RE: In My Eyes [Coraline
Thomas pulled her into a kiss, it was quick, and fast, and just a touch of the lips as he said looking her in the eyes, "Live, that's what I want, what your here for, is to LIVE!"
Looking at her he hugged her again almost painfully tight, "I'd one to tell you it's easy that it's perfect the one day you'll blink and everything you've ever wanted will be their and everything will be perfect but that's a lie."
He took Coraline's hand, putting it on a scar that stood out on the bend of his elbow he said into Coraline's ear "This was the first place my mother injected me with her drugs, she was tired fo my screaming, so she injected me with a mi of heron and cocaine sheer dumb luck was al tht kept me from dying in the cradle that day, this."
He put Coraline's hand on his stomach, she'd feel the jagged scar "I was so desperate for food when I was 13 I tried stealing from a homeless guy, he chased me and drew a knife, tried to stab me it was a 2 day old sub sandwich."
Looking at her eyes he said, "Life isn't easy, life isn't fair, life sucks and then you die, and any happiness you get you have to carve from the hate, and anger the word has."
Sitting down he said, "But you have to choose Coraline, do you give up, or do you fight, and if you fight long enough, you realize you need help, and everyone in this house their all you've got, at the end of the day your mother, your sister they are the only people in this world who give a damn if you live or die, you may have some friend too, but still what five people MAYBE that care for you and 46 billion who don't give a fuck, Coraline those odds aren't good."
Looking at her he said "But, a strong group a strong family can weather those odd, like a boat in a storm. I'm dying Coraline 6 months to live, I could have grabbed my shit gone to Haiti or on a cruise I could do anything I wanted but I stayed for YOU for your old man because I know how you end up Coraline you end up alone in a two room house no friends no family going out and drinking yourself stupid every night so you can get a few hours of sleep to make the voices stop."
Making sure the woman was looking him in the eyes he said "I'm giving you y last six months, love me or hate me, save me or damn me you WILL learn some things over that time, and by the end of it, you three will love each other."
Hugging her so tight their would be bruises he said "Your here to live itte one never doubt that because at the end of the day, that's all you can do."
He knew Little One was her father's nick name for her It was a sort of secret, because she'd always been so small. It told exactly how much Coraline's father had told the other an about her life.