Jail Camp (Prince x Slashed)

Being watched while shower was a terrible feeling, but even worse than that was standing wet, naked, and helpless before the man who had just raped you. A cruel man who didn’t care about the way he had just violated her. She wondered if the thought even crossed his mind, if he ever wondered how broken he really was now. Cory knew she was innocent, but the warden saw her as a convict. A disposable person, just as everyone else in society viewed criminals. Her muscles still ached so when the warden finally tossed her a towel she wobbled a little before catching it. Her trembling hands griped the towel tightly as she started drying her body.

Some parts of her body looked a little blue, she stayed in the cold water for a bit too long. She started wiping off her arms and then moved downward, leaving her hair for last. Soon she was dry and gazing at the prison clothes the Mister Rhys threw at her feet. Cory gazed at the pile and realized there was no bra and inhaled deeply. Just another necessity taken away from her. She bent over carefully and picked up the boys underwear and slipped them on. Surprisingly they fit, but they felt odd on her body, almost like a diaper. She then gripped the pants and slipped them on, but they were baggy. Her feature were slender and petite, yet beautiful. They didn’t quite have men’s pants that fit her correctly. Before she could slip on the shirt the warden got rid of her bra and panties, informing her that she definitely wouldn’t being wearing those.

Her beautiful, green eyes gazed at the warden as he looked at her breast carefully. Cory tried to keep her eyes from spilling the tears that still wanted to fall. She managed to, but her eyes were clearly watery. She waited there, until he gave tossed her some brown wrap to cover her breasts with. She gazed at the bandage wrap, speculatively but then started on her task. Her hands worked quickly and stopped when her boobs were squished against her chest. Then she found the shirt and threw it over her head, the shirt was baggy enough to hide her breast. Her short blonde hair made her look like really young, feminine boy. Her small, dejected voice replied “Luck doesn’t seem to be on my side” Cory then waited for the warden to bring her to the bunk house. She had gotten dressed as he commanded and now was going to enter further hell.
Rhys eyed her with an appraising eye when she finished dressing. Cory did look like an effeminate, blonde boy and might be able to pull it off. She had certainly fooled him right off the bus. He imagined her living in terror of her secret being discovered, surrounded by all the horny, aggressive juvenile delinquents he was reforming. Even as a boy she was going to have to be tough to avoid their attention.

He stood up and walked over to her and reached down to caress her cheek and force her eyes to his, feeling her tremble under his intense gaze. He flipped back his long black hair which had covered one of his eyes as he turned his head down to look at her. He studied her and gave her a smile.

"I know you must hate me. I know you think I'm a monster," he said in a low tone, voice gravelly. "But you'll soon realize I may be your only friend here. Just remember to tell me when you've had enough. I can help."

Then he dropped his hand and beckoned her to follow him. He took her outside to the rec yard where three large buildings, the bunkhouses sat across the middle. It was almost midnight and everything was quiet and dark except for a nightguard doing rounds who waved at the warden.

Rhys led Cory to the middle bunkhouse. The boys were loosely segregated based on race and this one held mostly white inmates. Eight boys right now with two empty beds. He unlocked the outer door and beckoned her inside it. He made a shushing noise with his fingers before his lips and whispered to her in a low tone.

"Let me give you a tour of your new home Cory," he said and entered the first door on the left. It was the bathroom with two stalls, a pair of urinals and a pair of metal sinks and metal mirrors. Very industrial and spartan. He led her across the hall and opened the door opposite. It was a shower room with four shower heads sticking out of the wall and no curtains. There were some pegs on the opposite wall for towels and a bench beneath. "And this is your shower room. I'd advise you to try and shower discreetly, but all inmates must shower every day."

He led her down the hall which opened up into a large room with five bunkbeds. Each bunkbed had a pair of metal lockers at their foot. The first two lower bunks were empty and the rest appeared full, mostly still bodies and some light snoring. He motioned to the first lower bunk by the hallway, evidently the closer to the door the less popular a bed was.

"Your bed," he whispered. "You'll get some extra clothes and toiletries tomorrow to store in your locker. I advise you to sleep quietly and start no trouble in the morning."

With a grin, he turned and left her alone in the darkened room with eight other teenage boys.
Standing before him now she felt very different. She felt like someone completely different, not the same person she was before. No doubt it was due to her loss of virginity and the way in which she lost it. She felt like her world and her own personality were crumbling and disappearing into some dark abyss. Before she always had confidence in herself, despite the intense bullying. Now, she felt like a weak, fragile child, who might break at any time. She felt like she couldn’t speak, like she was locked up. Most devastating she felt ashamed and lost. She didn’t understand why her body would react to such a situation in the way that it did and lost because even her parents had lost faith in her. Nobody was here for her, not the warden, not judicial system, and not her family. Her heart felt crushed beneath the weight of her own depression. When the Warden moved forward toward her she flinched, until his hand came to caress her cheek. She noticed that her body seemed attuned to him and she felt shiver run through whenever he touched her. She hated that, just as she hated him. He forced her gaze to be upon him and she trembled, even when his burning stare turned into a smile.

His words were simple, heartless. She didn’t want to let him know when she had enough. Cory would rather attempt to end her life then go running into his arms. He wasn’t her friend he was her dictator. She remained silent, unwavering in her determination not to speak to him. His hand dropped from her face and the lingering feeling of his touch faded away. He motioned for her to follow and she did, but as she grew closer she could feel her whole body go rigid. She tried practicing male voice in her head. She seemed to fail miserably. As they went outside she could see three large building, she assumed those were the bunkhouses. It was dark outside and the air held a chill in them. She wondered if it were possible to escape on her own, she doubted it.

He unlocked the door to one of the house and her breathing grew limited. She stared at the bunks and the teenagers, who looked more like men, sleeping within them. She glanced up at the warden only to see his finger pressed against her lips. Cory made her footsteps light and her breathing short. Then the Warden leaned down and quietly whispered in her ear. She didn’t think it was a good idea for a tour at this time. What if the inmate woke up? What if they saw her? She followed the warden anyway, not realizing how close she trailed him. The first room was bathroom and Cory briefly wondered how she would go to the bathroom. Her eyes widened as she stared at the urinals. She knew there were stalls, but it would look very odd if she used a stall to pee. The next door led the pair into a shower room with four shower heads, completely open. Cory almost fainted. How would she shower…everyday? Cory broke her rule of silence “Can’t you make an exception?” she whispered quietly

As they moved out of the shower room, they came back into the room with the boys. She observed some of the silently as the warden led her to her designated bunk. She noticed how close she was to the door, maybe which would come in handy. Her eyes glanced up at the warden again as he assigned her a bed and gave her some advice. One thing was for sure, Cory did not plan on starting any trouble. As the warden disappeared out the door she almost freaked out, but she managed to keep quiet. She tried to sit down as quietly as possible into the bunk. She noticed right away how uncomfortable it was. She laid down feeling extremely vulnerable. She kept her eyes peeled for any movement.
The minutes ticked by as Cory lay there, paralyzed with fear and senses attuned to the slightest movement in the room. The other inmates seemed to be sleeping soundly, either still or snoring slightly. Nothing moved for a long while. Then the bed above her creaked slightly. There was a rustling noise and a head poked over the edge, dark eyes gleamed down at her in the dim light of the bunkhouse.

The boy whispered "Shhhh" to her and slowly and quietly climbed down from the bunk above her, glancing nervously at the boy sleeping in the top bunk next to them. He had long hair, short of shoulder length and seemed a little skinny but tall and certainly much bigger than Cory.

He knelt by her bed and gave her a smile as his eyes studied her face. His face was narrow and his nose hawkish. While not exactly mean looking, his brown eyes were a little wild and he seemed agitated.

"What's your name? I'm Jeff, although guys here call me Jacko or Jackoff," he giggled as he shared his nickname. "Shh... its ok, only whisper. Don't talk loudly."
Cory felt on edge, afraid of anybody discovering her existence; however, she also felt extremely worn-out. Her eyelids drooped as if weights were pushing them down, but her fear kept her awake. As she lay there minutes felt like hours, everything seemed slowed down. The snoring of teenagers filled her ears for the most part, until a slight creaking sounded from above. Cory’s heart jolted and her first instinct was to run, but she didn't. Soon a head poked out from above staring down at her small form, which at the moment looked like a male’s body.

The boy quickly put a finger to his lips and then pushed out air through his teeth, creating a “shhh” sound. She watched as the male inaudibly climbed down from the top bunk, peeking around the room before returning his gaze. Cory tried to hide her nervousness and managed to keep her body still and her eyes straight. She noticed how long his legs were as he stood and how thin his form was compared to the Warden's. His hair fell close to his shoulders and his hair looked brown, even in the dark. She couldn't believe how men looked manly even with long hair. She had shorter hair then he did and she still looked like a female.

Soon after observing the boy, he knelt down beside her bed. He smiled widely while his Chesnutt brown eyes studied her face. Cory blinked a few times, but kept her gaze on him as well. She felt that if she acted shy or afraid that her secret would be discovered. Now seeing his face she could easily identify that he was handsome, just in a different way. He seemed rugged and untamed, his features were sharp and his mood made Cory feel uneasy.

His voice sounded hushed and never rose above a whisper as he relayed some information. Apparently his name is Jeff, but the inmates call him by other names. Names that lead Cory to believe he is some sort of pervert. His giggle even seemed a little out of place, a teenager who looks like a grown man giggled. It just seemed odd. Cory propped herself up on her shoulders by this time and looked ready to flee. The man didn’t make any sudden movements, instead he asked for her name. Cory stayed silent for a moment, contemplating how she could possibly make her voice sound male. With a silent sigh she managed to let out a deeper, husky voice. It sounded like a males voice, but it definitely wasn't as deep and manly as most. “Cory…. What do you want? I’m trying to get some sleep” she asked the question sternly, but not meanly. She herself was a wreck, scared out of her mind, but to her surprise she was hiding it pretty well.
Jacko had a grin as Cory spoke back, eyes shifty and darting over his shoulder at the upper bunk next to them. He nodded and made a quiet motion with his hand to keep her voice down, but giggled again as he did it.

"Cory? That's a cool name... you seem like a nice boy," he said, whispering again and nodding, those gleaming eyes fixed on her face. "I can help you out... It can be tough in here for new boys"

His hand moved to rest on her shoulder, snakelike and threatening in the dim room, but the touch was gentle and he rubbed the shoulder non-threateningly.

"Easy, I'm a good guy... really, I'm not like those bullies," he said and a frown crossed his face, expression darkening. His brows furrowed as he studied her again, seeming to examine her features and he nodded and whispered to himself. "You'll see. I'm not like them. I can be nice..."

Then his grip tightened on her shoulder and his other hand moved to cover her mouth with surprising speed. He slipped his body onto her bed, climbing over and straddling her as he pushed her onto her back. With his weight pinning her hips down and the hand clamped on her mouth, he was able to easily handle her struggles.

"Be quiet... shhh... be quiet... I can be fast, just be quiet," he hissed now, eyes flashing with anger and something else... lust?
Cory began to get fidgety herself while watching the boy, the way he acted frightened her. He seemed so paranoid and careful as if something would ounce on him at any moment. Despite his paranoia, a misplaced grin spread across his face. What reason did he have to be happy? Cory hadn’t done anything spectacular, no she had done nothing. He once again motioned for her to be quiet, his own giggle echoing softly in the silent room.

His words continued as he spoke about her name, a name that he thought belonged to a male. His words reminded her of the Wardens. He mentioned how he could help protect her from the harsh fate that awaited her. Cory doubted it, with the way he looked over his shoulder he seemed to be afraid of the other inmates. As he spoke, his hand found a way to slither onto her shoulder. His touch was surprisingly gentle, but the action in itself worried Cory greatly. Why did he need to make physical contact? Why wait so long to confront her if he only wanted to talk?

He explained himself as an easy going guy, a guy who strayed away from bullies; however, Cory highly doubted that. In fact, the boy looked like a whole different genre of bully. She watched as his facial expression shifted frequently going from upset, to paranoid, to interest, and then to excitement. His eyes seemed to observe every line and every contour of Cory’s face. Then with a whisper he mention that he could be nice.

Before Cory could even respond, the grip on her shoulder tightened considerably and in a second his hand covered her mouth. Quickly, he moved himself over her, straddling her thin waist. Now she felt stuck all over again in another bad situation. Her back couldn’t be lifted from the mattress and he handled all of her struggles easily. He urgently ordered her to be quiet again he held her down, her back now to him. Cory couldn’t help it, tears began to fall again. This time significantly less, but still tears all the same. As she cried she didn’t know whether to scream or not. She didn’t know what help she could really get in a jail camp. Despite the hopelessness of the situation, Cory let out a blood curdling scream that sounded like a loud yelp echoing throughout the room. She kept screaming, hopefully somebody would at least save her from another exhausting and humiliating experience.
Jacko was getting aroused struggling with what he thought was a slight and effeminate new boy. He thought his prey was weak as well as naive and his cock hardened as Cory writhed under him. He let himself rub against the hips of his victim, the struggle just cause friction he enjoyed as his arms pinned Cory.

"Relax, be quiet... I'll be nice... we can be friends. I'll take care of you," he whispered in her ear.

With a grunt he turned her over onto her stomach, muscles straining but Cory was so much smaller he felt no real challenge. He kept his hand gripped around her mouth tightly as he slid down to sit on her upper thighs, other hand now curling over the waistband of her pants. With a nervous giggle he pulled them down, exposing the white globes of her ass as she struggled helplessly. He squeezed one of her ass cheeks, an expression of glee on his face.

"Oh yes, You'll like this.. I know you will," he whispered again as he rubbed that jiggling flesh.

Then she screamed. Somehow in his excitement to get Cory's pants down, he had lost his grip on her mouth. Jacko managed to muzzle Cory again, but only after what felt like way too long a time as she moved her head frantically to keep his hand from her mouth. He cursed at her, his own body now shaking as he glanced around the room and heard stirring in other bunks.

Jacko was not friendly with his bunkmates. They had forced him into the worst bunk bed by the door. Tall and muscular enough to not be totally picked on, he was viewed as a slightly crazy and eccentric freak. A freak with perverted tastes even by jail standards. But, he was scared of his bunk mates for when he had angered them enough by doing something they didn't like, they would gang up and beat him savagely. He had hated those beatings and trying to be sneaky these days, but the new kid had been too much of a temptation. The new ones were so scared and easy to take advantage of, and this one was so slight and effeminate, he couldn't resist.

The boy on the top bunk across from them sat up and jumped down with a low growl. He was as tall as Jacko, but broad of chest and had blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. Jacko released Cory and held up his hands defensively as the larger boy seized him by the collar and threw him out of the bed onto the floor in one easy motion.

"Jerkoff - you fuckhead, you just woke me up," the boy said in a low, dangerous tone. "If you don't get in your bunk now I'm going to rip your balls off so you can't fuck another boy ever again."

Jacko groveled shamelessly and climbed up into his bunk without a word. He always avoided a face to face confrontation, preferring to wait for an ambush or sneak attack when he wanted to hurt someone. He'd get his revenge, he knew, on Carl or this new kid, Cory. He was patient. He was clever.

Carl turned and glanced at Cory, seeing her pulling up her pants and catching a glimpse of that pale ass for a second. The new boy seemed to be trembling and he squatted down before him, marveling like Jacko at how slight and delicate he appeared.

"Hey - I'm Carl, your lucky I hate being woken up. Never let that fucking creep get a jump on you again," he said, voice softening. "If you want to sleep, get in the bunk underneath me and Jacko or anyone else won't dare to touch you." He gave Cory a last glance and then climbed up into the top bunk without a word.
Cory struggled hard against Jacko, but no matter what she tried she couldn’t get him off. Her strength just didn’t match up to a teenage boy, who pretty much looked like a grown man. As she wiggled her hips and tried to push herself out from under him, she could feel his own throbbing member grow against her. Cory shook her head back and forth, she didn’t want to be used again in the same night. His whispers, although much more frantic, reminded her of the Warden. Mister Rhys voice filled her ears, “Just Relax” echoed through her mind. This time Cory didn’t want to relax, her body had already been hurt enough.

As she struggled desperately, Jacko used his strength to turn her over. Just because he was lanky didn’t mean he was weak, but he definitely didn’t match up to the Warden. Cory could literally feel the difference in their strength. The Warden had been strong with no problems making her do as he wanted, this man seemed a bit less smooth, clever maybe, but not as strong. Now on her stomach Cory fought all the more urgently, she knew what he would try to do. She felt him slide down her pants and she whimpered beneath his hand. His cold hands griped her small, yet plump bottom. Her tears went detected, but they fell all the same. She felt so weak, twice in one night this would happen.

As Jacko grew obsessed with her bottom, his grip on her mouth managed to loosen. Within that short span of time her blood curdling scream had done its job. She knew Jacko would grow angry with her, especially since he wanted her to be quiet. She wondered if she would get beaten up by the other inmates for waking them up. She felt the air about her change as Jacko griped her mouth harder, cussing quietly. She could feel his body start to shake on top of hers, she hoped his fear got the best of him. Then Cory heard noises from the creaking of other bunks, a few people seemed to stir in their sleep. At first she felt happy, but on second thought she wondered if the other inmates would just join in. Her eyes grew a bit wider with fear.

A few seconds passed before the thump of footsteps could be heard against the floor, they seemed to be approaching the bunk. A low animal like growl actually left the approaching inmates mouth and for a moment Cory thought he would beat up both of them, maybe even kill someone. She could only see his lower body and some on his torso, he looked much more lean then the boy who had attacked her. Definitely not as lanky as Jacko. Cory dare not move, but she felt the weight of Jacko shift off of her small body. She heard the thump of his body hit the floor next to her. Then a deep, annoyed voice filled the room, making vicious threats toward Jacko. Her stupid, big heart never seemed to stop caring and she actually felt a little bad for Jacko. He seemed, in a way, just as afraid as Cory was, but just because Cory felt bad didn’t mean she was going to ask the other inmate to stop his assault. She sure as hell didn’t want to be raped again.

Cory turned her head slightly only to see Jacko lying on the floor and then scrambling to get onto his bunk bed. Fear filled her heart once again because now the other inmate’s attention would be on her. She pulled up the prison pants quickly, hiding her girly rear-end. Her body started to tremble and Cory cursed at her mentally. How pathetic, guys didn’t act like this. She watched the other inmates legs bend and then his eyes met Cory’s. She looked a bit frantic, her eyes wide with fear, cheeks tear stained, and her body trembling. She gazed at him with equal fear, she had no idea what he would do; however, when the man, Carl, started to speak she grew less afraid. She definitely seemed to have a little luck on her side this time. He offered her a spot underneath his bunk and Cory gladly accepted, shaking her head up and down quickly. With one more glance, Carl turned around walking back to his bunk and getting situated. Carefully, Cory moved out of her bunk and scurried across the distance to the other bunk. She then quietly got situated in her new bunk, failing to get to sleep again. She faced toward her old bunk, but refused to look up. She didn’t want to see Jacko’s, probably angry, expression. Eventually, after hours of being awake Cory drifted into a light sleep. She hoped she would make it through the night.
Carl settled into his bunk, glancing over at Cory across and below from him. The new boy seemed paralyzed, shock and fear still on his delicate face. Carl felt a sudden surge of sympathy, the first night was the hardest always and unlike many of the boys in here, Cory looked so soft and weak. Carl didn't like getting involved and tended to stick to himself, relying on his size and winning of every scrap he'd been involved in to keep others off him, but he wondered if Cory would make it without some protection.

"Hey," he hissed at Cory, "Get in the bed under mine. You'l be safe."

He saw Cory start and then get up, every motion careful and quiet. The boy scurried across the gap between the bunks and dove out of view under Carl's bed. Good. At least he had some sense. Staying under Jacko's bed after that attack would have just signaled he was a victim and powerless, afraid to even try to flee.

In the jail culture, top bunks went to alpha males and were a privilege earned out of respect, power and seniority. The lower bunks went to their friends or underlings, sometimes their bitches. Or just newer, smaller and weaker members of the bunkhouse. Inviting Cory to sleep under his bed might be construed as a possessive act by some, but he wasn't gay and didn't need a bitch like some straight boys liked to have just to show their power. He knew though, it would make others think twice about trying to do anything to Cory at night while he slept above them.

Jacko stirred in his bed, glaring at him once, but not daring to peek over to view Cory like he must want to. Jacko had a lot of seniority but was a strange one, weird and unpredictable, mostly a loner with no friends. He had a top bunk, but the worst one right by the main door. Jacko was mostly a threat to the new boys, ones that hadn't earned a spot in the hierarchy and didn't have anyone to get their back. New boys, or ones that also didn't fit in and found themselves friendless with no one to prevent Jacko from his attacks. As Carl started to slip back into sleep, he realized Cory, small, effeminate and weak, might fall into that zone. Carl kept to himself mostly, big and strong enough to not be picked on, and aloof from most of the jail rivalries. He had tried to not get involved, but realized just having Cory move under his bunk meant he might be tangled up in the boy's fate. An attack on Cory could be construed as an insult to Carl, especially if he tried to befriend the boy. He'd have to decide what to do in the morning.


The buzzer rang for ten seconds at 6:30 a.m. like it did every day. Ten unnecessarily long seconds that brought curses and groans throughout the bunkhouse as boys stirred to life and flung back covers. Another day in jail. Some inmates immediately got up, headed first to use the bathroom and brush their teeth before it got crowded. Others lingered, trying to enjoy a couple more minutes of sleep in the ten minute allotment of time they had before they were required to report outside for line-up.

Carl rose a little bit slowly, tired from his interrupted and disturbed sleep last night. As boys were walking by he heard them calling out to Cory and glancing at the newcomer with interest.

"Fresh meat! Carl's got a bitch! Welcome to hell!" were a couple of the choice greetings they gave Cory as they walked by. A stream of boys, many fairly muscled and dangerous looking, sneers and smirks on their faces as they glanced at Cory. Most were topless and some just in their underwear.

Jacko slid down and whispered something towards Cory, something about getting what he wanted later, but he quickly walked off as Carl jumped off his bunk and gazed at the likely terrified new boy.

"We got ten minutes before line-up. If you are late the guards make you run laps or do push-ups, or worse," he said gruffly, aware that even him giving the newcomer advice would be seen as helping and taking Cory under his wing. He felt like he needed to do something, but wanted to keep his distance, so he didn't smile. Those eyes, so wide, seemed liked a trapped rabbit and he felt an unusual sympathy. Cory just seemed too delicate for this jail. "You should have a toothbrush and stuff in your locker. Don't let anyone see how scared you are, they'll just get encouraged. Better take a beating today than let them think you are going to roll over and be a bitch."

He strode off to the bathroom at that without a glance backwards.
That night had been full of nightmares, images of the Wardens face flashed through her head constantly. Images of the scene and the way the Warden enjoyed every bit of it flashed through her head. Would he ever know the truth? That she was guilty of no crime, probably not. Her dreams continued throughout the whole night, until a deafening ring sounded within her ears. Cory’s eyes shot open and bright light invaded her vision. She felt blind for a moment, but despite that she scrambled out of her bunk and stood hesitantly. As her vision started clear she could see other men, teenagers start to shuffle out of bed too.

The name calling and staring started immediately, she had no luck of avoiding prisoner’s eyes. She just imagined how she looked to them. Her blonde hair messy and hanging about her face, her wide blue eyes staring around cautiously. She could hear all of the comments being flung at her and winced when they called her “Carl’s bitch.” She barely noticed that the guys were pretty much half naked because her fear had her focused on their comments. Jacko even came a close and whispered his threat, Cory took it seriously. She tried hard to breathe in and out her nose calmly, trying desperately to look unafraid. Jacko quickly scurried away when Carl jumped off his bunk. His large form next to Cory’s made her feel like a dwarf.

Carl’s instructions helped Cory quite a bit, she absorbed every ounce of information he provided her with. She wondered briefly why he was helping her, but decided to think optimistically. Cory was weary about brushing her teeth, she didn’t want to get trapped by anyone. She wanted to stay close to Carl, but by the look of his face he didn’t seem too keen of her. His whole appearance looked serious and his mouth stayed in straight line, not frowning not smiling. When he finished giving her his advice, he walked off without a second thought. Somehow everything seemed to get a lot more freighting, anybody could over power her in this place. She felt her whole body go rigid with fear as she gazed at the locker at the foot of the bunk bed. She scrambled quickly to bend over and pull a toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste from the locker, sighing quickly she stood unscathed.

Cory now stared at the bathroom her eyes grew wide while the rest of her body froze. Many prisoners would be in there, using the bathroom and the sinks. She pictured a punch being thrown at her and one of the prisoners experienced fist landing upon her face. She cringed at the thought and really hoped nothing would happen to her. She strode slowly to the bathroom and the entered it, not as many prisoners were in there as she thought. Many had seemed to go across the hall and take a shower. Cory definitely didn’t want to take a shower now. She saw Carl in the bathroom at one of the skinks, but she didn’t dare go over to him. She figured he would get mad if she followed him around. Cory kept her gaze away from the urinals and actually managed to get to a sink. She quickly scrubbed her teeth and rid herself of morning breath. She didn’t know what to do with her brush afterward and so she held it. She glanced over at the urinals and then at the stalls, wondering how in the world she would manage to use the bathrooms. Somebody would know something up if she used the stall. She decided to dwell on the “how’s later” she didn’t have to go anyway. Scrambling out of the bathroom she returned to the bunk to put away her toothbrush and then stood. Now how to get outside? Cory’s then landed on a thick door, she remember walking in it last night. She quickly scrambled over there and ironically Carl happened to be going out to, she felt her heart freeze. She wondered if he would be mad she was so close to him. She tried hard not look up at him, he seemed like somebody who would rather be alone.

After scurrying out the door, Cory’s eyes grew in size as she stared at the amount of prisoners standing in line. She looked at Carl and watched him walk off to a line, she waited a moment and then stood in that same line. She stood very still avoiding eye contact and mostly looking off into space, away from both the guards and prisoners. She most definitely didn’t want to see the Warden again, the man who made all her nightmares come true.
Warden Rhys hung up the phone after a very interesting call with the judge who had sent Cory to his facility. There had been no mistake and the judge had insinuated that with paperwork being so confused, there might be no need to fix the problem. He went on in great detail to explain how Cory was a psychopath hidden under a very innocent exterior and to make sure she was properly punished during her stay.

Part of Rhys accepted that story, it helped him rationalize and justify the horrible act he had perpetrated on the young girl last night; no matter how gentle he had tried to be, the fact was he had raped her and taken her virginity. That had given him a restless and tortured sleep all night. He had crossed a big line, overcome at the moment perhaps, but a line he knew was morally wrong. And now, he realized, he had thrown Cory to the wolves to cover his own tracks. After a couple days in the general population his own crime would be easy to deny and she might be amenable to his rescue of her and perhaps even be coaxed into being thankful for him.

But, another part of him had truly felt she was innocent and too pure to have committed the crimes she was blamed with. That she didn't deserve this punishment and the extra cruelty of what the judge had done with his orders. Rhys struggled to get those thoughts out of his head. What he had done had left him with no option now but to pursue this course and dwelling on guilt and remorse was not going to help matters.

With a sigh he stood up and headed out for the morning line-up.


Carl noticed Cory skulking around, trying to not attract attention but garnering it just by being timid and afraid to go near anyone. He tried to ignore the new boy, but could sense that Cory gravitated to him naturally, the only person in the bunkhouse that wasn't a threat to him or an unknown. Carl really didn't want entanglements or to be stuck defending Cory from what likely was going to be a testing day, but he still felt some attachment out of sympathy for the boy's slight stature and effeminate appearance.

He winced as one of the boys threw his shoulder into Cory as they gathered for lineup, sending Cory spinning and almost knocking him to the ground. Fuck, he had to say something.

"Don't look so fucking scared. Act tough and don't be afraid or they'll just pick on you forever," he whispered to Cory, coming over. "Now get in line for roll call next to me."

The guards and the warden were visiting bunkhouses and calling out names on the roster they tracked with a clipboard. One bunkhouse had mostly black boys, the other latinos, and Cory's seemed to be the white kids. As the guards reached them, Warden Rhys' eyes seemed to linger on the new kids face, studying Cory intently as the guard read out names and marked responses. Carl wondered if the Warden, known to be a sadistic fuck that had no sympathy or empathy, was actually caring about the new boy or enjoying the thought that the first night had been rough on Cory? There was a one brief paddling of a boy in the other bunkhouse that had been a minute late to lineup and then the boys were dismissed to go to the mess hall for breakfast.

"Ok, we can eat now," said Carl to Cory. He hesitated and then turned to follow the stream of boys headed towards the dining hall, knowing Cory would tag along unless he told the boy not to. "Why did the warden look at you like that?" he asked over his shoulder.
Acting tough in prison seemed like an impossible feat, especially when all the inmates seemed to look at her with something dangerous in their eye. Not to mention she wasn’t he half their size, they towered over her completely. It definitely made it harder to be tough when half the inmates could squash her. Even worse she felt a shoulder ram into her small frame making her tumble forward, luckily she caught her balance and didn’t fall. She couldn’t believe how easy it was for them to knock her over, the thought depressed her a bit. Carl saw the assault and immediately responded to her in a hush whisper. Despite the fact that he was whispering, she could pick up the annoyance in his voice. She felt a little sad at his scolding, but she nodded at his response and then scurried toward him.

Cory trying to take Carl’s advice stood up straighter and tried to make a sterner face. If it wasn’t so imperative to be serious, Cory might have laughed at herself. She probably looked ridiculous trying to act tough and serious. She felt so misplaced. She didn’t even do something bad enough to be in prisoner, so how could she compare? She eyed Carl from behind and wondered what he did to get into prison. She frowned thinking about all of the possibilities.

The lines seemed to quiet down as the guards and Warden arrived to call off names. The way they ran the prison seemed extremely strict, almost like the military. Cory listened as prisoners responded to the call of their name and watched as officers marked a piece of paper when they responded. When the guards finally approached Carl he seemed to answer easily, calmly, but Cory already felt panicked. Not because she would have to respond to guard, but because the Warden was already staring at her intently. She could feel Goosebumps creep up upon her skin again. When the guard called Cory’s name, she responded a bit quickly, sounding a bit panicked. Her eyes tried to avoid the Warden at all costs, but she had caught a glimpse of him and that glimpse brought back horrid memories. Her body still felt sore and tired because of him. The guard and the Warden finally passed her and continued with the lineup, until everyone responded. Finally, when everything was all said and done they were all dismissed.

Cory recollecting herself managed to look a bit tougher, but not by much. Carl moved forward quickly, his long legs striding forward with speed after he mentioned to Cory that it is time to eat. She followed behind him more closely now, she felt like anything attack could happen any time now. As she walked, silence sat between them until Carl asked a shocking question. She almost stopped in her tracks, but she calmed herself quickly. “He doesn’t like me very much” she responded, her voice both filled with sadness and fear.
"Doesn't like you?" Carl asked glancing back at Cory who had stopped as if in fright. "The guy's a sadistic asshole who just wants you to fuck up so he can have you paddled or otherwise punished, he doesn't like anyone." The Warden was strict, very true, but he did have an effect on the jail and most of the inmates quickly became wary of disobeying rules or crossing him.

They walked into the mess hall and Carl sighed, glancing at Cory's wide-eyed stare at the milling crowd of boys, many looking at him with sneers or laughs. "Look, you can sit with me. It's fine. I just can't promise you that I can defend you. I can't stick my neck out too much, so don't fuck up and try to act tough."

He led them to a line where they got the standard institutional prison fare, mystery meat, eggs that looked like rubber and some gruel that was supposed to be oatmeal. As they sat across from each other, two other boys suddenly sat down on Cory's side of the table, flanking her.

"Carl - you got a bitch? I didn't know you were a homo," said the first one, a tall kid with medium length blonde hair and a scar across his forehead. He could have been a quarterback or some other jock at school, but now, with prison clothes on and that scar, loomed threateningly over Cory.

"Yeah Carl, you already fucked him?" laughed the other boy, big as well, but a little fat with beady and shifty eyes.

Carl grimaced as he ate. "Shut the fuck up, Dan and go fuck yourself Doug" he said glancing at them in turn. "Cory can take care of himself. He's in here for a reason and if you knew what it was you wouldn't be crowding him like that."

He glanced at Cory as he spoke, hoping the little boy was smart enough to take his hint as the two bigger bullies turned to look at Cory skeptically.
Carl questioned Cory’s response and at first she thought he would dig deeper, but instead he just further explained what Cory already knew. She already experienced the Warden’s cruelty and the way he dealt with prisoners, at least prisoners like herself. The judge would make it clear to the Warden that she could not be trusted and that without a doubt her guilt was proven. Oh, yes Cory hated the justice system and how easy an innocent person could get framed. The thought almost made her sick to her stomach. As she thought, her feet carried her forward automatically until they reached the mess hall. Her eyes seemed to asses everything around her, including the guys staring at her with smiled and smirks, some even chuckling. As Cory looked around helplessly, Carl turned around and addressed her. His words were comforting, yet at the same time a little disturbing. He had been nice to her and didn’t try to attack her in her sleep. She appreciated everything he seemed to be doing for her and nodded vigorously at his words.

She followed Carl into a line that she assumed would lead her to food, but when she received her tray what was on it hardly resembled food. She cringed upon seeing it and grabbed her tray tight with two hands. Eventually, Carl and Cory sat down at a table and she picked at her food in silence, until two men squashed her in between them. They teased Carl asking him if he had a bitch and Cory felt herself grow very nervous. She didn’t like be squashed in between them and she didn’t like the fact that they weren’t afraid of Carl. She looked at both men and realized the blonde had very handsome features, except for the deep scar that ran across his eye. She almost shivered looking at, wondering how he received it.

Cory sat silently between the men managing to stay calm despite her anxiety level rising. When the two men asked Carl if he had fucked her, his mouth turned downward into a frown. His words were filled with agitation as he swore at them. Cory’s eyes met with Carl’s for a brief moment, until his shifted toward the other two inmates. The words that left Carl’s mouth made Cory seem like some type of scary inmate, when in reality she wasn’t. She knew that he wanted her to speak up for herself, scare somebody, but that seemed impossible. So, as the two bullies turned to look at her, she took a sigh and channeled her anger and sadness, turning it into a completely different emotion altogether. Her own green orbs narrowed in on one of the bullies, her eyes cold as ice. A creepy smile made its way onto her face before she spoke. Her voice, although lacking depth, sounded a bit off like she could snap at any time. Cory probably could snap at any time, just not in the way that she wanted these inmates to believe. “You see, I have this problem. I have this terrible problem that makes me go a little crazy.” She chuckled to herself as if recalling some memory, even though those memories don’t exist. “I did some really bad things, so bad that the judge told the Warden to inflict harsh treatment upon me, very harsh treatment. He already carried out some of those…punishments.” She paused again eating a piece of the rubbery egg and then returning her gaze to the blonde inmate. “If I snap, if I get provoked, you might end up in two pieces with some your organs strung up as decorations. So, please…leave me alone.” Cory was surprised at her own voice and the words that she said. She felt like she delivered creepy and insane damn well, if she wasn’t in jail she might have explored acting. She only hoped that her point had got across, even though she knew she couldn’t actually do those things.
Dan and Doug listened to Cory's speech with growing discomfort. They tried to keep their sneering faces the same, but they stiffened slightly and Doug leaned a bit further back from the young boy that looked so frail otherwise. While they physically weren't scared of him, this kind of jail had a lot of crazies come through it. They might be weak, they might be easily picked on by a group or even by one person, but they were the kind that might suddenly do something beyond the realm of ordinary prison violence out of the blue. Often when the bully least expected it and maybe months after an incident. Things like cutting their throat while they slept, or pulling their eyeball out, or worse. Acts that would get them real jail time and potentially adult sentences. The crazies didn't care and didn't play by the rules of the other inmates. They were wildcards and you had to be a little bit careful around them and how far you pushed them.

"Whatever," Dan said with false bravado suddenly. He shoved Cory with his hand as he stood up, pushing her towards Doug who moved away from the contact. He was a classic bully and wasn't going to be cowed, so the shove was important for his ego, but he decided it was time to go find another victim. Carl was big and strong and not worth messing with as he'd fight back, hard, and otherwise kept to himself. The little boy didn't appear able to hurt a fly, but there was little point in antagonizing him right now until they knew how dangerous he really was. The two bullies strode off with a final mocking jibe at Cory.

"Ok little boy, pretend to be dangerous but this isn't kindergarden and you don't scare us. We'll see if you are as tough as you act soon enough."

Carl exhaled and realized he'd been holding his breath during the entire exchange. He gave Cory a little grin and then forced his face impassive again as quickly as possible so no one would notice. He picked at his food in silence for a bit, happy that Cory had shown some spunk. Maybe the frail boy could seize upon that persona and use it as a shield to deflect some of the worse abuse that could happen to him. Why did Carl even let himself care? He wondered as he ate some of the foul tasting mystery meat. He'd survived so far and done half his time by being a loner. Kids like Cory arrived and did their time, most had sentences less than a year here, and then left. They got abused, they had a rough time, some figured it out, others became bitches and got a form of protection at a cost to their dignity. He'd never let himself get involved before. But just now, he'd held his breath the entire exchange with worry and concern. He wasn't sure he liked caring again, caring about anything.

"Nice job Cory, keep it up, act crazy and you'll get more space from the others. Crazies are avoided, even little ones," he said at last, glancing up at the boy. His features were so delicate and did indeed look like a girl sitting across from him. Maybe that was why he felt such a strange sense of concern. "As long as I don't have to be your protector, you can hang out near me. Just be tough and don't make me have to come to your rescue."

He steeled his face and gave Cory a serious glance suddenly, forcing himself to look cold. It was better for Cory this way, to think he was on his own and had to be tough.

"I'm not going to stick my neck out for you. For anyone. So keep that in mind." He held Cory's gaze for a second to make sure he understand and then softened the warning with a grin. "So what are you in here for, for real? I know it didn't involve organs."
Cory watched them while she spoke and found it highly relieving that the men seemed to stiffen. They were much looser before she had opened her mouth. Although they managed to keep their facial expression the same, she could tell she rattled them a little. Instead of being super close one of the inmates, Doug, leaned away. She was very proud of herself for going down the insane path, she sort of got the idea from remembering Jacko. He had thoroughly scared her that night. He seemed a little off and the thought bothered Cory. What if he was really like how she was acting?

Dan was the first to speak, his voice masked with bravery as he shrugged off her comments. He then shoved Cory toward the other inmate, easily sending her flying. She knocked into Doug with quite a bit of force, but he moved away very quickly afterward. Cory actually grew a bit angry at the shove and decided to scare them even more. She turned her icy cool eyes toward Dan and gave him a twisted smile. She brought two fingers in front of her eyes and then pointed them at Dan, as if marking him. She hoped he thought she had some twisted plan forming in her brain. The boys then started to go, dishing out a finally jibe. Their words, although she didn't show it, made her extremely nervous. She didn't know what she would do if they actually went after her.

When the inmates seemed far enough away from her and Carl, Cory turned around letting out a sigh and realizing Carl was exhaling as well. Cory’s hands shook a little, but not enough to draw attention. She felt happy when Carl tossed her a little grin, she felt like she had done well and had his approval. His face quickly changed again though and Cory’s gaze turned downward. She stared at the food on her tray and cringed. Their silence seemed to continue as each of them toyed with their food a grudgingly ate it. Cory found herself lost in thought as she stared down at the gruel she managed to swallow down. She was grateful Carl helped her, she didn’t know what she would do if he hadn’t at least given her advice. She realized immediately his reluctance to protect her, even without him mentioning it. She didn’t want to burden him with that either, but she did thoroughly appreciate his advice and his company.

After a while of silence Carl’s voice filled Cory’s ear once again, making her look up. Her green eyes gazed into his as he congratulated her on her acting. Carl’s eyes seemed to once again assess her features and Cory felt a little uncomfortable. What if Carl found out? Would he try to use her then? She wondered if she told him her secret, how he would react. Carl’s voice returned once again and explained how there “relationship” was going to work. Cory understood and didn’t hate him for it. She knew that he couldn’t risk his own neck for her, even if she wanted him to. She liked, however, that he would let her at least be around him. Cory watched as Carl’s face steeled as if to further make his point to her and she nodded briskly. He told Cory flat out that he wouldn’t save her and held Cory’s gaze as he did. “I don’t want to get you into any trouble Carl” she mentioned quietly. Carl’s face shifted from serious to a slight grin. Apparently he was curious about how I got sent to this place and he knew I wasn’t really crazy.

His question, however, inevitable brought back a rush of terrible emotions which contorted her face into a pained look. Her eyes filled with sadness and hurt as she let out a deep sigh. She tried to regain her composure in order to answer Carl. “You wouldn’t believe me If I told you. So, let’s just say I’m some punk who vandalizes cars, steals, and assaults people for no reason.” She paused thinking of something the lawyer said, “A loose cannon.”
Carl chuckled as Cory described himself as a "loose cannon." The quiet boy seemed anything but a loose cannon and he wondered suddenly if Cory might indeed have a bit of the crazy gene. Perhaps he had snapped and done something out of character. But jail seemed to have broken him so quickly that Carl wondered again what his true crime was. He didn't seem violent and didn't seem like someone who would do anything bad. If anything, he seemed like a nice boy that probably got picked on all the time even in high school. High school could be worse than jail, he thought grimly, at least here no one bothered to fake being nice to you. You just had to distrust and hate everyone.

"Ok, well you don't have to tell me, but I am curious, so if you want to tell the truth I will believe you," he said again, not wanting to push but suddenly very intrigued. A bell went off and the boys in the mess started to stand up and put away their trays. "Oh, that's the breakfast end bell, we have some rec time now we can use in the yard or wherever."

Carl jerked his head and led Cory to the corner to dump hers off as well. As Cory approached it, a large hand suddenly reached out and flipped his tray up, spilling Cory's remaining food and juice everywhere, including on his shirt.

"Ooops, better clean you mess up or the guards will paddle you," he sneered as he walked away quickly. The other kids laughed loudly and Carl ground his jaw. He leaned over to Cory and whispered urgently, "Other people are looking, act pissed and say something crazy. Then clean it up before you get a mark."
Cory found comfort in Carl, but how could she possibly confide in him? The truth weighed heavy in her heart as she stared at Carl. She wondered briefly if she told him about her secret how he would react? Would he attempt to ravage her then? She let a deep sigh escape her tender lips and then buttoned them close. The truth seemed too hard to explain at this instant. Maybe Cory could admit everything to him later, right now she remained a boy. The silence continued like an awkward wave washing over both of them. The words they had to say to each other were few, but an odd friendship seemed to exist. Not the buddy, buddy sort that gives all the warmth and comfort a person needs, but a simple, quiet understanding that neither of them expanded upon. She felt extremely warm realizing that fact, she needed some sort of friend and truth be told, she trusted Carl.

Carl broke the silence after what felt like 10 minutes, expressing that Cory didn’t need to explain her crimes; however, Cory could see the interest and curiosity brewing in Carl’s eyes. Cory smiled to herself for a moment, forgetting where she sat. She felt an extremely female feeling welling up in her heart, a yearning for him. She could tell already that she wanted him to be interested, but she stopped her train of thought immediately. She could never impress upon Carl like that, even if she admitted she did not share the same sex as everyone in the prison. She opened her mouth to speak, to reply to Carl, when a loud bell rang in her ears. Her eyes squinted close and she felt glad when the sound ended abruptly. “That’s a horrid noise” she admitted openly. Carl explained the meaning of the bell, his mood seemed a bit lifted while Cory’s was anything but. She knew being outside called for trouble, she just could feel the uneasiness bubble within her.

Following Carl like a duck follows its mother Cory approached the trash to throw out most of the food on her plate. Before she could even tip her tray, a hand forced it upward spilling it contents both on her and the floor. At first she fell immobile, shocked at the sudden act of hate. The inmate’s words finally reached her ears and had Cory rumbling with anger and fear. At first she didn’t know where to start, but Carl quickly whispered instructions. Cory gazed after the inmate who flipped her tray and then yelled loudly at him with force. “Asshole, I’ll cut off you freaking hands” this time the anger presented itself at the moment and was very real. After she flung her words she turned around and scrambled to pick up the food the spilt on the ground. She looked at her own clothes and found no way of fixing it. She frantically looked at them picturing the Warden punishing her again, taking her all over again. Maybe even beating her? The thought sent icy chills through her whole body as she pictured his dark eyes gazing at her with anger.

Quickly she looked up at Carl, her face full of puzzlement and worry. “What do I do about my clothes?” She let her eyes wander over all the nasty stains seeping into the fabric that adorned her. “Will they get mad at me, the guards?”
Carl had to fight a smile of approval at Cory's slightly crazy reply. Cutting off hands?! It was just ridiculous enough and violent enough to make the other inmates look at the small boy askance. They quickly resumed their typical sneers and no doubt made jokes at Cory's expense, but at least he'd shown the others that he wasn't some passive victim that wouldn't fight back. They'd think twice before picking on Cory and wonder how much crazy violence might lurk in that slight frame. Even a little boy could get the jump on a big one with surprise and an improvised weapon.

He glanced at Cory's uniform and scowled. "Well, yes you should probably change. A dirty uniform could be a single paddle if a guard catches you. They'll let it slide if you are on your way to the bunkhouse to change though."

As they put away the trays he turned to Cory and nodded towards the bunkhouse.

"You also need to shower sometime today. If you don't do it in the morning before roll call like some kids do, you can do it anytime during a free moment of the day. Just tell a guard beforehand so he can check you off. I prefer to do it during recess in the morning when the other inmates are usually in the yard goofing off. But I like to shower alone," he said as they walked out.

"If you want, we could shower now. I know you are probably scared about the whole thing and if it makes you more comfortable I could be there," he said with a smile. Then he realized suddenly how creepy that might sound. Like he wanted to shower with his new bunkmate that was probably scared to death. He didn't want Cory to think he wanted to really shower with him! "I mean, I don't -want- to shower with you. You know, I'm not gay. I don't want to be naked with you... I just meant if you are scared I could do it. I wouldn't be looking..." He trailed off awkwardly, becoming flustered slightly. He'd never broached this subject before with another inmate and there was no way to say it without sounding gay he realized. Great. Now Cory will go running off and get victimized by someone less scrupulous because the boy thinks he's a perv. Awesome.
Cory was so frantic due to the ordeal that had taken place she barely noticed that Carl seemed content with her. Her words had been filled with anger, but now the guards might get her. The Warden might get some message and she would see him again. She didn’t crave for his touch, no she mostly repulsed it. When the panic in her heart dimed she calmed considerably and focused on Carl. His eyes moved to Cory’s uniform, immediately a scowl formed. His own anger bubbled a bit and then subsided as he explained what Cory should do. She glanced at the bunkhouse her eyes glowing with uneasiness. If she went in their alone she would be mincemeat.

She returned her eyes to Carl just in time for him to mention the showers. Cory had forgotten about that specific detail, probably because she didn’t want to remember. The warden had explained that she needed to shower once every day, but how? People wanted to torment her and somebody would follow her and do something terrible. She could feel the anxiety gripping her chest and squeezing her lungs tight. Her own breath grew a bit ragged as she thought about the situation. Cory followed Carl quickly as they headed toward the bunkhouse, hoping a guard would let him change.

As they walked Carl seemed to offer a solution, showing extreme kindness toward her. He would shower with her just to make her feel safer? That whole notion made Cory’s body fill with warmth, he seemed so nice. She wondered briefly why somebody like him would be in prison. After Carl had offered, he seemed to grow a bit panicked like he had said something terribly wrong. He quickly clarified himself muttering quickly what he truly meant, which caused Cory to laugh a bit. She never thought she would ever see Carl, of all inmates, flustered. Cory quickly responded to Carl as if to calm the nerves she figured were running through him. “I would really appreciate it if you would be there” she admitted honestly. Her eyes closed, however, for a moment as she made a decision that might affect her negatively. “I have to tell you something Carl, on the way to the bunkhouse, if you’ll listen.”

Cory admitted that just before they were stopped by the guards, which made Cory freeze up more than a little. The guard seemed tough and unforgiving as he studied Carl and then her, stopping and gazing at her uniform. Cory quickly explained what happened and then asked if she could change and take a shower. The guard looked at the two inmates his face contemplating the situation. He nodded briefly and the allowed them both to pass on toward the bunk house. Cory felt lucky, she hoped she would stay lucky.
Carl was intrigued when Cory said he had something to tell him. As much as he had tried to stay aloof an unconcerned from the other prisoners, he realized he was becoming as concerned about Cory as the little boy obviously was attached to him. It violated all his rules about how to survive jail and part of him wanted to still find a way to push Cory aside, but he knew he'd still feel some responsibility for him if anything happened. Cory was beginning to feel almost like a little brother to him. His best plan was to try and find a way to get Cory's confidence up enough so that the slight boy could survive on his own. Attitude was 90% of doing time. Some of the worst bullies here were guys half his size.

Just as Cory was about to speak, two guards came up to them and Cory tensed up. Technically they weren't allowed in the bunkhouses during recess as they were cleaned by the janitors. They needed permission, but fortunately changing and showering were the only two reasons that were routinely approved. One of the guards nodded and marked down that Cory and Carl were going to shower and waved them on towards the hopefully empty building.

He still felt really strange about asking to shower with another boy, but decided it would not be too awkward. Cory would have to get used it. Carl showered with other boys all the time in the bunkhouse shower. It wasn't a big deal now, but that first shower had been terrifying even for him. So he knew the apprehension Cory must feel.

As they entered the door, Carl turned to Cory again and gave him a curious look. What had Cory been about to say that seemed so terrifying to the young boy? "Cory - what did you want to tell me? You can trust me as much as anyone here, definitely more than most. Is it about why you are in here? If you want to tell me I'm still curious..."
The guards hadn’t distracted Cory enough to forget about what she needed to tell Carl. She just didn’t know where to begin and she didn’t know how he would react. The thought of him getting angry or lustful crossed he mind. The image broke her heart, if Carl turned on her what would she do? She shuddered openly at the thought. Her mind seemed to spin out of control the closer her and Carl got to bunkhouses. The guards had approved and easily sent both her and Carl to the showers. She knew how it must have looked to them and she felt bad, knowing Carl wasn’t gay. She wasn’t either, but to everyone else she was a boy. She walked a bit slowly dreading the moment where she would strip in front of another man who may or may not attack her. She looked at Carl for a moment, but maybe she wouldn’t mind if it was Carl. She shook her head quickly, scolding herself internally.

The bunkhouse grew closer until finally they entered the empty building. Cory felt a shiver run down her spine and inhaled deeply. As she stood there Carl turned to Cory, his face alight with curiosity. She smiled at him for a moment. Carl admitted his curiosity openly, clearly ready for Cory to spill the beans. She looked up at Carl her eyes a filling with fear as she began her story. “Well, I come from a place where rich kids and poor kids mingle. I got bullied a lot for how I look and one day I insulted this girl. I consider it more self-defense and thought maybe she would lay off, but that didn’t happen. Her father was a very well off lawyer, I knew that before-hand, but I didn’t think he’d bring charges up on me. I was in my home, studying, when the police burst through the door. I was arrested and taken to court. I though the worst part was being accused of crimes I never committed and watching my own family turn against me, but it wasn’t.” Cory chocked up a bit, pausing to regain her voice. “The worst part was arriving here… finding out an even more disturbing fact. This is an all-boys facility….. I’m not a boy Carl” She managed to say it, her whole body was trembling by now. “They sent me to hell…. even worse…. The warden… h-he… did bad things” Cory stopped speaking her whole body shook and some tears returned to her eyes, but she looked away from Carl. She didn’t know how he would react, she hoped it wouldn’t be bad.
Carl listened to Cory speak and he could sense the emotion and angst in the young boy. The first part of Cory's story was not strange. Hell, everyone here had an argument for why there innocent or screwed by the system! Carl's story was a little more unique, there was some blood on his hands, literally, but he also could argue he was in here unfairly. Cory's did sound a little heavy-handed if he was telling the truth. And the boy's gentle and shy demeanor certainly made it all seemed credible. Carl would never have guessed he'd be the kind of kid to wind up in juvenile jail based on how he'd acted so far. The he ended by saying he was a girl.

Carl's jaw dropped and he gasped at Cory's last words, mind ignoring the statement about the warden for now. Carl would have thought it was a joke, some sort of elaborate put-on. But Cory couldn't be a good enough actor to tremble like that and produce those tears as he looked away. Then Carl immediately felt a chill, thinking that perhaps Cory was crazy. Maybe he thought he was a girl, like a transvestite or something. Maybe Cory was gay and Carl should just high tail it out of here before things got awkward. Surely that's what he meant, that he considered himself a girl?

"W-what? You are a... g-girl?" he stammered out, eyes wide and mouth open. "What the fuck are you talking about!? This isn't funny. There is no way they'd send a girl to a boys' prison! What the fuck? Cory, what are you trying to say?" Carl felt himself flush slightly, a bit of anger slipping in as his mind still reeled trying to figure out what was going on. What Cory meant. The truth that the slight boy was actually a girl was too insane for Carl to process or consider. Although, a chill went down his spine as he studied Cory's effeminate features and slight frame again with a more critical eye, there definitely was something about him.
At first Cory’s story seemed to sit well with Carl. Cory’s words seemed normal to him, despite the obvious emotion breaking through her delicate voice. Her story came right from her heart, but she could tell Carl seemed a little to calm. Cory knew what he was thinking, she knew he thought that she wasn’t truly innocent. People didn’t go to prison for nothing right? That’s what everyone thought. Carl’s calm composure faded quickly when the last of her story was told. Cory could see the shock register across his face as his jaw dropped open. Her whole body trembled as she stood before him, waiting to see if he would believe the truth. She watched Carl just as intently as he was watching her. She needed him, but she had a feeling Carl didn’t trust her words.

Cory’s presumption proved right as Carl stammered out his first question, eyes still wide with doubt. Cory gulped and nodded as a response, it was the truth. She was a woman, everything about her proved it. His anger began to come out a bit and that’s when the swearing began. All the question only demeaned her, making her feel like lair. Why did she have reason to lie? This wasn’t some fucked up way to hit on Carl. Hot tears began to drip from her eyes and onto her cheeks at Carl’s angry questions. She knew she probably just lost her only friend by revealing her secret, a secret nobody would believe. She shifted uncomfortably, she wanted to get away because her heart hurt. She felt like weight were pressing in on her chest and crushing her. Everyone in the world believed lies, but when truth is spoken nobody listens. Carl wouldn’t listen, her family would listen, the court wouldn’t listen, and nobody ever would.

Shifting on her feet and not answering Carl, Cory ran toward the showers. She would make the decision for Carl. He probably didn’t want to help her anymore, probably thought she was either gay or crazy. She ran with all her speed, saddened considerably by the outcome of the events that had just taken place. She was so filled with fear she couldn’t tell if Carl had followed her or not, she simply ran. How could she explain something without ripping off her clothes? She didn’t want to do that! She told Carl because she thought he might be decent, but instead she was crazy to him. Oh, how a heart can ache.
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