Name from a list-Bride for a King (trisscarxabbylocke)

Am'lia let out a small eep of surprise when she felt Thorin's teeth biting down on her thigh. It wasn't painful it simply caught her by surprise for she was certainly not used to the possessiveness of dwarves. His words caused her to swallow heavily and nod, her shyness threatening to take over again as she let her lip loose from her teeth so she didn't hold back the noises he caused her to make.

By this point, Am'lia was trembling slightly with anticipation of the orgasm she could feel drawing closer. She whined softly when he stopped his attentions to admire the mark, already she missed the feel of his lips against her skin. Her hips bucked up again to show him her impatience and to get him to continue. The slow build up of her pleasure was driving her insane. She needed him to finish, she wanted him to take her. Am'lia looked down at him, desperation clear in her eyes.

"Please my king... This slow pace is going to make me crazy... I need you now."

If she had been thinking straight, Am'lia would have kicked herself for the slight ordering tone that her voice had taken. She would have worried how he would react to her demands. But at the moment, all she cared about is having his talented lips and tongue back on her skin.
A shudder passed through the dwarf as he heard his intended address him as such, if it was even possible the commanding tone and the words themselves making him even harder.
As she bucked her hips up in an attempt to get him to pick up the pace, Thorin smirked, stilling her hips with his strong hands.

"Do you want me to finnish you off then my fiesty little fairy? Or do you want me to drag this out until you are inchoherant with need."

Truth be told Thorin didnt know if he could last that long, he was impossibly hard and aching with need to be engulfed by her tight heat. But teasing his intended was fun all the same.
Lifting her hips again the dwarf lightly sunk his teeth into her other thigh, leaving a matching mark on her pale flesh to admire at a latter time. Returning his attentions to the quivering quim infront of him, the king made short work of driving his fairy over the edge, rubbing her swollen clit firmly with his thumb and sliding two fingers into her spazming cannal as she came. He was quite proud of himself for figuring out how to please her so quickly.
As her orgasm hit her, Am'lia cried out his name loudly, her eyes closed and her body arching up. The rush of pleasure when he had earnestly tried to make her release hit her full force within a matter of seconds. She writhed from the pleasure and moaned his name again. She could feel her orgasm coming to an end and she was breathing heavily from her cries, her chest heaving for air.

When her orgasm was finished, and he had removed his fingers from her aching core, Am'lia pulled Thorin to her and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. The need for her to be close to him dominated all of her thoughts, all she wanted was to be as close to him as possible and for his large cock to fill her and bring them both to completion. She whined with impatience when she felt his small clothes restricting his need from her awaiting thighs.
She was beautiful in her extasy, writhing about beneath him and moaning his name for the whole mountain to hear. The utterly insuffrable smirk that graced his face when she pulled him close for a passionate kiss wouldnt be leaving any time soon.

"are you ready for me Am'lia?"

Nearly ripping off his small clothes the dwarven king alowed himself out of the confining fabric with a soft groan of relief. He was nearly painfully hard and aching to be in his intended. Nudging her soaked nether lips with the throbbing tip of his cock, Thorin nibbled along her neck, waiting for her permission to proceede.
Am'lia's hips moved up to press against his as she nodded. She was more than ready for him, so much that she didn't even worry about any pain she might feel. Her hips rocked up against his, causing her to moan softly at the much needed friction.

"Yes King Thorin... I am ready."

She could feel the slight pulse of his hard cock as she waited for him, making her shiver in anticipation. She pressed her hips forward, making the tip of his cock slide into her awaiting core. She moaned again, a bit louder this time and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I am all yours my king."

Am'lia whispered, placing another kiss on his lips.
The affectionate, needy tone that she used when she called him her king was what finnaly prompted Thorin to move, thrusting himself all the way in to the hilt inside the exquisite warmth and tightness that was his intendeds body.
Kissing her petal soft lips, the dwarven king stilled when he could thrust no farther, only the iron grip of his will power stopping him from ploughing into his fairy with all his strength and not stopping until he was utterly exausted.

He had to remember that they would have every night for something like this, that he didnt have to put all of his need into this one time. The thought was exilarating and helped to distract him from the rythmic pulses that Am'lia's passage was currently stryving to drive him mad with. He didnt know how much longer he could wait before the need was to great to resist.
Am'lia bit the inside of her cheek to stop the pained gasp that wanted to escape. She knew that he only stopped because of the pain that he thought she was in. Which she was. He was larger than she had anticipated and the sting that came with his large cock entering her for the first time was more than she thought would come. Maybe some discomfort but this was much more.

The look on his face clearly told her that all he wanted to do was to continue, but he kept still. For her. She smiled slightly and tried to distract herself from the pain in hopes that it would go away quicker. She could feel him pulsing gently inside her, hear his strained breaths as he forced himself to stay still. Am'lia wanted nothing more to give him what he wanted so after a few moments and when the pain had finally begun to fade, she bumped her hips up against his.

"I... I am ready..."

Those three words was all she could gasp out as pleasure began to take over the pain's place.
A soft groan of relief was Thorins only response that he could make, his mind was utterly consumed by the pleasure and yet torture of being in her but unable to move. Now that he was free to do so the king captured his fairy's lips in a near bruising kiss, slowly pulling himself out until only the tip remained in his soon to be bride before swiftly thrusting into her until his hips brushed the soft swell of her hips and ass.

Setting the slow and fast pace Thorin looked down on Am'lia's face, wanting to see her expression as they joined for the first time. The pleasure etching itself deeply into her eyes and the biting of her already kiss swollen lips made the dwarf kings control slip just a bit more and caused him to hurry his pace abit. She was truly beautiful.
Am'lia moaned softly against Thorin's lips, a soft purr escaping her as she moved her hips with his. When he broke the kiss to look at her, she looked back up at him, smiling at what she saw. The pleasure he was feeling was very clearly written on his features and she couldn't look away. The slight biting of her lip caused his pace to increase and made her moan a little louder.

After a minute or so of his increased pace, Am'lia couldn't take it anymore. She wanted him to go faster so she wrapped her legs around his waist and moved her hips up against his. She could feel the familiar tightening heat that signaled her orgasm was getting close and by the pick up in speed of his thrusts she could tell that her king was getting close as well.

"Please Thorin... I'm getting close..."
The pace was also driving the dwarf king to near insanity, the slow build was starting to make him ache for even more than what was already happening.
When she wrapped her legs around his waist and lifted her hips in time with his thusts he wasnt sure how long he would last. The tightning coil of pleasure was rising in his loins and was nearly ready to break free.

Her nearly despret voice brought him even closer to the edge, the panting tones washing over him in the way she said his name.

"as am I. cum with me Am'liia"

Kissing his intended deeply Thorin thrust himself deeply into her, the rythemic pulsing of her inner muscles as she climaxed driving him over the edge into his own orgasm. Groaning against her lips as he released his seed into her body the king slowly kept thrusting, panting softly as the waves of bliss began to fade.
She cried out as she came, his lips muffling her moans of his name. Am'lia could feel his seed being released inside of her and his slow thrusting extended her orgasm longer than it had been before. By the end of their orgasms, both were panting softly. Am'lia stared up at her king, looking into his eyes and her cheeks were tinged pink. Somewhere in the back of the pleasure induced haze of her brain, Am'lia could hardly believe that all of this actually happened. She had just had a passionate bout of coitus with her intended, not that she was complaining.

She had never felt so much pleasure and she was quite sure if she would be able to move. Am'lia was completely sated yet at the same time she wanted more. She couldn't get enough of her dwarf king. Smiling gently, she pulled him into another kiss. Though this one was different. It wasn't the bruising, passionate kisses that they had shared during their love-making. This one was slow, deliberate, and showed the desire she still felt for him as well as her contentment at their activities.
The king under the mountain was utterly sated for the first time in many years. The ravished look and deliberate kiss that his fairy gave him indicated that she was to. Smirking he continued the kiss she had initiated, rolling over and pulling her into his arms once more. If tonight was any indication, they would have a healthy sex life indeed. And he didnt mind that thought one bit.

Pulling a sheet over the both of them to cover their nakedness from certain nephews of his that had a habit of not knocking, Thorin settled down with his intended in his arms. A large yawn clawed its way out of his throat and he chuckled to himself slightly. Now was the time for rest, he was content.
Am'lia smiled gently as her king yawned and tugged her close to him. She couldn't help but agree, it was time to sleep. Settling down, she laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She knew she would miss those she knew in the Shire and in Rivendell, but she was sure she wold be allowed to see them again. Her king was kind to her; she knew she had been lucky and she couldn't ask for more.
A smile came to Am'lia's lips as she fell asleep, feeling safe and almost happy in the arms of her intended. Before she fell asleep she whispered.

"Good night my king, rest well."

Perhaps this won't be so bad.
The next day dawned, though it was still dark in the mountain because of the lack of windows. The dwarf king was cuddling his soon to be bride anabashadly, smiling gently at her was he watched her sleep away the early morning hours.

He was comfortable and didnt want to move but alas the duties of a king never are truly over. Sighing softly Thorin pulled himself out of the bed, slipping quietly into the bathroom to bathe for the day.
Am'lia woke shortly after the warmth from her king faded with his absence. She sat up and stretched, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She slipped out of bed and almost fell to the floor, the unexpected pain from the previous night's activities caught her off guard. She bit her lip and pulled on the robe she found in the closet. She walked over to the bathroom and on her way she noticed his boots were gone.

He must have already left to go about his duties as king under the mountain, so Am'lia was going to use this chance to relax and rest then she could be ready for any near future encounters.
The day passed quickly and yet too slowly for Thorin, he wanted to give his soon to be bride time to relax but he also wanted to be near her as soon as possible. When the end of the day finnaly came the dwarf king hurried to his rooms, eagerly pushing the door open so that he could relax with his fairy. He knew he probibly didnt look his best, but hopefully she wouldnt mind too much.

casting his gaze around the room to locate Am'lia he spotted her curled in a chair reading. She looked utterly irresistable but he knew that he had to behave himself for a few hours before anything happend agian.
Am'lia glanced up as the door opened, smiling as she saw her soon to be husband. Standing, she walked over and shyly kissed him on the cheek. She took his hand and led him over to the chair.

"Hello my King. There is a bath waiting for you if you'd like it. I can call for dinner while you bathe as well. Also. I have a present for you."

By this point the soreness from the previous night was gone and she was more than ready for the next round. But, not wanting to seem overly eager, Am'lia opted to make sure her king had everything he wanted first and avoided the subject. Hence the bath and dinner.
Thorin alowed himself to be pulled over to a chair, keeping his grasp on his intendeds hand so that she couldnt move away. Kissing the back of it softly he listned to her nervous ramble. Tugging her down into his lap the dwarf king chuckled softly, kissing her to get her to quiet for a moment.

"there now. No need to be so nervous. Im not going to fly away you know. and while dinner and a bath does sound nice, dinner after ive had a bath with you sounds even better"

Nuzzling Am'lia's neck gently Thorin nipped at the soft skin, running his hands over her back encouragingly.
Am'lia blushed and let out a soft mew at his lips against her neck. She allowed herself to relax into his arms and lay her head on his shoulder. Smiling gently and kissing his pulse lightly, Am'lia looked up at her king.

"A bath with you sounds nice."

She said before gently pressing her lips to his, letting out a soft purr of satisfaction. She liked being close to her king, she felt safe there. Reluctantly, Am'lia slid out of his arms and stood up, taking his hand again and pulling him towards the bathroom.

"We don't want the water to get cold."

She winked at him and smiled. Of course it wouldn't get cold, she could easily keep it at a comfortable temperature with her powers over fire and water. Being a twice fairy had it's perks.
Thorin chuckled, he knew that she was teasing him someway or the other. All he was really interested in was getting a relaxing bath with his soon to be mate.

"i thought your fire control would alow you to heat the water to whatever you wanted. was i over estimating your skill?"

He teased right back, for the king of the dwarves gave as good as he got after all. Scooping up his light bride to be Thorin carried her into the spacious bathroom, setting her down near the tub while he stripped.
Am'lia stripped as well, glancing at her king as she disrobed. Somehow she was more nervous about being naked now in front of him than when they made love last night. She climbed into the bath tub while she waited for him.

"Of course you weren't. I can easily make it warmer."

She smiled at him to hide her blush, holding out her hand invitingly. Grabbing the bar of lightly scented soap next to her, Am'lia lathered up her hands with the soap so she could wash her king.
Smiling gently at her, Thorin joined his fairy in the tub. He was excited to be able to see her fully in good lighting, he had no doubt that she was a beauty beyond compare.

Settling next to her in the bath the king wet his upper body so that Am'lia could wash him, anticipating the soft touches of her hands. While she was washing him his mind couldnt help but wander back to the very satisfying night that they had shared, and wonder if she had enjoyed it as much. Perhaps enough to try it agian soon?

With a slight start Thorin realized he had let his thoughts dwell on such things long enough that he had become slightly aroused and he blushed heavily. Hoping that his mate wouldnt notice his increasing problem, it was rather embaressing after all and he didnt want to make her feel pressured in any way. But how did one hide an erection from ones soon to be mate when both of you were in a tub togather?
Of course Am'lia noticed her mate's growing arousal, his heart rate had picked up slightly and his pupils had dilated. Smirking slightly to herself, Am'lia let her touches get lighter and more sensual. She slowly ran her soapy fingers down his chest, fingertips curling slightly to tease his nipples as her hands passed. Moving behind him so she could wash his back, she moved her hands from his shoulders down on his spine, placing barely-there kisses to the back of his neck.

"Is something wrong my king? You seem tense. Perhaps I should give you a back massage?"

Am'lia leaned forward to nip the bottom of his ear, her hands sliding to his stomach.

"Or... perhaps you would like a front massage."

She smirked and quickly moved back to his front, straddling his hips, his erection pressing against her lower lips. Am'lia wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing along his collarbone.

"Don't hide your need from me. I am here for your satisfaction am I not?"
The little minx, she knew about his problem. But instead of shying away like Thorin was worried she would, she instead teased him with light touches and seductive words. When her hands slipped down to his stomach he barely held in a groan of frustration, placing his hands on her hips and rubbing circles into the soft skin when she settled in his lap.

"It seems youve found me out. You may be here for my satisfaction, but thats not the only thing your here for you know."

Thorin tilted Am'lia's chin up, kissing her softly and using a thumb to slowly rub her clit.
Am'lia moaned softly against his lips, kissing back. She pressed herself closer to him, her breasts against his chest. She loved the way her soft skin molded to his perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle.

"Oh? And what else am I here for?"

She said as she kissed down his neck after reluctantly breaking their kiss. Am'lia was teasing him, knowing that if she didn't he wouldn't get past his worry of offending her. She wanted him as much as he wanted her and she pressed her hips to his to prove that.
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