RE: In My Eyes [Coraline
Pierce walked with her, when they reached the base, Thomas's voice could be heard, "Where is this new Alliance taking place tell me and I won't have to get rough."
A vice with a Spanish accent replied, "Fuck you Gringo, everybody knows your a has been bitch, don't' have the balls to stick around cause you killed some kid, I ain't scared of you."
The screams that followed were accent free. But the door must have been closed because they quickly grew quieter. Pierce looked up slowly, he could tell the woman was sightly disturbed by what was going on. Sighing a bit he said, "The Devil's saved my life, ya know that?"
He removed his hat and ran it through his hair. Putting the hat back on he said "My Moms was a religious woman, every Sunday she'd take us down to help at the homeless shelter, said "god gave us gits doesn't mean we should expect them.", she got cancer when I was fourteen and my brother was sixteen."
Pierce continued his story, "Cancer treatments made our family's budget crash, Moms couldn't get out of bed, you know what two kids working around school hours make, take out food for a family of three and bills, all too often we were forced to eat at the shelter we'd volunteered at before."
Pierce sighed "We were poor, and we knew it. My brother was a good car booster, but the Rollers didn't like him cause he was a Negro, caught hi boosting a car in their turf, broke eight of his ribs and both his arms and legs, we were done."
Pierce'd voice was thick with emotion, "Then the Devil's came in, recruited my brother they needed car Boosters ones who weren't scared of the Rollers, paid his hospital bills paid for my mom's bills. They always ALWAYS came for him or me, Johnny, Thomas they became like second brothers for me."
Sighing he said, "My Mom's living in a nice house in Florida now, not too big, but not small this gang let me give her that. It let me become the kind of man I can be proud of as long as I put a few grand in the collection plate on Sunday. My Mom's alive because of them, my brother's dead arguably because of them, life's all about balance."
Pierce sighed, as he said, "Thomas, Johnny, Lin, Marko, Max, and Amber, they were the first devil's reject they were gutter trash shit nobody would pick up off of the streets. The rest are dead expect for Thomas now he feels like we're his kids, and we are his responsibility. I'll never forget how he showed up on my door step, he hugged me and just kept saying sorry, my brother was dead, I knew it might happen but Thomas he seemed broken inside."
Pierce sighed again as he said, "He doesn't understand me Viola Veola, Oaf, Kenzie, Shandi, we owe our lives to The Devil's, he wants to leave he can do it anytime he's served his tour, he needs to get out of this before."
Thomas's chuckled came from upstairs "Before I break before I go Johnny and become just a little bit too addicted to the feeling of an iron in my hand and watching people die?"
Thomas laughed humorlessly, "I wish I could Pierce, but I'd be leaving you all to die. Kenzie can barely fire a .45, you spray and pray, Olaf prefer a hammer to a gun, Ve and Vi, they still hesitate, Lin didn't have the stomach for this then and she doesn't now. He shook his head as he tossed bloody late gloves into the trash can saying "I joined the military remember, made friends with the right people to pick up the right skills I guess subconsciously I realized I'd be damned to live or die in thee streets."
The man blushed a bit, as Olaf ever articulate said "What about Xiang your wives, are you really going to put the through another war comrade?"
Thomas sighed, "A valid point but they'd never be safe, until every enemy the Devils have is broken, burning and mourning my family wont' be safe, and so if I have to kill every man woman and child in this god forsaken city until the fucking roads run red with blood, until the heavens themselves weep and the gates of hell are so overly full the damned walks the streets I will, for my son for my daughter, for my wives and for Xiang and god hep ANYONE who gets in my way."