A New Life (Sword Art Online-based RP) [Yuna & Malin's 1x1]

Giving a final shrug he swallowed in for a penny in for a pound. It was unlikely that the mirror item was going to hurt them in any way shape or form there was a soft glow as the mirror item materialized in their hands. Spice blinked when looking at the small hand held item the reflection being his own face, a face he honestly wasn't comfortable with looking at right now, but before he could discard the item it shattered.

A bright glow encompassed his body. His short white hair returned to it's ginger red, his soft brown eyes were replaced with his real world green, and his features became softer and more in line with his actual age. Gone was his facial hair, and instead he looked like his actual seventeen year old self. His eye twitched heavily not sure what he was about to do, looking at his hands it was clear he had lost his elderly features, and for a moment fear struck him as he looked down at his legs.

They had also reverted back, looking slightly more skinny then they should have, and for a moment fear gripped him as he stood up. It took him a moment to realize that once again his mobility was not impaired, he was just placed back into the body he had tried so desperately to escape from. Blinking he breathed a little easier. He had been placed inside a prison within a prison, and yet he still maintained his mobility there was a joke here that he could deal with figuring out later. Instead he was more or less just angry. "Well... guess we know what that fucking does." He spat in a small amount of anger escaping him. In all honesty he didn't have a clue on what he could actually do now.

All the issues he was trying to escape from returned with his body, and he sat back. great he was once again in the body he hated, but at least he could move. "Assholes" Spice muttered under his breath. He chose to keep the name he had chosen, his username was far better then his real life name any way. He would have been fine with being trapped in this reality, but did they have to give him back those legs, and his back?

Shaking his head he was perhaps even more lost then he was ten minutes earlier. "Why not just shoot us all in the face?" He said bitterly. "Would have been quicker."

Within seconds, a light shined into Suki's eyes. "Agh! Sons of bitches!" Though she didn't see the mirror go away, she sure as hell felt it disappear and shatter. By the time she regained her sight and felt it readjust, she saw the ground below. Wait ... saw? What happened to the bangs covering her eyes? Several strands of raven hair which dangled before her blue eyes easily answered that question and as Suki looked over, she saw Spice was now back to normal himself. It was true that Suki liked her original body but the new one was .. decent also. "Well hell ... " She murmured, taking the time to study the real 'Spice' that was before her eyes.

Despite the desperate situation the two were in, a small smile crept over her face. Honestly .... the red hair and green eyes combination had an exotic feel to them, sexy even. Then again, she'd always had what many deemed 'odd tastes'. But the hell with them, not like any of them were here.

"Because they're playing a game with us ... while we're in one. It'd be too ironic to just do that. But on a serious note ... " She paused, nodding a few times to herself. "I kinda like your actual look a tad better than the one you just lost. I only altered myself a bit ... for the hell of it, really. Dye isn't cheap so I found another way of testing what I'd look like in another body."

But all in all, she did prefer her actual self better, unlike Spice.

"Maybe ... if we sleep on everything, an idea will come to us?" She finally suggested, her head beginning to hurt from all the contemplating on how to go about things. It was that frustrating and irritating. Trying to come up with a plan in this state wouldn't do either of them any good. That much she could figure out.

Spice didn't mind the hair or eye color, he knew he was attractive from the waist up, it was his legs that annoyed him beyond all compare. They were skinny, and weak. Here however that simply didn't matter, in this world legs weren't based on muscle strength they were sets of numbers. Maybe over time he could grow into this body, but he wasn't happy about it by any means. Hime on the other hand looked attractive any way she was put forward. she wasn't kidding when she said that she had only messed with her body a little, and she was certainly a comfort to his eyes.

walking towards the back of the inn he couldn't agree more. "Yeah sleep sounds good." He said finally He wanted to rest, and it was now getting late, people were having the same basic reactions that they were, anger was still going on through the streets but once they got their room in order there would be less noise. "wanna split a room?" The question slipped out before he even thought about it.

They didn't really have a lot of money between them the first quest didn't hand them much cash. It would then be cheaper to just get one room, but the way he put it forward made it seem like he had other motives, and truth be told there was something comforting about having her with him. He didn't really want Hime to go away, or for matter of fact he didn't really want to be alone. there was something more akin to comfort with being with someone else, or having someone around that he wouldn't feel being alone right now.

A plan would have to wait, first they would need to rest, then they could work on trying to find some guild, or if they had to make their own team. The truth was though they would need a few people on their side, and they couldn't afford to take any but the best.

There was another question on his mind, a much darker one that lingered only for a second, if we died in game... what happens to player versus player? Were some people actually crazy enough to fight other people when the odds were so high.

Normally, the suggestion of splitting a room would make Suki incredibly uneasy. But after checking her inventory, a small frown crossed her face to see they had almost nothing in currency. "Hm .. better wording is we honestly may have to. I'm definitely not residing out in the streets. Hell and no. I never do player versus player .. but I know others who'd gladly leap on such opportunities." Now that they had a more sound plan in mind, it was time to begin it officially.

Suki began to follow suit and walk alongside Spice. Like himself, she didn't want to be alone for once. Were this any other day, she wouldn't care. Hell, she probably would have done more quests and gained much more experience and enhanced her skills, weapon even. But right now, she was took shocked at all that had been revealed to have the motive and make an attempt.

It was a really long shot .. but maybe the inn would offer some sort of discount with all the players who'd gotten trapped? Hopefully it wouldn't be raised; that'd be annoying. But on the off chance the prices were used against all the players ... yeah. They'd have to do pay for one bed, for tonight at least.

On the other side of town was another raven haired figure, though not nearly as long in length as Suki's. Her own eyes were quickly gazing around, low curses passing her lips. "Damnit, I knew I should have been in the same house when we logged together. Now I can't find him." Him, of course, referred to her half-brother. And between the news of being stuck in the game until it was cleared mixed in with the fact it was beginning to get dark ... Asuka was scared.

Tons of foreign figures walked by her ... but none that matched her brother. Her hands gripped the handle of her scythe, trying to reassure herself he was fine ... lost at worst. But then again, maybe it wasn't him she should be worrying about, but herself.

Call it paranoia, but she had good reasons for it all. Worse - or about as bad - as dying in the game, Asuka was also terrified of being kidnapped or somehow taken away from her brother. It was one reason they usually did everything together. He was her main source of hope and strength ... moreso with him being her lover too.

Sure enough it had taken the pooling of both their money to even afford the one bedroom. The inn's of Sword art online were for lack of a better word rustic, even in this place there wasn't much more aside from a table, with a lamp, a night stand and a bed. There were chairs here that could be used for sitting but in terms of actually sleeping it seemed they had the options of bed, and floor. There was also a washroom connected for bathing, it was funny with all the detail he was half expecting an outdoor washroom, but there was even hot water through the pipes.

"You can take a bath or shower if you want, I'll take mine in the morning when we head out." He said lightly as he left the washroom and instead took to the seats. Setting himself up for the night he scrolled through his inventory equipping his armor and putting his hammer back in his inventory till finally he had only his undershirt and under pants on. Getting changed in this world was... well rather stupid, He could strip sure but in terms of actually wearing, everything was done through the VR's menu, and it became a constant reminder that this wasn't his actual body, but rather a digital fake.

Then again being able to walk in this world it was a trade, and he wasn't sure if that trade made it a good thing or a bad thing. Sighing he laid back on the bed waiting for Hime to join him. The bed was however rather small, and he knew that this was gonna amount to one hell of an awkward night. Sighing there wasn't really much he could do with this situation. They were interlocked and that wasn't the problem. The problem was that their lives had just completely changed, still if they could do it get a guild together and actually have a team, then they would have a chance at surviving this.

Kenta had to admit that finding his sister was a bit of a job. Thankfully he had added her gamer tag as he had signed up, and sure enough the map option lead him right to her. Swiping his hand he turned off the floating virtual map as he walked up behind her going through the dark ally way. His avatar had already been shattered thanks to foolishly using the mirror item, but his clothing was very much something he was familiar with, as he had been taking martial arts from a young age, and the gi fit comfortably.

Kenta's feet slid silently across the ground as he snuck up behind his sister. He knew her fears, and knew that she wouldn't really be feeling all that great, and that was why he had to do what he was going to do. For all the pains of a relationship, and the steaks he had to go through to hide it from their parents, this was done in the name of love. Sneaking as best he could Kenta reached up and grabbed his sister his hand closing over her eyes. "Guess who!" He said with a smile while his second hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her tight against his body.

He knew he was about to suffer for his attack on his sister, but at the same time he knew it would probably fluster her, and that alone was worth any amount of suffering. He loved his sister, probably more than a half brother should have, but then again considering he was born out of wedlock, and from their fathers promiscuity they were actually around the same age. There was nothing wrong with their relationship in his mind, and she was fun to play with. Not to mention his best friend, and the love of his life.

A bit of food would have been preferred over a shower. But she hadn't yet begun to work on her cooking skill so a bath would suffice for now. Well, this is what you get for being an idiot and rushing into the game without any breakfast .. She scolded, giving a nod to Spice. "Yeah, that does sound good. I think I will." The room had been easy to navigate around in and thus Suki was able to lead herself there once again. Closing the door, she first went through her inventory. The closest things to a 'nightgown' she had at the moment were the tunic and panties. Meh ... it'd have to do for now. It was definitely better than going out there without anything on her.

Allowing the clothes to leave her for now, she stepped inside after adjusting the water to a bordering scorching temperature. Her eyes closed as a soft sigh of relief passed her lips. After all the tension from the day, this had been needed so badly. A part of her was still irked at her avatar having been taken away. What was the point in allowing them to have made one if it was just going to be removed when all was said and done?

The water continuing to fall and cascade down her body brought up another thing, however. She knew this wasn't real ... but dear god, it really felt it. In a way, it was almost as if she hadn't left home. Almost was the major keyword. She knew she had ... and prayed her body was doing well enough for the night. After washing her hair out with shampoo and some conditioner, she stepped out.

Grabbing a towel, she dried her hands and body off then worked on her hair, failing to find a dryer in the bathroom. Scrolling again through her inventory, she put the panties and tunic back on, glancing up and down herself. Well .... she'd seen sleazier looking clothing in other MMOs. This wasn't too horrid and the tunic was long enough to cover all that it needed to. Taking a breath to calm herself, she slowly walked out and back to the bed, putting her PDA on the mantle as she slid under the covers.

Her grip on the handle tightened. The twenty-two year old had been ready to pull her weapon out and get it ready before the voice echoed in her ears. A long sigh left her lips as her head shook, a low chuckle leaving. "Do you know how fucking stupid that could have been for you?" She asked, still pivoting on her heels to face him. Her eyes glanced up to meet her brother's. The poor girl was short for her age, not even five and a half feet tall. Then again, most Asians weren't the tallest so it wasn't too amazing to her, just slightly annoying.

Asuka had used the mirror also, mainly because she'd known other games where it was sometimes a teleportation item. She'd thought it was an easier way to get home. As much as she'd loved this game, she didn't wanna be stuck in it. So .. her avatar had been shattered. To be fair, it hadn't been much different from the real her so she wasn't overly irritated because of her looks being altered, but more that the item had done anything but what she'd hoped for.

Her hands wrapped around Kentaro's waist, pulling him into a gentle hug. This 'welcome' of being forced to remain in the game had not been something she'd expected. It probably wasn't wise to stay out much longer but they literally just logged in. Thus, they had no money even. "So .. what now? I mean, we can't go to an inn yet." There were also skills and jobs which she'd yet to have a thorough glance at ... those could probably be worked on. No, should be worked on, knowing some would definitely help out in the long run.

Spice had to bite his lip, an incredibly attractive woman had just dropped right into his lap, and she was wearing hardly nothing. Never before in his life had he thought he could be so lucky, and yet with everything else that had happened it honestly didn't feel like luck at all. There wasn't much room on the bed, and as she slid under the covers, he knew that it would be his duty to sleep over them. Still his arm wrapped around her pulling her a little closer even if he remained over the covers he could still enjoy this even if it was just for one night.

He shivered slightly the tavern felt oddly drafty. even with her residual heat being so close, and the awkward fact that he had only met her a few hours prior to this moment he felt good about all that was going on. He was male so it was pretty much his job to feel good about something like this. Still he did find it kind of weird that she hadn't spoke, and there was one question before he closed his eyes and slept. He just didn't know how to address it.

It wasn't about going under the covers or even some of the darker thoughts he was holding out on, no those were questions that no one needed answers to right now. What pestered his mind was a simple question and finally it broke the surface. "Do you snore?" His voice was light, and awkward. Spice didn't hide his blush at all that well. He didn't think he would sleep all that well if she did, and frankly he may as well find out now considering that they were gonna spend the night together. Even on the small bed that was clearly designed for just one person, he was trying his best to be a gentleman.

As Auska spoke Kenta simply smiled at her. "You can't hurt people in town unless they agree to a duel, I knew I would be safe." His voice had a light teasing edge to it as he felt her arms wrap around him Enjoying the closeness of having her with him. He had to agree they were stuck they couldn't do anything without money and they didn't have enough to stay at a tavern.

Tonight wasn't gonna be their best night however they did certainly have options. They couldn't stay at the Inn, but then again they didn't really need a house to sleep in, and he wasn't all that tired at the moment. As long as he had his sister he knew that the two of them would be fine for the most part. They were stronger together then they were apart, and had been like that for a long time.

"There are always ways we can make money in this world. We could go out on a night time quest, the rewards alone would see us fed, and in bed by morning." NPC's and quest givers were data, as far as he knew programs didn't need sleep so it was possible to pick up a quest at any hour. It would help them level things up as well, and get them going at least on the battlefield. There weren't many other ways he could see them getting money. Though he could think of a few ways to spend the night.

"Or if you don't like actual work, you could always play on a corner and see how much the game would be willing to give you for that." He snickered, joking of course. An evil suggestion just to see how she would play it off. It wasn't that he was cruel to his sister, but more that he enjoyed teasing her. He was after all still her older even if they were close in age.

The lingering silence was honestly a nice change in pace compared to the chaos they'd been introduced to moments ago. Suki did have the same thoughts on the sharing being slightly awkward with having known Spice for almost no time but they both knew it'd take a few quick swipes on the PDA to re-equip her daggers. He seemed smart enough to not want a death wish so she trusted - hoped - that there wouldn't be a need to have to try to pull them out. But perhaps the more weirder thing the new assassin noted was there was something comforting about being near Spice. Maybe because the gesture was genuine?

Her own eyes slowly followed suit and closed gently, her right opening as the question finally comprehended in her mind. A playful smirk crossed her face. "Interesting ... not really the first thing I'm often asked. But to answer to you ... I don't think so. I don't live with anyone in the real world and since you can't hear yourself in your sleep ... I'm not honestly sure. My school mentioned that most people do subconsciously - at least once in their life if not constantly - but ... " She gave a light shrug. "It's hard to go on mere facts that were taught in school. I don't think I do ... but there's a chance for it. That ... is probably the best answer I can give."

Her right eye shut again, her head gently resting upon Spice's chest. Her breathing began to slow to a more relaxing pace, hinting she was steadily drifting off. "Night ... " She murmured wearily, her body relaxing against his.

"Be grateful for that." Asuka - known to others according to her screen name as Chihana - quickly retorted, sticking her tongue out playfully. Her mind shifted to a more serious train of thought as he began listing off options. Her head tilted slightly, seriously contemplating on the 'playing on a corner' idea. It'd be a double edged blade, really. She may be uneasy but deep down, she knew Kentaro wouldn't be willing to allow others any opportunities to get close to her if she really did do that. Besides, the thought of the night quests wouldn't be too bad, not since they were together.

Solo? Oh yeah, it'd be a real pain. But with the two of them .. it should honestly go pretty smoothly. Her head nodded as she looked up to her brother. "The night quests should be easy enough, between the number of us and our weapons able to cut most of anything up." Moreover, there shouldn't be any overly insane quests for them to accept. There were so many more pros as opposed to cons ... at least as far as Asuka was seeing.

Spice was satisfied with her answer, either way by the tone of her voice he could tell she was drifting off, and that meant that either way they would soon find out if she snored or not. Content if not a little cold, he curled up slightly his body pressing lightly into the back of the assassin's as he closed his own eyes. It's funny to think that she was a dagger user. Under any other curcomstance she would have been the person he feared the most, but at the same time as he closed his eyes he was simply happy that he had her with him.

"Night." His voice was the last echo through the room before he closed his eyes and went to sleep. With her secure in his arms his body was still, and though the sound of breathing filled the room, there was no actual snoring, in fact it would probably be the best sleep Spice would have had in a long time. Peaceful and undisturbed till morning.

In his sleep however he thought he heard the ambiant noises of another world, the sirens of an ambulance, the panic'd cries of his parents. All these things were faint images, that really didn't seem to matter, they were reflective shouts of a world he wasn't in anymore.

Kenta smiled knowing they were going hunting. Games were designed to be fair, as long as they kept to tasks that were for their level they would be fine. Leaning in to his sister he gave her a kiss, his hand brushing against her cheek as he watched her. She was right that he wouldn't let others get close too her. It was odd but he had often chased away other boys, or bullied people that said that they crushed on his little sister. As much as the she stayed close to him, he wondered if part of him had forced that trend.

"Who knows by morning we could very well have new equipment." He said with a smile turning and taking her hand he opened up his map and picked out a quest giver, a few minutes later they were heading out for adventure. They weren't the only ones, who seemed to have decided to take the first night into expanding their grip on the leveling. The town of beginnings was still very much alive, with a steady atmosphere of light panic. Everyone would be focused on what the admins had told them, and the game had changed.

"It's not so bad, as long as I have you with me, I really don't care which world we are in." Kenta said with a smile. The two of them had chosen to play this game with the idea that it would be a discrete way that they could hook up. Hiding away from their parents had almost got them caught a few times, and this game would have made being together easier, now however it didn't matter. "Okay here we are, feel free to pick any quest that's our level."

Within minutes, Suki had joined Spice into a peaceful sleep. Unlike him, however, her mind didn't dwell on past images like her parents or anything. Instead, her concern stayed solely upon her body. It was a worry that would never go away though she would keep concealed for now. No one else needed to know and more than that, there were more immediate fears. The main one was getting out of this game, all while remaining alive. It was insane to think of but some people may be crazy enough to still want to do player versus player, even with the stakes being much higher than usual. Or hell, they could resort to cheap tactics, using people as hostages for money in the game. And even after that, there was no guarantee they'd keep their word.

It made Suki toss and turn, whimpering lightly as she grasped the sheets. Suddenly, she almost wanted to be back home rather than in the game. But the cruel reminder of what the admin had confessed to them played in her head again and tears slowly fell even with her eyes closed. She'd waited for this game for months, nearly a year, and now she was genuinely terrified of it and all the possibilities of things that might or might not happen.

Despite all the images, some form of a miracle allowed Suki to remain asleep and gain more than enough energy for the morning.

As Kenta leaned in and gave her the kiss, she pressed forward and returned it eagerly, sighing softly in a content manner. It wasn't the most passionate he could be, Asuka knew that perfectly. But for now, she did have to focus more immediately on the questing. After that, maybe, they could tend to one another. Stealing a glance at her brother's PDA since he already had it up along with the list of tasks they could do, she glanced down at them, reading the titles. Those alone often hinted what kind they were; escort, gathering, simple killing of non-aggressive creatures... things of the like.

"Well ... we may as well get all that we can and see how many can be finished, gotten out of the way, hm?" She mused, pulling her own out and accepting all that were available to them while still being in their level range.

Spice was roused from his sleep when he felt Hime's body squirming. She was whimpering and crying she was having a nightmare. "Hey, Hime wake up it's okay." His hand brushed re assuringly against her cheek drifting down to her shoulder as he lightly tried to wake her from the nightmare she seemed to be locked in. It was distressing to say the least that she was having such a bad dream, but it was okay as long as he was here with her there was a chance that he could do something to help her. Spice let out a soft sigh and a smile as he leaned forward and held her. To be honest his sleep had also been uneasy, but her reactions seemed to be more violent then his.

Spice breathed softly having awoken, he was okay for the most part, but worried about Hime. He had the odd feeling that there wasn't much he could do in terms of putting her to ease, but he decided it was for the best. She shouldn't be having night terrors, also there was no way he was gonna be able to get to sleep while she was thrashing around. He was just worried that she didn't punch him too hard for touching her or the close proximity of her body to his. She was an assassin after all and he wasn't sure if she was comfortable with being touched every sign had said otherwise.

Kenta laughed as she simply accepted all the quests they could take at their level. That move seemed just like her in all honesty and it would be a challenge for them for sure. Nodding he smiled and turned to the warp gates, the blue light taking over as they went to the first field.

"Looks like we are trying to find an item in this area. Some kind of jewel." Kenta said happily as they walked into what was best described as a thick forested area. The cover of the woods reminded him of home slightly as he and his sister would explore the parks and overgrown forests near the country side. Shaking his head slightly he passed on the thought of the outside world it was a distraction, and they didn't need that right now.

"it's not on my map, which means we have to search, If we split up we could cover more ground, but honestly I'd rather stick together." He didn't trust this field in a place like this other players could have become a problem, but the thick cover also probably concealed animals, and monsters native to the area. He would rather find the jewel and get the hell out of here without an incident.

Instincts finally took over and no sooner than Spice's hand went over her cheek did a hand raise up and smack it away. She tossed and turned a few more times ... before finally falling off the bed and landing on her back. The impact made her wince, curse, and open her eyes instantly, panting heavily. Gradually but steadily, Suki regained her composure and breath, seeing after looking around she was still in Sword Art Online, not the real world. It was ... a blessing and a curse simultaneously though given the last images had been of her body being raped and ravaged, she assumed it to be more of a good thing. Slowly standing up, a few cracks echoed within the room from her spine, her hands raising over her head as she stretched them.

"I'm fine ... " She replied, as if none of what Spice had just seen had happened. "Just ... restless." It was somewhat true but obviously a partial lie. Grabbing her PDA, she opened her inventory and put all of the clothes back on her, daggers appearing beside her hips again. "That being said, I almost feel like we should resume quests. I, for sure, want to regardless. I won't drag you along though if you don't want to."

"Well .. the good thing about those kinds of quests are that the item in question tends to respawn even if others find it." The smile on Chihana's face widened as Kentaro said he'd stay nearby her. "Hmph, don't lie to yourself. You're just giving yourself another excuse to be the only one to gawk at me." She teased, knowing that was definitely another motive but by no means the only one. He did have his points, splitting up may not be wise. After all, they didn't really have any idea on what kinds of people were in this game and while she'd done a few other MMOs herself, she noted it did always vary.

There could be trolls, heavy player versus player types, a mix of the two which was so damn annoying, and actual player killers who did the acts even outside of duels. It'd be much smarter to remain close by for now. Until they could begin to figure some of the more 'unknown' parts and mysteries out, the best thing truly would be to not split up.

Tossing Kentaro a teasing smirk and wink, she turned her head and resumed searching for the supposed jewel. Most, if not all, shined rather brightly and tended to be in easy-to-notice colors, even in the dark. It'd be a breeze even if others were still working on this one. Besides, she couldn't think of much if anything too horrible guarding it .. another thing she instantly began gazing out for. Monsters or mobs .. if they found a large enough one that seemed out of place, that could lead them to the jewel.

Spice had been surprised by the violent reaction that she had to his touch, and when she said she was fine honestly he didn't believe her for a second. She was a terrible liar for sure. Still if they left this room they lost it for the for the foreseeable future and they didn't exactly have the money to get it back. Sleep would have done them well but after that display he was almost certain that she had no intention of going back to sleep. Getting up from the bed he moved his hand across the air opening the interface grabbing his clothing and armor, drawing out the large hammer. He gave a small sigh as he stretched using the pole of the hammer to help crack his back.

Spice wanted to call the lie, he wasn't sure what had happened with her but he was almost certain that it wasn't good. Finally he stepped in front of the door cutting her off from the exit. "Okay here's the thing, we can go out questing, but as soon as we leave the room we loose it, it's not even 3 am, we have had less then 3 hours of sleep, and if you want we can go out and go hunting. But before we go, I want to give you a chance to think, cause i'm not one hundred percent, and your not gonna be either. So you can either talk to me about what's wrong, and we can try to go back to sleep, I'll even sleep on the floor as offered if that's whats bugging you, or if you really don't want to talk we can go out, into the cold of night, and go on a quest without food or sleep."

Spice was half certain that even though his tone wasn't happy about it he was about to have to open the door for her.

Kentaro smiled it was only half true that he wanted to gawk at his sister, the forest presented a rather new opertunity as they were alone in a setting that was slightly familiar to them, and he would be lying if he was to say it wasn't tempting, but at the same time the gamer in him wanted to put this Katana of his to the test. "I wouldn't know so much about that, but i'd be willing to make a wager with you."

Kentaro walked around her eyeing her in an almost predator like fashion. "Whoever is last to find the jewel, has to drop their armor, and clothing." He said curiously sure they would need to split up if they were actually making that wager, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel the way that they had been flirting. "I have honestly been wondering if this world is as fully interactive as the developers had claimed, and the only way to test that theory is to unequip."

Smiling he looked at his sister, happily he rose up a hand slowly counting down from 3 to truly begin the contest. "and... here... we go." Jumping up and kicking off from the ground he darted a little ahead, quests like this always had a pattern of some kind, and they always kept to the trail chances were good if he did stuck to the road as intended he would get to the end of it. At this point it was a race between him and his sister to see where the road ended up, and who would get the item first.

Just as Spice's tone and choice of words hinted he wasn't overly content, the glare Suki gave him showed the feelings were very mutual. But he pointed out quite a few things, enough to make her exhale deeply and calm herself. Once they left, this room wouldn't be theirs, as he'd said. It was the main thing he had made her reconsider and while she could do without much sleep, the lack of food would indeed catch up to her .. eventually. She sighed deeply, going back to being clad in her sleeping outfit - the tunic and panties - before sitting back down on the bed. Her head shook no quickly as the suggestion of him sleeping on the floor came up.

"Don't be stupid. Then you'll risk getting sick and with the lack of magic existing here, I'm not sure how well anyone would be able to cure you. An alchemist would be the best bet ... but I haven't begun that job and others would charge way too much for a potion, more likely than not. No .. I .. fine. I had a panic attack from the nightmares." It'd forced her to swallow her pride .. but Suki had done it. She never overly believed in the assassins that specialized in bluffing their asses off. No, she went for those that were best with DPS output and critical hits. Lying seemed ... redundant as it was generally found out about sooner or later.

"I wouldn't care about being stuck in this game but ... I live alone. And my body's back there ... unprotected. I'm fucking terrified ... " Her voice trembled as did her body, her hands concealing her face. "Still ... you're right though. Rushing off wouldn't do shit. I've been trying to not think of how I am ... if anything's happened or not but ... it decided to remind me in my sleep."

"Heh, alright. Hey! Cheater!" Seconds after Kentaro ran off, Chihana followed suit. There was a small part of her which couldn't help but wonder if this had been a smart idea. It hadn't been intentional, at least she hoped not, but now they had split up. A low curse left her lips as she pulled her map up, at least ensuring she wouldn't wander away from the area she needed to search. It'd be even worse to go into the wrong territory ... and run into stronger mobs or worse.

Spice sighed happy he had talked down what would have been a mistake for the two of them. They would have more strength in the morning, and as she re equiped the night gown he smiled pulling up the invintory he un equiped his armors, dropping back down to the under garments he had. He smiled lightly towards her as he walked forward. A hand placed lightly on her shoulder as he looked at her face. "I'm worried about my body as well." He said lightly it was the truth he wasn't sure what was going on in the real world right now but he had pushed those thoughts aside for the most part.

He could honestly under stand her hesitation and anticipation. This game was now their home and prison and it was wrong, really wrong that they were confined to their minds like this. However smiling he pulled her into a light embracing hug, he knew he was taking advantage of the fact that she was scared, and comforting her, and he wasn't even sure if he was crossing the line but his arms wrapped around her any way. "You have family who know that you are playing this game, just as I do, they will take care of your body out their, but it's up to us to survive in here and get back to our bodies."

"Your not unprotected." Worrying would only drive her into madness, and so really there wasn't much he could do for her except try to confirm that evrything would be okay even if that kind of sounded like a lie to him. It was funny but in the real world he wasn't all that concerned with where or what his body was up too, which made this transition easier for him. She on the other hand had some rather valid fears, but it wasn't like her body was out in the open she probably plugged herself into her room.

Kentaro let out a small snicker as his bare feet practically skid across the ground, say what you wanted about the starter sets, the katana user was certainly one of the faster classes, as he hit the ground to stop he felt his feet slide against the smooth ground. The map displayed her location so it wasn't like they were completely lost, that was until his open map flickered and died. Chihana had been right behind him or so he had thought, but he couldn't even see her among the thick bushes and trails. The forest was an area that denied the use of a map. "oops... she's gonna kill me for that one."

As he spoke he heard growling from behind him, drawing out his sword he held the katana fast as he was slowly encercled by wolves. "Well... that's gonna take a bit." He said lightly regretting his decision to split off from his sister. ~Some times I can be a serious idiot.~

Suki's head shook no again quickly. "No I don't. My parents are dead ... have been. What guardians I used to have, I empancipated myself from them years ago due to abuse. I literally have no one ... " Her body tensed up as she felt the embrace but instead of shoving it away, she accepted it and let her head fall on his shoulder, her body trembling against his. His guess was correct, her body was in her room. But even Suki knew it only took a bit of lockpicking and enough rogues to slip in .. and that'd be it. There'd be literally nothing she could do to halt herself from being raped, even murdered after that.

The truth and realizations were finally hitting Suki hard, like a damn brick to her head. Her body shuddered again and for the first time since logging in, she broke down. "Nothing ... I have nothing back there .... " It was all she could seem to reply with, though the slight grip that Spice would feel on her shoulders suggested she was trying to get herself calm again. Trying, unfortunately, was the huge keyword. Struggled gasps and pants left as her head finally pulled off Spice's shoulder, tear-stained eyes glancing into the green ones before her.

"... I don't like doing that but I guess I've been holding it back longer than I've wanted to ..." She finally confessed softly, her right hand sliding off a shoulder as she began wiping her eyes. "... Thanks .... for putting up with me and all ... " She added. "I know I'm probably a handful and all, huh?"

"Oi! Aniki!" A frustrated sigh left Chihana's lips as her own map followed suit, dying before she could catch up. "... Goddamn you, sometimes .... " she murmured, clearly infuriated by now. Her scythe may have been the slower and slightly weaker of their weapons but it definitely had the bigger and more likely chance for critical hits. When her head turned, she didn't quite find her brother but she did find some other guests; wolves.

"... Ugh, when I catch up to you ... " She replied lowly, gripping her weapon and holding it out in front of her. There was another huge advantage the scythe had that the katana didn't; the ability to hit more enemies. All it'd take was a single swing and spin .. which she did, executing deadly blow after blow, working on dwindling the number of wolves around her down.

Spice sighed so she was like him, she had no true connections to that other world. He blinked lightly not sure how to really react to that news, he knew he should have felt sad, but actually he was kind of happy it meant he wasn't really alone, or at least not the only one who had been alone on the other world. Sure he had a family, but no real friends he only had a few roommates, and none of them talked. He decided that now... was probably the best time to come clean. about everything. "I know how that feels to not really have anyone on the other side, I have roommates, and I have family, but... I don't have friends. Or even people I like."

Spice let out a low sigh as he looked at her his hand placing on her cheek, as he watched her dry her eyes. "No i think your strong for lasting as you did. You have me now." He smiled as his thumb rubbed across her skin he didn't know what else to say he had a lot of respect for Tsukihime, but at the same time he had to say his piece. And he didn't know how to say that, he was still finding words that he needed.

"On the other side... I'm... well i'm paralyzed from the waist down, I havent walked in close to nine years. It took some getting used too saying the least." He smiled trying to be cheerful. "That's why I stayed away from other people, there is always a look of pitty or questions and I hate it, here though you aren't alone, and I can walk... so maybe it's getting better in a way?"


Kenta remembered his breathing first and formost, his swings were powerful cutting blows, and every now and then his sword would glow orange and a wold would shatter as he struck them in half, but it didn't seem to matter how many he killed it was getting more and more obvious that it was getting harder and harder to deal with these wolves. And their numbers weren't dying out.

~Smooth move idiot, you put yourself in danger just because you wanted to make a bet to see your sister naked, next time you could just ask her instead of putting you both at risk~

Kentaro's mind was nothing if not bitter over this situation but he was sure the one who would be the angriest would be his sister.


As the wolves circled her one was hit with a throwing knife before it shattered, and two older men made their entrance. "oh what do we have here?" one guy said to another, some how both these men had already achieved a rather high level, thanks to non stop grinding, and the older of the pair had an orange icon floating over his head, being they symbol for a player killer. They had been doing stunts like this all day, and it was actually kind of surprising that they hadn't stopped even after the admin had revealed what was wrong with the world.

As they entered the area, the wolves lost agro as they were challenged by someone of higher level and ran off with their tails between their legs. "A scythe wielder, you know I haven't seen many of those running around. Oh and look at her, she's barely higher then first level."

The silver haired one stepped out on the other side of her pinning between them and a tree. "Here's the deal little girl, your gonna open up your inventory and drop all your items... okay?"

Now it was Suki's turn to go silent and think. Just as she'd originally joined to rewrite her history as it were, Spice hinted what had likely been his true motive for joining. Well, it sounded like there may have been two but one to get away from the negative people and also, he could walk in this world whereas that wasn't true in the other side. Nodding slowly, she looked slowly up to Spice. "You know ... I do think some of those who glance at you with pity are trying - although done so in a bad way - to sympathize with you. Maybe even if they themselves aren't handicapped like you, they know someone close to them who does and in that respect, they relate to you. I ... hope that'll begin to give at least a better outlook on others, if nothing else."

She herself couldn't put herself as one of the mentioned examples or even say she knew anyone from her life. But Suki did know that - amazingly - not everyone in this world was a cold-hearted prick. Part of her wanted to ask what happened but decided against it, figuring an accident or worse off, intentional 'accident' had occurred to Spice. Hopefully not the latter, those tended to leave much worse emotional scars than if it was a genuine and actual unfortunate happening. But ... he didn't really have the mindset or attitude as if it were the worst-case scenario. So, Suki assumed whatever did happen hadn't been premeditated.

"Thanks again ... " She murmured, slowly lying down, an annoyed sigh leaving her lips. "Better question ... can you even sleep? I'm not sure I can ... "

Were Kentaro in the exact same spot as Chihana, he'd see she wasn't angry. She was pissed, and it showed behind each and every swing put forth from her weapon. Her mind had been so focused on scolding her brother when this was over that she thought of nothing else ... until a wolf shattered. But what had caught her eyes was that the source of it's destruction hadn't been her own scythe but a dagger, making her glance towards the source. Glancing at their UI, she noticed the level first and then upon looking to the elder of the two, seeing the orange icon.

Orange? Why not green?

There was a reason, there had to be. Her first thought went to a stop light, especially like those in America. She hadn't been born or raised there though she had visited a few times as a tourist. The orange reminded her of the yellow, which meant more or less a warning that red was approaching.

Warning? Wait?!

By the time it'd all began to comprehend, she felt a tree behind her, signaling there wasn't much to help her now. But even still, she wasn't going to do something so foolish. Her head shook no firmly, the grip on her scythe tightening. "Fuck off!" She hissed. It wasn't at all the most logical answer, Asuka knew. But no damn way ... just no! She couldn't even begin to comply. Besides, there was no reassurance they'd spare her even if she obeyed. They were dangerous wild cards ... ones she needed to get away from.

Scythes, unfortunately, weren't good with dealing non-lethal damage. They were meant to take lives, to kill. Besides, even if she turned it so the blunt end would hit the blade would likely hit herself. So ... with that out of the question, Chihana swung anyways .. hoping to give herself more distance than she had. With or without more though, she broke off into a run.

No! No, no, no! No damn way this is happening! Damnit, Aniki!

Spice looked at Hime for a long moment, silence fell across his face as he listened to her. He wasn't sure what she was saying or if he wanted to be offended by it. He knew that the looks were never meant to be anything more then caring, but a the same time they still set him apart from others, and he hated that fact. He wouldn't have minded so much if it was malicious the fact that it wasn't was what he hated. People hardly ever realized the amount of damage they could cause with just a look towards a rather insecure person, and he was mistrustful because of all of that. He was actually however kind of surprised when she didn't ask the question he almost always got, and maybe it was just the fact that in here he could walk, but he didn't really detect any of the emotions he normally would have hated coming from her.

"I know that I don't want to go out into that cold night air, and I know that come morning we can get food easier then we can right now. Sleep is more or less an other concern for me right now." As Spice spoke he yawned and sprawled out onto the bed this time going under the covers and laying down. it wasn't about sleeping it was about being warm and comfortable. "I don't know about you, but being cold, broke, hungry, and tired is not exactly what I want to do with my night, besides who in their right mind would be out leveling in the night? were humans, we see better, and work better in the day time."

For Kenta these wolves were becoming a larger pest problem then he had ever wanted to have in his life. Just as he had taken down the last one he breathed heavily, his lungs were burning from the amount of work he had to do just to clear the area. Honestly he had never even thought he would have enjoyed playing a game like this, but it felt rewarding, but the fact was he was now slightly hurt. A small chunk of his health was missing now thanks in part to the wolves, and as he shook himself off he turned to try and walk back towards where he remembered his sister being.

She couldn't have been that far away from him right? They had started running down the same way, so in short he should have just needed to walk back down onto the path in order to find her. It wasn't really tracking or even that far of a leap in terms of logic. So he started to jog back in the way he had first came from, she couldn't have gotten that far from the main path.

The two player killers had been taken off gaurd by just how broad the swing of a scythe was, the blade passed through their skins creating red lines through their body as it went, and reducing their health by a small amount. Neither of them seemed very happy by this revalation even as they were pushed backwards by the scythe, The orange one drew out his throwing knives again holding the one advantage he had, the blade glowed orange as he chucked it towards her back as she ran away from then. And then they were off chasing after her through the woods, and under brush leaving the main path behind as they pushed her onto the forest.

Their locations quickly became lost even as the man with the orange hair readied another dagger sending his second shot aiming for her knee, "If you stop running we can all be friends!" The two of them spoke with a rather sadistic hiss, and laugh as they chased after her.

Suki nodded, figuring that for the most part Spice's reply made sense. She refrained from correcting him on one thing though. There were some people - like herself, in fact - who actually did better during the night. In fact, sometimes it seemed like humans were made more like vampires than their normal race between the sharp teeth and bloodlust that often went on thanks to needless violence. It made her inwardly chuckle .. but she kept that thought to herself. Sliding back under the covers, her own yawn left her lips. "Workaholics." She finally replied, giving him an answer as to what kinds of people may actually be out and about at this hour. "And to some degree, I can't blame them. But it is wise to know one's limits also." She admitted.

Chihana managed to note before darting off the very slight - but still admirable - amount of health she took away from the bastards. Given the difference in levels, health, equipment ... that was actually quite the feat to have done. But once she started running, her eyes remained firmly in front of her, not daring to glance completely behind her. It'd likely make her trip, run into something, do some action that would allow them to catch up. And that was definitely not what she wanted.

The first sound of something flying through the air made her glance back enough to use peripheral vision, an eyebrow raising slightly. She understood why one of their icons was orange; to signal they were a player killer. But why was their weapon that same color? Did it have something to do with their status? Or was there something else she had completely missed? Taking advantage of the fact a fallen log had been in front of her, she jumped over it, making the first dagger miss.

This ... no ... Her heart sank. One look around her hinted this definitely had not been the same way she'd been heading towards with Kentaro. Her grip on the scythe tightened. Licking her lips, she began letting out loud whistles. It was something she'd done for years on the rare occasions she and her brother had gotten lost before. Besides, crying out would better allow those two to understand exactly what she was doing. And true, neither of them were higher levels than them but maybe she'd have some .. edge if Kentaro was here now as opposed to the way she was.

The sound of the second dagger flying through the air caught her ears, snapping Chihana out of her thoughts. Her head turned as she shot a glare to the boys before her eyes widened, a shocked gasp of agony leaving her lips. The quick running she'd started slowed. Her body shook as she found the location had been very different from the first one ... smarter, honestly. Her teeth gripped her lower lip as she looked from side to side quickly.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! Running like this ... that's suicide ...

Finally, her head looked up .. and found the more immediate solution. Her body wouldn't be happy with her, especially her legs but the hell with that. Better to try then find out their version of 'being friends', the tone hinting it likely wasn't a good thing. Her legs shook as she tensed her ankles, forcing herself to jump and try to grab for the nearest branch.

Spice yawned already content with the ability to sleep. Come morning there would be a better chance for them to fight, and while she may have been confident about her eye sight in the darkness Spice was less content. He was a morning person, someone who preferred to do his work in the bright light of day. So for now he was content to lay down next to an attractive young woman he barely knew and sleep. Honestly when he thought about it like that he knew he could have sounded selfish regardless of that fact however he was content enough to close his eyes and sleep.

Kentaro arrived back at the point where he and his sister had become separated, and instead of finding her, he found the clear signs of a battle. He didn't even need to invest into tracking to know that something bad had happened on this path, the ground was dishevoled, he recognized some of the prints of the wolves, and as he looked over the ground he could see more information. Picking up one of the daggers that had been thrown at the wolves, Kentaro slowly realized that this was a lot worse then he thought it was.

They were not alone in this forest, that alone was being made rather clear to Kentaro as he looked around for more signs of his sister. Slowly he was able to put together the signs of the attack, and begin following the trails they had made. They had ran after his sister, which was a good thing, it made the three of them that much easier to track. Had they been moving slowly or carefully he probably wouldn't have noticed the signs of it, but as it was he could follow the damage as long as he moved slowly, but that was also the problem two people were chasing after his sister it wasn't like he could take his time. He bit his lower lip hoping he could move quickly all Chihana had to do was hold out for a long enough time.

The two assailants moved through the wilds after her, following her every motion, but she had managed to duck out of sight for a moment and then she was gone. The two of them kicked the ground as they took a small amount of time to catch their breath, and unknown to both of them their target was right above their little rest. "Shit dude she got away." The orange haired boy was quick to state towards his silver haired friend who brushed it off.

"She didn't get away you moron, kids that low level don't have transport crystals yet, meaning the only way out of this area is to walk out of the exit." Shaking their heads the thought never really occurred to them to look up, but if they had they would have seen their prey just above them. "Fuck! we finally find a solo player, and she's a hotty, and you let her fall out of our sights."

"Me, your the one who missed with the poisoned daggers what three times?" The two broke into a rather loud argument as they went around in circles shifting the blame, all the while the threat of them looking up into the tree's was rather apparent, but so far their vision was locked on each other.

Suki still had no idea whether she'd be able to fall asleep. But damnit, she had to try. Taking a steady breath, she let her head fall back on Spice's chest, a soft yawn leaving her lips. Hopefully there would be opportunities for her to work on her cooking, hunting, or both skills tomorrow .. because that was one major factor still keeping her conscious. She was famished. But with the hopes continuing to race through her head, Suki's chest went from the normal pace to a steady rising and falling motion. Moments after Spice fell asleep, she joined him once again.

Chihana hadn't gone up nearly as high as she would have wanted .. but enough that if they did notice, it'd be a chore still. Her arms trembled and while the two were conversing below, she took the opportunity to look at her health. The results made her eyes widen in terror and shock.

A bit over half?! And all from one tossed dagger?!

She bit down on her lower lip, lest she cry and give her location away. Her hands trembled harder, gripping more firmly upon the branch above her head. Her shaking only increased when it was revealed some of those had been coated in venom.

So soon? How though? Even if you did the alchemist job overnight .. it wouldn't immediately allow that? Dear gods ... Kentaro ... hurry the hell up please ...

That had been too much. The mere thought of having possibly nearly died after being in the game for mere minutes made her silently sob, tears falling down her face. Suddenly, she wanted to be out .. or at least have her brother back beside her again. But gods help her, she did not want to be alone or with these two bastards! Hell and no!

Tracking them through the forest was a task and a half, that was becoming more and more clear to Kentaro, that said it was becoming more and more important that he found his sister as soon as he possibly could, but he also needed a plan to deal with the two players that were chasing after her. He was doubtful that he could take them both, but as he looked around he was starting to realize things about this game. Smiling he darted off diverging from his sisters path only for a few minutes, she only needed to hold out for a little while longer, and then he would have everything he needed to deal with her two attackers.

The two attackers were bickering between one another insulting one another rather loudly. They were preparing for the worst thinking that Chihana had somehow gotten away from them when suddenly rain drops seemed to fall down on the silver haired guys shoulder. "Great now it's fucking raining." He said shaking his head, stepping out from the cover of the tree he looked up into the darkness of the sky, layers of foilage protecting Chihana from sight.

The oranged haired attacker followed muttering something under his breath. "What are you talking about, there isn't a cloud in the sky, it's just your imagination dude." The two of them looked at one another before slowly scanning the tree line for anything that moved. The dark of the night shielding Chihana for the moment as they looked up and down the tree for her. "You don't think that she scrambled up one of these things do you?"

"Dude that bitch is probably three or four miles from here, there is no way she is still around here lets just go back to the tavern and see what we can get for the night."

Honestly, Chihana was amazed by now they hadn't just followed her blood trail. She'd left one behind ... hadn't she?! Her tears slowed as she tried to peek down without revealing herself. Wait ... did they not apply that in this game somehow? It was an odd thought but unless they were too frantic and infuriated to notice it, she could honestly see few other ways they weren't finding her. Even when she looked down at herself, there was definitely blood. So ... no. There should be an actual trail. Fear rushed back as she realized it was indeed likely luck that was only on her side.

And it made her hand tremble more. Chihana knew she was pressed for time and limited on that. So how much longer would she be able to keep it? Swallowing softly, she bit on her lip to hide a whimper as one of them finally suggested that maybe she had climbed the trees. It took a lot to keep from chuckling aloud as she heard one think she was in town, her eyes even daring to roll at such a thought.

Mhm, I'm in town with a stabbed ankle. Clearly, you didn't take Anatomy or pay heed to it.

But that was okay .. and fine with her. The longer they failed to notice the small hints all around them, the better for her. Carefully, she lowered her right hand to her side, letting her left grip the branch above her to keep from one joint becoming too sore or tired.

It was too dark to follow the trail of blood for anyone who hadn't just taken traking, but thankfully for Kenta he was making good progress with his plan. The good part of this plan was that it was bound to work, the bad part of the plan, dear god did he need to run to make it work. It wasn't just running it was running at the correct pace. To fast and he would outrun his targets, too slow and he would be overwhelmed. and he had too keep that all in mind while following his sisters blood, a fact that he was quick to remind himself of which only made him want to hurry up and get their faster.

As for the two Player killers they were now searching high and low, but the night kept the dark color's of blood away from their eyes. However as she leaned down to try and get a better look at them she did so right as one of them was looking up into the tree's trying to find where the wetness that dropped onto him had come from, and for a brief moment their eyes met.

The next thing that happened was a throwing dagger being flicked into her general direction and a simple shout of she's up in the fucking tree.

Both the Player killers smiled and jumped upwards grabbing the branches as they started to climb up towards her, first they would toss her back to the ground, and then they were gonna have some fun with her, and then for all the pain that she had caused them instead of just surrendering they were gonna make her bleed out in a pool of her own slowly damaging digital blood.
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