The Forbidden Mountain (FairestOfAll & MellowYellow)

(Hmm. Jasmine? She would be completely opposed to Jafar, however. She hates him with a passion, haha.)

Perhaps being 'open' would come in time. But for a young woman who had grown up with only animals for friends in a sheltered wood... it was no easy thing to be anything but a wallflower. But she supposed she would have to try. This was her life, now... might as well make the most of it.
A being with Jafar's power had very few limitations, not since Maleficent had amplified his magic. Bending Arabian princess to his will was a trivial matter after all. He entered Jasmine's quarters, a large chamber similar to her old bedroom with many pillows piling up in the floor. He whistled to summon the princess to attention.
Regardless of the fact that this room LOOKED like her home.... it was not. It never could be. Jasmine ought to be glad she had such a nice room, if only she knew how some of the other prisoners fared. But as it was, the princess was irritated by her captivity, and sat brooding over the many ways she could have her father punish her captor. When the Sultan heard of this, when he marched his army on this place... then they would be sorry.

The sound of a whistle caught her attention, and her head snapped up, brown eyes falling upon her father's vizier. HIM? He was her captor? She was on her feet at once, scowling at him -- and for more than one reason. "Jafar!" she spat, glaring. "YOU. I should have known. And how dare you, whistling for me like some dog?" She was a princess, not an animal.
"Oh shut up..." Jafar said with a dismissive roll of his eyes. He extended his serpent headed staff outward, the rubies of its eye glowing and captivating Jasmine with the unnatural light. "Now then." Jafar said, his voice penetrating deep into the captured princesses mind. "Are you going to be a good girl and behave yourself?" he said, more of a command than a question.
The moment that staff was raised, she should have known. She should have covered her eyes, or averted her gaze, or something. But Jasmine was so very lost in her fury, that she simply continued to glare.... and found herself staring right into the eyes of the serpent. And slowly, the haze began to cloud her mind. She tried to fight it, tried to hold out... "N-no, never... I..." It was too strong, too powerful... even against a will as strong as hers.
"Don't be difficult now. Being headstrong is the quickest way to punishment around here." Jafar warned, the magic intensifying to make the princess calmer and marginally more submissive. He lowered his staff finally, smirking triumphantly. "Now then Jasmine, come closer." he commanded "You don't want to be rude, do you?"
No... she did not wish to be rude. So Jasmine stepped forward, her own body now negligent and immune to the instinct that said flee! She stood before the sorcerer, eyes blank, awaiting his command.
"Good." Jafar commanded. He undid his robe to reveal his slender body and his impressive cock, and then he promptly gave an order to the attractive princess "Undress for me." he said firmly. With that he took a seat on the bed, watching as Jasmine exposed more and more of her attractive body. She certainly was of royal blood.
She watched him, her own mind protesting deep within the prison in which Jafar's hypnosis had created in her head. But she was powerless to do anything but stare as the man stripped, and then commanded for her to do the same. So she reached to pull the laces free at the back of her top, letting the straps slide down her arms, dropping the scanty article of clothing to the floor at her feet. Then her hands fell to the waist of her harem pants, and those went next. And so there she stood, with nothing but the jeweled headband in her hair, and her mother's gold necklace around her neck.
Jasmine's beauty was well documented, far and wide. She had been the object of affection for many in the palace, and now she was all his. Jafar beckoned her closer, watching the sway of her hips. His hand gripped her breast, squeezing it tight and then he pulled her in, sliding her pristine womanhood down the hard length of his long cock.
Her head was screaming, telling her to run, to flee and not look back... but her body betrayed her, and she moved forward, letting Jafar pull her in. And though she should have screamed, should have cried and fought and tore him apart... the only sound that passed her lips was a groan, and the only move her hands made was to grip his shoulders. His magic was far too powerful for her to resist... and soon, the pleasure would make it even more-so.
The sultan's daughter had always been a stuck-up little bitch, and it had always been so troublesome to deal with both her and her fat idiot of a father. Hearing her groaning for him more than made up for it all though. Jafar gripped her womanly hips firmly and started forcing his hips back and forth, his thick dick probing her hot and tight depths. He might never be a Genie, but Maleficent giving him free reign over Jasmine was more than enough to satisfy him.
Something within her broke as he began to pump into her. Perhaps it was her spirit, her fight, her spark. Though the magic controlled her body and her actions, her mind and her heart and her soul still cried out against this defilement. Her innocence, her freedom, her self-worth... all ripped away in one instant. And yet, as much as she lamented this on the inside, it did not show on the outside. On the outside, she seemed such a willing participant... though Jafar surely knew better than that.
This was simply so delightful to go through, for Jafar knew just how loudly Jasmine's mind screamed against the defilement of her body...yet soon the magic influencing her body would seep into her very soul, driving her to crave the touch of not just him but also the touch of any other agent under Maleficent's control. He kept his hips hard at work, grunting as his large manhood filled Jasmine's most sacred depths.
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