Ultimate power? A jedi and sith love story? (Krystal_ATems_Girl X Mercenary)

"i have no idea. looks like we each need to take those light sabers. you ever handled one? they're fun to use, but dangerous." she says nonchalantly, looking to him blushing just slightly for no apparent reason. Meeting him has made her feel like a happy child again, and she didn't know why.
"I know how to use a lightsaber." Palo spat, sounding somewhat offended and defensive. He pulled out the hilt of his own lightsaber to show her. Then he walked forward to grab one.
Krystal looks a little hurt, but unsuccessfully tries to hide it. She didn't mean it like that. It was just he didn't attack her with his light saber when they first met, so she was asking. Krystal grabbed the metallic blue handled one and turned it on, seeing it was a deep purplish blue in color. "My favorite color! This one must have been made for me!" she said with a smile, still trying to hide how hurt she was by him. Krystal walked even further into the temple and realized there was a second part to this, and it involved a bed. she blushed as she saw him walk in "I.. i think we have to have sex now." she said with a deeper blush.
As she said her favorite color, Palo subconsciously touched the end of his hair-like frills. They were a deep purplish-blue. A small smirk formed in his small, Rodian mouth. Palo followers her in and listened to her, an apparent red blush firming on his blue face. "W-what d-do y-you m-mean?! Jus t cause there's a bed there doesn't mean we have to do that!" Palo said awkwardly.
"no, really! look at the inscription! its in an old Jedi tongue. it says "all ye who want the power must first join together here" and there's a big arrow!" Krystal blushes more as she looks at him, unsure what to do next. she slowly walks up to the bed and its down, and starts to glow a light pink. "now you must be one with the sith!" the statuesque headboard bellowed, causing her to blush even brighter.
"Well, if it gives me the power I want." Palo said walking over as he pulled his shirt off. It actually wasn't the reason he was going with this, but he wasn't going to let Krystal know that. He sat down on the bed beside her, starting to glow as well.
Krystal kissed him, bushing a little, but enjoying the feel of her lips on his. she didn't pull away until she was gasping for air so into the kiss. "that was a great kis.." she stated simply, unsure exactly what to do next.
Palo was surprised by the sudden kiss, but he soon got into it and how right it felt, kissing her back equally until he started to lose his breathe and she needed air as well. "Yeah, it was. I guess we go to the next part now..." He said as he pulled off his pants. There was a decently sized tent coming out of his underwear.
"Yeah.." she said with a nervous laugh, taking of her clothes as well, revealing her lacy blue bra and thong, still unsure what to do next, so she just kissed him instead, running her fingers down his toned body.
Palo pulled of his under wear as he kissed her backs, now completely naked. His cock was just like a humans, except for that it was blue with a deep, purplish-blue towards the head. He qas probably a little more excited for this then she was. At least, he thought so.
Palo felt the cushion of the bad as he was pushed back by her kiss, and he kissed her back. Palo started thrusting deeper and harder into her, loving the sensation it was giving him, and hopefully her.
"Mm-Hm!" was all Palo managed to say as the passionately kissed and made love. Palo thrust all the way into her now.
Palo didn't even realize that what he had heard was a thought. He though she was just talking to him. He was starting to her her say, or rather think, something, but it got drowned out by her moaning and the amazing feeling he had. Palo was starting to feel a build up in his groin, and it was quickly growing. "Am I supposed to come inside her?" Palo thought to himself. "Krystal, I'm about to come!" He informed her with a groan of pleasure.
"Do it." she simply said with a moan, not worried at all about the consequences. He maybe a sith, but if he felt about her the way she felt for him it didn't matter. She wasn't sure exactly, but she was to wrapped up in the pleasure of being close to him to ask. Not that she thought he'd give her a straight answer anyway. Sith's weren't known for love.
Palo's only reply was thrusting hard into her a few more times before thrusting all the way in and staying there for a moment. Then a huge wave of pleasure washed over him as he released inside of her, coming.
"whoa, that was euphoric,. never experienced sex like that." Krystal said, smiling at him and wondering what he thought of it. she gave him a quick kiss before pulling away, pretty exhausted. her long blue hair flowed in a non existant wind, ansd she just looked at him, admiring how handsome he is.
"I-I've never experienced sex..." He told her honestly, embarrassed. "Yoire amazing, I loved every moment of it." Palo told her after they stopped kissing. He stared at her, taking in how amazingly beautiful she was. Suddenly, Palo realized what had happened. "Wait, I...inside you...I'M SO SORRY!" Palo told her, not sounding like his usual, uncaring, hateful self.
Krystal smiled at him coolly. "It'll be fine. I think that maybe it was supposed to happen anyway. I mean, look at how we're glowing." she said, still smiling. Honestly Krystal wasn't worried. She knew that everything happens for a reason. She squeezed his hand reassuringly and continued to smile, unsure of the future, but not afraid at all.
"But Krystal, I-I-I-I...I don't know what to do. I've always known what to do, always had a plan or a goal. How can you be so sure?" He asked her with a face that was begging for a comforting answer. Very unlikely for him, or any sith. Well, 'assassin', technically.
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