The Forbidden Mountain (FairestOfAll & MellowYellow)

The older wouldn't stifled a laugh at her lovers expense. Ah she was so inexperienced, it was adorable. She was partly to blame for her naivety, having never educated her properly on sex. "Sweetheart, that's not...THAT. It's a different kind of liquid." she bega "What you just had, we'll call it an orgasm. Whenever you feel immense pleasure, that liquid will gush out. Very sweet, infinitely better than...well, you know." She kissed her daughters forehead lovingly "Ah, you're a woman now."
...oh. Well, that was good, she supposed. Bowing her head as her mother kissed it, she listened to her words... then smiled. "A...woman?" Did that mean... "Can I... I mean... does that mean I can... go outside?" If she was a woman, an adult, didn't that mean she could do what she wished to? That she was finally her own master?
Now there was a question Gothel dreaded hearing, but for different reasons now. Still, her daughter was sill naive, maleable. Controllable. "To an extent." she said firmly "This is the queen's land you see, so she is ultimately in control. Be respectful and kind to her, and any of her advisors." she added. Gothel tilted her head and ran a finger down Rapunzel's neck "I'd prefer if you lived with me. There are quite a few lessons I need to cover with you."
This new Queen sounded quite scary. Even mother seemed to respect her. Frowning, Rapunzel considered what the outside world must be like, under this Queen's reign. Was it anything like her books? Or was it more like this prison? If so... maybe she WAS better of staying with mother. Shaking her head at the thought, she looked up at Gothel, inquiring, "What lessons?" Hadn't mother told her all about the outside world before? About the ruffians, the thugs?
"The art of pleasure my dear. It's a wonderful thing to pleasure a man or a woman, but you need to know what you're doing." Gothel replied, pulling her dress back on and instructing Rapunzel to dress. Once they were both ready she opened the door up into one corridor, a few rays of sunlight piercing through the windows. "Now then, shall we go for a walk in the gardens?" She supposed there was no need to keep Rapunzel as her personal prisoner.
Oh. Well, she supposed mother was right. Obediently, she pulled her dress back on, lacing it up the front and straightening it out. But when mother actually moved forward to open the door, Rapunzel froze. She... she was being allowed outside? A grin found her face at once, and she whooped as she dashed for the door, dancing out into the hall. Finally, freedom!!!
"Be careful with your hair! goodness sake..." Gothel grumbled as she followed behind her lover, the bouncing golden mane following after Rapunzel, more than thrice the length of her adopted daughter's body. She found her in the garden, exploring the vast green fields with childlike awe. While her hair was the main reason Gothel kept her around, it would be a bare faced lie if she said she didn't love her like family in some way. So she stood back and smiled, letting her daughter enjoy her freedom for now.
Right, her hair. She supposed dragging it around on the ground wasn't so smart. But it wasn't like she could pick up and hold ALL of it... she could manage a couple feet at best. So she looped a bit around her shoulder, gathered some in her arms... and then started her twirling and carrying on again. "Oh mother, it's so BEAUTIFUL!" How could the world outside that dark, dank dungeon be so.. bright, and green, and wonderful?
"Yes dear, quite wonderful. You won't have to fear any brigands or thugs out here. No plague either, and isn't that a plus." She approached Rapunzel and stroked her back, managing a genuine smile "She may strike fear into you at first, but Queen Maleficent means you no harm if you are respectful."

On the matter of the queen herself, she awoke with a long yawn, wholly undignified for a deity of her statue. Her robe was hung up on the wardrobe, her staff propped up at the wall and her helmet atop the staff. Her long raven hair flowed down her pale green skin, revealing her unnatural beauty. "Mm...Aurora, get up. It's morning." she remarked, nudging the sleeping beauty. She found she quite liked having her as a bride as opposed to a foe.
Well... if this were true, Rapunzel thought, then maybe Queen Maleficent wouldn't be so bad after all.

Aurora, however, was not so fond of the new queen. Having been stolen away from all she knew and loved by this witch, she despised her, and this horrible place she called home. But Aurora knew there was no hope of escape, so she dared not try. The queen was wrathful, and dangerous. Attempted escape could lead to death, or even worse... the death of her loved ones. And she could not see that happened. Thus, she remained, a reluctant bride to the dragon queen. At least she, unlike the other prisoners of this place, had some luxury -- she shared a bed with the queen, and her chambers. Better than those stony dungeons down below...

Sighing, she opened her eyes, staring off towards the wall. She so hated to be awake... dreams were far more pleasant than reality, it seemed...
" not be a mope. I do so hate moping..." Maleficent said with a dismissive roll of her eyes. It was fortunate for Aurora that she was as beautiful as she was, and proved herself a surprisingly fast learner when it came to sex. Maleficent gave a dismissive flick of her finger, tossing the bedsheets from their bare bodies. Her head was abuzz with thoughts, pondering what she would do to her captive this time.
Well, it was quite impossible not to mope, as Maleficent called it, when one was a prisoner in this manner. Still, it could be worse, and Aurora knew it. But even so, she could not bring herself to be a ray of sunshine for this woman all the same. That was simply asking too much.

She felt the covers fall away, felt the morning air against her bare skin... but by this point, she had learned not to attempt covering herself. So she merely laid there, waiting to see what her mistress would do...
"Honestly, part of me feels I should just bring that Jaffar idiot in here, have him bend your mind around a bit." That was just an idle threat she made from time to time, though she'd likely go through with it eventually. "Now then." Maleficent, twitched a finger, a series of ropes binding Aurora in a spread eagle position on the bed "I believe I want my morning meal."
Jafar... she had heard of him. A sorceror, with powers of mind persuasion. Hypnosis. Aurora couldn't imagine that... losing her own mind, her own free-will. That was something she never wished to happen. So she was just about to comply and speak to inquire what her mistress wished of her, when Maleficent took matters into her own hands. And thus, the princess with the hair of gold found herself in this prone position, looking up at the witch with sapphire blue eyes. Well, at least Maleficent required nothing of her, then. She would just lay here and let the witch do as she would.
"You can act like a prude and be as stoic as you want to, but deep down you know you love this." Maleficent remarked dryly. Forced or otherwise, pleasure was pleasure, and Aurora was feeling more of that than she ever would have in her old life. She leaned in, and then her long forked tongue was pushing into her pink pussy.
She didn't like knowing that Maleficent was right. That, in the heat of the moment, she DID enjoy it. Who wouldn't? It felt wonderful... but after, she always felt so very guilty. So dreadful. But there was little she could do to stop it from happening, and she knew that. Besides... who would ever know, besides the two of them? Her long, elegant fingers curled into the sheets beneath her at that initial touch, though she tried her hardest not to make a sound. Not yet... Aurora did not give in so easily. She had to be worked towards that breaking point, first.
"You taste great, you know." Maleficent said, a smirk crossing her face before plunging her snake tongue in again wriggling in deeper and deeper into Aurora's pussy. Her eyes began to glow a bright green as she tapped into her magic, causing a series of invisible hands to start groping her breasts, feeling the impressive mounds.
There came that feeling... the (ever-so-familiar, by now) feeling of heat pooling in her stomach. That good feeling, as that tongue explored her hidden place. And then she felt them, those ghost-like hands, which she both cursed and craved just as much as she cursed and craved Maleficent. Finally, a soft moan passed her lips, and those blue eyes fell shut, and Aurora relented to simply ride the pleasure forced upon her.
"Fufu...Oh my listen to those moans. You might act holier-than-thou, but you crave this attention I give you, you couldn't function without it." Maleficent purred before immediately diving back into licking. The ghostly hands roamed up her breasts again, tugging and pinching at Aurora's nipples.
She did... she did crave it. Aurora could not help the sounds tumbling off her lips now, could not resist the hands that molded her. "Oh, mistress, please..." she whined, trying to arch further into her.
"There we go. Was that so hard to say?" Maleficent said cockily. She'd fully break Aurora, of that she was certain.Her tongue went to working diligently, exploring every inch of Aurora's love canal, pushing deeper and deeper into her pussy until the forked tip was wiggling into her womb, tickling the inner walls while the phantom hands groped more thoroughly.
Within moments, Aurora was fully at her mistress's whim, shaking and panting as she tossed her head against her pillow. And finally, that heat within her belly flared, and pleasure took her, and she lost herself to release, falling slack against the mattress with a low whine. Yet again, Maleficent had won the battle. But the loss was not unpleasant for the princess, either.
The ropes vanished, as did the phantom hands. Maleficent licked her lips clean and then sat up on the bed, pulling Aurora into her lap and kissing her soft lips. She pulled back and smirked triumphantly "Now that was enjoyable, wouldn't you say?"
Aurora went as bid, as she always did, lowering her gaze in an attempt to reclaim modesty as she murmured, "Yes, mistress." It would be a lie to say it hadn't been, even if she wished she could say as much.
(Which girl would you like to use next?)

"You need to learn to be more open. You're not an oppressed little wallflower anymore, consider yourself sexually free." Maleficent said with a groan. Maybe a little subtle brainwashing would be needed.
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