Volatile (Atroxa x Jugger82)


Mar 16, 2013
Haruka dug in the heels of her heavy boots as she was dragged down the hall of C-Sec head quarters, cursing in Japanese, her face twisted in hate and rage. If her hands weren't bound by anti biotic restraints she promised them that their brains would be splattered across the walls, among other such threats. It was pretty obvious she was upset. This was great! Just great! Out of the pot and into the frying pan, as the old saying went. She'd managed to avoid getting arrested in Osaka when her particular branch of the Yakuza went down, sneaking onto a space bound cargo vessel, but she hadn't known the damn thing was heading straight to the Citadel. The last place she'd wanted to go.

When they'd docked, she'd tried to slip out unseen but unfortunately, she'd been spotted and eventually caught after a chase that had resulted in her putting a couple C-Sec officers in the hospital. Haruka was a powerful and volatile biotic, and they'd had to call in a squad of Asari trained to handle other biotics to finally bring her down. So far, they didn't know who she was, when they finally ran her though, she was fucked. She was wanted for a number of things on Earth, assault, robbery, drug possession, drug trafficking, suspected murder, and a few other miscellaneous misdeeds. What would anyone expect from some one like her though? She'd been born into the Yakuza, she'd never known anything else. Morality barely existed to her, there was only the Yakuza, their enemy, and the hapless saps who got between them.

“Oh just shut up!” The Asari on her left snapped as they reached a holding cell, her and the human on Haruka's other side having to shove her through, the small Japanese girl stumbling a bit with her balance being a little off thanks to her hands being bound. She turned to kick the door as it closed, baring her teeth.

“Fuck you fucking pigs!” She snarled as they walked off, leaving her standing there, panting a little. She shook her dyed purple and blonde hair out of her brown eyes, glaring after them. She was small and petite, like most Japanese, her legs wrapped in a pair of jeans and wearing a black tank top with a dark green jacket over it. She'd taken the jacket at some point in the trip and it was a little big on her, but she'd been cold in the cargo hold.
Nathan watched as the girl was brought to his cell. He remained silent, sitting in the corner as he watched the whole ordeal between the two of them. His legs were propped up on the bench and his back leaning against the wall. Oddly enough, he was still wearing armor despite all the other inmates having been removed of all clothing. His armor as purple as the tattoos upon his face, each streak for each time he'd survived death while in the hands of the Blue Suns' enemies.

"Quiet down. You're annoying me." He called out finally and stood up, walking over to the girl. "Oddly enough they'd pair me with a human at least..." His hand going to hers to take a look at her bracers. "A biotic at that. Hmph...I've had enough of you to last me a lifetime with the Suns' squabbles against the Eclipse." If she had tried to strike him, he'd simply catch her hand before she'd land contact.
Haruka spun around quickly when some one spoke from behind her, glaring angrily at the Turian. “Do I look like I give a fuck if I'm annoying you?” She snapped at him, glaring at him when he walked over to her. She stood her ground despite being much smaller than a Turian, size had never intimidated her, but usually she had her biotics to rely on. She didn't have that right now.

She snatched her hands away from him when he lifted the braces, “Eh! Don't touch me you big space turkey,” she snarled, trying to hit at him, but having her hands caught before she could. Haruka pulled them free again and stalked away from him, sitting heavily on the bench and glaring at him. Just her luck, she'd get put in here with some stuck up alien.
"You act like I give a fuck if you give a fuck. You better know who the new big dog is when it comes to this cell. Without your biotics, you're just some punk woman who thinks she's big and bad. I bet you're still this way even with your biotics. You renegade biotics disgust me with the abusal of your powers. I've killed plenty of Eclipse with powers like yours and I won't stop just cause I'm in this cell." He had a small name around C-Sec as the Reaper...due to him having killed so many, especially C-Sec. Even going as far as to nearly wipe out half of the colonies on a small planet and able to take down Krogans with nothing but his fists. He was built for power. After his disembarking of the Turian Military he fell in with the Blue Suns, and eventually mopped up enough credits from jobs, those he killed, and even his own partners' lives to gain custom-made armor that melded into his skin and increased his damage threshold and physical strength. The only reason he hadn't broken out was because he didn't feel like it. But C-Sec didn't know that.

He walked over to her bracers, and began to inspect them from a small distance. He figured if he could manage to break them off...and hoping that this girl wouldn't bitch about the power that'd surge through her body from him breaking off the bracers, he might just make it out of here with even less of a scrape if he had a scapegoat, decoy, and/or meat shield. "How good are you with taking pain, girl?"
Haruka scoffed at the Turian, “I don't need my biotics to kick your ass,” she snarled at him. She'd been trained in martial arts, guns, and bladed weapons as far back as she could remember, it'd be difficult to fight with no hands, but it wasn't something she'd never been trained for. “I'd like to see you try anything plate face,” She snapped when he more or less threatened to kill her. This was probably one of the biggest pissing contests she'd ever gotten in. Sure back home she had to talk shit to make her point, but back home she was well-known enough that people usually backed down. Right now though no one here knew who she was or cared, well the cops did, but none of the other criminals cared that she had been born to fight, raised to kill, and was now adrift without a way to channel her aggression for the first time in her life. This was probably about as close to scared she'd ever been, so she was going to be as loud and mean as she had to be to make sure no one messed with her.

Her dark eyes glared at the Turian as he inspected the bracers on her arm, and then asked her an usual question. Haruka's eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Pain doesn't bother me,” she told him, “Why?”
"Good." He said simply as he reached forward and grasped her arm firmly and tightly. He held it with his left hand so that she couldn't pull away from him and his other hand went to grasp the bracer, and begin to painful removal process. He'd slowly pull the bracer, needing it to literally rip apart the metal bindings as it began to shock the two of them with high volts of electricity. It barely fazed him, though he did feel the effects. He simply endured the pain as he managed to get one bracer off. She'd begin to feel her biotics begin to work, yet they'd be weak. He then proceeded to the next arm, grasping her the same way and tearing off the bracers with the same voltages running through their bodies. Once both of them were off, he tossed them aside. "How do you feel, human?"
Haruka's eyes went a bit wide when he just said 'good' and grabbed her by the arm, immediately trying to struggle out of his grasp. “Let go!” she snapped at him angrily, but blinked when he grabbed the bracers and starting to pull at them, realizing what he was doing and going still. Her jaw tightened when the electricity began to hit her, and her hair started to stand on end but she showed little reaction beyond that. It hurt, she could feel her muscles contracting on their own, but she barely showed a reaction to it. She'd been trained to endure pain, and this was nothing compared to some of the things she had endured. When both bracers were finally off, she rubbed her wrists, frowning. She could feel her biotics beginning to bubble back up, and in the back of her mind she thought about attacking this Turian when she could, but right now, it looked as if he could be of some use to her, so she decided to get rid of him later when he was no longer needed. “Like I just made out with a battery,” she smirked, “And my name is Haruka.”
He grabbed her by the neck almost immediately after she said her name, and lifted her up into the air. "You are not to give me your name. I did not ask for it and nor do I wish to know it. You are nothing but a pawn in my plan and nothing more. So silence yourself, biotic." He tossed her aside, throwing her into the wall as he approached the door and slammed his fingers into the side of it, piercing through the metal. He began to grip it and pull with all his might before the door finally broke off of its hinges and an alarm went off. Nathan walked out and saw C-Sec guards coming toward him and Nathan retaliated by swinging around and around, using the door for momentum before he released it. The door flew off and slammed into the guards, ending their lives quickly and causing them to drop their weapons. He walked over, and picked up a standard issue C-Sec assault rifle and looked to the Biotic. "You will follow me or you will die by my hands. Do you understand, human?"
Haruka tried to block the Turian's hand as it streaked out at her neck, but the after effects of the electricity made her stiff and she didn't get her block up in time, his hand wrapping around her throat. She let out a snarl as he lifted her up, her hands grabbing his wrist reflexively and glaring at him hatefully. A small blue light glowed in her eyes, but her biotics were still too weak to be of much use against him. She let out a grunt when she hit the wall, managing to catch herself when she fell, getting to her feet quickly. She turned to attack the Turian, biotics or not, but he was ripping the door off it's hinges. That made her raise her brows and stop herself before she could attack him. Haruka was violent, and a little crazy, but she wasn't stupid. She stepped out into the aisle after the Turian, glaring at him after he dealt with the C-Sec officers and picked up an assault rifle and spoke to her. Her jaw clenched and her hands curled into fists, glowing softly, but she restrained herself and gave a curt nod, not answering him vocally. She'd go along with the Turian, partially because she wanted out of here, and partially because apparently he'd kill her if she didn't. She didn't doubt that he could, and that he would.
As they would proceed out of the C-Sec section of the Citadel, he looked around and saw more officers heading their way. They needed to head out the docking bays to find a cruiser or something to steal. He shot at the C-Sec officers and took cover behind some railing as C-Sec officers made a stand outside of the elevator to the docking bay. "Human! Use your biotics to clear the path! Right now or else they'll shut down the docking bay and lock us in!" He yelled to her, already feeling the consequences of his armor beginning to take effect with the feeling of his body becoming even more heavy from his muscles slowly giving in from exhaustion.
Haruka followed after the Turian, having to trot a bit to keep up with him, and took cover when he did. She just gave a nod when he told her to use her biotics before they could shut down the docking bay and lock them in. She breathed in a deep breath, seizing a hold of her power, and standing from behind the railing, her hands blazing in blue light and her eyes glowing. She lifted a nearby squad car and tossed it at them, killing and maiming the officers that it hit, the others dove out of the way. Doing that took a bit out of her, still recovering from the effects f the bracers, but it didn't stop her. She kept advancing, wrapping one of the officers that had dodged her first attack in a biotic orb and throwing him at another officer. She kept walking forward quickly, relying on the Turian to shoot any one who she didn't get to, heading for the open bay door.
Nathan covered her as he followed behind her, shooting at officers who looked like they were about to fire at either of them and taking out officers that began to approach from behind them. He picked up a few thermal clips along the way but he was running out of ammo quickly. When they got near the docking bay elevator, he simply pushed her into it and jumping in to send the elevator to the docking bay. He leaned against the wall, gasping hard as his suit began to exhale steam in a loud hiss from overheating due to excess use. He fell to his knees and hands as he gasped for hair, the suit feeling ever so heavy on him. It was difficult for him to keep it up without some sort of cooling mechanism to at least prevent the armor from overheating or any stims or drugs to keep his muscles enhanced to be able to carry the armor when the suit's energy began to deplete and needed recharging.
Haruka stumbled onto the elevator when the Turian pushed her on, and turned quickly to glare at him. She was getting really tired of him thinking he could just handle her like she was some sort of god damn piece of machinery. She blinked though as his suit seemed to start steaming and he was gasping for air. When he fell to his hands and knees her dark eyes narrowed dangerously and she let out a snarl, slamming her heavy boot into his face hard, trying to knocking him over. She grabbed him by the throat when he did, bringing her face close to his, her hands and eyes blazing with blue light and her entire body seeming to glow softly. Her biotics were back in full strength, and Haruka was a powerful biotic. “Give me one good reason not to fucking kill you,” She snarled at him quietly through clenched teeth.
The first thing he would feel would be the sudden impact of the bottom of a boot going to his face. His head jerked with the motion and he'd feel her grab his neck and get her face close to his, threatening to kill him unless he had a good reason to let him live. "Okay...Let me start...One. Fuck you. Two...Unless you know how to fly a ship, you need me." He began to wheeze and cough for air a bit before he continued. "Three...This just happened." He replied as he suddenly felt the power to the elevator cut, thus trapping them there before they managed to get down to the docks. "They cut the power...And I'm going to need you to push this thing using your biotics unless you can withstand a four story building drop."
Haruka only glared at him as he spoke, her jaw tightening. A ship. Stealing a ship would certainly be better than trying to stow away again, it hadn't worked very well last time and there was no telling where she might end up. She didn't know if she trusted this asshole not to double cross her, but what choice did she have? Haruka looked up as the elevator stopped though, and looked to the Turian, cursing under her breath she let him go and straightened, glaring down at him. “Touch me again and you better hope that suit doesn't drag you down again before you can kill me, because I'll rip you a part,” she snarled at him, lifting her hands, her hands and eyes blazing and her body glowing as she exerted a large amount of energy. The elevator began to glow as well, and it took a lot of her concentration to lower the elevator, it was a little faster than it should have been, and when the elevator stopped it jerked hard, and she released it.
With the suit now cooling off and his body feeling its effects, he only used it enough to be able to walk around freely with it rather than to increase damage threshold and strength. He held onto his assault rifle as he felt the elevator go down faster...actually causing him to lightly float a few centimeters off the ground before the elevator jerked hard as it stopped, causing him to fall over with a loud THUNK. Standing back up, he forced open the elevator doors, and immediately saw more soldiers begin to start firing at him. He pushed the girl to once side of the elevator and he moved to the other side, taking cover with the small walls that the doors protruded from as they continued to shoot at him. "I'm down to one clip of ammo. How are you for your biotics, human?"
Haruka grunted when the Turian pushed her to the side of the elevator and out of the path of the officers that started firing at them. She frowned, pressed into the corner next to the door, and looked at the Turian when he spoke. She didn't answer right away, instead she stuck her head around to peek through the doors when the shooting stopped, and then jerked it back as a bullet went whizzing by. It'd been enough for her to get a good idea for how many men there were, and where they were standing. “Good enough,” she told him, and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, seeking her center. Haruka was temperamental at the best of times, but her particular Yakuza clan had viewed biotics as another form of martial arts, and she'd been trained the same way she had for the other various styles of hand to hand combat she knew. A balanced center to draw strength from was crucial. Haruka grabbed onto her power, throwing up a biotic shield before stepping out of the elevator, throwing up her hands, thrusting them forward. Her biotics tore at the fabric of space around the men, warping it, and their screams filled the docking bay as their bodies were ripped a part. A bead of sweat ran down Haruka's jaw, but she maintained the field until they were all dead.
"Good job, human." Nathan replied as he walked out of the elevator once all of the C-Sec officers were done for. He scooped up their weapons, collecting them and all their thermal clips. Once he was done, he was holding a bundle of assault rifles, shotguns, a few pistols and even one sniper who had tried to take a shot at Haruka. "We'll need an assortment of weapons." He replied as he walked around the docking bay and soon found a suitable starship that would be capable of getting them out. He put the weapons down, and wished he had his omnitool to hack the ship's controls to open the bay doors. "I'm going to need your biotics to force the doors open." The only reason he couldn't do it was because the ship was a few feet away with empty space between himself and the ship.
Haruka grabbed a pistol from the lower half of a sundered officer, deciding it was a good idea to have some sort of fire arm on her, and followed the Turian as he searched for a suitable ship. She kept an eye out for any reinforcements, which would surely be arriving before long. When he selected one she nodded, lifting a hand and pulling the doors open, setting off a barrage of alarms. After all the heavy lifting she'd just done, this was a piece of cake. She glanced at the Turian, deciding she didn't trust him enough to go first and backed up a few paces, jumping across easily and beginning to open the second set of doors that lead from the pressurizing and decontamination bay to the rest of the ship.
He watched as she did as he asked her to, and began to start throwing the weapons aboard, one by one. Next came the thermal clips, which he tossed as fast as he could. He could hear the other C-Sec officers yelling as they began to approach, and soon he ran and jumped for the ship. He landed in the decontamination bay of the ship and pressed the button to close the door. "Get these weapons and ammo into someplace we can convert into an armory! I'll fly the ship out of here." He said as he went out towards the cockpit and took seat at the captain's chair. After wiring the ship to turn on to his voice, he began to pull out of the docking bay, breaking off the metallic arms that held most ships in place so they would not float around. Soon, he turned the ship and left, going for the mass relay. Upon entering it, they were shot out toward the Hades Nebula, a random system they could rest in and form a plan. Nathan sighed and relaxed in the chair before getting up to go and find the biotic girl, Haruka.
Haruka nodded when he told her to get the weapons inside so he could get them out of there, grabbing as much as she could and getting them at least inside from the pressure lock, knowing that once he put the ship into gear that the doors would close and lock automatically. There was a small room that looked to be some sort of utility closet not too far from the main doors and she found a cabinet with relatively empty shelves, dumping what little was in there she stowed the weapons there instead. When he broke the ship free of the dock clamps Haruka got knocked into a table that was bolted into the middle of the room, catching herself on it and holding on as they made their get away. After a few moments though things seemed to steady out and she let go of the table, putting up the last of the weapons, which had slid across the room. Once done she stepped out back into the main hall way, seeing the Turian coming out of the cock pit. She narrowed her eyes at him, immediately feeling tense.
He approached her once he found her, and assumed she had already put the weapons away. "I don't know about you, biotic...but I'm going to Omega to lay low for a bit." He replied as he leaned against the wall of the ship near one of the observatory windows. "I'll drop you off at any location. But the ship is mine. I don't want to hear your objections to that, cause I could space you right now and sleep like a baby tonight. You may have helped me escape but that doesn't mean I'll let you get in the way of things. I've still got...business to attend to after things settle down."
(kind of short and crappy, sorry)

Haruka just continued to glare at the Turian as he spoke, snorting softly. “Considering Omega was my original destination, it looks like you're stuck with me until then,” she told him, not bothering to respond to his threat. He could try to space her, but she'd take him down with her. She'd meant what she'd said, if he ever laid an unwelcome hand on her again she'd kill him or go down trying.
(Its fine :] )

"Then good. I could use the company. As long as the company isn't annoying or complaining the whole trip." He replied as he turned to go towards the utility closet she makeshifted into an armory. He made sure everything was accounted for and turned to her after leaving it. "Looks like you got most of it. A couple of thermal clips probably got left out but we've still got enough to last us for a good while. If we're going to be traveling together, I'm going to need your name. Unless you want me to keep on calling you 'Biotic', biotic. Mine is Nathan. Use it as you wish, girl."
Haruka only quirked a brow a little bit when the Turian didn't seem to mind that she was planning on staying on the ship until they reached Omega. She had been expecting some sort of threat or tantrum, not 'I could use the company'. She didn't know how good her company would be, Haruka could be social but when it came to people she didn't really know, she more or less kept to herself. And she didn't like this Turian enough to even try to talk to him. She watched him disappear to check the weapons, and then asked for her name when he reemerged. “Haruka,” she told him simply before she walked away, going a bit down the hall to the next door, looking inside to find a small kitchen and immediately going to check the fridge and cabinets. She hadn't been able to eat much on her illegal trip to the Citadel, so at the thought of food her stomach gave a growl. Thankfully it looked like they were good on food. None of it was very nice or appetizing, it was mostly Levo MRE's and Dextro-safe nutrient pastes and bars for Turians, but she didn't care. She grabbed a MRE and opened it, finding it was some sort of chicken and noodle meal that only required the addition of water. A few moments later she was sitting at the small table in the corner eating her first actual meal in days. It tasted horrible, but it was food.
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