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BEdZ Fraternity... open for business

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Rylee smirked, and waved off the comments that the drunk bastards were throwing at all of them. She couldn't help but smirk as she saw Mark, and then hearing him speak. She laughed at loud, and hooted. "Whoohoo."

Rylee smirked as the poor girl, with the littlest tits, got chosen first. Rylee was in the middle seat, sitting next to a girl with huge tits, and that was practically falling off her chair. To the one on her left, who was skinny, with greasy brunette hair, and a bad makeup job on.

She raised her eyebrows at both of them, but didn't say anything. Rylee looked out into the crowd, and smiled. Cheering, she fell into a fit of laughter.
Aaron was concerned that her legs might be tired from her previous orgasm, but she was doing fine... she seemed, in fact, to be reinvigorated, and so his hands went to her back, rubbing her as she continued to ride him. She would pull up high enough that he was certain he would slip out, but then she would reverse, and her ass cheeks would press against his pelvis.

There was a connection, and the closeness the two lovers were experiencing went beyond anything that Aaron had even known to be possible.

Andy achieved his goal -- he had brought her the pleasure of a rushing orgasm with nothing more than his mouth -- no hands -- and he was content.

He let the strictures off of himself, taking her ass in his hands, massaging the soft warm flesh lovingingly as she came down from her high, having wrapped him in her legs.

His lips kissed her again and again, his tongue giving little glances to her inner area, sending new shivers throughout her body.
Jaycie moaned softly, as she came down from her high.

She un wrapped her legs from him, and fell back against the bed.

Her breathing was heavy, as his tongue played with her more.
Buck directed his spray bottle at the flatest chest, and there was no appreciable response from her body; it still turned the drunk patrons on.

The next two were little better; one girl seemed scared out of her wits, and Mark wondered who ever put her up to the challenge. And the greasy haired brunette was a disappointment.

Soon there were three left: Rylee, and another girl with well-rounded orbs, and the last one, with huge breasts. The crowd was going hysterical. The Ranch was a wild place to be.
By this point, Andy was just having fun. Her wetnes was abundant, but it was impossible to tell how much was from her, and how much was from his mouth.

But what he did know was that he had no desire to quit. His tongue seemed as if it might go indefinitely.

Once she was completely satiated, he figured she'd tell him, and he would quit. Maybe.
Rylee giggled as the first couple of girls made the guys go wild. She slipped a hand through her hair, and then smirked as the brunette got sprayed.

She gave Buck a wink, and then waited for Buck to spray her off.
Over and over, Alex let her hips rise and fall, and she moaned out in glorious pleasure as she rode him. Her eyes closed, and she let her hands slide down the front of her body. She maintained her slow rhythm, longing to keep their closeness going for as long as possible. The connection was so strong, so powerful, and she was lost in it all.
Jaycie finally got her breath, and then sat up to face him.

"Babe, that was amazing." She said, her vocals still slightly winded.
The rhythm of the two lovers was perfect, the sensation was amazing, and the view was, well, unlike Aaron had ever been able to enjoy before.

His hands slid to her upper legs again, and as she would move down on his, taking him fully in, he would hold her there just a moment before loosing his hold, allowing her to rise again.

"Oh... Alexandra..." was all he could say, calling her name again and again. He never wanted it to end.

Andy raised up on his knees as her body shifted; the feast was done... for now.

He smiled at her with a mixture of pride and shyness, his entire lower face covered with her juices.

"That was... very, very good..." he concurred. "You, my Lover, are incredible! Anytime you want that again, you just let me know!"

His tongue swirled his wet lips seductively. He was immensely pleased.

Buck leered at Rylee; he knew she'd have a much better chance of winning the $50 than any of the other contestants to this point. Her only real competition would come from the last two.

His voice went low; he was obviously eroticized by everything associated with his role in this contest. "Baby... you are really, really fine..." he rumbled. It was meant to be a compliment, but it just came across as creepy.

Mitch was getting into the whole show, and couldn't wait to see how Rylee's body responded to the wetness. "Give it to us, Baby," he called out. Numerous other patrons were also shouting very words of encouragement and other less apppropriate phrases. "Show us what you've got!" He hoped she could discern his voice over all the others.

Buck stared right at her breasts and pointed the squirt bottle. His tongue stuck out as he reached for the trigger.
Alex varied the rhythm, moving a bit faster at times. Her hips gyrated gently, letting her feel him against every inch of her walls. She moaned his name over and over, her hand dropped between her thighs to find her clit, rubbing it gently. Each rise and fall, was like a reentry into her heat, sliding up until only his tip was inside, then back down to take him completely into her.
Her hand went between her legs, and in the process her soft skin of her hand also found the underside of his cock, adding a whole new dimension of sensation.

"Oh fuck, Alexandra," he moaned, feeling his passion rising. She had the capacity to make him do amazing things, and he was totally captivated.

Very slightly, at first, his hips started pressing up from the rock he was sitting on, driving himself into her.
Jaycie smiled at him, and then giggled.

"Thanks. It was amazing." She said, smiling at him. She slipped a hand through her hair, and sighed in contentment.

"Why don't you go clean up?" She said, letting her eyes meet his.

Rylee smirked as Buck came over to her, and raised an eyebrow at him.

Hearing his words, she gave him a fake smile and a scowl. "Bastard." She said, to him. She may be drunk, but she wasn't that drunk.

Hearing all the phrases being shouted at her, she raised her eyebrow at Mark and the rest of the guys.

All of a sudden she didn't really want to do this, but Buck was about to squirt her with the water.

She sighed, glared at him, and got up. "Stop you perv." She said to him.
She pulled away blushing brightly. "I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me really..." She starts to move away from him, her eyes bright with small ashamed tears.
Alan's heart was pounding wildly. Kaos was starting to pull away, and he didn't want her to.

"Please... please don't run. Please..."

His eyes were sad, full of longing.

His one hand stayed on her side, his other brushed away the tear. "It's okay," he assured her. And then he leaned, their lips pressing together again. His eyes were closed. He held his breath.

Andy leaned toward her, giving her a slight, loving kiss on the lips. "Okay, Sweetheart." And as he started to move off the bed, he glanced back once more on her naked beauty.

"Damn, you are amazing!" he added again, with a broad smile.

Reluctantly he washed her scent off of his face, marveling at what she had allowed him to share with her.

The gathered patrons moaned a collective sigh of disappointment as Rylee stepped off of the stage. Mark was feeling a sense of pride and relief and regret, all rolled into one. But mostly he was proud of her for doing what she felt she had to do.

One of the cowboys, more drunk than the others, shouted at Mark. "Hey buddy, get your bitch back on that stage. We wanna see a good show!"

Mark was amazed at his reaction. "Fuck off, buddy. The lady's made her decision. Leave her alone."

As Rylee moved to him, he asked her, "Ready to get out of here?"
Kaos makes a soft noise of surprise as his lips press against hers. After a moment of just standing there she wraps her arms around him, making the kiss slightly deeper.
Jaycie gave him a smile, and then giggled at his words.

She was still processing what exactly had happened to her, and for him.

Her mind was whirling.

Rylee glared at Buck, and then stepped off the stage. She pushed past a few of the drunks, and then tried to make her was towards Mark.

As she got to Mark, she gave him a small smile of thanks, and started walking towards the door. She got called a bunch of names by the guys, and then one of the more drunker guys came up behind her and grabbed her ass.

She spun around, and got up in his face. "You fucking bastard. Don't you ever touch me again." She screamed at him, her face inches from his. Then he pushed her away from him, she got shoved backwards, and then jumped right back up and practically threw herself at the guy.

Swinging at him, with her casted arm, she hit him square in the jaw.
She let her fingers stroke the underside of his cock even as her thumb worked her swollen bundle. A new sensation over took her as he began to lift his hips, and she moaned in glorious pleasure. "Oh, god... Aaron... oh yes..."

She closed her eyes, letting the pleasure of their love making wash over her trembling body.
Alan as surprised -- and relieved -- how Kaos responded to his kiss. Even more so, he was pleased.

His hand ventured to her back as their kiss deepened slightly. The warmth of her face brushed his own. His lips parted slightly. He could feel his heart race.

Soon Andy was cleaned up, and he came and sat next to Jaycie on the bed.

"Jaycie... I really like you," he said, suddenly very shy. His mind had played over all they had shared, and he was immensely gratified... and somewhat embarassed.

"Really, really like you," he continued.

Suddenly no one was paying attention to the stage. All eyes were turned toward Rylee and her assault on the drunk.

"Go, bitch, go... Hit 'em again!" one or two guys called out.

Mark was both proud -- and horrified -- at the turn of events. He stepped in front of the drunk, who looked like he might hit Rylee. "Stay away from my girlfriend, buddy. She can whip your ass, and I'll help her," he promised the man before wrapping his arm around her waist, steering her toward the door.

They stepped outside, and there was a huge grin on his face.

Aaron's right hand stayed on her hip, his left circling her body, finding her soft breast.

"Hmmmm... " he moaned, contentedly. "Yeah, Baby," he urged her, "cum for me again..." His pressed his forehead to her back. Touching her in so many ways was absolutely incredible for him.
Alex gasped, his hand finding her breast, and she bit her lip softly. She knew that she couldn't hold out much longer, not with the immense pleasure washing over her, and so she let her movements become quicker, slightly more urgent. She could feel herself tensing, the quaking beginnings of another orgasm.
Jaycie smiled at him, and cleaned herself up as he did.

Watching him come back, she looked up at him as he spoke. "Aww...I really like you too." She said, smiling at him.

Rylee's eyes widened slightly, as she realized what she had just done. Realizing that every person in the bar was looking at her, and the fact that the guy she had just punched looked like he was going to punch her.

Rylee heard a few of the guys yelling at her to punch him again, and she just shook her head. Then as MArk stepped in front of her, she stepped to the side, and looked at the guy. He had a gash on his cheek from her cast, and it was already getting purple. She smirked at the guy, who just stared at her. As Rylee got steered towards the door, and once they were outside, she looked over at Mark.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked, smirking at him.
Her heart pounding so loudly she swears he'd be able to hear it, she runs her tongue lightly across his bottom lip, pressing herself against him more.
Aaron was afraid she was beginning to tire, so he switched his hands to her hips and literally started lifting her, helping her keep the rhythm she had already established.

"It's okay, Baby," he spoke softly, lovingly, in an inviting way. "Cum for me... cum hard for your lover..."

His breathing, like Alex's was becoming more intense.

Kaos' warm tongue was an invitation... or so Alan hoped. He responded, his tongue glancing across hers. He was amazed how wonderful she felt, how erotic she tasted.

His hand pulled her a bit closer. He was getting aroused; she would be able to tell soon. He hoped it didn't frighten her. His desire was increasing with each heartbeat.

Andy reverted back to being a shy, Jr. High boy as he pulled his clothing on. They had been very, very intimate, but he still couldn't believe it. How did anyone so... beautiful... even give him a second glance?

Finally they were dressed, and he wasn't sure what was next; he was simply afraid she would vanish into thin air. And so he swallowed and spoke it.

"I... I don't want you to go. I want to stay with you... at least a bit longer..."

Mark could only laugh. "You... I'm smiling at you! Damn, girl, you can flat kick ass. I'll never worry about you handling yourself again."

They quit walking as he pulled her close and kissed her full on the lips.

"Damn, you made me proud tonight!" His face was absolutely beaming!
Gently pushes the tip of her tongue between his lips, curious to see what he would do. Her legs trembled slightly, her body wanting more than just the kiss but her mind was racing.
"Oh god..." She moaned out, her body tensing and tightening around him, her hips rising and falling with his help. "Aaron, I'm gonna," but a shuddering moan cut her off, a trembling orgasm overwhelming her senses. Her release came suddenly, and she cried out his name, sinking down to take him in completely as she felt herself cum.
Andy pulled her close, his heart pounding more and more rapidly.

His right hand was on her back, and pulled her closer, the entire fronts of their bodies touching, as his left coursed through her hair. He was very new at this, and was afraid that he was coming across as clumsy, but he was very drawn to this girl.

Kaos felt wonderful, and his breathing picked up even more. The press of their lips became fuller.

Aaron's own climax... his third with his lover... had been building, but his focus on carrying her along, now literally, had caused his mind to focus on her more than him.

But as her body shimmered around his, sinking down so that the tip of his length pressed full and deep within her, that was enough. His own body trembled spasmodially, a fresh, if smaller, supply of his seed spilling forth within her. His hands went inadvertantly to her tensed upper thighs, as if to keep her from floating away.
Stephanie squirmed as he tickled her. She giggled and tried to get out from under him. She didn't have a chance to reply to his compliment, she was giggling uncontrollably.
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