Dynasty Warriors: Fanning the Flames (FemShep and Yajirobe)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
The road was quiet which was unusual with the Chinese war spreading across the land. Shu, Wei, and Wu, the three deadly forces that engulfed this once peaceful land fighting to see which of the three shall rule the land under the Emperor. Shu was the dragon taking the color of green seeking peace and virtue for the innocent people of the land. Wei, the strongest force with a desire to make people work for food and other things. You get what you want based on how hard you work for it. They take the symbol of the phoenix and the color of purple. Lastly Wu, all they want is some land for just the Sun family to live in peacefully together, but it can never be that simple can it? They take the symbol of the tiger and the color of red.

A young girl traveled this quiet road on a black stallion crossing into Wu territory. Her long raven black hair was pulled up into a long flowing ponytail. Her eyes were sapphire blue almost seeming to sparkle and shine like sapphires. Although her skin was pale she was quite the traveler, crossing between territories for she was a muscle for hire. Her services were given the highest bidder and that happened to be Wu. Why the three kingdoms want her help? Because she was an excellent fighter, fearsome and powerful with the help of her might sickle and chain called "Firestorm". It's blade was long and sliver with a red Chinese dragon engraved into it. It was a fairly large sickle that took a bit of muscle to carry with it's surprisingly light golden handle, it was the blade the was heavy. The chain was very long and strong making it useful to swing her sickle at long distances and wrapping around things. Her armor wasn't much to look at. Black with a red outline on top of an inner gold outline. It was made of a strong leather and fit her thin curvy body well. The center showed her flat stomach in a diamond shape cut revealing the skin of her stomach. The sleeves covered her arms and the upper arms had the same diamond cut in them. Her pants were black and had straps of other weapons such as daggers.

This girl's name was Lu Shuan. Although a muscle for hire she had morals and set rules for herself. She never killed the innocent no matter what and was always an honorable fighter. No backstabbing or cheating what so ever. Probably why Wu took such a fancy to her and her services.

Soon she reached the Wu camp seeing the red of their camp to match their fiery passion and attitudes. Her black armor made her stand out like a sore thumb among all the red, but it was something she saw no problem with. She saw famous warriors she'd thought she'll never get to meet like Sun Ce and Sun Quan along with Ling Tong and Gan Ning. All powerful and warriors worth of envy. She calmly made her way to the Wu leader's tent after putting her horse away to make the leader, Sun Jung, aware of her arrival.
Liu Teng, was a young warrior of Wu, he had been brought of as a servant of the kingdom ever since he was young, back in those days, he was a farmer in the middle of nowhere, but he worked hard, and was given training by his father whom worked under a local lord as a warrior, as well as his father's former comrades, each one of the passing down their knowledge to him. For Teng, it was most important to pick up everything he could, especially with swordsmanship, and master it as best as he could.

He had seen action, having battled against the Turbans, and made a name for himself enough to be found by Sun Jung, whom was the brother of Sun Jian, and be selected to be one of his men. He worked hard under the man and rose up in his ranks till he was the second in command of the unit, though he was still only 21 years old, a very impressive feat. His goals though were much higher, but those things would take time to achieve, and he would in time find a way to achieve his aim and dreams.

Teng heard of the new of the newcomer and female warrior for hire, and disliked the idea right away. The Tall, strong, young man wanted nothing to do with having a woman near his unit as he thought about it. The short dark haired young man, didn't trust them mercenaries at all, and a woman could cause problems with the troops too, but he had no say in the issue as it were, but he was sure that whomever this woman was, she wasn't that good, he was convinced of that fact without even meeting her.

Teng stood behind Jung as he waited for the meeting, he said nothing just stood there as he waited to size up this fail mercenary, and get a good measurement about just how fail this woman happened to be.
As Lu Shuan walked into the tent she took her place in front of Sun Juan and made a respectful bow towards him. "I am Lu Shuan, the mercenary you hired. It's an honor to serve under the Sun family and fight for Wu's causes." When she stood straight up and proud she noticed the glares of a Wu officer standing nearby the Wu empire's leader. She knew instantly he didn't like her and personally didn't care for it. She wasn't here to make friends, she was here to do the job she was paid for, no questions asked. While Sun Juan welcomed her with opened arms since it was his idea to hire her in the first place and he knew just how powerful she was. Yet she couldn't help, but stare back at the man staring at her until the short meeting was over. Sun Juan had welcomed her and given her full access to resources and with that she turned around to leave not giving the man another look as she did.
Liu Teng got a good look at the woman as she walked into the tent, his brown eyes scanned her completely as he checked her out, to see just what she looked like, the raven haired female cut a impressive figure, but she was still someone he didn't care for, and he was sure that it was noticed by her, given the looks that she was giving back to him. Lord Sun Juan and Jing were both their, Jing was his brother's bodyguard, and he had been serving him protecting his brother. Teng, was told that morning that he was to move over and serve someone else, someone that both himself and the newcomer were going to work together to help get things done, a new unit under some new guy while they went north into battle most likely with Wei. He followed her as he was the one suppose to tell her about her new mission in more details outside what she knew.

"Lady Shuan, a moment of your time," he said harshly, he was sure, she didn't even deserve such a title with her name, but he gave it cause he was in the presence of the lord and his brother, which meant that it was needed at that moment in time, and that he had to talk to her more about the mission that they were going to go on, and whom they were going to have to meet up with as well. He sighed as he could tell this was going to be annoying and a lot of trouble.
Lu Shuan turned to face the man who called her and was surprised to see it was the man that stared at her with such hate. His words despite meaning being polite and respectful sounded harsh. She knew he had no respect for her and she didn't expect him to. Her line of work had many people that despise her so she was use to the harsh treatment she normally received. "Yes? Is there something I've missed? I apologize if I had caused any disrespect in any way." She said sounding neutral, but mostly bitter towards the man before her.
He focused his eyes upon the young woman as he heard her words to him, Liu Teng bit his tongue and said nothing that would cause any problems at least yet, he hadn't seen this woman in action, to be able to properly tell her how bad she was, and how much of a lowlife she was for fighting for cash. He looked right into her blue eyes as he made his statement, "you are to come with me and report to Lord Lu Meng's frontlines against the Kingdom of Wei, you and myself have been assigned to work together for some unknown idiot reason under young lord Lu Xun, during the battle," he said in a straight forward manner, "we are to leave right away, and meet up with the frontlines as soon as possible, this is a bit different from your original orders, but you will be paid apparently to reflect the new challenges of your duty."
She stared into his brown eyes as he spoke seeing how he spoke and the truth in his eyes. He was straight forward which she appreciated since she didn't care for any cover ups or trying to make her understand the changed. "I see thank you for informing me otherwise I've would've made a terrible mistake. I'll be ready to leave when you are." She replied trying to sound more happy and understanding hoping he'll won't be so harsh to her. Since they were gonna be working together they had to learn to trust each other otherwise they could ruin the mission or even get themselves killed.
Teng nodded as he went over and slipped into his own horse, and made sure that each and everything was packed up, correctly which he had been already, and put away in the bags of the saddle of the horse, everything quickly checked out, before he walked back to where his new coworker as he could think of her was waiting, "well, I have all my things, so best we be off, merc," he said as he got onto his horse, "we are headed north by northeast, most likely we won't arrive till the morning," he said calmly as he led the way ahead of the mercenary to set the pace for the travel that would be ahead of them. He had no idea what to say to a person he was sure he didn't like so, best thing to say seemed to be nothing at all.
Shuan was waiting for Teng she was already packed and ready to go. She had supplies for both her horse and herself. She was almost completely sure that Teng disliked her and she was fine with that. Frankly she didn't like him much either he clearly had no respect or reason to believe she was worth the pay she given. She followed behind him mostly quiet but eventually asked "What force are we fighting against and what are the odds of our success?"
Teng rode quietly till he heard the question about the force that they were going to be fighting, "We are going to be fighting a small group on the eastern front, a Wei base under the command of most likely some minor leader, most likely we should be able to handle this, it is important though for the base will supply larger missions ahead, though I am sure that isn't any big thing to a mercenary, most likely you will be fighting for the other side when they offer more cash, or some incentive to go over to their side at some point," he said as he rode, his dislike for mercenaries came from this basic factor, something he despised and thus despised all mercenaries, but he knew that he didn't always get to pick whom he worked with.
Shuan couldn't help, but glare at what he said about her seeing him as streotyping her line of work. "Well normally once I do my job that's when I take my leave not before or during, after. But I'll be careful about what you say, because I might let you live if I ever do see you on the opposite side of the battlefield. Besides I'm moral unlike most mercenaries, but I doubt you'll believe a word I say right?" She asked sounding a little angry, but controlling her rage as best as she could
He rode as he listened to her and then shook his head, and then continued to right, as he heard her statement, bold, that much he could tell, and different. "Your first duty might be to us, then your second to anyone else whom is against us, but anyhow, you can say you have honor, and morals, but till you prove them, those are just words, nothing more than just words," he said as he rode, his eyes always focused ahead of himself, not looking back at Shuan as he rode, "When, and if you prove that you have the morals, then perhaps, you might be considered a bit better then the normal mercenary, but till then, your words ring very much how, Lady Shuan," he said as he rode ahead, he figured that they were not going to see eye to eye, that much made sense, and he decided to take in the view of the countryside as he rode.

Sometime later, he found himself looking at the growing number of tents, due to the fact they were getting closer to the camp of Lu Xun, who was camped on the bank of a large river, they would have to go in meet with the young man, and then settle in before meeting with him again to see what they could do to help set up the plan off attack, and getting their own roles told to them during the attack against the enemy supply fort. It was going to be the basic stuff, he just needed to keep an eye out for any thing that could give him trouble in the information he was given.
Shuan gripped the reins to her horse tightly almost in anger from his words, but allowed herself to calm down before she decided to speak again. She had to admit he had a point, but he didn't know her. "Well in that case, the battleground shall be where we get to understand each other a little bit about each other."

As Shaun noticed the increasing number of tents she realized that they were approaching the Wu camp soon. She already figured she'll be the farthest from the camp since she was the least trusted which was understandable. As they grew closer she didn't know what to expect or what was gonna happen. Just that she was gonna be told her job and she'll do it
The young man found his tent and set his things away, before he went to the tent of his boss for this mission, he knew the skills of Lu Xun were impressive and well known, especially for someone whom was as young as he was. He bowed to the smaller man and then looked at him, giving him a firm and serious look, "Lord, Liu Teng reporting for duty," he said with a serious tone to his voice as he stood still as he had been trained.

"Well, good, it is good to have you here, you have a rather important mission, you and that mercenary we hired, it is the key to the whole plan," Lu Xun said as he looked at Teng and then saw the woman, and knew it was the mercenary, "Welcome, I am Lu Xun," he said giving the mercenary a bow of respect, "Now, it is good you are both here, so I can go over the plan with you both at once."

"tomorrow, we are going to attack there main units to the north of her," Lu Xun said pointing it all out as he talked on the map, "you two will move to the east and go around their army, with a small unit, you will then raid their camp, and capture it, with the camp captured, you will have all their supplies which will force them to withdraw and give us a large advantage in future fights," he said as he showed them the route on the map. "Any questions."

"No sir," Liu Teng said as he looked at Lu Xun, waiting to see if the mercenary had any questions as well, before he took his leave.
As Shuan had predicted she did have the furthest tent out, but it was much closer then the others then she had thought. Wu seemed to have a reasonable amount of.respect for her and her line of work which was why she respected Wu out.of any other empire. Wu was the force she supported the most any.way since all they wanted was some land for the Sun family and the people that helped them nothing more. No full control like the others did.

She quickly put her stuff and horse away and made her way to the tent to meet Lu Xun. She heard he was a promising young strategist and showed him the respect he deserved. "It's an honor to meet you my Lord." She said with a serious yet grateful tone while giving him a respectful bow.

She listened to the plan carefully and found it to be an excellent plan that'll definitely gain them an advantage for the next battle. She gave a nod.to show she understood and replied "No sir." When he asked if they had any questions and left the tent with Teng
Teng walked with the merc back to the tents, he was surprised to find his tent was next to her own, he hadn't noticed this earlier, he looked at her and bowed, mostly cause it was expected of him to do. He then looked at her, "Good night, Lady Shuan," he said as respectfully as one could say something to someone that they didn't really like at all. He then slipped into his tent and went to sleep, he was worried that the female wouldn't be skilled at fighting, she didn't look so much like a fighter, she looked like someone whom would be in some other kind of work.

The next morning Teng appeared with his armor on, and his large battle ax tied to the back of his armor. He moved around, gathering up his men, telling them what they needed to do, and arranging them, he knew that most likely the merc was doing this as well, but he didn't want to put much thought into what she might or might not be doing or what she up to at that moment, just focus on the job at hand, and everything would work itself out, or so he told himself.
Lu Shuan wasn't surprised that their tents were right next to each other since they were working together, but she didn't know why she didn't notice before. When Feng wished her a goodnight with a respectful bow she did the same by respectfully bowing to him and saying "Good Night Lord Feng." Then she went to sleep in jher tent. She didn't doubt Feng was a good warrior she was just wondering how working with him would work out since he clearly disliked her.

When Shuan woke up she kept on her armor and grabbed her sickle with chain and walked outside preparing her horse and organizing her men. She told them what they were suppose to do and how the plan went. When she was finished she went to find Teng hoping to find him ready to go like she was
Teng looked at her as he saw her prepared, she looked like a warrior, but he had to admit, her outfit showed more then he thought it would, he looked away, she might be low life mercenary, but that didn't mean, she didn't have looks, that was easy to notice, and he had noticed them when he meet her, he just was a man whom currently was focused on a job that happened to be at hand. He walked towards her and stopped a short ways a way, "okay, I guess we need to get going, the main force just left, and we have a good ways to go, before we hit there camp, if all things work out as they are suppose to," he said calmly with a very focused look on his face.

Teng looked at Shuan for a moment, "so, quickness is the key, if you have issues, have your men get my attention as soon as possible, and I will see what I can do to get you out of your trouble, otherwise, everything should be clear and easy going till we run into the camp, then we find out just how much forces they left behind that we will have to deal with.
Lu Shuan didn't notice him staring at her for a moment, but as she walked towards him she had to admit for someone who she had a bitter dislike towards he wasn't bad looking at all. She admired him in a way for looking like a powerful warrior under the Wu colors. As she approached him she got rid of any look of studying him into a more serious look. When she listened to him she made the assumption that he expected her to need his help. She knew that he didn't believe she was a good warrior, but something about his words made her blood boil. Without giving a sign of anger she replied "Right and I'll come to your aid when you have any trouble as well."

She got onto her horse that was nearby and gathered her men. "Are you ready to head off Feng? Me and my men are ready when you are ready to head out."
"Of course," he replied as he got on his horse, and led his men forward, around the group, it was as quiet as he thought it would be, all the way till they got to the base, nothing was going down, no noises, it bothered the young warrior a good bit, but he said nothing. He saw the lines of enemies ahead of him, prepared for their attack, it seemed that the main force hadn't diverted all the enemies. The Wu warrior pulled on his horse and charged right into the front lines, fast, as he led his men into the midst of fight, he jumped from his horse and swung out his axe, fighting on foot was what he was best at. He attacked with a natural recklessness to his style moving fast, attacking with hard blows, a certain amount of wildness in his attack as he moved forwards. He figured that the woman would do whatever she did, but he would win the day and the glory with his attack, straight on, and aggressive. He rallied his men forward with each victory he had against enemies whom came before him.
As they travelled the quiet of the battlefield was unsettling to her, she couldn't help, but feel like something wasn't right. Then a smile grew across her face when she saw the rows of enemies ahead of them. She saw Feng dash off with his men attacking with aggressive yet effective movements. Yet he was reckless which she wasn't. She dash off into Battle on gher horse leading her men in. Her horse stomped through the men Feng was fighting sending them flying then she got off her horse. She swung her sickle out using the chain to swing it with grace and great speed. Her movements almost like dancing as she slice through the enemy forces without a moment of hesitation
Feng moved quickly as he noticed in the corner of his eyes, that Shuan was moving and attacking as well, he could tell that she was really good, just form the moments that he noticed her in his field of vision, of course, she had to be good, she was a paid killer. He shouldn't of been surprised by the level of skill she seemed to have, yet, it actually did catch him a bit off guard. Not that he showed it, for his focus was on the task at hand, and it only fueled his anger which he redirected towards his foes, finding the leaders as quickly as he could. He looked at the enemy leader and boldly challenged him to a one on one duel in the mist of the fight around.

The duel itself was something of a very heated ordeal, the enemy leader used a short sword and would move quickly out of range of the large axe that Feng had, it was good, but it kept him out of striking range as well. It was a sort of dance between the two of them that quickly took place. Feng watched his steps carefully as he knew despite his edge in range, he could lose the match and his life rather easily if he wasn't careful. He moved from direction to direction, changing his angels of attack and defense over time, before he had an edge and stepped forward, using the blunt edge of the axe to hit his foe in the head knocking him down, and out cold, leading to the disheartenment of the warriors around the commander.
Since it was a one on one duel Shuan stayed out of the fight despite she wanted a piece of the commander herself though out of respect she pushed her wants aside. She watched as Feng carefully and effectively fought with the commander watching his movements skillfully. It wasn't surprising to her that Feng won in the end, but she didn't let him know it.

Seeing the disheartened men she acted quickly and wiped out any men that still attempted to attack, but she showed the fleeing men mercy letting them run away from them. Any man who refused to leave and keep fighting was killed. Quickly there were almost no enemies left in sight.
Having finished the fight, he saw what Shuan was doing and to be honest he was surprise, completely so, he had expected her to kill as many people as possible, and then use the numbers of people that she killed to argue for a higher pay rate. He was surprised when she let those whom ran, run away without giving chase. He hadn't expected such behavior from a mercenary, that was no there style, this woman was different, but as the battle came to a end, he didn't want to admit that, and he also didn't have time to admit that as well. He had work to do still and he got to work quickly on what he needed to do after the base was taken.

The warrior got a couple of others to take up guard positions and look out positions to make sure that nothing dangerous came after them. He then had a man change the flag to show it was in their control and only have that he went to look though the documents in the base, going into the headquarters, he sat down and started to pull out what he could find, sighing, as he knew it was going to take a longer amount of time then he hoped. He could give these to some paper pusher later, but he had to find if anything key was in them fast. He thought about how well they did, he was most impressed by the merc, but he knew she would be on a different side soon, and thus not to get any positive feelings for they could cost him later on down the line, but still he had to admit he was starting to see a different side of the woman.
Shuan had to admire Feng, he was loyal and powerful. Two things she loved to see in warriors. In all honesty she would become an officer if she could. She highly doubted her past history would make her eligible to became an officer of Wu. Feng somewhat gave her more motivation to become an officer and even made her want to be the best as she could be. After this battle she didn't let him know, but she respected him. He made a great rival and maybe someday a friend although it saddened her to think if she became too attached that she'll risk having to fight him in a battle. Which was something she wasn't looking forward to doing.

After the base was offically their's she went to go find Feng actually wanting to congratulate him for a job well done with a mercenary by his side also if they already had another plan or not. She found him buried in documents from the base they taken control of and smiled. "Do you want any help with those? What are you looking for anyway?" She asked standing next to him looking at the papers.
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