A New Life (Sword Art Online-based RP) [Yuna & Malin's 1x1]

Chihana's heart practically stopped as she met eye contact with one of the boys below. Maybe he didn't ... But the shout and revelation to his partner of where she was caused the girl to let out a frustrated cry. Her grip on the branch tensed and she only saw two ways out of this - excluding death. Going higher up ... or letting herself fall right now. But the latter ... that was practically stupid! Her tears began falling faster, her heart racing frantically in her chest. Scared light blue eyes looked down and then to either side of her as the sounds of climbing caught her ears.

She was pressed for time ... which was no doubt one of the worst parts on this decision she had to make.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Another frustrated growl left as she pulled herself shakily up to her feet. Her right ankle and leg practically screamed at her for going through with the act ... but it would only get worse if she let them catch up.

Damnit, Kentaro! Where the hell are you?!

Her head moved once again, glancing between the two options; up or down. She didn't want to choose either path. Both had their risks, even up. It'd force her muscles to move more and that alone could make them feel even worse. But if she fell and landed the wrong way ... she could break her ankle. And then ... the thought of truly being helpless made her whimper and shudder.

"Go away ... " She murmured, her instincts taking over as she slowly - reluctantly almost - began climbing higher up. Compared to going down and falling ... this had fewer cons as far as she could see.

"Jump Asuka!" Kentaro was in the area and could now hear everything that was going on he had finally arrived, and he was here to protect his little sister now, finally. He held his Katana out a little longer already seeing the movement of the trees he could see exactly where his sister was and the two that were persuing her. He didn't want to mess up any worse then he already had, and if he wanted his plan to work she needed to be on the ground, they all needed to be on the ground.

"I'll Catch you!, but you need to jump now!" As he spoke he got into position, this was perfect, even as he was waiting for her to get to the ground the two player killers were turning to notice him.

"What the hell? you were with someone? where the fuck was this guy?" The two were never really the brightest bunch as they dropped down from the tree's and drew their weapons ready to engage Kentaro which he did happily turning around and activating a quick sword stance his katana glowed as he passed the blade over them both simply nicking them but not not really inflicting any damage before disengaging jumping back sheathing his sword so that he was ready to catch his sister. He grinned lightly even with his weapon away... he didn't need it right now.

The two player killers seemed arrogantly unaware of what was unfolding around them, the bush cover was moving in every direction. "What the hell was that?"

"That... was me passing Aggro. I just tagged you both, and while you two were chasing my sister... I was chasing wolves, bears, and everything else that lived in this forest, kiting them... and now they don't see me as the threat.... tag... your it." almost as if summoned by a cue dozens of wolves lashed out of the woods at the two higher level player killers. sure when few in number they wouldn't mess with such high level prey, but when there were so many it was like someone had finally rang the dinner bell.

The voice of Kentaro was a hell of a relief for Asuka to hear. She gave him a half-glare and half-smile as her eyes found him. She was incredibly scared on the thought of jumping ... but it wasn't as bad. Besides, he was there and she would trust at least him to catch her. There were far too many reasons for him to not bother doing so after all ... and he was no idiot. Not usually. But after the separation, Asuka knew Kentaro could begin to guess just how infuriated she still was at him; albeit not as much as from before. His arrival was indeed helping out with that .. but even after they got out, she'd likely still be irked at him.

Her head quickly shook, forcing herself to forget about that for now. If she didn't take the opportunity now .. she didn't want to think on what would or could happen. A low "Ngh .. " left as she used as much force as possible, allowing herself to fall from the tree. Even with knowing her brother was there, it still made her heart race. The task was incredibly risky, regardless of his presence. It did mean now that he was there, though, that nothing bad should happen to her .. especially as he revealed his plan and why it'd taken him so long. A proud smile landed on her face around the same time as she fell into his arms.

"Go.. please ... " She pleaded, letting her arms eagerly wrap around his neck. The hell with the quests, she just wanted to get to an inn, somewhere far more safe. Besides, Asuka didn't know or think she could even help out with those ... not for a while. That alone made her want to cry once again. How was her ankle going to be fixed? Could it even be? Her head fell shakily upon his shoulder, her teeth finding her lower lip once again as she trembled against him.

Kentaro held his sister turning and running away from where the two Player Killers were slowly being torn apart by animals. It was honestly satisfying to have her back in his arms, and while she was asking him to go, he was more then happy to leave this place on their own. Seeing her health had dropped however, he gave a small sigh, before opening up his inventory, and searching for a moment.

Finding a healing item was fast enough, and he smiled looking at her, before tossing a small bundle of leaves up to her. "Healing herbs, Alchemists can refine them into better healing items, but as they are they still have some power to heal you, if you chew on them... Mind the taste though they are very... Well i'm sure you have had worse." The herbs were bitter, disgusting actually, the taste had nearly made Kentaro wretch when he had first found them during his forest adventure, but that said his sister needed them, and they would do something to help her.

Kentaro let out a low sigh as he stopped running, they were back at the entrance of the dungeon, and it was several hours later, the only problem, the quest was still incomplete, and while they could probably have found something to pas the time his sister was still upset and hurt. Biting his lip he sighed before letting his sister try and stand. though he kept his arms around her and her body weight on him as the two stood at the exit for a moment. "I'm sorry, I screwed up." His tone was low. He hadn't meant for the two of them to get separated, but he had managed to help her in the end. He didn't know if his sister would be willing to forgive him or not, he just never really wanted to loose her. She was his entire world, and he needed her by his side.

"Yeah, I figured as much ... " She replied, with a sigh as the sight of the herbs found her eyes. And of all the jobs that she had considered, alchemy hadn't been one. But still, Asuka hadn't really distributed points yet. It was a possibility to keep in mind .. though would she be any good? There was a good chance of the answer being no and a main incentive that had kept her away from it. But after tonight's incident, it did seem like a wise idea to think on it further. As Kentaro carried her, she began nibbling on the leaves. Sure enough, she made a face to signal it did indeed taste horrible. But she forced herself to swallow the medicine, knowing it'd be a step in the right direction.

She remained silent for the most part, anger still swimming through her. Another sigh left her lips as she got set down. "...Yeah ... you did .... fuck ... " She winced, her arm quickly grasping a shoulder to keep balance, her head shaking no. "Of all the games we chose, figures it'd be the one that forbids mages and clerics to be used." She added, a low chuckle leaving as she glanced sadly down towards her ankle.

"... We're going to need someone more experienced in alchemy or hell, maybe an NPC here is at least a Priest of some sort." It'd be a loophole she could see being created. "But until then ... " Her head shook no. "The tendon already got cut ... " She admitted, her own voice softening. If this were the real world, Asuka knew that'd be it for her. She'd be forced to permanently use crutches or a wheelchair, more likely the latter to avoid putting strain upon both joints.

Still, her head managed to look up and into her brother's eyes. "Please ... " She murmured, barely above a whisper. "Don't ever do that again. We can't afford it .... and I'll never forgive myself if I lose you, to here and this game of all things at that matter. Please .... " Her arms wrapped around Kentaro's waist, shaking slightly. Normally, she would be able to forget but not forgive someone.

This time, thankfully, it was the other way around. Maybe not completely then and there ... but it was definitely a start and miracle in itself.

By now, her mind had mostly if not completely forgotten of the quests. She'd slow them down ... and the painful truth was almost enough to see on just resting somewhere, even if that meant doing so outside.

Kentaro let out a low sigh as they left the area, warping back into the town of beginnings. Still holding his sister he smiled as they returned to the safety of town. The sun was starting to rise up at least, and it was now the earliest moments of dawn. Stretching he yawned slightly as he walked towards the tavern. The thankfully good part was that his sisters injury was only temporary, she was missing a considerable amount of health, but the moment she was at full health there would be no long lasting effects.

Leaning up against his sister he pressed his lips to her cheek, touching her only lightly just to remind her that he was here for her now. She wouldn't loose him any time soon. Holding her closely he reflected on his answers to her comments he just shrugged. "I have a little more money then we used to, you would be surprised what nine or twenty random wolves out in the forest could buy you. As for your injuries, we just need a healing item, i'm sure there are low level ones we can get for cheep."

"Lastly." Kentaro stepped in front of his sister, his eyes watching her as he embraced his sister lightly making sure that he didn't hurt her as he held closely. Noticing as he breathed next to her, that she had her scent from the real world. How in the world did they figure that one out? He closed his eyes just happy to hold her sister. "I'm never gonna leave you."

Morning came and with it the first cracks of light fell through windows. Spice's eyes twitched as he felt blinded by the light, waking up slowly to the dust, and unfamiliar surroundings. It took a long time for all the memories to reboot his mind. Moving from his bed, his arm bashed against the young woman that he was sharing the small bed with. Blinking he had almost forgotten about Hime, for a moment. He felt a small sigh of relief as he got up from his bed.

She hadn't assassinated him, and for that he was rather grateful. He started up his day rubbing the back of his neck feeling his body pop, and he stretched out lightly. Letting out a small yawn as he woke up.

When they arrived back into the town, Asuka finally allowed herself to begin to relax more. The only location that failed to really do so at all was her ankle; though that needed ... elevation she supposed. But that could come in the form of a pillow when they got into a tavern. For now, she was more than content to be beside her brother. Even with the idiotic move he'd just made, she truly did love him. And it'd been more his actions she'd hated, not the man himself. There was quite the difference in Asuka's eyes and mind.

More relief swam through the scythe wielder as he hinted that during their separation, he'd been able to obtain more money .. enough to get them a proper room. A small sigh passed her lips as she nodded slowly. "... The healing item can wait. Honestly right now ... I kinda just want a bed and you nearby."

As if on cue, the embrace came. Her arms eagerly wrapped around Kentaro to return it, her head falling against his chest. "I'm holding you to that ... " She replied, barely above a whisper. Moving her gaze up, she offered Kentaro a small smile. "Alright so ... do you even want to find an inn now? Or did you have something else in mind?" She still felt horrid that they'd failed to finish most of the missions the two had set out to complete. But it was clear the last thing they should be doing was leveling up. Her ankle would need to be ... more decent if not in perfect shape to even try such things.

Suki's stomach clenched tightly, making her arms wrap around it as a low groan passed her lips. "... Maybe one of the first quests will be similar to the boars and thus allow for a food item to drop or be created somehow." She murmured, signaling to Spice the assassin was finally conscious now. It was odd to wake up to Spice and not feel as awkward as she probably should have. Maybe because - and especially given nothing seemed out of place as her eyes finally opened completely - he truly had proven to be someone whom she could better trust.

Not yet fully .. but it was a better start than most others she'd met in the past had given him.

But given she hadn't woken up to the sensations of him trying to grope her did make Suki feel better about the young man beside her. When all was said and done, he did seem to be another unfortunate person dragged into this world and forced to reside in it.

"I think it's your turn for a shower now, isn't it?" She added, grabbing the PDA-like device and adding the rest of her outfit back upon her skin.
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