RE: In My Eyes [Coraline
Thomas sighed, "I don't like kisses, I said that, I told you that, do you want to now why."
Thomas moved over into the light, showing her a pair of swatika's craved just below his shoulder blades with what had to have been razors. Sighing he said, "One night after a fight, a hottie came up to me she kissed me on the mouth and unkown to me, she'd put a powerful muscle relaxant in her mouth when she kissed me she transferred the drug ti my mouth where it was rapidly absorbed."
Thomas sighed, "So she tortured me for three day, most of the wounds and markings have been lost, either too a bow torch interrogation during the gang wars, or my own carving them out, but those two, if I try to cut the skin off, it may seriously effect my shoulders thus they've remained."
Relaxing against the bed he said, "Every time someone kisses me, it makes me remember the pain as red hot razors were used to cut e open, I know you wouldn't I know Sharon, well she doesn't have the guts to torture me, but it's a nee jerk reaction, and yet you seem to love to kiss me."