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Red7 stuff - My regular request thread.

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Jun 9, 2013
Eastern US
About me
I like to consider myself a decent writer. I can be overly lengthy in early post as a pace is set, matching my writing partners. I can only be as good as my partner in these types of stories and I love the work that can come from these pairings.

(A side note about D/s stories: Since it seems a big thing for many, I normally play a more dominant role in stories that lean that way, though I’m not opposed to playing a submissive role either. I’ve wanted to explore that side of things a few times but the stories or the writers never seem to work out, so I’d be willing to consider playing a submissive if the story is good. Still, normally, I find the dome role more fun for my imagination. Two points on this fact I’d like to point out because of past experience or other’s experience. Anyone I write with I respect their limits. If you have an F-list or Rabbit hole available, I will usually use that as a guideline for what I put in or leave out. I will not throw in ‘surprises’ that have not been discussed or that are not clearly on your Fave or Like columns. I promise you are safe with me. Second, if we are going for an overly dom/sub story, please put some thought into your post. All too often I feel like I’m just writing porn for the sub writer to get off on with short post that parrot what was in mine. I need more to be able to enjoy the story and keep things going.)

I am a male. I normally write a male character, but I have played females and transgender characters, but I don’t write women well so I try to avoid female roles any more. That said, for all the ideas below I would be playing the male role if not indicated.

And my writing
I write multiple types of stories and characters. I love to stretch myself as a writer and to exercise my imagination. These stories are, for me, an intellectual exercise to broaden my writing and my imagination, to come at things in ways I never would have before. I consider myself a detailed writer and most of my post will range from 3-7 paragraphs depending on the story, opening post are usually longer. I will usually end up writing about the same length as my partners, maybe a paragraph more.

Below, I have some general genres I prefer, which are many, and some known settings where I would love to have a story set in. For the known settings, I do not like to play storylines with canon characters normally. I prefer original characters for which the writers can come up with their own backstories. I am always having ideas for stories that I don’t post, because I’d be posting new ones every day. So, if you see a setting that sounds interesting, my O/O and style seem to mesh with yours, feel free to PM me an idea or setting you are interested in and I can probably throw some ideas out we can work on.

Favored Genres:
Sci-fi (though not hard Sci-fi, pun may be intented)
Urban Fantasy/Modern

Known settings I would love to tell a good story through:
Video Game/TV/Movies
Mass Effect Universe
Star Wars – KOTOR era especially
Skyrim – Elder Scrolls setting in general
Dragon Age setting
GI Joe
Saints Row

Favored RPG settings
Legend of the Five Rings
Dragon Age
Kindred of the East
Unhallowed Metropolis

I am willing to write via Thread, PM or Email for a good story with a good writer.

My story ideas: (Please PM if if interested as I'm terribly bad at checking my own request thread.)

Story Title: The Mystery on the Missing Asari
Main Character: Blake Marston
Setting: Mass Effect Universe
Concept: Blake Marston was one of the best Infiltrators in the Alliance Marine. He served on a number of classified missions in the various conflicts. He’d learned early on to be independent growing up on a earth colony, along in the dark of space. A person had to grow hard and tough to eke out a living while fending off raiders and strange wildlife. After a Batarian attack took his mother, Blake looked forward to the time he was off the planet, joining up with the Alliance as soon as he was old enough.

Strangely enough, it was not one of his missions that ended his active carrier in the military, it was a 48 hour leave on Illium that took him from active duty. While enjoying the many respites on the planet, he found himself in the middle of a Batarian terrorist attack. He was able to stop major death and destruction of civilians but his immediate accidents resulted in the death of a few bystanders and major injuries to himself.

After recovering from his injuries, leaving a few scars including one across his left cheek, he is ‘awarded’ a promotion to a commander in the Military Police, serving on a space station, one of the last stops before the jump to the Citidel. When an Alliance captain is found murdered in the quarters of an Asari diplomat, political tensions begin to rise as accusations fly, especially when the Asari is missing despite a lot of her blood being around.

A few cool heads are able to suggest a joint operation between Asari and Humans. A influential member in the Asari suggest Blake be assigned due to his known heroics in defending the Asari. The two parties are assigned to investigate the matter no matter where it leads, though they are asked to keep Citadel Security in the loop after much protest.

Partner Wanted: I am looking for someone to play an Asari, either a member of the military or the diplomats. A biotic would probably be useful. It could be a Justicar but I see that being a bit trouble some with their whole Code and such. Although there might be a little conflict between the two, I see them growing to trust each other and bond on the adventure that follows.
Other Relevant Info: I see the story being set shortly after the end of the original Mass Effect game, though it could potentially be set during the latter part of the game allowing the two parties to be part of the original assault on the Citidel, though that might cause problems if further things need to be done on the station.

Mass Effect: Beyond the Veil

It has been 10 years since Commander Sheppard sacrificed himself to save the universe. Ten years of peace and rebuilding, of strengthening alliances. With the influence of Sheppard, the Geth and the Quarians were able to come together in peace, allowing the Quarians to find a suitable home world. Although old tensions remain, no one among either race have been able to push aside one of the last acts of Commander Sheppard bring the two together in peace. The Quarians have become to adapt to their new world, able to leave the confines of their suit more and more.

Marcus Kaine was a former Alliance Marine who got fed up with the way the Alliance was going, especially they way they had handled the warnings of impending invasion. Marcus quit and followed some of his buddies into Cerberus but found their methods to be his dislike. Disgusted with everything, Marcus is still not willing to lower himself to become a mercenary so he joined Elanus Risk Control Services as a specialist.

Assigned to a three man surveying vessel, Marcus has been exploring the area beyond the Perseus Veil. When the Geth made peace with the Quarians, they were able to make safe passage through the Veil where the new home world was found. Marcus and his other two crew mates are only a few months into the system when they receive a distress call.

The call is traced to a nearby planet where Marcus takes the shuttle down to the surface to investigate what has happened. He finds the other character there who was the sole survivor of the attack after being jettisoned in an escape pod. The survivor tells him that similar attacks by unknown parties have become frequent on both the Geth and the Quarians. Marcus loads up the survivor and heads back to the ship only to find fragments of an obliterated ship.

I’m looking that the survivor would be a Quarian who’s crew was out looking for resources. But another options, since Legion did spend time with the EDI’s modified android form so they may have adapted some of their kind to be more easy for the other races to deal with. The only hurdle I see with that one is the whole hive mind might, ‘we are geth’, might be hard to overcome. But I’m open to ideas.

Skyrim Inspired story –

The Broken Tower

Dragons have come back to Skyrim and the world suffers for it. A young Nord woman, beautiful and pale, is burnt and thrown into the sea, barely alive by the grace of some god. Her body washes up on a desolate shore of a rocky island off Solstheim holding what appears to be some ancient lighthouse. But it is an illusion covering the hidden mage tower of Banor Indalas of House Telvanni. One of the few Dunmers, dark elf, of his house in Skyrim, he must hide himself away or risk House Redoran’s anger.

Using his knowledge of magic and enchantment Banor has brought back the woman to perfect health. He has also placed a collar around her neck to keep her from leaving or defying him. He needs someone to show him around Skyrim and keep him from standing out too much. With all that he has put into her, he hopes she will feel some obligation but the collar will make sure she does.

Banor seeks to take back his homeland and to bring House Telvanni back to greatness. He has come seeking three items of lore to help him defeat the Argonians. He seeks the The Ebony Mask of Mephala, the Dragon Stone of Resayn and the Unholy Staff of Molag Bal. Scouring every library he could, he has pieced together small bits of information to form ideas on where to start looking for all of the items. All of the intial research points to them being hidden in Skyrim.

Specific points on the story – Although the initial meeting involves Banor collaring the Nord woman, the story would not involve any non-consensual sex or a Master/slave relationship. It is meant to simply keep her with him and their travels and situations should bring them closer and bond them so the collar would be pointless. The will be opposed by the Molag Bal and other parties looking for the treasures for their own reasons, and for Banor.

For the Nordish woman, I envision her being either a rouge or warrior, or some combination, to contemplate Banor who is well schooled in all of Magic. Also, I see her having something that is keeping her from wanting to bring a lot of attention to her as there are people searching for her. Perhaps she’s a traitor to the Stormcloaks or crossed another powerful organization.

Telling No Lies - Full Figured Romance​

YC and MC both went to school together, perhaps they even grew up together. They were friends in High School and perhaps even crushed on one another but things got in the way, they just didn’t run in the same crowd. After graduation, they lost touch like so many people and went their separate ways. YC did whatever and eventually married, thinking she had a good life. But the man she married changed and became abusive. While trying to avoid him, she was playing on the internet and Facebook when she found MC again and friended him. They started talking first on Facebook and then over IM and finally Skyping. The reconnected and he seemed to really enjoy spending the time with her again.

And the, one night, her husband pushed her to the breaking point and beat her, putting her in the hospital. They arrested him but couldn’t hold him as he made bail. She didn’t want to go back to him so, she turned to the only person she knew, her old friend. MC opens the door to find her standing on his door step, hospital bracelet still on, getting rained on and needing help. And he does, to her amazement.

So, that’s the story idea in a nutshell. I don’t like to dictated much about the other player’s character so this is a little uncomfortable putting so much of what they go through down. Obviously, how it plays out and how the character feels about it all is up to the writer as is how they look. My thought was she was fairly skinny in school and hasn’t posted a pic or told him anything about her now being heavier, so she’s a bit frightened about this. She feels like she lied to him and he’ll hate her for it, perhaps. Everything can be worked out in PM, I’m pretty open and laid back about most things.
RE: Romantic stories with a twist (M/F, M/Neko, M/T)

To Other RPers Out There,

He is fun to RP with. Just wanted to mention that.

RE: Romantic stories with a twist (Mainly looking for Neko for one idea)

Another day in this carnival of souls
Another night settles in as quickly as it goes
RE: Red7' stuff - serious don't expect sex right away on my ideas.

The memories of shadows, ink on the page
And I can't seem to find my way home
RE: Red7' stuff - serious don't expect sex right away on my ideas.

I'd be game for Dragon Age or Skyrim
RE: Red7' stuff - Just looking for some Tales.

And it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything
Your heaven's trying everything
To keep me out
RE: Red7' stuff - Just looking for some Tales.

RedSeven said:
Added a few ideas, three original and three set in existing universes but using all OC characters. I just love the settings and mythology created but I don't want to bring in what the game designers have so brilliantly done themselves. Currently my posting is a little slow due to real life issues but I am trying to keep up.

Mine. All of them. Mine. ;)
Full Figured Female romance story

All the places I've been and things I've seen
A million stories that made up a million shattered dreams
RE: Red7 stuff - 40's Noir/Fantasy & Action story ideas

The faces of people I'll never see again
And I can't seem to find my way home
RE: Red7 stuff - 40's Noir/Fantasy & Action story ideas

Hmmmm.... not liking the He-man Harley Quinn idea with DC vs Masters of the Universe....

How about Jaycee and the Wheeled Warriors vs GI Joe fandom

M.A.S.K vs C.O.P.S

Why do I feel no one is going to get these references. Ok, maybe I hear the sarcasm on that one.:)
RE: Red7 stuff - 40's Noir/Fantasy & Action story ideas

RedSeven said:
Hmmmm.... not liking the He-man Harley Quinn idea with DC vs Masters of the Universe....

How about Jaycee and the Wheeled Warriors vs GI Joe fandom

M.A.S.K vs C.O.P.S

Why do I feel no one is going to get these references. Ok, maybe I hear the sarcasm on that one.:)

Josie & The Pussycats x Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels? Come on, you know you want to.
RE: Red7 stuff - 40's Noir/Fantasy & Action story ideas


Cause it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything to break me down
Cause it's almost like
Your heaven's trying everything to keep me out
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