The Life of Thieves and Assassins [(A Fire Emblem RP) Yuna & Veinexes's 1x1]

A few quick pants left as she felt her mouth finally guided off and away from his shaft. Her heart pulsed as she looked into the eyes of her mentor. He'd see not only passion but the same complete and absolute devotion that she'd been displaying since Elise had passed Volke's first test so long ago. She pressed her lips firmly against his, moaning lowly but sensually. Even if it wasn't necessary or something Volke hadn't yet asked her to do, she still kept her wrists behind her back. It made her wince as she got shoved on her back though the pain from that was nothing compared to what soon followed.

Her eyes widened as a gasp left at the same time her hymen had. "MMF!" A muffled scream passed as the agonizing sensations overwhelmed her. Her breaths through her nose quickened as she calmed herself and let her body adjust. Once the last bits had faded ... sweet gods the difference in pain and pleasure was incredible. Sneaking in a quick nip upon his lower lip, she thrust her tongue in, Frenching her mentor deeply. Her legs moved off the mattress as they found his waist, wrapping around it and pulling him in deeper. They remained in place, resting gently against his back as her hips began to move up and meet his.
Feeling her legs wrap around, he was amazed by easily she took to this. She was like an animal. The passion at which she displayed seemed like a dam had been busted open within her. He would happily oblige her. He began thrusting forward fully, throwing his weight behind each one. Each thrust was meant to go as far as he could, and each time he pulled out he would leave only the head trying to give her as much pleasure as he could. He leaned down after the kiss to lick at one of her breasts. He continued his rough treatment of her noting how it affected her body.

Elise noted the animal reactions coming from her also ... and it made her as curious as Volke was. Even in fights - no matter whom the opponent had been - she'd never had anything like the adrenaline rush that was surging through her now. Instincts and desires that she'd never known existed were beginning to emerge much like Volke's dominant side. She was almost terrified by the new emotions. With these, she felt like she could keep pleasing her mentor - maybe new Master - and herself until they needed to leave for the mission. An even smaller part of her was trying to tempt and convince her to forget completely of the mission. That, though, she couldn't nor wouldn't do.

She would have to hope for the best ... which in Elise's mind would be something along the lines of her body forcing her to get rest after they were done. Furthermore, she would pray no one found them half-nude and in the same bed together. It'd be quite the explanation to give Ike ... and even though the image was no doubt embarrassing, it made her inwardly chuckle but definitely not aloud.

The rough treatment definitely did it's job and with each harsh but pleasurable shove into her, she could feel her juices coating his shaft more and more. As the kiss broke, her pants and moans became audible once again. "Yes yes .... " As Volke's tongue found her nipple, her head tossed back, her moans becoming longer than they had thus far. "Goddamn so good ... " She murmured, the nub hardening easily from his touch. Keeping her left hand behind her back, her right pulled him a bit closer as she pressed her lips against the side of his neck. She started out with soft kisses ... which turned steadily into rough nips.

Now she wanted to not only hear him moan but see his reactions and get a better idea of how much of his new 'mindset' he'd embraced and accepted. The answers would be easy enough to figure from seeing how he took to her removing an arm from behind her back ... then making a rather aggressive move upon him. And all without consent at that rate.
He continued to go harder and faster into her. Whatever was affecting her was having an effect on him as well. He moaned as she began to nip at the side of his neck. His thrusts increased in speed feeling himself getting closer and closer with each thrust. He had lost himself in the moment, feeling her muscles clamp down upon him as he kept pushing into her, feeling her body giving into his thrusts. Going faster and harder, he felt her hand quickly grasp around him as she nipped at his neck. The sensations were too much for him as he tensed up and thrust forward and came inside her. Each time he spurted, he thrust his hips forward again even if there was nowhere for him to go.

The moans and lack of protest suggested a couple things might be happening. One, Volke was now trying to fight his dominant side, unsure and maybe a bit anxious on what would end up happening. Or two, he had his own subservient side ... which would be intriguing. Then again, it made sense when Elise thought about it; neither of them had truly lost a fight of any kind before and thus neither had known what it was like to lose control. Even in the most grim missions, capture from their enemy had been able to be avoided thus far from either of the assassins ... and now that they'd become official intimate and professional partners, Elise found herself even more grateful. Before this, she knew she could handle an interrogation and likely still could. But if Volke were nearby and involved in the mess ... it made a tremble go down her body. She didn't know if she could keep a strong front ... though she managed to shove the thoughts away for now.

No sense dwelling on mere 'what if's until they actually happened. Which was part of the logic which helped guide her next actions. Tracing her tongue down from the side of his neck it stopped and began to drag along his collarbone, shifting between kissing and nipping at it slowly. The pace increased steadily, trying to time them with his shoves inside her. Her moans began to echo in his ear as he kept pushing deep in her, almost hellbent on trying to bury himself in her it felt like.

Everyone had a trigger of sorts ... and she was going to find the ones for Volke. There was definitely one for his dominant side, he'd already hinted that. More likely than not, he also had one to draw out and prolong his orgasm .... the second and other trigger she was trying to hit. It would be a bonus if she could find the latter .. but Elise certainly wouldn't complain in the long run and she highly doubted Volke would either. Her muscles continued to wrap and caress his shaft, not caring if he was yet done with his climax. Her own was building up and the only thing keeping it from sweeping over herself was Elise's willpower. Otherwise she likely would have came with Volke.
As he felt himself calm down from his release, he breathed heavily looking down at her. He wondered how she would react to what they'd just done. He saw no remorse or hesitation in it though there was something else. Perhaps she was thinking of something else far off. With a smirk, he decided to bring her mind to what was going on. Taking a hand, he took a thumb and pushed it upon her clit hard. He'd had his fun and now it was time for hers. He began having another thought as he took his other hand and moved it below to collect her juices as they came out. Coating a few of his fingers, he takes his ring finger and presses it against her ass lubing around it first before pushing it in. Slowly, he began rotating his hips again, moving in and out of her, giving her sensations from both ends.

If Elise had any doubts on where her own stubborn nature had came from, she was seeing the answer in front of her eyes. It seemed finding either of Volke's triggers was much easier said than done. But she wasn't about to give up. Or she hadn't intended to before she felt his fingers begin to move. A groan left, her teeth barely avoiding biting through his collarbone as her clit got pressed on. The electricity from the touch made her own body damn well nearly give in as she panted and shivered, her eyes closing for a few moments as Elise tried to regain some composure. That chance quickly left though as a move she never would have begun to guess was soon felt.

A gasp left as navy orbs shot wide open, feeling her rear getting lubed. ....Is .... is he serious?! The reply seemed to be answered as she felt his finger dive in and before she could even try to control her volume, a loud scream left as her head tossed back. Her body tensed up again, the mix of both holes getting pleasure being way too much to handle as she came hard, her arms shakily holding Volke close to her.

She gave up with her experiment for now, figuring it'd be better to pick up when there wasn't a mission anyways. Even though it'd only been her second climax, it had taken a lot more out of her. And with ... less than six possible hours of sleep left, she knew it'd probably be best to try to get as much possible. Keeping one hand draped over Volke's back, the other pulled the covers over them, concealing their lower bodies and most of the upper save bits of each of their shoulders. Volke had a few marks ... though those could easily be hidden with his own clothes, especially the trenchcoat.

Her head fell upon the pillow as she continued to pant softly, enjoying the feeling of his shaft buried far inside along with his ring finger. Pressing a deep kiss upon his lips, she finally murmured softly, "I... think you mentioned ... something about rest a while ago and getting ready? Maybe we should actually work on that now, yes?" Another small part of her prayed most of everyone was a heavy sleeper. She wasn't exactly one for showing off ... gods she hoped no one had been awake, nearby, or both to hear her scream of ecstasy.
Withdrawing from her, he smiled down feeling the covers pulled over both of them. "I suppose you're right. We don't want to wear ourselves out and then have people ask what happened. I don't think I'd have any good answers and I don't know if I'd want to tell them the truth." Holding onto her, he pulled the covers to a spot to make himself comfortable making sure not to cover too much since both of them were no doubt overheated from their actions. He nodded to her on the suggestion of getting ready later. "Let's make sure that we're in a good condition. Or at least one where we aren't fawning over ourselves every ten minutes." He gave her another small kiss as he rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him so that she could rest.

A soft chuckle passed her lips. "We'll be lucky enough as it is no one heard the last scream." She gave his shoulder a playful shove as if to silently scold him for making her lose that much control. Her head went upon his chest as she was guided on top of him. Returning the soft kiss with a sigh, she gently traced over the hickeys from her nips. "Those you may want to conceal away better than your own daggers. Just a recommendation." She teased, letting her eyes close. It could easily be tempting to try to sneak one last round in ... but then Elise would seem incredibly hypocritical given she had been the one to remind Volke they needed rest.

Giving his lips another soft kiss, she'd let a simple but powerful phrase echo in his ears before he completely passed out; one she had been holding back for so long. "I love you, Volke ... " She murmured softly, relief and pure bliss overtaking her. The actions could have implied that already ... but she supposed it was more to reassure him she'd been as genuine as he had and the last things she was feeling were regret or remorse. Her chest began to slow with rising and falling and after a few more steady breaths, sleep took her over as she remained upon Volke's body and chest.
Volke held her and nodded, agreeing that they were lucky. But then again, he'd always been someone whom fortune had smiled upon. Though he did agree with her on many of the things she had said, particularly that he should find something to cover himself in case anyone found all those bruises of his. They didn't need to know everything and he'd feel better if they didn't. He couldn't help but let another smile linger while he looked at her. They had both experienced a side of each other that neither had seen or though the other probably would ever see. And he was glad he had shared it with her. Moving a hand up and down her back, he continued to lovingly stroke at her. He had thought of course many times, especially during their coupling, and even while they were just Master and student. But he never thought she'd accept him as Master -- at least in a technical sense. "I love you too." And in that moment he had loved her as much as she adored him.

He glanced at the hickeys she had given him, mentally estimating the severity of them as well as mentally chuckling at the thought of how much he would charge someone to find out how this had occurred. It would probably be well above the normal fee. For now though, he pushed the thoughts aside. It would be something to muse over later, more as a joke than anything as he was sure he'd have to ask her before telling anyone anything about this. Pulling the covers up over the pair, he kissed her forehead again, knowing the silliness of the affectionate gesture. After what they'd just done, he was allowed much more and still held himself to some reservations. Any further and they really might not get ready.

Thanks to his training, when morning came Volke arose hours before many others did. Fixing his suit to cover most of last night's happenings, he rose his collar up higher than usual to hide many of the expertly delivered nips to himself. Though he wouldn't have minded to let her sleep in a little, that would also raise a bit of suspicion and thus reluctantly, he went to shake her. "It's time. This is the real thing. We need to get ready for this." He hoped it didn't annoy her too much. He knew she could be easily agitated. But it was for a job, she'd most likely understand. Strapping a dagger into his belt, he waited for her to stir so they could both go out and receive their missions.

Despite Elise having technically been asleep by the time Volke returned the confession, some part of her subconscious must have heard the words. The last thing Volke would see before he joined her in slumber was her own smile seem to cross not but seconds after he spoke up. Normally, she had nothing that would follow her; no sort of dream, nightmare, or in between. But that one night ... she did have something. A very rare occurrence but thankfully it was a dream. A confusing one ... but compared to any nightmares she could have had instead, it was likely to be more merciful. Some odd voice was beginning to finally explain the marks upon her shoulders; what they were and why they were so important. But the answer never got to be revealed fully to Elise.

Even before Volke shook her, she sat up quickly, panting and clutching at her stomach. Had she just felt that correctly? As a sensation that while foreign to her she knew what it was hit again, she covered her mouth with her left hand. Her right desperately grasped her trenchcoat and pulled it around herself. "Excuse me ... " She murmured in a hushed but very hurried voice. Keeping the cloth held to hide that underneath she was completely nude, Elise ran out... not knowing nor caring if anyone else was awake at this likely ungodly hour.

All she knew was the abrupt urge to puke was not something she wanted to do in front of Volke ... not if she could help it.Then again, with the way she ran out so recklessly and the fact she almost never got ill, he'd likely figure a way to follow. Her hand reached back instinctively to hold her hair ... only to be reminded it wouldn't be needed. She hid behind some trees and bushes not too far away as she began to vomit, groaning weakly. She was confused .... she hadn't eaten something bad, had she? And then, her eyes widened.

"....Oh gods .... " She groaned, a few tears streaming down her face as she gagged again. She'd heard of first-attempt pregnancies but ... no way. That wasn't what this was .... was it? She wasn't sure whether to be scared or happy about the idea. At least the father would be someone she cared about but ... now? If any enemy individual found out of her possible new state and that she was intimate with Volke ... it made her whimper as the puking seemed to get worse from the thoughts.
He watched as she ran out. It was strange since he had never seen her in such a hurry before. However, he thought that this might be because they were becoming closer and would see sides of each other they hadn't seen before and thought nothing of it. Instead, he decided to go meet with Commander Ike and wait for her there. Although she had made the right choice in running off, she hadn't escaped totally unseen. Someone else hadn't been feeling too well either and had run off earlier. The silver-haired girl who they had met up with. Though thinking back to it, they had never been formally introduced. She noticed that she wasn't feeling well and out of concern, she went towards her. "Um ... excuse me. I don't think we've met. My name is Micaiah." She didn't know why but she felt a strange kinship with this girl. It was as if they'd met before but she shook her head, knowing that was impossible.

Low gasps and pants left as the illness seemed to stop for now. Elise was honestly astounded Volke had not shown up. In a way though, she was glad. As a new voice, however, hinted someone had seen her, Elise's heart raced. Navy eyes slowly glanced over to see ... was this the same silver-haired girl Volke said would also need to be escorted along with Ike? Her head bowed politely as she kept her trenchcoat held closed, not wanting to flash the girl with her body. Her head shook no in response to the question.

"No, we haven't. Xersees. Well .... please keep addressing me by that. I know that's obviously not true but .... I'll explain it all to you later. Right now, I'm behind on even being ready to escort you and Ike to Ashera. So .... if you'll excuse me." Giving another polite bow of her head, she somewhat shakily stood up and began heading back into the tent. A low sigh left as she saw Volke not there; go figure. Then again, maybe bringing up the mere possibility would be smarter if they waited anyways. No sense getting him worked up over something that was merely a 'maybe' and not a 'yes' for sure.

Letting her trenchcoat slide off for now, she put the rest of her clothing on; bandages especially. She chuckled lowly, remembering how he'd untied them not long after finished the knot and then began fondling --- wait. She stopped herself from dwelling anymore on last night, lest she get too aroused and give away her guise. Goddamn, this whole thing was getting annoying as hell. It was then she made a silent vow with herself. Maybe ... if by the time I get a confirmation - positive or negative - I can tell the rest of the Mercenaries. They deserve to know .... especially Ike and Soren. Ike for the obvious reason of him leading this entire brigade and she felt horrid on having lied to Soren. It had been him who saved her from that creepy Duke character, after all. The least she could do was give him the truth.

But she wanted to ensure the same sensations were avoided with all here like they had been with the enemies, especially of Begnion. A few seemed eccentric at worst ... but not judgmental. And it made her feel good on the idea of eventually revealling her true name to them later. As she pulled a new non-midriff tunic over herself, the trenchcoat went back over her. She felt the pockets, ensuring all of the daggers were there including the odd crimson one that Volke had tossed her to aid out with the dragon.

And finally, the veil went over her lips. Tying it tightly enough, she then walked out of the tent and towards where Ike was supposed to be; the most likely location where Volke was. Her head bowed lightly to both men and she made sure to get into the mindset of Xersees first before spoeaking up. "Sorry about that. I hope I haven't kept you two waiting too long." Her eyes slowly glanced around, wondering if Micaiah had managed to meet up here or not yet. If not ... she would have to hint to them where they needed to go to find her.
They hadn't yet begun when she arrived. "Good, everyone's here." Ike noted. Not but seconds after 'Xersees' showed up did Micaiah do so also.
"Thanks to everyone's efforts, we've been able to get this far. I'd like to say how grateful I am to each of you for doing this. Especially the soldiers from Daein. You know you didn't have to."

Micaiah shook her head. "No, I'm the one who's sorry. I should have noticed what was going on earlier. I'm just glad that we were able to come to an understanding quickly and avoid this getting even worse. Does anyone else not know what we're doing yet?"

Volke shakes his head. "I already informed him last night along with Bastion."

Micaiah nods and smiles at you both. "I'm glad. It's not very often that everyone is informed of the same things." She looked down for a moment. You couldn't tell what but something felt off. Her normally blue eyes were now red. She looked between everyone before Ike spoke up.

"For everyone who hasn't met yet, this is Yune. She's the Goddess of Chaos in direct opposition to Ashera."

She takes a bow and smiles in your general direction, though you can't tell if she was smiling at you or just in your direction.

The lack of a reply from Ike or Volke suggested that if anything, she had arrived on time. It made a small smile cross her lips behind the veil, relief sweeping over her. She wouldn't want to make a bad impression or herself or worse, Volke. It was difficult to do ... and though she'd managed to avoid doing so thus far, Elise wanted to keep that record if she could help it. Navy orbs went to Micaiah as she showed up soon enough. Her own head bowed politely to her upon getting better introduced.

The real surprise, however, came when her eyes shifted. The lack of a negative reaction from Volke or Ike suggested there would be no need to get concerned ... though the alteration had still been unusual to watch. But her heart raced the most to hear that before her own eyes ... was the other Goddess. Oh dear gods! Can ... can she read my mind?! Does she know who I really am?! Parts of her couldn't help but wonder if, admittedly, she may already know even though it'd be too soon for a normal beorc to detect if she was pregnant or not.

After all, this was a goddess. But still ... appearing nervous would do nothing good. She kept a calm and relatively strong front. If she did have such abilities, Yune would be able to hint that easily. Until then, she wouldn't pry into affairs that weren't for her to know or not. However, this all began to make more sense on why Micaiah needed to come along. The best chance and way to get Ashera to agree to their plea would likely be the other half, per se.

In a way, this did actually make Elise feel better. Maybe this mission wouldn't be as impossible as it had sounded from the get-go. And the belief that everyone - herself and Volke especially - would get out of this alive and well enough was making her feel much more confident on heading out. Now hopefully the illness wouldn't try to show up again during their walk to the Goddess. She gave a nod to Volke, signaling she was ready to head out whenever the others were.
Volke nodded back as the camp began to pick itself up. Most of the people at the front of the camp began to move forward towards the gates, ready to assault the place. But the gates of Begnion city swung open and out walks a very tall man with bright red hair. It cascades down around his neck like a mane and he wears regal clothes. "Hold there friends." He raises a hand to those approaching and smiles at them. Ike is the first to speak up. "Well your Majesty. I didn't expect to find you here."

He smiled back. "I wasn't really expecting to find myself here. But, me and a few friends suddenly had a strange message almost directly into our brains ... like a dream or something we knew we had to do. And now we're here."

Ike nodded, understanding. "Glad to have you along. Since you came out of the city, I'm guessing that it's safe in there?"

The king just laughs. "We were able to take quite a few out. We think the rest are on their way."

"Good, then we won't need to worry about anything until we're at the Tower." Making the motion to continue, the army that had now been gathered moved into the city.

It was just like you remembered it. Beautiful in it's own respects yet when you look out across the cityscape, you see very little life. Statues upon statues of those still frozen in their surprised state as you remember yourself in that lonely space where you could neither hear nor see anything except your own consciousness. Luckily though, it was something you didn't need to gaze on for long as the Tower loomed ahead, the doors swinging open as if to greet you in an ominous fashion.

For a few moments, her hands had tensed and slipped to her sides, ready to unsheathe a dagger. She'd expected soldiers, not quite an ally. Ah well, it was good to be wrong every now and again. Her right hand stayed rested near a dagger though not yet upon it. It would be ... borderline impossible to just waltz through this without some form of conflict. Or maybe that was just her over-thinking once again. Her head lightly shook as she hid herself behind Volke, not wanting anyone else to see. As she listened to the exchange between the king, apparently, and Ike a specific phrase did catch her attention.

This man also had a vision like she her own. It may not necessarily have been about the same thing. But it was feeling less and less like a coincidence. Or ... was that not true? She tried to remember it. Elise distinctly recalled some unknown voice in the midst of revealing her marks upon her shoulders and what they truly were but ... would they be connected with her going to the Tower? She fought another urge to shake her head at herself.

Get a grip! Stay focused ... Exhaling softly, she resumed moving behind Volke and the other Mercenaries as the exchange between the king and Ike finished up. The mental thoughts still did bother her a lot but she would forget of them for now.

A shiver couldn't help but trail down her spine as all the statues caught her eyes. That ... void she had been transferred into was too unnatural for her own tastes. Maybe when this mission was over, she would ask for some sensory deprivation training in case it would ever be needed again for whatever reason. And indeed, she was very grateful to focus on something else. Not to say the doors seeming to automatically open wasn't an unnerving sight ... but it meant they were able to get closer to their goal.

Hopefully, this talk could go as well as possible. Negotiations alone were hard enough. Doing so with a Goddess? She could only begin to imagine that was borderline impossible, especially with one who thoroughly enjoyed chaos.
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