Dynasty Warriors: Fanning the Flames (FemShep and Yajirobe)

Shuan felt Feng bunching up her clothes as he pulled up her clothing as skillfully as he could. She was hesitant to slip out of them, but she was mostly distracted from Feng's long and passionate kiss. She watched as he slipped his shirt off of himself and knew there wasn't a doubt at what his intentions were. Her hands felt his well fit chest, feeling him for a moment. Then for the moment of having their lips seperated she looked up at him and slowly pulled up her bunched up shirt off of herself.

She was still blushing, but very faintly now and she looked up at him as she laid down under him without her shirt and her breast hiding behind her bra.
Feng was glad to see that Shuan was blushing so much, it egged him, on, encouraging him to not give up what he was up to and to push things forward as well. He let his hands slid up under her her top moving it aside as he let his fingertips play gently, with her soft mounds. His fingers caressing carefully, but also at the same time very firmly, her as he looked down at the body that he had uncovered himself. It was as impressive as he thought it would be, actually in a lot of ways, is was far more impressive then he thought that it was going to be. He figured that he had not seen its equal in at least a long time..

Feng soon relented from his caressing to slip his hands back to his waist and slide off his own pants and undressed himself completely, now, he knew she had to know there was no turning back from how far they had gotten. That he planned to push this to its ultimate outcome. He adjusted Shuan's body soon, working her body, closer to his, her legs around his hips as he prepared himself and her for the next logical step which was to follow on the path that they were headed down.
Shuan watched as Feng felt her soft round mounds with his hands, carefully yet firmly. She moaned very softly feeling her sensitive breast being touched again by a man after so long. After his hands left her mounds she watched as he undressed himself for her. There wasn't a hint of doubt of what was intended now and once she did the same there was no going back. She looked at him for a moment and undid the straps that held her pants up. If he truly wanted to continue then he would help her pull them off. It was difficult for her since he sat in between her legs.

Her hands softly moved up his arms and onto his shoulders. She moved up a little to kiss him again then softly started to kiss and suck on his neck. Her hands moved to rest on his back. She looked into his eyes for a moment as if she was making sure it was really Feng. After one more kiss she laid back down with her hands on his shoulders, reading herself for his next move.
Feng saw Shuan's actions and knew that the opening for taking off her pants and what laid below them was open, he wanted it to do it in a certain way though. He let his hands trail upwards over her legs, making sure to touch them firmly as he moved his legs to either side of her own legs moving her legs back together at the same time. He then slowly removed her pants, letting his fingers touch her body as much as possible, using the opportunity to tease the female merc as much as he could, while he took her pants off, and then while she took off what was below, he made sure to do that with just one hand as the other one rubbed against her and teased her the whole while.

Feng then looked at her undressed she was like a nice desert, or great present that had just been unwrapped. He readjusted her hips and let his finger rub more against her womanhood, teasing it, helping set the stage for the next part, he soon was using his own shaft to rub against her womanhood, pressing it, but not pushing in till the moment for that was at hand, it wasn't yet, first he had to get Shuan into such a heat that this night would be very memorable.
Just feeling his hands on her lower body was only helping her arousal. She didn't fight against him re-adjusting how their legs were, figuring he had a set idea of what he wanted. As he pulled her pants off, his hands felt so good on her smooth thighs and legs. Slowly she was undressed to the point she was completely bare before him. But she gasped softly feeling his hand teasing her young womanhood that grew wetter just by his touch. Her cheeks were red from what was happening rather then the alcohol. Unknowingly her own hand slipped down to his and pushed his fingers past her lower lips to let him feel how wet she was getting. Her free hand pulled the ribbon keeping her hair up to release it so she could lay before him completely comfortably.

For a moment Shuan looked into Feng's eyes as he looked at her newly undressed body. Rather he was drunk or sober enough to know what he was knowing, she wanted him and it showed in her sparkling eyes. The moment his shaft started to rub against her sensitive spot she closed her eyes and moaned softly. That was tghe moment her womanhood grew soaking wet and warm, hungry for what he had to give her. Normally she could handle a good tease, but not tonight. Not with him. She had to have him.
Fang looked down at her as he slide his hands from between her legs, he was a bit drunk yes, he wasn't one who normally drank, and the feeling was something new to him to be drunk, but he wasn't overly so, to the point that it would prevent his ability to think about what he was doing or mess with his hand eye cordination at the moment as well. He looked at her body, his eyes scanning it softly with an great apprasal of her and smiled as he slid his fingers over her soft skin pressing it softly over her body enjoying the tension that each movement of his fingers caused as he adjusted her ever so much to prepare for what would be the main event as it were.

Feng pressed himself against Shuan for a moment as he teased her for a extra moment or so, unable to help himself but to do so. He then let his lips find her own as he pressed himself into her, pressing in with a firm steady first thrust his hands caressing her legs as he did so, making the moment as memorable as possible for the both of them. He could feel his heart beating calmer actually after he thrusted in, the anticipation was something that had caused his heart to beat extra fast for the moments before.
His hands caressing her naked body was a pleasure all on its own. The way he touched and teased her felt better to her then any other men's touch she's felt before. Somehow how he touched and pleasured her was all the more sweeter then she was use to. When his lips found hers, she wasted no time kissing him back with a loving passion that fit the moment almost perfectly. The moment he pushed himself inside of her, a soft and quick gasp followed by a muffled moan mixed in with their kiss. She grew hotter just feeling his heat throbbing inside of her. This was a night she'll never forget.

Her arms wrapped over his shoulders to rest her hands against his back, reading herself for more of his thrusts. Her wet walls adjusted slowly to his manhood inside of her, but still a tight fit. His body against hers was something out of a dream, their bodies fit prefectly like puzzle pieces. As he caressed her legs, her legs bent into an acute angle, her feet flat on the ground and trapping his hips between them.
Feng was more then a bit impressed by Shaun, she was a natural, he could feel the passion coming from her, her tricks caused him to feel more in need of her, wanting her, and wanting to act on that passion. He looked down into her eyes as he broke the kiss, he would have to find a place for this woman in his kingdom, and in his home, he was sure of both things already. He pressed his hands upwards touching her slender body as he prepared himself for the next serious of thrusts that would be shortly incoming.

As they did press in, Feng was a bit more agressive pressing himself into her quickly, soon finding himself pressing himself into her fully each time. He took her with a great amount of lust, and passion on his behalf. He couldn't help but push everything he could into the simple action, that was going on between the two of them. He knew that it was magical, ever thrust caused him to feel such great passion, such great desire, all wrapped up into one moment as he was breathing hard, from the energy he was burning though taking her.
Shuan felt the passion from Feng's body as he laid on top of her slender body. She's been with men before, but he was different. She wanted to be more then a mercenary that was working with him. She didn't want what was happening to stop after this night. She wanted to be so much more to him then a merc. Maybe even become part of his life if he wanted it. Her body and her heart wanted him to have until the day she died.

Feeling his series of lustful and passionate thrusts one after another, pounding into her with each full thrust he pushed into her. Her nails dug into his back from the full pleasure she felt from his speed and power pushing back and forth inside her. Her moans were hot and loud, filling the tent with her sound and the sound of their hips clashing together She grew to.love his agressive thrusting feeling every once of his lust and passion for her.
Feng's took the merc with passion anfpd tenderness, each one of his movements was done on purpose as if they were dancing some exotic passionate dance. He could feel himself excited by her, by every single moment that passed him by. He smiled as he looked down at her and grinned looking deeply into they eyes of the woman. He no longer saw her as a merc. He hated mers and he had no hate for this woman, no he loved this woman, or was falling in love with the woman who was under him as he took her.

He didn't slow up any bit at all. He knew that he had limits, but he was going to push himself to those limits, he was going to ride out the joy of the sex between himself and, Shuan as much as he could possible enjoy it. He wanted to rock her world. He had confidence that he was able to do so, with his passionate love making with the woman. His hands holding her close to himself as he took her, his deep breaths, grunts and moans filing the air around himself as he went along headed towards his goal.
Shuan felt Feng's passion in his movements of pleasure; so tender with her. Feeling him like this, a strong warrior, treating her like a fragile creature. Like one wrong movement and she'll shatter. His warm breaths and moans mixing with hers in a sympathy of passion. Not only her body, but her heart wanted to be his. As he slow thrusts pushed in and out of her, her eyes locked with his. With every thrust and moment she stared into his eyes, the more she fell in love with the man on top of her. Everything about him she loved, she would give up being a merc in a heart beat for him.

His moved inside of her in a way she didn't want to end anytime soon. She wanted to feel him inside of her all night. Her moans and hot pants mixed with his. His body and hands holding her so close and tightly. Her hands wrapped around his back and her nails softly dug into his skin, feeling his slow thrusts pushing deep inside of her in a passionate love making she never felt before until Feng bedded her.
The moment was one of those moments that you wish would last forever, the pleasure, the passion, everything about the moment was surely magical, it was the only way he could justify the strong feelings that were coursing though his own body as he was with Shuan, she was special, and she meant a great deal to him. As he took her he knew that he would so hate it if this was just a one time thing, where they went their seperate ways after this moment of glorious passion between them. It was a type of moment that changed things and he was sure it had for him.

He held her tightly against himself holding her off the ground as he hit his climax, firing his seed into the beautiful Shaun as he slowly caught his break, before laying beside her and pulling her close. He would have to take this woman home with him. Home to his home on the great river and show her his world, and share it with her and hopefully help her find a place within it that would fit best for her, a place he hope would be as his partner in life.
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