon green. "X'hal!" Another exclaimation, the second one coming quicker and louder when his thrusting green cock rammed into another sweet spot of her needy pussy. Oh yes she craved this, and her exclamations to her distant Tamaranian pantheon were a sign of just how amazing it was. Already she knew full well she wanted this on a daily basis!

So with that thought and mind she sought to actively work her body to better please the both of them, her hips occasionally rolling or gyrating to please the thick cock plundering her core, while her chest pushed forward and gave Garfield better groping room of her twin mounds.
The feel of her hips alternating between the occasional gyrating or rolling motion onto his steadily thrusting cock had earned Starfire another pleasure filled groan that was whispered into her ear. His hands also gripped even harder in their massaging gropes over the Tamaranian’s breasts, as the changeling felt himself being pushed closer to the edge with every movement of their hips. The sounds of their wet bodies slapping together began to grow even louder. Grow more frequent. More eager. Gar had wanted this since the first time he met his teammate, and as he slammed repeatedly into her willing pussy, the young hero knew that this wouldn’t be their only time if he could help it.

“So much time wasted…” The young Titan let out with a groan as he lamented on those many days spent simply fantasizing about the beautiful alien Princess in various positions, before adding with a promise to both of them, “We need to ‘wash’ each other more often! Like, every day! Maybe twice or three times a day!”

Granted, the type of stuff Beast Boy had in mind was more likely to cause messes than clean them, but the meaning behind his words was rather clear. As he spoke, his body began to move even harder now. Faster. Thrusting away inside of Starfire with upward motions which were starting to force the Tamaranian to stand on her toes. That hot breath of his brushing along her neck as his sharp teeth would leave the occasional nibble or bite mark between those heavy pants. His sack slapping itself into her stretching folds as he began to bottom out the entirety of his considerable length into her very core.

“I’m… I’m almost there…” He let out with a low hiss into her ear before giving her earlobe a quick nibble, as he continued, “I’m close, Star! You feel so good, I just…. mmm…” The combination of how incredible she felt and the mental of finally being able to fuck the once seemingly unattainable Starfire was enough to send Beast Boy near his limit a little faster than usual. His cock already starting to swell and his scrotum beginning to tighten, as the teen hero’s hips worked in shorter, quicker, harder thrusts to push them both over the edge for what was sure to be the first of many climaxes shared between the unlikely pair.
So much time wasted indeed... if she had known someone wanted her this badly then she certainly would have done this in the past with him. Thankfully now that that particular barrier was broken there was nothing to say that they couldn't make up for that lost time. "Two to three times a day? I did not think you would be that lazy," she teased. Knowing how powerful the tamaranian girl was it did seem likely that she could go for rounds in the double digits.

Starfire gave a sharper groan every time Garfield's teeth stroked the orange surface of her neck, the expression on her face showing how much she relished the sensation. She held no fear that he would accidentally hurt her in the act. After all she was invulerable to most things. Even a crocodile bite would just tickle her a bit.

"Y-yes! I am almost there too!" Star exclaimed. The pressure was building at a rapid pace inside the slick and snug recesses of her ravished pussy and already sweet Koriand'r could feel the muscles beginning to tense within her very being. Closing her eyes she gave another powerful declaration to the star god of her homeworld. The throes of orgasm gripped the poor alien and showed no signs of leaving while her toes curling while hot juices gushed and squirted down the green length of Garfield's cock.

The shower was, of course, quick to spirit away her powerful and plentiful release... but her expression of glee and erotic ecstasy was sure enough sign of how damn good her release had been!
“Starfire!” The teen hero yelled out his partners superhero title perhaps a little too loudly as he bucked upwards and felt an incredible rush of pleasure flow throughout his entire body. Beast Boy buried himself deeply inside of the Tamaranian Princess as his cock briefly swelled before erupting with the first powerful streams of his release. Torrents of his hot, thick seed began to flow out of his swelling tip as the changeling held himself deeply imbedded within her core, before suddenly starting to resume a similar thrusting motion to only moments prior; their hips rocking together as they both rode out the tide of their shared orgasm.

His body was practically melded into her own with the way his firm chest was pressed along her slender back, while his arms hugged around that toned waist as both hands grasped firmly onto those rising breasts which pressed into his palms with every breath taken. The evidence of their climax mixing and filling up within the beautiful alien, before flowing downward over the length of his cock and their thighs before being washed away. The young Titan’s mouth having found itself place over her shoulder as his sharp teeth clamped down in a tight lovebite in an attempt at stifling any further cries of passion; the result of which meaning that Starfire was able to hear the muffled sounds only inches away of her ear, while she was also able to feel the vibrations along her moist skin.

This continued for a good while as both of the Titan members remained within their intimate embrace even as the peak of their climax began to subside. Beast Boy’s cock starting to soften, if only a little bit, which allowed for more of their fluids to seep out and spill along their inner thighs. His arms remained in their place, albeit with the grip lessening, along with his teeth finally releasing her shoulder from their vice grip and leaving an indent of themselves in their wake. Noticing this, Gar couldn’t help but to give a somewhat embarrassed smile and semi-forced chuckle over the matter, along with a quick “Uh… sorry about that…” before starting to kiss and lick gingerly along the teeth marks in an effort to lessen any discomfort he may have caused.

Those tender little apology kisses in particular, soon began to wonder upward along her neck, until they came to her cheek as he half-jokingly remarked, “So… I’m up for skipping the meeting if you are?” A small chuckle followed, as the temptation was certainly there, but there was always the chance of being caught in the act if any of their teammates came poking around. Not that it seemed like Starfire would mind terribly if they suddenly had an audience, as Beast Boy waited for the alien beauty to turn her head enough for him to plant a firm kiss upon her soft lips.
She hadn't shown too much annoyance or discomfort at being bitten like that. Someone could drop a building on this girl and she'd only be annoyed by it. Still she thought it was sweet her new... lover? boyfriend? was going out of his way to kiss and sooth the disturbed skin with soft gestures that served to ease that mild pain. "You are very sweet," Star remarked while reaching over and flicking the shower off. Steam hung in the air around them in thick blinding clouds, and she was still dripping from the moisture, but that look on her face was one of pure glee.

"I think we would be too distracted to pay attention anyway," she said wth a ditzy shrug of her powerful shoulders before slowly prying his cock from her ravished ladybits, now turning her head so she could affectionately nibble along the green skin of his jawline. "The living room should be available to us. I think we can have even more of 'the sex' up there," she said before floating from the showers with a trail of moisture dripping behind her every step of the way.

Once inside the locker room again she plucked up one of the heavy towels and seemed to dry herself at a rapid pace, the fabric blurring and whipping all about the place before she tossed the wet article into the laundry room. For a moment the act had left her long hair looking like a tangle of wild eighties curls, but with a quick shake of her head Starfire had brought it back into it's usual smooth and straight manner.

She rejoined Garfield, still in the buff with a playful smile tugging the corners of her mouth. "I had forgotten that I placed my muddy clothing away for the laundry. It seems I will be going naked for a little bit," the alien remarked, her smile only deepening in a surprisingly perverted fashion.
As the shower came to a satisfying conclusion, the young Titan let out a soft whimper at feeling his partially erect cock slip free of Starfire’s warmth. Smiling at the alien Princess and letting out a brief shiver when she nibbled along his jawline, Garfield then paused before as she spoke of the living room, before turning that smile into a wide, perverted grin at her bringing up their picking ‘the sex’ back up once there. “I really do love the way you think, Star.” The teen stated with an eager little chuckle as she floated away and headed toward the locker room; his eyes focused upon every glistening curve of her body as she went to dry up.

For his part, the aptly named Beast Boy decided to forgo getting a towel this time, as he took a moment to use his powers to take on the shape of a green colored Labrador retriever. After a quick shaking out of his fur, the changeling than turned back into his human form, which was now completely dry of any moisture. A quick and easy way of getting dried up. An ideal way of going about it for somebody in a hurry to meet back up for ‘the sex’.

As he went about searching for a towel and wrapping it around his waist, the teen hero was soon rejoined by his teammate turned lover. The smile on her face said plenty, even before she remarked on how she will be going naked for the time being. Beast Boy would stare in temporary silence at her with that perverted smile spreading across her face, as the small tenting at the front of his towel soon began to raise back up in a hinting of his already being ready for another go. “I think I’m in love…” He half-joked in an eager sounding little whisper, before smiling widely himself and reaching out to hold onto her hand, “Living room. Living room. Now. Like, now-now.”

With that, he quickly began to lead the way out into the connected hallway which would lead them off toward the living room area of the Tower. Once there, Garfield was quick to head toward the nearby couches, as he suddenly release Starfire’s hand and grabbed the tied knot of his towel before flinging his lone source of covering off and to the floor in dramatic fashion. “So, what do you feel like doing to pass the time?” He asked with clear intent on doing one thing in particular, even as he moved over toward the couch while talking, “Wanna channel surf to see what cartoons are on? Maybe play some video games together?”

Without missing a beat, the eager teen then leaped up and let himself flop back into a seated position onto the couch - his already fully aroused cock sticking upward in anticipation - as he asked with a smile which betrayed his supposed act of innocence, “Or maybe we can just sit here and see what happens?” Sitting back against the armrest portion of the couch, Garfield slipped a hand down to give a welcoming pat onto his lap to signal her over for taking a seat herself.
Star had followed his lead, eager as ever, and she could feel excitement bubbling in her alien body. It was well known that she could get excited easily by the human world, and it seemed now that they had broken down a barrier like this she was all too eager to indulge her sexual appetite. Once inside the living room she watched him go, gave a few girlish giggles at his remarks and then floated over to his edge of the sofa.

"I would not imagine you to be so bold," the naked alien remarked. Sure enough Starfire needed no further encouragement, sliding down into his lap slowly until the length of his shaft was grinding playfully against the surface of her labia. Already damp again, yet surprisingly they seemed to be tight all over again despite the recent nature of the fucking. She was an alien, so the unnatural nature of her womanhood was perhaps to be expected.

She smiled and reached one hand back to stroke at his cheek, while then slowly moving her other hand down to fondle lightly at his lengthy green cock. "Hard again... does my body excite you that much?" she asked with a playful edge in her tone. The redhead alien was nothing if not coy, and it seemed her regular naive nature slipped away a bit whenever she got aroused enough. "Beast Boy... our relationship... how do we define it now...?" the redhead asked.


The meeting had been more of a pain than anything else, particularly when they had to hold out for Star and Beast Boy, neither of whom bothered to show up. But Raven hadn't complained, anything to make the damn chatting go by quicker. Nothing of importance had been discussed, leaving her more than a little irritated when the purple haired demoness finally managed to leave. Unlike her two fucking companions she had avoided getting covered in alien muck, but despite this she was still tired and would all too eagerly head to bed.

Still... she was thirsty. Silently, the hooded young woman floated through the corridors as she made for the living room. A quick drink, and then she would get some rest...
“Are you kidding? Bold is my middle name.” The young Titan briefly joked at her remark while watching her move in closer to take a seat over his lap. The eager teen leaned back slightly so as to allow her plenty of room. A low whimper escaped his lips as he felt his shaft grinding along the aliens warm sex as his arms would then slowly move forward to encircle around her waist while she got ‘comfortable’ in her position. He smiled in return when she began to stroke along his cheek, before squirming slightly while the naughty Tamaranian Princess used her other hand to fondle along his already throbbing length.

A quick, somewhat goofy nod followed her question about his appreciation of her body, before answering, “Who wouldn’t be excited, Star? I mean… look at you!” His arms tightened their embrace slightly as he pulled her a little closer, yet continued to allow her enough freedom to move around as she pleased. As she then addressed another question to her friend and teammate, the human would give a momentary pause in contemplation as he blinked a few times while pondering, “Huh. I’m not sure. I haven’t really had a lot of time to consider if with… well, you know.”

A lewd little smirk followed as he raised his hips slightly in a teasing manner; allowing for the length of his cock to brush a little harder along her hand and inner thighs. Still, Beast Boy did look to be giving the question some thought, as he considered where they stood while running his hands in an affectionate manner along her sides, “I mean, we’re definitely more than friends now. Like, friends with benefits? But probably even deeper than that.”

A low whimper escaped as her fingers continued to fondle along the length of his cock, as the green complexioned hero tried to answer as honestly as possible, “Lovers. I think that’s what I’d like to see the two of us as… at least for starters.” Starters, indeed. Beast Boy did wonder how any type of ongoing sexual relationship with Starfire may develop, considering her peoples apparent openness about affection and sexuality compared to humans. But he did seem very interested in finding out for himself, as he reached a hand upward to lightly pull her in closer enough to give a small nibble along her ear, followed by a whispered, “Sooo…. what were you saying earlier about ‘the sex’?”
Starfire listened closely, while on the surface it looked as if she was being as playful and absentminded as ever with how she seemed to focus her attention on the act of fondling and stroking with skilled digits. On some level she was deeply fascinated by the phallus before her, not just for it's incredible size but also because inwardly a perverse part of her mind was contemplating just what his powers could do with an already impressive cock.

She gave a girlish giggle that turned briefly into a breathless groan from the nibbling along her sensitive earlobe. Already it seemed he knew what she liked... while often viewed as the slacker of the group, he seemed to quite quickly pick up on anything that interested him. "Very well, lover," she said with another excitable little laugh "Let us go again," she remarked in a low and arousing purr, leaning in closer and just about to press her lips to Garfield's own...

"What are you two doing?"

The deadpan voice made her freeze, eyes going wide again, and Starfire quickly looked up to see Raven bending over the sofa and looking down at the two with a look of equal surprise that was visible through the shaded veil of her navy hood. She had heard some murmuring and giggling coming from behind the sofa, half expecting something stupid awaiting her... two naked teeammates, one of which she had developed some mild infatuation with, locked in a horny embrace... was most definitely not what the young half-demon had anticipated.

Star gulped slightly, green eyes wide with the surprise of their intimate encounters being exposed so swiftly. Raven was normally as chilled as ice, yet now she looked just as shocked as Koriand'r did... yet for a moment she considered there being something deeper hidden inside her eyes. "Just... team... bonding?" she replied in a squeaky tone, trying her best to smile innocently and failing at that.
“Everything sounds so much sexier when you say it, Star.” The teen remarked as she referred to him as her lover; a word which had perhaps sounded a little silly coming out of his mouth in comparison to her own naturally charming, if not often sexy tone. Letting out a satisfied little laugh of his own, the changeling grinned widely while considering to himself on how, for whatever cultural faux pas she might make while on Earth, the orange complexioned superheroine did often seem to know what she wanted and made little excuses for it in comparison to most humans.

This was one of the many traits which were continuing to draw Beast Boy to his teammate turned lover, as he started to lean forward to meet the beautiful Princess’s lips at the halfway point. A simple enough show of affection, to be certain, were it not for the sudden presence of another in their ranks. Leave it for this to be one of the few times that Robin’s team meetings ran short on issues to discuss with the others.

His eyes widened over hearing Raven’s voice, as he glanced upward at the half-demon who was bending over the sofa to look directly at them as the rest of himself seemed to freeze within a moment in time. Sitting there with his lips still pressed together in delayed anticipation of a kiss which wasn’t coming at this moment, Garfield took note of Raven’s expression while slowly soaking in the reality of the situation. Beast Boy had also come to have a degree of infatuation toward Raven during their time in the Titans. Granted, his libido tended to make him attracted in some sense to the majority of costumed women in his life, but Raven was similar to Starfire in how his interest wasn’t purely sexual in nature.

“Uh, yeah! Team bonding!” He let out following Starfire’s own failed attempt at explaining what was happening here; clearly not entirely reading in at first on how such an excuse wasn’t going to fly for the cloaked teenager. The green complexioned youth did quickly catch onto this fact, however, as he let out a nervous little laugh and pressed his hands together to let his fingers twiddle around as part of a nervous twitch. This was getting a touch awkward.

At the same time, having somebody walking in on them and watching like so did perk up an exhibitionist side of Beast Boy which was rarely stimulated. It was this which not only kept his throbbing cock hard in the face of being seen by Raven, but was actually making him swell further ever so slightly as he gazed up at their often reclusive teammate. It was then that Gar decided on sputtering out a question which was perhaps a mixture of stupidity and boldness on his part, as he gave a short, nervous laugh before asking with an uncertain grin, “You wanna… join us?”
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