Let The Hunt Begin ... [(A Fire Emblem 1x1, Yuna & Malin)]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC
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Long, flowing blonde locks fell against a lone figure's back. She was running .. and with damn good reasons. Nothing but light pants and her heart race were immediately heard from herself. All the same, she could hear a few screams and shouts -- all closer than she would have begun to like hearing. An annoyed scoff passed her lips as her head shook in annoyance. "Goddamnit, Aiko. Look what you've gotten yourself into now, hm?" She teased softly. Even with the dire situation, she was trying to keep her spirits up somewhat.

But the second all hope and her will to continue running dwindled, she would be captured and executed in public. There was little to no question on the matter and few alternatives that she could think of happening to her. None, though, were at all merciful and made shivers trail down her spine.

The beorc rogue had the fortune - misfortune it almost seemed like - of overhearing quite the conspiracy. She'd been heading into the castle to report back, having recently returned from a mission she'd been sent to finish up. Recon, they'd said. But now that she began to think back on it, there had been much more to that assignment. In fact, it was meant to aid out with what she'd discovered; a hunt. But what had seemed the most childish was the reason for this having been initiated. Enough radicals were infuriated the goddess had been put back to sleep, thus ending all the violence and wars that had been occurring prior to this.

But not just any 'hunt'. No no. It was one for Branded mainly, though Laguz weren't safe either. And while she didn't know either personally, there was something very amiss and wrong about being associated with such an act. And so .. she turned on her heels and had been running off and away.

How long she'd been sprinting by now .. was beyond her. It felt like days but that definitely wasn't the case. It hadn't even been a full one yet. But her legs ached as if that were true. Still, she pushed herself, forced her body to keep moving. Aside from willpower, the desire to not only live but a very cruel and real reminder of what could and would happen fueled her body on.

'Mercy' wasn't a word that existed much, if at all, in Begnion's dictionary. They'd shown that time and time again. Now that she had officially become a traitor against them, it was all the more worse for her. Any chance of that was gone the second she turned and ran.

Aiko had no regrets of her actions; just that it'd come down to this. To have had to chosen between her hometown or the safety of others ... who'd have thought such a day would come? Certainly not herself. But now, that didn't matter. The hunt was on and despite her not being a Laguz or Branded, she was still going to be sought out and used as an example all the same.

Sabin's ear twitched under the headband he wore too protect his identity. His tail was hidden as well under his long jacket he was partly admiring the city, even if it was a human city. He was approaching the edge of Sienne Stopping he let a slow yawn out of his mouth showing his more sharpened cat like fangs before quickly closing them and making sure he wasn't seen by anyone. It wasn't that the Laguz felt threatened being in a human city, it was that he simply didn't want the trouble. Ever since the last two wars had turned the land upside he had to recognize that his race wasn't exactly safe outside of the lands of galia. That said there were supplies that one could only get in human lands, and that was what the laguz was after. Even if he did have to risk exposure to the lesser race. Even as he walked around the outskirts of the town he didn't really feel safe, and when he heard the commotion he was almost sure he didn't feel safe anymore.

It started with just a small propaganda poster, at first he thought that it had been a relic from the last war, some people collected that type of thing, but it looked too fresh, the ink on it was certainly to new. It was a wanted poster, but instead of having a single name it just said branded or laguz reward for capture. His eye twitched as he passed it. That kind of sign was just the first bad omen he had seen in this town. The second was when the guards were rallying, and he saw for the first time a young woman, human apparently as she ran as hard as she could from the city guards. it honestly didn't take him much to figure out why she was being chased, with some of the guards practically screaming to get the half breed it didn't take a massive leap in logic to figure it out. The city guards were trying to purge the area... of him... great.

Sabin watched with an intense glow in his eyes, as she ran the streets were crowded but she stuck out like a sore thumb, if he was fast enough. He moved to a smaller ally way, keeping ahead of her and the crowed. and when she was just about to pass him, he jumped grabbing her arm twisting it and pulling her into his grip. Placing a hand over her mouth as he hid turned his back to the entrance way. The long cape he wore hid his back and for all anyone knew they could have just been some young couple making out in a back alleyway where no one could see them. Of course he didn't expect the gaurds to be fooled by this, but he did expect most of them to pass her by. they had been far enough away that they had been starting to lose sight of her so who knew.

His strength was enough to hold her, he was a cat after all, a laguz built with strength, and speed in mind. "Be quiet if you want to live." He said lightly still holding her against her will, but removing the hand from her mouth, she didn't smell like a branded and he couldn't see a noticable mark on her, but then again he had never met a half breed before. "What's your name half breed."
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Aiko's heart damn well nearly stopped as she felt herself grasped and guided back into an alleyway. But then the thought of Begnion hiring other rogues sounded ... wrong, amiss. They preferred the more direct routes so .. who the hell was this? Sure enough, the voice was far too young to match a Begnion soldier. An inward sigh echoed in her mind. From that, at least, she was safe. But ... who was she with now? Her eyes blinked and it took quite a bit of her willpower to keep from snickering aloud. "Me? Half-breed? I'm not a Branded. I'm just a Beorc; a rebellious one, perhaps, but still one all the same."

Her eyes glanced out past the alley and into the streets. Thus far, it appeared they were safe and kept hidden away. But how long would that remain? Not as much as she'd prefer, Aiko doubted. At least this ... person was taking the 'walk and talk at the same time' approach, it'd make things go a bit smoother. But his thoughts matched her own; even in the crowd, she would stand out. After all, she was the one the guards were seeking out. They'd have to be blind to miss seeing her. During this 'walk and talk' session, Aiko tried to quickly contemplate. True, it wasn't exactly her whom would and could call the shots right now, not with her good arm especially in a hammerlock. But the real question repeated in her mind; was this someone she wanted to begin to reveal her information to or not? Even a simple mistake like that could very well cost her in the long run.

"Before I give my name, however, I want to at least know one thing. Whose side are you on; the hunters or the hunted? Because if it's any consolation, I'm actually trying to assist the latter. And if you're not on that side, no sense in replying to that. Until then .... I'm but a rebel and now traitor to Begnion. Not much more nor less. Finally, where in the hell do you intend to escort me? Got a plan for that or are you just ... guiding me around?" She wasn't trying to question her new captor's intelligence .. but she really did have to wonder where this would all end up going and resulting in.

The worst possible case would be if he didn't have a plan. Not only would she be caught .. but if he was on the wrong side for Begnion so would he. And when she was trying to help warn them, probably rescue in the future, that would wound her pride. Far more than any of the soldiers could begin to do to her.

Sabin blinked he had just saved a human? Really the one girl that was being chased for this purge that he had managed to save and it was just a human? He sighed placing a hand over his for head leaning on one arm his ear wanted tow twitch in annoyance, but he restrained himself he would deal with the fact that she was a human after they got out of here. He sighed a half breed he might have been open to helping a little more, a sub human even more, but instead he managed to land himself in a position where he had to work with a human. His obvious racisim and annoyance aside she asked if he had a plan, and who's side he was on. He certainly had no intention of giving her any real information right now so he decided to lie not like her nose would be able to tell the difference.

"I am a sympathizer, like you. All you really need to know is that if you can get me out of the city, I can get you into Galia." It was the only place he could think of in which he could promise the woman amnesty, also with Begnion suddenly turning up the heat on Laguz victimization they had to be warned. getting to the leaders of the Laguz was difficult, and would be even harder with a human who wasn't familiar with or able to survive in the forests, of his home country. But she looked like she was light on her feet and could get them out of here, and that was enough for him. At least that was enough for him at the moment.

"I don't intend to escort you anywhere. you are gonna show me the way out of town, from there we can talk about the larger picture and getting you to Galia." She couldn't' be all bad if she was trying to help Laguz, but this was a human city, and he wasn't exactly the most trusting of humans. he had been tricked before, and honestly at this point he was a little confused as to why a human woman like this one was having her little rebelion getting kicked out of your home was not a pleasant experience. He knew that all to well. "Does that sound like a plan to you?"

Looking out he was starting to hear the voices of guards again. The plan was a shitty one, but it was the best one he had.
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While her nose couldn't detect the lie, Aiko's instincts were another story. After all, she'd had to lie to save her skin multiple times before. And the choice of words she heard made her think. She had no reassurance, no proof of anything that this man was saying. And only when he could prove he wasn't bullshitting her would she believe him completely. Her teeth found her lower lip as she continued allowing herself to be guided. An internal scoff echoed in her mind. Ugh, of all the times I can't reach my damn blade. Crap .... She was ambidextrous, yes. But reaching over to her right side with her left hand .. he'd notice faster than she could grasp the hilt.

And then it'd only get even more worse from then on, not better. So, despite Aiko not enjoying the idea, she'd have to play along.

"... Clearly you got yourself in here somehow. Can you not just backtrack in order to get out? There aren't as many guards as normal, given most have already left to seek either me out or their targets; the Laguz and Branded. The hardest part, really, will be ensuring we stay out of sight and mind of them as the saying goes. So no, no plan. I'm not showing you. If you really don't know or remember ... I suggest you start trying to think on it. But damnit, I'm not just going to allow some random stranger to use me as some odd hostage or bargaining chip. If you really want to try to kill me for this reply, do it. But they'll be like sharks attracted to blood and find you sooner than you can run from them."

The words weren't threats, just facts. Harsh ones ... but then again, the truth was never kind or generous. Worse than that, both knew time was limited. Unfortunately for Sabin, her words had been as genuine as the evidence she was giving him. To say she was infuriated at this point was quite the understatement. And the concept of being used had been something she'd endured for far too long. She'd left Begnion with intention of giving up on allowing that to occur to her ever again. It would take Death or some form of a miracle to make her begin to go back on her word.

As the woman made her speech Sabin wise ass that he was simply stepped aside offering her the way he had pulled her back out. It had also been the way he had got in, and frankly he didn't want to use it. It was being infested with guards like the area had some kind of plague about it. Guards that were looking for her, not him, as far as they knew he was just some oddly dressed human. "If you insist please do go on without me, I will enjoy watching as the guards who have blockaded the city gates by now rape, torture and kill you for what ever crime a rebel human commits."

He waved at her almost in a good by fashion. The gaurds weren't looking for him, and he was sure that there had to be another way out of the city. He had walked in through the main gates however and those were more then likely shut by now. In the end he had no idea where he was, a guide would have been helpful but if she was content to not be 'used' by anyone even if it was the man who had just helped him that was her own dumb fault. Sabin turned back once he had walked several feet away from her.

"Now I am new in town, so I don't know any routes except the main gate that I walked in through, so back tracking isn't much of what I can do. Your choices like it or not is you can assist me and I will get you to a place where you would not be harmed in return for that assistance, or you can die here and now by them. Really these choices seem silly to me, but then I am just some random stranger who tried to help you."

The one thing Sabin wasn't doing was covering up his racism's he had reffered to her now as both a half breed, and a human, which to most people would have set off red flags. However to Sabin who's prejudices were practically ingrained into him, it seemed only natural to at the way he did.
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It was rare but possible to make Aiko's patience actually dwindle. And right now, this person was doing just that. A quick peek via peripheral vision showed feline ears. A Laguz? Bold one, isn't he? She would have given him benefit of the doubt and assumed he didn't know what was going on. But between the guards who had already left to seek his kind and Branded out and her own subtle hints, that was gone. He surely knew enough to understand that the last place he should remain was here, yes? It wasn't generally in her nature to speak as coldly as she was ready to .. but he was also testing her generosity.

"Well aren't you the cold-hearted prick? Not giving a damn on what happens to anyone except yourself, hm? Look, I already told you the easiest way. There are no other alternatives, no underground or concealed passages. So unless you wanna try to climb over the walls ... there's little to no choice left. And while they're not seeking you out yet, I can - and will if needed - change that. Now .... you going to listen and heed me? It's hard to believe you're deaf with those ears .... "

Her ankles tensed, slightly but enough to help her dart into a run. She had a mental to-do list going through in her head. And while it hadn't been perfect, she had been doing well enough before he appeared and grasped her away. The gates, at least for the moment, were still open and able to be slipped through. It was mainly to keep from constantly needing to re-open and lock them. So many guards had been coming in or going out so they'd remained able to be entered or exited. And with or without this Laguz's help, she was ready to at least inform others of his kind. But hell if he was going to fuck this up for her.

And if she needed to rat him out before leaving, so be it. It'd be a low blow, yeah. But he'd started this wreck to begin with. As far as she was concerned, this would be a very harsh karma. More than that, she didn't overly appreciate the threats on what would likely happen to her ... and the fact he just wouldn't care. Even most beorcs weren't that mean to others, to wish such ill will upon others.

Sabin's ears practically burned at her comment about him being a Laguz. He turned biting his lip wanting to say something really offensive to her. He pointed a finger at her trying to rein in his temper, and finally succeeding. Sabin put his hand down in time to not hiss at this random woman who was putting up so much more of a fight then she needed to. Simply because at this rate he would need her. Looking back at the gates if they made a run for it they wouldn't really make it. They had to escape from the city, and for some reason she was resistant of working together.

"Fine you know what I am, but your still a human, and considering this town neither of us have much reason to trust anyone else. So are you gonna share your plans to get through the gaurds? or are you just making a blind charge at the people with bows, swords, axes. Cause I really don't think suicide is your best way out of this situation." He said with a roll of his eyes. He didn't like anyone figguring out that he was a laguz inside a human city, and though he was still abrasive towards her, he did seem to lighten up looking out at the gaurd posts, even if the gate was open, it didn't seem likely that either one of them would make it out of here on their own.

"And for the record, you never actually thanked me for helping save your life." He said indignantly still wanting to get at least some kind of one up over her. He growled slightly, he had just had to have walked into town on the very same day that this city went completely nuts. It felt wrong that after all the work that had gone into forging an alliance with all of these humans, they had thrown it all to the wind so casually. There was more at play here then he could see, but right now this girl, and that gate were his best ways of figuring it all out, and he was still her best shot at getting to Galia as well. After all Humans would get lost in the vast jungles of his native country, not to mention the difficult mountain paths if they were going by land. Some one alien to the lands of Galia would find themselves walking into a maze, and hopefully she knew that.
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Unfortunately for Sabin, he'd grabbed one of the most stubborn beorcs. More than that, he also found one who refused to take crap from anyone, regardless of race, gender, anything of the like. So the reason for fighting was she wasn't at all liking his mindset, attitude, the way he'd found her and tried to take her as a hostage. None of this situation was appealing at all to her and the fact each passing second meant fewer opportunities to escape would remain were doing anything but calming the rogue overly down. She exhaled deeply, trying her damnedest to keep herself at least mentally stable enough. Her back quickly turned as her eyes rolled, a low scoff leaving her lips.

"Don't be fucking stupid. I don't intend to get myself killed anyways. I have things to aside from arguing with you. Tell you the hell what though. I'll try to seek out an alternative route. But I really meant it - unfortunately for you - when I said I'm pretty damned sure that the gates are our best bet. Now come on! If you even want that chance to remain, we need to make haste." Though she did hear the retort on her failing to thank him, there was little time to reply to those words. More than that, she was about to make the situation between them even enough; she was about to save them - come Hell or high water if not both - and thus he would need to soon enough himself.

The gates were indeed still open and Aiko easily figured another idea out. Gesturing with her right middle and index finger for him to follow, they soon arrived at a set of stables. As she'd said, few guards were even still in the city so obtaining a horse was easy enough. "If you wanna use your own, fine. But either way, get on one. If you don't know how to ride them, then grab on and hold on ... but watch your hands." By the time she'd finished speaking, Aiko was already upon a dark brown stallion .. and ready to gently kick it's sides and get it to go into a gallop.

Yes, the guards would likely notice .. but react? Not as quickly as they'd like to and that would be what would save the both of them. Or so Aiko hoped. She held the reins, ready to ride off once Sabin was done mounting either his own horse or the one she was on.

Sabin followed Aiko watching as she took a horse, his eye twitched slightly looking over the animal and feeling a slight amount of pitty for the thing. Humans really did have an odd sense of humor, and pride to them taking in creatures like these as servants. Horses weren't exactly native to the land of Galia, they had problems moving through thick brushes, and jungles. What's more was what self respecting Laguz would actually use a horse to ride on? Most of them were faster in their own way or another. Still Sabin knew that if he did just go all out, and assume his other form he wouldn't really have the creatures stamina. Oh he would be fast, probably as fast if not faster than the horse, but long distances were not a Laguz's friend.

Biting his lip he scowled and got onto her horse, it was odd really he had never intended to take this woman hostage, far from it he had tried to protect her from the guards that were chasing her. She however took it as a slight, and he realized more and more he had made a mistake with saving this human's life. His arms lightly grabbed her around her stumach his claws lightly singing into her shirt as he felt the creature break into a gallop.

The sensation of riding another four legged creature, was almost sickening, it's strides seemed painful, and since they hadn't taken a saddle all he could feel were his privates being mashed against his lower tail bone, not to mention his actual tail which was still hidden along his spine, with every bump in the dirt road he felt a surge of pain and nausia. Still the creatures speed and stamina would carry them farther then he could run in either of his forms, and he ducked down pressing his face against Aiko's back. Muttering loud curses in his own language which if she actually knew how to speak to the people of Galia would have translated out to, "Dumb human bitch, I don't want to die, I really don't want to die."

The guards certainly couldn't react in time and as they charged the gate the archers turned, and did the only thing they could, firing at both them and the horse, one of them getting a rather lucky shot, Sabin let out a painful yowl as he felt a human arrow shoot into his left shoulder, had he not been riding on her horse the arrow probably would have hit Aiko in the spine. The thicker muscles and more durable body of the Laguz helped with such an injury, but it still hurt, and caused his claws to sink past Aiko's clothing and rake her stomach slightly.
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Even without being able to translate the curses, Aiko could at least deduce the words had been anything but kind to her. That, in itself, was enough of a hint - assumption technically but still - to make her roll her eyes. Oh, grow the fuck up ... Not that the words would dare pass her lips, of course. No, they remained strictly in the back of her mind, her focus solely on the path ahead of them. Riding bareback hadn't been an issue for herself. Then again, she was a rogue, a person meant to adapt to any situation at any moment's notice. Sabin .. she doubted. And given his reactions to her and the plans thus far, it only made her feel more sure of the guess.

Her mouth had opened to ask what direction to head to Gallia. It was one of the few places she hadn't been to thus far. The first thing, though, to leave her lips was a wince of pain. "Goddamnit, I said watch it! Do you want me to have this horse toss you off? Because goddesses help me out, I will! You're really testing my patience, boy, and not at all in the best of ways! Now .. Gallia. What direction do I make our guide head towards?"

A low sigh passed her lips as she tried to remind herself how this happened again. That's right, because I'm not one of the selfish beorcs in existence. Goddamnit ... It was the only real saving grace that she could see at this point and a good contributing reason why she was even putting up with Sabin. He was a perfect example of the types of people she had intended to warn about the hunt, even at the cost of her own life. But she truly was astounded to have noted his attitude thus far. Beorcs could have a mindset like his if not worse .. but even then, you had to find the most damn corrupt people within this world - and worst possible luck - to run into them. Thus far, Aiko had thankfully been able to avoid such individuals.

Directly, anyways. Perhaps the closest was seeing public executions in the town square and the individuals who'd specifically asked for each and every person to have their life taken. Most were for foolish reasons but, admittedly, there were a few who seemed more as if they did deserve such a fate. Then again, it wasn't her place to judge either.

Her head shook lightly as she ignored the thoughts, a new and more vital one coming to her mind. "Actually .. if you know of a healer we can head towards, that will be our first stop then Gallia. Regardless, that will need to be taken care of."

Sabin let out a low growl as he felt an arrow stuck into his back what ever scratches he had put on Aiko's body he honestly didn't care about the fact was he had still taken an arrow to the back from her plan. Still it was better him then the horse. "Just find a place we can hide outside of the city." The truth was from this point on the trip would be dangerous. Getting to Galia would take them a long time even if they went for the most direct route, and he wasn't even really sure that a human would be welcomed inside those boarders.

For now he could go without seeing a healer, he had a vulnery on him, and his skin was much harder then a humans. He had taken damage from the arrow yes, but certainly nothing lethal or worth going out of his way for, the moment they stopped running he could break out the arrow and heal the wound. Till then and to Aiko's comment he let out a simple low growl. It wasn't that Sabin was afraid, it was that he wasn't used to riding a horse, nor was he used to dealing with Humans. Honestly he was out of his element here, and he was feeling uncomfortable because of that. With Sienna behind them however his ears were starting to perk up slightly.

Sabin had his reasons for being abrasive, and while he had to admit that the two of them hadn't met under the best circumstances this woman was fast thinking. It was a trait that was useful to have around, and one he kind of liked. As they road out he pointed to a small tree line, the grove of forests would make a fast hiding place once they ditched the horse. "In their, we will be harder to track.... and also we can't take the horse with us." He said lightly not sure if his human ally would agree with him or not. The horse would be to heavy and it's tracks to easy to follow. Part of him thought of maybe taking it for food, but it was clearly a military horse, too much muscle not enough meat, and the meat it would have would be far too lean. Not to mention a fire would be easily spotted, they would need to make a cold camp.

Sabin's shoulders slumped slightly which caused his back to straiten in a pained reflex. The arrow was still very much inside his body and he had for a second forgotten that fact.

"God damn." He let out a low curse as he almost fell over for a second. His hands still holding onto Aiko tightly. "I am sorry, I wasn't trying to kidnap you earlier... You were running away from the gaurds, I grabbed you to pull you out of the line of fire. at the time I thought you were a... Branded." Sabin said lightly avoiding the term Half breed for once.
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An eyebrow raised as an inward groan echoed in her head. Just .. head somewhere? So does he not know? Or is there another reason he's refusing to guide me to Gallia? It made her suspicions arise even more than when he'd grabbed her back in Sienna. It didn't overly help with the fact she hardly knew anything of him or his true motives. She had no reassurance he was working with someone else who would want her dead and he certainly hadn't attempted to display he may agree with all she was doing. After all, he'd given no damns on the mere possibility of her being raped or killed by the guards; why should he seem to care for his own race? Well .. he'd have to direly start proving himself, wouldn't he?

Keeping a hand over his, she helped dismount with them both leaving the horse at basically the same time, seconds apart at most. Her feet trembled slightly from the harsh landing, but it wasn't as rough or high up as it could have been she knew. Besides, she'd been in much worse pain before, physical especially. The sore sensations would go away in time. Her right hand raised up, landing upon the horse's side as she sent it galloping away without them now. Her left remained upon Sabin's and without a word, she unsheathed her dagger, turned on her heels, and moved the blade beside the Laguz's neck.

"Now then ... you wanna apologize? And have me begin to believe it? Start talking. Name, alliance ... I want that much at least. Because, unfortunately for you, I stand firmly by what I said earlier. I'm trying to help all the Laguz and Branded. I sure as hell didn't have to. But I want to. Why? Because it seems fucking stupid that your kind and hybrids are getting hunted all because of the childish desire for war having been forced to cease with the goddesses being put to sleep. I had everything up until a few moments ago; a home, family, place to stay. And yet, I'm willing to give it all up. The very damn least I can get from you is honesty and cooperation so ... who are you and should I even state exactly how I intend to help your kind out or not?"

Never once did the blade move closer but definitely not away from the target, Sabin's neck. She wouldn't risk anymore fast moves being pulled against her. That hadn't exactly helped her mood out either, the sabotage-like move of nearly attempting to kidnap her. It'd been a rather low blow .. and even with good intentions, it still irritated her. Honor among thieves .. it wasn't a common practice but it was one that she herself actually followed rather strictly.

Sabin was releaved to feel ground under his feet, but that relief turned lightly to shock as he saw the cold steel pulled out and drawn near to his neck. Sabin blinked finding it rather amusing for a second. Snickering as he was still in pain, he looked at the woman who was holding him at knife point, and smiled. Oh this was rich certainly it hadn't been what he had expected to hear today, but he let out a purr of amusement. If nothing else this human was making him laugh slightly which caused slight pains from the arrow still stuck in his back shoulder.

With a knife to his throat he almost didn't really know what to say. Sure it wasn't the first time he had looked down a human with a blade before, and it would not be his last, but the surprising speed in which she did it, and then the turn around of her story amused him. "Kill me and you would be doing a poor job at protecting the Sub-Humans around you." He said lightly though with a slight smile.

Moving his free hand slowly he dropped the hood he had been wearing showing his cat like ears, and short almost white hair. They twitched lightly as he listened to not just their conversation but also the world around them proving his authenticity. "My Name is Sabin, of the beast tribe, My allegiances are to three people, me, myself, and I thank you very much. What did you really think I would walk around a human city and give out information like that before hand. Walking into a Human town without hiding an identity like mine is like painting an archery range on my back... Oh wait I still have an arrow in my back because of you." Sabin's voice was a little loud, lashing somewhere between annoyance and anger.

"Now that all said and done, if you really want to get to Galia and warn the other tribes you need a guide who actually knows that country. I will admit I am not psyched to have to deal with a human girl wanting to go talk to the other sub humans, but do you see another beast tribe around?" Sabins eyes craned widely from side to side, his ears twitching to the sound of the grotto around them. "Cause if and when you do please feel free to go with them. As for your life family and everything else... welcome to the world of being a vagabond... it doesn't suck nearly as much as the arrow still in my shoulder. So what am I gonna call you, because while human girl, does have a nice ring to it I am pretty sure only one of us will eventually get annoyed with it."

It wasn't that Sabin wasn't taking her threat rather seriously. It was just that Sabin didn't have anything to lose, and he would rather spit in the face of a would be captor than go off and quietly answer questions. This was as close to co operation as Aiko was gonna get, at least until he got the arrow out of his shoulder.
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Her eyes rolled again. "Tch, if I wanted you dead, you would be. No mistakes on that one." She murmured, going silent to hear the rest of the words out. For now, she could ignore and discard the insult on the arrow. They weren't from her people, per se. Same nation and hometown, yes. But they certainly hadn't been under her direct control. It was clear this Sabin had much to learn of Beorcs, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Granted, she understood this worked the other way around with both Laguz and Branded. She'd heard many-a-time that most feline species were prideful and arrogant ... and was seeing more and more that 'rumor' was more accurate than she would have liked to have learned about.

Her dagger slowly lowered but remained firmly in her hand as he finished talking. "... If you care for no one save yourself, then don't bother trying to be my guide. No sense in dragging yourself along when you don't give a damn of anyone else. Gods knows I'm one of the last ones, especially when you'd actually wish for rape or death - maybe both should an individual with a deviant enough mindset - come to me." It was clear she would not let that memory go so easily nor was as content on the situation as he was. In fact, she was probably a bit moreso. She'd had a goal, an agenda and now .. it may have all gone to waste. It was at least at a high risk, being around someone like Sabin.

Especially if his selfish mindset remained ... there'd be no way in hell she could begin to do anything for the other Laguz and Branded.

Her head shook no as she murmured. "Don't bother then. You've only clarified you don't want this. I'm not going to force you to join me. Honestly, I had no intentions on dragging anyone into this, knowing in the very long run it'd ruin them along the way regardless of anything of one's past. But if you're going to keep that attitude and mindset - me, myself, and I crap - then all more the reason not to bother. And I don't want your damn pity. Ever heard of informing? That's all I'm doing. If I wanted to go on and on, I could have. But I'm not gonna."

While it was true she hadn't been to all the other nations, she was a survivalist. And while her escape hadn't quite been perfect, she hadn't been doing so horrid before being found by Sabin either. Not to the point she would have died without him .... at least she was pretty damn sure of that. "Aiko, thanks. And sorry on the arrow. But I'm more likely to make the injury worse than better if I try to yank it out. It was a good reason I recommended trying to find a healer for that; someone who won't make a royal fuck-up with assisting you out."

It may have only been in the shoulder, but with enough wrong twists, turns, and jerks .. it could very well hit a major artery, pressure point, joint, muscle or anything else and the situation for Sabin would have gotten worse by at least five-fold if not ten. Being a rogue had many perks aside from being able to steal others blindly; knowledge of the body was a damn good one. Quick but deadly strikes .. it was what Aiko generally did while on the battlefield. And more often than not, no opponent she went against had a chance to see - or feel - what had hit them.

Sabin listened to Aiko only partially once she moved the knife away his hand slowly approached the arrow. Oh he was going to go with this human, that was for sure, but he didn't want to tell her everything. He didn't feel he had to tell her anything. Instead he gripped the arrow, tenderly at first poking it to see how deep the arrow head was imbedded into his body. The thicker muscles of the laguz once again seemed to pay off as the arrow head had only slightly broken the bone. He waited until she had said all she had needed to. He snickered slightly, and then braced himself.

Biting down on his lip for a moment his arm tensed as he gripped the arrow at the stem, close to the head, and ripped it out of his body. Letting out a very loud, almost feral yowl of pain as he dropped the arrow onto the ground, it had come out in one long piece, the head was a small blunt peice instead of sharp. Sabin held his shoulder for a moment as his vision faded and twisted for a moment. His balance was kept mostly by his tail which had at some point slipped out of hiding the long bushy tail was more wide and bushy then normal. "Fuuck me." He said inbetween taking short breaths of air.

Sabin waited for a moment as the world stopped spinning before picking out a small flask with an oiled down substance, he dashed some on his back and felt the wound disinfect as well as the bleeding stop. Sighing he tossed the rest to Aiko. "If we are going then we need to hurry about it, find a camp at least, and if your insisting on going alone at least take the Vulnerary. It's the only one I have, and it's good for two more uses." He said lightly His shoulder would heal eventually he was sturdy enough to stand on his own.

"And will you stop trying to send me away? Listen up and listen closely. I don't much care for humans when a city of them is trying to hunt me down, but we are talking about my brothers and sisters. We are talking about a very large scale problem, which is bigger then both of our ego's now I am offering you my help Aiko, and trust me when I say you will need it. If you a lone human tried to walk into Galia, even through Crimea, how do you think the boarder gaurd would react. Let me tell you, I used to be a part of Galia's defenses, one of two things will happen to you if you go at this alone. The first? you get lost in the forest and doom yourself to a slow painful death, the second, a pack of laguz come across you and you get a much faster death. Ever since the last war the sub humans haven't exactly been the friendliest of races. Pheonicis closed it's boarders, Goldoa is well Goldoa, you can't trust Kilvas as far as you can throw them, and Galia is... Politically apprehensive." Sabin took a long breath still not feeling all that great from the arrow, and the small amount of pain he was in though the oils helped numb and heal the pain.

"Add to that Begnion's sudden treachery and how do you suppose one person is gonna stop the fall out that could come from this? I get you don't like me, but we are talking about a storm that could turn into a third war, and no one needs that. Not even me, like it or not." He walked past Aiko lightly patting her on the shoulder. "You are stuck with me Aiko, so best get used to it."
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As Sabin grasped the arrow, Aiko inwardly cringed. It'd hurt like a bitch - probably worse - she could only begin to imagine. It'd been a while but Aiko had been wounded before. By an arrow? Thankfully not yet. But blades still hurt all the same and in some aspects were worse. They tended to make a more vital mark quicker than an arrow could ever begin to do. One had to have the worst luck to run into any of the best archers and be shot down in one hit. It was definitely possible though, she'd seen that also with her own eyes in the past.

Her eyes remained on the formerly wounded area, amazed and impressed to see it heal so fast. Well, that was one issue handled at least. Then, Sabin went on to speak and explain a bit more. It wasn't everything by any means .. but compared to what she had been hinted about earlier, it was improvement. Well, progress was progress all the same. And indeed as the advice on listening - and closely - caught her ears, Aiko went to do just that.

Personally, getting lost in a forest was the least of her concerns. Her secondary profession after a rogue and assassin was a survivalist. Even if she did get lost, she could find supplies to keep herself alive. However, the border guards and possibility of running into more hostile Laguz was something that would likely do her in. Multiple enemies she could handle but only to some extents. If it ever got too high past four ... it went from bad to worse more often than not for Aiko. The defeated sigh which passed her lips hinted that even if she didn't like any of the words leaving his lips, she knew and understood that Sabin was indeed right about everything he was pointing out thus far.

"Fine fine ... point made. But I do have some rules to ask about following.... " Her body tensed and eyes narrowed as his hand slid over her shoulder. "That would be one ... don't touch me like that. If you can't tell yet, I'm not exactly fond of it. Two, give me respect and I'll return that favor. Honor among thieves .. I do follow that, actually. Three ... " She glanced up, knowing quite a few were missing but unable to immediately think of anymore. "... I'll add those when I recall more. This next bit is more advice that I shouldn't even need to relay .. but don't be overly careless. If we're gonna be side by side, then we'll both need to live through any and everything."

It hadn't been as bad as it could have been, but grabbing her back in Begnion could have gone horribly even for Sabin. Surely he knew that .. and thus she wouldn't force him to think upon that. The memory alone would haunt him in his own time, she didn't need to add salt into the wound.

A weary sigh passed her lips as she looked around them both before back down to Sabin's eyes. "Now ... do we continue heading towards Gallia? Or stay here for a bit longer? As long as I reach my goal eventually, I'm not too picky on order otherwise."

Sabin's ear twitched as Aiko brought up the rules waving them off, she didn't like to be touched? Well it was rather interesting to him, and part of him wondered exactly why that was he wouldn't exactly pressure the information out of her. He didn't exactly need to as such things tended to get out on their own. He walked deeper into the grotto finding a small area they could set up a cold camp, and started to strip off his shirt, and the long cloak he had been wearing holding obviously little qualms about stripping around another human being, He checked more over his shoulder while at the same time hanging out the clothing, his shirt and some of his pants were covered in his blood, meaning he was leaving a strong scent trail with it around.

"In my culture we tend to let thieves bleed out on the road. You should try calling yourself a scout instead, has more of a military ring to it. As for touching you." He paused looking over Aiko a small amused smile taking place over his face as he really looked her over for the first time since they had a moment. She was more attractive than he had originally thought well for a human. "My tent is always open for a fine set of legs, but I will keep my paws to myself." He snickered at the use of his own corny line. Clearly not taking her comfort too seriously as it was.

"We will have to leave this area, but the question is more to the point where. If we follow the shore line we run close to Kilvas, Crimea, and Galia. Two out of three are good, and we could make our way up to a city or something. If we go the other way up land we have to deal with the desert lands Grann, without proper supplies that would be a death sentance. If we travel the other way, theres a small town not far from here, but it's closer to the dean boarder then i would like and it's in the wrong direction." He said laying out their options. His bare chest was exposed towards Aiko his upper body muscular, and vulnerable to her knife.

"So that's the story as we have it. Three directions, and none of them good. We don't have much time either I would say. It won't be long till those hill sides are swarming with guards or they track down the blood trail from the arrow, and the horse. Not as stealthy as I personally would have liked, but if we managed to hold our own till night we could slip away in the cover of darkness." Night time would buy them a little while, but even so it wouldn't be safe for them to stay here for very long.
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As Sabin began to strip, Aiko instantly averted her eyes. Even if it was just to get the bloody clothes off, she still believed in privacy. Then again, it likely could be connected to the fact she was also strict as hell. She wasn't a virgin though the thief considered herself one. Her purity had already been stolen from her, ironically enough. Her teeth gripped her lower lip as the flashback briefly raced through her mind but she managed to shove it away soon enough. The culprit had actually been her good-for-nothing father who loved to drink and do not much else for far too long. It'd been one reason she had been a survivalist. With the freedom from him, she had to quickly learn how to survive ... lest she die at an early age.

All the same, it hadn't been a lie. She had abandoned family ... just not in the typical way.

The suggestion of using the term 'scout' rather than 'thief' made Aiko snap away from her thoughts. A low scoff soon passed her lips at the lewd suggestion. "Tch, please. I'm not a loose woman like that ... " She murmured, clearly irked at the innuendo. Thankfully, though, he resumed talking of more vital things to point out to her. And it made Aiko glance upward in thought as she began to seriously contemplate on their possible routes.

"Hm ... maybe sticking to the shoreline would be best. I doubt Begnion soldiers would look there right away. It should give us time and distance ... two advantages we can easily use against them. The more of each we have versus them, the better."

Sabin noticed the darker looks on Aiko's face wondering for a moment what the story behind them was. For a moment she had seemed completely repulsed which was odd because he was one of the most reprehencable beings he knew, and he hadn't even gotten that kind of reaction from her. Checking through his bags he sighed not having any new sets of clothing, he was more then fine with being nude, most Laguz were bare in one way or another, but he could tell that it was causing her some discomfort.

Nodding Sabin finally just dropped to all fours, an elegant yellow light surrounding his body as he transformed into the shape of a cat. His body was that of a blond panther, sleek and elegant. The tips of his ears were black, and his eyes were a delightful green, his muscles were covered by fur, and Sabin took a moment too stretch after taking his new form. "There can't imagine you feeling awkward about looking at me now." His voice having oddly not changed at all as he circled around Aiko lightly his speed seemingly having increased his feet not leaving any kind of mark on the ground or sound. His hind legs, and for paws seemed to be covered in battle scars. Times long gone from when he fought along side his Galian brother's at arms. Breathing his powerful muscles flexed and rippled under the fur. If it weren't for his voice he could easily have been mistaken for a lean killing machine.

His tail brushed lightly against Aiko's ass for a second as he walked along side her. He knew he wasn't allowed to touch her, but at the same time there was a slight amount of amusement to his tone as he purred. He couldn't even believe he was doing this, but he bent down lower feeling the grass tickle the furr along his stumach stretching his back completely. "I can carry you faster then you can walk, it's our best bet if you want to get away under the cover of light, just... don't touch the shoulder." He said lightly it still burned even now, but the potion had done it's work and healed the actual damage, what remained was artificial, painful but artificial.
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As the light hit Aiko's eyes, she shielded them instinctively to avoid being blinded. When it faded, she saw a .. cat? She'd heard all Laguz shifted into the respective form of the clan they came from but she'd never actually seen it happen before. Then again, this was likely where the saying there was always a first time for everything came into play could apply. Her eyes glanced down as they took the time to study him. Maybe it was because some Beorcs had domesticated cats as pets ... but it felt more calming to see him like this. It was an intriguing reaction, that much was for sure.

"I .. just believe in privacy, nothing more nor less." She finally managed to reply, a bit astounded on the seemingly abrupt idea to head out now as opposed to later. She almost wanted to ask if he was certain; not in doubt of his abilities or speed but to avoid being put through too much fatigue. If he wound up getting too tired, though, she would only hope and assume he'd mention it to her. They'd get nowhere in any good form or fashion by forcing their way towards Gallia. For now, though, Aiko would trust his judgment. Just as easily as she could have killed him while he was wounded, something told her the same applied vice versa. He had his own chances but had held back; though motives were likely different.

"Very well then. Just .. stop if you want to for any reason." After a bit of hesitation, she carefully got on. Aiko wasn't heavy though it still felt ... a tad odd. She'd never seen nor thought of riding a Laguz. Another first for her. Her eyes glanced up and down once again before stopping against his sides, gently yet firmly holding on to keep from falling off. Her head gave a light bow. "... Alright. Ready when you are, I suppose."

Sabin let out a small grunt as he felt Aiko mount him, not in a way he would have liked but rather as an animal. It was honestly kind of disturbing having a human on his back, he could smell her strong scent, and though he knew that this was a special occassion he still wasn't very comfortable with it. He could take her as far as they needed to get, certainly he could get them farther away then the humans would be able to track, then by night fall they would have a proper camp and he would be able to rest a little easier. "Do me a favor and don't get used to this." His tone was half way between concern and disgust.

Sabin took a deep breath His muscles tensing under him as he felt her get a firm grip on his shoulders. Smiling he took off, his feet hardly even seemed to touch the ground at his full pace. He was a cat, built for speed and power, charging even with another person on top of him his body still felt natural. His shoulder burned slightly as he put pressure on his front left paw, he wasn't holding anything back right now. But his feet hardly seemed to even leave an impression on the ground. They blitzed past trees as Sabin charged through the woods. He smirked as he took light breaths, wanting to show off a little of his Laguz supremacy. "You may want to hold on a little tighter." He said with a small joking laugh.

As he landed off one of his charges his muscles tensed for an extra second before he jumped landing along one of the three's he used his speed and momentum to charge and jump from tree to tree, literally running along the walls of the forest. "Impressed yet?" He almost roared with laughter as he charged along, landing back on the earth and soil and changed direction heading out of the grotto, and into a field on the other side, as he bolted for the next tree line. Moving quickly he didn't want to stay in the open for long, he could already feel the motions warring on his breath, and honestly the last thing he ever wanted was to be shot again.
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Aiko's head quickly shook no with no hesitation as he suggested not to get used to the idea of riding upon him so much. "Honestly ... I'm astounded you allowed this. But no .. I wasn't intending to do that anyways." Her eyes stayed firmly ahead of the two as she began to scout ahead for them. It was much more out of habit and in case Sabin's focus was on the route more than any individuals they may or may not come across. When she needed to be, Aiko was damn cautious. Though not quite paranoid; still, it was for all of the correct reasons. Or at least she wanted to believe that much.

Her own smirk slowly danced over her lips upon catching the next idea of holding on tighter. "I'm trying to be careful. You are still doing all of this with a no doubt sore joint. I may have come off as a bitch, but I'm definitely not as heartless as I've been sounding." If Sabin attempted to detect any form of deceit, he wouldn't hear any in her words. They were all rather genuine thus far, a rare trait coming from a Beorc of all people. But then again, the rogue had always been blunt and to the point, no matter how harsh the honest to gods truth was. It might be more painful to hear .. but it was always better in her mindset.

After a bit more silent contemplation, she finally heeded the suggestion and tightened her grip slightly. Still, Aiko ensured to avoid putting too much pressure on Sabin's body but yet enough that she wouldn't fall off and be left behind. Her own small chuckle left. Was he trying to impress her just because? Or was there another reason? She wouldn't push for that much though she did mentally note the possibilities. The reply ... may not have been what he would expect so she tried to prepare for the reaction he was more likely - in her head - to give.

"Actually, yes. You're the first Laguz I've actually met -- in or out of combat at that matter. The closest was another Branded. But that was ... years ago. This ... is very different and interesting, to say the least."

Sabin charged ahead further and further, checking behind him only on occasions when he thought he could spare a glance. This form of travel was the fastest, by far. But it was also getting harder and harder to sustain for him. His legs pounded and his body was starting to ache. The more he moved the more he was starting too feel the ware on his body. Still Syenne was fadding from view faster and faster till finally they rounded a hill and the massive towers were no longer in view of them. Sabin seemed to physically drop for a moment feeling his body need to take in air, his shoulder becoming stiff from how fast he had been running.

His legs collapsed though he was amused with Aiko's answers. He knew that the longer she stayed with him the longer she would learn things that would make her question him. But as he breathed and tried his best to relax he closed his eyes for a moment. His body tensing as it released it's cat like form, and reverted back to the regular non combative form of the Laguz beast tribe. blond fur replaced by smooth skin, his body laying flat to the ground. "Damn, I thought I could make it a little further."

They had put enough distance that the gaurds would likely be unable to follow them, and they weren't that far from tree cover, encase the city decided that the two of them were important enough to send the royal Pegasus guards after them. The odds of that were unlikely however, mobilizing such flying units for a thief and a sub human seemed somewhat beneath their usual higher calling. Sabin breathed heavily his lungs burning for a moment as he laid down sprawled out in inadvertently underneath Aiko's body. "You, are only the second human I have ever met, and the first that used the term Laguz.... from what I always heard growing up, I thought you would be far more racist." He said lightly waiting for his strength to return. Had it not been for the sore arm he was almost certain he would have been able to go further then they had.
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Though Aiko did notice the glances, her focus was much more upon the road ahead of them. She didn't expect an ambush .. but the possibility was still very real. And at least one of them would need to be somewhat prepared if that should happen. At this angle, the rogue would still be able to grab her dagger fast enough. Also, if Sabin needed to change or do his own forms of getting ready, he would be allowed that. It made her wonder ... did he fight in his form? She'd heard few rumors on Laguz, one of which being that they could mainly - nearly only - fight in their animal form. But that seemed complicated and annoying to her. Why not in their beorc-looking form? Wasn't that what weapons were for?

Maybe it's not their forte? It was one of the few things Aiko could begin to think of.

Finally, the running turned into a light jog and ceased fully. A small smile crossed her lips as she slipped off, her head shaking no from side to side. "Given your wounded state, you did well. And not all beorc are as racist as you think. In fact, there are quite a few who are accepting like me. In the end, it isn't race that makes me determine if I dislike a person or not. It's whether they try to attack me or not -- and refuse to change their stance on it. Keep trying to take my life and I'll gladly return the favor. It's not my preference - fighting - but I'll do it when push comes to a shove."
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