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Crimson Thread - The Darker Red - Dominant male stories

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Jun 9, 2013
Eastern US
Dominant male stories

I am a verbose writer so you won’t see simple one or two line replies no matter what, I’ve been there and don’t like it. A submissive character shouldn’t just lay there and repeat things back, they should add to the telling of the tale. Some of these ideas are fairly in their infancy so I expect we would expand on them privately.

And I don’t do Non-con. Some of the stories may border on coercion and such but all parties are ultimately making the final decision to submit or to be with the other person.

You can find my main info about how I write and play here:
Regular Request thread

I don’t require massive post though I can sometimes get carried away. 2-3 paragraphs are good in my book, obviously the situation will change how much you can do. Also, I’m pretty open to most kinks. And, while I try to post every day, don't expect it. I will post at least once ever 2-3 days depending on life, it's gotten quite busy lately but I still like my fun.

(I'm really not strict on post as I understand misspellings and poor grammar is going to happen, it happens to me all the time. But, really, I need at least 2 paragraphs to be able to continue a RP. The one sentence or one paragraph post just don't give me enough to reply to and I cannot make myself do a one sentence or one paragraph reply.)

(Please note, most of these ideas are geared towards a M/F story with me playing the male. I will consider M/M variants but it will involve the other male being feminized and made to dress up as a woman. I just prefer the female esthetic in that regards.)

Anyway, these ideas are not fully formed just snippets in my mind:

Where Shadows Fall

Based on the Midnight RPG setting, though knowledge isn’t required. Just think Lord of the Rings if the one ring hadn’t been thrown into Mount Doom.

The Third Age has come to an end and the fallen god Izrador has triumphed over the free nations of Aryth. His corrupt lieutenants, The Night Kings, and their minions rule over the broken kingdoms. Direct rebellion against the troops of the Shadow in the North is suicide. Instead, a more insidious battlefront has arisen in the cities and lands controlled by the darkness.

Raalith Kraine is a Legate, a cleric of Izrador, but he is a traitor in their midst, working with the rebellion since his induction. He’d always hated those who follow the Shadow since they took his sister, his only family, and has nursed that hatred. Others were afraid to face the heavy gaze of the other priest but he did not fear them, not if it meant a chance to slowly bring them down from the inside. He gladly volunteered to go feeling he only had venom in him.

But then, one of the rebels is caught in a sweep but luckily no one knows what she was up to, she is seen simply as another peasant to be sacrificed in the great, black towers that dot the landscape. Exercising his power, he takes the woman as his slave and is forced to keep up the pretense in public, though the find themselves enjoying keeping it up in private as well eventually. Together, they work from the inside to gain some freedom from the darkness, to give hope in a hopeless land.

The Eyes of the Gods

In the kingdom of Morgrave, a few special people are born with the gift from the gods, able to see the world beyond. They can see spirits and demons and other supernatural entities. Unfortunately, this is often heir only gift. Since the first knowledge of these individuals existence came to them, the church of the 7 Passions have been rounding them up and taking care of them. Each person is raises with knowledge of what is expected of them when they are old enough, given the choice to live a hermit life or being bound to a paladin of the way.

Your character would chose to be bound. He would become the paladin’s pet and join with him, sharing his vision and helping him in his quest to rid the world of darkness. I’m envisioning the world in a more steam punk setting.

(I could play the paladin on this one with a female seer or I’d be willing to play a male seer who submits to a female paladin.)

Lost Behind Lines – Fantasy/Sci Fi mix idea​

(Based on an idea for a novel that I’ve never pursued.)

The Exlis Empire, ruled by dragons, and the Nelio Combine, an alliance of many human groups, have been at war for some time. Half the known galaxy had already bowed down before the Empire and they planned on taking the other half. Conflicts have arisen on many front as the humans try to fight the dragons and their allies while making their own alliances.

Vashid thought the plan sounded secure and simple to him, that should have been his first clue to be wary. Part of a small insertion force, he finds himself alone on an enemy planet when his ship is shot down. Patching himself up, he is found by an elven woman who takes him back to her place to heal up. She accompanies him to sneak onto an enemy base to steal a ship and is forced to go with when they are pursued, unable to be dropped off.

Once onboard a human carrier, he is forced to invoke the ancient practice of taking a prisoner as a slave/servant to save her, as she is seen as an enemy. As they try to get use to each other, the ship is attacked and they must escape together once again. That’s about as far as the idea has gotten, the rest would come as we write or with ideas we work out ahead of time. I’m quite open to ideas and love to hammer out the story in PM. Also, the woman doesn’t have to be elven but needs to be humanoid as I don’t really do furries, so I’m open to ideas.

The Ways of Court​

(This is a more Eastern inspired idea, think Legend of the Five Rings and that’s about it. A kernel of an idea that me and an interested partner can work on.)

The world is suffering and darkness envelops the land. Kashihara has come to realize as a general in the army he can only do so much, most of it too late to do any good. With permission of the Emperor, he has been invited to court as an adviser. He is assigned a concubine/courtier who will guide him in the ways of the court and other civilized practices. It is a difficult job as he has spent most of his time in the field or in camps and is not use to the ways of gentile life, finding the ways of court being silly while he prefers to be direct.

An Unpleasant Reunion

MC was the son of a man who fell in love and married YC’s mother, a union that neither of us was happy about. But, being older, MC tried to adjust and accept everything for his father. YC couldn’t adjust to a new father even after 2 years since the divorce. YC made MC’s life hell always being a brat, telling on him and trying to get him in trouble for things he hadn’t even done. Still, he tried to be a good brother to her despite her anger but he finally gave up when she hurt him deeply with one prank/lie. And then she got him busted coming home drunk when he was still a teenager and he’d had enough, asking to go and live with his mother.

The two characters haven’t seen each other in a number of years. I have two different ideas for this. One, YC goes to college and discovers the TA for her some of her literature classes is her step-brother, though he doesn’t seem to recognize her. But then her papers come back and he is clearly riding her hard. And to make matters worse, she is kicked out of the house she was renting with a bunch of other students because one of the people paying a larger percentage of rent has a friend she wants to stay there. She is forced to turn to the only person she knows in the college town, far away from her parents. Her step brother says he’ll take her in, but there are going to be some rules and responsibility and if she doesn’t do as he says she’s out.

The other idea, though similar, is YC is new at a company and trying to work hard when she discovers the boss of her immediate supervisor is her step brother, MC. He tells her supervisor to give her the worst jobs and to stay on her ass because she is a slacker. To make matters worse, the boyfriend she moved to the city with dumped her and threw her out of the apartment and she has nowhere to go. Her step brother says he’ll take her in, but there are going to be some rules and responsibility and if she doesn’t do as he says she’s out.

I've finally created some Pairing ideas. Some I have vague ideas for others would be worked out between me and the interested party.


Master x slave
Demon x Summoner/Mage/Goth
Master x Neko
Hypnotist X Patient/Audience member
Magician/Mentalist x Assistant/Audience Member
Step-brother x Step-sister
Vampire x Goth girl or boi
Cleric x Goddess/Angel/Demon
Paladin x chosen of the Gods
Demon x Angel
Rich Man x Maid
Butler x Trophy Wife
Summoner X Succubus

Oh, and I created special F-list just for these story lines. The nos, consider them hell nos.;)

Crimson F-list

(If you have an idea or thought you think I might like feel free to PM me. I'm usually brimming with ideas and am always willing to work on an idea with another writer. I will not do all the work but I love collaborating with someone who brings their own thoughts and ideas to the table to hash out a story.)
(I've decided I'm ok with doing some more Thread post and would like to do either of these ideas in a Thread, though I'm not opposed to RPing in PM or Emails.)

Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination
Updated my thread. Organized. Added two new ideas. Added pairings.

We'll begin with a spin Trav'ling in the world of my creation
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