Fallen Without A Cause (Dementia x Spirits)


May 6, 2013
Everywhere.... Nah in the U.S :P (Hell)
Rain. Raining. Drizzling. Pouring.

It would seem more than normal to see lightning strike down during a storm, or during a sort of heavy raining day. Not in this case, in this case it was a quiet evening, an unusually quiet evening, no crickets chirping, no cats yowling nor mewling, not even the sounds of fornication within the city of 'sin' known as Daten City. No clouds hung over the sky, nothing was keeping the light of the moon hidden away. Everything was seen, the trees, the empty streets, the quiet buildings within the city. Nothing, just utter silence. It was quiet, as if there was only one night for once, where the streets and roads were clear, where the law appeared to be in control. Where it appeared that finally there was peace. It was quite alien to see a night like this, or at anytime to be frank, for anyone who was used to the appearance of Daten City in full swing. Nothing more than the sound of wind rushed through the streets occasionally broke said respectable silence. The silence was to be broken by the sound of thunder, above in the sky, the cloudless, starless sky, came the rumble of lightning.. In a flash came a bolt of lightning that, didn't hit the ground if not it just shot across the sky like a bullet, as if it had changed it's mind in the middle of it's path of heading down to the earth to strike on the concrete streets. Then... a sudden splash, and just like that, the chaos of Daten City resumed.

Lights. Music. Sex. Etc, Etc. Time seemed to resume after that little bolt of lightning shot across the sky.

"..Ow..." groaned a young little angel, taking a moment to look at the sky, drenched in muddy water. The fall really rattled his brains...well what was left of his brains. He looked up at the sky, looking up at the endless blue only to get hit on the head by an umbrella. Shaking the muddy water off his clothes, with a huff, the young man quickly picked up the umbrella that fell down with him shaking mud off it, opening it up as then ...


He whimpered slightly tears coming to his eyes, he took a moment to soak his head in the rain water to clean off the murky mud-like water from his hair, as usually messy as it was he liked it clean. He sniffled as he got his clean as possible. He PERFERED being more or less presentable on the first day. He wandered for some time... wandering through the streets on this cold rainy evening, the raven haired youth had no idea on where to go, but even so, even if he knew where he was, he was of course torturously lost. In a while, he found himself at the door step of a church, behind of which was a graveyard. The infamous church of the Anarchy sisters. Of course he had no idea of this, he had lived a fairly reserved life before, and no one mentioned them at all. Maybe...I can... He scampered over to the church, looking at the towering ominous structure, he was about to knock on the door, until he saw the door creak open, there was no one in the main hall of the church... It was empty but there were some candles lit, lighting up the faint image of a cross all the way across the room. He shut the door behind him and sat down shaking, cold, wet and hungry. He started to pray, whimpering, and sniffling "...W-why..?"
Stocking came into the room, Chuck behind her. She had a broom and dustpan in hand, humming to herself. The two haired woman began sweeping, jamming out to the music in her ears. She seemed to be dancing like a stripper, they ways her hips were rotating and how sensual her face looked. Chuck looked goofy as he tried to dance along, making the usual noises as he always did. Stocking didn't happen to even catch a glance of the fellow angel, too busy with her chores. She was dressed in a sweater, the black clothe hanging to just below her groin, a small heart in the bottom left hem. She had her usual striped stockings, the socks held up by a black Garterbelt. She had no shoes on, able to move across the floor easily. She finally finished the room, popping Chuck's mouth open like a trash can and depositing the dirt in his mouth. She finally turns and squeaks, catching sight of the angel. "I'm sorry, sir. We're closed," she states, her soft, melodic voice filling the cathedral.
"I'm not a sir...and...I thought a church was never to close their doors on...someone of...faith..." He said attempting not to cry, or rather keep himself from crying anymore, he was dressed unusually formally. A young boy with messy black hair, a large black fedora with a large brim sat atop his head. His bright yellow eyes were partially closed due to the utter exhaustion he was currently suffering and due to his crying earlier. What was strange was that he wore a strange tuxedo, strange because it didn't look like a tuxedo persay... It looked...wrong persay to be a tuxedo, and the color of it was a strange black, not entirely 'black' persay, it had this unusual look to it almost like the damn tux wasn't even made of fabric at all. The rest of his outfit was black, minus the shirt under the black tux. His face looked young, quite young, he had no imperfections of the skin, however he was still filthy, quite filthy.

He breathed in deeply continuing to pray, Why?....Why was I... He began sobbing, he thought he would have been able to stop himself, but so fell his holy tears, streaming down his cheeks. He cupped his face, starting to sob more violently, he didn't understand why he was tortured to this extent... What did he do wrong?
Stocking watches the male for a moment before walking over and sitting down beside him. She stared straight forward and set her hand between his shoulder blades, only to bring him against her side. She was awkward in these types of situations, but she rubbed the males back, humming softly to ease his sobs. Stockings cheeks were a bit flushed and she looked down at him. "Do you like cake? I could go for a piece," she manages, as his subs softened a little. Through the roof, there was a skylight, flooding the room with natural sunlight as the rain had lifted. In the sunlight, her halo was aluminized above her head, wings as well, even if she wasn't transformed. She continued to lightly rub his back, kicking Chuck across the room as he tried to get close.
"N-no, I don't-....well yes I do...but I mustn't in-indulge myself.." He said sniffling, now being bathed in the sunlight, his wings shone, hazily, as if they were merely ghosts of his wings, or nonexistent, a broken halo hung over his head hazily, chipped in several places. "I shouldn't indulge in earthly goods..." He said in sorrow, by all means he didn't understand why he was....thrown away, pushed out, and abused worst of all... He turned ever so slightly blushed, looking at Stocking, she was quite beautiful. Many angels had incredible beauty, Stocking was no exception, still he couldn't help but notice her...assets, her rather large assets. He turned away, and resumed his rather gloomy behavior.

His mind was stuck on the fact that, he was thrown out...and why? Why was he thrown out just for.... He heard a rooster crow in the distance, he didn't particularly like the sound of it... It was so shrill.
"No matter," she stands, hooking her arm around the male's waist. Stockings drags him along with her, as she headed for the kitchen. She would sit him in a chair, rummaging through the fridge for cake. She would bend over, the sweater she was wearing, rise above her rear, exposing her heartshaped backside. She stands back and up and turns, handing the male a slice of cheesecake. "Cake always makes me happy," she says, her smile bright and honest. "And it looks like you need some cheering up." She smiles, taking a bit of her own slice, happily groaning in delight at the delicious taste.
He was surprised by Stocking's own...directness, or perhaps it was her own way of just trying to make people feel good. Either way, he supposed he could have some cake, since she was offering. He looked around the large kitchen, taking a moment to take in every small detail, which made it all the more embarrassing for him when he saw her exposed ass, well not entirely exposed, thankfully she was being the least bit modest in wearing some panties, striped ones at that, but he could see nearly every detail of her sex...Her ass filled out those panties so nicely. He shook his head once she turned around. What was wrong with him? He sighed taking a moment to look at the cake, he began eating ravenously after taking his first bite, he wasn't as big a sugar fan as Stocking... But when a cake tastes good....

"Erm...thank you for your kindness...Miss."
She smiles at him, tilting her head a bit. "My name's Stocking. What's yours?" she asks, her voice so soft and girly for her. Her hair fell over a shoulder as she leaned close, her vanilla scent sure to be filling his nostrils. She giggles lightly, continuing to shove her face full of cake, this one being amazing. She waits for his answer, her cyan eyes blinking at him.
"Erm...my name is... Smoking, or at least it WAS until ..." His mood resumed being gloomy, he whimpered slightly, starting to cry. He wasn't sobbing if not he was simply crying.. Smoking, the name of a certain tuxedo, or rather a sort of suit which may resemble a tuxedo... A garment used for weddings and funerals. "...I was kicked out of heaven" He murmured, playing with the crumbs of his slice of cake.
"So was I," she shrugs, licking some icing off of her top lip. Her eyes looking over him, her lashes fluttering. She grins a bit, only to shove another bite of cake in her mouth. She looks over him slightly. "Why're you upset?" she asks. "You get to expierence something you couldn't ever have if you were stuck in heaven!" She shakes her head, confused.
"But I didn't do anything wrong, of course I'm...lightly interested in being somewhere so new...but...I don't know why I was kicked out...no one told me why...It's as if, I was just someone who was the least valuable to them so they...cut me off.." He said sighing sadly into his black sleeves. "Heaven was my home, and I enjoyed being there...and to just get kicked out in such a heartless manner..." He said tearing up once more. "...It's just heartbreaking really..." His eyes still held the innocence of heaven, the purity of that long forgotten kingdom... He paused hearing moaning coming from upstairs more than likely Stocking's sister having her usual round of morning fun. He had never heard the sounds of sex so to speak, hearing it was quite alien to him. "Er...what's that sound?"
"The big man has his ways. You're in a new place, your new home," she watches him begin to cry again and she pities him. "So it's not best to sit here and cry about what you lost, but be curious at what you were given." That was probably the most Stocking's ever talked, her cheeks turning pink. She looks away, nervously scratching the back of her head. "Besides, Earth isn't that bad. There's lost of fun stuff to do."
He sighed listening to Stockings words, despite him not truly agreeing with what Stocking agreed with. He didn't at all believe that he was sent down for a reason. Even so he decided to be polite, despite his difference in views. "... Yes I suppose you may be right miss Stocking." He said with a sigh. He kept hearing those moans coming from up stairs, what in the name of god was going on up there
She dismisses the sounds from upstairs, nervously laughing. "Just ignore those," she stutters on, her cheeks beginning to turn a lovely shade of pink. "It's just something humans do." She stammers on, turning to get another piece of cake. She was going to kill Panty later.
"Oh?" He said getting up, progressing out of the kitchen to investigate... He was now stuck in the humans world, so he may as well try to deal with it. Besides, that he was curious as to what kind of activity would actually NEED people making so much noise. He was of course blissfully unaware of what was going on upstairs, he'd heard of intercourse in the past. He knew what it was, he just never heard nor have seen it actually carried out. He was an angel by education and by heart, even though his mind apparently left much to be desired. He took off his fedora, setting it down on next to the altar where a priest would usually be found reading from the bible to the masses that would have arrived to hear Gods word. His face was fully revealed, though he did at first have the appearance of someone around Stocking's age and spoke with a sort of subtle tone of maturity, he was actually YOUNGER than her, well angels by all means didn't age as humans did, however it was easy to tell that he was an unseasoned angel. Large alert amber eyes, seeming to have a nearly purely innocent gleam to them, his raven locks now hung lazily down to his shoulders, being slightly both curly and straightened, seeming to be somehow perfectly combed despite it being filthy a second ago. He had a fairly feminine face, not to say that there wasn't anything that denoted or revealed his gender as a man, but his face was some how flawless, perfectly round, supple cheeks, his lips, if it weren't for the stains of filth and grime on his face, he would have been quite an adorable sight to behold...but the filth was also a sign that he...he was an urchin now, with no place to stay or go. Smoking however was still progressing upstairs, rather slowly, walking with a slight limp, more than likely due to his still lingering exhaust that even now plagued him.
"No no no!" Stocking ran up after him, ducking under his arms and holding her hands straight forward, blocking his path. "Something humans do privately." She didn't think the fallen angel would think of even watching two beings commit an act. 'Men' she supposed. She starts directly him back downstairs, turning his small frame around and down the stairs. Her body seemed to easily manipulate his around, her cyan eyes watching him closely. She straightens her sweater a bit, the clothe hugging her supple curves. She blushes a bit, her hair falling over a shoulder. "Two people, alone. Together. No one intruding," she manages through he heavy blush and murmurings to herself. "Understand?"
Smoking was confused by how Stocking was acting, considering he had never heard of the sounds of fornication, or was even told of the details of what sex was exactly, as far as his knowledge went, it was just when a man and woman produce a child. "...Are they...talking alone or something like that?" He said tilting his head slightly. It was then when it became apparent that he honestly didn't understand what sex was.
Stockings blinks slightly, directing him to the couch and sitting him down. She sits beside him, pinching the bridge of her nose. "They're having sex," she mutters. "Sensual sex. In no need to produce child but just for pleasure." Her cheeks were a dark red from embarrassment of having to explain what her sister was doing.
His face soon turned red, and reddened further with the realization that he was actually going to go in and see it. "O-Oh, I see...." He said scooting away from her slightly, he didn't understand why but he felt...uncomfortable around her, she was so nice but...something about her sent chills down his spine.
She turns and looks at him, afraid that she scared him. She whimpers a bit and pulls her knees up to her chest, her sex in view, clothed in panties, if you looked at her straight on. She rests her arms on her knees and buries her face in them. She felt shunned by the fallen, the sun coming in through the window once again aluminating her halo and droopy wings.
"M-Miss Stocking, d-don't be sad... I'm just...er...well I'm simply unaware of the concept of...intercourse me being a young angel...no one had bothered to tell me what occurs in it before, so I was curious..." He said patting her back attempting to console her. The young angel then wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly, to try to ease her.
Stocking would flinch at the contact, her cheeks flushing instantly. His body felt oddly comfortable to her own, his form molding against her side. She leans her head up a bit, her bangs falling over her face. She bites her lip, her eyes hidden with hair. She didn't seem to reply, the dirty thoughts of already having intercourse with this male flooding her head.
Smoking smiled slightly as he hugged her, he by all means liked Stocking, nothing solidly romantic, but he liked her. He slowly broke the hug, looking at her tenderly, "You shouldn't be sad, Miss Stocking, it's alright." He said nuzzling into her neck, musing slightly as he did. "...~" He cpntinued doing so until he saw someone, a man by the looks of it rush down stairs barely dressed swearing under his breath about him being apparently late for work. He assumed that this woman upstairs had...had her fill.
She kept quiet but blushed more as she felt him nuzzling her neck. Surely he smelled her vanilla sweetness, surely he felt how soft her skin was, surely..he would something. Stocking watched the man leave boredly, standing because she didn't want to talk to her sister. She takes the opposite flight of stairs, the ones that led to a bridge, where Stocking's private quarters were. She was too annoyed by her sister that she didn't even think of Smoking, trudging away. She held the door open for him though, Chuck zooming past as she waited.
She walked in after him, her room being that of a gothic princess. She flops across her bed and points to the spare bed on the opposite side of the room. "There's your bed," she mutters. "You don't want to sleep on anything else because I bet you, Panty has done something on it. She's never been in my room though." She muses, sitting up. She stretches out her porcelain skinned legs, running a hand through her hair. She looks over at him and stands up, moving to her closet. "What color sheets and stuff? I have black, light grey, and purple," she turns to look at him.
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