The Forbidden Mountain (FairestOfAll & MellowYellow)


Sep 29, 2013
She had long lost track of the days, but it didn't really matter. It was just another prison... just another place to exist. Unlike her tower, however, which she had made to be so warm and cheery, this place was anything but. It was dark, and dank, and she could so often hear screams and cries beyond her own room's walls. But she did not know what went on beyond them, and mother would not tell her.

Mother had brought her here, though she had not given a reason why. And while this place made Rapunzel extremely anxious... she had no reason not to trust mother. Mother was all she had. And she was all mother had.

And so she sat in her little room with it's cheap and bare decor, wondering when they would once again return to her tower. For, as much as she had yearned to venture outside of it... she had never imagined this. She yearned for the sunshine, not the darkness. For Pascal, and her paintings, and her room. For the comforts of home that she had known all of her life.

But she was beginning to think she would never see those things again.

Sitting on her hard and lumpy mattress, she kicked her bare feet, playing with her hair absently. There was little else to do, admittedly, and she was beginning to go a tad stircrazy. All there was to do was hum... so she did just that. Just to keep herself going.
RE: The Forbidden Mountain

After a few more minutes of silence, the wooden door to Rapunzel's cell opened up. "Ahhh my darling daughter!" Gothel greeted, aproaching her sweet child with a small sway of her hips. "Goodness I am so sorry to keep you stored away like this, but the new Queen...well she is a very particular woman."

She did quite loathe giving up her Rapunzel to another woman, but it was either that or let Maleficent stuff her head onto a pike. Not a good option. "Ahh...This room is so dreary. It simply is no place for a child of your beauty." she remarked.

Gothel took a seat beside the teenager on the bed, taking a sniff of her majestic golden hair, while one hand roamed down to grip Rapunzel's own "I might be able to get you a nicer room here. You just need to do as I say..." the attractive older woman said, a wicked smile crossing her face.
RE: The Forbidden Mountain

Looking up as the door opened, Rapunzel's heart leapt at the sight of her mother. Finally! "Mother!" She nearly jumped to her feet, but seeing as how Gothel was moving to join her, she simply opted to stay put. She was just glad to have company, to have a familiar face... Everything would be just fine, now. Mother was here.

But she wondered about this new Queen that they all had to bow to. That even her mother seemed to fear. Who was she? And why was she keeping them here? Her brow creased in confusion, and she listened to her mother as she sat beside her, speaking of a nicer room and the possibility of acquiring it for her. And while Rapunzel would gladly leave this dungeon of sorts behind, she couldn't help but ask, "But... can't we just go back to the tower?"
RE: The Forbidden Mountain

"Oh no no no dear child. The tower has been relocated here. And we will be able to move in if you behave yourself." Gothel explained. With her vast magic Maleficent had simply plucked it from the ground and welded it onto her vast castle. A spectacular sight to say the least, even made the older woman envious.

Gothel's hands slowly roamed down Rapunzel's body until they were cupping under her breasts, squeezing the fesh softly through the silky fabric of her dress "Oh my dear dear daughter, how you have grown....I suppose it's that time. Do you recall what I told you of...intimacy? Well, we will be doing something similar to that."

She might be forced under Maleficent's thumb, but she had wanted to do this for years anyway...
RE: The Forbidden Mountain

The tower was... here? But how was that possible? Green eyes widened slowly, staring up into her mother's questioningly. How could that huge tower be moved here so easily? Surely they hadn't been here THAT long.

Frowning, she was still trying to make sense of all of this when her mother's hands found her body. And this action admittedly made her a little nervous, unsure. Yes, she had grown, she was almost eighteen now. Had her mother not noticed? Tilting her head and forcing herself to remain still under her mother's touch, trusting her even still, Rapunzel answered, "Uhm... I think I remember. Intimacy is... uhm..." What had mother told her? "Being close, right? Loving someone?"
RE: The Forbidden Mountain

"Yes my dear, yes indeed." Mother Gothel replied in her normal soothing tone, wanting to ease her lovely adopted daughter into this. She would likely not have exclusive usage of her anymore, and she didn't want her getting punished by one of Maleficents cohorts for being impudent.

"And if a mother and a daughter want to be intimate, then there is no shame in that. Feel free to be intimate with those who ask." Gothel added in a soft sultry purr. She leaned around and kissed Rapunzel's soft lips, working her tongue into her lovers mouth and using it to massage Rapunzel's own. Ah she tasted sweeter than sugar.
RE: The Forbidden Mountain

A mother and daughter. Rapunzel tried to think back to the various fairytales and love stories she had read. Had there ever been a mother and daughter being... intimate? She did not think so. Her little button nose crinkled as she thought about this, but before she could open her mouth to question her mother further, the older woman was suddenly leaning in, claiming her lips. Rapunzel squeaked in surprise against them, green eyes going wide. Her mother had NEVER kissed her in this manner before! Actually, she had never been kissed like this at all. Just cheek kisses, and forehead kisses, and top of the head kisses. But never this...

And then she felt a tongue in her mouth, and immediately yanked back, eyes wide. "M-mother, are you sure...?"
"Have I ever lied to you?" Gothel replied sweetly. Of course she had, that much was for sure. But she wouldn't come clean about that, not now not ever. As far as her 'daughter' knew, she had a loving mother. And in some ways she did love Rapunzel as a daughter...and a little more than that now that she had grown so beautiful. "You can trust me dear, you know I won't hurt you. Don't you trust your mother?" she asked, feigning hurt at the possibility.
No... no, mother had never lied, it was true. She had done nothing but care for her, and protect her, and teach her how horrible the outside world was. Mother loved her. So surely, this was okay. "No, no! I DO trust you." she assured, placing her hand over her mother's. She offered her a tiny smile, fidgeting nervously. "You.. uhm... you can kiss me. It's okay."
"Attagirl! We'll be learning a few new things today, but I'll try to ease you into it slowly and I'll be sure to make you feel very good.." Gothl said, grinning at her adopted daughter. "Ahh, you are so sweet." she added, leaning in for a quick peck on her lips, admiring the taste "And of course you'll be able to move into the tower again today if you're extra good."

Gothel leaned back and opened up the laces at the front of her bodice, exposing her generous breasts. There was a good reason she was so determined to keep her youth eternal, because she was quite a fox. "Now then, feel free to have a touch." she said reassuringly.
Well... she DID want to move back into the tower. So she supposed she ought to do whatever he mother said.

But she hadn't expected what happened next, and her eyes widened yet again as she found herself staring into her mother's full breasts. "oh..!" she gasped. This was... strange. It had been a long time since they had changed in front of each other, but Rapunzel knew they weren't putting new clothes on, at his point. Biting at her lip, she met her mother's gaze before hesitantly dropping hers back to the exposed breasts. Well, if mother wanted... So finally, tentatively, she reached out, brushing her fingers against a nipple.
"Mm...Clever. A very sensitive spot dear." Gothel said, smiling warmly and feeling her cheeks glow pink from the small flash of pleasure. She slipped her arms from her robe, letting it fall off the upper part of her body, exposing her arms and her toned stomach. She was an attractive woman, of that there was no doubt.

She slowly slipped her legs from ber robe now, and once the garment had pooled on the floor the older woman was naked before her adopted daughter. "Now then...Would you kindly undress too? Don't worry, it's all perfectly safe."
Pleased with the praise she had received, Rapunzel smiled, beginning to loosen up a little. This wasn't so bad...

But as her mother undressed completely, that hesitance returned quite quickly. It was just... strange. Different. And it felt WRONG. But if mother said it was okay, then surely it wasn't? After all, mother knew so much more about the world than she did. So she slowly rose to her feet to comply, pulling at the laces at the front of her bodice, letting it begin to slip down. And finally, it fluttered to the floor around her ankles, leaving small, dainty Rapunzel standing there, her hands dropping in an attempt to cover herself shyly.
How long had it been since she saw her adopted daughter naked? years surely, and even then it was when she was washing her back as an infant. "My my look how you've grown. Clearly you're one of the most beautiful women on the planet." Second most, at least.

"C'mere." Gothel purred, pulling Rapunzel down onto her lap. In between tresses of golden hair she could feel her bare skin rub against Rapunzel's own, and Gothel then leisurely reached up to fondle and grope her exposed breasts "Does that feel good sweetie?"
Gothel's words warmed Rapunzel, drawing a smile to her face. She was... beautiful? Before, mother had always called her awkward, and pudgy. But now, apparently, she had finally grown into herself. And that fact gave her the confidence she needed to move as bid, letting her mother draw her down. But as she began to paw at her tiny chest, Rapunzel bit at her lip again, trying to decide how this felt. DID it feel good...? "Y-yes." she finally said, her voice quiet. "I... I think so..."
"Good girl. Just leave it all to mother, and it'll feel spectacular." Gothel said, smirking. She pulled Rapunzel in and kissed her soft lips again, moaning into the warm recesses of her mouth. Her hands continued to fondle her breasts with experience and well-defined intentions, and her hand slowly roamed down to stroke at her pretty pink pussy lips.
Trusting her mother was all she could do, so she allowed herself to relax under her ministrations, tentatively returning the kiss as only an amateur could. It would take learning, but clearly mother was going to teach her. After all, mother knew best.

Still, when she touched between Rapunzel's legs, the girl could not help but instinctively close them, for no one had ever touched her there before. And she knew no one was supposed to, just... just someone who loved her. Which was mother, she reminded herself. So slowly, hesitantly, she let her thighs part again, waiting to see what would happen next.
She felt a little bit of relief wash over her when her adopted daughter opened her legs up again, giving her her access back. It would make this all so much easier. Two of her fingertips pushed into her pristine pussy, pushing the folds apart a bit. "Warm and wet, magnificent..." Gothel breathed out into her ear. Her lips then trailed down Rapunel's elegant neck, wanting to pleasure her even further.
Rapunzel gasped as she felt the pressure between her legs, squirming slightly at the intrusion. "M-mother..." she mumbled, unsure. But she stumbled over her words as Gothel's lips brushed over her skin, earning a small sigh from Rapunzel's own. "W-what's happening to me..." This all felt so strange. So... warm? Yes, she felt warm. And tingly...
"It's special my dear, trust me. This is only the beginning." Gothel replied, before lazily running her tongue up along her soft skin. Her fingers started pumping in and out at a steadily growing speed, her thumb occasionally brushing against Rapunzel's clit. "Tell mother how much you love her..." Gothel purred out in a husky whisper.
Gasping at the intimate touch of her mother's thumb, Rapunzel found her fears and inhibitions melting away, replaced by... that feeling. The one she could not find the words to describe. The one hand that still held Gothel's free one clenched tighter, and a little moan slipped past her lips. "Ooh..." she cooed. "I do, mother. I love you!"
"And mother loves you too my dear..." Gothel replied, a smirk twisting on her face. At this rate, teaching her to be a submissive slut would be a trivial matter. Her fingers kept up moving at the same speed, working over Rapunzel's pussy while her thumb pressed into her adopted daughters erect clit. "Now then, do you feel that pressure build inside you? Let it out, cum for mother..." she whispered.
Oh, she felt the pressure... but she wasn't sure what to do with it. HOW to let it out. It just kept building, and building... keeping her teetering on the edge of something she could not explain. She whined, wanting so much more... focusing on the movement of her mother's fingers. In, out, in, out... and finally it happened. SOMETHING happened, though she wasn't sure what. But it was as if she was exploding from the inside, and she cried out, stars dancing before her vision. It was as if that heat, that pleasure, had just... overwhelmed her. And all she could do now was drop back slack against her mother, panting heavily.
"Ahhh there we are. Don't you feel much better now dear?" Mother Gothel asked, a smile crossing her face when she became aware of just how much Rapunzel had cum. She gradually pulled her fingers to her lips and sucked them clean, finding her lover tasted far sweeter than she would have imagined. "Now what did I tell you? That was rather good, wasn't it?" she asked, tilting her daughters head back to look her in the eye.
She did feel better. But... she was aware of wetness pooling between her legs, and as she regained herself, Rapunzel suddenly startled, sitting up and turning her gaze up to her mother. "I'm sorry!" she babbled, covering herself, cheeks flushing pinker than they had been from the exertion. "I...I didn't mean to..." Had she wet herself? She didn't understand...
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