Jail Camp (Prince x Slashed)

Oct 17, 2012
Minus the mascara, this is the warden

Warden Rhys Caldwell leafed through the transfer documents he had just printed. The normal night guard who manned the front desk had left early, sick, and Rhys had to leave his private residence on the youth jail's grounds to handle this intake himself. The inconvenience was annoying and had left the Warden in a bad mood. Sighing, he flipped back his long dark hair, which had fallen across his dark blue eyes as he looked down at the documents, and pursed his lips in thought.

Cory Blackwood. 16 years old. The boy's charges seemed minor and the one year sentence would likely get reduced if he served time well. The brief bio seemed to indicate no prior trouble with the law and good grades in school, which was very unusual. Most of his inmates had a long history of trouble.

Rhys was a tall man, but his long hair and delicate features made him not the typical image of a prison warden. He came from the ranks of youth counseling, not jailing, and his unusual personal appearance was indicative of his unconventional approach to reforming his prisoners. His charges were all late teenage boys serving Juvenile sentences and the mission he had was to reform and re-educate them. Of course, punishment was often part of the re-education process and many prisoners had been surprised by his willingness to mete out discipline in his reshaping of them. He had a philosophy that shock was the only tool to really change the mindset of one of these boys. His track record at reforming the kids was unusually good and had thus far prevented much oversight or inquiry into his techniques.

The prison itself was organized more like a camp, and indeed he called it Jail Camp to his wards to let them know it was a chance to have fun and not be miserable. He had several bunkhouses, each with eight inmates that had their own showers and restrooms. There was a common mess hall and kitchen to eat in and numerous outdoor activities in the large recreation yard they all shared. His own house sat in one corner of the yard and the only other building within the fenced perimeter was the administration and medical building that he was currently inside.

With a sigh, he stood up as he heard the transport bus pull up outside the office. He walked outside and nodded to the guard that came out first, signing the clipboard he presented to take over custody of the prisoner. Cory followed a second later after the guard shouted to him.

Rhys smiled as Cory stepped out of the bus a little tentatively with his hands handcuffed before him. The boy was small and very slender, almost swallowed up in the baggy orange prison clothes he had on. He had very fair skin and large, eyes that were averted from Rhys' intense. Cory's hair was short, but cut in a more feminine way that typical for a boy. Almost like a girl's pixie hairstyle.

Rhys wasn't gay, but Cory was so effeminate in many ways that he almost found him attractive. Rhys found no sexual pleasure from the discipline he meted to his wards, but he did enjoy controlling and reshaping them. He knew that Cory would probably face a hard time in jail with the other boys. Despite his attempts to keep order, having a jail full of horny teenage boys meant that ones like Cory could quickly become turned into girls and used cruelly. Even straight prisoners could become homosexual in the confines of prison and with the right temptation in the form of an effeminate male like Cory. He'd have to keep a close out on Cory's behalf he thought to himself.

"Cory Blackwood?" he asked with a thin smile. "I'm Warden Caldwell, or Mister Rhys if you prefer. I'll be doing your intake and then showing you to your bunkhouse. Don't be scared, we'll take good care of you here at my jail camp."

He grabbed the handcuffs and gave them a tug, leading Cory inside the building and into the intake room to be searched, photographed and then given a shower and new clothes. The windowless room had a drain in the floor in one corner with a shower head and nozzle on the wall next to it. There were only two chairs and he motioned for Cory to sit in one. The table between them held a fresh set of the gray prison clothes, cotton pants and a short sleeve shirt, that Rhys used at his facility.

"So Cory," he asked as he sat down across from the boy. "Don't be scared... What led you to get sentenced to my jail camp?"
School always brought problems for Cory not because of grades, but because of the people. She considered herself to be a kind hearted soul and she generally was. She had a big heart and hated to make people sad; however, she couldn’t just allow herself to get tortured every day. No, that wasn’t in her agenda of life wishes and dreams. Cory knew she had a short haircut, her face was cute and when she wore the right outfit she looked as girly as any other, but the rich popular students of her school didn’t accept it. As more time passed, the bullying continued, but somehow she convinced herself to ignore her abusers and focus on school. Her grades remained pretty high with one exception, honors chemistry. Soon she was a shining academic star, until the bullying grew even worse.

It came to the point where her stuff was getting trashed, her homework stolen, and her dignity compromised. There is only so much someone can take before a confrontation happens. Cory caused quite the scene, but no assault took place. Only a really good yelling match which she happened to win. Her witty comments had won her that battle, but her poor background had lost her the war. The offended teenage girl by the name of Jessica Melton went home and told her rich father what had happened. A lawyer, that just happened to be his occupation and he wasn’t just any lawyer he was a lawyer for extremely important people. Of course he knew that he couldn’t convict Cory for sticking up for herself, but fabricated evidence always worked best.

It had been a normal day like any other, sun shining while a comfortable breeze shifted through the trees when the cops knocked down Cory’s door. Her parents weren’t home, working long shifts as usual hoping to keep up the rent. She was held for hours without any explanation, until finally the charges against her were revealed. Theft? Cory couldn’t think of one thing she had stolen, in fact she advocated against stealing. She knew how hard people worked for their things and she never would take that away from someone. Of course she denied it over and over and over again, but that didn’t mean a thing. She came to realize her situation and in the cops eyes she was guilty before proven innocent. Her parents arrived and her father seemed so disappointed, even he believed the lies engineered against her. At least Cory’s mother seemed to have a little faith in her. Due to the inefficient funds her family owned a public lawyer got assigned to her case. When the court date finally arrived Cory was surprised to see Mr. Melton trying her case.

That day remained crystal clear in her head, how cruel her fate had been. All her dreams were eliminated by an arrogant, corrupt, rich family. The tears that had spilled for so long eventually stopped, her dad seemed to want to disown her. Even her family seemed to fade away into the abyss of awful. After a few days in a detainee area, Cory found herself shoved onto a bus by a guard. He seemed so burnt out, like he was sick of all the criminals he had to transport. The ride seemed a little too long, but she shouldn’t complain. She would be spending a year in a jail camp, which was much worse than a couple hour bus ride. She yearned for nothing else would go wrong, she hoped desperately that no other corrupt business happened under the table.

Finally, after a grueling ride in a hot bus they finally arrived. Upon her exit of the bus Cory looked skeptical and even more so when she saw the warden. He looked so intimidating, but at the same time he didn’t look like the type to be running a juvenile prison facility. Cory had a gut feeling that he was more than capable at running things. Her hands shook a bit as she walked forward, the fear couldn’t be quelled. Prison was never an option for her, never a thought, and now here she was standing before a warden. His smooth, commanding voice filled her ears and she nodded in response to her name. She was indeed Cory Blackwood. He further introduced himself his statement almost sounded inviting, welcoming. For some reason she felt a little annoyed by that fact, welcoming was that last thing this place was. She quickly let the feeling pass because it was a hopeless cause and there was no way to rewind the past. The tug on her cuffs spurred her forward, the wolf leading the lamb to slaughter. Most definitely the situation she seemed to be in.

She followed the Warden obediently, not attempting to cause any trouble that was the last thing she needed. Her eyes wandered around the building they entered and she observed the dreariness of it all. Finally, she found herself in a room with a shower and a few chairs and some clothes. She shivered while staring at the shower and the glanced at the warden. Would she have to shower in front of him? The thought disturbed her more than a little bit. Instead of heading for the shower they sat down and Cory sat silently, until the Warden questioned her. Cory almost told him she was innocent, but that had only caused her more trouble. So with utter defeat she replied with the lie that had been forced down her throat. “Theft, Sir” she replied her voice soft and melodic. Her eyes averted downward she couldn’t bring herself to look him. Admitting she was a criminal when she wasn’t made her heart throb in agony.
Rhys studied Cory as the boy replied softly to his questions. The poor boy seemed so delicate and vulnerable already, none of the tough posturing Rhys normally saw on an intake. Cory probably had some idea how tough it was going to be and was scared. Rhys judged him as a good kid who had made a tragically wrong decision that he now would pay for. Rhys wasn't the jury or the judge, just the person who executed the punishment. Whether the boy deserved it or not, he was going to make sure they learned their lesson and left here repentant.

"Theft at your age will ruin your life," he said in a cold voice. "I'm here to make sure you learn your lesson. I'm here to re-educate you."

He studied the effeminate boy again. Cory could easily be a girl if he had longer hair and a dress on. It was going to be a tough year for the lad.

"I want to warn you Cory, things will be tough for you here," he said, a cruel grin appearing on his face without Rhys even realizing it. He knew his words were going to be received roughly by the sensitive youth. "The other inmates tend to behave like wild animals. I do my best to discipline them and control them, but the guards and I can't watch everyone all the time. A pretty thing like you is going to need to be on your toes. You can come to me for help, but it may make things worth. You'll have to figure out how to handle things by yourself, what your line is. Come to me if you get pushed past it."

He paused to let his words sink in. Then in a very casual but firm tone he spoke up again.

"You are in intake. I need to do a full search of you, every cavity. And then you have to take a shower and get into the new clothes we use here at my jail camp."

"It's ok, I've seen plenty of naked prisoners. Nothing to be worried about," he said in a soothing tone, grin growing larger at Cory's look. The he added in a firm, low voice an order not to be argued with.

"Now strip off all your clothes."
The way he gazed at her when she answered his question made her head spin, she felt dizzy. She had never been looked as a bad kid before. She felt like despair would consume her, she was a thief. Who would hire a thief? Absolutely nobody. She rest her head on her hand cuffed hands breathing in an out steadily, trying to keep the tears from falling. His words bothered her even more, Jessica Melton and her father ruined her life. She would like to see Jessica go to prison and be reeducated, she sure as hell deserved it. Cory kept her head in her hand for a minute more and then tried to focus her gaze on the Warden’s face. Her green eyes attempted to not avert, but it was so hard to face someone who thought of you as a criminal.

As he continued to speak Cory listened closely, apparently things would be really tough for her. She found it disturbing that a malicious grin appeared upon the Warden’s as explained the hardships she might encounter. Why would he be happy about that? She knew she was now the scum of society, but really? Her lip quivered at the thought of the Warden wanting to cause her pain. Cory didn’t know how much more pain she could withstand before crumbling. She felt her body shaking by the time he finished explaining that she would need to watch her back. She felt a little light headed and she once again put her head in her hands. Great her time at this prison was going to be even more hellish than she realized.

Then, with her head in her hands he revealed why they were here, intake. A strip search that he would execute and it wasn’t just a get naked and look at you search, it was every little area. Cory thought she would start crying. Nobody had ever seen her body other than her doctor. Sure, she once had a boyfriend, but things never escalated to her getting naked for him. She felt so demeaned and uncomfortable, but who could trust a criminal. The Warden tried to sooth her, explain that he had seen many prisoners naked. She tried to quell her fears and discomfort with that bit of information. Then with a voice that Cory couldn’t argue with he demanded she strip.

With shaky knees, she rose from the chair and observed herself. She didn’t know where to start, what part of her to expose first. She gazed at her feet and sighed in relief for only a moment. She pulled off her shoes and her socks. She had to admit the process was a little hard with the handcuffs. Her short lived relief broke, she had to reveal herself now. With shaky hands and a few tears slipping out of her eyes Cory removed her shirt. Her black, lacy bra held up her perky, round breasts. She then closed her eyes tightly, hoping the process would be easier that way. Her hands then removed the baggy pants and her matching panties hung on her thin waist. The next layer of clothing was harder to remove, her whole body quivered and few tears squeezed from her closed eyes. Finally, she managed to slip off all clothing. Her body all exposed, her breasts reacting to the cold air. Her nipples hardened embarrassingly and she desperately wished she could disappear.
Rhys felt pity for Cory as he delivered the hard truth about life in the jail. The poor boy shivered and practically cried, lowering his head to his hands. Broken already and nothing had happened to him yet. And the horrified reaction at being told to strip. Many boys didn't like this part of intake, but he'd never seen one react with as much fear and resignation as Cory did.

He had forgotten to take off the handcuffs, but the orange prison shirt was designed to be removed over handcuffs with snap buttons on the sides. Cory fumbled at it for a second, and Rhys was tempted to stand up and uncuff him to make things easier, when the shirt suddenly came off and a lacy bra popped into view.

Rhys went still, eyes widening. For half a second he thought that maybe Cory was a transvestite and was just wearing a bra as a kink. Life would be tough for him, but an openly gay boy might strangely carve out a role in the camp that might make it manageable. Then he saw the perky breasts in the the cups and swallowed. They were small but definitely breasts and Cory was absolutely a girl. When he, no she, Rhys corrected himself now in his head, lowered her pants and revealed her lacy black panties the truth was absolute. There was no bulge in that tiny wisp of almost see-through cloth that hung from her skinny hips.

He watched her undo her bra, which wound up hanging on her cuffed wrists, and swallowed again silently as those pert round breasts sprung into view, her pink areola were small and the nipples hard from her fear and the cold room. Her face was flushed red with embarrassment and she couldn't meet his eyes as she pulled her panties down and revealed the triangle of wispy blonde curls between her thighs. She stood now naked before him, quivering still with fear and eyes downcast. Her nubile body on display as she tried in vain to at least cover her sex partially with her hands and the bra.

Rhys had been still, examining her in at first shock and now with a lustful curiosity. Having a naked, pretty sixteen year old girl standing feet away from him and completely at his mercy was a new experience for Rhys. He felt his pulse quicken as he realized how much power he held here. There wasn't even another guard in this building to hear her cry out. He examined every curve, the swell of her breasts heaving as she breathed hard, the nubs of her nipples, the bones of her hips and those long skinny legs. She was gorgeous and so exquisitely delicate. He'd been at the camp for a long stretch now with no relief of female companionship for himself and Cory was overloading his senses. He could feel his cock stirring. Her shyness and innocence were intoxicating and he felt his mind racing with possibilities.

He forced his eyes away from her for a second to look at the papers again. Sure enough, the box marked female was checked at the top of the forms. He had never even thought to look as all he ever received were male prisoners. He wondered if this was just a clerical error and when, if ever, someone might notice.

"That wasn't so bad, was it Cory?" he asked as his gaze returned to the trembling girl. He stood up and walked up to her, grabbing her wrist and raising her hands to unlock her cuffs. He took them and removed the bra caught on them. The cuffs clanked loudly on the hard concrete in the otherwise silent room as he dropped them.

"Now, turn around and stand still for a second so I can complete the visual examination," he ordered, and then added in a husky tone, "And then I want you to bend over and place your hands on the chair so I can do the cavity search."
Every part of her body seemed to shake and her knees felt weak, so weak that she might fall over. Here she was, naked before a warden, all areas exposed to him. Never, ever had man seen her this vulnerable and this exposed. She felt like she had been put in a display box to be observed. It didn’t help that when he green eyes shifted to gaze at the warden, he looked shocked. His eyes gazed at certain parts of her body, uncomfortable parts. She felt confusion, Cory thought the warden saw many inmates naked. Why then was he staring at her in an awed manor? She felt self-conscious standing before him, his soothing words early had no affect now. She averted her eyes once again, she couldn’t watch him gawk at her. Everything about the whole situation proved embarrassing, she could barely keep the tears from slipping out. She wanted the search to end soon, even if that meant being thrown to the wolves.

Cory’s heard the shuffling of papers, but still dared not look up. The flush on her cheeks, the quivering of her body, and the rapid rise and fall of her chest would only get worse if she gazed at the Warden. She didn’t want to know why he seemed so shocked, she just hoped this would end soon. After a moment, his soothing voice filled her ears again. She didn’t know if he really wanted her to answer or not, so she just shrugged. She thought the whole ordeal was terrible, but if she said that he might grow unhappy with her. She listened to the sound of his steps echo against the floor as he approached her. His hands gripped her pale skin, which felt cold to the touch. He raised them and with her arms raised her breasts raised a bit as well. When the cuffs finally fell to the floor, she quickly brought her arms down to her sides waiting for any more orders.

Mister Rhys order her to turn around for a moment, and then in a gruff tone order he to bend over. For some reason Cory’s juvenile body reacted to his tone. Goosebumps appeared on her skin and chills ran down her spine. Not identifying the lustful undertones in the Wardens voice Cory did as she was told. She turned around waiting for minute and the uncomfortably bent over. Her body really shuddered now. She knew he would touch her intimate places, the idea made Cory whimper in misery.
"No piercings or tattoos," Rhys said, stating the fact as he examined her bare backside. Her skin was pale and flawless and he let his eyes wander down her back to the firm, round globes of her butt that tantalized him. As she bent over and pushed her ass towards him he took a deep breath. The sight of this innocent girl fully exposed to him was so incredibly erotic that he could feel his cock grow to full hardness instantly.

"I'm required to make sure there isn't anything hidden under your skin or in your hair as well," he said. It was total bullshit, of course, but he had to touch this girl. He needed to feel her skin so badly, to caress her everywhere as as she bent over helplessly before him.

He stood behind her, the bulge in his pants inches from her ass, and reached down to place his hands in her hair. He let his fingers run through her short locks, rubbing her scalp and then slid them down to her neck. He kept his fingertips light on her as he circled around her neck feeling that soft and sensitive skin and the fast beating pulse of her artery.

He then slid his hands down her spine and around her sides to cup her small breasts as they hung below her. He caressed them lightly, marveling at their softness as her hardened nipples brushed against his palms. He took those hard nipples between his thumb and finger and gently squeezed each one to see how she would react.

"Yes.. I know you may find this uncomfortable Cory, but I need to to do it," Rhys said, his voice low and husky.

He let go of her breasts reluctantly and ran his hands down the rest of her back to the globes of her ass. Rhys squeezed her ass cheeks and squatted down behind her before parting them. He let his eyes gaze at her most intimate parts, the pink pucker of her asshole and the crevasse below it, tufted with fine blonde hair. Her legs were together and her inner folds were hidden in the ridges of her outer lips, so just a teasing pink slit was visible to Rhys.

He moved his hands to her legs and ran them up the inside of her thighs before sliding one hand between her legs to trace his fingers through the soft, fine curls of her pubic hair.

"Just relax Cory," he cooed to her. "I'm going to search inside you now."
Cory sad nothing as the Warden bluntly stated the obvious, she had no way of getting a tattoo. She was only 16 and that barred her any access. Plus, she wasn’t a criminal, not really anyway, so she didn’t have any connection to illegally do it. Her legs still felt weak and felt thankful that she at least had the chair to lean on. Cory tried to breath in an out of her mouth to calm herself and slow the rapid beating of her heart. She didn’t want to pass out from the uneasiness she was experiencing. She knew she looked pathetic, this Warden had probably never seen a more pathetic teenager.

He began with explain where he would touch, her hair and her skin. Cory frowned, that meant pretty much everywhere on her body. Shortly after his explanation Cory could feel his presence behind her. He was so close to her that she could almost feel him. The close proximity they had almost made her knees give out. Then his hands moved into her short blonde hair, his finger caressed her scalp rubbing it gently. Honestly, the way he searched through her hair felt good. She felt dirty for thinking that way, but she had always liked her hair stroked. When Cory was really young, her mother use to brush her hair so gently. The feeling always soothed her and despite the situation she still felt soothed. Of course her anxiety did not disappear, but her body did relax slightly. His hands then found her neck, stroking her skin. It tickled, but not in an unbearable way. Actually his finger felt more like a massage, his finger caused chills to erupt down her spine.

Her anxiety came rushing back, however, when the Wardens hands found her round breast. He grasped them firmly feeling them. At first everything seemed normal, but then Mister Rhys squeezed her nipples between his thumbs. In response to the feeling that flooded through her, Cory inhaled sharply. Her cheeks turned beat red and she was about to question him when his voice halted her. His voice once again sounded different, raspy and deep, unlike his previous controlled, commanding tone. He tried to sooth her again, telling her that searches have to go like this. Cory couldn’t quell her humiliation and her shaking though, her breasts felt as if they were being fondled. She was having her first experience with her body being touched by a man, in a prison.

After his hands moved down her back, they squeezed her rear-end and then parted her cheeks. Cory swore she would die, a man was looking at her down there. She felt heat flood her body and a dizziness take over. Her grip tightened on chai and her legs clenched together. It was an immediate reaction she couldn’t prevent. Her breathing grew labored, she was hoping her husband would do this one day when she was older, not a prison Warden. Tears came to her eyes, as his hands ran up between her thighs. His hand running through the blonde pubic hair that coated her intimate areas. He told her to relax and then declared what he would do.

“I don’t have anything in there, please.” she begged, desperation apparent.
Rhys listened to her beg and heard her slight sobs as she was undoubtedly fighting tears. Part of him wondered if he should end the search and let her get dressed. Perhaps have her sleep in the hospital ward tonight and then try to fix the mistake in the morning. But with her pink slit and luscious ass cheeks inches from his face, he was overwhelmed with lust. It was wrong what he was about to do, but he knew he could get away with it. It'd be his word against hers and he was following orders anyway.

"Relax Cory, it'll make the search much less painful," he said soothingly and started to run a fingertip up and down her pink slit. With the other hand he grabbed her ankle and spread her legs apart. She unfolded before his eyes like a flower, her darker wrinkled inner folds appearing between the ridges of her pink outer lips. She was glistening slightly, her excitement from his touch and thorough inspection obvious to his gaze. He inhaled at the sight, even more turned on now than he had been seconds earlier.

"I'm going to have to slide a finger or two into you," he almost whispered. "But I'll make sure you are nice and lubricated so it doesn't hurt."

He rested his thumb on her clit and started to lightly rub that sensitive button, feeling it harden in its hood of soft skin. His finger continued to trace through her folds, feeling her juices start to flow as his fingertip explored every crevice and furrow.

"There, you are getting nice and relaxed," he said in a soothing voice. "It's ok, this should feel good."
Cory really hated her life at the moment, she would have a finger inside her. A foreign finger, from a foreign man. His hand was already sliding against her folds, searching for any item that could possibly be hidden from sight. She tried to breathe normally and ignore the feeling of his hand. She couldn’t believe this was happening. What would she do when she got out and dated? What If they asked her if she had ever been touched? What would she say? She got touched in prison, great entrance into a romantic relationship. She tried to ignore the tingling between her legs, she knew her body was reacting to the Warden fingers. She grew disgusted with herself, she didn’t want him, so why was her body doing such dirty things?

The Warden again told her to relax, mentioning that it would be less painful if she did. Cory’s body tensed as her ears honed in on the word painful. Why would the search be painful for her? It hurts when a finger goes up their? A whole new sense of worry came over her as she thought about getting hurt, or her cherry breaking from the cavity search. While dread filled the young girl’s heart, the Warden griped her ankle and slid her legs apart. Now Cory was bent over, her legs apart, with a hand on her most intimate part. She felt like a prostitute.

When he revealed how many fingers he would have to put in her, she winced. How would a virgin withstand two fingers of the bat? Fear continued to brew within her, her legs shook. She figured what he meant by lubricate, was a bottle of lube. That seemed more professional, embarrassing but it made sense; however, those were not his intentions. Instead Cory felt his thumb rest upon her clit, a shaky gasp escaped her lips. When the Warden started rubbing, her behind immediately jerked upward while heat flooded through her whole body. His finger continued to rub her and new sensations engulfing her. It felt good, but this was wrong. Cory knew for sure that this action was not part of a normal strip search procedure. Completely ignoring the Warden’s words she spoke out. “This isn’t right” she declared shakily. She didn’t know if she had enough bravery to pull away from him, but as his other finger started rubbing other areas of her pussy she found the courage. With a quick jerk Cory moved forward and quickly maneuvered her way around the chair.

Her freighted green eyes moved everywhere before finally landing on the Warden. Her breathing was rapid and her body quivered. “That was not a normal search!” her voice raised a bit. “I don’t know what your doing, but I won’t let you molest me”
Rhys was surprised when she pulled away. He could see and smell her excitement and had felt her body tremble and move with his thumb and finger. He was so close to having her under his spell, fantasies of fingering her to orgasm as she meekly took his violation of her were floating in his head. For half a second he was jerked back to reality and shame flared up in his mind. What was he doing to this poor little girl? What was he thinking? He should probably just end this all now before he did anything he regretted.

But the shame quickly turned to anger at her rebellion. His philosophy was about instilling discipline and obedience in his charges. They must learn to respect authority. A lot of his kids were criminals because they had no parents that ever enforced rules. His role was to teach them that they had to obey rules and listen to commands from people in charge. Cory's refusal to trust him and allow herself to be searched, and searching every cavity was certainly legally a standard task, made him suddenly upset.

"Cory," he said, face cold and blue eyes hard as the naked girl hid behind the chair, trembling. "I need to do the cavity search for intake. If you don't want a gentle one, I'm happy to do one that is more forceful. I was trying to make this easy for you. Now get back here and bend over and let me finish my job."
Cory watched Mister Rhys carefully, his face seemed to flicker between multitudes of emotion. Shock, guilt, and then it landed upon anger. His facial features became scary and his eyes went cold. Even his muscles seemed to tense and Cory couldn’t imagine fighting him off. She didn’t really want to bring down his wrath, but at the same time she just couldn’t let him violate her. What would that say about her? His voice was firm and slightly tinted with frustration. His threat was even more terrifying, how forceful could he be? She trembled behind her chair as if were a shield. She pressed a cool hand to her forehead and felt how warm her face was. Her face felt so warm she could be a heater.

She felt like an animal trapped in a cage. “I can’t” she panicked “I can’t let you” she felt herself hyperventilating and grow dizzy. She blinked her eyes rapidly to try and regain focus. “I….I don’t want you to touch me” her replies were frantic and breathless. She griped the chair tightly feeling as if she was going to fall.
Rhys saw the girl breaking down before his eyes. Her perky breasts were heaving as she starting to breathe faster and he could see her swoon, gripping the chair tightly to stay upright. He frowned, stood up and swiftly moved to her side, grabbing her by her arms and supporting her as she almost tumbled to the floor in her panic attack. Her small frame was pressed against his as he lowered her to the cold concrete floor.

"There there, Cory," He whispered, brushing back some of her short bangs from her hot forehead. "You just need to relax. I'll be done with the exam in minutes." He looked thoughtful and reached over to the table and opened a drawer. At this point, he wanted to finish the examination. He had been so close to plunging his finger into her wet folds that he couldn't stop. He knew, with many of the boys, that restraints could actually calm them down when they were upset. Sometimes removing the option of fleeing or fighting back paradoxically lead to greater acceptance and tolerance of the situation.

He withdrew some wide white medical tape and turned to her as she lay on the floor. He grabbed a hand with a strong grip and wrapped a length of tape around her wrist, leaving the tape dangling for a second. Then he grabbed her leg and forced her ankle into the air, knees bent slightly, and taped her ankle to her wrist. He held her down with one hand and moved to repeat it on her other side. She was on her back on the cold concrete now, arms straight up with her legs spread and knees bent, wrists and ankles on each side bound together. With her knees bent, even if she pushed her hands and wrists together in the middle, she was still spread for him.

He watched her struggle against the tape, her breathing fast and eyes wide open.

"Now, let's try this again," he cooed at her. "Just relax. Given in to the fact that you are going to get searched and there is nothing you can do about it."

He knelt between her legs and let his eyes take in the sight of her naked body, trussed before him and opened fully to his gaze. He lowered his hands to her and gently spread her lips, looking into her most intimate area freely. She was still a virgin he could tell. And she was wet. Very wet.

"Good, I think this is going to be much easier for you," he said with a smile. He started to rub her clit again with the fingertips of one hand and moved another finger on his other hand to her entrance. He slowly circled it as he rubbed her.

"Feeling ready?" he asked and then started to slowly slide his finger into her. She was so hot and tight around his finger and he heard a soft squelching noise from her juices as his finger slid home.
He moved in when she was in her weak state, of course he would do that. His hand gripped her arm and held her up so she wouldn’t tumble to the ground. He rested her against his frame and she could feel his warm chest against her warm naked one. He set her down gently on the concrete floor, the cold off the floor rushing into Cory’s warm skin causing Goosebumps all over. Her breathing was still short and the world still seemed to spin around, but she didn’t stop trying to wriggle out of his grip.

His words were whispered as he virtually hushed her, treating her like a child. Like a silly child who just need a shot, or something innocent like that. Her hands shook, but she tried to regain her strength so she could crawl away all over again. Sadly, that never happened. Instead He tied her limbs together, creating the ultimate trap. She couldn’t move at all, either way she was spread before him. She tried to wriggle out, to role, the helplessness drove her crazy. She grew wild trying to break free, but eventually dimed down and became steeped in fear and depression. Her head fell against the cement with a light thud, not hard enough to cause any more pain and injury than a headache. Her eyes clenched closed as tears squeezed out of them, she could look at him. How cruel he was doing this to her.

He told her to get over the fact that she would be searched, that it would happen to matter what. His words stung at Cory’s now weak heart. She couldn’t stand the thought of plunging his finger into her holes, the thought almost made her pass out altogether. He then knelt before her as her leg remained completely spread for him, no accesses bared. His hands spread her lips gazing into the inner pink depths of her womanhood. She was sure he would notice that she a virgin and also to her dismay he would notice her body’s cruel reaction, to his early actions. Her lower region was wet and warm, the Warden seemed pleased by the fact.

Soon his fingertips came to res upon her clit again and run gently. She could feel all the odd sensation once again fill her and a whimper escaped her lips. She could feel the wetness between her legs grow. Even worse, she could feel the finger of his other hand trace the entrance to her virgin whole, until finally he plunged it forth. Cory’s body arched and she whine softly at the feeling. Her pussy felt so tight, she could feel her walls close in around the Wardens finger. She whimpered again as he moved it within her, the pain was lessoned due to her wetness, but nothing had ever entered her before. Her pussy slowly tried to stretch and accommodate his finger. By now Cory had a little blood streaming slowly from her lip, she had bit it hard to keep from crying. "No" she whimpered
Rhys watched in fascination Cory's reaction to just his finger entering her virgin sex. She arched her body and let out a whine that quickly turned into a whimpered "No." His finger was so small, but her passage was so tight he felt resistance the entire way as he plunged it deep into her. Her walls clamped down around by reflex and he held his finger all the way in her, enjoying her wet and warm tightness around his digit. He imagined what his cock would feel like sliding in there instead and felt a tingle of lust run down his spine. She would scream in agony, at least in the beginning, he mused. God she would be so tight around him. He wasn't small... could he even fit it inside her?

"Cory, I'm going to need to move it around now," he murmured, "You need to relax some more, you are tightening up too much against me. Is this the first time anything has been inside you? Have you never touched yourself inside.. or had someone else slide their finger into you?"

Rhys already guessed the answer to the question by her reactions so far. He was truly the first for her, maybe in every way he wondered now. His pulse quickened at the thought of how pure and virginal she really was. He wanted to fuck her, he admitted to himself. The thought of being her first and breaking that virginal barrier made his cock pulse in anticipation. Things had escalated, potentially out of his control. He felt as helpless now to resist the temptation she posed as she certainly felt tied down and naked beneath him.

He fought the urge to unzip his pants right now and instead focused on the finger deep inside her. At least for now, he wanted to see if he could give her some pleasure. Let her enjoy this new experience. And most of all make her have what could be her first orgasm ever on the floor in front in him. God he wanted to feel her cum around his finger, the muscles of her sex spasming and squeezing him. She was definitely responding to him, her breasts jiggling with each ragged breath and her hips moving slightly as she arched her back against his hand. He quickened the pace of his hand on her clit, adding a bit more pressure. Then he started to move the finger of his other hand in a big circle inside her, pushing against her tight walls. As he felt her relax slightly, he slid the finger almost all the way out and then quickly back in again.

"It's ok Cory, it's normal for this to feel good," he said as he slowly, so slowly, started to fuck her with that finger. "You can let yourself go, give in to the pleasure. Have you ever cum before?"

He was quickening the pace now as she started to writhe beneath him, the circular rubbing on her clit and the penetrating wave of pleasure from his finger moving in sync began to urge her to higher pleasure. He could feel her juices dripping onto his palm from her excitement and he let one of his dangling fingertips rest on her puckered asshole, pressing lightly against it with every thrust of his hand. Yes, she was incredibly hot and wet. She was fighting it still, the shame was evident, but he could see her thrashing now with pleasure instead of anxiety, biting her lip as what must be new and strange sensations flooded her young body.

"Cum for me Cory, cum for me," he said in a firm voice.
[His finger went in all the way and she could feel him inside her, any slight motion he made. The slight pain subsided quickly from his finger and now it just felt uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable. She didn’t want him inside her, but there was little she could do about it. Tears still streamed down her face due to her fear and humiliation, but not because of pain. It could be argued that her heart was in pain because it was, but physically she wasn’t yet.

The Warden declared that he would begin moving around his finger inside of her and that small statement made Cory want to squirm. If Cory’s face wasn’t already beat red from both her tears and embarrassment, she definitely grew redder at the Wardens questions. She had never been finger and never experienced the touch of man. Her body was extremely innocent and she hated that all her new experiences were being forcefully taken from her in prison. She had never even touched herself before, the thought just hadn’t slipped into her head. Cory could barely speak due to many factors, the crying, the fear, and her anxiety, so in order to acknowledge the Warden she had shook her head no.

The Warden grew silent as he began to move his finger inside her, lust seemed to fill his eyes. The walls of her pussy seemed to relax a little more when he started rubbing her clit with both more pressure and speed. Her breathing hitched and let out a humiliating moan. The fact that she just moaned during this whole ordeal disgusted her. She knew within her heart of hearts that she didn’t want this to be happening, yet her body responded in such a wanton manor. As her sex grew wetter, the Warden began to move the finger inside her in circles as if trying to stretch her. Cory winced at the feeling in the beginning, but the combination of both a moving finger and clitoral stimulation caused more soft gasp and moans to escape her lips. With each moan more tears spilled out, she hated herself more than ever. Then the Warden changed his tactic and pulled nearly all the way out and the pushed back in again. She whined in response, but as he started to pump his finger in her Cory couldn’t help the sensation hat raped her body. Tingles and heat rushed through her whole body each time her thrusted his finger into her. His words seemed to dim out as he fucked her with his finger. She knew what he was trying to say though, she knew he was trying to sooth her, but nothing could quell her emotions.

His assault grew even worse as his finger started moving in and out of her extremely fast while his other hand massaged her clit more vigorously. Her legs, even in the restraints, began to shake a little and her moans grew louder, but also became breathier. She could feel her wetness drip and slide down her pussy. Her whole body seemed to ignite in pleasure and as he coaxed her to cum, she couldn’t stop it. The feeling came over her in a rush and her moans grew more frequent. She wished she could grip something with her hands, but they were in dispose. She felt the muscle in her lower belly clench, the followed by her pussy wall clenching together. A rush of hot warm liquid came out of her and Cory felt breathless and ashamed.
Rhys was transfixed as he brought Cory to orgasm on his finger. The sight of this pure and innocent virgin being forced to cum at his touch, all while tied up and helpless, was simply beyond anything he could have fantasized. It was a medley of overwhelmingly sensual details, hearing her moans, muffled and quiet at first before growing in intensity, watching her breasts heave and jiggle as her breathing became fast and ragged, seeing her body start to writhe and move with his hands, the squelching noise of his fingers plunging into her sodden folds, and feeling those virginal muscles clamp tight on his finger as she began to quiver and tremble.

And finally, there was the orgasm itself and the thrill of seeing her experience sexual pleasure. He loved hearing her soft cries and obvious embarrassment as her body reacted against her will. The shame and pleasure on her face was unlike anything he had witnessed before. The frenzied spasming of all her body as she struggled in her restraints, body wanting to straighten out and arch in pleasure but prevented by limbs taped firmly in place. So erotic. But most of all he loved the feeling of her hot sex gripping his finger so tightly, squeezing it harder with each wave of pleasure that seemed to race through her. He could felt her juices spurt out over his hand and onto the floor, but his eyes were only on her face. A sublime mix of pleasure and pain distorted her pretty features as she felt what had to be the first orgasm in her life. There was no doubting the honesty of her response to his question about touching herself.

And then it was over, fading, and she went limp in the restraints and could only lie on the floor, moaning slightly and breathing deeply. He slid his finger out and moved his hand from her clit, sliding it up her rising belly to grab one of her sweet breasts in its entirety.

"There Cory... that wasn't so bad was it?" he smiled at her as his fingers squeezed her still hard nipples. "I'm going to finish the search now that you are relaxed."

He moved his middle finger down to her pink pucker, drenched in her juices already. He circled it slowly and began to push at it gently, letting her get used to it. She was indeed more relaxed and probably too stunned from her orgasm to even realize what he was doing. He timed his entry with one of her deep exhales and slid his longest digit into that other, equally virginal hole. Her tight muscles gripped his finger like a ring being slid on. He slowly moved it around and then in and out of her, all the time still playing with her nipples.

Rhys had never been so turned on before in his life. As he played with Cory's ass he knew he had to have her. He wanted to be her first and the thought of his large cock sliding into her tight virginity made him almost dizzy with excitement. He knew it was wrong. So wrong. But he was overcome by her vulnerability and now the horrible nature of what he contemplated was just making him more excited. He was sure he'd regret it, but he was unable to stop himself.

"Hmmm.. I think these two holes are fine," he said with a wicked smile. "But you've really turned me on. This jail is a bad place, and I don't know if its wise to send you into it as a virgin."
This feeling was unexplainable, the utter bliss her body felt as it reached its peak. Slowly coming down from it was anew experience too. Her womanhood still throbbed with pleasure, despite the removal of his finger. Her chest heaved from the short breaths she was taking and her body grew tired like never before. The feelings that were plaguing her body were not enough to pull her out of her emotional shock, she seemed dazed. Staring off into space as he gazed at her, watching intently for reactions. Her face blazed with guilt and shame. Her mind broken from the idea that she came from a man who forced her body. Was she that dirty and worthless? Cory wanted to believe this ordeal never happened, she wanted to pretend that her nightmares were just extremely realistic, but her reality didn’t change. Her limbs were immobile and the complete helplessness festered in her soul. Her limbs suffered greatly in the position they assumed, but unable to change her predicament she rested her head against the cold concrete.

Cory stared at the dull ceiling in the room, trying to find some sort of interesting pattern, or some small detail she could get lost in. Nothing appeared. Even in her shocked state his voice still assaulted her ears and filled her mind with his words. Nothing seemed worse than being able to hear what he was saying and feeling his hand squeeze her nipples, knowing her shocked state would only prevent her from further action. All Cory could do was focus somewhere else and focus on her thoughts, she wanted to yell at him, but she knew couldn’t some mental block and the inability to move kept her silent. Her eyes stayed averted, trying to avoid gazing at her unpleasant predicament. Tears seemed to fall on their own accord now and when she felt his finger against her other untouched hole, her she stayed silent. With her body still rippling from her first orgasm, his entrance only caused her to whimper. The sensation of his finger in this hole felt absolutely different, tight and very unnatural. As the Warden began to move his finger the uncomfortable feeling grew worse, until her rear end also grew use to his finger. When her tight walls finally griped him in a more comfortable manor, Cory started to whimper softly. Her shame growing ten folds. His additional assault on her nipples didn’t further help her cause.

When his finger finally removed itself and he decided that her holes were fine, Cory thanked god that her assault was over; however, as his next statement exited his mouth she felt her heart drop and shatter into a million pieces. Already humiliated and fearful, his news only brought her more pain. A sickening pain that seemed to crush her and squeeze her heart within a death grip. Tears flooded from her eyes like a river flowing speedily and her sobs were choked. She didn’t say a word though, there seemed to be no point in speaking. He would only mock her and tease her and probably tell her to relax. Her virginity would be taken by this man in this horrid place. Her dreams of having her body taken by a man she loved on her honeymoon drifted away. She always pictured her first time as an intimate experience, a time where love would wash through her and she would know happiness. Instead, here she was on a cold concrete floor, being violated cruelly.
Rhys was rationalizing what he was doing, or trying to. She was about to go to a boys prison. She would be violently taken there no doubt, even if they thought she was a boy. He was going to do her a favor. He knew it was wrong and evil, but seeing her like this and having just fingered her in both her intimate holes, he felt like he had no control of his body. He started to unbuckle his pants with one hand as he knelt before her, kicking his shoes off behind him.

As he undid his pants he took his other hand, the one that had just violated her and brought it up to her face.

"I need to search your mouth too," he said in a cold voice. He forced the fingers past her pink lips and pushed around in her mouth, swirling them around the inside of her cheeks and under and around her tongue. It was actually the correct procedure they did in intake, just done now with fingers that smelled and tasted of her musk and excitement.

His cock came free as he let his pants drop to his knees. He slowly started to stroke his eight inch long cock as he withdrew his fingers from her mouth.

"I'm going to be gentle," he said to Cory as she saw in person what was probably the first hard cock of her life. "Just relax."

He leaned forward over her and ran the tip through her folds, still wet from her excitement, and rested it at her entrance as he felt the pressure of her virginal barrier. With a groan he pushed at her, harder and harder until finally his cock broke through and the tip slipped into her.

"Oh god" he moaned at her exquisite tightness. "Oh god.. you feel so good... Cory..." He closed his eyes in pleasure as he started to push deeper into her. She was so tight, but still very wet and his big cock inched into her slowly with his back and forth thrusting. Until, finally, he was all the way inside her and stretching her fully. She was so tight and hot around him he couldn't move and just stayed still, feeling pleasure from every breath she took or motion she made.

He couldn't believe he was doing this. It was the worst thing he had ever done in his life and he would have said it was unthinkable even minutes ago. But he was lost in his lust and desire for this girl. He was now overwhelmed by the physical pleasure he was feeling that was accentuated by how taboo and forbidden his act was. He wanted to explain though... tell her why maybe, and perhaps see her reaction to he bad news he had been hiding.

"Cory.. I want you to know," he said, eyes staring at hers. "You have been sent to a boys' prison. You're going to do your time with boys. Its going to be a long year here for you. I'm doing this as they won't be as nice."

And then, he started to move his hips to fuck her.
Cory knew he was unbuckling his pants by the sound of the belt snapping off. She could feel him grow closer and with a quick glance she noticed him knelling down. She heard the kick of his shoes and the thud they made on the floor. Cory’s breathing was so shallow and her eyes were in a haze of fear. She wanted to wriggle herself out of the situation, but she knew she couldn’t, so instead she remained deathly still. Other than the rising and falling of Cory’s chest and the tears falling down her cheeks, she looked frozen. As he knelt before her, pants undone, he pushed a hand up to her face. With a voice as cold as ice, he told her he would check her mouth. Had she angered him to provoke this sudden cold mood? She didn’t know, but his fingers didn’t meet much resistance. The thought of biting down on his finger fluttered through her mind, but she didn’t. That would only cause more pain and more trouble. She let him easily do his search, even though her juices coated his finger. The fact that she tasted her own juices only humiliated her more. She felt like a disgusting person.

Cory glanced up at him for a split second just in time to see his large cock, her pain filled eyes widened. He would split her in two, hurt her like no one had hurt her before. Her body convulsed with fear, but nothing could be said to stop him. The words he spoke next mattered little, gentle or not, the ordeal wouldn’t become better and relaxing seemed impossible. How could she relax? She felt her sex tighten already due to her fear, she almost wished she could relax. Then she felt him lean into her, his warm head rubbing through her folds. The wetness from their previous experience coating him. She could feel his warmth radiate from his cock, she could feel him press against her entrance. She wanted desperately to plead with him, but her voice seemed stuck, silenced by her fear. The she felt him in such intimate places.

Her face contorted into a very sad look, the corner of her lips tilted downward and her eyes instantly filled with tears. Her voice was caught and for a moment she didn’t breathe. The pain seemed immeasurable, despite the slowness at which he entered. He was thick and long and her hole was small and tight. The pressure against her barrier and the way it broke killed her further and a deep long sob escaped her lips. She could feel the warm trickle of blood run down her pale, white thigh. Cory shamefully felt a little happy he had did those previous acts to her, if he hadn’t this pain would be worse. As he pushed in deeper, she felt like she was splitting in two. Her whimpers continued and her chest heaved up. Finally, he pushed himself all the way in and Cory felt filled to the brim. When his cock was wedged between her, her stayed still for a moment. Every slight motion she made, every sob, every shiver, made her feel him down there. Her walls clenched him so tightly, she felt like he would get stuck.

The only sounds that could be heard in the room were that of Cory’s whimpers and sobs, until the Warden spoke up again. His explanation sent another wave of pain and depression through the poor girl. She shook her head no at his response, not because she was denying the truth of his words, but because she didn’t know how much more she could endure. A male’s prison? She would be violated every day! As Cory let his words sit in her mind, a complete submission seemed to take over her. With a whine of pain, purely from her emotions she laid her head down on the concrete. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes seemed to be hazed with hopelessness. She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t say anything at all. Then she felt the Warden move as he proceeded to fuck her. His thrusts were shallow at first and then they grew longer. Her body heaved and each thrust caused Cory a wave of pain, until it seemed that she loosened up. Even when her sex seemed to loosen and grow wetter, she could still feel the soreness between her legs and she couldn’t say she felt good. She knew she would eventually orgasm, but she had heard the first time was the worst time. Cory whimpered again, but she knew she would have to endure many more assaults on her body.
Rhys fucked her slowly and tenderly at first. He was conscious of his large cock stretching and he let her get over the initial pain before he started to move faster and deeper. He saw her whimpering beneath him, face a mix of pain and resignation. She had stopped struggling in her restraints and he could sense her starting to relax. Her breathing was getting faster, her breasts rising and falling quicker. As he began to move in her harder, they started to jiggle with each thrust. She was getting wetter, his cock sliding easier as her juices began to flow.

"That's it Cory," he grunted and then lowered his mouth to hers to kiss her. His lips brushed hers gently and he teased her mouth with his tongue. "Mhmm you feel so good. Relax, you need to get used to this."

He slid his hands under her body to grip her shoulders as he moved faster in her, lifting her body from the rough concrete.

"Wrap your legs around me... Push against me with your hips," he murmured in her ear he nibbled one. "You're first couple days will be the worst. You'll be fucked by a lot of boys.. Every hole. They may be rough. You need to learn how to make them happy. If it gets too bad come to me."

He liked the idea of rescuing her from the inmates. She would appreciate him more after spending time with those animals. He'd have to make sure they didn't hurt her and tell the guards to keep an eye on the new boy. Her secret would come out, but a group of the boys would likely want to keep her their secret.

His hips were moving fast now, their bodies pressing together sweaty and wet with each thrust. He could feel his balls tightening and pleasure building. He couldn't last much longer he thought. Her own breath was coming fast under him.

"Oh god, Cory," he whispered to her. "Cum for me again, I'm going to cum as well."
Cory tried to bear it, his size just seemed to cause her pain. He moved slowly rocking within her for a while, until her insides began to lubricate themselves. The physical pain began to drift away, but the emotion pain seemed to heighten with every thrust. Soon her cries transformed into soft whimpers of pleasure; however, tears still fell from her eyes. Just because pleasure started to invade her body, didn’t mean her heart wasn’t breaking. As her response grew into moans, his hips moved faster and his thrusts became harder. Her whole body moved according to his thrusts, her breasts jiggled due to all the movement he caused. As she grew both looser and wetter, the Warden encouraged her like a dog. Cory couldn’t stand it, his words. How dirty of a person was she? Why did her body do this to her?

Even the Warden began to make noises of pleasure, when she dared to look up at him she could see a small wet breaking over his forehead. His hair seemed to grow a bit messier and his ice blue eyes burned holes into her own. Soon after his own grunts of pleasure his mouth met hers, but his thrusts never ceased. Cory whimpered under him, but his lips and tongue muffled her. She didn’t kiss him back, she didn’t want to. More words of encouragement and more compliments left his mouth, but all Cory could think about was her future. How dim things seemed to be. She would never get this moment back, every time she remembered this moments she would see concrete walls, feel despair, and remember his thick cock taking her. His large, strong hands slid behind her shoulders, griping them and pulling her closer. His dick seemed to plunge deeper into her do to his new grip. More moans escaped her mouth just as more tears slid down her cheeks. The faster he went the more Cory would moan. Soon he was commanding her on things to do, but she didn’t want to obey him. She felt a fresh wave of fear pass over her as she wondered what would happen if she disobey. So with more shame Cory moved her hips in rhythm with his thrusts. The sensation of both of their movements caused shiver of pleasure to rip through her body. Loud and breathy moans began to escape her lips. Cory thought of herself as disgusting, how could her body do that? His husky voice continued to speak in his ear as he explained how rough it would be. How she would be fucked by many inmates, probably much rougher than now. A whimper broke through her moan, she didn’t like the sound of that.

As their bodies moved rhythmically, the Warden once again commanded her to cum. She couldn’t believe how quickly her body reacted to him and his words. She could feel herself grow closer with every second and soon her walls were clenching together again. This time the clenched a much bigger object as he thirsted within her. She moaned in ecstasy and her warms juices coated his penis. She listened to his groans and shortly after she watched as he pulled out. His cock seemed to throb as his hand rushed to his member. He griped it and pointed his head at her stomach and with a few strokes, his own juices spurted forth. She felt the warmth coat her tummy and when she gazed at the scene she could barely keep herself from sobbing. How whoreish of her to be covered in another man’s juices. She laid her head back one again on the cold concrete floor. She tried to keep her sobbing quiet as her legs quivered. They shook almost violently, she didn’t know why they were doing that, but it seemed to be a response to the sex. Her legs wouldn’t stop shaking and the soreness between her thighs invaded her senses. Cory’s mind was filled with such pain and depression that all she could was remain despondent as silent tears slipped down cheeks. Everything she held dear, her pride, confidence, and hope was snatched away from her in a harsh manor.
It took all of Rhys' resolve to pull out of her at the peak of his pleasure. He wanted so badly to cum in her tight sex, but at the last second the thought of spraying her with his cum consumed him as the safer and strangely hotter alternative. He groaned as he jerked his cock above her and screamed in pleasure as his cock throbbed in his hand and started to erupt. The first load of cum sprayed across her belly and he kept jerking it as his cock continue to pulse, shooting his hot sperm across her upper stomach and reaching even her small, heaving breasts. When he was finally done and slumping against her trembling body in exhaustion, he saw he had glazed nearly her entire front side with his spunk.

His breathing was ragged and fast as he considered her naked and violated body. Her legs were still shaking, she was crying slightly and her face and chest were flushed with the afterglow of her own involuntary orgasm. Her knees moved piteously, stymied in the restraints that taped her wrist to her ankles. He started to undo the tape, letting her limp limbs fall to the floor as he released each side. He then began to scoop up his cum with one hand, wiping up and down her stomach and over her soft breasts until he had gathered a large amount in his cupped hand. He brought it to her lips and forced his fingers into her mouth again, letting his salty cum ooze and drip onto her tongue.

"Swallow it," he ordered in a weary voice, still breathing hard. "Lick it all off my fingers. Clean them off. That's a good girl."

Coming down from his lust he felt shame and a bit of disgust at what he had done. Indeed, from what he was still doing as he force fed her his cum. But, he still rationalized it as better for her than throwing her to the wolves. At least he had ensured she enjoyed some pleasure from this act. It was wrong and he saw that she was traumatized, but much worse was likely to happen to her soon as he followed his orders and put her in a bunkhouse with the boys. It was going to be like throwing a lamb in with the hyenas. He did want her to survive, but he knew it was going to be a harsh first couple of days.

"Ok, get in the shower and clean yourself off," he ordered as he started to pull his pants up and put himself back together.
He had cumed all over her torso and she felt completely disgusted with herself. She felt so dirty, but not just on the surface. Her whole being felt filthy, her soul, her heart, her mind, everything seemed ruined. His own moans had been locked forever in her memory, he took such pleasure in her quivering body. He had liked using her. How horrible could a person get? She stayed completely still, with the exception of her chest and her trembling limbs. Her ragged breathing still made her chest heave up and down. His body was slumped against hers, but not for long.

Even though she wasn’t looking, Cory could feel the Warden’s gaze upon her body. She knew he was probably glorying at his job well done. She felt a bit of resentment bubble up within her, but it was quickly surpassed by her depression. He soon removed the tape and he limbs feel to their proper position. Cory could then feel the soreness plaguing her whole body, her legs, her pussy, her belly. Everything felt sore and made her feel weaker than ever before. The most annoying of sore feelings was definitely the feeling aching her pussy. After her limbs were realized, Cory felt his hands scoop up all of his own juices and to her dismay he brought his juices to her lips. His demand disgusted her, but she had no more fight within her for the night. His finger pushed past her lips and filled her mouth with his goop. She swallowed quickly, licking his fingers and ending the ordeal. Her eyes quickly averted to another direction.

Other thoughts began to plague her head as she remembered the Warden’s words. A boy’s prison? Her body shivered slightly on the ground. Tons of horny teenage boys that would attack her on sight. The idea almost drove Cory to viciously slam her head against the concrete. She didn’t doubt that if things got to bad she would resort to suicide. The thought caused even more depression to fill her, she never would have considered that an option in her life, until now. His order to shower soon filled her ears and her body tried to react accordingly.

Cory managed to get up, but staying up was the hard part. Her legs felt extremely weak and she could barely keep herself stable. She began to wobble over to the shower head and she stumbled more than a few times. Finally though, she managed to get to the shower head. She turned the small nobs of the shower and she felt cold water rush onto her body. Apparently, no warm showers existed within this place. Warm probably would have done her muscle some good. She let the water wash over her body. She scrubbed certain areas more than others until finally she stepped out of the showers. She simply stood there, a bit more stable now. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t see a towel.
Rhys watched her slowly get up and move to the shower. Cory was dazed and in shock still from everything that had happened to her and the news she was in a boys' prison. He didn't blame her, but he knew that tonight would be almost a tender memory after what might happen to her with the regular inmates. He watched her skinny frame move as she worked the shower. It was cold and she flinched in shock. The desire to clean herself and get the sticky residue of his cum off her body, to clean herself where he had violated her, was strong and she got in shaking and nearly turning blue from the water. The nipples on her small breasts hardened immediately and he grinned when she glanced at him for a second, letting her know he was watching.

He did look away for a second to flip through her paperwork again, still intrigued as to how she ended up here. He did find a note that her judge had specifically ordered Rhys' prison. He knew the judge fairly well and the man approved of Rhys' more strict methods with the boys. He'd call the judge in the morning and find out if there was any specific motivation and how tough he should let the girl's life be in his jail.

When Cory finished and turned off the shower she stood there passively, looking for a towel. He opened a drawer of the table and pulled out a small, coarse towel and tossed it to her. Then took her prison clothes and threw them to the ground near her feet. A pair of small, boys tighty whiteys and the dark gray loose pants and short sleeve shirt that prisoners wore here. He let her keep her own sneakers.

"We can't have you wearing this," he said picking up her bra and then grabbing her panties a second later. He shoved them into his pocket and looked at her thoughtfully. He opened another drawer and pulled out a four inch wide brown cotton wrap that could be used to bandage injured arms or legs. He tossed the thick roll to her feet and spoke up. "Wrap your breasts in this cloth tightly, try to make them as unnoticeable as possible and you may get lucky and keep your secret safe."

"Now get dressed and when you are ready I'll show you to your bunkhouse. The other inmates should be asleep by now, if you are lucky."
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