Jugger x Voltonus


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
'Your orders, Nathan, are to go out to Metropolis and meet with one of our...guns for hire. She will show you the ropes and get you started as a treasure hunter. It is up to the both of you two collect the Chaos Emeralds and return them to us so that we may lock them away so no one shall abuse their power again. Do not fail us. GUN does not hire those we believe will fail us.'

That was his order. Nathan was instructed to meet someone in Metropolis to aid him in his search for the Chaos Emeralds...but he could not tell who it was supposed to be. No sort of description was given to him about his contact and he sighed, sitting down on a bench in Time Square. "So vague in details but I guess GUN has to be in order to remain safe..." He murmured. He was just a new recruit. Why was he put under such an important job? What he didn't know was it was because his kind, the Mobians, were more experienced with the Chaos Emeralds than humans, making him more qualified to hunt for them than anyone else in GUN.
Rouge landed next to him, sending bits of trash on the ground fluttering away as she landed.
She stood, folding her wings and looking Nathan up and down.
"So this is all they're giving me? Some little rookie?" She muttered, sitting down beside him.
"So? Do you have any background in anything? Any skills at all? Or does gun mean for me to train you all by myself hun?"
She spoke without looking at him, having produced a nail file from somewhere and begun touching up her claws.
(Hammerspace. lol)

Nathan watched the girl as she suddenly appeared and descended before him, but he did not move from his seat, even as she moved over to sit next to him. He watched her file her nails, and sighed when she thought so low of him. The next thing she would know would be the burning sensation of the tip of her wing beginning to burn with a small spark fire. It was not enough to give damage but it was enough to give a pinch and a burning sensation. He held his hand up and looked at it blankly as it began to catch fire. "Fire is my thing, bat girl. Flames of the Phoenix, you might say. Once I'm down, I always get back up with a burning ambition."

"Hmmph." She snapped her wing to extinguish it, slapping the back of his head in the process.
"All that tells me is you get taken down." She said sarcastically. She gave him another look over.
"Oh well, even if you don't turn out to be much use, I do like having some eye candy around."
(The sonic term for when a character randomly pulls out an object from nowhere. Like in all sonic medias, they randomly pull large objects out from behind them out of nowhere like Chaos emeralds, or Amy Rose's hammer appearing from nowhere or a puff of smoke and such.)

"Calm yourself, cock tease." He murmured as he heard her talk about eye candy. "Besides if anything you're the eye candy. Flaunting those around. I bet you get whatever you want." He murmured. "Anyway...On to business. GUN told me you could help me track down the Chaos Emeralds. There are seven of them I believe. I have no leads as to any of their whereabouts. I was hoping you could enlighten me to that information."
She chuckled. "Oh they can sometimes serve as helpful in my line of work. Actually convinced one man to propose to me with the Chaos Emerald he had."
She pointed to a building towering above the rest on the skyline.
"Ardine Synthetics. The owner has his own personal gallery on the top floor, and rumor has it he's recently added a very large ruby to his personal collection."
"Think its a Chaos Emerald?" He questioned as he looked up to the building that she had pointed to. "Hmph...I would say lets race to the top but you'd have the unfair advantage of flight." He murmured. "You think there is any security of any kind? Ardine Synthetics...What do they make again? I think of robots or cyborgs or something whenever I hear the word Synthetic...that can't be good. Can it?" He murmured as he began to scan the building from where they were sitting.
She laughed. "No, they specialize in synthetic materials. The most well known being a little thing called cyberskin."
She smirked, standing up. "I propose a test. Meet me out front of there tonight, and I'll evaluate your skill and breaking into the place."
She stood, spreading her wings and taking off. "Bring your A-Game puppy!" She teased.
"Puppy...!?" He yelled out angrily as she began to fly off into the sky. He sighed and sat back down, and waited for the night to come to Metropolis. Hours later when the sky turned dark, he headed out to Ardine Synthetics and stood in front of the store, looking up at the large building. 'Cyberskin...?' He thought, not knowing what it was...but it sounded like it might be useful. "Where is that bat?" He murmured as he looked around. It was harder to see at night and he'd rather not give his position away by lighting a fire in his tail to help him see through the night.
Rouge came around the side of the building, rubbing her lips with her glove.
"Alright, I took the liberty of dealing with the door guard before you arrived."
She turned to the door. "Now then, there's a simple alarm on her, just a magnetic switch, the body of the alarm is inside. So let's see how you do at getting in."
"Just...Gross." He replied when he could already assume what she had been doing with the guard before he had arrived. He walked over to a window and grinned. "Who needs a door?" His fingertip began to glow bright red, a heat emanating from it as he began to draw a circle into the window, melting the glass as his finger traced along it. He pulled out the circular piece of glass once it was done and motioned for her to go through. "After you."
"Not bad. though you're leaving evidence." She chuckled, hopping through the window.
"Now, let's disconnect that alarm." She pointed to a round device seated high on the far wall.
"What are they going to do? Trace my fingerprints? In case you haven't noticed, my fingerprints were burning hot. They'd be lucky to find anything at all while investigating." He replied and followed after her into the building. Upon seeing the device, he nodded. His hand became flames once more and he tossed a small fireball out toward the device...scorching it and melting its circuits. "And how is that, huh?"
The alarm made a dieing whine, and sprinklers began dousing them with water.
"Well, let's see. A guard would easily notice a melted window, where a cut one is nearly inperceptible. Also you've just cut our time quite short, won't be long before somebody notices indoor rain." She flew to the stairwell. "Oh, and the elevators are on safety lock, hope you like stairs!" She laughed, flying up the center of the stairwell.
"Little miss critic over there! Jeez!" He said in annoyance. When he saw her take the center of the stairwell up, he glared at her form as she seemed to disappear in the darkness, leaving him at the bottom of the staircase. He sighed...and began to start his run upstairs. He had to run up the spiral staircase and he had already grown tired about a fourth of the way up toward the top floor. "That bitch...So tired..." He murmured as he began to run in a slow jog up the stairs, holding onto the railing for support. "Why is this building so big!?"
She floated back down, hovering by him. "Can you use that fire in a more, controlled manner?"
She asked, smiling. "Because I may just need your help."
"Well I can't make wings and fly up there so you're just going to have to wait! Unless you're strong enough to carry me up there so I don't die by the time I get to the top." He replied, sarcastically as he stopped to take a breather.
She grabbed him under the arms. "Stronger than I look." She smiled, easily lifting them to the top floor.
She set him down and flew over to a vault door. "I need you to overheat the computer lock on this door."
"Yeah...The door looks too heavily reinforced for me to burn through it anyway." He replied as he knocked on the vault door. He walked over to the computer terminal and put his hand on the computer monitor, and began to start overheating it. "Hey...This is an awfully big door to guard one ruby. What else is in there?" He said as he finished overheating the terminal.
She pried the computer off, connecting wires. "Part of my deal with GUN is, I can take anything that happens to be in the same place as the emerald. Guess who called ahead to warn of it's theft? I knew he'd put it in a vault with other lovely gems."
"I honestly don't know who called ahead. GUN? Why would they make our job harder? You? Why would you make your job harder?" She was confusing but just went along with it. He leaned against the vault door until it would finally open due to her tinkerings. He fell over once the door suddenly began to open and he peered inside to see gold, gems, and silvers...but where was the chaos emerald?
She laughed. "I called. I can only steal what the emerald is near, and if he weren't worried about it, it's be in a box by his bedside."
She produced a small bag, filling it with high quality gems. "Wish I had more space." She smirked, walking to a pedastal in the center of the room. "Can you just make smoke?"
"Not exactly. I can make my hands catch on fire and let smoke come off of that but its not enough for a smokescreen." He replied as he sifted through the piles for the chaos emerald. When he finally looked to her, he understood what she meant and walked over, his hands catching on fire and smoke began to fill the room slowly.
She flapped her wings to blow it over the pedastal, putting on a pair of goggles.
"Keep it up." She said, backing to the other side of the room.
She took a running leap, flying over the pedestal and crashing into the gold on the other side. But she stood holding the emerald.
"There we are, that went well."
"Yeah...That went well. But couldn't you have just flown over the beams rather than doing that flashy stunt? Trying to impress?" He teased and kept the flames up. "Come on. Lets get this back to GUN and get out of here. I'd really like to sleep tonight before I have to find the next emerald."
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