Volatile (Atroxa x Jugger82)

Haruka grabbed a couple pistols and an assault rifle for herself, wishing that she'd been able to get her dagger back when they'd left C-Sec, she almost never went without some sort of bladed weapon. She'd just have to get a new one she supposed. She joined Nathan at the decontamination bay, narrowing her eyes at him as he teased her, “You'll be the last person I call for dick.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes, following him off the ship, but stopped when she saw the small armed crowd that was waiting to greet them. Her brows raised and she glanced at Nathan, “You know, you should really work on your people skills,” she muttered at him, “Have fun.” She patted him on the arm and started to walk away but a large Krogan in Blood Pack armor shot the ground in front of her feet.

“Where do you think you're going?” He asked her gruffly in a deep voice.

“I've got no issue with any of you, and I'm not with him, so I'm leaving,” she glared at him.

The Krogan scoffed at her, “You helped him escape, so we have an issue with you.”

Haruka let out a frustrated noise and glared at Nathan over her shoulder, “Happy now?” She asked him, backing up to where she'd been, “Dragging me into your fucking mess.”
"It was your mess too the moment you accepted my help with escaping." He replied as he stepped back a bit, still holding his assault rifle as he looked to the many armed guards. "Just put your guns down for now, Haruka..." He said as he bent down to a knee and began to disarm himself. "There will be another time to fight, but for now...just do what they say. They aren't going to kill us yet. A certain someones aren't going to be happy if I die by anyone elses' hands."
“If I had known what a jack ass and pain in the neck you are I would have just stuck it out in jail,” she muttered at him. Really didn't know if that was true or not. Haruka really hated the idea of being locked up, but what was the point of being free if she was dead? Since it looked like these guys were out for blood. She let out a frustrated noise when Nathan told her to put her guns down, pulling her pistols out of their holsters and setting them down, then her assault rifles.
The Krogan immediately walked over, and took the two as prisoners as they led them along Omega and to a shuttle. The shuttle took the two of them deep into the lower parts of Omega. "They're taking us to Travik...the last guy on the list who set me up. Kingpin of the entire operation that decided to betray me and put me in that cell for some years." Nathan told her as the shuttle zipped through the air toward its destination.
Haruka went along with the Krogan with a deep frown, glaring at Nathan and the Krogan's back and everyone else around them. When they were put into the shuttle she sat with a scowl on her face, sitting as far away from the Turian as she could. “Good for you,” She muttered when he told her where they were going to see, glaring out the window at the passing buildings. "What exactly did you do to piss all these people off? Besides try to wow them with your charm," she asked him sarcastically.
"Apparently...I was too dangerous for them. Someone with more rank got scared and decided to set me up for an ambush. Tch...I wasn't even planning on rebelling. But they done fucked up now..." He said angrily before feeling the punch of a Krogan's fist connect with his cheek. "Watch your mouth, prisoner! Keep quiet!" Nathan simply spat some spit towards the Krogan, and then received another punch to the chin. "Can't fight me seriously can you? Can't do it without those missile launchers or these guns aimed at me. Can't fight me with this shuttle taking us to Travik. One wrong move or the driver dies and we all go down...Why don't you just park this thing and really show me up if you're so tough, Krogan." With Nathan's armor, he'd be able to become just as strong as a Krogan for a limited time. The Krogan simply spat on Haruka's boots as he was also annoyed with her.

Soon, they would reach a small, run-down looking building that looked like a poor convenience store. Inside, however, was a different story...as the place was finely furnished with quality furniture and technologies that made it look like a personal haven even on the upper parts of Omega where possibly even Aria would want to come and take it. "Travik always did to live in luxury..." Nathan mentioned to Haruka as they were walked inside and sent down a long red carpet that would lead into the back of the convenience store. Inside, Travik and two heavily armed Batarian guards stood with Travik's personal varren...a rather large, stimmed up red one with the mark of the blue sun literally branded into the creature's head. "Ah...my old friend, Nathan...And I see you've brought me a new whore to destroy...how fun."
Haruka shot the Krogan a hot glare when he spit on her boots, “Hey, fuck you!” She snarled, shaking her foot a bit, trying to get it off. Disgusting creatures, Krogans. She went along with Nathan as they were shepherded into what had appeared to be a run down convenience store but proved to be a posh den on the inside. This was all a big mess, she should have just stayed in jail. Surely one of her father's Yakuza connections would have come for her eventually. Biotics were in high demand among the Yakuza, she'd been offered prominent positions in several other Yakuza rings, but her loyalty to her family had won out. Now though, they were all either dead or in prison. She supposed there was no use wallowing in regrets, but it was kind of hard not to given her predicament.

The muscles in Haruka's jaw clenched and her hands curled into fists when Travik called her a whore, her eyes narrowing at him. “Yeah I'd like to see you try,” She snarled at him, “And without your fucking bodyguards.” She didn't think they knew she was a biotic, and she was keeping it under control for now, waiting for the right opportunity, or a signal from Nathan, these were his people after all, he'd know better than her what to do to get them out of this alive.
Nathan watched Haruka's anger as she showed fury toward Travik's words toward her. Nathan laughed lightly and shook his head. "She could use some breaking in to make a decent whore...but I know from minor experiences that she's a great fit." Snickers filled the room as Nathan demeaned Haruka...wanting her to get angrier...wanting her to lose that control and explode with a bloodlust. She was his weapon...he just had to work toward using her. "And she's got a mouth on her...I'm sure you or your men of all people can figure out a way to shut her up when she snaps at you." Travik simply grinned as he descended down a flight of stairs and toward the two of them. Nathan took count of how many men were in the room and what they were holding.

Two Krogan that were making certain that Nathan and Haruka played nicely, both armed with Krogan-design shotguns. Two heavily armored Batarian guards with assault rifles, Travik's stimmed up Varren, four humans and a Quarian up top, armed with sniper rifles and assault rifles...and he wasn't able to count how many guards were in the other room that would be the entrance and exit of the run down store they were in. Then something caught his eye as well...A large Ymir mech, sitting behind Travik's 'throne', almost shielded from view or blending in as if it were part of the throne...but Nathan could tell that it was a mech as he fought so many in his old line of work. If they weren't careful...they might be ended. Travik simply grinned as he walked over to Haruka and held her chin, grinning into her face. "She would make a great face fuck indeed..."
Haruka cut a glare at Nathan when he spoke, half suspecting at what he was doing, though she wouldn't be surprised if he was being serious at the same time. But it was easier to just get pissed the fuck off if she thought he meant what he was saying. So she glared hatefully at him and then at Travik as he came down the small flight of stairs like he was some kind of a fucking king and walked over to her. She let him grab her chin, but bared her teeth at him when he spoke in a silent snarl before she spit in his face and then punched him, hard. The Krogan to her right moved, raising his shotgun to hit her with the butt of it but he was wrapped in a blue glow and thrown into the other Krogan.

Haruka's eyes and hands were a glow and she whirled around on Travik, grabbing him by the front of his armor and though she was shorter than him, using her biotics to lift him off his feet, glaring at him with her teeth still bared. His face was cast in the blue glow of her hands as she held him up, “Fuck this.” She hissed at him before she hurled him into his 'throne' like a glowing blue projectile.
Nathan simply stepped back when he saw her spit in Travik's face, already assuming the worst was to happen in this moment now. And indeed, it surely had. She saw Haruka punch Travik, who was not expecting such a thing immediately after wiping off the spit from his face. He barrelled over, and could only watch in fear as his Krogan minions were tossed aside like they were nothing to this biotic. He got up and tried to get his pistol, and in that moment of him grabbing his pistol, he would feel shockwaves as Nathan went over to a Krogan and stole their missile launcher to fire at the balcony holding the rest of his minions, bringing the entire area down onto Travik's Batarian guards and Varren. Travik grew angry, and was about to fire at Nathan...but it was too late as he felt himself being grabbed and held by Haruka who seemed to be the blue devil of biotics. The next thing Travik knew before he died would be himself flying across the room and breaking his neck into his own throne.

"One down...five to go." Nathan commented as he went over and scooped up one of the assault rifles off of the dead guards. He walked back over to Haruka and grinned. "Good job, Haruka. You really know how to take cues." He patted her shoulder, laughing lightly as he was ready to fight his way out of the store...but something wasn't right. All of a sudden, from the rubble of the balcony, the Varren would burst out from it. It was literally steaming with anger as it twitched and spasmed from the effects of the drugs that were being pumped into its system from a small machine on its back. Then...a barrier appeared around it. "Oh shit! Haruka look out!" He cried out as the beast began to charge her...Her biotics would be nigh useless against such a creature due to the shielding around it and the stims that it was pumped with.
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