Let The Hunt Begin ... [(A Fire Emblem 1x1, Yuna & Malin)]

Sabin almost rolled his eyes as Aiko talked about her own views. He had to admit there was something about that level of honesty she had that was apreciated, but damn it would she ever stop talking like he had attacked her? He got too his feet, glad to still have his pants, and shoes. He undid a small items pack he had around his belt, and pulled out a small compact T shirt, it didn't hide his laguz features like the hood he had earlier, but the small white cotton was certainly warmer then the night air that was all around him. Sabin stretched slightly now dressed as he started to walk, his shoulder was stiff but he would manage.

"You wouldn't happen to have a map would you?" His voice was low as he asked Aiko, he knew where he was directionally in comparason to Syenne which was behind him, and he knew the land mass well enough to know which way the ocean was, but plotting a corse after they got to something like the shore would be easier if they had a map.

Begnion would be hunting for them, a fact which his escapades had bought them time to ward off, but he still would have felt better if they could get to a tree line before night fall. Checking the clouds he saw a few puffy white ones, nothing that would suggest bad weather for the night ahead, it was both a good and a bad thing. A storm really would have helped their escape, as it was they were completely visible from the sky. "I have had enough fighting in my life honestly. I won't back down from a challenge, but I am not exactly young by Laguz standards. I've lived to see two wars, and serve in one. I would rather avoid a third if we can. if that means working with a human for once, honestly though you seem rather skilled... for a beorc."
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Unfortunately for Sabin, Aiko was still a woman when all is said and done. This meant she did follow at least one specific stereotype. She would talk ... a lot in order to ensure her point got across damn well. The wording was attempted to be done in a careful way but she otherwise had no qualms on speaking her mind clearly. Though just as Sabin had his silent, mental thoughts on the rogue it worked vice versa also. And given her first impression of the Laguz, he was becoming a lot more tolerable -- less cocky and racist, the two things that had gotten to her the most. It made her inwardly smile as the irony of being able to tame a beast of sorts raced through her head.

"Actually, yes. I always have at least one for when they sent me out for missions." And no sooner than the words left her lips did Aiko produce a map from one of her pockets, handing it carefully over to Sabin. When the hint regarding his age came up, it made her genuinely wonder. How did Laguz age exactly? They never seemed old --- it'd been another rumor that she'd heard of them. And if she was going to use Sabin as an example, it seemed rather true enough. He looked younger, maybe around her age. But definitely not older.

While Sabin studied the map, Aiko began to do so with herself. Hm, probably should invest in a cloak ... She mused silently to herself, noting that with next to nothing on, she really did stand out. And now that she was a traitor to Begnion ergo on the run ... it would definitely help out. She'd need to be a lot more careful and discreet than usual. Nodding to herself, a hand covered her mouth as a light yawn left. She'd be glad to find somewhere to rest up for the night at. They'd been doing a lot of walking and running and now the toll was taking effect on her body.

Sabin studied the map taking his time to check the few land marks he had on it. Sure enough if they continued on the path they already were on it would take them through the valley, up towards Tanas. That would be their first real chance to have a break, not to mention it ran along the ocean, and the river that split the two sides of Begnion. It would be problematic considering the way they looked but they honestly didn't have much better. They were both tired and worn from all the conflicts that it had taken them to get this far.

He yawned as he figgured out the course back to his country. if going by land the mountains would stop them, they would need to reach Tanas and work on aquiring a boat otherwise they would need to pass into the country of Crimea, neither was a great option but they were the only two he had at the moment. "Boats tend to get picked apart by crows, but the boarder guard will be on full alert if we try and make our way to Crimea on foot."

Sabin got to his feet as he stretched out. Either way daylight was fading fast and they weren't exactly safe in the open as they were. It would be a long night that was for sure. "I have no idea how we should handle sleeping. It will be cold tonight but were to close to the enemy to make a fire. I would say we should sleep in shifts, but I don't know if I trust you guarding my body." Sabin handed her back the map. It wasn't that he was skeptical of her rather he didn't trust her not to leave him alone in the middle of the night. Their goal was still the same yes, but he didn't think she would trust him with her unconscious and vulnerable body, so why would he return the favor?
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Aiko inwardly cringed on the thought of crows being an issue should they wind up taking boats. But he was likely to be as correct regarding border patrol. So .. she'd risk it. "Something's better than nothing. Besides, if I have to resort to violence, I have something to allow myself to remain in one piece, as it were. As you do for yourself. That being said, we can't really be too picky ... with anything." It seemed to especially apply when he brought up the ideas regarding watching for the night. While he'd been right with his mental guess, it was only to a certain degree. Did she fully trust him? Fuck no. But at least enough to agree with the idea of taking 2-4 hour shifts to ensure neither of them got ambushed.

"... Like I said, if I wanted you dead, that would have been arranged earlier. Furthermore, I just said not long ago we can't be too selective. Watch shifts would apply to this. And personally, I think you should sleep first. Your body needs to be more - if not fully - healed up by the time we head out. The easiest way to do that is by getting rest. If something goes amiss during the watch .. you'll definitely be sure to know." All the same, she'd only awake him if it was absolutely needed. A few bandits .. she could deal with on her own. But if it was worse, she'd likely have to shake him or do something to make him conscious.

Her head and back rested against a nearby tree whilst Aiko waited to hear if he agreed or not. Regardless, something would be done with the concept of sleep. Even if not immediately, he would get it. She'd make sure of that. All the same, she wouldn't let him know that until push came to shove, as it had before.

Then again it seemed Sabin could always be wrong. He walked with Aiko to the tree line finding a place on the ground that was kind of soft. He couldn't help but think that he wanted some kind of tent or bedding. The fact that She kept insisting that she could have killed him by now, even if it was to reassure him, was not helping him. Still he was tired he was wounded he did want to sleep. He felt a chill as he laid back, and decided that tonight he would do his best to sleep in a form that would provide at least a little more warmth then the one he was in now."If you insist then. Take the first watch, but remember to wake me when you need sleep."

Staying in one's animal form was easy if the user didn't exaust himself by running with a wounded leg, and as he relaxed against the cold grass he once again took a form of a cat the soft glow engulfing his body and leaving the thin body of a muscular killing machine. lowering his head he curled panning out the grass. If it wasn't for his size he could have been mistaken for an actual feline. As it was though his body resembled more of a blond panther. Turning towards Aiko his brown eyes reflected the last of the fadding daylight. "I have fur to warm me. You don't... come over here, the least you can do is use some of it to stay warm."

This wasn't an offer the Laguz would extend twice, rather he didn't want to have to carry around a sick human. She was a wanted criminal but even she could blend in easier with the crowd then he could. As long as they were inside Begnion he needed her at full strength, and couldn't afford her falling ill. If that meant she had to use his body heat and fur to stay warm on the nights when they couldn't use a camp fire so be it. He let his eyes rest slowly, not caring for her to give her answer yet. Instead he left the option open as he closed his eyes his tail swaying lightly as he tried his best to allow his mind to drift to sleep.
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In between blinks, Aiko didn't note until they shot open that her eyes had - at some point in time - closed. And remained that way for quite a while. She inwardly cursed, realizing she was more exhausted than she would want to admit. Ugh, damnit Aiko. You just finished reassuring him you could handle first watch. Don't look like a fucking hypocrite. But it was so very tempting to just let her eyes stay closed ... and the offer to have a definite form of warmth only made it all the more better. Nights were more often than not colder than warmer. Even during the months that were supposed to be deemed in the 'summer' timeline could feel as if they were more similar to 'winter'. That was rare but certainly not impossible.

"Thank you ... " She murmured softly, letting her head gently rest upon Sabin's chest. She allowed one eye to remain open long enough to locate his head as a hand reached up. Any concerns it would have been a violent gesture would be shoved away .. as he abruptly felt the slow but still gentle touch of her fingers lightly scratching in between his ears. Cats and dogs were the same in that aspect at least; they both liked that spot being caressed. Or so she'd assumed and thought.

Aiko, herself, had never had a domesticated pet. But she had known some friends who did. Some had cats, others dogs and from all the time she'd been here, this had been something they'd all liked. Her pace was slow to avoid going too roughly upon the fur but still enough it could all definitely be felt. All the same, he'd also note her pace slowing even more, her heart going to a more calm pace. All she was doing plus snuggling up like this was even further pushing for her to just pass out here and at that exact moment despite the promise she'd made.

Truth be told, she was ready to suggest they both just take a hell of a risk ... and both sleep at the same time, forgoing watches. The more her weary mind thought on it, the better it sounded. But the words failed to leave her lips, fatigue overtaking her faster than the mental thoughts and desires could attempt to. Within minutes, she was asleep with her head still upon Sabin's chest.

Sabin was too tired to protest at the moment his ears were scratched. He was already more then half asleep at the moment and feeling the gentle touch, was only half as demeaning as he thought something like that would have been. He wasn't a pet, and his mouth opened to remind her of that fact. Instead the only thing that escaped his mouth was a yawn his tongue curling as his eyes closed. A low sigh turned into a deep rumbling purr.

God this is demeaning. He thought lightly as he curled up deeper against her body his fur kept him warm but she was warm as well. Small compared to his beast like form, his paws curled up against almost like he was embracing her. A few thoughts ran through his head as he drifted off to sleep. His sleep caused his chest to gently rise and fall against her soft skin. His fur was fine to the touch. Every now and then his legs would twitch, a heavy paw would extend their claws kneading at the ground, but he never really moved. He seemed almost gentle when he was like this.

Morning came with the faintest light and brought with it a new warmth. Sabin's ear twitched, and a decisively human hand wrapped around Aiko's body pulling her closer against him. Sabin took a moment too take in her full scent before his eyes twitched adjusted to the new light and waking up slowly. He had reverted back to being human at some point in the day. His hands and legs were wrapped tightly around Aiko. His hands actually groping her breasts, Yawning he didn't really realize that she had never woken him up, rather he just kind of leaned in against her body gaining more warmth and using her like a blanket of sorts. His hands inadvertently exploring her flesh as he pulled her closer.

Closing his eyes again he drifted back to sleep giving another soft purr, one hand around her breasts, and the other using the gap between her legs for warmth. Inadvertently spooning, and grinding against her unconscious body. His grip was tight enough in sleep that he wouldn't let her go with out some struggle, but it was obvious that he was doing it for her body heat, His chest rising and falling giving way to light snoring sounds as his tail and ears twitched.
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Aiko supposed if nothing else, she could wake up at a moment's notice if she felt as if an ambush were about to happen, hear foreign voices, something of the like. With the last thoughts beginning to reassure her, she felt the slumber being one of the more peaceful types, something she hadn't had in far too long. It was a damn nice change of pace that she wouldn't complain about. True, the circumstances were slightly ... odd. But Sabin had been right in the end. Warmth was warmth.

It hadn't even been until she felt her body ... groped? She slowly opened an eye, hoping like hell to be proven wrong. But alas, she hadn't been mistaken. Her eyes narrowed as she instantly tensed up and snuck a quick gaze upward. At least morning had arrived and they'd both gotten a full night's rest. But did this really have to be happening? The orbs glanced down firmly upon Sabin's figure, as if trying to determine if the sleeping was real or an act. If it was at least genuine, she'd try to give him benefit of the doubt. But if this had been done due to selfish desires and not wanting to heed her words ... she was about to give him a cruel reminder of one of her most vital 'rules'.

"Ahem ... do you mind?" She inquired, giving the Laguz a test of sorts. If he replied and appeared to show that he was able to function well enough, she'd assume this had indeed been done on purpose. Only when such bits of proof were given would she go on the more offensive side. Until then, she'd wait for that hint and cue.

Sabin's ear twitched hearing a voice but not being able to detect the urgency of it, his hands seemed to curl tighter some how pulling Aiko more and more towards him. His nose now touching the back of her neck and breathing steady breaths of hot air against her skin as his hand which was currently just outside her pants twitched a shiver trailing up his shoulder and down his spine as his tail seemed to slap lazily against the ground.

His eyes still remained shut it would become more evident that he was most certainly asleep using her body where it just happened to be the warmest, that being her chest where he could easily press his hand against soft warm flesh. And between her legs, where his hands could be safly nuzzled between her softer flesh, and feel the warmth of it all. His voice replied but it was a mostly asleep mumble of words.

"five morres ticks. Kara." As he spoke his hands seemed to tense partly trapped in some other memory with another woman far away from what was actually happening. He let out a soft purr, his breath practically rolling along her skin. As he licked his lips slightly his tongue ran lightly against the back of her neck. It didn't seem to matter who the woman he was thinking of was, because Sabin's body was treating Aiko far more familiarly then he had any right to do so. Practically teasing her now with the threat of rubbing against her even harder.
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For a while, he didn't seem to verbally answer, only continue to grope and touch her. Finally though, an odd name caught her ears, causing an eyebrow to raise slightly. ... Kara? So he's ... dreaming? If that was really the case, she supposed she could tolerate it all for a bit more. It at least proved this wasn't at all intentional which was .. better than if it had been. Her own eyes closed as a soft sigh passed her lips. If he'd gone back to sleep, should she follow suit? Her head shook no from side to side gently. They did need to get up .. eventually. And likely sooner than later if possible. She'd wake him up but not before allowing him some more time to rest up.

If nothing else, maybe he'd astound himself upon waking up and seeing what he'd done, even if only in his sleep. Her eyes finally did shut again after a bit, though she kept herself conscious, merely letting them rest up. Her legs, however, did close as much as they could to keep him from feeling too much heat that was no doubt coming from her slit. And given the lack of clothes she had on or how much of her skin they all covered, it was probably a very easy to pick up sensation.

When Aiko's eyes finally did open, her hands moved at the same time. Landing upon Sabin's shoulders - though being careful of them at the same time - she began to shake him. "Hey ... wake up. We need to head out now. Come on, you told me to so ... let's go. It's morning." Even after she finished talking, Aiko continued to shake him, keeping a gentle but firm enough grip upon the shoulders all the while. She'd stop, yes, but only when he actually woke up. As in opened his own eyes and got up to his feet and off of her body .. those types of actions.

As Sabin was shaken his eyes seemed to crack open lightly at first, for a moment all he could see was elegant long blond hair, two slightly perky ears, but as the blur and dream faded from his eyes he was faced with a much darker reality, one that he was currently groping very hard against. The long elegant blond hair remained in his vision for a moment his body relaxed more. He smiled and let out a soft purr even as he was being shaken more and more awake, but when his vision cleared Kara's ears were missing, and the girl he thought he had been hugging wasn't who he thought he was. Through his groggy state of mind everything returned to him and he remembered.

Sabin jumped back from the woman realizing his mistake. His purr's becoming a low growl as he suddenly felt as though Aiko had tricked him. He felt fooled, and slightly depressed by the realization that who he was holding onto was not the person he had wanted to hold onto. His brown eyes glared slightly at Aiko, and he let out a low his as he turned away from her, and stretched out his body slowly waking up, and shaking the sleep from his bones. "Do you mind?" Sabin's voice was almost disappointed as he looked away from Aiko his back turned to her as he tried his best to hide the equal parts embarrassement and sadness which had crept across his face.

Getting slowly to his feet his tail seemed to twitch in annoyance his ears were slightly drooped as well. It didn't take much of a degree in reading someones emotions to tell that he was disappointed, maybe even depressed over something. "If we start now we should be able to reach the ocean by noon. We might even be able to find some food along the way." His voice was low and his hair hung over his face, he didn't even want to look at Aiko for a moment. He offered no clear apology to Aiko even though in all reality he had pretty much molested her.
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Aiko's eyes merely narrowed even more, her arms going over her breasts as he finally woke up and let go. "Don't bitch at me! I'm just waking us up because I was an idiot and fell asleep with you. So we'll be lucky we haven't lost any time .. or at least not too much." She paused for a few moments though still got up to her feet. The next thing she was about to do may seem like quite the low blow .. but she hadn't forced him to speak in his sleep. More than that, Aiko still hardly knew much on Sabin. He didn't know much more on herself, but still more than she had on him. And that was enough to want to have her make it more ... even.

Remembering the direction to head to via the map, Aiko began to take confident steps, simultaneously giving herself ample distance. Only when she had enough did she even allow herself to speak up. "... This Kara. Who .... is she? Sibling? Friend? You mentioned her in your sleep ..." She had contemplated on adding it had been one of the reasons she hadn't just outright slapped him - or worse - but held her tongue. No need to add salt to the wound -- speaking of, hopefully his shoulder had healed up enough overnight. He'd need a bit more strength if not to be at full.

Sabin stopped cold for a moment hearing the name. All the other attitude was understandable, but the name had a special sting to it. He honestly had never expected someone past Galia to ever use that name. He took a long deep breath. Trying to take a moment to calm himself, and steel his mind so that he could actually retort, but what he got was a low growl. The hair's along the back of his neck rising as he felt angry, his ears pinning back. It was clear that he didn't want to talk about it.

Still his body relaxed slowly. It had been many years, and he let out a low sigh. "She's a sub-human bitch." His voice was more then cold to the subject. Walking past Aiko and giving her a light shoulder bump as he walked past her. It was really the least she deserved for bringing up the name. He knew this would cause a mystery or some kind of gap between them, but that was actually okay by him right now. Sabin didn't want to deal with the subject.

Still his mind went over it, and he raised a hand to wipe the silent tears he had managed to let go. He stopped lightly finally he turned back to Aiko. "I told you I was in the Galian guard. Kara was my commander. She's the reason I am here now." It had been years since he had been kicked out of Galia, and forced from the boarders of his home. He knew that this journey would have kicked up names and memories of the past but he had never expected Kara's name to be one that had come back to haunt him. Still for all the confusion he felt he knew that something more pressing would take over, and he was more then happy to let it drop with a single sentence.

"Were loosing daylight so it's not important."
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Even with the reply Aiko had been given, she could hear that there was definitely more to her being 'just a sub-human bitch', to quote Sabin. But he was right all the same, now wasn't the time to bring the past up. She mentally noted the shoulder rub and heard a sigh echo in her head, refusing to let it become real. Yes, she probably did indeed deserve something for clearly bringing up a painful memory. But damnit all, did it always have to be in a physical form? For a bit, she stopped, as if she'd actually felt harsh leather land upon her skin, back especially. Her body shuddered slightly and before she could stop them, Aiko felt herself engulfed in flashbacks.

And none were even close to merciful. They altered quickly, from the specific day her father had taken her innocence to the daily abuse. Goddamnit, move! You probably look so stupid in front of him! But she could all but hear his own voice practically whisper into her ear. "Don't you dare or it'll get worse ... " Only after a few more 'lashes' and her own silent tears fell did Aiko manage to snap herself out of it all, panting and shuddering as a hand quickly reached behind her back.

No actual marks were there, of course. There were though still an array of scars, proof the memories had been true. Her head bowed as she swallowed and nodded, quickly wiping her own tears away. Her mouth had almost opened to retort about knowing they'd been losing time. It had been partly why she woke him up anyway. But the will to speak or do much more save walking had practically faded away from her. Even the suggestion and hints to watch out for the Crow Laguz were almost completely wiped away.

This was no doubt one of the worst mindsets to be traveling with. But Aiko couldn't help it by now. She sent a silent prayer up - hopefully to the correct goddess - that things wouldn't go as badly as they very well could.

Sabin was ready to just continue on walking away from her. He knew he wanted to just walk away without saying another word to her, let the entire day pass without saying anything to her almost as a punishment, but as she froze he turned back. He hadn't hit her hard, not really just a shoulder bump, but she was trembling. He saw her tears and he turned back. He walked up to her as she was zoned out. He reached out to try and touch her, but stopped short as she seemed to pull herself together.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Part of Sabin thought that it was his fault she had paused. Which it was but he had no idea that there was something much darker lurking inside Aiko's past. He tried to put on a stronger face for Aiko. What ever issues he had with her didn't nearly deserve the reaction he had given her. She had asked a question and that wasn't anything truly evil or illegal just a question. As Sabin made his appology his ears twitched lightly, and his eyes seemed to widen for a moment.

Sabin's eyes became locked as his physical body froze over for a moment hearing the dull thudding from miles away. He could hear and smell the approaching before he actually saw it, but he didn't need to see it to know what that thundering was. Horses, and a lot of them were moving towards them. He had thought that with all the distance that they had put between them, and the capital of Begnion that it would have taken a while before he had heard the calvery but a city had something that they did not Horses.

When they came into view from the tree line Sabin almost growled. It looked like the calvery had arrived with at least a dozen, maybe two dozen men. The one in the lead was an older looking and very imposing paladin. As they entered the area they spread out. quickly and furiously cornering the area they were in. Sabin's hand grabbed Aiko's wrist almost on instinct pulling her deepr into the foliage where it was harder terrain. "Shit, shit, shit. I thought it would be at least a few more hours before we had to deal with something like this, and why so many."
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Only when a tear fell from her face and landed in between her breasts did she even realize Aiko was crying, making her scoff at herself and quickly wipe the tears away. "No ... it's fine, really. Damn flashbacks haunt me a lot, even without verbal --- " But as she noted his ears twitch, Aiko went silent. The main time that happened with cats and dogs was when they picked up on noises and sure enough, the reaction which soon followed proved he likely had. Her mouth had opened to ask what it was but the view of calvary behind Sabin answered the question as did the man who appeared to be like a paladin.

Her own wrist wrapped around Sabin's as her speed seemed to pick up by at least ten fold, clearly having a new incentive to run faster. "Don't fucking look back, just keep going!" Her teeth found her lower lip and a bit of blood finally was drawn. Her hand was trembling much more by now, her heart and mind frantically racing.

No fucking way! I thought he retired, stopped his military duties! Why the hell is he here?! Her head bowed as she let - forced - herself to recall the face. That set of eyes and hair ... there was no mistaking it. That was definitely him. She swallowed before glancing back to Sabin, her voice lowering.

"I'm not gonna give an entire background ... but just trust me when I say the matter has officially become more personal. The one with red hair ... is my father. And I get the feeling he heard the news regarding what I've done. That plus our personal history ... spells nothing but trouble for us. Well, me more. I can probably talk him out of leaving you the hell alone and, if anything, you get out and pick up where I left off."

Her father? Sabin's eyes seemed to narrow the only family resembalince he saw was the fact that both of them were humans, but then again that was probably his own inherent racism. He admitted it was a problem he needed to work on, but it was more then bad. They didn't have many choices at hand, as Sabin crept back he wanted to run, but on their horses they would have been able to follow him. Eventually the Laguz would have ran out of steam, or the horses would have caught up, he doubted that running was really an option. Which left two more options.

Route the enemy, kill them all that answer seemed unlikely considering they were outnumbered, or run for the ocean, loose them along the coast. Or hope that they could find some kind of reinforcements. Shaking his head he looked at Aiko. He didn't want to take that out, leaving her behind would be terrible, but she was right he had a better chance to get away. Biting his lip he almost wanted to hiss at her telling her no. "You do know they will hurt you right. I don't like this plan, you may be able to change his mind, but you won't be able to talk down the people he's riding with." He didn't even want to mention the fact that Galia might not believe a word he said to them. The best chance they had to deliver a message was together, but they would only survive this encounter if they parted ways.

As he spoke the horses and their riders seemed to get ready to enter the forest. Her father raised his hand for a moment. the men stopping at his command "Aiko, we know you are in there. Your pet was lousy and didn't cover his foot steps. He thought he was light on his feet, but what he failed to realize is that we have many ways of tracking our thieves. Surrender now, and you will be prosecuted under Begnion laws. Don't surrender and we burn this grotto to the ground and bring you back mostly dead, but still partly alive."

Sabin winced hearing the tone of the commands, and not liking any of what he was hearing now. "Some father..."
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A small smirk crossed her lips as Aiko managed a nod. Her voice remained soft as she began speaking, hinting that her mind had been going through it's fast thinking process yet again. "That's an understatement but not the point either. I can handle that. But I'm not going to accept failing." Pulling the map out, she laid it in his hands. "I've been through much worse than him ... really." Depending on the view one looked at, it was true and not. It wouldn't at all mean she would enjoy anything while away from Sabin; but she wouldn't be too amazed either. Simultaneously, it wasn't anything she wanted him to realize just yet. He was already trying to keep from leaving her side; if she revealed her fate, she knew he'd end up dead.

"Just trust me and go, please. Begnion and a good number of their people have rather sadistic tendencies. What used to be death will likely be altered ... " Her head glanced over as he spoke up and she couldn't help but let her smirk widen, even if it was incredibly out of place. Well, if she'd had any doubts or thought she'd seen the wrong man, there was no mistaking it now. That was definitely him. Her head turned back to Sabin as she got what could very well be one last glance. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this ... really I am. Now hurry, especially while the other cavalry have ceased. Use the map ... use any and all advantages, including the fact it's me he wants more than you."

And with that, Aiko gave Sabin a push and head start at the same time. She'd oblige ... somewhat. Unsheathing her dagger, she revealed herself with her blade held firmly and at the ready. Her own eyes glanced up to the crimson ones and narrowed slightly. "Tell you what ... let's make this interesting, shall we? It'll give your comrades and men a good show if nothing else. Let me see if I can finish what I probably should have years ago, hm? Just us ... no other intervention. What say you?"

Even if he refused, his and the mens' focus wouldn't be on Sabin. That plus the shove and map would all give him enough of a head start. Her eyes never fully left her father's, only glancing over to check up on the men beside and behind him.

Sabin couldn't stand to watch this, as she revealed herself. He understood that time was precious, that he needed to get back to Galia, or Crimea. His muscles tensed this was stupid, letting her face this alone was arrogant. Looking back there had to have been another answer to this problem, but there wasn't. His one option remained he had to run. Swallowing hard he bit his lip. Fine he would run this time, taking the map, he sighed. Turning tail wasn't his thing, but out numbered and out gunned he would be hard pressed to actually win this fight.

Turning he ran for the ocean, putting himself deeper into the wild he took his beast form and hit the ground charging. He had enough time, with the men distracted by Aiko he could get away with ease. All the time it turned his stomach upside down. Leaving her to die, or worse in a place like Sierrenne. Sabin was faced with a dark choice. If he really wanted to warn Galia he didn't have a choice but to charge away from Aiko, but he would be back. He had already vowed to make sure that the two of them stayed alive. That meant making sure that she got out of this situation.


Kenichi's red eyes locked onto Aiko's he snickered slightly seeing the dagger. She really had tought herself to be a thief. It had been years since he had last seen his daughter, and oddly he didn't feel like rejoicing right now. His child was a petulant one, and her challenge was rather juvenile. Unhooking the spear from his back he stamped it into the ground before swinging it with a graceful ease. Somethings are never forgotten. "And what exactly do you even think you could accomplish with that tooth pick of yours? Ever the child I suppose."

The man dismounted his horse bracing his spear heavily. The former general seemed primed and ready in new armor, his red hair seemed to flow in the wind. He seemed to have aged a bit. Age however had not taken away the mans strength or height and he towered over Aiko even without the use of his horse, standing in it at 6'5" The man was broad and freakishly giant. Stepping forward he accepted Aiko's challenge. The look in his eyes seemed thirsty to draw blood from her. "You heard her men, leave the brat to me, go find her sub human pet."
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Her head quickly shook no upon hearing the last sentence. "He assumes too fast. That wasn't a pet, just a mere hostage I used. He's of no importance ... let him run." Even if only for a bit, she hoped they'd contemplate ... maybe only some would heed her words and not her father's and chase after Sabin. It'd be enough all the same. Her eyes watched the spear land, still remaining on her father. The massive height difference would definitely make this indeed difficult .. but not quite yet impossible. Her preference would have no doubt been to wound his shoulder, his dominant one preferably. But that was out of the question. She'd never be able to reach without jumping .. and he would be able to put together an idea on her aim faster than she could execute the plan.

There were other places, though ... and the more she contemplated them, the better it would be. She doubted he'd expect other places. Her heart raced and ankles tensed as he approached and prepared. Aiko had few if any doubts that he would have declined the challenge; the issue was just going about this. But now that she had a more solid idea and back-up plan going through her head, this wouldn't be the worst. Not to say it'd be easy; but it wouldn't be nearly as impossible as one would first begin to assume.

"You'd actually be quite surprised on how much damage they can do, especially in skilled hands. Don't think you know me as well as you'd love to, especially with all the years I've been away from you. Simultaneously, I won't do the same with you." That wouldn't mean, though, she'd use what she did know against him. He was like her in one aspect -- both relied much more on upper body to execute the most devastating wounds.

The main difference, though, was she did use her lower body -- a lot more than he likely did. And hopefully that would be one good advantage for Aiko to use against him, speed. Sometimes even it could defeat power. Make them small, make them count .. It'd been some of the best advice she'd heard from another rogue she used to speak with. The saying referred to the wounds and slashes, of course. Even if they appeared simple, they could wind up actually being very complicated and complex.

Nodding to herself, Aiko allowed her ankles to finally un-tense as she darted forward, staying quiet now. At first it'd look as if she were running by to slash across his chest then past. But like any good thief, she waited ... and when she got close to his leg, her hand lowered. It now aimed to slash the back of his left kneecap. The quickest step to winning this would be making him incapacitated. Even with how much of a bastard he'd been to her over the years, she didn't know if actually taking his life would even be in her. It'd be something he deserved, yes. But he still raised her ... and that was something he didn't have to choose to do. For that much alone, she almost felt like she owed him at least the ability to live.

But that didn't mean she was just going to stand still and allow herself to be dragged into Begnion's prisons either ... or wherever she may end up at. No, she would fight back, no matter the results or costs.

The solders didn't even seem to care about Aiko's words rather they took the orders of the general seriously spanning out their progress was slowed by the horses, and the rough terrain. While it wouldn't have been possible for them both to slip away, their was little to no chance of any of the solders actually finding the Laguz warrior on his own, in such a thick wooded over place.

"Doesn't matter even if he was your prisoner, the orders stand to find and kill all sub-human scum in Begnion's boarders." He said with a slight delight watching his men, before his eyes returned to his daughter before she made her move. Waiting for the right chance to move as he watched her quick elegant strikes.

As for Kenichi he seemed to scoff at his daughters attempts to wound him. as her blade moved lower, he raised his knee the result was that her blade hit the side of his thick armor, sparks went flying as metal scraped metal but neither the armor or her blade gave off. "Unlikely to do much damage like that, Begnion recalled me into service, new equipment thicker armor. So now."

The man's arms moved quickly swinging around the spear to strike at Aiko's ribs, he swung the pole arm wide hoping to catch her side and smack the wind out of her. His smile was the same sadistic one he had carried in her memories for so many years, enjoying the moments he spent tormenting his little daughter. As he turned the pole arm back swinging down a second time to bring the long metal staff across Aiko's face.

"Stay down, or I will make it so much worse for you." His voice was ever commanding his crimson eyes glaring down at Aiko's He Smiled delighted in his own sadistic heaven right now, he finally had his little daughter back, and now he could teach her all about what would happen to runaways. She had taught herself well that was for sure, but a lance always beat a sword.
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Tch. Well .. he should still have a start all the same. The fact they'd noted Sabin was a Laguz so quickly though definitely made her uneasy. But between his natural speed and the map she gave him, Aiko had to put her faith into him. Even with how much of a prick he'd come off as at first, he was still very competent all the same. He'd kept his identity concealed from the rest of Begnion on their first day. This was now the .. second? Yeah, basically and only now did they realize whom she'd run off with. Considering Begnion's troops were usually much more prepared, that was quite the feat.

She was quickly given something else to glance at though, her left arm quickly going up to shield her eyes and face as the sparks tried to fly. Tch, fuck. They really did seem to spoil him with this newer and thicker armor. Son of a -- Her eyes widened as a harsh blow landed and hit it's mark, making Aiko cough as she rolled a few times before finally stopping. Her left hand went from in front of her face to around her midsection, trying to keep it protected from any further assaults. By the time her eyes finished blinking and adjusting, she felt and saw the damn lance so close to her.

Aiko would have more than eagerly used her blade to knock or keep it away .. but if his armor had made sparks fly, she dreaded how sturdy this damn thing was. Her grip on her dagger tightened but she made no move to try to slash at her father. Her head merely turned as she took deep breaths quickly through her nose. This hadn't gone at all like how the thief had planned. To say she was infuriated by now was a huge understatement. She was pissed. True, Aiko hadn't thought to win this. But she definitely hadn't intended to lose this fast either. She'd been aiming to try to wound him - and a bit of his pride - to keep him occupied for a few hours if not days.

Oh the irony .. if anything, that had all just been applied to her. Then again, she did get a few traits from her father. One was being a horrible loser. Well .. like father, like daughter in this case she supposed. Even without an official verbal reply back, it was clear from the lack of attempts that she was heeding the advice. Simultaneously, however, the stubborn refusal to let go of her weapon also suggested she wasn't going to let her guard fully down either. Not as easily as obeying the command to remain down.

Bringing the tip of the spear around to Aiko's throat he smiled lightly. He had dreamed of the day he would get to recapture his arrogant little daughter. Now it was his turn to bring his foot down. and he did so right on on Aiko's sword arm, the heavy metal of his boot landing with crushing force as he stepped carelessly on her wrist, rubbing it into the ground with his heal. He chuckled slightly at the look of defiance in her eyes as she gazed up at him. That was more the way he remembered her. Still as young and naive as that first day.

His body leaned over Aiko's he was would enjoy breaking that spirit of hers again now that he knew where she was gonna be. "That's right listen to daddy and drop your little tooth pic." As he leaned down over his hand brushed against her long blond hair before pulling it to pick her up off her feet, His crimson eyes seemed almost blood thirsty. As he looked at his daughter his pride was more then intact in fact it seemed to be more arrogant than ever. He wasn't just a sore looser he had always been a spoiled winner as well. He knew his daughter well enough to know that she wouldn't be broken so easily, but he had plans that would eventually do that for him.

One of the riders returned just then causing Kenichi to drop Aiko but his foot remained sternly on the girls wrist threatening to break it if she said anything or tried to hold onto her weapon. "Sir we haven't found any signs of the Sub Human. we found a few of his prints but as far as we can tell he stopped using the ground at some point. For all we know the beast could be at the shore by now."

Kenichi sighed looking down at his daughter it was still early morning but it would be a days ride back the capital. "Find me some rope then. We have what the capital wanted, we will bring the traitor back in ropes dragged behind a horse, a rather amusing display that I am sure the men of the capital will appreciate." As he spoke his weight on her wrist increased wanting to hear her cry out on pain as it was.
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That goddamn smirk .. it'd been one of the many things Aiko had not missed throughout the years. It only made her eyes narrow more, though the foot finding her arm made her wince. Just from the metal and pressure, she could literally feel her body fighting and inwardly pleading to not have some bones crush then and there. Struggled breaths mingled in with her winces as her right arm convulsed, trying to keep itself in one piece through nothing more than willpower. When the order echoed in her ears, she deftly thought on it. And the sound of the rider approaching would be her new cue.

Waiting for her father's attention to be more away from her, he'd hear a light clink -- which would sound as if she did indeed comply and toss the dagger away. In actuality, though, she merely slipped it into a pocket. She wasn't about to easily toss her only means of defense away, no damned way. All the same, she wouldn't risk her best arm being out of use. So she'd play along, make him think she'd been good while keeping her body intact. Aiko was ambidextrous ... but it was much easier to use her right arm than her left. It had always reacted and swung faster.

Her heart raced faster and winces became more audible as he applied more pressure. Her body shook and a from a mix of fear and anger, tears of said emotions fell down her face. Aiko hated admitting it ... but it wouldn't take much more to break her wrist. Be that as it was, though, she wouldn't easily give the screams he was clearly begging for. Her eyes closed tightly as her head shook no, trying to plead with her body to hold on and not yet give in.

A small sigh escaped Kenichi's lips as he was handed a set of rope, still standing on his daughters wrist he was making sure to use just the right amount of pressure so as to make the girl cry, but not snap her wrist. It wasn't that he minded if he broke her physically it was that causing her pain in this way was more enjoyable then actually breaking her. Taking her to that threshold where she could break but not putting her over it. The threat was enough too keep her in line though seeing her silent tears and how she shivered with pain, it was all rather amusing to him. He was annoyed that the Sub Human had gotten away but he had more then a fitting revenge for that.

"Right then the troops will be falling back shortly if they can't find any trace of your sub human friend then they will be rather disapointed." Placing the rope on his horse he pointed to the rider who had already gotten back, and then down to his daughter still under his heal. "Strip her."

The boy gave a salute as Kenhichi walked off of Aiko's wrist, the boy grabbing at her hair, pulling her up to her knees, before they went down to her top. Honestly she hadn't been wearing much to begin with, and for a strong soldier it didn't take much to rip what little of a top she had from her body. The black cloth shredding under his hands. The boy's armor wasn't as thick as her fathers had been, in fact it was mostly leathers the boy still being a squire didn't seem to have the same kind of talent for pain, as Kenichi did. His hand didn't have a firm grasp on her hair, and even as he pulled the top from her body he did so with a glance that was almost along the lines of excitement. His mind so clearly focused on Aiko's body that he wasn't paying attention to where her freed hands were.
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