Volatile (Atroxa x Jugger82)

He watched her as she walked off after giving his name, and shook his head as he went to take the controls of the ship once more since they had been hovering in space without a course set for the navicomputer to bring them to. He brought them towards the mass relay and spoke over the PA system that she should brace herself. Upon entering the mass relay, he set coordinated for the Omega Nebula, which would bring them directly towards the Sahrabarik system upon which Omega was within. After the mass relay shot them off, Nathan set the coordinates for the ship to take them directly to Omega. Getting up, he went to go find the girl and soon found her in the cafeteria, eating an MRE. "Yuck...I can smell the horrid taste from here. And that MRE smells horrible too."
Haruka looked up as Nathan's voice came over the PA to brace herself, glad to find the chairs and the table were bolted to the floor, so she just grabbed the seat of her chair and held on. Once the inertia of going through the relay was gone, she kept eating, close to finishing up when the Turian walked into the small kitchen. She shot him a glare over her shoulder, having sat in the chair facing away from the door, and shrugged, "I haven't really eaten in a couple days, so it's good enough." She finished and dumped the left overs in the trash before looking in the fridge and finding a bottle of water, drinking half of it in one go. Her body was exhausted from the lack of food and then the ordeal of using her biotics so much. Haruka knew she was going to sleep well tonight. "What business do you have in Omega?" She asked him, but quirked a brow, "Or should I mind my own fucking business?" Sounded like something he'd tell her.
"You should mind your own fucking business. But I'll tell you anyway. Lets just say that an...old friend is on Omega and I aim to find him. I've got a list to go through of people that need to die for setting me up and putting me away." He said as he moved over to the girl, and grabbed her hand. He held it up high and grabbed her other hand, grinning as he looked her in the eyes. "You'll just be some good company all the while I'm getting this list finished off...You know, I rarely find human females to be amazing and you have my attention, Haruka." He grinned as he went to press her into a wall with his own body. "Ever did it with a Turian before?"
Haruka rolled her eyes at his initial answer, taking another drink of water, listening though as he more or less said he was going after the people that had gotten him arrested. Some how, she wasn't surprised he had made enough enemies to be set up. She finished the water and tossed it into the trash as well, and looked up to see Nathan reaching for her, instinctively starting to pull away, her dark eyes narrowing dangerously. His movements were different than they had been earlier, he was still aggressive, but no longer so violent. She let him grab both of her hands, glaring at him as he spoke, but the expression shifted, subtly, to one more of a sort of dark curiosity, as he kept talking, her lips smirking at him when he pressed her against the wall using his own body, and asked her blatantly if she'd ever had sex with a Turian. “No, I can't say that I have,” she answered, shifting one of her legs to lift it, pressing her thigh up between his legs against his crotch, “Why do you ask?” This should could handle. Haruka had been raised with a casual approach to sex, it wasn't this forbidden thing to her, it was familiar, it was one of the few ways of interaction that she was comfortable with. And she wouldn't deny a very strong curiosity about how Turians were in bed. Nathan was just as aggressive as she was, and that was something she found infuriating and arousing at the same time.
He grinned when she rubbed one of her legs against his crotch. "Let me just remove the extra plating from this armor..." He replied as he let her go and stepped back. With a few clicks and turns of some dials, the armor came off...leaving only the main piece of machinery that was keeping him alive. It, however, provided no sort of protection and was just as fragile as it was his heart. The armor made a loud thud as it hit the ground. The machinery underneath looked like it was embedded into his skin. "I don't have long...maybe not more than two hours. The armor is just as much a piece of my body as anything else...and it recharges my mechanical heart. I figured this would be a lot easier for what we're about to do, Biotic." He said with a grin as he moved over to her, pressing his body into hers once more. She'd feel bare upper body skin along with bits and pieces of metal which were the same temperature as the rest of his body. "Where shall we experiment?"
Haruke leaned against the wall, that same mischievous smirk staying on her face as he backed up a bit and removed his armor, looking over him curiously. He almost seemed like he was half machine. When he explained she rose her brows at him. "That can't be very comfortable to sleep in," she told him, smirking again. But she frowned at him when he called her 'Biotic' and pressed his body into hers, she let him stay there for a moment before putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back, giving him a wicked smile, "I told you, my name is Haruka. Call me 'Biotic' again and I'll give you a biotic enema." Her tone lacked the vicious undercurrent it usually held though, she'd much rather 'experiment' than fight with him. So she walked past him, glancing over her shoulder as she headed for the door, "There's got to be a captain's quarters of some sorts right?" she went a little further down the hall, where there were two more doors, one had a small room with three sets of bunk beds, the other though, lead to exactly what she was looking for, a captain's room, with a bed just big enough for two people to fit comfortably. Haruka looked over her shoulder at Nathan, assuming he had followed her, and gave a sly grin, "Jack pot." She stripped off her shirt as she walked into the room, the intricate tattoos that covered most of her torso on display.
Nathan followed behind her as she seemed to walk off. "Heh...Alright Haruka. Though, I can sleep with the armor off for about ten hours...By the ninth hour, it'll wake me up automatically cause it'll be a bit harder to breathe." When she found the captain's quarters, he grinned as he watched her begin to strip off her shirt, revealing her tattoos as she was now bare up top. He walked over to her, and sat down on the bed to see her bare breasts. "Mm...Human women always did have such lovely bodies. I was never one for my own kind...I was fascinated with the bodies of you humans and Asari." He spread his legs, though there would be no cock there, but a small sheathe that acted as the hole for where his cock would come from.
Haruka looked at him as he sat on the edge of the bed, kicking off her boots as she went and standing in front of him, ending up standing between his knees, her body close as she undid her pants. "I don't think I've ever seen a female Turian personally so I can't comment on how they look," she told him. Her dark eyes ran over his own body, intrigued by the layers of carapace and metal. "I take it you've been with humans before then?" She asked, getting her pants undone and pushing them down over her hips along with her panties, leaving her naked, stepping out of the small pile of clothing and using a foot to push it aside. Haruka had a lean, muscled body, athletic with feline-smooth curves.
"Plenty. But I never get over how mushy your bodies are when compared to Turian women or my own skin." He replied, slowly erecting with his cock coming from his sheathe as he saw her naked. The tattoos on her body only amplified her appearance for him. "Though...you'll be the most feisty and interesting of them all, Haruka." His cock would soon be done erecting and would be present for her to see. He stood up, and walked over to her...prodding her pussy with his cock as he stepped to her. "Ready for this?"
Her tattoos marked her as yakuza, covering her from neck to elbow to midway down her thighs. They'd been painful. They were still done using traditional techniques by people who had been taught by their fathers who had been taught by their fathers. Haruka glanced down at Nathan's cock as it came out of it's sheath, erecting slowly to show that he was larger than most men she'd been with, which didn't surprise her. She'd always heard that Turians were bigger than humans on average. She just smirked at him, hands on her hips when he gave what was about the most acceptable compliment anyone could give her, her hands touching his body when he came over to her. She just laughed a little, a hand running over the length of his cock as she leaned up to nip at his neck, her mouth to his jaw, "You know it."
He grinned, feeling her soft hands begin to run over the length of his cock. When she agreed that she was ready for what was about to happen, he simply pushed her onto the bed and moved to get between her legs, not knowing much of foreplay since most Turians went straight for sex. Or at least he did. He prodded her pussy some more, letting her get the feel of a Turian cock before he began to push it into her, filling her until he was completely inside of her. "Feel like a turkey yet?"
Haruka let him push her back on the bed, parting her legs as he climbed up on top of her. She watched him line his cock up with her sex and then push in, letting out a groan as he head fell back on the bed. Her hips lifted, taking him into her until there was nowhere else to go, pressing against him. She let out a rough laugh when he spoke, giving him a bit of a glare. “How the hell should I know?” She asked him, wrapping her legs loosely around his hips, “Just shut the hell up and fuck me.”
"My my...someone's acting tough." He taunted as he began to thrust into her, cock sliding in and out of her pussy as a hand reached forward to grasp her breast. "How does it feel? A Turian's dick compared to a humans? Much harder isn't it? Maybe more ridgy? I don't know. Never seen a human dick, nor do I ever want to. But I like to taunt you, Haruka...so give me the pleasure, and answer my questions won't you?" He loved teasing this human...It was fun, and her reactions often gave him more amusement than anger or disappointment.
Haruka let out a rough moan when Nathan thrust into her, pressing into his hand when it grabbed her breast. She glared at him though as he spoke, her legs wrapping around him more firmly. “You're a real asshole you know that?” She asked him with a smirk, her hips moving to meet his insistently, her breathing heavy. “It's bigger, harder, and human's don't have ridges on their dicks, that's new,” she answered him, “Feels good.” Her hands grabbed his waist, pulling at him. Her skin was flushed and hot, “You're not so tough with that suit off, don't push your luck,” She told him, she'd humor being teased to a point, it could be fun, but when Haruka wanted something she either got it or she did some damage to whoever got in her way, even if they were the same thing.
"I'm still a capable force to be reckoned with, even without the suit. Just as I'm sure you're a force to be reckoned with without those biotics of yours." He teased back, still thrusting into her as each ridge of his cock would rub against her G-spot from the way it was formed. "I wonder what would possess you to have sex with a Turian for the first time, hm? Tired of weak humans and Salarianns? Or are Krogan too rough for little you? Or maybe Batarians aren't your thing? Or maybe you're sick, and prefer the Hanar? Tentacle lover." He teased more, wanting her to get a little more irritated.
She could only feel conflicted as Nathan thrust in and out of her, every ridge sending small shock waves of pleasure through her as they rubbed against her sweet spot, but his incessant questions were starting to piss her off. So Haruka was faced with either continuing to humor him so she could keep having sex with him or putting her foot down. Unfortunately for Nathan, Haruka was rather prideful, and her irritation at his teasing and, in her mind, belittlement, wasn't worth the so far good but unremarkable sex. So she planted a hand against his chest firmly, her fingers glowing softly, “Ask me one more question and I'm going to send you flying across the room,” She snarled at him, “Or if you want to ask me questions, make it worth my while, because so far you've yet to impress me enough to keep putting up with your shit.”
He blinked suddenly, and soon grinned. She got to the point where he wanted her to be...now he just needed to push the right buttons for her to use this anger for some hot, angry sex he had always heard about. "Well you know. I've never questioned humans on such things...And you're the first human I've seen in...two years. I've been locked up for a while, biding my time until someone like you came along...and now we're free. Though that doesn't exactly answer your question does it? Lets just say...I've grown even more cynical since I was first put in prison. It does things to you, changes you. And I love to torment and mock...so what are you going to do about it, Biotic?"
“I'm going to do exactly what I just said I'd do,” She snarled at him. Haruka had made it clear, if he was going to ask her questions then he was going to make it worth her while, he hadn't. So she put out a biotic push strong enough to hopefully send him into the wall, not so hard that it'd hurt him, but hard enough, and got up off the bed. Haruka snatched up her clothes to put them back on, “And my name is Haruka you son of a bitch,” she snapped, “I don't care how long you've been locked up, I'm not your fucking play thing. You want some one to cater to your ego go pay a whore.”
Apparently he pushed the wrong buttons, as she sent him flying into the wall. He fell down to the ground, and coughed a little as the air had been knocked out of him, and grinned as he heard her tongue lashing toward him. "Meh...Can't a guy get some fun every once in a while? He ain't got much longer to live, and he tries to take some joy in doing what he does best." He stood up, and shook his head, clearing his mind as he watched her with her clothes. "You really are an interesting human, however." By now his cock had receded into his body. "Its good to know that not all of you are the same...Heheh..."
“'Does best',” Haruka laughed, pulling on her underwear and her pants, “If that was your best, then I feel sorry for you.” She grabbed her bra and shirt, “And you're an asshole.” And people thought she was crazy? They should meet this guy. She supposed he thought she'd been bluffing, but Haruka rarely bluffed, and she hadn't been enjoying herself enough to put up with being teased and harassed just to amuse him. She walked of the room, doing her bra up with her shirt hanging from her mouth, pulling it on as she walked down the hall to the cock pit, sitting heavily in the co-pilot's chair, propping up her bare feet and glaring out of the front view, frustrated.
He simply grinned as she walked out. "It seemed my best was enough to piss you off and amuse me." Nathan laughed lightly as he stood up, and put a hand on his mechanical heart, feeling the rusty and corroding metals inside slightly humm now that they had to work harder because they were working without a battery. He walked over to his suit, and opened it flat on the ground, and laid down within it. The suit automatically began to close around him and rejoin his body like it once did before. Standing up, he stretched a bit before moving onto the bed, laying down and falling asleep as the ship would set sail toward Omega.
Haruka got up after a few moments, having calmed herself down, and went back to the captain's quarters, seeing Nathan laying in the bed asleep. “Hey,” she said loudly enough to get his attention, walking around to the side of the bed that he wasn't laying on, “I'm laying down so don't startle and hit me or something.” She warned him because Haruka had a bad habit of reacting to being woken up by trying to punch whoever it was that was touching her. So she laid down, stretched out on her side with her back to the Turian, too stubborn to go sleep in one of the bunks and let him have this big bed all to himself. She was exhausted and fell asleep quickly after falling asleep, glad to grab a nap before they reached Omega.
(She fell asleep quickly after falling asleep. lol.)

He didn't even stir pretty much when she announced to the room that she was there. Nathan simply turned over in his sleep after feeling a body of heat next to him, and draped an arm over her body loosely. He murmured something inaudible and continued to sleep until the ship announced that they were approaching Omega. Nathan sat up finally, and yawned before looking over to see Haruka in the bed with him again. "Huh...Did we do it while I slept or something?" He murmured as he stood up and stretched some, popping loose joints that went stiff from the slumber. "You ready for Omega? This is where we part ways."
(oh boo whatever lol typo. Leave me alone, I'm tired, actually had to be up this morning)

Haruka shifted under the wait of his arm, but didn't wake, drifting back off soon enough and sleeping soundly until the ship announced their arrival and Nathan got up. She opened one dark brown eye, turning her head a little to give him a bit of a glare, “No, we didn't.” She sat up and stood, stretching with a yawn and pushing her hair out of her face, “Very ready.” She walked out of the room, thinking she would be glad to be rid of this Turian. It was no wonder her had enemies who wanted him either dead or locked up with such a winning personality.

Nathan went over and began to arm himself with weapons. An assault rifle, a shotgun, the sniper he picked up that took a shot at Haruka, and two pistols. He also pocketed one disc grenade, an obselete tool but still better than having nothing explosive in this day and age...and especially with what he was ready to do. He looked armed to the teeth, and stepped over to the decontamination chamber, but did not start it until Haruka arrived. "Give me a call if you ever want Turian dick again." He teased once she would finally arrive, and stepped through and out of the ship. Though...the two of them would be stopped by an array of armed men who had weapons all ready for him. Among them were many missile launchers, biotics, and krogan holding two missile launchers in each hand. "Heh...The Blue Sun and Blood Pack."
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