Dynasty Warriors: Fanning the Flames (FemShep and Yajirobe)

Feng looked up and blinked as he saw that Shuan was there, he figured she would be doing what ever mercs did, not offering help to him in his search or anything at all. He had to admit quietly that she wasn't all looks, that he could see why people hired her to a job. He took the second book and handed it over, "yes, if you wish to help, look in here, please, and look for either a accurate report on the lay out of forces in the region, how much supplies are were, or whom is in command in this second of the area," he said as he turned his head and looked down.

"Lady Shuan," he said after a bit of reading, pausing for a moment as he continued to look down, "why are you a mercenary?" he said bluntly, "you don't see like most mercenaries that I have had the dishonor of running into in the past," he commented his eyes still on the book. He had dealings with enemy mercs mostly, and most were ill-disciplined, and thought themselves far better then they were really.
Shuan was willing to help him especially since they could use the information for any other locations they could take in the future for Wu. "I don't see why I can't." She replied taking the book from him and taking a seat next to him and started to read. After a few minutes she heard Feng's question and looked over at him. She frowned and looked back at the book. For a moment she was quiet then sighed.

"I...I didn't want to be a mercenary, but I wasn't given much of a choice really. I've always been a skilled fighter even as a child, but I didn't think I'd be what I am today. I used to be a simple farm girl with a family and a prosperous farm. One day I was out working the fields by myself. It seemed like any other day, but...when I got home...I found it burning and my family was slaughtered, even my infant sister. If I wasn't away I've would've joined them in death. I discovered that a bandit group was responsible, so I trained myself until I wanted to collapse. I found groups willing to aid me, but in the end all they wanted was to use my strength then attempt to kill me. After several years I found the group and wiped them out, but then....I felt without purpose. I had nothing. No family, no friends, no home. Nothing but my horse and my blade, all I knew was how to fight. So I took that and decided to become a mercenary. I would've joined one of the empires, but it just seems that everyone I try to get close to just wants me dead." She explained to him then returned to reading
Feng listened quietly as he read, stopping after a moment to hear out the woman. He knew many whom came from bad backgrounds, her story, sounded sadly fitting for the time that they lived in, death was common place, bandits in many places ran rampant, and things were not getting any better. He could understand better why she was on one of the horrible mercenaries, it was the path that was left open to her to take. He rubbed his chin as he looked up at her for a moment, his focus completely on the young woman.

"Farmers huh," he said pausing as he gave her a small smile, "I found something that we have in common finally," he said calmly, "my family were farmers, and I am sure I have relatives whom still are. So, you no not a mercenary after cash, fame, and glory, that does you a great deal of credit, especially in the world we live in, perhaps I have misjudged you," he admitted as he looked up at her again, "I shall keep an eye on your performance, see how well you do, keep notes, if you continue to do well, then I will see about writing a letter of recommendation for you, if you wish for that."
Listening to Feng, she turned to look at him again, wide eyed in amazement. She was surprised they actually did have something in common, but even more amazed he was willing to help her get out of the mercenary line of work. Soon she smiled warmly at him and replied "Really? I would like that actually...thank you." She looked at him for a moment and softly said "It'll be a nice change from killing people just because you're paid to do it."

She sighed almost happily and sat back in her seat with the book in her hands. She really smiled after hearing his comment about misjudging her and replied "It's something I'm use to, but I always thought it'll be better to have it that way...I almost forgot how nice it is to have someone like you. What do you plan to do? After all this and the war is over?"
He thought about it for a moment and then looked up, "after this operation, when we got back, I will write a letter, and give it indirectly to my boss, whom will read it, he will then see it and the performance, hopefully with a letter from you asking to take up residence in this kingdom, after this most likely you will be assigned someone to work with or for, and you will be given housing and such as well. I wouldn't dare say till after the war, cause no one knows how long that might take," he replied to her question,

"I can't say what job you will be given, but you will be given one, I am sure with a positive review and your request, I am sure they have a good idea of your skills so must likely it won't be anything trivial as it were," he commented as he closed the book, "most likely there may be one counter attack tomorrow, from what I have read, this area is rather weak in troops, and most likely nothing to challenging," he said as he figured he should explain everything, he still saw this woman as someone he wanted to do better then, but she wasn't the heartless person he guessed she was.
Shuan still had a smile on her face as he spoke, she was just happy to have something planned for after she was done here other then killing more people for money. She didn't care what job she got or who she'll work for, all she wanted is to have an honest life again. To live like she once did before her family was killed. "I don't care what job it is, I don't care whose my boss as long as I have a place to call home and a honest paying job I'm happy. I guess I'm sick of killing." She said then sighed almost happily.

She closed the book she was reading and stood up from her seat saying "In that case I'm gonna make a nightly round in case there's a planned counter attack at night and make sure we'll be ready for anything tomorrow." She walked over to the door, but stopped just before leaving. She looked over her shoulder to look him and added "You're welcomed to join me if you want."
Feng thought about 6the offer4 for a moment as he looked up at the young woman as she had made her point rather clear about what she wanted, and her tiredness of fighingt. He could see the logic in her idea, it was best to see if anything was up and make sure that nothing was happening, a night attack could be the most dangerous one for both the attacker and the defender. He knew that they needed to be prepared just encase such a thing happened and they had to adjust quickly.

"Sure, I think a walk will do me some good," he replied as he made his way to his feet, and walked past the young woman out the door. He walked along the outside of the camp, looking out over the land, but also from time to time at the beautiful young woman. He kept a good look out for any sign of trouble that could be out there, and also more importantly any noises that were out of place to tell him that something bad was up. "So, you are a orphaned young woman whom travels from place to place, I am guessing you have done so by yourself?"
Shuan smiled when Feng decided to come with her. Outside, the moon was full and the stars were shining in the dark sky. Shuan kept a close eye out for anything unsual as well as any sounds that hinted strange movement. she looked over at the handsome man, but mostly kept an eye out. His question broke their silence and looked at him as he spoke. She gave a nod and replied "Yes, I traveled great distances from place to place. That's the only benefit to being a mercenary, to see beautiful sights, but yes I have to travel alone." She answered him
Feng stopped for a moment knowing that they had in fact gone around the camp at least a couple of times. He looked at Shaun and paused for a moment, "Well, that is a heck of a hard life you have led Lady Shuan, much more challenging then I would of ever though, alone, lost your family, traveling the world with such a naturally hard and dangerous job, it is impressive you have been able to achieve your skill and keep yourself what appears to be normal," he said giving her for once a short of smile as he made the comment. He looked out on the area, when he noticed a bit of fire, "I am sure you see that too, get the men, get them ready, I think we are about to be under attack, I will take a small group to scout it out, okay," he said calmly as his eyes focused on the little bit of light he saw.
Shuan smiled softly as he commented on her life. When he spoke about her appearing to be normal she kept her smile, but inside she was actually hurting on the inside. All her years she learned to hide her negative emotions, it was so she didn't look like she had a weakness. Showing anyone her pain or anger only puts herself in danger, revealing she had a weak point that could be her breaking point if used against her, but for some reason she was able to tell Feng and still feel safe about doing it. Before she could reply she saw the fire too and heard what Feng told her. Her focus was on the fire then she looked at him and replied "Right. If you're in trouble send a messenger and I'll come to aid you." She said then turned to return to the camp and ready the men. She woke up the sleeping troops and told them to be ready. She got them out and ready on got herself ready and mounted her horse in case Feng needed her help quickly.
Feng moved though the grass with a handful of men, he hoped it wasn't something serious but he knew he would have to fight if it was. He looked from a hidden spot to see a large group of people moving towards the camp, he was sure it was to start a fire attack and burn down the camp and prevent them from getting the hard fought for supplies from earlier that day. Feng watched as the group moved quietly, He had to stop them, here to keep them from getting to close to the camp. He talked to one of the men and sent him back to have the full force brought up to fight as soon as possible. He then led a charge into the mist of the enemy, it was the best chance to delay the attack for as long as possible. He fought like a wild boar attacking full out, but even he knew with his skill, that without support that he would be in big trouble before long.
Shuan waited for a few minutes then she heard the sounds of conflict coming from the direction that Feng went to. The longer she waited the more she grew worried until she couldn't wait anymore. She pulled out her sickle and chain and made her horse run toward the conflict after telling the troops to stay put at the base. Quickly she ran to the conflict and charged in using her horse to send a few troops flying and swung her blade to slice the troops attacking their troops. "Feng, are you okay?" she asked jumping off her horse and continuing to attack and kill the troops coming after her
Feng was fighting tooth and nail, pressing his luck a great deal only due to the numbers of foes, there wasn't anyone of any great skill, that he had found, but bit by bit, he found himself worn down a bit, he pressed on for a bit, attacking, but becoming far more defensive, to buy time for the others, when he noticed Lady Shuan's arrival, and nodded as he heard question, "I will be fine, let us push this group back, we can win this, it will be really big," he said as he moved forward attacking as well moving and attacking with Shuan, using her to create opening and creating openings for her to attack as well. It was well a lot easier then normal fighting, and having seen her fight the day before, he could figure out how to work with her rather well.
Shuan gave a nod and replied "Right. Let's make this quick!" She said getting fired up. Thanks to seeing him fight the previous day, she was able to find a way for them to fight together without getting in each other's way and it seemed Feng did too. They fought side by side making the fight a win the moment they fought together almost perfectly and flowed it all together, making the battle quick and easy one to win
With the support of the others, it wasn't a hard battle to win, they were able to drive off the attack and he knew that it would secure their location. He smiled a bit at Shuan, "Well now it is time to get some rest, good job, you did very well, you surely earned any recommendation that you wish from me, you are rather impressive, Lady Shuan," he said with a kind tone to his voice as he gave her a smile for a moment. "I am sure you shall find a place in the kingdom to do whatever you wish," he said as the troops returned to camp with the spoils of victory.

Feng knew he could head to sleep yet, the energy was to high the victory caused to many to be on a high from the excitement, and at the return a impromptu to celebration was started, as people started to eat and drink happily. Feng made sure the percent of the supplies they were taking were small, but then he joined his men in celebration. He knew that times like these were not so common, and it was a good way to get closer to the men one served with.
Shuan smiled as Feng complimented her and hearing he'll give her a recommendation for anything. She looked away then looked back at him almost in disbelief that someone that once hated her was actually complimenting her and willing to help her. "Thanks, you were good too. It's nothing just a warrior helping out another, but thank you. That means a lot to me." She waited for a minute, watching him walking away then shortly following him back.

The excitement of battle prevented her from getting any sleep, but the celebration the men were having was something that made her smile. It's been so long since she's seen so many people smiling and laughing, just enjoying themselves together. Shuan was more distant and kept to herself, but she enjoyed watching everyone else having fun.
Feng enjoyed himself, drinking and talking with the people whom worked with him. He did though notice rather quickly that Shuan wasn't around to enjoy the celebration that they were having. He walked over and walked right up to Shuan, "Well, if you are going to want to be a part of the kingdom, your going to have to work on your social skills," he said with a grin on his lips as he looked at the young woman, grabbing her around her right arm and pulling her away from the corner she happened to be in, "I am sure everyone will want to see you, you helped them, and I am sure they want to thank you, and of course check out the sexy merc whom will won't be a dirty merc much longer," he said as he stopped and looked at her, "I wonder if you realize just how sexy you are," he said with a small grin on his face, he had been drinking a bit, and was being much more open about his opinion of her then he was earlier.
Shuan insisted that he just enjoyed the party, but she wasn't given a choice when he grabbed her arm to pull her with him. She could tell he was drinking, but she kinda liked this side of Feng she saw, he was less uptight and seemed loose. She had to admit her social skills were a bit rusty, but she was willing to re learn how to have fun again. When he called her sexy, she was caught off guard and even blushed brightly. "Feng you might be drinking a little too much. I doubt you actually mean that." She chuckled almost nervously as he pulled her along. It's been awhile since she had a drink so she took a drink, feeling just fine, but she was a little worried about how drunk Feng was in a more curious as to what might happen way.
Feng remembered what Shuan had said and after a bit wanted to revisit that statement of hers, He grinned as he looked at her, his dark eyes focused on her and her alone. He moved closer to her and nodded his head as if in agreement with himself as he looked at the young woman. "You are very much sexy, and I meant it all," he said as he put his hand on her arm, "he smiled as he then grabbed Shuan and looked at her, "your to sexy to be a dirty merc," he said as he looked into her eyes before pulling her into a long kiss, his lips pressing firmly against her own lips as he also let his hands slide downwards, his hands finding her butt as he kissed her and giving it a good firm groping as well.
Shuan looked him blushing brightly, the closer he moved to her the more nervous she got. Her heart was pounded as he spoke not knowing if it was actually him or if it was just the alcohol talking. With his hands grabbing her, she froze as he stared into her eyes as he told her he meant what he said. Her face turned a deep red as he told her she was too sexy to be a merc followed by a kiss. She went wide eyed and squirmed a little, but soon she calmed down and closed her eyes to accept his kiss. Feeling his hand grabbing her ass, she jumped and accidentally let out a moan, she liked feeling his hands groping her ass, but she tried to tell herself she didn't.
For Feng, he was a bit surprised he wasn't slapped across the face as he kissed the sexy Shuan, it was something that also egged him on, wanting to push the envelope as it were as much as he could to see where the limits happened to be at, plus the fact, touching and groping Shuan was a rather remarkable thing in and of itself. He deepened the kiss quickly as he pressed himself up against her, not worried if anyone noticed what was happening between the pair of them. After a moment, he decided that if he was going to press things farther best be away from the eyes of others.

He picked up Shuan easily and tossed her over his shoulder carrying her away like some great prize that he had won. He walked towards his own tent, it seemed the logical place to avoid the attention of others whom were looking to see them, and get out of the public spot like as well.
Shuan didn't know why, but as much as she did actually want to slap him she just couldn't find the will to do it. It felt so good and it's been so long since she's gotten to actually do anything beyond fighting with a man. It could've been her loneliness or it just could've been a secret desire that even she didn't know. She gave up fighting all together and let him kiss her and grope her ass, despite all the people that could've been watching. She felt his kiss grew more deep and passionate, she grew the same passion as he did as they shared their kiss.

Feeling him pull away, she opened her eyes only to be greeted with Feng grabbing her to throw over his shoulder like he was kidnapping her as a prize. She couldn't stop herself from giggling as he carried her away. "Feng what are you doing!?" She sounded almost playful, more in surprise that he did that and was unable to see where he was taking her.
He smiled at her comment, mostly at the tone of the comment, he remained quiet though as he carried her, he was able to find his tend pretty quickly, it wasn't that far away, and he knew where he was going. He smiled as he slipped inside of the tent and looked around, "Well here we are my lady," he commented as he laid her down on his thick bed roll and looked down lowering himself to her level, and letting his lips find her lips yet again, he could feel that passion she had in the shared kiss, he still wanted to see just how much he could get away with. He was very much attracted to this woman. He had found her attractive from the moment he had meant her and was told he was going to work with her.

He let his actions do most of his talking as he kissed Shuan, his hands traced over her sides, touching each of them firmly rubbing up and down as he continued the kiss as long as was possible before the need for air was the only thing that caused him to break it. "You are a extremely beautiful and talented woman, Shuan, I think you are rather quite amazing," he said as he looked down at her, his hands still on her after he had broken the kiss with her.
Shuan soon found herself in Feng's tent and her heart started to pound inside her chest when she realized what might be in store for her. When she was put down she felt the comfort of a bed roll and soon saw Feng lower himself to her to kiss her soft lips again. She allowed herself to kiss him again with the same passion as before. It just felt so right that after all this distrust between them had faded into something more amazing.

She blushed feeling his hands rubbing her sides. Shuan didn't know rather to stop him or let it happen. It just felt nice to have a male's desire for her again. His compliments didn't help her blush die down, but she smile and whispered "You're amazing too Feng. You're helping me in more ways then I could repay." She softly kissed his cheek and slowly lead down to kiss his neck
He was glad to hear the comments by the beautiful young woman right before she started to kiss his neck. Felt let his hands grasp her outfit pulling it upwards slowly moving anything that he cook with his fingers skillfully as he kissed her and bunching up what he could to make it easier to move out of the way, of his hands, which were soon pressing against her soft skin as he continued the kiss. This kiss longer and maybe even more passionate then the last kisses that he had given to her. He could feel the warmth within himself and the desire for this woman grow by the second as he kissed her and enjoyed the interactions he was having with her. He finally broke the kiss to pull off his own shirt leaving the well trained warrior bare chested as he looked down at her. If there was any doubt about his aims at this point, he was sure it was fading as fast as possible as he looked down at Shuan.
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