Legend of Zelda: The Five Stones (Agnores x Candira)

"You'll see!" Saria said with a smile, and drew Malon off.

The outfits they were given were made from Korok leaves and Korok bark. The Kokiri took both Link and Malon's measurements, quickly putting together traditional outfits for them: Malon dress sewn together out of Korok leaves, with a belt made of the Korok bark. Link was not given a shirt; he was given a Korok bark shoulder plate, with the Korok leaves forming a sleeve down that arm. The only thing covering his chest was the strap that kept the shoulder plate in place. He was given a kilt of Korok leaves to wear, and Link begrudgingly put it on.

Look at all the Koroki men and women dressed just like Link unsettled him, just a little. The Fairies came into the village and illuminated it with their light, and shortly after filled it with their song. Link found Malon as soon as he possibly could, his eyes travelling down her dress before meeting her eyes. "H-hey," he said. "You look....nice dress."
Malon stumbled after Saria and let the Kokiri fuss over her. Her measurements were taken while fairies played with her hair. The dress was soft as any fabric she'd worn, but she was afraid of tearing the delicate leaves. They proved to be quite durable, however. The dress they'd made for her was very snug in accordance with their measurements. The dress gave her a fair bit of cleavage, two large leaves covering her breasts, sewn into the rest of the garb. It was a lovely green that played up the red of her hair.

When she was rushed out of the hut, she smiled when she saw Link, happy to see a familiar face in a similar situation. She hadn't been expecting his outfit to be quite so...well, revealing. He looked handsome and strong, and his face had healed quite nicely. Something about the outfit was very masculine. She blushed a little at his appearance and his compliment.

"Thank you. You look nice, too." She smiled and looked up as Momo zoomed around them, singing and laughing and subtly pushing them together.
Link blushed at the sight of Malon, instantly noticing her cleavage and how the dress had been a snug fit. It did look really good on her, and Link's compliment had been genuine. The dancing and laughing fairy though was circling around them, being her usual annoying self, causing Link to try to step away and out of her path. This caused him to step close to Malon, which he hadn't noticed until he realized how close he was to her.

He paused, looking down at Malon for a second, still a little read in the face. He suddenly found himself at a loss for what to do, or with any knowledge of how to respond to this situation. "Momo, quit," Link barked, snapping his eyes up at the fairy and taking a small step back as he swatted at the fairy. "Don't use the party as an excuse to be even more annoying than usual." He glared at Momo then smiled lightly at Malon.

"I'm not sure what exactly we are supposed to do. I've...never attended one of these things before."
Malon chuckled and ducked and dodged the little fairy as she subtly forced the two of them together. She only noticed when they were so close she could feel the heat coming off of his body. She blushed just a little, looking up at him when she was aware of how close they were. When Link flicked Momo away, she felt an odd mixture of relief and disappointment. The difference in the way he treated her fairy friend and the way he treated her was very noticeable tonight. It was decidedly different from before they came looking for the temple and during the last trial. He was friendly, even warm.

It was getting hard to keep up with him, really. But she couldn't fault him for being nice to her. In fact, she thought it was really nice. His confession, however, had her admitting the same. "Well, this is my first time here. I don't really know much about these things myself. But it is a celebration for you. You beat the trial, after all. So let's find a way to celebrate."

Just then, Kokiri began bringing out trays of cold, but very appetizing foods. Malon noted that several instruments began playing as well, and the fairies' singing was picking up. "It's your night." She smiled and took his hand, walking into the midst of the other Kokiri. They were surrounded with supportive congratulations, curious questions, offers for food, requests for the fangirl set, and more.
Link was dragged off by Malon, and he spent the rest of the night trying to have fun. He thanked those that congratulated him, he answered the questions to the best of his ability (though he remained reluctant to show off the Forest Stone), and he tried the food as it was offered to him. Most of it was really good, but there were a few pieces that Link turned his nose up to: anything with bugs as an ingredient. The fan-girl requests bothered Link, as most centered around him showing Malon some kind of affection. Momo aways backed these kinds of request with much enthusiasm.

Link would always get red in the face and ignore the request, instead going off somewhere else. He danced with the locals, drank with them, and shared stories of the outside world in exchange for the stories of the Kokiri. Link generally enjoyed himself, and enjoyed his company. As the night wore on, Link began to give in a little to the fan-girl requests for him to show affection to Malon, giving her a hug and pecking her cheek at one point.

Still, Link woke the next morning, haphazardly in his bed, with the traditional Kokiri clothes still on. He sat up in bed, deciding that today, he and Malon would have to go talk to the Deku Tree and get set off in the right direction.
Malon was glad to stick around. She shared stories of the ranch with the Kokiri and they told her of their day to day ventures as well. She spoke to many Kokiri girls, all of whom thought she was beautiful in her traditional garb. Some of them, however, seemed to be decidedly unhappy about that. These were the fangirls who gushed about how good Link looked in his. The redhead couldn't disagree with their assessment. He was very handsome--heroic, even, in the Korok leaf outfit. She smiled a little while she watched him and shook her head as some of the girls swooned.

Most of the true fans, however, seemed to be under the impression that she and the hero in question were in some sort of relationship. What ever could have given them that silly idea? Well, probably that they were an attractive pair of people with opposing genders who were traveling together. Also, she'd been caring for Link during his injury, even if he was upset with her at the time. It wasn't that out-of-order to assume a relationship in that situation.

Malon wasn't sure why the fan girls were rooting for their supposed relationship, but it felt nice when he hugged her and kissed her cheek, so she went with it, smiling and blushing all the while. Even without his affections, the night had been wonderful. It was a happy occasion, and the celebratory mood invoked high spirits. In fact, she was still in high spirits when she woke up the next day. She had stripped out of her Korok outfit the night before in favor of not messing up her outfit. The fairies took good care of it and stored it away for her if she ever came back. She was just getting dressed when she wondered how Link was doing and what he'd want to do today--stay in the forest a bit longer? Or immediately set out?
Link sat in his bed for a little bit, slowly waking up as he looked about the hut for his clothes. They had been put in a neat pile near the wall, obviously having been taken care of by the fairies of the Kokiri themselves. Link stood and approached his clothes, and began to get dressed. He had gotten his pants and boots belted on, the Kokiri traditional outfit laid in a messy pile that at least looked like Link tried to be respectful, when an idea struck him. He slipped on the under-tunic and thin leathers that the Kokiri had provided for him when they fixed up his shirt, then took the tunic and ripped off the sleeve.

It had a rough look to it, but Link didn't mind. He slipped on the tunic, standing up and grabbing a hold of the Korok bark shoulder pauldron that the Kokiri had provided for him. He was sure they wouldn't mind him borrowing it, so he slipped it on to, strapping it over his tunic. The bark covered the rough tears in the tunic, and the Korok leaf sleeve provided better cover for his arm than the sleeve had ever done. The long sleeve of the white under tunic still was visible, but Link was fine by that; he slipped on his gloves over the sleeve, strapped them down and nodded.

Happy with his appearance and opting out of the hat (it was for travelling, anyway) and his gear, Link stepped out of his hut and headed for Malon's. He knocked on the side of the door. "Hey, Malon, you awake?"
Malon was just putting her apron on over her skirt when Link knocked on the door. "Sure, come in," she said, slipping into her boots. She was nearly ready for the day when she bid him enter. The first thing she noticed was that he wasn't wearing his hat. The next thing was his slight smile, and finally, the new addition to his outfit, the sleeve and armor piece from last night. She had to admit it looked great with his knight's uniform, and he wore it well. It was interesting that he wore it with such pride, but then he'd overcome something intensely difficult and personal during the trial. It only made sense to keep a memento of that victory. This was one of them.

She smiled at Link cheerfully and complimented the piece. "You look nice today. I like what you did there. So what would you like to do today, Link? Stay here longer or resupply and move out?"
Link beamed a little at her compliment of his appearance, smiling and nodding at her. "Today? I want to set out as soon as possible. We don't know what Ganon is up to, and the longer it takes us to get these Trials finished, the more power he can amass and the more protected he gets." Link thought, bringing his gloved hand to his chin. He stroked his chin, considering their options. "However, we have a map that only gives general locations of the Trials, not the specific locations. We need to talk to the Deku Tree, see if he knows more about the locations of the other Temples. Maybe give us more specific locations."

He looked at Malon, and smiled. "We'll need to re-supply at some point, too."
"Well, based on what that girl told me, we'll be heading to several different regions in Hyrule. To get to a few of them we'll have to make our way through Hyrule field, so we can make it back to the Ranch and resupply there if you like. Kokiri have some goods we can buy, but we should be alright for a little while longer if you'd like to wait on that." She smiled back and decided he was right--the more time they spent dawdling, the more time Ganon had to become stronger and bring the kingdom to ruin. At least that was the impression the Great Deku Tree had given. And since they would be working together, it was good to make these plans.

"Sure. We can find Saria. I need to get a few things in our packs squared away and then we can be off after we visit the Great Deku Tree." She smiled and then turned to get the few things she'd unpacked into their proper places, and got her pouch of herbs and various other things ready to go. She hooked it around her hips and tightened up the packs before taking the one she'd had be fore and handing the other to Link. "Here you go. We'll take these to the stable and talk to Saria next."
Link nodded, taking the pack and throwing it over his shoulder. "I think we should probably get the info and head back to the Ranch, see whats going on there. I'd like an update on what the Knights are doing, at any rate, and I think we've taxed that Kokiri enough with my stupidity." Link nodded, adjusting the pack on his shoulder. "Sounds like a plan."

He was happy, now. They finally had a plan, had a goal, and Link had the proof that he could pass the Trials. He would pass all five, and he would meet Ganon in combat. He would win, and he would avenge his dad. He still wished he could challenge the man now, rather than run from one side of Hyrule to the other, but he understood that he stood no chance against a magic wielder who also happened to be the greatest swordsman in the land. His dad had been the better swordsman and still fell to him.

Magic was not a thing to be trifled with.

With that thought in mind, Link walked towards the stables, wondering what exactly their future held for them. Saria was at the stables, tending to Epona, when they arrived, and she smiled warmly at them, her eyes lingering on Link's addition to his outfit. "Looking good, Link," Saria said in greeting. "You too, Malon. I see you have your packs...are you wanting to set out now?"
In good spirits, the two headed toward the stable where Saria was taking care of Epona. Malon smiled at the Kokiri girl and walked straight to Epona who nuzzled the redhead. Clearly the horse missed her master. Malon smiled and pet the horse's snout before she set to getting their things packed again. When Saria asked if they were going to leave soon, Malon took Link's bag.

"Well, we were hoping to speak with the Great Deku Tree first, if that's alright. But heading out today is the plan."

Saria nodded and paused for a moment as though she were deep in thought about something. "It seems as though the Great Tree would like to see you as well. Please, come with me and I will take you to him."

When the packs were secure, Malon walked in step with Link on their way to see the great being that would point them in the right direction.
Link was surprised to hear that the Deku tree wanted to speak with them as well. Still, he walked beside Malon as Saria led them to the clearing, wondering what the Deku Tree might want to speak with them about. Soon, Saria was seated upon her tree root and Malon and Link stood before the great tree itself. The tree seemed to be smiling today, but Link could not tell if that was actually the case or if was just a trick of the light. Soon, the tree spoke.

"Link, Malon...congratulations. You have successfully proven yourself to the Trial, and been awarded the Forest Stone. It is but one of the Five Great Stones that, when collected together, will prove you are worthy to wield the Triforce and its magic."

Link stepped forward, excitedly. "That's what we wanted to ask you, actually," he began. "Where can we find the other Temples?"

The tree was quiet for a moment, before it answered his question. "Long ago, when the Goddesses created the Triforce, they protected its magic with the five stones...one of which you hold now. Each of these Stones were awarded to a member of each of the five Great Races: Kokiri, Goron, Zora, Gerudo, and Hylian. You have the stone for the Kokiri. Seek out the other races, and you will find their temple soon enough."

Link was quiet for a moment, thinking. Each race had a Temple and thus a Stone, including the Hylians. Did that mean there was a temple back in Market Town? He knew of the grand cathedral that rested in the town, but he had always thought that temple was for the worship of the Goddesses...it was possible there was a Stone there, too. Lost in his own thoughts, Saria gave Link a curious glance. Link did not seem to notice.

If there were anymore questions to be asked, it would be up to Malon to ask them.
Malon was still sort of surprised at Link's turn around. He had spent a fair amount of time avoiding her until just yesterday, so the transformation was still new to her. The fact that he wasn't chomping at the bit for answers was refreshing and a little bit new. He still had questions to ask, of course, but he seemed to do it in a better, more respectful way. If she'd met Link when he was acting like himself (which she assumed was this version of his personality), she might have liked him better. It was a shame that they couldn't have been friends until now.

She listened to the Tree's response and thought for a long moment. Her role in this journey was that of support system. She had more tools with which to complete this task and do it well, but she got the distinct feeling that she wasn't just supposed to be someone who followed Link along. She'd already acted to save his life numerous times, not just to keep him from starving or freezing to death. The information about the temples was good, but it wasn't terribly specific. She would have to pick up any of Link's slack, so her mind went to work.

"Well, Great Deku Tree, I know you say to find each of the races, but which do you think would be the best stone to go after next? Certainly, you would know more about the trials and the races than we would. Would you mind giving your opinion on the matter?
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