Legend of Zelda: The Five Stones (Agnores x Candira)

Malon frowned as she looked down at link. He didn't seem to change much after the fairies had healed him. Malon sighed and put her flute away, watching as he just lay there with a vacant look on his face. Of course, she knew that the reason he was like this wasn't her fault, but she couldn't help but feel guilty. Somehow she just felt for him. He'd hit a wall after he'd tried so hard, and he couldn't seem to get it together. He was doing all this for his father, so it must have been quite a blow.

It felt wrong to just leave him here, but she knew he'd basically be dead weight if she tried lifting him. Best thing was to just be with him. So she moved over and gently took his head into her lap. When he asked her what to do, she sighed softly. "Don't give up now," she said softly. "You haven't failed yet. And you won't until you give up." She moved some hair out of his face and looked down at him. "Maybe actually try listening to someone next time," she said, her voice taking a bit more pointed tone here. "Oh, and getting up would be a great idea."

Momo just watched, floating around, excited about potential progress. So Malon must like Link, then. And wouldn't you know that that was her specialty. She grinned widely at the prospect of getting link to realize how lucky he was to have someone like Malon around to love him. After all, her job was to help.
Link huffed, sat up, and stood, shaking his head. "Fine." Was all he said in reply, so force returning to his voice, before stalked off back to the house he had been residing in. He slipped past the curtain and laid down on the soft bed he had been on before, turning to his side and shutting his eyes. He store wore his tattered tunic, and he still didn't care. He was angry with Malon, but he wasn't exactly sure why. She was right, not giving up was the right thing to do.

So he wouldn't. It wasn't like he could, anyway. But the rest of it, the 'listening to people' and 'getting up' thing could have not been said. Link knew where he had messed up, and he didn't need her rubbing it in. He was hurt and needed a friend, not a freaking school teacher with a ruler ready to be smacked across his knuckles. What he wanted was comfort. He knew he couldn't stay that way, that he would have to get up and try the trial again...but not now. Not today.
That he had so much energy after all of this was pretty surprising. She'd known full well that she'd be needling Link with the last comments she'd made. Good. He deserved to be angry with her. After all, she'd been angry with him, too. She watched him storm off back to his rooms and then stood up, brushing herself off again. Good. Maybe that would force him to do something. At the very least, he seemed to know damn well what he'd done. That was a thing to be happy about. Maybe it meant that he would learn this time. That things would be alright. And she was still mad at him anyway, so bully if she couldn't talk to him.

She fetched some warm water for him so he could clean up and managed to find a Kokiri weaver to make another tunic for Link. After all, his had been shredded by the attack. When that was done, she went back to her own little hut and started to prepare for bed. While she was brushing her hair, she began to sing her mother's song, hoping it would calm her soul, and maybe Link's, too.

Momo seemed to like it a great deal in any case.
Over the next few days, Link talked to Malon as little as possible. He took his time with the Kokiri, letting himself rest and heal, accepting the new tunic, and taking some time learning a little about the things in the Lost Woods. According to the Kokiri, the Skull Kids were Kokiri who got lost in the Lost Woods until they perished, raising back up to un-life as a Skull Kid. Wolven were ferocious creatures that hunted the Lost Woods, though legends had it that they usually protected great treasure. The Temple was the thing the Kokiri knew the least about; all Saria was willing to share was that it was far older than even the Great Deku Tree, and that its purpose was only to test potential Heroes of the Triforce.

The change in demeanor in Link surprised even Saria. The first day or two he remained mopey, not moving and barely talking or eating. But afterwards something in him seemed to steel itself, and he came out of the small hut. He had graciously (especially considering how rude he had been earlier) accepted the new tunic, and began to ask questions about the Kokiri and their legends. Link even spent a great deal of time with the Deku Tree, talking about the Temple and its Trial and what it would take to pass it. The Great Deku Tree never provided straight forward information, barely giving hints that even Saria understood, but Link seemed to take the information to heart, studying it and learning by it. Once, after Link had left, the Deku Tree had told Saria they were seeing Link the Knight rather than Link the Child.

Momo, however, had a very hard time with Link. The moment he was up and moving she approached him, but her over-abundance of energy and constant assertions that Malon was beautiful and they would be great together wound her up in a bottle stashed away in Malon's hut more than once. Link didn't really care what Malon thought of him stuffing the fairy into a bottle, he was just glad to be rid of the constant chattering.

Eventually, Link thought he was ready to attempt the Trial again. He still didn't understand what exactly the Trial was calling for, but Link knew that he was ready to face Ganon and win. His head was clearer, he had more information, and was generally more calm. He sent off Saria to fetch Malon, upon Saria's insistance she would be important for his success. Link stood waiting for their return, arms crossed and a slight scowl on his face.
Malon mostly stayed out of Link's way, though she did ask the Kokiri to help him out with little things like making sure his sword was sharp and maintained and little things like that. She asked for their patience in dealing with him because he was going through a terrible ordeal. Beyond that, however, she stayed away from him. Mainly, she took care of Epona and hung out with Saria and Momo when they weren't with the hero in question. He needed space, and he was being a brat about talking to her anyway.

She focused on maintaining their supplies and gaining fresh ones. She also learned the ingredients needed to make certain potions that would help them in their travels. She wasn't sure of the methods, but most marketplaces had a potion-maker she could visit. She'd even gotten a net to help in her endeavors. She collected these things in a pouch so that when the time came, she could help Link. She managed to save Momo time and again after Link had rather meanly stuffed her into a bottle and had to calm the fairy down and explain again what was happening and why Link was shoving her in a bottle. It never seemed to help the situation. Such was life.

The Kokiri taught her many things and she was eager to learn them all. When the day came for them to try again at the temple, it was Saria who came for her--not Link. She nodded and carried a pouch full of supplies, rather than their entire packs, and a bottle of lon lon milk. When she was face to face with Link again, he didn't look very different from before, but she knew he had changed. He was being stubborn about her involvement, but at least he was listening to someone. That was quite a change in itself.

Malon had kept her eye on him and asked others how he was doing. There was a definite change. Whether or not he would succeed this time, however, was still in the air.

"Ready?" she asked, Momo fluttering near her head.
Link glanced at Malon, happy she came despite how he had ignored her all this time. He nodded at her, adjusted the strap that kept his sword and shield on his back. "As ready as I'll ever be." His eyes came to Momo, now, and he shook his head. "Does that annoying little fairy have to come with?" Link wasn't happy about that, but he would deal. After all, he didn't really wanna get in another fight with Malon about something as silly as the fairy. Malon seemed to like the fairy (after all, she continually let the fairy out of the bottle) and that would be that. Maybe, just maybe, that fairy would prove to be useful.

Saria guided them back to the Temple. Link didn't speak at all, trying to ignore the incessant inquiries about his well-being the fairy kept shooting on him. His scowl deepened gradually as the path wore on, the fairy doing nothing but dragging Link back down. To Link's credit, however, Link did not budge, or yell, or give him; he simply approached the Temple doors and slipped down. As he neared the bottom of the steps, he slowed, apprehension pouring over him like water. He was suddenly very unsure he could actually succeed, and the pain from his previous failure still fresh on his mind. He almost didn't notice that the fairy had fluttered by his ear until she spoke.

"Link! Did you look at any of these side rooms?" Momo asked. Link shook his head in response.

"Oh! You should definitely do that! Maybe you'll find something that will help you win this time!"

Link turned his eyes to the fairy, thinking. "Why do you think that is true? This Temple is really old," Link asked.

The fairy bobbed excitedly. "You never know! You can find the best things in the oddest of places!"

Link glanced over his shoulder to Malon, and for the first time in several days actually spoke to her. "What do you think?"
So now the great warrior deigned to speak to the lowly rancher's daughter? Well, he seemed to have changed a good deal. At the very least, others had told her he was more polite and more open to learning now. Maybe things would be different this time. The redhead nodded at his acknowledgement, spare though it may have been. She smirked a little at his rejection of Momo and just shook her head. "She's coming with. Give her a chance. I'm sure she'll be very helpful on this journey. After all, the Great Deku Tree asked her to come along. He wouldn't send just anyone." She grinned and let the fairy buzz around her in excitement before she went to bug Link on their trek through the forest.

Despite Momo's nearly constant well-meaning but obviously annoying questions, Malon gave Link credit for bottling up his obvious anger. She would have congratulated him on his progress, but he might have taken it as condescension. The last thing she really wanted was to start a fight with him about the subtle nuances of communication. Besides, it was kind of amusing to just watch and listen. When they reached the temple, Malon noticed that Link's irritation seemed to give way to a new emotion: anxiety.

He was actually nervous. Good--that meant that he was thinking clearly. Blindly charging in like he had done last time wouldn't get him anywhere, and he seemed to realize that now. Maybe this time he'd be able to hold back some of his emotions. Maybe this time his anger wouldn't consume him. It was about this time that Momo chimed in. Malon blinked when he turned to her and asked her opinion. Surprised, but in a good way, she smiled ever so slightly.

"I think she's right. I mean, the chambers must be here for a reason. Besides, it's not like the trial won't be there waiting for us if we go look."
Link looked forward again, nodding. "Fair enough. You take the left doors, I'll take the right."

Momo gave an excited "Yay!" as Link headed for his first door, not waiting for Malon to give a reply. He opened the door to be faced with a room with no real discerning features: cobwebs and broken pieces of what would have been ornate furniture littered the floor. Link stepped in and kicked a few of the pieces around, when a clinking sound caught his ears. Momo became excited and dived under a plank of wood that would have been a table or desk top, popping out moments later. "There's something here!" She squealed. Link moved the wood with little effort to find a small pouch of green ruppees; about 15 to be exact. He looked about then shrugged, tying the pouch to his belt, not giving much thought to who would have left a small pouch of rupees in a room of an old temple lost in the middle of the Kokiri Woods.

The second room of three on his side provided nothing of interest; a bunch of leaves had been blown into a pile in the room. Link paid the room no mind, but Momo seemed to float at the door. Ignoring her, Link moved on to the third room, which was even less than nothing. It was empty except for the cobwebs and spiders. Sighing, agitated by the wasted time, Link stepped from his room, watching Malon. He was about to ask if she had found anything when Momo gave an cry from the second room. Link dashed back to the room, sliding in front of the door just to get smacked in the face by the excited Momo racing from the room.

"Link! Link!" she cried, as Link fell over on his ass. "What?" Link practically yelled at the fairy, to which the fairy seemed to ignore, dashing back into the room. "In the pile! In the pile!" She cried. Grumbling and cursing, Link stood up and walked into the room again, kneeling by the pile of leaves. "What?" he said again, his agitation still palpable. "Its in the pile!" The fairy cried again, and sighing Link simply stuck his hand into the pile and dug around.

At first, Link didn't find anything, but then his hand hit something solid. Grabbing onto it and pulling it from the pile of leaves, Link found himself holding a small bow, something that was obviously designed for the use by the Kokiri. Momo seemed really excited about it. "A Fairy Bow, a Fairy Bow!" She sang, dancing in circles.

"Fairy Bow?" Link asked, his irritation forgotten.

"Mmhm!" Momo replied. "Its a bow imbued with special Kokiri magic. Its used when fighting alongside your fairy. The Fairy floats by the target and the magic in the bow uses the fairy to help guide the archer's aim to his target. Its quite ingenious."

Link looked at the bow appreciatively. "At least you'll be useful now," he said to Momo, to which Momo huffed, hurt.
Malon nodded and walked toward her own set of chambers. So it was all business between them? She could handle that. After all, they hadn't exactly gotten off to a great start. It wasn't like they were best friends or anything like that. Still, it was kind of disappointing to think that there would be no conversation between them outside of "what should I do now?"

She entered the first room and searched around for a bit, finding nothing of interest. Just a few empty pots and some leaves strewn on the floor. When she moved to the next chamber, she found something written on the wall. Something about a bow and the use of teamwork. It was very hard to make out, but she made a note to share it with Link and Momo when they met up. Still, nothing really stood out aside from that in this room.

Finally, she reached the end chamber. By this time, Link was in the third room on his side as well. They were either going to find something cool, or this was a wasted trip. She could swear, however, that she saw something in the corner of the room. Was that a little chest? She started to walk toward it when something flashed in her peripheral vision. A large purple flower had risen up from the floor and opened what looked like a mouth. It lunged at her with all its might, straining at the stem and nearly got her. With a scream, she stumbled backwards, scrambling to get away to the door again. It lunged at her once more as she was attempting to get away and she felt the movement of air as the mouth came close. But it was as though something forced it back and away from her. A glow of some sort. It was just a flash, but she was nearly certain she'd seen it.

Malon's cry jolted Link from his satisfaction of actually managing to hurt Momo's feelings, and getting her to be quiet. He stood and bolted from the room back into the hallway, slipping his shield over his shoulder and onto his arm, pulling his sword along with it. He dashed over to Malon, looking her over, making sure she wasn't hurt. Momo floated loftily behind Link, floating straight to Malon.

"What?" he asked, glancing into the room. It was there he noticed what she must be talking about.

The tall purple plant creature loomed in the room, seeming to watch the pair despite having no eyes. Its stem was rooted firmly in the ground, giving it a very set attack range; Link recognized this creature from one of the stories from the Great Deku Tree. It was a Deku Baba, a weed that could kill people. The Kokiri had told Link the best way to deal with these plants: get close, let them strike out and hit something solid, something they cannot bite. It'll stun them, causing them to lean upright, giving the attacker ability to take out the Deku Baba in one fell swoop by cutting the stem.

Link went immediately to action, turning so his shield face the plant while his sword stayed outward, approaching slowly. As he neared, the plant indeed lunged for him, smacking his head hard against the shield. As the Kokiri had said, its straightened out, upright, its head bobbing to and fro. Link wasted no time in dashing forward, and with a yell cleaved the plant straight in two with his sword, causing the creature to fall over, give a pitiful scream, and die. Link quickly glanced around the room, ignoring the chest for now as he sheathed his sword and swung his shield over his back. He approached Malon quickly.

"Are you hurt? Did the plant bite you?"
Momo zoomed around Malon, checking for injuries as quickly as she could. When she was satisfied that the Hylian was unharmed, she hurried to Link's side, ready to assist if he needed her. Malon for her part, edged closer to the door, very much relieved to have someone with a weapon with her. Of course, it hadn't escaped her attention that he'd checked on her first. In fact, he was so preoccupied with her that he hadn't noticed the Deku Baba at first.

She was still afraid of the plant, but she was calming down with the realization that Link seemed to know what he was doing. She forced herself to breathe evenly and watched with anticipation as the creature struck out again and bounced off the shield, straightening up. When Link killed it, she allowed herself to relax, her shoulders drooping a bit.

Hand over her heart, Malon nodded when Link asked if she was alright. "I'm okay. It was pretty close though. It just took me by surprise." She looked into his eyes for a long moment and finally calmed down. "Thank you, Link." He really wasn't a bad guy. This, she figured, was the person she'd originally thought he was beneath all of the pain and sadness. This was the real Link. After a moment she shook her head and pointed to the small chest in the corner.

"I was going toward that when the Deku Baba sprang up. There might still be something inside. And I found some writing in another room," she said, deciding not to waste time with a bunch of worrying.
Link turned to look at the chest in the corner of the room, nodding. "What did the writing say?" he asked, as he approached the chest and opened it. It was unlocked, and inside rested a small quiver with 10 arrows. It was obviously of Kokiri design, and it left Link wondering how a quiver full of arrows and a bow got left in an ancient Temple, in perfect usable condition. What surprised Link more was the belt that was attacked to the quiver; he had expected it to be made to fit Kokiri, but it fit him just fine. He tired the belt around his waist, letting the quiver hang at his hip. The bow that Link had found laid in floor of the room he had found it in; Link had dropped it when Malon had cried out.
Malon watched curiously as link tied the quiver around his waist, rather than over his shoulder. Interesting technique, but who was she to judge? She really didn't know much about using weapons and he was a knight in training. Calm again, she snapped to it when Link spoke to her again. "Well, the writing was worn, so it was hard to make everything out, but it seemed like an important hint about the trial. It mentioned a bow and teamwork, but I wasn't able to make much else out of it." She frowned a little and let Momo rest on her shoulder for the time being.

"Listen...I don't think the thing you fought last time was Gannon. I think it changes for every person who takes the trial. That man is not the sort to leave challengers alive if he can help it." She frowned at him and shook her head. "The bow they mention must be the key to defeating it, but I'm not really sure what you're supposed to use. I mean there are arrows, but nothing else on this side. Unless you found something?"
"Well, I found a bow." Link traveled down the hall and into the room where he dropped the bow. He returned back to Malon with the bow in his hands, showing her. "Not really my size, but maybe this has to do with the clue?" Link motioned towards Momo. "Momo says the Kokiri enchant their bows with a special magic that allows the fairies to assist the Kokiri in aiming. That has to be the teamwork they talk about." Link nodded, pulling an arrow and testing the bow. He found it was really sturdy, even though it was too small for him. He was starting to like this bow.

"And now I am aware that wasn't really Ganon. The Deku Tree made it apparent that Ganon only appeared there because I was taking the test." Link smiled slightly at Malon. "I don't know what to do to actually beat this trial, but I know that beating Ganon isn't part of it. I am not sure what else to do...but we'll figure it out. I hope." Link smiled and looked towards the trial room. "Let's go."
The redhead followed after link, waiting in the hall as he went for the bow. She checked it out as he went on about the magic involved. She had to admit that it sounded like a legitimate case for using Momo in battle. "Well, you'll have to rely on Momo, then. I'm sure she can help you when you're in battle, too." She smiled and nodded as he told her he was sure he hadn't been fighting Ganon last time. He had learned, and he was going in with a clear head. There was a chance he could actually win this time. "We'll figure it out," she said with a reassuring smile.

When he called for her she nodded and started to walk with him toward the trial room, knowing that things would be different this time around. There had to be something they were missing about this trial from the first time. "Ready Momo?" She asked the fairy. The girl thing shot up and beamed. "You bet! Let's do it!" and with that, she zoomed around Link's head, ready to be of use. Oh, so ready.
Link gave an irritated wave of his hand at Momo, trying to swat her away like she was a fly. "Find a place to be, fairy, don't buzz around my head." The fairy floated quietly for a second, before immediately flying over and slipping under Link's hat. "I'll stay here until you need me!" Momo called, but Link only grumbled. At least she wasn't buzzing around his head. He led Malon into the trial room, sighing heavily as he paused at the stairs. His eyes had fixed on a location at the top of the stairs, but it was obvious Link was not there; he was lost in thought.

Am I ready for this? Is it time? Can I do this?

Link had no answers for those questions, but he had to try. He didn't know how many tries he actually would get, but he hoped for sure that he wouldn't need more than this one. He wanted to move on. He wanted to visit the other Temples...which reminded him that he would have to ask the Great Deku Tree if he knew more about the locations of the other Temples. He had the map...but he wasn't keen on traveling idly around until he found something that somewhat resembled a trial.

Link brought himself back to the task at hand, looking back at Malon. "Ready?" he asked, more for himself than her.
Malon chuckled at the exchange between the boy and the fairy and smiled, watching Link prepare for what was to come. It was obvious to her that he was thinking about everything that had happened and all the possible ways this could end. Nervousness was a good sign in her opinion. She smiled and waited for him to come to before she came forward and put her hand on his shoulder.

"You can do it. You're in control, Link. You'll succeed." She smiled and squeezed his shoulder. "I'll be here for you when you need me."
Reassured, Link nodded and stepped up the stairs into the small arena. As before, the translucent wall appeared, and as before, Ganon appeared from a black blob. Link's face contorted with controlled rage, but he didn't move. Momo popped from his hat and gasped, but the pair remained still, watching this phantom Ganon. The Ganon seemed to smile, almost seeming pleased with Link's response, and floated up and back into the center of the large portrait. Link stayed still, looking wildly between the portraits. If his memory served Link correctly, it was likely that Ganon was about to pop right out of a portrait and attack.


Momo's cry grabbed Link's attention, and he turned to look at the far right portrait. Quickly, Link assessed his options: destroying the portrait might prevent Ganon's escape. However, the portrait was too far from the edge of the arena, and a large dip would prevent Link from reaching the portrait from outside the arena. Then...how?

"Link! The bow!" Momo cried, and Link felt dumb for not thinking of that himself. He quickly snapped up the Fairy Bow and an arrow, pulling back and firing at the portrait just as Ganon was about to reach the end of the path. When the arrow touched the portrait, its surface rippled like water and the arrow disappeared, Ganon looking surprised and fading from the portrait. Link lowered the bow, looking around. Where was he? He slid the bow in its resting place over the quiver at his side, just as he heard a sound behind him; he spun just in time to see Ganon raising his staff. The blows caught Link in the arms and the chest, sending him staggering backwards.

Link recovered quickly, though. "Malon, keep a look out! Tell me when he's behind me if I don't see him!" As he said that, he moved his shield to his arm and drew his sword, charging forward. The phantom Ganon checked Link's first sword blow with his staff, the subsequent swing of the staff landing against Link's shield. Link slashed at his foe again, but he rose into the air and behind Link; Link barely swung around in time to jump back out of the way from the coming staff attack. He quickly returned the attack with a leaping, downward slash, and conencted; Ganon let out a pained scream and seemed to explode into the black shadows, the pieces darting into the center portrait. It was then that Link noticed the portrait Ganon had initially been apart of had gone black.

Dropping his shield and sheathing his sword, Link took up the bow again. "Momo, find the portrait he's in, NOW!" He docked an arrow and waited for Momo's cry. When it came, Link fired into the portrait, and the whole process started again. Each time Ganon reappeared, he fought fiercer; each time Link had to try his best just to keep up. Link would suffer a deluge of staff attacks, but he would withstand it and wait for his chance to attack back. Link lost track of how many portraits remained, and he lost track of how many times he had been hit. The only time he realized he may have actually weathered the trial was when his sword struck Ganon after Link had taken a multitude of staff blows. Ganon seemed to stop in his tracks, not a muscle moving.

Slowly, Link watched the detail fade from Ganon until he was nothing but a white person shaped blob. Slow, that blob began to emanate a bright white light, and in a flash was gone. Link stood, dazed, not yet comprehending he had won. The wall at the top of the steps faded away, and Momo dashed to Link, dancing around his head. "You did it! You did it!" Slowly, the adrenaline from the fight wore off, and Link's shield arm ached. He felt each bruise, and the soft trickle of blood from his scalp where he had taken a blow to the head. His lip was busted, he face bruised. Link staggered for a moment as an overwhelming exhaustion took over him, and the world seemed to swim.

And then, it was all black.

Link was standing in nothing. It was all black. There was nothing to feel, nothing to see, nothing to know. A bright light flashed before him and Link stared, wondering idly what would interrupt this peaceful existance. A figure stepped forth from the light, and then Link's eyes grew wide. He felt again, he saw again, and he knew.


The figure nodded, saying nothing. He was dressed in ornate armor, though his sword and shield were missing. A flowing purple cape marked him as a Royal Guard, and he smiled at Link. Then he held out and opened his hand, revealing a small green stone inscribed with the Triforce. Link stared at the stone and then to his dad, who seemed to insist that he take the stone.

"Dad," Link began, reaching out and taking the stone. "Whats going on? Where are we?"

With the stone in Link's hand, his dad smiled, nodded, and turned to walk back to the light. "Dad!" Link cried, reaching out and trying to grab for his dad, but he found he could not move from the spot he was standing.

"Dad! Dad! DAD!"

Link's eyes shot open, realizing that he had fell backwards...and that he hurt.
Malon watched, flinching when hard blows rained down on Link, but never looking away. They fought for what seemed like hours, but was mere minutes. And she saw the true personality, the true nature of her traveling companion as he fought. He was strong, smart, willing to work with others to obtain victory. He was agile and she could see the rage that he carefully controlled in every blow. Yes, this time, he was exactly as he should be--he'd found balance. This was the person she had sensed beneath the pain all along. This was someone she could stand by.

But that line of thought couldn't continue with him fighting like that. She squeaked a little each time he was hit, but she did her best to not distract him. As he battled, she kept track of the portraits that had been placed around the room, noting when each one went black. It seemed as though that was the key. Each time Ganon came forth, he seemed to have renewed strength and vigor, but Link managed to return each blow and defeat the shadow in the end.

When the trial had been won, the translucent wall vanished and she noticed that he seemed a bit unstable on his knees--as though the weight of what had happened was bearing down on him. The battle-weary knight crumpled to the floor and she gasped as she ran to him. "Link!" She was at his side in a heartbeat, gently shaking him, leaning down to be sure he was still breathing. Thank the goddesses he was! The poor thing was just worn out from the intensity of the battle and the emotional baggage he'd carried into it with him. As he lay there, a bright green light flashed near his hand. When the light died down, a softly glowing stone appeared in Link's hand--smooth, polished, and inscribed with the sign of the triforce. She closed his hand around it and watched him as he lay there, taking in what he'd become and what he'd accomplished in awe.

Maybe she'd been hard on him. Granted, he'd been an ass hat the entire time they'd been together, she'd been fairly harsh herself. She had been raised in such a way that she didn't take anything from anyone that she didn't deserve, but perhaps she'd flung it back at him a little too hard. This change had come from a deep place and it had been difficult for him to come to terms with what had happened. Maybe she could have been more supportive. But then, he had been very selfish and foolish. He'd looked down on her when all she'd wanted was to help him. It was hard to cut him slack even though she knew what he was going through. But the time for what if's had passed. One could not change the past.

Before she knew it, Link's eyes were shooting open and he looked startled. She jumped a little herself but recovered quickly. She smiled softly and let him come back to earth. "Congratulations, Link. You won." With that, she took the hand that held the stone in hers and put it on his chest so he could see. While he was looking at that, she took a half-bottle of lon lon milk from her pouch and helped him sit up, cradling his back with her strong arms. "Drink this. You'll feel better."
Link looked at the stone that Malon showed him in his hand, confused. Where did that come from? He didn't remember his dream or his dad...just the deep exhaustion and waking up on the floor. He looked slightly confused as he sat up, slipping the stone into the rupee pouch he had found earlier, before accepting the milk. "Thanks, Malon." He drank heavily from the milk, feeling enlivened, despite his wounds still being present. It would be enough to get him back to the village, at any rate.

Momo fluttered around Link, singing about how he had finally won, finally beat the trial. This only landed her in the bottle however; Link caught her and shut the bottle, setting it off to the side. "Malon," Link asked, still sitting on the arena floor. "Where did this stone come from? All I remember is winning the fight...then waking up."
When he finished the milk she was just about to take back the jar when Link stuffed Momo inside of it. Sighing softly, she picked up the bottle and lifted the cork so that the fairy could be free and hide under her hair quietly as she'd become accustomed to at this point. "No problem." She let him go once he was sitting up on his own power and then put the bottle away in her pouch. "Well, that's hard to say. After you won, you passed out so I rushed over here. There was a flash of green light, and then the stone was in your hand. Seems like magic. But I guess that only makes sense coming from a trial that was meant to judge if you're worthy of the gift."

She shrugged and watched him, taking in the extent of the damage. He had some healing to do. "Hmmm....hold still," she said, taking the flute from her pouch and lifting it to her lips. She played the song she'd learned on the flute and summoned the fairies to help heal Link. They stopped the bleeding and the swelling, but the rest remained...well, bruised was the most generous term for it. She'd only called a few fairies and for a short time. "There. That should keep you together until we get back." She smiled again and tucked it away, slowly getting to her feet and then offering her hand.
Link accepted her hand and stood, thinking on her story. "I guess that'll have to do. We should get out of here." He smiled, squeezing her hand a little before letting it go. He made sure he had all his equipment collected before stepping down the stairs and walking into the hallway and up the stairs leading out of the Temple. Saria, for her part, was all smiles. "I knew you could do it!" she said, excitedly. "Let's get you back to the village to heal up. I'll get the village ready for the celebration!"

Momo popped out from Malon's hair and bounced excitedly. "A party! A party! I'll go let the other fairies know!" and she flew off into the trees. Saria could only smile. "Fairies love parties, you see," she explained, as she began to lead the pair back towards the village. Link walked next to Malon, a almost imperceptive smile on his face. "Thanks, Malon," he said, not looking over at her or meeting her eyes. "You...I don't think I would have won without you."
She smiled at him as he squeezed her hand and then let her go. It was an oddly sweet gesture, but she wasn't going to complain. It was as though he was congratulating her, too, though she wasn't really sure why. While he was collecting himself, Malon took one last look around the room and frowned. Somehow, it felt as though they were being watched. Whether it was good, bad, or just her imagination, however, she couldn't be sure. Either way, it didn't seem to matter because they did not dawdle in the large chamber. In fact, they were out in the ruins of the temple in no time at all and Saria was telling them to get ready for a party.

Malon blinked and chuckled as Momo flew off into the sky to tell the other fairies about the party, leaving the two adventurers with no one but their guide. "Sounds like fun," she said, walking along. When Link started thanking her, however, she wasn't quite sure what to say. He really meant it...but it hardly seemed as though he'd needed her at all. At least not in this battle. But it seemed like he was thanking her for more than just today, too. She smiled and watched him for a moment before answering.

"You're welcome, but I didn't really do much. I just helped you when the fight was over. You did the hard part." She smiled and then focused on the path ahead. "I'll stay as long as you want me around, though. After all, I made you a promise."
Link still didn't look at her, his face set in a stony expression. "I'd like you to stay for a while, then." He grew quiet after that, slightly red in the face. It wasn't what she deserved for him being a collosal ass to her earlier, but it was his way of telling her that he appreciated what she did for him, and her part in his change that allowed him to win the trial. There were four more trials and he was sure she would be pivotal in beating all of them.

When they arrived back in the village, it was obvious Saria had sent her fairy ahead. The village had been decorated festively; even the inside of Saria's hut, which Link had been brought to be tended by the doctors. Saria turned to Malon and smiled brightly. "I have some people coming to outfit Link in some traditional clothing for the party. I'll help you find something for you!" Saria grabbed Malon by the hand and smiled. "Ready?"
Malon hadn't been expecting him to ask her to stay, but it made her smile instead of gasp. "Alright, then. I will." She grinned and before long, they were in the village again. "Wow...it's beautiful..." She smiled at the colorful decorations and the happy Kokiri, plus the dancing fairies. Say what you will about them, but the fairies certainly knew how to get things done when it came to events like this. Malon didn't have much time to take it in, though. She was being hauled off to change for the festivities by Saria in no time at all. And Link fared no better. "O-okay. What exactly does traditional clothing mean?" Suddenly she was very curious about this aspect of the party, and whether or not anything the Kokiri had would fit her.
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