Let The Hunt Begin ... [(A Fire Emblem 1x1, Yuna & Malin)]

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By the time Kenichi had removed his foot from her wrist, Aiko was panting and lightly trembling. That'd been far too close for any sort of comfort and while she was damned relieved, she knew he hadn't stopped because of something like mercy. Hell, the word didn't exist in his dictionary. No no, he was waiting ... which was ironic. She was too .. just for something else. For a few moments though, she wasn't sure even what that was. But once he gave the orders to strip, the ideas came to Aiko. As much as she would have loved to give her wrist a massage to relieve some of the aching, it'd waste precious seconds that she barely had left.

If Kenichi or the soldier were expecting her to try any stunts, they wouldn't quite see that. It actually looked like she'd had sense metaphorically slapped into her and put her wrists behind her back in surrender. This was partly true .. but it wasn't by any means all she was doing. While both had their focus in front of her and not behind her body, she removed the dagger from the same pocket she'd hid it in. Aiko would have highly preferred to have been able to sheathe it ... but that luxury hadn't been given. So this would be risky, though much more so if she weren't a rogue.

Slipping the small blade between her hands to hide it, she kept them pressed firmly enough together to keep it hidden away. There was no question that within time, she'd see her father nude, whether fully or half. And even if only the latter, it'd be enough. She had plans on the chance chains were used instead of ropes; the blade could be used for a slightly awkward but makeshift lockpick. It was doable though not nearly as accurate or quick as the real thing .. but not at all impossible.

Regardless, she wouldn't be fully off guard as much as her father had been thinking she was. If anything, she intended to use his arrogance against him .... and even if it cost her, obtain the injury she'd had stolen from her when their fight had begun. It'd wind up giving her anywhere from hours to days depending on what she could strike. But still, it'd be more than ample ... for herself and perhaps a bit more importantly, Sabin.

Her throat finally cleared to the squire, reminding him she was still very much in front of him. "Well? What are you looking for? You see nothing but flesh so .... get on with it. None of us can remain here all day." She swallowed softly, trying to avoid moving her hands too much. The most dangerous thing on her concealed stunt, really, was how close and easily the blade could technically slit the major vein within either of her wrists. But she didn't intend to let it cut there. Still, it didn't get rid of the possibility of that being able to happen either.

Kenichi gave an arrogant snort as he heard his daughter being even more rebellious. He would have to enjoy this now, because soon she would be out of his hands and into the courts hands. As she was tried and held for treason the likely answer would be to execute her, which was a shame in reality he would have liked to see the daughter that ran out on him, and left him alone for so long broken. Her spirit deserved to be smashed for how rebellious she had been in her life, and how much she was unworthy of her traits. He still didn't know if she got them from him or her mother, but both ways disgusted him.

Turning he tossed the rope to the squire giving the order to tie it around Her so that she could walk behind the horses. He gave out a rather harsh whistle a sign to tell his men to fall back, if they haven't found the sub human pet by now it's speed and stealth would make it far to difficult to track on it's own. They had only been able to follow it's tracks because it had been carrying extra weight the first time. Had it not had to carry Jun's weight for one reason or another, they wouldn't have been found.

The squire smiled lightly as he secured a noose around Aiko's neck, she was bare and ripe before him, and he couldn't resist a small lick. As he leaned in to secure the robe his tongue dragged lightly across her cheek. "If your lucky and you walk quickly you have a shot of making it back to the city before night time. But just imagine what's gonna happen if your too slow. A good amount of the men here haven't seen a woman like you in months." He snickered slightly at the thought of the train the men would want to run on her. She was a traitor after all who really cared what she looked like when she was finally dragged into town.


High above the world the sky was a limitless resource. While other inferior races were restricted to the ground, the members of Kelvas, and pheonocius had the pride and honor of the sky. letting out a light laugh as he flew along side his sister. The boarder between Begnion, and Kelvas was often a point of dispute. Some say it was in the waters, but the members of Kelvas had always considered the oceans encircle the island to be theirs as well. Any place that could touch the sky would be theirs really.

As Tomoko flew through the sky he held the appearance of a giant bird. Dark wings helped him glide through the air high above the shore line of Bengion. High enough that not even their best archers would have really been able to spot him. However with the eyes of a crow, he was able to easily see the ground, even the capital was visible from his vantage point. "Everything seems pretty normal from up here. Why is it we always get picked for this boarder anyway? We've been in Kelvas' service for eons, and I've never even seen Goldoa, or Pheonicois.. though kind of glad about the latter, those hawk eyed bastards tend to get aggressive from what I hear."
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/CrowFemale_zpsc12455f7.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/CrowFemale_zpsc12455f7.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/CrowFemale_zpsc12455f7.jpg

An inward sigh of relief echoed in Aiko's head. The lack of moves suggested neither had noticed her hiding the dagger between her palms. Many cons, unfortunately, came with this trick -- and one was included as the bastardly squire managed to lick at her skin. Even just trying to jerk away from him may cause her skin to move the wrong ways and wound up getting cut. If that happened, she very well could die. Instead, her head merely turned, an annoyed scoff leaving her lips. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just go." Thankfully, it'd likely be a relatively fast walk. After all, it'd only been one wrist which had nearly been broken. The rest of her body, though, was fine. Well, sore gut but knowing much worse could have been given to her, she didn't begin to complain.

Her teeth found her lower lip. After a bit more hesitation, Aiko's feet finally moved -- likely towards her death. It was a bit of a depressing thought. Then again, though, she hadn't completely failed. After all, Sabin had been able to slip away undetected. He'd likely be able to finish what she started. Still, it was saddening all the same that she hadn't gotten further ahead in this than she'd wanted. There were few other possibilities which would happen to her and none were much better than Death.

Beside Tomoko was a similar figure albeit with very obvious differences in appearance. Gender was one, as were eyes. In fact, the latter often gave her a huge advantage in battle. They'd been naturally white, giving off the impression she was blind. But if anything, the other Laguz was far from it. And only when she was able to prove it by landing off a fierce finishing move did everyone realize the truth. By then, though, it never mattered. Poor, ignorant beorcs. Then again, the words were slightly hypocritical, given her discovery about herself a few years back. An odd marking and the real reason her eyes were the way they were.

But she'd been too ashamed and embarrassed to confess this to anyone, even Tomoko. It was incredibly selfish, she knew, to not just outright tell him she was a Branded. But Laguz almost never were, it was usually the Beorcs who got these. And because of that, she was genuinely worried about word getting out. If the wrong people heard, they'd likely want to find her and experiment on her ... something that she was not fond of. Or perhaps even worse, the clan would exile her out of fear of bringing in said renegades.

A soft sigh passed her lips, a smile following soon as her brother went on to speak. "You missed a spot then, my dear brother." She replied, finding herself glancing down at what appeared to be a very exhausted beorc. But her own eyes could see those feline ears even from the high heights. "Hm ... I think our day just got rather interesting. Let's speak to this one. Few know of this location and even less approach around here with an actual reason. I doubt - hope - this one isn't so stupid to try to approach for the hell of it. But ... I doubt it. Not with the tell-tale signs he's been clearly running. Now the questions are; darting from what and how to proceed with him?"

Sabin had at some point reverted to his human-ish form, letting out a heavy cough of exhaustion. He felt his body finally give out as he waked towards the ocean, dropping onto the smooth rolling plains too exhausted to actually be of any use at that point. He hadn't eaten, or had anything to drink in a long time, and as he laid flat on his back his tail curling lightly as he looked up to the sky, he breathed seeing the ravens flying through the sky.

At first glance they looked to be the average carrion feeding birds, only much larger. It actually took him a long moment to realize what he was looking at was a kelvias patrol. His ears twitching for a moment. Even if they were an immediate threat to him it wasn't possible for him to move, to any kind of safety or to really fight where he was. He only had to wonder if they were some of bengions feral's from the first and second war, or if they were actual members of Kelvias.


Kenichi smiled looking back to his daughter's nude form as he gave the marching order. He purposly took the lead of his division of Calvary. More then that he didn't choose to make a direct route for the capital. Wanting to enjoy the walk he had with his daughter, he plotted a round about course, taking the long route, which involved difficult terrain for the horses. Of course this was something he kept to himself, and it wasn't revealed until they hit a thin, but deep river.

The horses wouldn't have much of a problem to cross it, but for the woman being dragged by the horses, the freezing water would easily come up to her breasts. Turning to her Kenichi gave the order to march, as the horses began moving through the water Kenichi kept his from panicking while at the same time watching Aiko's movements. "Enjoying the swim?" His voice had a heavy level of teasing to it.


"Oh that is interesting." Tomoko said with a rather dark laugh, turning his wings he started a slow descent. Landing on the ground there was a soft glow as he returned to his other body. his black wings on a proud display, as he walked forward. The boy was a laguz, there was no mistaking it. He blinked lightly he was a long way from Galia, that was for sure.

"Chidori It's a beast tribe. Doesn't look like it's alive though." As if to prove the unobservant laguz wrong Sabin let out a low pained groan. Blinking Tomoko poked the laguz warrior curiously. It was odd to see a beast tribe outside of galia from what he understood they had become less trusting since an incident along their boarders.

Tomoko blinked looking at his sister he wasn't entirely sure how to proceed, they were on another nations land, and they were faced with a half dead member of the beast tribe. Carrying him back to kelvias would be impossible, if they left him the creature looked like he would probably die. Taking out a canteen of water he passed it to his sister. He wasn't going to risk getting close to a beast tribe brute, he knew their strength and didn't want to risk getting close to one. "You spotted it so you get to feed it, and no we are not keeping it, remember the last pet you tried to drag home?"
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/CrowFemale_zpsc12455f7.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/CrowFemale_zpsc12455f7.jpghttp://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b242/virgo2005/RPC-RP Pics/CrowFemale_zpsc12455f7.jpg

Aiko's eyes narrowed. Just the direction and having clearly gone the wrong way already spelled out her father's plan before the river got to. Her head quickly went up as she gazed towards the sky to avoid swallowing too much water or drowning. Her feet moved slowly, cautiously. If he didn't like it ... well ... too bad. That was something he should have thought of before making her walk, now wasn't it? A smirk managed to cross her face as a nod managed to leave. "Yeah, actually. Mind if we remain a bit longer?" When the movement of the horses only continued rather than halted, that was enough of her answer. "Fine, fine ... " She teased, continuing her careful pace, not wanting to step on anything that could wound her vulnerable skin such as stray glass or any other forms of hazard.

It was incredibly annoying to have to keep up the pace she was forced to use. But the blade hidden between her hands and arms was an easy enough reminder as to why. She had contemplated a few times whether to try to cut the ropes a bit now .. but decided against it. Wait for Begnion .... and to be alone. Now that he's back in the military, he can't be around all the time. At least that was what Aiko wanted to reassure herself of. But honestly, she had no damn clue if that was correct or not. Her head shook no slowly.

Don't be stupid, he can't be. He has to sleep ... do things like that. So of course he won't always be around you. Same applies to the guards. It made her smile widen ever so slightly. Not all hope, it seemed, was gone.

A teasing smirk crossed Chidori's face. Still, she gave a nod of understanding. "Tch, you're becoming less and less fun you know?" She teased, taking the canteen. But if worst came to worst, she knew her brother would at least have her back should the cat decide to be bold, stupid, or both and try pulling a fast stunt against her. So she wasn't quite as worried as she probably should be, despite having to deal with a foreign Laguz. Kneeling beside Sabin, she helped him roll onto his back, tilt his head back and pinch his nose.

"Sorry about this ... " She murmured, using her dominant hand to begin pouring the liquid slowly down his throat. After a twenty second count in her head, she ceased, waiting to see the reactions from Sabin. If he could move and take the canteen, she'd let him. If he was even weaker than she figured, she'd have to keep 'feeding him', as Tomoko had worded it. It wouldn't be the worst thing she'd done but certainly one of the more stranger ones.

Sabin coughed as the water touched his lips, and he drank thirstily. He was exhausted worn out perhaps past the physical breaking point for most people. However his body was more durable then that of a birds or a regular humans. As such the water did it's job in reviving the partly dead cat clan laguz. He blinked feeling some life return to him, but what he saw didn't really fill him with confidence. The vultures that were going to pick his bones apart weren't actually vultures but rather two of the crow clan of laguz. His eye twitched, what did the carrion feeders want with him? He wasn't near their soil.

The events of what were happening passed over Sabin's mind, and suddenly he had one thought that jolted his body, Life returned in a large burst as he sat up and coughed, feeling pain creek across his back and front his chest expanding as he took in air. "Bengion's gone mad." His voice was panic'd as his ears twitched, could he afford to entrust such a message to two crows? um probably not, but at the same time there were people out there that needed his help. Aiko being the one foremost in his mind. grabbing the girl by her clothing he pulled her closer, his claws Tearing part of the white fabric. "They are trying to purge all Laguz in their boarders. City gaurds took my friend hostage, they are taking her back to the capital."

Sabin didn't know if they would react. Sabin needed help, their wings made them valuable, they could deliver the message to the other nations faster then he could, which would allow him time to think of a way to get into the human prison, and save Aiko. He knew that intersecting the group would be impossible, their horses could keep a more steady pace then he could. As far as he knew he could have been out for hours, but he would do what he could to save Aiko one way or the other.


Kenichi let out a stern laugh as he watched his daughter have to walk through the freezing water, her body was elegant and young, just the way he remembered her. He envied that youth, hated her for it on some levels. Soon he would be alone with her again just like they used to be, and he would be able to force her to learn her lesion about talking back to her father, or what she would earn for having displeased him in the first place.

The ride towards the city gates was calm, and as they entered the city they were greeted quickly by the gaurds, of the town, and then started the shorter ride back to the castle gates. As they walked there were clear stares at Aiko's nude body. People noticed, and none were exactly kind in their treatment of her, some choosing to vocally call her names like traitor, whore and other such things, a child took a overly ripe fruit and threw it as hard as he could at Aiko's head adding to the humiliation and indignities that she would have to suffer as they arrived back in town.


Tomoko seemed skeptical, of the cat, part of him doubted the creature was alive, wondering if it was a feral. those fears were however brought up when he awoke suddenly and spoke. When the cat grabbed his sisters clothing he kicked Sabin in chest forcing him off of Chidori which tore the fabric of her clothes off as he fell back. Tomoko didn't really seem to care about the fabric, rather his conserns were locked on his sister's body. "See what happens when you just have to stop and talk to every crazy pet you find." He said with a roll of his eyes, he didn't take Sabin's warnings all that seriously rather he just helped up his sister.

"You revived the ground vermin, now what are you gonna do with it?" Tomoko really didn't want to have to take care of the laguz. it would just end up slowing him down, but there was something about this cat... He was panic'd scared, and did he say that bengion was performing a purge? It was enough for him to want to head back to Kellos. This wasn't their problem to report.
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