Dead Space: The Last Survivors (FemShep and Jugger82)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
The debris of ships destroyed flooded the endless galaxy space. Ever since they found the Marker every has gone to hell. The dead coming back as these...mutated monsters. The only way to kill these bastards i was to dismember them before they dismembered you. There were people trying to cover up this incident as nothing more then just stories made to scare the people living in the colonies, but the people in space knew this was just governmentle lies. These stories were true and they suffered in the fight against these monsters they named "Nercomorphs". Most believed that the outbreak would only stay in space since it's been happening only in space ships, but recently colonies have been discovered to have this outbreak as well. No answers only more questions and theories, but that is what Ashton Winters is looking for...answers and survivors of this nightmare. God knows how many humans will be left after all of this. They'll be lucky if even one survives this horrific disaster.

Ashton Winters was the last of her squad. Her squad was dedicated to finding more survivors like them, but of course all but her died for that cause. She flew in a small ship that only required one person to drive, but enough room for a small group of people inside. This was just until she could find a functioning large ship that she and the survivors she saves can take refuge in. She sighed and turned on her electronic journal she used to record her events and thoughts so she wouldn't go completely insane.

"Day 6 of loosing my squad. I've been searching for a ship in need of assistance, but no luck so far. All there is is just debris and dead bodies floating in the zero gravity of space." She sighed "There's been no sign of human life which worries me. There's no way in hell that I'm the last in space, but it sure as hell feels like I am. Hopefully I'll find something soon, just one survivor is all I ask. Maybe then it won't be as lonely
" she finished and stopped recording herself.

She brushed her dark burnette hair off of her face and sighed in the silence that surrounded her. Her emerald green eyes looked tried and obviously hasn't slept in days. A red light and a beeping noise broke the silence when she saw a distress signal going off on her radar. A spark of hope filled her body as she tracked down the distress signal and actually had a incoming voice message from the ship it came from.
The ship would come from the Nozanaki, a derelict ship that had been split in two, yet somehow floating in space just close enough to show the true shape of the ship before it was cut off and without the two pieces drifting apart. The Noza sent out a continuous distress that finally hit Ashton Winter's ship, though no voice would be recorded...only an SOS message from the cockpit of the ship where Nathan Stone sits, watching the emptyness of space. He has enough oxygen to last him a month. One whole month of torture. One whole month of nothing but fear of death. One whole month of testing his mental capabilities. The things he's seen. The things he's done to survive. He can't wash the blood off of his hands. He looked to his hands, though clean, appeared bloody with fresh blood to Nathan who was already experiencing clear signs of Dementia that was tearing him up slowly, yet he was taking it calmly.

He sighs, wishing for some sort of salvation. He has no his oxygen might not even run out for his death might come due to nothing but hunger. All he has is a few rations to last a few days and nothing more, and even spreading out the food to last longer wouldn't be able to sustain him properly. He sighed once more, and closed his eyes as flashes of death and destruction flashed before him. He left the communication systems on, so if someone actually managed to contact him...He'd be able to speak to whoever it was that contacted the Noza.
Ashton, being a soldier searching for survivors, she had enough food for herself and a few survivors if she came across any. On her trips she would stop at colonies to stock up and supplies before heading off. So food wasn't a issue, but she was getting low on fuel and seeing the ship not only gave her hope for more people, but fuel to make a trip back as well. She answered the distress singal sending a message to the ship saying: "This is Ashton Winters. I recieved your distress call and I'll be landing soon to aid you. All I need is fuel so I can take any survivors back to the colonies where it's safe for now. Please respond." Now she had to sit and pray that someone was still alive and heard her message.
Nathan looked up, hearing a voice come from the monitor. Had he gone completely batshit crazy? Was he hearing just what he wanted to hear or was this all true? "This...This is Nathan of the Nozanaki...We've...come across some Necromorphs..." He said lightly. "We uncovered something and it changed the crew...Now everyone is dead except for me...I've holed up inside the cockpit of the Noza, yet I don't have the food to last more than a few days...Extraction would be...very pleasing. Please...Try and save me." He looked to his hands, the blood still on them, at least to him. He didn't warn her of how bad it really was...Yet...He already pulled so much in order to stay alive. If he could just manage to at least get this person's ship, with or without her, then he'd get the hell out of there and survive for the time being. "If you manage to dock...I can lead you to the cockpit of the ship. I don't know how clear it beware of these...those fucking creatures along the way...!"
Ashton listened to the man's voice speaking back to her feeling a sense of delight since she finally found another living human. She wasn't surprised that he seemed and sounded shooken up, but nonetheless she'll help him. Though she did have to be careful some people are hostile maybe even insane so she'll have to proceed with cation. "Don't worry I'm a soldier and I've fought these bastards before. I have plenty of food on my ship for the both of us. Everything's gonna be okay. What's your name by the way so I know who I'm speaking to." She asked flying towards the ship to land in the docking area that was surprisingly still attached to the ship.
"Why don't you worry about getting to me safely, instead of trying to figure out who the hell I am!" He seemed to yell into the mic. "I want to get the fuck out of here! I've seen things I don't want to see! I would do anything to get the fuck out of here!" He laid back in his chair and panted hard, holding his face as his eyes began to shake as he stared out into the blackness of space. "Every time...I close my eyes...I see them...Please help me, soldier girl..." Nathan stood up and walked away from the mic, going over to the door to peer out of the small little peek hole lined with reinforced glass. He saw nothing, yet he saw everything before him.
Ashton was silent hearing the pain and suffering in his voice yet she understood his frustration. She sighed and replied "I'm landing now. I'll find you and get you out of here soon." She sounded serious more the calming like she was before. Her ship finally landed safely on the docks and she quickly grabbed her guns and pressed a button on her armor that made a helmet transform and cover her head. Then she quickly jumped out of her ship and catiously walked her way to enter the ship checking every direction to make sure the area was clear. When she entered the ship she continued to carefully move through the area unsure what she'll find hidden within the ship.
All would be quiet...It would seem as if nothing was there. Yet there were corpses, limbs, and blood everywhere, littering the floor, walls, and ceiling. It would be a clear route to the cockpit of the ship. Nathan sat in the cockpit chair once more, holding his head as flashes of memory of the hours beforehand occurred. They uncovered a marker and everything went to hell. People began to start killing one another and slowly changing into necromorphs, repeating and speeding up the process until everyone Nathan knew had died and he locked himself up inside the cockpit. He killed many to get to safety...and it wasn't just the necromorphs. 'I have to get out of here...I have to get out of here...I'm not going to die a death like that...Those cult fucks don't know what they're getting themselves into with these markers...!'
While the ship was basically nothing but severed limbs, corpses, and broken machinery there seemed to be no signs of Nercomorphs anywhere. Despite this she was still cautions never letting her guard down. She knew what this man's pain was. She had to kill her friends, innocent people, even children because of these monsters. Everyone was changing and no one seemed safe from it. Ashton made her way to the cockpit when she heard his speaking when she opened the door. She got her pistol ready just in case he attacked her. She stepped in to the center of the room abnd said "Don't move." She walked over to the side to see the man with her pistol ready. "Are you the man that I spoke to? I'm here to help you."
"SH! SH SH SH!" He hushed her rather hesitantly as she moved away from the door and moved over to close it, locking it and re-barricading it. "You have to be quiet...They'll hear us...They'll find us...They'll tear us limb from limb and then turns us into them to tear others limb from limb and turn others into them to tear others limb from limb..." He seemed to have lost his sanity in a way. He shook his head and looked to the girl. "Yes...I am the man you spoke to, Miss Winters..." He murmured as he leaned against the door as if to add extra weight to the barricades to keep it from opening. "Ashton....We must leave...We have to get the hell out of here...! They're here...They're waiting. They stalk their prey and trap us...Only to pick us off one by one and tear us apart from the inside..." He slumped against the door, head hanging low as if trying to forget. "So much blood..." He looked to his hands, seeing blood on them despite there not actually being any blood. "So much blood...Why can't I wash the blood away..."
This man seemed half way to insanity if he wasn't there already. He must've been here for weeks maybe months. Seeing him so afraid and insane made her wonder if he'll even be safe to be alone with. Regardless he needed help and she was gonna give it to him. After putting away her pistol she walked over to him and knelt down to his eye level. Then seeing him staring at his hands she placed both of her hands in his to hide them from him. She softly "sssshhh" him to quiet him and whispered trying to be quiet and comfort him at once. "Ssssshhhh. It's okay. I'm here to help you. We're gonna get out of here I promise you. I need you to calm down otherwise they'll hear us. Deep breaths. Okay I'm gonna get you out of here and to a safe place. I just need you to calm down for me please." She said in a calm and soothing voice hoping to calm him down
"Yeah...Yeah calm...You're right...C-Calm...Bleh..." He shook his head. "Yeah...I'm fine now..." He looked her in the eyes and smiled gently before looking to his hands once more, seeing no blood. He blinked twice and shoved them in his pockets. "We gotta get out of here...You have to be careful...They trapped me here. They may have let you walk in here...but they won't let you walk out. They're waiting...If anything you just lost your ship. They've probably hid, these hunters are smart..." He stood up and wiped a tear from his eyes and walked over to the cockpit console and picked up a plasma cutter. "This is what I've been using to defend myself...You cut the limbs or they keep coming...You cut your own limbs off if you've been infected or if you're on the verge of cut your own limbs off so you don't hurt anyone else, yet no one wants to do so before they die..."
She smiled softly when his eyes met hers and noticed her plan to calm him down had worked. When he looked at his hands she was curious as to what he saw since he couldn't stop looking at them, but she shrugged it off when he stood up. She listened to him hearing infomation that she already knew, but still listened to make him happy. She got up and walked over to him to look at the plasma cutter and seemed curious. She pulled out a spare pistol and handed it to him. "See if this can fix onto it. It'll be a useful attachment." She looked back at him and added "We're gonna get out of here. Just stick to me and I promise I'll do what I can to get you out of here. Since you know this place is there a better route we can take to get us out of here quickly and safely?"
"A-Aye...Yeah...Better attachment...Yes yes yes..." He murmured and began to fashion the plasma cutter onto the pistol. Once he was done, he stood up and frowned. "No...Unless we go through the air vents. But they've been known to travel through vents...thats how they swarmed our ship so quickly..." He shuddered. "We have to go back the way you came but hope that we can fend off the necromorphs...Otherwise we'll be dead before we even get to the docking bay." He gripped the pistol-cutter and frowned. "Are you ready to go? I...I'll follow your lead. Just retrace your steps and we should be able to get to that ship..."
Ashton found it understandable that this man was so jumping and nervous, for damn good reasons too. She saw him attach the plasma cutter to the pistol and knew he'll be much safer with it. She was afraid that going the way back was the only option, but it'll have to do. They just had to be extra careful as far as they know nercomrophs could be waiting just outside of the door. She gave him a nod and pulled out her pistol. "I'm ready. Stay close to me no matter what." She told him as she removed the barricades from the door. Once the barricade was cleared she slowly pressed the button to open the door. Luckily there was no necromorphes yet and she carefully walked slowly making her way and making sure the man was okay behind her
"This is bad this is bad this is bad..." He repeated silently as they walked along the corridor. Suddenly there was a scurrying sound in the vents around them but then everything went quiet. Nathan began to aim the gun-cutter around wildly, eyes wide in fear before he calmed down, gulping his fears away. "I-I'm good...Please...Lets just go..." He pleaded, treading a little closer to Ashton. "The last thing I want to do is die and become one of those...those things..."
Ashton grew worried about him, but she was afraid like him, she just didn't show it really. She had to look strong for him so he wouldn't be even more afraid because of it. When she heard his frantic movements she looked at him to see him trying to recover from his slight freak out, but continued to walk. Hearing him speak didn't help her worrying and said to him quietly "You're not dying on my watch. I have a much higher chance of dying then you, because I'm making sure you get out of here." She raised her gun hearing a slight growl and signed for him to stay still and quiet. Taking a couple of steps before a nercomorph poped up from the ground. It startled her so badly she fell backwards luckily barely hitting Nathan. The creature's sharp limps were aimed at her neck and chest before she shot them off along with it's head hoping it would die. "You okay back there?" She asked hoping the man was okay
Nathan cried out when the Necromorph suddenly appeared and aimed at it. Flashes of memories from earlier in the few days he'd been stranded flashed through his mind, causing him to hesitate with his movements. The next thing he knew, the necromorph was shot dead, limbs falling apart and he had broken out into a cold sweat, eyes wide and his breathing hard. "I...I...I had forgotten what it was like to actually encounter them...I was stuck for so long...In that cockpit..."
Ashton quickly got up to face him and put her pistol away. She lowered his pistol and put her hands on his shoulders to calm him down. "Hey hey. It's okay. I know this is horrifying, but we can't stop. We have to keep moving now. Just try not to think about the past. What do you do when something scares you? Everyone has something. I sing a song in my head to stop my fear. So what makes you stop fearing something?" She asked trying to help him.
"I shit my pants...Not literally...just...just trying to lighten the mood..." He murmured, clutching the pistol-cutter in his hands. "I'm ready...I can continue...Just don't leave me behind. We're too far to run back to the cockpit without experiencing one of those things coming after us again..." He walked over to the dead necromorph and shot off one of its legs. "I...Just wanted to make sure if it limped after us, still alive, it would take longer for it to reach us before we noticed it...Come on...I'll follow you, Miss Winters..."
Ashton sighed, but gave him a smile to try to make him feel better. Then she walked up to the dead nercomorph and shot off his other leg. "Now he can't get us at all." She smiled and continued walking. They continued on without too much trouble just more creaks and crawling. Soon enough they reached the door that lead to where her ship was parked. "Okay we're almost out of here, but be careful we don't know what's out there." She warned before opening the door
He nodded, and followed with her as they approached the ship. He looked around frantically, wishing to get off the station as fast as he could...but he stopped suddenly, hearing something within the ship. Scratching sounds from within. The engine began to roar to life suddenly and begin to take off, all the while people inside were screaming and the sounds of gunfire could be heard as the ship began to flail about as it raced out of the ship. Nathan cried out, their only hope of escape having been dashed. Other survivors made it to the hangar, stole the ship, but didn't know they had let in one of those...things with them. "We're dead! Still trapped with barely any food!" He cried out as he saw the ship fly out into the darkness of space.
Ashton couldn't believe what had happened. The only hope of escape ripped away from them by two idiotic survivors that tried to foolishly steal her ship and now lost in the dark space trapped with a Nercomorph. She grew angry that after giving this man hope of freedom from his insanity only to be false hope. She looked over at the man with her own hopes dashed away, but they had to keep fighting. She walked up to him and replied "We're gonna be okay we're not dead yet so we're gonna kept fighting. Are there any salvageable ships we could repair or any other means of escape?" She asked him trying to seek out a new solution
"Yes...There are. On the other fucking half of the ship." He murmured. "What happened was...We picked up something. A marker. We hit one of the beacon worlds and stole its marker...But even though we were some of the strongest of willpowered soldiers and crew members...the marker changed us, one by one...Making us kill one another out of fear, power, paranoia..." He shook his head. "The first that died changed slowly into necromorphs...That all happened on the other side of the ship. Many soldiers gave their lives to hold the line while the ass of a captain blew the ship in half to keep THIS half safe! But he was careless and one bomb was too close to the life reserves so we lost so much...We'll only have about two days left before we die of air loss, if not by a necromorph. I managed to seal up the doors from the parts that were blown to hell...trapping air in here, but we don't have much. And somehow the necromorphs managed to get on this side of the ship too...If...If we're to get out of here, we need to get to the other half of the ship. But its impossible without a suit. I don't even know if there ARE any left...but we could always try and make our way to the armory to look for some, if they haven't been taken already..."
Ashton listened to his story and understood why he was so paranoid. She didn't blame him she would've been the same if something happened to her. It happened to her when she had to kill her friends, but to be trapped on board a Nercomorph infested ship and with so little resources, it was insanity waiting to happen. She was glad he was getting his head into the game, but was worried about his mental health at the same time. She kept the idea in her head, but never said anything about it. "Two days...we can do that. We just need to keep moving non stop until we fine what we need to find. Do you know where a store is with power so we can get us some suits?" She asked looking at him, but occasionally looking around in case a Nercomorph was sneaking up on them
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