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A Love Lost In Time

Leigh sighed quietly and nodded. "Okay." She murmured. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked up at him again. "I can climb." She sighed quietly and ran a hand through her hair. "Thanks for helping today. I'm just going to walk home. I could use the fresh air. Besides, it will give me time to look like I haven't been crying for hours since my mom is pretty freaked out about last night." She murmured. Patting Adam on the shoulder lightly, she smiled slightly. "Thanks." She moved away and she walked out of the parking lot and on towards home.
Adam returned to the locker room where the trainers had already dressed Nathan and ready to go to the hospital. The coach was giving his post game pep talk congratulating them for their win. Adam faked his ankle injury and limped to Nathan's side patting him gently on his injured shoulder hurting him on purpose."Your an idiot. " He then left him there to deal with everything himself going home on his "wounded" leg. Nathan got into the ambulance with the kid he hit not saying a word but glad he was awake and feeling okay. They both needed to be checked out for their own reasons and the coaches would not allow them anything else.

His parents met him at the hospital and waited with him he remained quite as they had seen what happened. His father knew something was off his mother was not sure exactly what was going on with him. He was taken into the back and his shoulder was set and wrapped so it would heal 4 weeks he would have to be careful. His season was done and he was devastated. His parents took him home his father stopping to have his mother drive his car home the let him be as he went to bed and laid down. The large padded metal brace holding his shoulder in place his arm in a sling held to his chest he had no clue how he was going to sleep.
By the time Leigh got home, her mother wanted to know what was going on but Leigh really wasn't in any position to talk. She simply went up to her room and lay down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tears started to come to her eyes again. She couldn't stop crying. Then she heard a knock at her door.

"Leigh?" Her mom asked.
"I'm not really into talking right now, Mom." Her voice cracked and she was doing all she could to not cry. There were several lumps in her throat and swallowing each one hurt. It only brought in more lumps.

Anne heard the voice breakage and she walked in and saw her daughter. She saw she was on the verge of tears and she sat down next to her, putting her hand on hers. "Just tell me."

Leigh explained it all to her. About making love with Nathan which her mother was a bit freaked out upon but didn't lecture her daughter on it. She was thankful of putting her on birth control so long ago. Then Leigh explained about the party and how Sterling was back, a guy her mother definitely knew and remembered. She told her how she wanted nothing more than to make the jerk leave, and wasn't going to succumb to anything sexual. But then he drugged her and she apparently cheated on Nathan.

"This entire day, I was trying to tell Nathan the truth, get him to know I wasn't trying to hurt him. I owned up to lying but it wasn't me that cheated on him. I was drugged. Never in my right mind would I hook up with a guy like Sterling. I love Nathan." She was crying so much now. She didn't have to say anything more as her mother let her lay her head in her lap. She turned into her stomach and just cried, her mother holding her. They were like this for several hours. Leigh crying until she passed out and her mother staying by her side the entire night. She was so worried for her daughter. She had never seen her this broken up about anything.
Stephen passed out quickly the pain killers doing wonders on his pain and his ability to stay awake. He woke up late in the day the next morning and it took him nearly an hour to get cleaned up and dressed in a simple button up shirt. He went down stairs to his car and wen't to the mall he needed to get a new cell phone and it was not something he was looking forward to. Driving was painful and a challenge with only one arm it was a night mare trying to get to the mall. Once there he walked around aimlessly the sooner he got his new phone the sooner he would need to go home.
That next day, Leigh woke up and rubbed her puffy eyes. She turned and saw her mother laying there asleep. Shaking her gently, she sat up and ran a hand through her hair. When Anne finally opened her eyes, she too sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Morning sweetheart. How do you feel?"

Leigh frowned a bit. "Shitty. I guess this is what a skank must feel like..." She murmured.

"Why don't you try talking to him again?"

Leigh nodded. "I can do that. I will see you later." She kissed her cheek and then got up and took the world's quickest shower and then changed into leggings and a big shirt. She got her shoes on and didn't even bother doing her hair. It was big enough while wet and it'd stay that way; thank god for thick hair. Running out of the house, she ran all the way to Nathan's house, only to find his car wasn't there. No matter. If she waited in his room, he'd have to deal with her and hear her out. Swallowing hard, she found the window that belonged to his room and she started to climb up and managed to open the window without setting the alarm off. It wasn't her first time climbing and sneaking into someone's room.

Falling into his room, she was thankful she didn't make loud noise and had a quiet landing. Standing up, she paced along his room, hiding into the closet if his mom approached or came into his room. Given that the last time she went into his closet, her foot got stuck in something, she simply stayed in the closet, waiting until Nathan would come back.
After about an hour Nathan got his new phone and had it programed deciding on getting the new droid since he was going to be paying threw the nose for it anyway. Coming home he looked at his empty contact list and frowned his mother greeting him at the door with ice for his shoulder. "I am fine mom besides you cant feel ice threw a steal plate. " She pouted a bit and he took the ice bag just to shut her up. He was a bit of a mommas boy and hated making her upset giving her a hug and saying thank you he went back to his room. Opening the door and tossing the bag off ice off to the side causing it to hit the closet door. He then flopped into bed wincing a bit as the forceful jostling hurt his arm a bit he then set to work getting applications for his phone lost in his own world not noticing window had been opened.
The sound of something hitting the closet door scared the hell out of her. She stayed quiet though and finally able to get her foot free from whatever it was, she slipped out of his closet and saw him there. Swallowing hard, she just crossed her arms over her chest. "Nathan." She said loud enough for him to hear, not seeing any headphones on this time. They had to talk. She wasn't going to stop until they could finally talk this out. They needed to. They needed to settle this and she needed to know where she stood in his life. He may see as a total pain but she wasn't backing down.
His head darted over to her as she spoke biting his lip nervously trying to hide it by biting the inside. He shifted on the bed a bit his shoulders moving as one solid piece as the metal kept them from moving much. He took a deep breath looking at her groaning softly as the metal restricted his chest. "Either my mom is trying to trick me ... or you figured out how to get onto the roof of the garage... Either way... i can't throw you out now can i... " He said softly looking at her putting his new phone away and moving to stand slowly. His right arm grabbing the chair from his computer desk and rolling it over to her so she had a place to sit. He then moved to set on the bench where press leaning forward towards her taking a deep breath. "I guess my only choice is to talk to you even if i wanted to put it off for a few days. "
Honestly, she was just about done. He didn't want to talk to her so what more was she to do. She could only say how sorry she was so many times until he literally threw her out. And it was killing her that he didn't even want to talk. Sitting down in the chair, she sat on the edge of it and let out a heavy breath. "Do you want me to go then?" Depending on what his answer was, she'd take that as the final end. If he said no, she'd stay and they'd have a chance to patch things up. But if he said no then that only showed that he really didn't want her anymore and honestly had no intention of making amends. It'd mean that once he said yes, she'd walk out and it'd be for good.
"No ... your hear now no point in putting it off any longer just... bare with me if i am a little groggy i am rather sedated right now. " He took a short breath trying to take a deep one he let out a soft sigh and reached back pulling the bench up to a 45 degree angle. Bringing his foot up and resting it causing his knee to be bent high around his chest his other foot hanging as he looked at her. "I don't need a guardian I... I can not be mad at you for trying to protect me but... " He stopped closing his eyes shaking his head a bit to clear the fog that the drugs where causing letting out a soft sigh. "God i hate drugs... " He groaned reaching into his pocket taking out the small pill bottle and chucking it towards the trash can preferring to be in pain then living in a cloud.
Nodding, she watched him, sitting back a bit and let out a soft sigh. As he started talking, she stood suddenly. "I was drugged! I was roofied. I still can't remember what happened but I have been told what I did. I would never do that to you in any clear conscious. I didn't sleep with that guy back in Kansas and I never would. That's why he drugged me." She told him. "I love you and only you." She said softly, going to him. Calming down a bit, she stepped back and just sat back in her chair, putting her hands over her face and then just shook her head.
"I know... I... Am not angry with you for what happened at the party. I... You lied to me that is what I am upset about and... If i can not trust you how can i be with you. " He looked at her his leg falling as he was now straddling the bench staring into her eyes biting his lip lightly. "I made Leighton promise me that she would never ever use her magic to hurt anyone. The woman i loved lied twice to me in 2 days. "His voice cracked a bit as he fought back tears trying to deal with everything that had happened was stressing him out incredibly. "I need you to promise me that you will never lie or hide to me again. " He said softly staring into her eyes trying to read her as best he could in his clouded state. "And that means your past I need to know if something like this could happen again."
Leigh bit her lower lip and she nodded. It was pointless to justify why she lied. It'd still be that she lied to him and that was a horrible thing anyways, especially after they made love. Swallowing hard, she started to think back about life in Kansas and all the open wounds that had yet to be bandaged. Sterling was the only one and hopefully he would be out of the picture and for good. "I think Sterling was the only one. Everyone else hurt me so they won't be coming back." She told him simply, playing with her hands subconsciously. "I will never lie to you again Nathan. I promise. I should have just told you. I'm so sorry."
"Tell me about Kansas please. I want to know everything about you and ... " He took a deep breath wincing a bit looking at her sighing softly staring into her eyes not wanting to tell her he need to know what he was getting into. "Never mind." He stood up taking a deep breath walking over kissing her cheek and going to lay on the bed taking a deep breath sighing softly. "I just need to get over it you where trying to protect me I just need to get over my pride and.... deal with it im sorry. "
As much as she wanted to keep her past in the past, she knew she'd have to come to terms with it otherwise more of these skeletons would come out of the closet and ruin things. Looking up at him, she walked over to him. While she had a feeling that after she told him all this he'd never want to be with her, let alone be able to look at her the same, he did deserve to know what he was getting into. Walking to him, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him. "I'll tell you." She let out a deep breath and nodded.

"I was the girl with the bad reputation." She told him. "In other words, the girl who would open her legs for any guy who expressed a care or want." She looked down and then at him. "My parents stopped seeming to care about me or stopped expressing any interest in my life after I was five. All I had were distant nannies and was always dropped off at Adventure Time, an after school thing in elementary school where kids could go to if their parents couldn't get them earlier. Then middle school came around and well girls develop in middle school. So that's what happened. Suddenly, guys wanted me but I never gave in completely because it was new to me." she explained.

"Once high school hit, any guy that said they liked me, maybe even loved me, I was powerless before them and gave in. All I wanted was to know I mattered to someone and that my life wasn't insignificant and these guys filled that void. Then again, once they got what they wanted from me, they left me in a heartbeat. Eventually it became a contest. 'Who could sleep with the school slut the fastest?' it was called." it put a damper on her heart to even be talking about this. This was why she was so excited to be moving from Kansas to Massachusetts. Finally a new life and a chance to start over.

"Sterling was the last guy. He almost had me fully wrapped around his finger but then I found out I was moving and when he found out, his true colors were exposed. He was just like the rest of them and I was happy to be moving on from him. But it didn't sit well with him that all his friends slept with me and he was left out." She told him. "So he came here." She explained. "But then I met you and...everything was happening so fast and I was scared out of my mind but things never seemed to make more sense than they did now, when I'm with you." She told him. "And now my parents, or at least my mom cares and so did you until I ruined it all. But I swear, I'm not that girl I was anymore. All I wanted was to be loved. And I have that, or well had that. I love you so much Nathan. I fall hard and fast." She said softly. "But I get it if you think this is all too much. I'd never push you."
He took a deep breath letting out a soft sigh as she spilled her story to him he had known she was not a virgin after they made love but it sounded like she had been with a lot of guys. He did not know how he felt about that but he knew he was a bit nervous he had unprotected sex with as she called it... the school slut. He let out a nervous sigh and she stopped talking and reached out to take her giving it a gentle soft squeeze. "We need to put on the brakes for several reasons not the least of which being i can't move my right arm. "He slowly moved to stand struggling as he tried to do it with out letting go moving over to his desk he pulled the small duffel bag out and began rooting around in it silently. As he pulled out the his letterman jacket he looked at her handing the heavy coat over to her looking into her eyes. "Next time you give it up... I am not giving it back so... make sure you mean it." He said softly his words failing him as he tried to sound nicer but he was not able to a combo of the drugs, pain, and his still broken heart.
Leigh bit her lower lip, so afraid he'd never look at her the same, even worse not want to be with her. Swallowing hard, she nodded and watched as he brought his jacket. She smiled gently and took it in her hands but when he said that, she felt her heart beat fast again. Nodding slowly, she let out a small sigh. "I-I'm sorry. I figured y-you'd want it back...after what I-I did." She looked from him then down, folding his jacket around her arm, petting it gently. It meant the world to her because it said something very important about their relationship. Biting her lower lip, she stood up slowly, hugging his jacket to her and looked at him. "Um..." She didn't know what now.

For the record, while he wore no condom, she had been on birth control since freshman year. It did wonders for her periods which had one been MIA for about a year during seventh and eighth grade.
He looked into her eyes wanting to tell her to get tested be knowing that would sound rude if he asked her to do that. Instead he decided to get himself checked next week he was terrified right now but he thought it was just the drugs talking. He slowly laid back down looking at her closing his eyes reaching into his pocket puling out his phone and tossing it towards her on the bed. With out words telling her to go ahead and put her number in it hoping she would not get offended he needed it again.
Leigh watched him, biting her lower lip. Yup, she knew it. He couldn't stand to be around her. He thought she was a slut. Swallowing hard, she just took his phone and put her number in it and then set it down. "i'll just go..." She said quietly, taking his jacket with her, in fact putting it on. She walked to the window and climbed out, walking on the roof of the garage and climbed down. She then walked home, crossing her arms over her chest. It'd never be the same. Arriving home, she said nothing to her mother and went to her room where she slammed the door shut and locked it, taking off his jacket and screamed. Then she started crying. She screamed and cried and her mother let her be.
Nathan took his phone back out and texted Adam but the new phone was still a bit confusing and he sent the text to everyone on his contact list, thankfully that was only Adam and Leigh. I am a fucking moron... She poured her heart out to me twice and i am acting like an ass. I am terrible at this whole dating thing man can you just put me out of my misery. Why do i keep fucking things up why can't i just enjoy a good thing when i have it. He groaned and waited for a reply his shoulder was beginning to hurt terribly and he knew the pain would not go away. He accepted it feeling he deserved it for being such an ass to a woman who was literally throwing himself at him begging to be with him. The text he was searching for finally did come to him though he could not find any sense in it. "Because your in love... stop trying to think with your head... start using your heart."
As she took a breather, her phone went off. She grumbled, grabbing it and saw it. It was a text from Nathan. Swallowing hard, she had a feeling that it was a break up text but when she opened it, she suddenly felt and knew that this wasn't supposed to be sent to her. She sank back on her bed and sniffled. Putting her phone down, she finally managed to calm down and just lay on her bed. She didn't cry anymore. She lay on her back and closed her eyes, falling asleep. She had gotten maybe three or four hours of sleep the previous night/ early morning. She cried so much now her body was exhausted.Now she could sleep. Now, she knew that he didn't really hate her.
Nathan fought sleep all night before finally blacking out around 3 am no longer able to handle being awake or the pain caused by being so. The next morning he got up needing to get out of the house gladly he was able to get dressed and ready in only about 45 minuets he was getting better. He soon put on his special hoodie his mother had bought him for Christmas the year before a black hoodie with the cord for a pair of ear buds sewn into the seem. Putting his Ipod in his pocket he slipped from the house going for a jog the music blaring just letting his feet take him where he may. He found them taking him straight to her house and then past it into town jogging nearly 2 miles before stopping at the memorial. There he sat staring at the stake where his life was changed for ever trying to figure out if he was better off or not.
Honestly, Leigh didn't know what to think of their relationship,or if they were even in one. The way things were going, she really didn't know what to think. She had been up since 5 AM, staring out the window, watching the sunrise. It was beautiful and it gave her the opportunity to mentally atone for all the wrong she did in her life; all the mistakes she made just by craving that attention she lacked at home. Look where it got her? While her mother expressed an interest and her father was trying, she had lost the one guy who saw her as a real girl and not just some slut he could do to win a bet.

At around 9 AM, Leigh showered and got dressed for the day. Her mother was taking her out shopping to cheer her up. Her dad was held up at work but he told them to go nuts now because he got his first paycheck while working his new job and suddenly they weren't short on money and could finally live rather than stress in debt. For once their payments were made with that one paycheck, mother and daughter were able to do some happy and healthy shopping; finally going to the mall nearby since they had moved there.

Once she was dressed, she got her blow dryer out and dried her wet hair. After it was done, she stood up right and had the hair of the bride of frankenstein or that of someone who had just gotten electricuted. Combing it out, she then grabbed her heated straightener and straightened her bangs. She was able to work with the bangs she had now. They didn't look so bad, especially since she had looked up ways to style really short bangs. Walkng out of the bathroom after turning everything off, she went downstairs and then found a note from her mom. Urgent call from work. I'm so sorry Leigh. Take this card and go nuts. It has all the money that you can spend. Shop till ya drop! Love, Mom.

Maybe it was for the best. Grabbing the card that was in her name, Leigh grabbed a bag/purse and walked out. Everything was so close by that it was a good walking distance. Besides, some air would do her good, no doubt. But as she walked to the mall, she passed by the park where the memorial was. Looking into the distance, she saw Nathan. She wanted to go talk to him. But maybe some space is what they needed. Walking along, she tucked a lock of hair around her ear.
He had been setting there for a while and stood his heart finally slowed as he stood he knew what he needed to do. He turned and prepared for for the jog back home just because he could not play did not mean he could get out of shape. He had a life planned and this was part of it he needed the scholarships to pay for school so he could leave he had enough of this town and the bad memories. Seeing her he froze closing his eyes letting out a soft sigh jogging up to her taking a deep breath. "I need to show you something it is a ways away you mind going for a walk in the woods." He took a deep breath he was going to share his past with her since she did with him.
Looking back at him when he started speaking, she swallowed hard, nodding slowly. "Sure." She really didn't know what to think about all this now. If anything she was just grateful he was talking to her and looking at her and hopefully not thinking anything bad about her. After reading that text, she now knew that he didn't hate her. He was just hurting and not even she could rain on that because it was fair. "Um...lead the way." She said simply, putting her hands in her pockets just a bit awkwardly.
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