Name from a list-Bride for a King (trisscarxabbylocke)

"your hear to be my mate for one. the wonderful lovemaking is just a bonus."

Thorin smiled wryly, in truth he was worried that after they were mated she would perhaps not want him as much. Fairies wernt really known for thier passions, it was the exact opposite for dwarves.

He shivered slightly when he felt her hips collide with his, she was making it very hard to keep his hands to himself. Stroking her hips gently Thorin leaned over and captured one of her pointed ears in his mouth, nibbling at the tip to see what reaction he would get.
And a reaction he did get. Am'lia gasped as she felt her limbs go weak and pleasure shot straight to her core. Her arousal spiked and she quickly pulled him down so she could kiss him. It wasn't a well known fact that fairy ears were one of their most sexually sensitive places, after the normal ones of course. Not to mention it was a sign to fairies of just how much their mate wanted them.

Even though she knew he didn't know the significance of what he just did, Am'lia couldn't stop herself from rocking her hips against his.She wanted to show him how much she liked that he was trying to explore her body, and encouraging him to do more was the only way her pleasure addled brain could think of to communicate that.
Thorin marveled silently at the postive reaction he got, tucking the information away for anouther time. Smiling slightly he gently ground his hips up to hers again, kissing down her neck and kneeding her breasts.

"were not getting much bathing done. why dont we focus on that until were out in the bedroom again eh?"
Am'lia pouted slightly, that was certainly not what she wanted to hear, especially in the highly aroused state she was in. She sighed softly and nodded. "As you wish my king."

Am'lia pulled back slightly and picked up the soap, picking up where she had left off with washing her king.
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