Ultimate power? A jedi and sith love story? (Krystal_ATems_Girl X Mercenary)

"Well, You're not so bad yourself. For a Jedi, at least." Palo said to her, but his smirk told her it was jokingly. Palo kissed her back for a decent amount before pulling away. "But what do we do now?" Palo asked.
"I don't have the answer to that. but what I do know is I'm pretty tired. what about you?" she asked, smiling at him, and playing with her long blue hair. Krystal yawned and lied down, stretching a little on on the huge bed.
Krystal cuddled close, laying her head on his chest. She really was quite tired, not from the sex, but because she was kinda anemic. he couldn't know that but she lied down cuddled beside him, pulling the covers over them and falling asleep peacefully, snoring lightly.
Palo was lost in his own thought, barely noticing her, and peacefully fell asleep, his arm subconsciously wrapped around her.
Krystal slept peacefully, dreams of a future with him in her mind. She could see the their kids, and living on this planet, then when the children are old enough, all of them setting balance to the force. she didn't know if all this would come true, but still she dreamed, still snoring lightly.
Palo slept peacefully and quietly throughout the night, until he woke up next to her the next morning.
Krystal awoke soon after, smiling at him. "hello." she said dreamily, unsure if he would go back to his meanness mask, or if he would stay sweet. "should i make us some food>" she asked, getting up and putting her bra and panties on and walking out toward the ship.
"Yeah, that would be nice." Palo said to her, not completely awake. He was debating whether or not to go along with this, and he decided, why not?
"okay." She said with a smile, going to her ship and getting food, the proceeding to cook, twenty minutes later there was a mountain of blue berry waffles, sausage and eggs.

"breakfast!" she yelled to him, still smiling and humming softly to herself.
Palo greedily dig into the food. His with training had tortured him with a lack of food. And what food he got wasn't good. "Thanks, Krystal!" He said to her before continuing to scarf down the food.
"So, about last night..." He started to say, finished with his food. "It felt pretty right to me." Palo told her, looking up into her eyes.
"I think you know exactly what." Palo said with a smirk as he watched her, his dick hardening again. Palo put his arms around her and kissed her back passionately.
"Oh wow, you're good at this!" Palo said to her, loving the feeling, he started leading them towards the bed.
Palo kissed her as he sat her on the bed. "Well, I like the way you try." He replied with a smirk, slowly pushing his cock into her. He loved the feeling of this even more.

Sorry I haven't replied. I got a little busy and accidentally lost the rp!))
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