Ultimate power? A jedi and sith love story? (Krystal_ATems_Girl X Mercenary)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
"yes, a legend I will tell you, krystal. Know do I destined you are for it." master yoda quipped to the blue haired jedi master in their private session, telling her the legend of the mysterius planet of Nemesis and the great power it holds.
the legend tells of a very powerful jedi and a very powerful sith who fell in love anfd hid away on the planet. It was a wonderful place, calm and serene, full of anything one would need. The legend tells of how the two died on the planet, but because of how rich the plants resourses were, their power just stayed there, coming to a point of infinence. krystal smiled a little at the small green master jedi as he told the story, somthing about it resonating with her. When he was finished, he smiled back at her and said, "go you must krystal. awaits the power for you it does."
"What have you summoned me for, master?" said a blue skinned Rodian as he entered a dark room and kneeled. "Palo, as you know you are one of my most trusted assassins. That is why I have chosen you for a task on Nemesis." Said the deep voice of a cloaked figure. The mysterious sith quickly went over the story, giving of the message that it was irrelevant, besides one thing. "There is power there, Palo. That is why you must go. And be as discreet is possible. I have the information that the Jedi are sending one of their own to retrieve it. I know you have battled few Jedi, but I trust you in this task." The mention of Jedi put a scowl on Palo's face. "Now leave, and do not dissapointed me." the man said. Pali got up, and with a nod and a bow, left for his ship and headed for Nemesis.
Krystal headed for her ship, still dazed about the story yoda had just told her. she reached it quickly and jumped in, ready to go to nemesis.

"what does this legend have to do with me?" she wondered to herself as she raced through space to nemesis. once there, she simply sat in her ship and looked at it dauntingly.

"It's beautiful here. can't imagine why they decided to name this planet nemesis. maybe to keep people away?" she smiled a little and got out of her ship, deciding to do a little exploring first, possibly find shelter. after all, she'd probably be here awhile.
Palo landed and got out, bringing a bag full of supplies with him. He had average Coruscant civilian gear on as to not be noticed as he walked into the wilderness. Palo's force abilities weren't the best, but he made up for that through his skills as a fighter and assassin. However, he did feel a faint force presence in the distance. A Jedi. A scowl grew on Palo's face as he walked.
krystal simply walked around aimlesly, the beauty of the jungle just making her smile.
"this is nothing like republic city. I cannot wait to tell anakin of this. he will be most amazed by it." suddenly, she came across something. a small path with what looked like a stone dragon at its foot. she petted the statue happily, looking into it grey eyes.

"may I have passage down your path mighty dragon?" she asked to the statue, as she sensed a sith presence coming closer and closer. Krystal took her blue lightsaber in hand and crouched down, waiting for her persumable foe to arrive.
Palo started walking closer before stopping and quickly setting up camp. He had a plan, and hopefully it would work. Palo started walking towards Krystal again, starting to see her in the distance. Suddenly, he stopped and observed her. She was beautiful, and his lust that he had a small will to contain. But upon realizing she was a jedi, he managed to. Palo continued walking up to her.
Krystal watched him curously as he set up camp and then stole a glace at her. "he's the handsomest sith i've ever seen. the last one i met with was darth sidious." she thought to herself, a slight blush coming across her face.

Then Krystal began to scold herself, telling herself that it would never work. Padme is a perfect example of that. She quietly sighed to herself and began walking down the path she had found, until she stopped at an enormous golden temple.

"wow, wonder what this is?" she said with a curious smile.
Palo noticed that she was leaving and started running after her. There was no way he would let a jedi get the power before him!
Krystal looked behind her and saw him again. she did not draw her lightsaber, she simply looked to him. "hello." was all she said befor touching the golden temple, and starting to glow the same blue as her eyes and lightsaber.

"what is happening? its not the power we both seek. i can tell somehow. its just remenents of it. there's more. i suggest putting your hand on it too, sith."
"I'm not a sith, technically." Palo siad as he pulled out his pistol and fired a stun shot at her.
"What ever you say. i just don't know what else to call you." she smiles at him and her forcefeild blocks his shot.

"i'm not you're typical jedi either. Yoda only trained me so that my powers could be harnessed. i'm to strong for my own good." she says, her nonchalant statement causing the dragon statue to come to life.

"told you." she says with a frown.
"Of course the jedi would be trying to control your power. the Dark side let's me be free, instead of other who try to control my power controlling me because they are afraid." Palo spat, turning around to face the dragon. as he backed up carefully, he accidentally bumped into the temple.
Mercenary said:
"Of course the jedi would be trying to control your power. the Dark side let's me be free, instead of other who try to control my power controlling me because they are afraid." Palo spat, turning around to face the dragon. as he backed up carefully, he accidentally bumped into the temple.

"in most cases yes, but that isn't it here. They taught me so that I could keep my power controlled, not so they could control me. I am as free as you." she says as she continues to float in mid-air, her shield around her like a giant bubble. She didn't know why he said he wasn't a sith, but he certainly intrigued her. His assassin skills were obviously elite. She liked that about him. She looked to him and smiled, hovering just slightly over the ground, wondering what he could possibly be thinking about.

"You misunderstand too, sir. Yoda is like a father to me. he raised me after my parents abandoned me in the middle of republic city." she says, hoping to make him like her, but knowing that might be futile.
A light started shining around him, too, coming from the temple. But he was too busy to realize it. "You just keep on thinking that." He muttered. Palo was confused as to why she was so nice to him. It was a change to the abuse, both verbal and physical, that he was used to getting from his master, and he had to admit he kind of like it. No, he couldn't feel like this towards a Jedi, could he? He tried to deny it, both to her and himself as well. "Your care makes you weaker." Palo said, something his master had taught him.
"Possibly." she said with an unreadable smile, still looking at him. Krystal really did like him, no matter how much he seemed to hate her. Something told her though that he really didn't hate her. She was confused by his last statement though, she was under the impression that siths worked on their emotions? she guessed there was much for her to learn, and she was curious to know it all, to see all aspects.
"So do I need to destroy that dragon or are you going to stop it?" He asked her with a stare. Palo had subconsciously grabbed the blaster pistol put of his holster already, and he gripped in his hand readily. The Rodian was ready to fight either of them, though he didn't feel like she wanted to fight him, and for some reason he didn't want to fight her either.
"Oh. right sorry." she said with a blink of her eye, and the dragon ceased growling and began flying around her head happily. She looked over to the assassin and wondered what he was thinking. she knew he didn't like her, but she for some reason wished she did. This was so weird. Her having feelings for a sith other than pit. it was an odd sensation. She didn't know what to make of it.
Palo muttered a 'thank you' and sighed. Only then did he start to notice the glowing around him. "Wait, what the heck is going on?!" He demanded aloud, to no one in particular. He stated at his hand, and the light around it.
"It's probably just your body reacting to the power. Chill." she said with a smile, bouncing around happily in her bubble shield. Krystal jumped up and down, looking around the strange wilderness. Krystal gasped as she looked around, still captivated by its beauty.
She squeaked happily as she hopped around, smiling widely, not ignoring the man next to her, but not really caring to fight him. She was passive by nature, only fighting when she had to. Krystal didn't know why, but something told he he didn't want to fight her either. "Hey! I found another temple! Follow me!" She said happily, hopping around in her bubble so he could follow.
"What the hell has gotten into you." He muttered with a sigh and crossed arms, shaking his head. But for some reason he decided to follow her. 'It's for the power. He told himself, even though he knew that wasn't why.
"Im just exited! This place is so beautiful it makes me happy!" she says with a wide smile, as she pulls him into her bubble and hops away to the next temple. she nods to him to just walk out of the bubble, and then smiles lightly, trying to contain her emotions. she really was insanely happy, she just wasn't sure why.
Palo grumbled something irritatedly as he left the bubble. "What now, do we touch it again, or how dies this one work?" Plao asked aloud.
"I dunno. seems to me we should try touching it first, but this one actually has a door, so maybe we should go in?" she said, looking at him a little confused, her bubble dissolving and the dragon making noises for her to follow it. she followed it, walking the door where she glowed a little and then the door opened. "this way!" she said with a bright smile.
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