Dead Space: The Last Survivors (FemShep and Jugger82)

"Store...? Like a purchasing store? A shop? Or a storage place...?" He murmured. "The armory should have a shop in there. Some of the soldiers use ration tokens to request food or medicine...but with the power being out for about a week now...I think its mostly spoiled. The medicine might be fine. The armory itself should have a backup generator, as do all the doors in the ship so no one is trapped during a blackout. If there are any suits in there, we'll be able to use the backup generator to equip the suits and use the jets on them to propel us through space from one half of the ship to the other side of the ship, which should have power since thats where the main battery was located."
"Well we're probably gonna need ammo that's why I asked about a store, but I'm sure it won't be a major necessity at the moment. Probably something that can wait until we reach to the other end. Anyway that sounds like a plan. I would lead, but I don't know te layout of the ship. Would you please lead?" She asked. She didn't want to make him lead, but if she did she'll have no idea were she was going and constantly asking which way to go which wouldn't do well for trying to stay quiet.
"Er...Yes...Yes Yes...I'll lead...I know the layout..." He murmured and proceeded onward, slowly and cautiously...He didn't know the layout of the ship by heart. He had only been on the ship for about a week before they picked up the marker. In truth, Nathan was a criminal. A prisoner. A murderer, before and after his imprisonment aboard the Nozanaki. He walked slowly, making certain that Ashton was behind him. He still remembered he didn't tell her his name. Probably the best...He didn't want to risk her catching his name. "Ashton...Its closeby...I remember the armory was close to the prison in case a riot ever broke out on the ship. Its the prison, the soldier's bunkers, then the armory...We may or may not find some other kinds of weapons and ammo in the bunkers. But the stores don't give out ammo on this side of the ship. The soldiers busted the store, emptying it out of all the ammo it had on this side so they could hold off the necromorphs so the bombs could go off."
Ashton was completely unaware of this man's past she just assumed that he was a recently transported man or someone whose been here long enough to know where to go. She followed closely behind him checking over her shoulder a couple of times to make sure nothing was coming up behind them. When he mentioned the prison she realized it was only inevitable that her ship was stolen. "So this was a prisoner ship? That explains why my ship was stolen, but that doesn't matter now. I figure the stores would be wiped clean, but it never hurts to look. Hopefully we csan go through here without anymore problems." She said quietly to him while following him
"Not entirely a prisoner ship...Its whatever anyone needs. I don't know what kind of ship they call this, but this one can apparently do it all. Help out in a gunfight in space, extract people or things off of planets, hold onto prisoners who can't seem to stay in a prison on a planet, or just surveillance..." He sighed. "Or an invasion. This ship had a hell of a lot of soldiers...but look what happened to all of them. I thought I was the last survivor but...I guess I was wrong if two of them took your ship...I'm sorry. I didn't know."
Ashton was surprised that this ship was capable of so much before it was destoryed basically a crown jewel compared to other ships. She shook her head and replied "It's okay you didn't know. None of this is your fault. You were just trying to survive a hellish nightmare just like everyone else. It's just sad that even Thoraugh humans are still around that everyone is losing their humanity." She said softly and sweetly to make him feel better about what happened
"Yeah...None of this is my fault. I was just trying to survive." He replied. He stopped suddenly when he saw that some of the ship had collapsed. The walls anyway, so there were no actual gaps to cause them to lose air into the void of space. "So then...Guess we go around...This wasn't collapsed when I came through here a week ago." He murmured. "I think we can cut through the security room to get out of here. We also might be able to look at some footage to see if there are any necromorphs around the ship or any other survivors..."
Seeing the collapsed wall wasn't a surprise to her really knowing the ship was decaying and mostly destoryed as is. Going through the security room did sound good and even beneficial to her. "That sounds like a good idea and maybe we can find out more about this place like how it happened with the first man. He had to die somehow." She pointed out and followed him to their new route
"Erk...No no...No wait...We can't cut through the security room...No. We mustn't...If I remember correctly, there may be another way around...maybe...possibly...I'm not entirely sure if there is another way around...but lets not go through too much footage of the security room...please?" He seemed hesitant for her not to look through the video files. Nathan REALLY didn't want her to go through the video files to see how this whole thing even started in the first place.
Ashton looked at him confused and yet suspicious as to why he really didn't want her to see the footage so badly, but to avoid any arguing she shrugged and replied "Alright okay we won't look at the footage. Calm down okay? Why are you getting so worked up about it? If you don't know another way we can just go through the can security room, but I won't look at the footage. Promise." She smiled softly hoping to make him feel better about it
"Alright...Good. Good...I trust you..." He murmured and proceeded to lead her out toward the cam security room. Once there, he opened the door and peered in. Still no necromorphs, but a few dead bodies and lots of blood spilling the walls and some of the monitors. He entered it, holding his nose for the stench of these rotting bodies was disgusting to the point he nearly threw up. As he examined them, he saw many of them had lost some they weren't coming back as necromorphs. And behind him on one of the screens was a monitor labeled 'Prison Camera 3', the other cameras having static on them. It showed a pause icon, as if the playback had been paused and at the corner of the screen was only the hair of a familiar individual and a dead body laying outside of an open cell.
When Ashton stepped in the smell of.blood and rotting corpses blasted into her face. It was almost too strong for her to handle if she wasn't partially use to it already. Still she closed her nose unable to smell the wretched stench any longer. The blood stainimg the walls and TVs only showed either Nercomorphs or cases of insanity plagued their minds. She saw all, but one TV was off and this one that remained had a paused video that sparked her interest. She tried to keep her promise by looking away from it, but she couldn't help, but want to see what secrets it could tell them.
Nathan didn't notice the video clip behind them as he searched through the dead bodies. He was too busy looking for ammo clips for the pistol-cutter he least hoping to find ammo for the pistol part of it. He stood up, and headed out to the exit to look through it and saw nothing. "I...I'll wait out here for you..." He murmured as he searched the area, staying close to the door but he could not see inside, thus being unable to see if she would see the video clip.
When the man left she felt the temptation of the video clip and what story it may tell. She cautiously walked up to the TVs making sure he couldn't see what she was about to do. Taking a small breath she clicked the tape to play wondering what happened to this place.
The video reset itself to where it once was at before it abruptly was stopped by the security guards. It showed a prison guard walking back and forth, no audio whatsoever. He walked back and forth until he walked over to a nearby cell, as if something had bought his attention. There would only be darkness in the cell, and two hands could be seen waving about as if the person the hands belonged to were trying to bargain with the guard. It didn't seem to end well, and the guard reached in to beat the man inside...only to get his arm caught and the hands began to steal the cell key, opened the door and snapped the guard's neck. Out walked Nathan, taking the nightstick and running off to escape. The frames suddenly showed static for a bit and the time of the video jumped forward about an hour...and the body of the guard began to start forming into a necromorph...
Ashton watched the video carefully and was shocked to see the guard was killed by someone's bare hands. Her eyes widened as she gasped when she saw the man that killed him was none other then the man she was escorting out. She was escorting a murderer! She was taken back and began to question rather she should trust him. Maybe his innocent act was just a trick to get her to help him, but end up with a bullet in her back. And she gave him a weapon! How stupid could she be!? She grabbed her pistol and walked outside not knowing what she was gonna do
When he saw her, he didn't seem to catch the sense of her being flustered at the fact he was the start of this entire mishap aboard the ship. "Okay...The way is clear...We just need to head a little further along and we'll find the armory...hopefully there will be some suits left for us to get otherwise...well...We're going to die here." Or at least one of them...If there were only one suit...he'd have no choice but to kill her. But then again...she was loyal. If she managed to get to the other side of the ship, she'd be able to fly it out and go back to this half of the ship and pick him up...He'd have to trust her...or kill her. "I'll follow you..."
Ashton decided to keep her findings a secret. What if he found out she knew what happened? He'll definitely kill her then. She had to do what she could to hide it from him. Her heart jumped when he told her he'll follow her, meaning he'll be behind her. That's the last place she wanted him to be right now. If he could snap a man's neck with his bare hands what's stopping him from snapping her like a twig? "Um...can you lead please? You know this place way better then I do. I'll just end up getting us lost." She tried to convince him
"What the hell is wrong with you? We don't have time for this. How're you going to get lost when we've just gotta go down a hall? Now quit playing've got the combat experience, Ashton...I need you up front. I wouldn't be able to handle a necromorph if they suddenly appeared in front of me...At least I can hear one approaching me from behind if I'm behind you..."
She sighed and replied "Yeah you're right." She took the lead and walked cautiously. She felt more afraid then ever having someone like him following behind her. She thought he could kill her at any second. She just hoped it would be quick if he did kill her.
Nathan followed her cautiously...Things went without incident and they arrived to the armory, though here there was so much blood and gore. Body limbs and blood littered the room along with empty clips and guns and other necromorphs. "It seemed like they tried to hold out here...but I guess even the armed forces aboard the ship couldn't fend them off..." He murmured. "Try and find a suit...preferably two. I'd hate it if there were only one..."
Ashton was worried when he said he'd hate it if there was only one suit. She feared that he meant he'll have to kill her instead of finding an alternative. "Uh yeah. Let me know if you find one and I'll do the same. Let's hope there is two." She began to search the rubble and everywhere she could get into. As time passed she grew increasingly worried that she'll won't find a suit, but he will and that'll be the end of her. She tried not to look worried, but she did look over her shoulder to see hus progress and eventually saw something that looked like armor. Uncovering it she discovered a suit in a good stable condition. She looked at him and feared he wouldn't find one, but she took a gamble and annoced to him "Hey I found a suit. Did you find one?"
"No...Nothing..." He murmured. "The suit's useless unless we can find a changing station anyway and I haven't seen one yet. You've got a we just gotta find the changing station. If it still works anyway." He replied as he began to search through the armory for one. When he did find one, it would only be ONE. And it had a suit of armor in it already. "Well then...It seems we've got our suits...complete with RIGs...Who's going to change first?"
Ashton almost froze when he said he didn't find one expecting a pistol barrel to be pressed against her head, but that wasn't the case. "Right. Let's hope we find that works." She said optimistically hoping not to seem too out of the ordinary. When she heard he found a changing station with a suit ready to go instead. With a sigh of relieve she smiled at him and replied "You can go first since you're the closest and you did find it."
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