Jugger x FemShep


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan (Ranger)
Tora (Dino Companion)
Darian (Sorcerer)


Festivities are a grand thing. And today was a day to remember. It was West Harbor's annual Harvest Festival. It was a time for fun and games and merchants from all over came to peddle their wares to the locals. But above all else, a true display of strength between fighters of West Harbor came from the arena. Nathan sat atop of Tora, riding her like a horse. He had originally found Tora as a small little lizard...but miraculously it grew in size faster than he had hoped and now it was his trusty companion that helped keep the town safe from wolves or any other threat that would threaten the town.

He waited for his companions to aid him, for he had signed them up for this tournament so that the four of them could take a few swings at the Mossberg brothers without any repercussions from the guards of the village scolding them for public brawling. And to keep things safe, weapons were not allowed. It was completely unarmed fighting with no magic or outside assistance interfering, making it a fair fight that was based on true strength.

Darian soon arrived, reading from a tomb he held within his hand, the other hand was using his staff as a walking stick. "It would seem the women are late to the party." Darian replied as he leaned against the fence next to Nathan and Tora.
Ashton (Warrior)

Emilee (Thief)


Ashton was walking towards Nathan and Darian with her sword and shield put away and pulling Emilee forcefully with her. "Sorry we're late. Somebody couldn't keep her thieving habits under control." She told them as she let go of Emilee then stood with her arms folded. "I found her trying to pickpocket some man's gold."

Emilee shrugged with a slight smile. "What can I say really? It's what I do for a living." She replied in a joking tone then looked towards the boys. "Anyways when is the fight?" She asked getting into a fighting mood from all that was happening around her.
(Just want to disclaim something in case you actually play Neverwinter 2, but some of this stuff I'm altering or creating on my own to make the story a little more original rather than an exact copy of the actual storyline.)

Nathan laughed as he looked to Ashton as she dragged Emilee along with her toward the arena. "Always getting into other men's pants, aren't you Emilee?" Nathan laughed and hopped off of Tora, who then stepped aside knowing that they would be entering the arena. Tora knew she wouldn't be allowed to aid her master in the fight against the Mossberg brothers, who were actually part of the guard.

The Mossbergs were born a year apart from one another. Yvon Mossberg was the oldest brother, yet not the strongest. He was strong but stupid as dirt, only capable of following orders but he had a good heart. And like the rest of the Mossberg brothers, he was a bully, yet with a good heart. Hans Mossberg was the second oldest, yet the fattest. He was the weakest of the Mossbergs and often considered the fat runt of the litter. Wynn and Barry Mossberg were twins, and looked up to their eldest brother Yvon, but were the brains of the group when it came to a situation. Brains and Brawn were dangerous when it came to a bully group.

Darian shrugged. "I don't know. We're still waiting for them to prepare the arena and make certain that its safe for the spectators in case something happened."
Emilee laughed at Nathan's comment, but Ashton seemed unamused. "You know me too well Nathan. If it's not gold it's something else huh?" She joked playfully. She moved to lean against the fence with her arms folded and sighed. Emilee wasn't a slut, but she and Nathan make a lot of flirtatious comments. It was all in good fun for them although Ashton saw it as childish and immature.

"Well then I guess we're gonna have to wait until their finished to kick the Mossbergs asses then." Ashton commented as she watched the people going about their day. Ashton knew all the group's strengths and weaknesses, she'd hope to create a plan to beat them while they were waiting. If Emilee didn't cause more trouble while they did.
"Careful though girls...You may be strong but the Mossbergs are guards. They undergo a training regime. Wouldn't want any of your pretty faces to go bruised would you? Let Myself and Ashton take the front." From the end of his comment, it would seem that Nathan was actually playfully insulting Darian and Emilee as they weren't the most durable of the four of them. Darian simply kept reading his book when a small little ferret appeared from the back of his shirt to poke its head out and looked to the others. It was Darian's familiar, Momo. It squeaked lightly as it went to see what all the commotion was and then it returned to the small inner pouch in the backside of Darian's cloak.

"Hey Ash...If we win, I'm gonna treat you to a night to remember. Heh...Emilee, you're invited too if you want." Nathan said playfully as he petted Tora's head gently, the dinosaur making a small clicking sound that would resemble a cat's purr.
Ashton smirked at Darian knowing that they were the strongest of the group while Emilee and Nathan were...well...Emilee and Nathan. "They might as well sit back while we do all the work, huh Darian?" She insulted them playfully. Hearing Nathan's comment she rolled her eyes and replied "Yeah you wish. You can go play with Emilee." She teased playfully.

Emilee giggled and replied to Ashton "Well if me and Nathan sat on the sidelines you may not find us when you turn around. We might be somewhere more....private." She teased mostly to Nathan then said "Actually that works out for me then, because as you can imagine I'm not very good at sharing." She teased again looking at Nathan.

Nearby a red fox with a coin purse came running with a wolf chasing it, barking. The fox climbed onto Emilee's shoulder while the wolf growled at it from where Ashton was. The fox dropped the coin purse into Emilee's hand and she gave it a pet saying "Good girl Blaze." Ashton pet the wolf to calm him down saying "It's okay Balto. Emilee you got Blaze to steal that man's coin didn't you?" Emilee giggled with a sly smile "Maybe."
Seeing the display of the fox and the wolf, Darian stepped aside so he wouldn't be run over by the two of them as they dashed toward them. "You know Emilee...If you keep stealing from the locals, they'll eventually kick you out of West Harbor. I hope you're at least smart enough to be able to steal from the merchants that only visit to sell their wares to us." Darian closed the tomb and looked to everyone. "It would seem that the arena is ready for us. Remember...It is only the four of us. Your pets will have to remain behind." With that, he walked into the small little arena and waited for the competitors. The ferret slipped out from under his robe and went to join Tora and the others while Nathan went in after Darian.

On the other side, the Mossberg brothers were ranting and taunting, saying that they weren't going to hold back since they were actually allowed to throw punches and not pull any. Nathan simply grinned as he crossed his arms and moved to Emilee. "After this then...Lets get back to my place. Ashton's a buzzkill so that threesome is gonna have to wait." He teased. "But I wouldn't mind bedding you after we win this, Emilee." Darian simply shook his head as he overheard Nathan's flirting with the thief.
Ashton nodded in agreement with Darian when he talked to Emilee about her thieving habits. "I try to tell her to stop that, but she just won't listen to me." She replied then followed Darian to the arena after telling her wolf to stay put until they returned. Ashton heard Nathan's flirting toward Emilee and rolled her eyes at him. "I'm not a buzzkill. I just take things seriously, besides I can do better." She insulted him playfully.

Emilee followed them after telling her fox to stay and beware Ashton's wolf then replied "Hey old habits die hard." She shrugged. She smirked at Nathan hearing his flirt and replied. "Hmmm that's a very tempting offer Nathan. I wouldn't mind bedding with you either actually and don't worry about Ashton I'm more fun anyway." She winked playfully at him
"I know you're more fun. Though...There is something that the two of us have in common. Ashton and myself I mean..." He replied as he suddenly frisked her for the pouch of coin she had stolen. "I don't atone for thievery either. You want this back? Gotta earn it." He winked to her and looked to the Mossbergs as they began to approach the middle of the arena, yet the gong hadn't rang yet for the battle to commence. "Alright...Get ready." Darian ordered as he stepped back. He was frail, for he was a mage. He couldn't take too much physical pain without going down so he'd have to wait for the Mossbergs to get tuckered out from his three companions. Nathan took to standing next to Ash and grinned. "Hey Ash...If I take out one of the Mossbergs before you, you join me and Emilee for a threeway. Otherwise I'll do anything you want me to do if I lose this bet. Deal?"
Emilee was surprised to see how quickly Nathan snatched the coin purse her fox stole from her, but smiled putting her hands on her hips. "Fair enough. I guess either wsay I'm gonna have to work for my money. I'll make it worth every coin." She winked and readied herself for the fight.

Ashton readied herself, but Nathan's comment distracted her. She rolled her eyes at h again, but she was confident enough to believe she'll win and with him doing whatever she wanted she could finally put an end to his flirts. "Alright you're on, but you know you're gonna lose right?" She taunted playfully
"Though you have the advantage because you're stronger than me...I still have much more cunning than you'll ever have, Ash." He said with a snicker. The gong would sound, and the fighters sprawled about. The Mossbergs stayed together, yet Nathan seemed to slowly circle about them...looking for who would be the weakest...Who was letting down their guard the most...Who was not paying attention to him. Darian stayed back, waiting for his three companions to take the first few punches before he'd rush in to aid them. The Mossbergs simply grinned, and Yvon, as big as he was, rushed for Emilee...yet Nathan was quicker on his feet, and moved to sweep across the man's legs to bring him down. Quickly, Nathan began to try to force the Mossberg into submission while Darian went and tackled Hans as he tried to get Nathan off of Yvon, leaving Emilee and Ash with the two twins, Wynn and Barry. Nathan was already having trouble with Yvon as he was much bigger and stronger than Nathan was physically, so Nathan kept trying to put pressure on the pressure points that would hopefully lock up the man's arms and legs...Yet his muscle thickness made it difficult to find these points.
Emilee was getting ready to take the hit from Yvon, but Nathan stopped him from attacking her. Although she had no doubts about her skill she knew she couldn't take on Yvon. Ashton saw Nathan was already making the first move so she had to work quickly if she wanted to win this bet. Although they disagree a lot, Emilee and Ashton were a good team. Emilee was stealthy and quick on her feet while Ashton was stronger and more head on. They were left to deal with the twins. They smiled at each other and Emilee quickly dashed to the side while Ashton ran toward them. Ashton punched one hard and Emilee jabbed the other from behind. Using this style of fighting they used this tactic to attack, switching between twins as they did.
Nathan continued to struggle with Yvon as the giant Mossberg continued to struggle with Nathan on his back. Eventually Nathan began to start slamming his face into the dirt, and knowing that he couldn't keep Yvon pinned...Quickly stood up and jumped off of Yvon's head and a ways away from him. Yvon stood up growling as he ran over toward Nathan, who dodged and watched as Yvon fell over the wooden fence that was the boundary of the arena. "Out!" The referee called, as Yvon was now out of bounds and thus disqualified.

Darian was dealing with Hans with some trouble. The strength difference was even more greater with these two than with Yvon and Nathan...and with no one to fight, Nathan rushed over to help Darian with Hans by putting him into a full nelson while Darian began to start a flurry of punches throughout Han's frontside.

Wynn and Barry were easily holding their own against Ashton and Emilee...Moreover Emilee, however. They simply guarded and parried moves rather than trying to take the punches and blows. Eventually they would lock arm in arm and run toward Ashton in an attempt to clothesline and bring down the strongest member of their party.
It was true Emilee lacked in strength, but that's where Ashton came in. Ashton planted her feet and looked like she was getting ready to take the hit, but just in time Ashton punched them in the throats, using their locked arms as a safe point from any punches they were gonna throw. Emilee, since she was forgotten, sneaked up behind the twins and made their arms unhook from each other. Quickly Ashton tackled the left on to the ground and started punching his face relentlessly while Emilee took the right and tackled him so that he landed face down and started to slam his head into the ground, hoping to knock them unconscious
The twins couldn't believe they were bested so easily as they were being wailed on by GIRLS of all people! Soon the ref announced that the two twins were at a loss and made Ashton and Emilee the victor. Darian was having some trouble still...as Hans had managed to get Nathan out of the arena and was now on top of Darian, wailing on him. Soon the ref called Darian out, and now it was just Hans, Ashton, and Emilee. Hans grinned as he stood up, and spat out some blood from his bruised up face. "Two bitches? Really? This is going to be easy...You may have beaten my brothers but you won't beat me."
Emilee wasn't so sure about winning against Yans, but she was sure as hell not giving up yet. Ashton seem confident, but she couldn't help, but smile that Nathan and Darian were out so they could show the boys what they do. "Aw look Emilee the little piggy took out the boys, but let's show this swine not to mess with us." She cracked her knuckles. Emilee didn't taunt him, but she readied herself knowing Ashton wanted him to make the first move
"Little...Piggy...!?" He said angrily, and bull rushed toward Ashton, red in his eyes from anger. He was focusing on Ashton now as he rushed toward her, using his body's mass for his tackle. He came closer and closer to her the more he ran at her. "I'll kill you for that comment, you bitch!" Hans lunged toward Ashton. If she didn't move, his mass would crush her under his body.
Emilee quickly pulled Ashton out of the way letting him charge past them then without much thought they ran up behind him and Emilee swiped her leg under him and made Yans fall hard to the ground. Quickly Ashton used her strength to pin him down on his back and Emilee started kicking his head as hard as she could trying to knock him out. Ashton wouldn't be able to hold him for long so she had to do her best while Emilee attempted to knock out the already injured Yans
Though Hans was the weakest of the four brothers...He was the most dangerous as well when enraged. As he struggled with Ashton and Emilee, he simply rolled over with all his might and steamrolled Ashton, pinning her under him as he struggled to get free from her grasp. "Dammit bitches! Let me go and forfeit before I kill the two of you!"
Ashton smirked as he pinned her down saying "Why should we forfeit a fight we're gonna win, besides we have to look good in front of the boys." She smirked and looked up to see Emilee was standing above her and her foot quickly met his face hitting his nose and part of his eye, trying to ger him to focus on her.
He couldn't protect his face. Even though he was pinning Ashton with four hundred pounds of fat, she was holding him down still and he could do nothing as the ref called a forfeit for Hans, as he would more than likely die if he took anymore damage to the face. He rolled over and simply lay there, finally falling unconscious. Nathan jumped into the arena and ran to hug the two girls. "You did it! We won!" He said happily as he celebrated with the two of them. Darian simply smiled as he walked over and crossed his arms. "Good job indeed. Looks like we've won." He said with a smile and walked over to receive their reward of five hundred gold coins to split between them. Darian walked over and smiled as he gave the three of them a hundred and twenty five pieces of gold, an even cut for the four of them. "You three go and enjoy the rest of the festival...I must go and attend to something. Sentret, come!" Darian called out, and his ferret came and crawled into the back of his robe like it did before. Darian walked off, leaving the three of them to the rest of the festival.
Emilee and Ashton were relieved Hans decided to forfeit giving them the victory they worked hard for. Ashton and Emilee smiled at each other feeling triumphant, but started to giggle as Nathan ran up and hugged them. "You make it sound like you doubted us." Emilee teased and Ashton chuckled softly "It wasn't anything we couldn't handle, besides none of them had the balls to hit us." They took the money that Darian gave them and Emilee said to Ashton "Come on let's go have some fun." After that they called their pets and smiled at Nathan. Blaze climbed up onto Emilee's shoulder and Balto joined Ashton's side. "Ready Nathan?" Ashton asked
"For what the three of us are going to do later or to continue on with the carnival?" He teased, and nudged Ashton in the arm. "But hey...You don't have to go through with the threesome if you aren't up for it Ash. Wasn't gonna force you or anythin'. Emilee and myself could have a ton of fun on our own...though it'd be much more fun with a third." He winked to her. "The merchants are probably going to start leaving soon. Their sales might've dropped by now to get rid of some junk they don't want to lug around. Lets go see if we can get anything good for cheap."
Emilee smiled as Nathan teased them replying "I know I'm ready to have fun tonight." She giggled. Ashton appreciated that Nathan wasn't gonna force her to go through a threesome if she didn't want to. She sighed letting him nudge her into his arm. "We had had a bet Nathan and you won, I saw you. I'm a woman of my word." She said with pride and a slight smirk "This will be a one time thing got it?" She de sure he knew this wasn't gonna happen again.
"I'll let you be the judge of that. After tonight I bet I'd have you groveling at my knees asking for me again." He said with a tease. He walked with the girls to some of the merchants that sold trinkets, furniture, clothing, and supplies. Nathan was checking out some crossbows and the craftsmanship of some specially made arrows while the girls would do their own things. He was trying to find a good price for the things he wanted, as he needed a new crossbow and had saved up quite a bit for a decently good one. Some bolts would be nice to use as well, as it was hard to craft them himself with what little supplies he had. "Ash, Emilee...Did you find anything?"
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