Name from a list-Bride for a King (trisscarxabbylocke)


Mar 20, 2013
Thorin Oakenshield king under the mountain was most certainly Not nervous. The line of Durin did not get nervous, certainly not over such a small thing as the impending arrival of his arranged marriage bride. Such a tiny, isignifigant thing to be so worked up over, yet the thought of the caravan winding its way to his mountain at that very moment sent a team of acrobatic butterflies into coniptions inside his stomach. His bride had been chosen as a name from a list. Of course the list included lineage and a lovely recent picture of the being he would soon be wed to, but still the fact that in two weeks after her arrival he would be marrying such a delicate creature such as the fairy woman astounded him. For durins sake he might break the little thing the moment he tried anything remotley rough with their lovemaking. Sighing heavily Thorin forced himself to stop pacing and regain his regal and aloof air, composing his mental state into something more managable. He would handle that mile stone when they came to it. After all he had two weeks to speak to his bride before their wedding night. Hopefully fairy's wernt as flimsy as they looked. Otherwise the dwarven king was doomed to spend the rest of his life servicing his own sexual needs himself. That prospect didnt exactly make the king happy in the slightest. The horns that blew each time someone of importance entered the mountain sounded loud in the halls and instantly Thorin's back straightend like a ramrod. She was here. Sitting himself down on his throne and ruthelssly pushing the nervous thoughts aside the king under the mountain forced his face into cool passivity. He was ready to meet his matter how young and foolish he felt on the inside.
Nervousness bubbled up inside Am'lia as she looked up at the lonely mountain, Erebor, the realm of King Thorin. She swallowed heavily as her pony was led into the mountain gates, her anxiety only growing at the ornate, overly large doors.

Maybe they're compensating for something...?

After all, why would dwarves need 50 foot high doors? She let out a soft sight as she dismounted from her pony. The lack of wind from being inside gave her a moment to adjust her long, currently blue, hair. Am'lia almost groaned outloud when she felt her wind-blown hair partially coming out of the braided updo she had spent an hour doing earlier. Glancing at the dwarf Balin, her escort, a pleading look in her eyes, she silently begged for an hour to make herself not look so... travel-worn.

Balin smiled gently at the girl, sympathy rising in his chest at her predicament.

"All I can give you is a few minutes to change and refresh yourself lassie. King Thorin is waiting for you."

Am'lia however, was relieved by the delay. She wanted to make a good impression on her soon-to-be husband. As much as she disliked the situation, she knew that it was her only choice. While Balin led her to her temporary room, she allowed herself to study her surroundings. Everything was large and ornate, overly large.

Once she was in her room, Am'lia quickly rid herself from her travel clothes. She quickly washed the dust of the road off using a towel she had found in the bathroom. Pulling out her favorite blue dress, she quickly pulled it on, along with a pair of sheer blue tights. Looking in the mirror, Am'lia sighed and began to pull out the pins that held her hair up. She wouldn't have time to save the updo so she freed her hair of the braids and kept it loose. She opened the door to find Balin patiently waiting for her before he led her off to meet her new king.
Thorin could barely stop his foot from tapping out an agitated rythem against the cold rock floor beneath his feet as he waited for his bride to apear. The wondering when she would show and what she would be like was starting to drive him insane. Fiddling with one of the ornate braids that decorated his hair, Thorin shifted on his throne for what seemed the hundreth time that long waiting period.

At least he looked presentable. The long heavy fur lined blue and silver royal robes drug at his body though they looked magnificent with all the gems and metal woven in stratigec places. He was more used to the lighter but no less impressive daily clothes he wore, though they also had a fur collar on the heavy coat that went with it. His crown weighed even more heavy on his brow, he rarely ever wore the blasted thing. we certainly wouldnt be wearing it now if Balin hadnt insisted.

The creaking of the large doors wrenched the kings thoughts back to the moment, his eyes imediatly being caught by the luminessent sparkling of the fairy wings that adorned her back. A wash of ranging blue tones cloaked her slim form and well as her hair, her eyes were wide and doe like and her skin pale and soft looking. He was hopelessly lost. Never had he seen such a beautiful fragile looking creature. Desire lashed him suddenly as he gazed apon his soon to be bride, and Thorin swallowed thickly. He was unsure if he could make it the two weeks until the wedding to claim the utterly ravashible being.

Standing as Balin and his fairy arrived infront of his throne the king decided to look as impressive as possible, after all first impressions were important. He waited until Balin was done introducing the fairy (whos name was Am'lia) the not muddled part of his brain helpfully supplied then he decended the steps and took her hand, bowing over it and lightly brushing the silk soft skin with his lips in a welcome.

"greetings Am'lia. I am Thorin king under the mountain and i welcome you to your new home."
Am'lia fidgeted with the hem of her dress as she waited for the doors to open to the throne room. Her nerves weren't helped by the countless stares and whispers she had recieved from the dwarves she had passed on her way to there. Aparently when you were about to become the consort of a king, it was acceptable to stare like little children seeing fireworks for the first time. She couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought. She mused that she was a sort of shiny, new play thing in the eyes of the dwarves. It probably didn't help that her wings glittered like blue and red diamonds. She stopped her fidgeting as soon as the doors began to swing open and she was led forward. Am'lia raised her eyes and what she saw took her breath away.

She knew she was staring at him but she couldn't help it. King Thorin was extremely attractive, from his long black hair to his bright blue eyes. He was unlike any of the dwarves she had seen before. His fur lined robes and crown proudly proclaimed that he was a king. Not that he needed those. The regal air about him, cast from his appearance, said that enough.

Am'lia followed Balin forward until she stopped in front of the dias that he was standing on. A blush adorned her cheek as King Thorin came and kissed the back of her hand. The gentle touch was a strange contrast to his strong, noble features. In the back of her mind, a stray, wicked thought sounded, wondering what this king would be like in bed. Am'lia forced that thought of her mind quickly, it would not do to think on those matters if she was going to make it through the next to weeks. Instead, she opted it would be best to answer her king before he questioned her intelligence.

"Greetings King Thorin, I feel most welcome."

Am'lia's voice came out quieter than she would have liked but it didn't waver to betray her wandering thoughts. She smiled and bowed her head to him. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad.
Thorin would be lying if he said that he didnt feel a small thrill of satisfaction from the realization that his intended couldnt take her eyes off him. Loathe as he was to release the small, soft hand that he held in his own large and roughly calloused one he had to for the sake of propriety. For now. He fully intended on exploring each inch of his lovely to be bride soon enough. He was unsure how much of his emotions leaked into his eyes, but he hoped they wernt to scandelous for his dainty lady to handle.

"There has been a great feast and party organized in your honor Am'lia. Shall we go and begin it?"

Offering his arm to the slim fairy the king ignored the joyfull noise that erupted because of his statement. The kingdom had been looking forward to this party for some time now after all.
Am'lia allowed her king to take her arm in his, a smile playing at her lips.

"I am most honored my king. I will gladly accept it."

She followed him out of the throne room into the gathering hall. Long tables were set on three sides, the middle left open for entertainment. The tall ceilings glittered in the light, looking closer, Am'lia saw that the ceiling was studded with gem stones.
Thorin brought her to the head of the table where their seats were. His at the center and hers on his right. Food was quickly filling up the spaces on the table, as well as large glasses of ale and bottles of fine wine. Am'lia let her, much smaller glass, be filled with the wine. She made a note that the single glass was all she could allow herself. She didn't handle alcohol well and it could be very bad if she allowed herself to become intoxicated and have herself do something... undignified like throwing herself onto Thorin.
The party had been going in full swing for some hours before the king decided that it was time for his intended and himself to retire. He had forced himself to sit passivly beside the alluring creature during the feast and the games, constantly made aware of her simply by the infurriatingly desirable woman moving her head. The heady, inviting sent that crashed over the dwarf king when the hair shifted from side to side with her movments was nearly maddning to endure.

when he stood the hall didnt quiet, it was a dwarf party after all. the king and his consort were expected to dissapere during it. Offering his hand to his soon to be bride Thorin lead her from the noisy hall, head pleasently abuzz with the sparse drink he had indulged in and his stomach sated on the good food. Now all he needed was a passionate night of satisfying sex and he would be utterly content. But alas the chances of that happening were remote. After all fairies were renowned for thier pruddish ways and uptight traditions. There would be no sexual encounter for the king that night.

Nor any night until they were wed. And then he sadly predicted that the consumation would be one of the only rare times that he would get to induldge in his fairy's soft skin and slender frame. Sighing softly he pushed the heavy carved door to his room open and lead her in, resiging himself to the fact that he would more oftan than not be sleeping beside his wife instead of tangled togather in a passionate and heated embrace.
Am'lia had tried, without much success, to keep her alcohol consumption to a minimum. Luckily for her she could still walk straight and think straight, somewhat. Her inhibitions were lowered enough that if she did not return to her own room quickly she would not be a virgin when she woke up the next morning. After all, even though most fairies were prudish, fire elemented fairies tended to be more passionate.

The first thing she noted as Thorin led her off was that they were not going in the direction of the room she had been brought to earlier. She couldn't help the slight frown that came to her lips when she spotted her bags underneath a bench, empty. Her belongings had already been unpacked. She looked around, trying to avoid the unavoidably large bed at one end of the bedroom.

They are definitely compensating for something...

Am'lia let out a soft sigh and went to the dresser, relieved that the first drawer she opened was her night clothes. Casting a quick glance at King Thorin, who was still standing behind her, she wondered where she should change. She bit her lip nervously, suddenly feeling shy at being left alone with her handsome intended for the first time.
Standing behing his soon to be bride Thorin realized with a slight start that he had been staring at her fetching form while she gazed at him with her doe like eyes with her night clothes clasped in her small hands.
When he realized that he also had not moved to start undressing the king gave into the desire to blush just a little bit.

Removing the heavy crown and robe he placed them in thier proper places, kicking off his boots into some obscure corner of the room.
Unbuttoning the first of the many layers that he was forced to don for the more obnoxiously politcal part of being a king Thorin was acutley aware of his intended staring at him.
when he was only clothed in a thin linen shirt and his breaches did the king think to remember that he was only three items away from being naked infront of his fairy. Remembering the prudish ways of his intendeds kind Thorin groaned softly at his own stupidity. he had probbily scandilized the poor thing juging by the shocked look on her face.

Sighing softly the dwarf simply went over to the large plush bed and colapsed on it, picking up a book to read for a short time so Am'lia could ready herself for rest also. A niggling thought in the back of his mind prodded at Thorin that maybe remaining so silent wasnt the best thing to do but for the life of him he couldnt remember why.
Am'lia swallowed slightly and, with another glance at King Thorin, quickly started undressing. Her cheeks were bright red when she finally pulled on her nightgown she sighed with relief. Her first obstacle was covered, now she simply had to make it through the night sleeping next to her completely arousing intended.

After brushing out her hair, Am'lia quietly walked over to the other side of the bed. She frowned slightly when she noticed her king was still partially dressed. Her frown turned into a slight smile when she realized why. He was worried about offending like he would if she had been a different kind of fairy.

"Do you normally sleep in so much clothing my king? I do not wish to be uncomfortable for my sake."

Her words were steady and showed no sign of her conflicting emotions. She didn't want to do anything undignified but she didn't want to resist her very attractive king either.
To say that Thorin was surprised that his soon to be bride had given him permission to undress more for comfortable sleep would be an understatement of rather large proportions. Shrugging slightly he simply stripped of his shirt and breeches, now only clad in his smallclothes. Stretching out to relieve the tension in his sholders the king let out a small sigh of relief. The room was warm with the fire blazing and if he had been forced to sleep with so much on he surley would have died of dehydration by morning.

Casting his gaze over at his fairy bride the dwarf smirked at her red cheeks, debating whether or not to fully undress as he normaly would to test her courage.

"i hope this isnt too much for your sensibilities to handle Am'lia. your consideration of my comfort is appriciated."

Lacing his voice with a deep timbre Thorin put extra emphasis on his intendeds name to see what sort of reaction he would get from her. He knew that she was attracted to him at least a little bit, though he was unsure how far he could push before he got slapped or she fainted.
Am'lia couldn't help the slight shiver that Thorin's voice sent down her spine. She tried to tell herself that it was from the cold but she knew that wasn't true. Laying down beside her intended, Am'lia didn't bother pulling up the blankets.

"You should not be uncomfortable King Thorin. Sleep as you usually do, you are my intended after all. Besides, fairies that control fire like myself aren't quite as reserved as our kin."

Stretching out slightly, Am'lia stared at the ceiling waiting for herself to become tired as she normally did when she was this comfortable. She didn't. The reaction her body had to his voice and his lack of clothing made her more alert than she should be. She wanted nothing more than to throw herself at the king lying beside her and coax him to take her.

Am'lia however, did not know much about dwarven culture when it came to the issue of coitus. She had not had a lot of experience around dwarves growing up and the trip to Erebor was the longest amount of time that she had spent with any one dwarf. Am'lia couldn't decide what she should do and while she debated she shifted to get more comfortable in the heat that filled the room. One of her legs was bent at the knee and her arm thrown over her head in an attempt to cool off a bit, but also unknowingly, trying to entice her king to come closer.
A large satisfied smirk broke out on the king under the mountains face as he heard his intended tell him that fire fairy's were not as prudish as most. This could be interesting indeed. Settling down the dwarf made sure to flex his muscles, making his chiseled body move enticingly on the bed covers in his own form of invitation.

"i do not think you could handle the way i normaly sleep."

Openly staring at the highly attractive form of his soon to be bride the dwarven king could barely restrain himself from reaching over and pulling the soft little fairy against him and not letting her move again the whole night. Before he fully realized what he was doing the dwarf had indeed reached out and drew Am'lia into his arms, tucking her against his warmer than most body and wrapping one limb around her waist to prevent her escape.
Gasping softly as she was rather suddenly pulled against the king's side, Am'lia looked up at him, her cheeks turning a light pink again as she saw the desire in his eyes. Am'lia turned so she was facing him, his bare muscled chest pressing against her silk clad breasts. She gently kissed his neck, smirking at the slight shiver she drew from him.

"Do you want something my king?"

She could feel the beginning of his arousal pressing against her thigh and causing her blush to deepen. He obviously wanted her as much as she wanted him. Am'lia bit her lip nervously as she began to wonder what dwarf culture had to say on this matter. She certainly didn't want to start something they couldn't continue.

"If we... continue... will that be alright? I do not want people talking badly about you simply because I could not control myself."
Thorin smirked slightly at the bright pink that his intended let out at his actions, she was obviously not experianced with anything like this. The thought simply fueled his desire for her, his semi hard shaft rising to its full majestic length beneath the thin material of his linen small clothes.

"I actually got a few remarks that stated that many were suprised that we didnt dissapere soon after the first course. In dwarven culture it is encouraged for a healthy sex life to begin quickly after the courting is done. So no. me ravashing you long into the night will not be frowned apon. In fact i think it would relieve a few of my staff that i am releasing some stress. Besides, even if it were frowned apon i would still want to. The only reason you are not writhing beneath me in extasy right now is because i didnt want to offend you in any way with my uncouth dwarven ways."
She gasped softly as his arousal grew and pressed against her thigh even more. Swallowing and trying not to squirm, she listened quietly as he explained that it was perfectly normal that to have sex. His words made her smirk more, kissing his neck again.

"So... In other words. You've been stalling because you're worried you'll offend me."

Am'lia smiled and pressed closer to him, moving to kiss him on the lips. She pushed him back onto his back and kissed him again, moving to straddle his hips.

"If a healthy sex life is encouraged then I want to have an extremely healthy sex life. After all, fire fairies are very passionate."
Thorin smiled slightly as he felt her soft lips against his neck, the sent and feel of her body so close to his made him want to take her even more.


When his fiesty little fairy pushed him on his back and straddled his hips the dwarf king was quite surprised. He had not been expecting her to be so forward when he gave her permission. He liked it.

"a very healthy sex life sounds very good to me."

Gripping her hips, Thorin smoothed fingers along the soft silk covering her thighs. He was truly looking forward to this. Tugging her down to him Thorin kissed her deeply, tangling his fingers in her soft hair.
Am'lia let out a soft mewl of pleasure as she was pulled against him. His chisled body seemed to fit perfectly with hers. She smiled and kissed him back, running her fingers through his hair. She pulled him closer and slid her hands down his chest, mapping out his shoulders and chest.

"My king... Please don't stall. I want you as much as you want me."

Am'lia's voice was almost desperate as she pressed her hips to his. She kissed down his neck, trying not to giggle at the feel of his beard on her skin.
Thorin smirked, pinning Am'lia beneath him suddenly. Caging her in his arms the dwarf kissed down her neck, nipping at her pulse fiercly.

"Good. I plan to ravish you utterly tongight."

Ripping off the meager silk covering hiding her body from view the king admired the pale flawless skin that was bared to his view. Slowly stroking along Am'lia's thighs and sides, leaning down and kissing along the soft swell of her breasts.
Another mewl of pleasure escaped Am'lia's lips as her king kissed across her breasts. The feeling of being trapped underneath him sent shivers of delight traveling down her spine. She squirmed slightly as he ran his hands over her thighs, causing her to spread them for him. Moaning softly as his lips traveled over a nipple, her hands fisted in the sheets before being drawn back to his shoulders.

She pulled him close and kissed him again, pouring all of her pent up desire and attraction from the day into the kiss. The feeling of his lips against hers made her, if possible, even more aroused.
The delightful sounds that his actions were having spurred the dwarf king on, fueling his desire. But no matter how close he was to loosing control and simply taking the fairy beneath him he would be a gentle dwarf and take her into consideration as well.

"How much...intensity can you handle?"

His voice was rough and low, his beard scrapping along the soft skin of her belly as he spoke. Nipping along the vunerable flesh Thorin took the time that Am'lia was using to formulate an answer to inspect her damp core, sliding his swored calloused fingers over the downy nether lips with an almost revrent touch. Non of the dwarven wemon were so soft and delicate, he almost feared breaking her if he was not carefull.
"I'm not going to break my king... I can handle you. Trust me."

She smiled up at him, happy that he was concerned for her safety and pleasure. Her wings were folded against her back so they wouldn't be squished weirdly from their love-making. She gasped as his fingers slid over her entrance in a barely there touch.

"Don't tease me my King..."

She moved her hips up slightly, blushing slightly but wanting him to continue. Am'lia wanted him to simply take her but she knew that she should be prepared for his length. He was larger than even most elves. That thought caused her to blush more.
He was abit skeptical about how much force the fairy could reall take, but he was confident that she would tell him if he was hurting her. For now he planned to lavish the enticing core of his fairy with all of his attention and bring her higher on pleasure than the peak of erebor itself.

"i have not yet begun to tease you. You would know if i did for you would be begging for my mercy from the simplest of touches."

Lifting her hips the king gently spread the downy folds of her sex, exposing the soft, damp flesh that he eagerly awaited to be able to plunder with both his mouth and his cock. His mate wouldnt know how her own name by the end of this night. Dipping his head down Thorin swiped his tounge over her weeping entrance, lapping up the necter that she was leaking and groaned softly at the taste. It was addicting. Digging his fingers firmly into her hips the king began to lick long slow firm stripes from the bottom of the twitching slit up to teasingly flick the small hidden bud at the top of her folds with his tounge, loving each gasp and wimper that he drew from her. He wanted to hear her scream his name to tell all those audacious enough to listen that she was His. Dwarves are quite possesive after all. Especialy the ones in the line of Durin that held a particular brand of majesticness and a jealous streak and long as the green wood.
The feel of his tongue against her lips cause Am'lia's head to fall back as she moaned from pleasure. Her hands fisted into the silk sheets and she bit her lip to keep herself from being to loud. She had a feeling that she would be a screamer and she didn't want to upset her king or anyone else that might hear. The possibility of someone hearing their activities caused her to blush heavily.

The heat of the room only added to the heat she felt from her pleasure. Of course the alcohol she had consumed earlier wasn't helping either. Am'lia gave a little, impatient, buck of her hips as his tongue ran over her clit, causing her to moan again at the increase of pleasure. She was completely helpless before her king yet, at the same time, she could tell how much King Thorin was enjoying himself and she couldn't help the flare in her ego. Her toes flexed from the pleasure of his mouth finding her clit again and he gave it a light nip that caused her to cry out softly.
The soft moans that Thorin caught falling from his intendeds lips told him that he was doing a fair job, but he wasnt satisfied with that. He wanted her to not hold back with the melodious sounds that were coming from her kiss swollen lips.

When she bucked her hips up to meet his mouth a satisfied smirk curled the kings lips and he pulled one hand free from its perch at her hip to tease the fluttering entrance while he focused on the little nub that made her make such delightfull noises. Giving her clit a little experimental nip Thorin relished the surprised cry that it garnered, prompting him to gently take the nub in his teeth and gently pull at it. Circling the now dripping entrance with one of his thick calloused fingers the dwarf king slowly let just the tip intrude into her virgen depths, the soft groan he let out at the feel of the heat and soft slickness inside her reverberating through her captive clit.

Removing his mouth from her core Thorin found an ideal spot on the creamy smooth skin of her inner thigh to latch onto with his teeth, soothing the bite with gentle licks and lifting his head to admire the mark he had made. Soon enough she would have them displayed on her in both places that only He would see...and a few that others could as well.

"Dont stay quiet. I want to hear you. I want the whole of my mountain to hear your pleasure so that everyone knows it is Me who makes you sound so."
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