Legend of Zelda: The Five Stones (Agnores x Candira)


May 15, 2012
The caravan made its way quietly across the Hyrulian Field. The procession seemed to labor under the weight of the events leading to its departure, and more than one person was trying in vain to hide a face full of tears. Their king and queen had been killed, betrayed by their most trusted knight, Ganon. Princess Zelda was being held hostage, and if Link could believe anything he was hearing from the old knights around him, it was likely that she would be forced to marry Ganon in order to solidify his position on the throne. All at once all of Hyrule had been thrown into chaos, and not a single soul knew what to do about it.

Link stared straight ahead in the center of the procession. He was just a recruit, too young to be an actual knight. The ten or twenty seasoned knights walked in a circle formation around the caravan that carried the only supplies they managed to secure before leaving town, along with a couple of the castle dignitaries. On Link's back was a sword and a shield, both having belonged to his father. His father who had been killed by Ganon.

Link's father and Ganon had both been head's of the Hyrulian Knights. The both were the King and Queen's personal bodyguards, and each had a sword forged special for them. Link carried his father's blade, known as the Master Sword. His father's shield was standard issue for the Hyrulian Knights, as his father had always preferred to stick to regulations. Ganon had been quite different. Ganon wielded the Master Sword's sister, the Hero's Sword, and a ornate shield that was more decoration than function. The two had been friends for a long time, and their rivalry on the battlefield had been the focus of many a tavern story.

Lately, however, Link's father had become suspicious of his friend. Link had never been told the specifics of what was going on until hours before his father's death, where Link had been approached by his father, handed the Master Sword and his father's shield, and told to leave the Castle as fast as possible. Link had obeyed, of course, and it burned him with regret. He had been found by a knight later who told him of his father's death, and alerted him to the plan of the knights who hadn't joined Ganon in his rebellion: Go to Lon Lon Ranch, hide there, and try to build their forces up for a counter attack.

Link had been in a state of shock at the news, and followed the knights around numbly. He was starting to get feeling back now, but it was just a burning heat and a blinding pain. He was angry and hurt and he didn't know what all to do with it. He wanted to march back on Hyrule Castle Town and kill Ganon himself. However, he knew it would be a suicidal mission. If the reports were to be believed, than Ganon somehow had magic, despite not being of the Royal Family. There wasn't a knight alive who could have fought a person with Magic, especially unarmed. It was said it had been a spell that had killed his father.

"Link?" A small voice said, but Link ignored it. He recognized the voice as belonging to the historian's apprentice, a young girl who had helped Link a lot during his schooling. He didn't want to talk to her, not right now.

"Link? I'm sorry for your loss." The voice was truly sad, and Link hated her for it. "Your father was a good man, he did a lot for --"

"Shut up!" Link snapped, glaring at the girl. She had obviously been crying, and she looked shocked at Link's reaction.

"I - I'm sorry, Link, I just --"

"Go away." Link turned back, his eyes forward again. The girl didn't go away, however, and instead sobbed a little besides him.

"Link...I...Do you know the story of the Five Stones?"

Link stopped in his tracks, turning and glaring at the young historian with such anger that it would have been believed the girl had killed his father, not Ganon. "What the hell do I care about that children's fable, Leia? Why the hell won't you go away!?" he was yelling and throwing his hands into the air now, and the girl looked frightened.

"I...I..." The girl cast her eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry." With that, she walked off, and Link resumed his walk in peace. He was agitated she wanted to talk about some dumb legend right after the kingdom had been taken over, or more importantly, his father died. She was dumb for trying and Link found himself wishing she had been left in the castle.

A call came from the Knights walking in the front of the caravan, one that signaled Lon Lon Ranch was within sight. Link idly found himself wondering the owners of the ranch had been alerted to the Knights activities, and how they would accommodate them. He only hoped that he could get a place where he could be alone.
The ranchers had barely completed preparations for the knights when they arrived, a small battered group with just a handful of survivors and a small amount of supplies. The horses looked worn and the people were in low spirits to say the least. The message had come just a short time ago via carrier keese, and it was lucky that the ranchers had had time at all. News that the castle had been attacked had just reached them at the same time of the message from the knights.

Lon Lon Ranch had long been a thriving economic power in Hyrule. The owners ran a modest-sized ranch with horses bred for soldiers, royals, merchants and the like, and lon lons for their famous milk and its restorative powers. There were also cuccos roaming about, thanks to the late wife of the owner. What few people knew, however, was that it had also been a place to hide weapons in ancient times. Secret rooms were littered all over the ranch, and the small home that housed Talon, the ranch owner, and his daughter sat on an expansive system of underground tunnels that linked them all. Refugees from the castle and town would be welcome so long as they could be careful and lend a hand in the stables from time to time. It was the perfect place for knights to choose to regroup.

The spirits of the people, however, were very heavy, and it seemed that they would be unable to do much but grieve and get set up for the first little while. Talon and Ingo, the owner and the foreman, welcomed the knights, helping them in, aiding in any way possible. Several other ranch hands were waiting at the gates as well. They stabled the horses and gave them feed, hiding the wagon under bales and bales of hay. Once that was tended to, the hands set to work hiding the supplies and the refugees in some of the underground rooms.

Hours later, the bulk of the work was done, and the people were left to grieve, to be served food, or to wander the tunnels. The ranch itself, would be off limits for most people for at least a few days. Malon, the owner's daughter had done her fair share of work, cooking, cleaning, and preparing makeshift bedding for the refugees earlier. Now that the food was prepared, she left it in the hands of one of the other female hands and went to check on her beloved Epona, as well as the other animals who were surely in need of comfort. Her voice could be heard clearly as she sang the song her mother had taught her, soothing the animals, as well as the hearts of many of the refugees hiding beneath the stables.

At this point, a few of the people would be wandering about, but she was sure that most of the refugees would want to be alone. The best she could do was give them what they physically needed, and hope that her mother's song could smooth away some of the rough experience and stop some tears from falling.
Link found himself in the bunkhouse early on. He didn't bother helping with the unloading of their supplies, or the sleeping arrangements, or with anything. He found himself a bed in the bunkhouse the moment it was open to them, propped his father's sword and shield against the bed, and laid down. He ignored people as they came and went; his eyes were closed, and he had let himself get lost in his grief. He didn't cry, for some reason. Every time he felt he should, he just got angrier; a need to do something about this situation rose up with him. Each and every time he came to a conclusion on what to do, however, he found himself so lost in pain and hurt that he remained right where he sat. It was confusing, and Link had no idea how to deal with these events except for getting angrier and angrier and stewing on it. He never noticed the apprentice historian, Leia, slip beside him once again.

"Link, I...I need you to listen to me."

Link didn't respond, left his eyes closed, and continued stewing on the death of the greatest man he had ever known. Link's dad had always been a strict, but kind man. He made sure Link knew how to be strong, how to never back down in the face of a threat. He had given Link the skills needed to fight. Yet, now he was dead. The person who was the sole provider for both Link as he worked to become a Knight and Link's mother was dead. Now Link was out with a group of useless Knights too busy crying to fight, and his mother was left in Castle Town with no way to support herself. Link bristled at that thought, but there was nothing he could do about it...not right now. After all, he was just a useless kid. Not even a Knight. Not even worth a quarter of what his dad was.

"Hey! Listen!"

Link opened one eye, falling on Leia, who looked afraid that Link may yell at her again. "I thought I told you to go away, Leia?" Link asked, calm despite the anger quickly boiling up insde of him.

"You did, but you need to know this. I'm sorry. The reason I brought up the story of the Five Stones earlier was because it was one your dad had been real interested in the past few days."

Link opened both eyes, and sat up in his bed. The anger was gone, now sat with curiosity. "Why?" Link asked, bluntly.

"You know how some of the Knights are saying Ganon can use magic, despite not being of the Royal Family or a Gerudo? Your dad had become suspicious of his friend's activities some time ago, and while he didn't find out in time what Ganon was planning, he did discover that Ganon could indeed use magic and sat out to find out how. This led him to the Legend of the Five Stones, which states that if you pass all of the Triforce Trials and collect the Five Stones, that person will be recognized as a true hero and receive the Triforce, which is said to grant its bearer the use of magic. Your dad thought that Ganon had proven the legend true and done just that. Especially fitting since Ganon's sword is the Hero's Sword."

Link glared at Leia. "And?"

Leia blinked. "Well, your dad did several amazing things. A few hours before Ganon attacked, he came to us and revealed the location of the five Temples where the stones were, and proved that the legends were true. He then said Ganon had not completed the trials or taken the stones, and that he was planning on betraying the whole kingdom. Your dad discovered Ganon's plan, and that's probably why everything happened today. Ganon had to act or be caught and killed."

Link shook his head, growling as he laid back in the bed. "Okay, great. Thanks, Leia. Now I know why my father died. That helps a lot."

"You aren't paying attention, Link," Leia said, excited. "Ganon has magic somehow, but he hasn't done the trials. No one can fight a person with magic, no matter how skilled they are. That means in order to fight Ganon, you will need magic. The trials, Link, the trials!"

Link stared at Leia from his laid back position, thinking about what she had just said. "You...you are suggesting I go off, alone, and collect these stones?"

Leia nodded. "Only the historian and I know about this, and its doubtful the older knights would believe me if I brought it to them. I thought it would be fitting for you to get this information, maybe do something about it, since it was your dad that discovered it." She laid a folded up piece of parchment beside him on the bed. "That is a map, marking the location of each of the stones. Good luck, Link." With that, Leia was off.

Link watched her leave, and as soon as she was gone, he grabbed the parchment and opened it. One in the Lost Woods, one around Lake Hyrule, another near Death Mountain. There seemed to be one in Kakariko village, and one smack dab in the middle of the Gerudo Desert. How the hell Leia expected Link to get to these places, he wasn't sure, but Link didn't care. He was finally given a way to do something, a way to put one foot in front of the other and avenge his father. He had the sword, he had the shield, and he had most of the Knight training. Link could do this. And at any rate, it was better than sitting at this Goddess-forsaken ranch doing nothing but listening to old men cry.

Link jumped out of the bed and grabbed the Master Sword and his father's shield. he strapped them to his back, placed the map into his pouch, and rushed off for the stables. It wasn't long before he heard the singing, and it hit Link that just grabbing a horse and rushing out of here may be harder than he thought. Still, however was singing, had to be just a lowly girl, and there was no way she could stop him from taking a horse. Link stepped closer to the stables, and rounding a corner to see a red-headed girl about his age, singing and taking care of the horses. Her voice was beautiful, and captivating, but Link did not care. He glanced around quickly, trying to settle on the best horse to take.

After a few moments, he spoke. "Give me a horse so I can get out of here," Link called.
The sharp sound of a young man's voice cut her off and she gasped, nearly dropping the grooming brush she held. She turned to see a young man in the doorway, his harsh demand still lingering between them. He had a sword and shield and a look in his eye that startled her. The redhead set the brush down and pet the horse's nose before turning to the young blond man. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that right now." The look in his eyes said he was full of anger and hurt and she could only guess what horrors he'd lived through today. She frowned just a bit and took a step forward.

"This isn't a good time to leave, and none of the horses here are ready to travel. They need to rest if they're going to go further than just out of the ranch." She stayed a few feet away from him, but she was able to get a good view of him. Clear blue eyes filled with hurt and what she imagined to be rage. He had a handsome face--not overly masculine, but not feminine. He was obviously a strong young man with some skill. He had the bearing of a proud knight, but not the armor or years of experience. She sighed softly and tilted her head.

"Listen, if you can wait until morning I'll make sure there's a horse ready for you on one condition--you're not taking it back to Castle Town." She stood there, wondering if he could understand that it wasn't a good idea to charge out for revenge. It wasn't a good idea to travel when you were exhausted physically and emotionally. It wasn't wise to pick a fight with grief in your heart and vengeance on your mind. Of course, even if he understood that it wasn't a good idea, that didn't mean it would stop him from doing it. It didn't mean that he wouldn't try. At least this way she could be certain that the refugees wouldn't be given away, the horses would be well-rested, and this idiot wasn't actually going to the castle for his revenge. There was only one way to make sure that he didn't do it--she would have to go with him.
Link glared at the girl. She was in his way, stopping him for no good reason. She would move out of his way or Link would move her out of the way. She would not stop his journey, not now, not when he finally had something to do other than cry and be useless like half the knights here. "I didn't ask for permission. I said give me a horse. I need to go, and now." Link quickly thought of his first destination. Probably the Lost Woods. That seemed the best place to head for now. It was the farthest from Castle Town, and he'd be there a few days. It would give things elsewhere in the kingdom time to calm down before he left.

"Preferably the fastest one. I have things to do." Link tried to step around her, eyeing the nearest horse and approaching it. "I would also prefer you hurry."
She was a bit taken aback by his gruff demeanor and arrogant demands. Just who the hell did he think he was, exactly? He may have been through a lot, and he may have had a plan that had an infinitesimally small chance of success, but that didn't give him the right to walk around and make demands--especially when it involved her horses. She wasn't one to be harsh without reason, but if this wasn't reason, she didn't know what was.

Of course, Epona wasted no time setting that to straights. The horse Link was looking at, Malon's horse, was very particular about who rode her. She was the fastest and strongest the ranch had to offer, but she only ever let Malon ride her, and anyone else who approached was treated...poorly. The horse lifted its hoof and set it down on a nearby pitchfork, sending the handle straight up, bashing Link in the leg. Malon merely smirked.

"Sorry, hun, but the fastest horse here is Epona, and it seems she's rather...unimpressed with you. Most of the other horses in here are workhorses and won't be getting you anywhere fast. The two who pulled your wagon are exhausted and still riled up, so pushing them wouldn't be wise at this point. And in your current state, I wouldn't trust you to handle one of our animals." She stood, glaring at him now, hands on her hips. "You don't give commands here, boy. This isn't the castle, this isn't your home, this is my ranch. This is my domain and my home. Don't come in here making demands like you're more important than anyone else. Working with a tired animal, or even just one that doesn't trust you, is a fools errand, and you'll be dead before you get where you're going if you charge out of here without a clear head and an actual plan! Now either wait until tomorrow, or start walking."
Link hopped around, cursing. The he glared at the horse than at Malon, and his glare deepened as she went on. He stepped up, his face now a scowl. "Don't you command me, girl, like you know anything about anything. I have a plan, I have a clear head, and I don't have time for a stuck-up rancher and her damnable horse to get in my way." Link shoved past Malon, stomping off towards the ranches main gates. Anything was better than just sitting here, even a fool's errand and possibly a waste of time like trying to get the Five Stones. Even having to walk, he would make it to the Lost Woods and find the Stone there, or he would die trying. He didn't really care about the true outcome of the events.

As Link walked off, he began to calm. Slowly he started to regret how he had treated the girl. Had his dad been here to see any of that, Link would have likely been removed from consideration for the Knights. True Knights were supposed to be level-headed and kind to all, fair and staunch defenders of all the denizens of Hyrule. He had been a spoiled child in his dealings with her, but Link couldn't quite let it go that she should have let him take a horse in go. He probably shouldn't have reacted as poorly as he did, but it was on her for not giving him a horse and making this easier on him. Link's leg smarted painfully.

Cursing under his breathe, Link headed for the ranch's main gates, but came to a stop when he noticed the two guards. They must have been there to prevent people like Link from getting out and doing anything stupid. He sighed, getting annoyed again with how much trouble this was becoming. He approached the gate guards, attempting to walk by them. He didn't get far before one of the guards caught up to him.


Link tried to keep walking, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Link."

Link looked up, seeing the Knight who had told him of his father's death. Seething with sudden anger, Link shrugged his shoulder from the Knight's hands. "What do you want," Link asked, gruffly.

"Stay in the Ranch, please. For your safety." The Knight looked legitimately concerned for Link, but that only served to anger Link more. Despite knowing better, a part of Link blamed this man for his father's death.

"No, you say in the Ranch. For your safety." Link retorted, then turned and ran as fast as he could away. He was breath was coming in heaves before he realized he wasn't being followed, and he fell over, trying to catch his breathe. Well, he thought, that could have been more difficult.
Malon kept her mouth shut as Link told her she knew nothing, called her stuck up, and stormed off like a child. Maybe she was wrong about the knight thing. Frowning, she let him go rather than deal with him and his tantrums. The horses needed their rest and Epona would have probably been more stubborn than Malon in the end. The redhead sighed and comforted her horse, moving the pitchfork so that no one else could suffer. She made sure the horses and lon lons were comfortable before she left the stables. She headed to her small home and the tunnels beneath it where most of the people had gathered to eat. She got a bowl of food for herself and some milk and sat down with a small, mousy looking girl. She looked shaken and sad and kept muttering to herself. The girl had obviously needed some comfort, so Malon smiled at her from across the table.

"Hi there, I'm Malon."

The girl seemed surprised that someone else had sat next to her. She must have been deep in thought. "Oh, hello. You must be the owner's daughter. It's nice to meet you," she said with a slight smile. "I'm Leia."

"Nice to meet you too. Are you enjoying the food?" Malon asked, taking a bite of hers. "I've never made food like this for quite so many people before. I hope it's not bland."

"Oh, no, it's great. Thank you for all you've done." The girl frantically started waving her hands as if she needed to physically express her gratitude.

"I'm glad. But you don't need to thank me. I'm happy to do what I can for all of you. You've been through so much, I can only hope you're all comfortable here." Her mind flashed back to the stubborn young man who'd left and she wondered if he'd been foolish enough to actually leave the ranch. "Say...I know this is sort of a long shot--surely not everybody knows everybody here, but do you know a blond young man in a green tunic? He came into the stable not long ago demanding a horse and when I told him he couldn't have one, he stormed off. He had quite an attitude problem, but I'm sure a lot of that is grief...Anyway, do you know anything about him? I'm a little worried..."

The girl nearly dropped her spoon. "He tried to leave tonight?" That could only be one person. Quickly the girl launched into an explanation about Link and the stones, fretting the whole time. She knew Link was capable, but he was a fool if he had just decided to leave. The guy probably hadn't had the foresight to bring any food with him or anything. "I-I have to make sure he didn't leave. If you'll excuse me," she said. With that Leia left the table and rushed off toward the main gates.

Sighing, Malon realized why he'd been in such a hurry and why he'd treated her quite so poorly. That didn't really excuse his bad manners, but she could at least understand them. The desperation he'd had made more sense now, as well as the recklessness she'd sensed. The fool was charging out to his death. Groaning the girl decided she would just have to go after him. This Link character was stubborn, so he was probably headed toward the first stone. She'd have to ask Leia about that. In the mean time, she had supplies to gather and things to pack. Not to mention her chores. Her father wouldn't be happy about this, but he'd have enough people to cover her absence and there was little he could do to stop her.

One thing she couldn't have on her conscience was death. She simply would not allow it. And if the fool died in the night...well, she doubted he would. With that, she set to work on her food and the rest of the chores she had--she'd be leaving early in the morning with Epona.
Link had rested where he had fell for a little bit before picking himself up and walking in the direction he had begun to run. He wasn't entirely sure how far into the Field he was, or what direction he was exactly heading, but it didn't matter to him. He'd find his way eventually. And sure enough, he found a river. Quickly, Link decided to follow the river's flow South, knowing that the Lost Woods were South of Castle Town. He wasn't sure how far of a walk from where he was the woods were, but he would get there. Eventually. Hopefully.

As it neared dark, Link started to realize how quickly he had rushed off without thought. He didn't have any food, and by this point he was exhausted. His stomach growled and Link sighed. Suddenly, he wished he had waited until after supper to leave, or even until the next day. At least then he would have a horse and food. However, he would have had to explain his intentions to others and no one would be as gung-ho about it as Link would. After all, it was a shot in the dark. A stupid shot in the dark.

But it was one that Link would take. If it gave him the power to fight Ganon, it was worth it. And that was all Link cared about. Eventually, Link found a tree by the river and stopped, setting his sword and shield next to the tree while he sat down next to it. He pulled his boots off and sat them to a side, and sighed as he leaned back. He was starving. He hoped the Lost Woods were near. Maybe he could find some food there.
Once she'd finished her chores, Malon found Leia and asked the girl about Link and the information she'd given to him. While Leia reproduced Link's father's map, Malon set about getting ready to search for the lad. Hopefully, he was still alive. She'd gotten a good four hours of sleep, taken a bath, and packed a few sets of clothes, extra shoes, and camping supplies--plus extras for the boy. She found herself wondering more and more if she would need to use the medical supplies she was packing up. It was distressing to know that she was partly responsible for this mess, but also that he had actually done something far more stupid than she'd thought. The girl pulled her hair back into a braid and tied it with a yellow ribbon, and put on riding pants beneath her skirt.

Once she was sure she had everything she would need, she headed down to see her father to tell him what had happened. Of course, he was worried about the young man. Malon, his sweet daughter, the only thing left of his wife, was the most stubborn young woman he'd ever had the pleasure of meeting. There would be no talking her out of seeing this young man along in his journey. And he couldn't deny that someone with that much rage and grief storming through him would need someone calm and cheerful like Malon--and someone like Malon to call him out when he was being too idiotic for his own good.

The girl was a talented rider, had strength and cunning, and knew how to live off of the land if necessary. She was a good healer and he knew that she would do well in the woods. So he gave her as much advice as he could and got together a nice stockpile of provisions for her and the young man to share for awhile. He gave her several bottles to take with her, telling her to fill one with lon lon milk. And when all was said and done, he hugged her fiercely before taking her to the pasture to get Epona.

His little girl sang out her mother's song in a clear and beautiful voice and the horse came running, searching for Malon as though she were the only person in the world who mattered. Yes, as long as the two of them were together, things would be alright. He helped Malon saddle the horse and situate the packs properly before Leia presented the girl with the map and set her on her way.

It wasn't long before Epona found her way to the Zora River, heading Southerly from there. Malon nearly didn't see him--but she was certain that that was the boy, sitting against a tree. He had to be freezing and starving by now. And what was he thinking sleeping like that? Didn't he know he was a sitting duck? Ugh! What an IDIOT. She came to a stop and climbed off of the horse, petting her mane to calm a bit before she walked up to the sleeping boy and leaned down to him, gently shaking his shoulders.

Link hadn't been sure when he had fallen asleep. It had been cold enough he had put his boots back on. He had tried to make a fire, his failed attempts surrounding his sleeping position around the tree. He had curled up, his knees up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs, his head resting on his knees. He had been starving, and very cold. For the longest time Link thought that sleep would be impossible, and that he would be forced back to Lon Lon Ranch to better think his adventure. He had begun to regret running off like he had, but his fierce stubbornness and the thought of proving that girl at the ranch right kept him from moving.

Now, after only a couple hours of sleep, Link found himself being shook away. He looked up lazily, briefly forgetting he was out in the Hyrule Field, thinking he was being shook awake by his mother. It came as a shock, then, to see the girl from the ranch looking at him. Link hollered, pulling away and scampering backwards, his training temporarily forgotten. He jumped to his feet, staring at the girl before recognition finally set in. His expression twisted to irritation, and he almost growled at her.

"What the hell are you doing here, scaring me like that?" Link shot, stomping forward and grabbing his father's sword and shield, beginning to strap them up and onto his back. He refused to look back at her, embarrassment turning to anger inside of him. He noticed the horse, noticing the packs upon the horses back. A loud growl of his stomach betrayed Link, showing he was in need of more help than he cared to admit.
Patient though she was, Malon wasn't going to deal with his shitty attitude this entire time. "Just be glad I'm not one of Ganon's men here to kill you for deserting." She stood and brushed herself off, ignoring his rather brusque outburst. "I should think you'd be a little more grateful to someone who came after your stupid hide. You don't even have the means to make a fire at night or something warm to sleep in. And I know that you don't have food and didn't eat any before you left." She rolled her eyes as he strapped his sword and shield back on.

"Listen, I'm just here to help you, okay? I'm not going to try to bring you back to the ranch with me. I'm going to try to help you reach the temple in the Lost Woods." She proceeded to explain Leia's role in all this and then tilted her head. "I'll help you with food and supplies if you're dead set on trying. I know what it's like to lose someone. I know what it is to wish there was something you could do to change that or something you could fight to avenge them. I understand. But I'll only help you if you drop the attitude. You know you need my help, so quit acting like you can do it all by yourself."
"If I had stayed any longer than I had, I wouldn't have been able to leave at all."

Her next statement caused Link's face to darken, and he spun around as he spoke, finally finished strapping on his weapon and shield. He stepped forward towards Malon. For a moment it looked like he was going to let out another tirade of rudeness and stupidity, but his brain seemed to finally catch up with his mouth as he features softened just a tad. He closed his eyes, sighed, and crossed his arms. "Whatever," he said, looking away. "If you wanna help, you can start with food. I am starving."

Part of him was angry that Malon had tried to understand how he felt, how she had tried to understand his need to do something, to fight something. She was a girl, how could she possibly understand!? However, Link couldn't bring himself to be angry at her if she had lost someone important to her as well. It was a strangely rational thought coming from his overly irrational mind, but it gnawed at Link and prevented him from yelling at the poor girl.

She had lost someone too, then. She wanted to help and had things that Link needed to complete his journey. His poorly planned, brashly sat out upon journey. As Link waited for the food, even he had to admit this girl was a blessing. However, Link was sure that thought would pass.
"I'm going to let that last one slide because you're in a lot of pain. But just a word to the wise? It's best not to mess with people who make your food." With a pointed look in his direction, she took a few things from the packs on Epona's back and led the horse to the tree to rest. She took a few pieces of tinder and set to building a fire before using flint and stone to spark it to life, blowing on it just a little to bring it up. She'd lit it like a pro, and she didn't really give any thought to the fact that he hadn't lit one at night. It was probably smarter, strategically. But since this was the middle of the morning, she didn't much care. She broke off a decent sized chunk of bread and gave that to link while she got to making something creamy but lacking in meat for breakfast. She poured him a bowl and took a small serving for herself.

"The rest is yours if you want more when you finish. There's lon lon milk in there, so it should help restore your energy." With that, she handed him a spoon and dug into her own little meal. Hopefully he'd be more agreeable with food in his stomach.
Link scoffed at the girl, standing there and watching her work. She knew how to light a fire, which was a skill Link never picked up. It was rare for a Knight to leave Castle Town, and rarer for one to go alone. Most Knights knew how to start a fire, so it was unlikely Link would have been ever paired up with a Knight who couldn't light a fire if one was necessary. Still, Link's growing sense of inadequacy was only adding to his irritation. He took the bread from her, scarfing it down in no time as he took a seat near the fire. The food she then made was wholly appreciated even if it did lack in meat; though Link made it a point not to show it.

Link dug into his bowl noisily, hungrily slurping it up. It was good, and Link did feel heartened after his first bowl. He dug into the rest with gusto, not paying much heed to the girl who had made it for him. When he had finished several bowls and felt content, Link laid back on his arms, letting out a contented sigh. When he glanced at Malon, for the first time, his eyes showed a general sense of contentment rather than anger or pain. It seemed that, for the moment, Link had forgotten his troubles. "For something without meat, that was pretty good." He said to her, nodding. "Thanks."

He sat up, his expression becoming serious. "So as for what we are doing. We are looking for a Temple in the Lost Woods. Now, its well known that if you aren't very careful, you will end up lost. You have to take precautions when going into the Lost Woods. It earned its name for a reason." Link's old angry self was gone, now, his voice calm and cool. It seemed he had finally gained enough sense to think about what he was doing. "There is an old wives' tale in Castle Town that the reason you always seem to get lost in the Lost Woods is that there is a village of fairy people who use magic to keep outsiders away." He looked up at Malon, thinking.

"All the map tells me is that the temple is in the Lost Woods. I've never heard any Knight who went into the Lost Woods say anything about a temple...so I'm tempted to believe the old wives' tale. Maybe its the guardians of the temple trying to keep outsiders away from it. So, if we go by that assumption, we are going to have to find a way to break the magic to actually find the temple." Link tilted his head to one side, a curious look coming over his face. "I don't imagine you would know anything about dispelling magic."
He was different now, somehow. Some of the anger had died away to leave a normally intelligent person. And one who wasn't horribly rude. Apparently food went a long way to improving his disposition. That and time. And realizing that he needed help. Well, she was far more willing to work with this young man than the one she'd met last night in the stables. But then for awhile, she'd felt that anger herself. When she'd become old enough to feel the frustration, the anger of her mother's death--a death that she'd felt was her fault for the longest time.

She smiled a little at him and set to cleaning up the dishes which now had very little left in them. The river wasn't far. She could take care of them there. For now, it was important to listen to him, however. So while she listened, she put out the fire and got everything ready to carry. "Hmm...Well, I haven't heard of the village of fairy people, but I have heard of the Lost Woods. I don't know anything about dispelling magic, but it's possible that the magic isn't really a factor here. None of the legends I've heard say anything about that. Maybe it's something else. But if it is, maybe we can find clues when we get there."

Optimism. That was important in a mission like this. Luckily for Link, he wouldn't have to supply it all. He could count on her to back him up. Whether something came of this journey or not, Malon was certain that it was a journey Link needed to take.
Link watched as she cleaned the dishes and listened to her, thinking. It was true, it could not be magic at all. None of the Knights who had ventured into the Lost Woods had mentioned magic of any sort, though they did indeed talk about how easy it was to get lost in the woods. Each Knight seemed to have his own way of preventing it, however, and it never seemed like fighting magic had been a part of it. Of course, it wasn't like Link could remember any of their plans. At the time, he had't really cared.

"I guess so. We should probably head out soon. We're likely to be in the Lost Woods overnight, but I'd like to get some searching in before that point."

Link nodded, and when Malon was done washing the bowls, he offered to help her get everything packed up so they could set out. It would be an easy journey to the Lost Woods, just follow the river South, but the journey in the woods themselves would not be easy. Link had never personally been, but he had heard enough stories about the dense tries to know the Horse would not like it much there. Of course, Link could still remember the pain in his shin the horse had caused, and felt it would be fair repentance. He wouldn't tell Malon that, of course.
Malon finished washing the dishes they'd used and repacked them carefully, making sure that everything was safely stored. The horse couldn't go everywhere, so the bags were easily detached and carried with them. None of the packs were terribly heavy. She'd done her best to pack lightly. For now, though, they probably needed to get going. The less time they spent out in the open, the better their chances of pulling this off. Assuming, of course, that the legends were true. And she had to hope that they were or she feared that the young man she was traveling with would be swallowed by despair and anger. His need for vengeance would consume him and he would find himself in an early grave.

Why did she care so much about a stranger? She could relate to that feeling of loss and guilt. The need to put things right, though nothing could be done. Looking at him now, as he explained where they needed to be, she really hoped that he would make it through.

"Epona won't be able to traverse the woods well. She'll need to stay along the outskirts. We can carry the packs ourselves when we're inside. Don't worry, though. I'll be able to call her to us again if she wanders off for protection." With that, she stood up and climbed into the saddle, holding Epona's reins. "Climb up," she said with a smile.
Link looked from Malon to the horse, giving the horse a small look of distrust, before climbing up and taking his place behind Malon. Part of him wanted to argue about how he was forced to ride in the back, but the other part of him wanted nothing to do with the beast that now carried them. Link's shin throbbed from the memory. As they set off towards the Woods, Link sat silently at first, until his mind began to wander to things best left alone.

"So, you are Malon, right? Or is that the woman who used to run the ranch?"

Link's question was in ignorance, a simple conversation starter in order to prevent himself from thinking of things that would sour his mood. He hadn't fully dealt with his father's death, and he didn't want to. Not while he had a job to do, a way to avenge his father. Work first, grieve later.
The redhead caught the look of displeasure in his eyes but kept her face clear of expression. She was smirking pretty smugly on the inside, though. She let him get situated behind her before they took off, and it was some time before Link felt like having a conversation. Malon had them going at a cantor, not yet a gallop. She didn't want to tire Epona too quickly--especially since she wasn't sure how far it was to the Lost Woods. The Kokiri forest would come first, though, if she wasn't mistaken. However, what Link said had nothing to do with any of that. The question took her a moment to register.

"Oh. My name is Malon. My mother's name was Reya, but we don't really talk about her around the ranch. She worked with my father to run the ranch while she was alive. She was in charge of cucoos, horses, and customers. My father had his hands full with the small farming and lon lon side of things." She glanced back at him, her red hair covering part of her face. "Why do you ask?"
"I just wanted to make sure I had the right name for the girl I am journeying with."

Link got quiet for a short bit, thinking. So this girl lost her mom? That would explain what she said earlier. Link considered for a moment asking what happened to her mom, but he quickly decided against it. What good would asking do for her or him? So he set in silence for a while longer. He wasn't sure what to say to this girl. He had been an utter ass to her yesterday, and now she was apparently coming with him on his journey. The journey to avenge his dad.

After a while the woods came into sight, a large expanse of trees that stretched far past Hyrule's borders. As they neared, Link grew more agitated with worry. What would he find in there? Did the temple even exist? Was this all a waste of time? Would he even be able to get the Stone from the Temple if he found it? Questions that couldn't be answered until much, much later. "There it is," Link said finally. "The Woods. Now how to find the Temple...?" He drifted off as he began to ponder the question.
Malon took a good long look at him before she smiled softly and nodded, turning back around. Well, at least he was being nice to her. This was a vast improvement over the young man she'd met not long ago. If they'd met under different circumstances, would they have been friends? Somehow, she doubted that they would have even met if things had stayed the same. Maybe that would have been for the best. After all, he'd lost his father. The redhead decided not to think of that for now, however, driving Epona toward the forest.

When they arrived, Link was little more than dead weight. Poor thing was asleep on arrival. Malon slowed Epona to a stop at the edge of the forest and looked around while she let Link sleep a little longer. He'd been through so much--a little extra rest wouldn't hurt anyone. She spotted a few areas that looked as though there were some poorly maintained paths, and one that looked a bit wider than the rest. Epona would be frightened in the forest, however, so she stayed where she was for the time being and then carefully turned to make sure her passenger wouldn't fall off of the horse.

"Link? Link? Wake up, please. We're here."

Link shot awake, having not even been aware that he fell asleep. He had not slept well, or much, the night before. He adjusted himself on the horse, looking at Malon. "Sorry. Didn't sleep well." Link looked at the woods, which had gotten closer since he last looked at them. He had slept a few more minutes than he had initially thought. He was suddenly very tired, and the idea of carrying all these bags without the horse didn't seem so glamorous to him. He didn't wager they'd get much choice.

After a few seconds, though, Link noticed a path that Epona might have fit down. This got him excited, thinking he may not have to carry anything. "Think your horse will make it down that path?" Link asked, pointing at the path. "It would make it easier, and it looks wide and well-used comparatively, which makes me think that the Knights who made trips here from the castle used it. We might have an easier time getting into the woods there." He looked to Malon, and really hoped she would agree to take the horse into the Woods.

Of course, he knew why it would be better not to. It wasn't likely the Temple would be anywhere near the path, especially no one knew for sure that the temple existed. The path wasn't even that worn, it wasn't like it was travelled often.
Malon smiled reassuringly, trying to show that she understood as they stood at the edge of the forest. She found herself thinking that he was kind of cute when he was asleep anyway. Hopefully he was rested enough to make the hike. Epona, could make it into the forest for awhile, but soon, the terrain would be too rough for her to travel and the lost woods were notoriously dense. The horse would not do well there--whether she wanted to or not.

"Well, this is the Kokiri forest. There should be a village of forest-folk near the entrance where we can safely leave her. I don't think that Epona will be able to make it through the lost woods, though. We'll have to go there on foot. Maybe the forest folk will know something about the temple we're looking for." She gently squeezed Epona with her legs and guided the horse into a lush green forest along the only path that seemed to have been recently used.

"So what information do you have about the places we're going?" she asked, trying to stay on topic as they ventured further into the forest.
Link looked confused for a moment, glancing around at the trees. "I never understood why there were two names for the same set of trees." Link glanced around. The Knights who had traveled to the Lost Woods had called it the Kokiri Forest too, and Link had always assumed they were one and the same. However, when the Knights spoke of Forest Folk, it was with apprehension. They were called Skull Kids, and were said to be one of the many things in the Lost Woods that liked to lead unfortunate travelers astray and get them lost forever.

So Link grew more confused when Malon talked of leaving Epona with them. "Leave the horse with the forest folk? Aren't they dangerous? I mean, the Knights called them Skull Kids if I remember right, and that doesn't sound like the name of a group of people I would want to leave anything with."

"As for the Temples, I know nothing other then they are connected to the legend of the Triforce. You know, very few people can use magic. The Royal Family, Gerudos, and anyone who was blessed by the Triforce. In olden days, in order to get blessed by the Triforce, you would travel to the five temples guarded by the five races of Hyrule and undertake the trials. Pass all five and the Triforce would bless you and you could use magic. Or so the legend goes, anyway." Link got quiet for a little bit, thinking. "But no one could ever find the Temples. Until my dad did, apparently, and left Leia with this map. Its not even clearly labeled, either. So I'm guessing dad drew it in a hurry or didn't know the exact location of the temples. Just where to search."
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