Jail Camp (Prince x Slashed)

Carl finished speaking and was staring at Cory in shock when he noticed the boy -wait boy or girl? he still didn't know- starting to tremble and then cry. It was such a feminine reaction and so heartfelt that he opened his mouth to tell her, he'd think of Cory as a she but he still wanted some more proof, that he believed her. Before he could say anything, she turned and sprinted towards the showers. Carl was stunned for a second and then ran after her.

"Cory! No! Wait! Come back!" he yelled and pushed opened the door to the the drab shower area and followed her in. She was there, cornered now and crying near one of the walls as he entered. She looked like a trapped animal, nervous, wounded and afraid. He approached her slowly, worried about spooking her and suddenly just focused on trying to calm her down. If what she said was even partially true, and that stuff about the warden, wow, she had every right to be on the verge of collapse and he needed to let her know she could trust him.

Hands up, he walked towards her slowly, saying her name softly. Finally he reached out and touched her shoulder, giving her a gentle and hopefully reassuring squeeze.

"Cory, I'm sorry, but what you said is just so shocking... it's hard to believe, that's all," he said, trying to smile reassuringly. "I-i... want to believe you. And if it's true it sounds like the most horrible thing ever. Especially what the warden... did. If he did what I think he did. I-i.. I'm sorry. I really am. You can trust me... but can you prove it? Can you prove you are a girl?" He said the last without thinking, and then blushed as he realized the insinuation he had just made. Proof would require her showing him something physical. And anything that would qualify would be something she'd be loathe to reveal. "I mean... do you have a bra on or something.. I'm sorry, but I just want to make sure you aren't messing with me..."


In the bunkhouse in the first bed by the door on the top bunk, a lump of sheets stirred slightly. A set of crazy eyes with back long hair partially covering them and slipped out from under the sheet. A grinning face followed as Jacko softly chuckled to himself at what he had just overheard. Oh boy. A girl in their bunkhouse. This information was very valuable. Both for himself and to the right people in the jail. Jacko was looking forward to what he might be able to do with it. Hehe.
As she situated herself, she heard Carl call out for her and then the sound of pounding footsteps followed. She knew he was running to find her, for what she did not know. A few moment later he burst through the door, his eyes eventually landing upon her. Her fear also welled up inside her, unaware if Carl would grow angry with her and teach her a lesson. The thought chilled her to the bone, thinking of Carl beating her. She stared at him with blurry vision as he held up his hands to her, sort of like waving the white flag. She trembled as he grew closer, but calmed when his hand made contact with her shoulder and only gently squeezed it. The action reminded her of what people do a funeral when trying to comfort someone who experienced a loss. She definitely experienced a loss and at the moment her life seemed to be one big funeral.

Carl began speaking to Cory, apologizing and explaining himself. To hear Carl stutter was odd, especially since he always seemed so reassured, so confident. She understood that in Carl’s position a story like hers would seem crazy, she thought the ordeal was crazy; however, everything she declared earlier had been the honest truth. Carl rambled on expressing his pity for her, but then ending with a request, a request for proof. He needed to see her, too view with his own eyes that she wasn’t male. At first the thought repulsed her, but she saw the way Carl flushed the way his face changed to contemplate the way he said that. Cory nodded awkwardly at his request and put a single hand to her forehead. “I-I don’t know which part of me is more convincing” she admitted “If I show you… y-you can’t look for a long time.” Her voice was weary and her cheeks flushed a deep pink.

With a deep exhale Cory looped her finger around her uniform pants, hesitating to pull them down. Her heart beat rapidly and her embarrassment grew, but she sucked it up. She pulled them down in one quick yank and closed her eyes. Now all that was left were the male underwear she had on, protecting her womanly area. Her long delicate, milky legs were already exposed, just not that one part of her. Cory’s hands gripped that fabric and then pulled downward, revealing her lack of any male parts. All the existed was a small tuft of hair and then flatness. Her legs shook as she stood there, unsure how all the news would hit Carl. She didn’t like standing half naked before him with his body so close. She didn’t want to be raped again, especially not by him.
Carl felt guilty making his request, but he had to know for sure. It was too big a confession and too insane a story to believe otherwise. But as Cory nodded, tears still on her face and gripped her prison pants, he felt his pulse quicken and heart begin to race. A heat filled his loins and his cock began to harden slightly. She dropped her pants and he knew in an instant she was telling the truth; the prison issue tightie whities had no bulge at all and hung loose and baggy on her skinny hips. There was definitely nothing under them and the skinny, pale legs that emerged from their bottom were very feminine.

But Carl didn't stop her when her slender hands went to the waistband of that suddenly sexy pair of boys' underwear. He let out a strangled gasp as she hooked her thumbs under the waistband and pulled them down to her knees, revealing her femininity to him as clear as day. His eyes were bulging as he stared at the small tuft of light brown hair at the apex of her legs, and below that nothing but the hint of her mound and maybe a tease of a furrow that marked her slit. His cock now hardened rapidly in his pants. He'd been in jail for almost a year and had been surrounded by boys the entire time. He had so much pent up sexual frustration and lust that he felt his entire body tremble as he stared at the tangible object of his horny, teenage desires that was exposed temptingly within reach of his hand. And he realized his hand was indeed starting to move towards her! He snatched it back with all the strength of will he could muster and gave an anguished moan as he forced his eyes back to Cory's face.

"Oh my god, Cory..." he breathed out, shock on his face now mingled with a bit of lust. "You were telling the truth... I c-can't believe this. What are you going to do? The warden won't let you out of here? Oh shit, how are you going to keep this a secret?"

Carl was stunned and very aware of his own cock, now throbbing in his pants as it pressed down his thigh and formed a bulge in the light cotton prison uniform. It had been so long since he'd kissed a girl, let alone seen one or had one this close to him. He wasn't a rapist or even violent, despite his crime, but he had to fight the overwhelming urge he felt to try and fuck her right now in the showers. The raw lust and desire scared him in its intensity after being repressed for so long. And he knew he was probably the only inmate in the jail that might not try and rape Cory immediately if they knew her secret.

"What are we going to do?" he said now realizing he couldn't help but try and protect her.
She felt as if she were dreaming and she got placed back in the showers with the Warden, stripping for him. Cory pulled down her clothes warily, her hair standing up on the back of her neck as the room chilled her to the bone. She felt incredibly fragile before Carl now with everything exposed, her sex only a few inches from him. She could see the mix of emotions on his face and the burning lust that seemed to appear behind his smoldering eyes. She stood there silent like the night and unmoving like a rock. Where could she go if Carl decided to have her? She felt a flush of heat rush through her body and an odd sensation filled her heart. Maybe having him have her didn’t seem as bad as the other inmates. A moment after the thought burst through her head she scolded herself. Mentally slapping herself back into shape and reminding herself that she wasn’t a shameful woman.

Her eyes moved the kneeling Carl and she washed as his own hand seemed to gravitate toward her womanhood. His eyes seemed fixed upon her, she could see the reaction within his prison uniform and knew he lusted for her. She knew his desire must have almost killed him, he probably hadn’t seen a woman in so long. She felt bad for him, but she couldn’t let him touch her there; however, before she had to move away Carl snapped his hand away. He definitely knew how to control himself much better than most men in this place. His deep, sexy voice let out a moan of torment for the desire he had to suppress. Cory felt her own body stirring and wished she wouldn’t react like that as she stood before him. Her pale cheeks flushed a bright red, every emotion displayed perfectly for him.

Next came the rush of words that left Carl’s mouth and the shock dominated his speech, although the lust still mingled in with his emotions. He had no idea how to deal with this new information and seemed more than a little panicked. He kept asking Cory questions that she didn’t even know the answer to. She had no idea what her plan was to avoid discovery in a prison consisting of all males. She shook her head at a loss for words, just as Carl seemed to be. She had no idea what to do with her life at the moment and currently wanted to get her shower over with and dress again. As Carl seemed to grow even more lustful he asked his last question, one Cory still couldn’t answer. She shrugged sloppily and then looked at Cory with her piercing green eyes, her short blonde hair fell around her face. “I don’t know what we will do, but for now we should start with a shower. We don’t want people to come in” Paranoia laced her voice as she glanced at the door worried that an inmate might come in at any time.
"S-shower, yes - we should shower," Carl stammered out, still floored by the revelation that Cory was a girl. He tore his eyes up to stare at her face again and shook his head in disbelief. Reality seemed to have been distorted for him. Nothing made sense and it was difficult to focus on the simple things, the important things they had to do to prevent being caught. To try and keep Cory's secret until they could figure out some way to get her help and out of here.

Carl wasn't sure what to do, standing in front of the shower room door would be suspicious. And any second they wasted meant that someone could walk in. His instinct told him they should just shower now, as quickly as possible, and together. But it seemed like a scary and risque thing to ask Cory to do with him. Plus he was fully erect from seeing her hidden female anatomy at close range. There didn't seem to be another option that he could think of and he finally turned to her and shrugged his shoulders as casually as he could muster.

"We should just do it, quick, shower as fast as possible, before anyone comes into the bunkhouse," Carl said at last and started to strip. With trembling hands, he pulled his shirt off revealing his muscled, smooth chest. He tossed the shirt towards the bench by the door where towels were stacked and then kicked off his sneakers to join them before removing his socks. With a glance at Cory, he took a deep breath and pulled down his pants and underwear to step out of them. His hard, eight inch long cock sprung free to bob in the air as he kicked his clothes towards the bench and reached to turn on the nearest shower spigot.

Carl glanced over at Cory as he stepped under the slowly warming stream. He couldn't resist the temptation to see if she was naked and going to shower as well. He'd never showered with a girl before and just the thought of doing it after a year in prison was making him giddy.
Carl stuttered as he continued to process the information and Cory frowned at his shock. If he thought he was surprised he should have witnessed her reaction when the Warden told her. Of course while also being shocked Cory had to endure the Warden forcing himself into her. She shuddered recalling the memory, she easily recalled the feeling of his member wedging in between her, a phantom pain she probably would never forget. Shaking her head she stared at Carl and waited for him to remove his eyes from her lower extremities. Just his eyes gazing at her caused her body to heat up a reaction she felt very much afraid of. She didn’t know why Carl provoked such a feeling in her, maybe she felt some unbound loyalty to him because he had helped her. He didn’t stick his neck out for her, but he did enough to prove he could be her friend. She liked the sense respect Carl seemed to have and maybe that’s why she felt attracted to him, even though the very idea seemed immoral and slutty.

Carl’s eyes wondered to her face and seemed to agree with her previous statement. They would shower quickly before anyone could come in and spot them. Carl initiated the stripping, but turned away as he did so. She thanked him for that, although she watched him anyway. Despite her subconscious begging her to turn away, her eyes stayed glued to him as his shirt came off. His muscles were so defined and perfect, he could be a model with his body. He kicked his shoes and socks off carefully and the hesitated for a moment, before pulling down his pants. Cory turned red in the face as she caught a glimpse of Carl. He was huge and she averted her eyes quickly as he moved toward a shower. The sound of metal squeak filled the air and the patters of falling water filled her ears. With bravery Cory slipped out of her shirt and then unwrapped her breasts mechanically. She felt them spring free and her nipples grew hard at the feel of the cold air. They were perky, yet small, obviously easy enough to conceal. Her blond hair framed her face beautiful and her pale skin seemed to glow as she moved toward one of the shower heads close to Carl. She turned it on to the desired heat and then basked in the feeling of warmth hitting her skin.

Her finger combed through her hair as she scrubbed her body with her hands. She looked around and realized she never grabbed any of her shower supplies and wondered if Carl possibly had. She glanced at him, his back to her. The water washed deliciously over her his muscle and her stomach clenched. She felt very timid as she reached over poking him on the back. “Uh, Carl did you bring any soap?”
Carl's brief glance at Cory was almost overwhelming. He had waited until he heard the shower start before he risked turning his head, hoping she would be distracted with adjusting the temperature. His eyes bulged as he saw her. She was fully naked and so definitely a girl that his cock throbbed and somehow got even harder. Her body with lithe and delicate, with small but very perky breasts that she had somehow managed to hide under the prison shirt. Her skin glistened with moisture as she closed her eyes and entered the stream, hands lifting to run through her hair and making her soft mounds, puffy and hard nipples in the middle, rise with her motion. Carl had never seen a more erotic sight and she was literally right next to him.

Stifling a groan, Carl turned back to his shower and tried frantically to think of anything to get his mind off the naked girl an arms length away. There was nothing he could do, the sight and now thought of Cory showering beside him was just too erotic and steamy to get out of his head. His cock just throbbed between his legs, hungry and aching for release. He was facing away from her, eye shut, and he suddenly felt her touch his back.

Carl spun with a slight start, eyes open and meeting Cory's. Facing her now, his hard rod was pointed directly at her and threatened to almost brush against her stomach as it bridged the distance between them. Unable to control himself, his eyes wandered briefly down her nude form. The shower water was running off her curves in fascinating patterns, highlighting her feminine assets. A small stream ran off the tuft of light blonde hair between her legs, shimmering in the sunlight that shone through the high windows at the side of the shower room.

"S-soap?" he asked he, barely hearing her question. He nodded and walked across the room to where bars of soap and bottles of shampoo sat in a basket by the door. Returning, he stared at her, fully aware she was watching his naked body and his swaying cock as he crossed the tiled floor to stand next to her. The soap was in his hand and he placed the shampoo on a holder by the shower dial. Rubbing the bar slowly between his palms to wetten it, he suddenly grinned at her. It was probably the wrong time to even make a joke, or a suggestion like this, but he felt like he should do something to break the sexual tension that had been building in him. Something to acknowledge how fucked up this whole scene was.

"You need some help washing? I'm great at backs.. and everything!" he asked her with a chuckle. He framed it as a joke, but part of him wondered if she might say yes. His arousal was so evident, so he knew she knew what she was doing to him.
Her nerves had sprung forth in full as she tapped Carl wondering how he would react. Cory had been so involved in her own shower and the warmth that soothed her skin she hadn’t noticed Carl’s large member grow. She had stolen glance at his upper body, but hadn’t thought to peer downward. As he turned toward her, however, she could barely contain her gasp. His member hung between them, upright, and almost touching her flat belly. She glanced down, attempting to be discrete but failing. Her eyes widened in response as she took in the sheer size of him. She felt his eyes upon her body as well, his gaze falling upon her most intimate parts. Her wet body stood before him unmoving, somehow her nerves took a backseat as her own body heated up. She felt her cheeks turn red while she thought about the heat growing within her. She couldn’t believe she felt this way toward Carl, but some part of her was utterly attracted him.

His voice seemed to snap her out of her embarrassing thoughts, processing her questions. With a nod he turned again and walked across the room to a location where a basket was located. Its placement seemed a little odd, but Cory dismissed it as her gaze shifted lower. She watched as Carl’s muscles, appreciating how healthy he kept his body. Even more distracting, his large member swayed as he walked. She hoped Carl didn’t notice her own curious gaze as she admired his body. When he turned around to walk back toward her, Cory averted her eyes quickly. She focused her gaze, instead, on his rugged, yet handsome face. A glint in his eyes hinted at a smile and then he did. She loved his grin. Cory wondered, however, what brought on the sudden change of atmosphere.

She soon found out as he easily joked about the situation, offering to wash her back. She smiled at his response, but somewhere deep inside of her she wanted him to. So, even though she knew he was joking she accepted. A silence came over the room, until Cory broke it. “Well, I suppose I wouldn’t mind if you washed my back.” She admitted honestly, feeling the deep red blush over take her face. She shifted quickly offering her back up to him. She felt a wave of heat rush through her body as she did so, knowing full well she shouldn’t be risking the amount of time
Carl's eyes widened at Cory's acceptance. The bar of soap almost slipped from his suddenly frozen hands as he realized she was serious. His cock, already achingly hard throbbed painfully as a wave of heat surged through his body. He was truly stunned and it took a second for him to process what she had said. But, a year in jail with all boys made his body leap to respond to the invite of her slender back even as his brain still struggled to form words for speech. His placed the bar of soap on a holder and put his sudsy hands at the base of her slender neck.

"Sure, I mean, it's not every day I want to wash my fellow inmates," Carl murmured back to her.

Slowly Carl started to move his hands around Cory's back, starting with her shoulders and gliding the soapy palms over her shoulder blades and then down her spine. Lower and lower, until he was circling around her lower back just above her twin firm ass cheeks. Unable to resist their temptation, he inched down again, rubbing the top of those small globes. She truly had a heart shaped ass, he noted, as his fingers slid lower still, until he was kneading and cupping both her cheeks in his hands. Hardly breathing now, he slid his hands up her sides. Higher and higher until he was under her arm pits and rubbing the sides of her perky breasts. Their soft flesh was so tantalizing and he licked his lips and leaned his head forward to whisper in her ear.

"I think I should do your front as well, to make sure you are clean," Carl murmured, lips almost brushing Cory's ear lobe. As he leaned forward, his hard rod brushed against the small of her back, deflecting sideways slightly as the head rubbed against her slicked skin and made him gasp involuntarily. Just that briefest contact of his sensitive tip with her skin had made him tremble with pleasure.

Carl knew that this was too risky. He shouldn't be trying to do whatever it was he thought he could do with Cory here, right in the public shower of the bunkhouse mid-morning. But, he was so turned on and filled with desire right now he didn't care. Nothing else mattered but this slender and gorgeous girl that was inches from him. So close he could hear her soft, panting breaths as well as feel her chest rise and fall quickly with the hands that hovered on the sides of her breasts. Oh fuck, he wanted her so badly.
She found it a little invigorating that she made Carl nervous with her actions. She had never made a man nervous. With that being said she waited with her back turned to him, she hoped he would comply. For some reason the thought of his hands gliding down her back caused a fiery sensation to heat up her body. Her legs quivered in anticipation just for his simple touch. She didn’t understand why Carl had such an effect on her, but she would bet it had a lot to do with his personality. He treated her well both when he thought she was a boy and now when she revealed to him her real gender. Carl’s voice mumbled forth as he agreed to wash Cory’s back. Cory almost jumped with glee, but stayed rooted in her spot. Butterflies flew through her stomach causing nervousness to finally set in.

That nervousness, however, quickly disappeared as Carl’s soothing hands rubbed her shoulders tenderly. It felt like he was massaging her, relaxing all her deep muscles. She couldn’t believe how nice it felt to have a man’s hands gently upon her back. Those wonderful, slippery hand of his ran down her spine, kneading her back as he moved lower. His hands approached her bottom and with a slight hesitation he gripped her round bum firmly. His squeezed and kneaded them, causing soft moans to escape Cory’s lips. Moving away from her bottom, Carl inched upward again until his hands were stroking the side of her breast. The feeling hand her leaning back into Carl. She wanted him.

Cory leaned forward his seductive voice sounding in her air as he whispered that he should do her front. Cory nodded as if she were hypnotized and she partially was. The feelings that he caused her body with a simple touch persuaded her to give in to him. She even felt his hard shaft against her back and liked the feeling. She wondered if the second time around felt any better. She turned around slowly a deep red blush on her face as she offered herself up to him. Her perky breasts and hard nipples practically calling to him. Her blonde hair clung to the sides of her wet face and she moved a little closer to Carl. His member now rubbed against her soft tummy. “Please wash me good” she mumbled softly. A scarlet color invading her pale cheeks.
Carl inhaled sharply as Cory turned to face him. She seemed so delicate and vulnerable as she stood naked before him in the shower. His already throbbing cock rubbed against the slick skin of her belly as she moved closer to him and he moaned as that slight contact sent jolts of pleasure through his body. It had been so long since he'd seen a girl, let alone kissed one or touched one, that he felt completely overwhelmed by Cory's presence. For a moment, he forgot he was in jail, in a public shower room, and surrounded by horny and violent inmates that would rape her and beat him savagely if they discovered this secret. The only thing that mattered was Cory, whose breathing quickened under his hungry gaze and caused her small breasts to heave.

She wanted him. She had asked him to touch her.

"Fuck, I want you as well," he growled out at last and lowered his face to hers. Grabbing the back of her head by a handful of her short hair, he held her as his lips brushed hers. His other hand reached around to squeeze an ass cheek and pull her small body to press against him, trapping his big cock between their stomachs. Kissing her now madly, full of desire, he let his tongue slip out to push past her lips and start to explore her mouth, playing her her tongue as their bodies ground together in the warm stream of water.

"I need you now," he panted out, breaking the kiss and staring into her light eyes with his own blazing with lust. Pivoting, he pushed her against the steamy tile wall of the shower with a little more force than he had planned due to his excitement. He began to kiss her again as his large and muscular body pinned her against the cooler tiles. He slid his hand down from the back of her neck, tracing her neck and collar bones before diving down to caress her breasts. They felt so soft at first, he was almost scared to touch them. But as he cupped them, his hand got rougher with his excitement, kneading and squeezing them harder before his pinching thumb and forefinger found one of her nipples. The puffy bud turned into a hardened nub and he rolled it in his fingers, squeezing it again and again.

"Fuck you are so hot," he murmured, lips moving to her ear. Nibbling her delicate earlobe, breathing heavily into the side of her face with his excitement, he slid the hand from her ass around and between her legs. Her mound was wet with shower water, but also her own arousal. It felt hot and slippery in his fingers as he slid them through her slit, rubbing her with his entire palm and pushing against the aroused button of her clit that poked up at the top of her sex.

"I'm need to fuck you, right here," he groaned out, unable to think anymore and just consumed with desire to be inside Cory's slender body. To spear his big cock into her hot and ready pussy.
The sexual tension between Cory and Carl grew so intense that even Cory wanted to attack him on spot; however, she still felt some fear toward the whole ordeal. She did want Carl and she wouldn’t change her mind, but that didn’t mean her fear disappeared. In fact, her fears plagued her even more this time around since she actually liked this man. Facing toward Carl she peered up at him her own eyes filled with uneasiness, his filled with lust. She shivered, the Warden had that lust filled look the first time as well.

Carl swore, admitting that he wanted her too. His voice sounded raspier than usual, his lust dictating his tone. Honestly, Cory found his voice hot and loved how he growled out his emotion consumed with them. Carl grabbed her so quickly Cory almost felt a little scared, but only grew heated and wet when his hands gripped her hair and his mouth met hers. He kissed her roughly, yet passionately. Cory tried to keep up with his lips as she grew intoxicated with him. His smell, his actions, his big strong arms, and his member pressed against her tummy proved quite distracting. His member felt considerably large and she hoped that when he plunged into her depth, he didn’t hurt her. Her wetness grew in ten folds as they embraced in a kiss under the steamy warmth of the shower.

When the kiss finally ended and Carl pulled away, Cory felt more than a little dazed. He wanted her now and his urgency proved true when he pushed her against the walls. She winced a little growing a little fearful as his actions grew rougher. Her nipples hardened as the cool feel of the tiles soothed her burning skin. His hungry lips kissed hers again filling her with more heat and lust of her own. As he kissed her his fingertips left goosebumps upon her skin as they traveled down her neck and to her collar bone. She felt both turned on and soothed by his hands, the feeling did a good job of making Cory hazy and obedient. His hands then dropped to her breasts and at first he cupped then gently, but after getting comfortable his treatment of them grew rougher. His finger began toying with her nipples, twisting them, pinching them, and testing them with his own little games. Cory whimpered in pleasure her own breathe getting stolen.

This time his delicious voice filled her ear in a whisper and his mouth moved on her earlobe. The feeling felt heavenly as she rushes of heat moved through her body, clearly her earlobe being nibbled turned her on quite a bit. She couldn’t understand why, but something about her earlobe being nibbled just felt so damn good. His free hands roamed her body squeezing her rear-end and then cupping her sex. His palm rubbed against her slick pussy making her moan with desire. She liked the feeling of his hand rubbing her while his finger pressed into her sensitive clit. Her delicate moans resonated from her mouth so beautifully.

His finally words as he festered with even more desire pushed Cory over the edge as well. “Please Carl” she whined “Please fuck me” she begged. Her body wanted him so bad and mentally she wanted him as well. She didn’t care what he did in his past he had been kind to her. “Please be nice to my body Carl” she said this time a little more seriously “My first time was no good”
Carl felt a surge of heat as Cory asked him to fuck her. Clearly her body was willing and she had been responding to his kisses and touches, but still, he didn't know if she was ready. After what had happened to her, the trauma and the horrible fear of being in a boy's jail, he hadn't truly been sure she was committed to have sex with him. It would have been difficult to stop, very difficult, but Carl was no rapist and he knew he would have somehow summoned the restraint. Hearing her agree blasted all the remaining control he had as his lust surged to consume his entire body and mind.

"I'll be gentle... I'll try... let me know," he panted back, mouth finding her ear again to bite graze that sensitive lobe with his teeth.

Carl's hands slipped down to cup Cory's firm little ass. She felt so small and light as he lifted her up, back pressed against the shower wall as he raised her up high before him. So high her petite and perky breasts jiggled before his face. He reached down with his mouth to catch one of her mounds, lips closing around the hardened nub of her nipple as he started to suck on it. His tongue began fluttering over the tip of her nipple as his teeth held it lightly. Raised up this high, he was able to get the head of his throbbing cock between her legs as he let her wrap them around his waist. Without using his hands, he arched his back until he felt his bulbous tip slide into her hot and wet slit, nestling through her lips until it poked and rested in her ready entrance. With the sensitive skin of the very end of his shaft, he could feel her dripping juices and the hot, velvety folds that surrounded his tip felt silken.

"Oh fuck, you feel so good, I can't wait to be inside you," Carl murmured, lifting his mouth from her nipple to stare into her blue eyes deeply. He teased her hole by rocking his cock gently against it, enjoying making her think he was going to plunge into her and then stopping. Finally, his own torture was too much and he untensed his arms slightly, letting her body slip down against the slick tile wall and impale her pussy on his hard and aching rod.

"S-shit, y-yes... yes... fuck... oh god... f-fuck," he grunted out, voice straining as his cock speared into her tight passage. The young girl was still very tight after losing her virginity just the night before, and his big cock had to push through her folds and only slid in because of the weight of her body and her own wetness. He could feel her walls clenching his shaft as it thrust deep and drove to her core, filling her pussy completely and pushing high into her hot body. It felt insanely good. After a year of barely even seeing a woman, let alone touching one, and now fucking one, Carl was speechless with pleasure and lust.
His words comforted her as he spoke, his voice hot and heavy, explained that he would attempt to be gentle. His breathing changed, panting and impatient he started to nibble on her precious earlobe. Cory moaned in response as she felt tingle go through her body. Oh yes, that definitely felt glorious. As he nibbled his hands traveled downward, gripping her round bum. With ease he lifted her off the ground, muscles flexing slightly, her body must have been light. Her back feel against the cool tiles, sending comfortable shiver through her body. She felt as if she were engulfed in flames, so the cool of the tile felt more than soothing. Her nipples pointed outwards and she was at just the right height for Carl to suck on them easily. Cory moaned when his warm mouth sucked on her sensitive globes. She felt wonderful as heat radiated through her small body. Her cheeks were flushed a beautiful scarlet red. She looked beautiful.

As he toyed with other parts of her body, he situated his penis between her legs. She felt a sliver of fear inch it way into her heart, she didn’t know if it would still hurt. She wanted Carl though and she wanted to at least try with him. In order to prove her commitment she gently wrapped her legs around his firm waste. With a simple arch of his back his head pressed against her wet entrance and she whined in response. She bit her lip and turned red when he admitted his anxiousness of plunging into her depths. She hoped desperately that it would feel good.

Showing a little bit of an evil side Carl rocked his hips back in forth, as if he would plunge into her. He made her anticipate the actions and then never did it. As she felt him rock against her, pressure felt on her whole she whined for more. Despite her fear she needed some sort of release for the burning she felt smoldering inside her. After a few minutes of teasing, he let his arms go loose and Cory practically fell upon his cock. She whined her eyes squeezing together as she felt herself stretch around him. She could still feel pain, but much less than before. She knew if she relaxed and maybe stopped clenching hi so tightly, the feeling would loosen. His reactions was a slew of swears and gratification. She felt her body shiver in response to his pleasure, she liked when he felt good.

Taking a few deep, ragged breaths Cory managed to slow her breathing. She relaxed her legs, calming her own anxieties in order to loosen up enough. She did feel slick inside, hopefully that would help. She wrapped her arms around his neck placing her head upon his chest. She moved her own hip a little whimpering in pleasure for a moment. She was ready for him to fuck her into oblivion.
Carl was reduced to animal grunting noises as he started to finally move his hips and fuck Cory. The slight girl was clinging to him with her legs, but most of her weight was supported by his hands on her small ass cheeks. Every thrust of his hips pushed her slender frame against the wet tiled walls of the shower, sliding her up it slightly and back down again as he pulled out. Carl's motions started slow as he figured out the logistics of fucking her against the wall, but he quickly started to spear her faster and deeper, sliding almost half his length out with every stroke.

"Oh yes, Cory, fuck.. take my cock, I need to fuck you so badly," he grunted out as he started to drive himself into her harder. Her small body was getting rocked by his muscular frame, her perky breasts shaking against his chest and her skin making a wet squeak from every meaty thwack his hips made as he pushed his cock into her. Cory's tight channel was clenching his cock so hard with every stroke that he felt like he was pushing into her anew every time. The feeling was so intense for a boy that had been deprived of even the sight of women for a year that he wasn't sure how long he could last... and whether he had the strength of mind to hold her up when he finally was seized by an orgasm.

"I can't hold you when I cum.. I don't want to drop you," he panted out at last, never breaking the fast and furious pistoning of his cock into her tight hole as he spoke. Then with a cry of regret, he pulled entirely out of her and lowered her so she put her feet down. His hands spun her around firmly, so she faced the wall with her hands on it, and he drove his cock back into her from behind using her hips to pull her hard onto him.

"Fuck yes... I'm going to to fucking cum in you.. I can't stop..." he groaned out as he resumed fucking her. He knew he should pull out... there was the risk of pregnancy for one, but he couldn't. She felt too good and he was far too horny from his stint in jail. He had to explode inside of her.

Now, using her hips as leverage, Carl could really drive his cock into her and he began spearing her violently. Every thrust pushed her body further until her face and chest were pressed against the wet tiles of the shower wall. Reaching up with one hand, Carl began to squeeze and knead one of Cory's small breasts. Her hardened nipple felt like a pebble against his palm. The other hand slipped around to her front, fingers circling her clit in a fast and hard circle to match the timing of the rapid strokes of his cock. The wall provided the resistance to his fucking and he pounded her against it mercilessly, completely fixed now on his own climax that was building unstoppably. He only hoped Cory could join him with her own orgasm.

"Oh.. Y-yes, yes, yes... f-fuck.. I'm cumming!" Carl cried out, thrusting into Cory's tight hole with one final, massive push. His aching cock pulsed deep inside her and he felt it begin to spurt out a first load of cum as a massive wave of pleasure surged through his straining and breathless body. After this long time spent in jail, the orgasm that ripped through Carl's muscular frame was massive in intensity and he could only moan in slack-jawed pleasure with his eyes shut as spasms of pleasure erupted with every pulsing blast of sperm that shot from his cock into Cory' tightly gripping passage. Again and again, he pumped his spunk into her, feeling it filling her pussy and overflowing out to drip down his balls. Never had he cum so hard or produced so much sperm. He couldn't think, couldn't breathe, and couldn't move. All he could do was let Cory drain his pent-up desire into her body as he struggled to stay upright by gripping her breast and sex with his hands.
Carl found pleasure the moment he entered, his grunting and quickened breath filled Cory’s ears. His thrusting began immediately, his body sought pleasure desperately. Her legs were wrapped tightly around his waist, clinging to him. She could feel his hands grip her bum, holding her up as he pushed into her. Each intense thrust pushed her up against the tile, her back sliding up and down. She liked the noise he made, she liked the pleasure she gave him. Her moans escaped her pink lips and her skin flushed pink. As Carl grew more use to the way he held, he drove even deeper into her depths. He fucked her fast he lacked the gentle approach, but she knew he had been deprived.

As his speed continued to increase Cory gripped his shoulder, her hand digging into them slightly. His words telling her to take his cock only made her wetter. For some reason she didn’t mind it when he said just crude things. She liked his pleasure and her own body felt him. She felt the shiver rip through her body, each thrust causing a gasp and then a whine of pleasure. She moaned out his name more than a few times, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly. He only grew more intense his thrust pushing into violently. Their bodies made noises together and Cory began to feel a dull aching. He pushed into her with such intensity that she could feel a little bit of pain, but surprisingly she didn’t mind. The pleasure was still the predominate feeling and breathy moans still escaped her lips. She could deal with the mixture of pain, as long as it was small.

She clenched him tightly, gripping him with her pussy. She knew the tightness against his member would cause him more pleasure. She wanted to give Carl pleasure. She seemed to be driving him mad just as he was doing to her. Then he admitted he needed to put her down, he didn’t want to drop her. She moaned still her eyes on his as he continued to push into her and then pull out all together. She whined as she felt him leave her, she wanted his thick manhood back in her. She yearned for him just as he did. Her own legs quivered, she was surprised at how unsteady they felt. Before she could mention anything to Carl he spun her around. She felt her hands on the tile, his large hand on her hips, gripping her firmly. Her ass sticking out just the right amount, her pussy open to him again. He plunged in ravaging her and causing a deep throaty moan to erupt from her. She quivered under his touch. All she could feel was the fire, the burning warmth that engulfed her body.

He plunged into her even more vigorous, his voice deep and scratchy as he admitted his plans to cum in her. She felt as if she should be more concerned, but her mind was cloudy with pleasure. Her family wasn’t very sterile, the chances were minimal of her getting pregnant, but still not impossible. Soon his thrust became so intense her face and body pressed against the tile, her moans grew dangerously loud. She couldn’t stop them though. “Oh, Carl” she breathed “Oh my god”

Her whole body shook beneath him and she could feel herself losing it. She felt the shivers of pleasure grow more intense and her body giving in. Her orgasm grew nearer with each violent thrust. Just as she felt her body letting go, Carl cried out warning her of his climax. His hot cum filled her, driving her over her final edge. They came together, her juices mingling with his. His juices overflowed her and dripped from her hot sex. Cory could feel his pulsating cock and when the stream of cum finally stopped he stayed clinging to her. She was panting, still moaning slightly. She still felt some shivers of pleasure rippling through her body. She felt weak, however, tired from his vigorous fucking. She waited for him to be done, waited so they could really clean off.
Carl was gasping and panting as the last glow of his orgasm started to fade. His body felt drained, like his nerves were suddenly deadened, and his brain began to realize what he had just done. He'd had sex with Cory in the shower of his bunkhouse. And Cory was a girl wrongly sent to a boy's prison. And the Warden knew about. The darkness of Cory's plight hit him again and he slid his softening cock out of her with a loud slurp, his cum dripping from her stretched hole like a milky white river. Spinning her around, he pulled her into his chest in a hug. Her slender, wet and naked body felt so good pressed against him that he was silent for a long moment, enjoying the feel of her.

"I couldn't stop myself... You are too sexy... It's been so long," he breathed out at last. "We have to keep your secret though.. until we can get this fixed. We have to be careful." Carl was already thinking about the next time he could fuck Cory... there had to be another time! And growing increasingly worried about how they could keep her true gender hidden in the all boys facility.

Carl pulled them under the stream of a shower and started to clean Cory for real, washing his spunk and their sweat from both their bodies under the warm stream. It was relaxing, and for a second he could forget where they were, but suddenly the realization hit him that another inmate could enter the shower at any time! Or even be in the bunkhouse. With a groan, he turned the shower off and led her to towels on the hooks by the door.

"You had better get dressed fast, just in case," he said, looking out the steamed up window of the shower room. "We can talk more once you look like a boy again."
They panted for a while, until they came back to earth. Cory’s body still quaked and her legs shook. He had fucked her so hard that she felt a little unstable. Not sore and not hurt, but just a little of balance. She hoped Carl felt as good as she felt from their sexual encounter. She really liked Carl and as he slid himself out of her, she whimpered slightly. She felt some of the mess inside her seep out of her hole. She blushed instinctively as she heard the noise that noise that followed his exit. She felt his hand on her and then she felt his arms around her. She smiled hugging him back. Carl was nice to her. She needed him. If he could be with her through this ordeal she wouldn’t be worried anymore. She clung to him desperately.

His words flowed out of his mouth and she felt her cheeks heat up as he called her sexy. She never saw herself in that manner, but she was glad he thought so. He then switched the subject matter to her secret, she knew they had to be careful. They couldn’t let anyone else find out. As they both quieted thinking about her situation, Carl pulled her under the water. His hands touched her sensitive area all over again. This time, however, he cleaned her of all the cum that had infiltrated her. By now Cory could feel the prunes on her fingers, they had been in the shower for a while now. Just as she realized that Carl did as well and shut off the shower.

His groan reached her ears and then he moved her toward the towels , giving her one. She dried up quickly heeding his words. She dressed with quickness, wrapping up her breasts all over again. After making sure the wrap was tight enough, she slipped her shirt back on. Her hair was longer when it was supper damp, so she dried that with the towel as well. Soon she looked like boy Cory again. With a glance at Carl she spoke. “Ready”
Walking back outside with Cory into the bright sun of the jail yard was disorienting for Carl beyond adjusting his vision. He felt like his entire world inside the jail, an existence he had carefully optimized for survival, had just been shattered with the revelation of Cory's secret and their frantic, passionate fucking in the shower. Before, it had just been him that he had worried about. Keep his head down, be tough enough that no one picked on him, stay unattached to the other inmates, and quietly do his time.

Now, his heart was racing with Cory standing next to him and he had to fight to resist the urge to put his arm around her protectively. It didn't seem real, but he knew first hand with his cock that she was in fact a girl. And he had to be the one to protect her. He didn't trust any of these other animals and he shuddered thinking what might happen to her if he wasn't there.

"Ok, just act cool.. we didn't just fuck in the shower," he said to her with a wry grin. "Just two guys hanging out... you are crazy and no one will fuck with you."

The rest of the day passed achingly slowly. Trying to act normal and not too protective of Cory was difficult. Every glance and spoken word to her made Carl tense up, ready to defend her. Jacko seemed to be grinning at her and no doubt that pervert was plotting his next angle of attack. Carl reminded himself to keep an eye on him, of all people.

At dinner time, Carl was shuffling in line with Cory in front of him when another boy, Luis, who was a bit of a troublemaker walked directly up to him and shoved him. Instantly the line erupted into hoots and cries as boys circled up to see the fight. Carl was momentarily stunned. Luis had no beef with him? He wasn't even that big, although crazy, so attacking Carl by himself in the cafeteria was lunacy!

"Fucking pussy! I'm going to beat your ass!" screamed Luis.

Luis was swinging, a blow connecting with Carl's shoulder as he reeled backwards, stunned by the sudden attack. He had to react, to defend himself, and he lashed out with his fist in a vicious uppercut that connected with Luis' stomach. Then other boy grunted, but grappled with Carl and they were soon wrestling on the ground, frantically trying to find an advantage.

Suddenly, strong hands were pulling them apart and whistles were being blown. A couple guards had arrived and separated the two panting and bruised boys.

"Alright, fun's over... you boys are going into solitary for the night, the warden will punish you in the morning," shouted the head guard, tugging Carl away from the milling crowd that was still screaming and shouting at the surprise fight.

Wait... solitary?! Carl's dazed mind snapped back to functioning as he realized that meant he wouldn't be in the dorms tonight with Cory.

"Noooo! I can't! Noooo!" he screamed, trying to escape the guard who held him with a vise like grip. Carl's eyes found Cory, looking so small and alone in the line and surrounded by much bigger boys. How could this be happening? Why had this happened? Standing off to the side, he saw Jacko grinning at him. The tall boy gave him a mock farewell wave and blew him a kiss, cackling to himself.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Walking out into the yard with Carl felt odd now that she had revealed the truth. The sun beat down upon both of them as they walked stiffly back from the showers. Inmates stared and Cory looked straight ahead, she could feel the tension radiating off Carl. As he walked with her he told her to act calm, reassuring her of her acting. More so, however, she felt like Carl attempted to calm his own nerves. She felt bad for Carl now that he knew about her situation because she seemed to ruin his isolated bubble. She could see the worry that etched itself upon his features and she hoped her problem wouldn’t weigh him down too much.

She felt the hours drag, the minutes tick by slowly, agonizingly. She hoped everyday wouldn’t be quite like this. She hoped Carl wouldn’t be as tense all the time glancing about each and every second. She didn’t want Carl to have bear all the stress and responsibility. So Cory tried her best at acting the part. She tried to ignore Jacko, who continued to send menacing looks her way. She knew Carl could see him.

Finally, Dinner came and the day grew late. Both Cory and Carl waited in line to receive their food. Cory stood a little closer to Carl now, just because she felt nervous surrounded by all the men in the room. As they stood quietly, Cory noticed a boy walk toward Carl. She could tell Carl noticed as well and then with violent shove Carl moved backward. Immediately the crowd of boy in line turned to an audience, hooting and crying out for a fight. Cory’s eyes almost bulged out of her head, her chest aching a little. Carl looked shocked at the other boy screamed at him. She didn’t know Carl had enemies, he didn’t look as if he fought with anyone really.

She thought maybe Carl could maintain his composure, but when the other boy through a punch she knew Carl would react. She knew in this environment he had to, or else anybody could mess with him. Her heart ached when the punch connected with his shoulder and even trembled slightly as Carl’s eyes filled with rage. Both boys began fighting brutally and Cory found it hard to watch. She wanted to scream stop, but knew it would blow her cover. She felt so useless to Carl.

Suddenly the crowd dispersed and she felt herself getting shoved aside as armed guard removed them. They separated the men and then declared punishment. Cory almost couldn’t breathe when she heard their sentence, solitary. She looked around momentarily finding Jacko’s eyes and she knew her luck ran out. How could she manage to stay safe without Carl? Even worse, would Carl be alright in solitary. She wondered how bad it was down there. When Carl realized the consequence as well her heart clenched as he screamed. He protested quiet brutally, buy the guards managed to drag him away. His eyes lingered on hers for a moment and she felt lost without him. She felt drowned amongst the much larger, much stronger men.

As the drama passed everyone returned to their space, but somehow she managed to get booted to the end of the line. Her hands shook a little so she grabbed at her uniform. She waited patiently in the back of the line, her anxiety level raising ten-folds. She tried to look crazy, tried to look unstable, but she wondered if she just looked afraid. She wished desperately that Carl didn’t get into a fight. By the time she got her dinner she sat down at an empty table alone, her hands fidgeted and she felt her appetite shrink. How could she eat while Carl suffered? Staring at her food she couldn’t quite bring herself to eat it, so she sat there silently.
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