The Life of Thieves and Assassins [(A Fire Emblem RP) Yuna & Veinexes's 1x1]

The dagger plunged forward effortlessly, making it's way past the dragon's scales and into it's body. It let out a valiant roar as she leapt from it before falling forward as she had thought. Volke looked at her and nodded, indicating they should move. He pointed to a nearby patch of brush. "Down there." As soon as they arrived, he looked back seeing the large reptile vanish in a flash of light. Ike and others of the Greil Mercenaries break the tree line in time to see it vanish. Ike begins directing others around as a man in white comes over and begins caring for both you and Volke's wounds. Titania and Shinon grab Izuna before more begin to arrive.

Adrenaline helped fuel her on and get both herself and Volke safely away towards his suggested location. But once that was done, it began to die down, pain overwhelming her more than any other sensation. She too glanced back ... and was intrigued. That had meant .. the tiger was real? Not a summon? Something of the like probably. Helping Volke sit first, she collapsed beside him, her pants quickening now that she could better feel just how shattered and broken her right leg had gotten.

Tch, annoying. Had to be the dominant one hm? Ugh ... Her fists clenched, clearly annoyed on that outcome despite having otherwise done rather well in the abrupt mission. When the man in white came over, she already had a fair guess upon what kind of person it may be. But a quick glance clarified the guess was right; it was a holy man. Her eyes went back down to the ground. She should bring up the pain in her shoulders too, from her marks. Elise knew that; but she didn't know how to explain it either. More than that, what the tattoos seemed to be. With how often they had been acting up lately, she knew they couldn't be simple tattoos or markings. No, they were definitely more than that .. but what, Elise had no idea.

She'd been keeping her leg as straight as possible even before the priest's arrival. Now that he was here, though, she made damn well sure to keep it mostly straight, not wanting to make the bones even more out of alignment. It may be an unwise call .. but she still kept that part to herself, away from Volke or any of the Greil Mercenaries regarding her shoulders. If any of them found it out on their own, it'd be one thing but she didn't have it in her to bring it up. Elies remained silent during the whole treatment, knowing that Volke's healing wouldn't require nearly as much time compared to hers.

Actually ... could this man even put the bones back in place? Some were good and powerful enough though those were few and rare. She didn't want to come off as a bitch - or in her guise - bastard. So she decided the 'wait and see' method would best answer her mental question.
Rhys continued healing while the others dealt with Izuna. It took a bit of time but the leg finally set. The rest of the mercenaries come forward as everybody begins to discuss what is to be done. Volke stands, having been healed and looks over at you. "Are you alright?" It only was slightly strange because he's never cared to ask before. Returning to the camp, you see that it looks like others were attacked while you were away as well, most likely by more of the summons. Moving to a tent further away from the crowd, he pulls you over while looking in to make sure there was no one else inside. He turns back to you before beginning to explain.

"When we get to Begnion, try to stay close. There's no point to trying to be an assassin when you end up getting yourself killed. That's for someone else to deal with. Remember that. Try to be ready, also, for any possible leads that may help us move faster towards our goal. Ultimately, we have to get Commander Ike to the goddess's chamber as well as that young maiden with the silver hair." He motions for you to come over a little closer. "We have to get ready for tomorrow." He pulls up a bolt of cotton and some bandages. Quick as a flash, to where you almost didn't feel it happen, he has grabbed the back of your tunic and like a father with a child has unceremoniously pulled it over your head and off of you.

A gasp left as she felt her leg forced back into place. "Son of a .... agh!" She managed to give Rhys a bow of her head, still appreciated all the same he'd done his job well. Before they headed back, though, she would get something that Volke had likely nearly forgotten; the crimson blade. Slipping it in another empty sheath, her leg lightly trembled, more from aftershocks of pain that still remained than anything. It'd still be sore for a bit but not nearly as much as it had been moments ago. And for that, Elise was definitely thankful.

The question was indeed ... interesting. Then again, Volke had never seen his own student actually risk death. It could have happened if she landed in a worse position or from higher up. So the sight was new for him; just like the sensations had been for herself. She managed a light nod, a soft smile able to be seen despite the veil concealing her face. "Yeah, I am. It's probably going to hurt still for a bit but it's a lot better compared to seconds ago." She had almost considered teasing him .. but a proper retort was failing to enter her mind. She managed to keep up despite being lightly tugged and guided into a more empty tent, though not before noting they hadn't been the only ones wounded.

She fairly assumed Izuna had likely been behind it, maybe even supporters of him. Elise was steadily learning to avoid underestimating mages regardless of gender. They were appearing to be like females; at first glance, they looked lithe, like nothing major in terms of threat. But if one were foolish enough to incur one's wrath .. they'd likely suffer or die, depending on the mage and how irritated one had just made them. Still, the image of Soren's attack upon the Duke had never fully left her mind and it repeated long enough to make the lesson stay firmly in her mind.

The advice seemed even more out of place than asking if she had been fine. An eyebrow raised as she nodded to confirm she understood and heard Volke. "... Alright though you've already taught me those lessons. Yeah .. I know we do." And the first way she'd intended to get ready for tomorrow was rest; the night had been tiring as hell. But once again, Volke seemed to have his own ideas. And as she felt what they were, her cheeks instantly went crimson. " ... I ... I can get that, you know? Hell, you usually don't bother with this ... encourage me to do this while you're away. Why ... the sudden change of heart? And I don't want a price for an answer; serious one if you don't mind." He'd started to become more blunt and open ... maybe he'd heed her words.

Despite her ankles tensing and Elise feeling the desire to jerk away and begin the task on her own, her muscles didn't seem to want to. They relaxed and rather than heed what was trying to go through her head, she allowed him to continue. Not just because Elise was genuinely curious by now, but she did trust Volke. Her heart raced as she remained stationary, allowing him to work on changing the bandages. And now that she understood they were for her chest and not wounds, it made her cheeks get even more crimson, her pulse quickening all the while.
Volke begins to wind the bandages around. "You already got injured once. I don't need you straining anymore muscles today." He continues to move the cloth around you, taking care to tighten it only a little bit on each pass so as not to cause discomfort. He winces periodically. Even though it's healed, his shoulder took quite a hit.

A low "Tch .. " passed her lips. "And? You got hurt too .. it wasn't only me. Besides it ... it was just my lower body. My .. my upper's fine." Her head bowed as her 38Cs were exposed. In the midst of waiting for the new bandages, anticipation and some of the slightly chilly air took over as they made her nipples harden slightly. She swallowed, hoping like hell he wasn't peeking over her shoulder and noticing. It'd be more than easy enough with her only five and a half feet tall. She bit down on her lower lip to keep whimpers hidden away. Even with the effort Volke was putting in, her aching nipples were sensitive to the soft bandages.

It wasn't much of a distraction - though certainly an excuse - as she caught Volke's winces. " ... Seriously, I can get this if you want to worry more of yourself for a bit. You will also need to be at full strength for this, not only me after all." With that, her hands intercepted his, feeling not only his skin but what parts of the wrappings which had yet to come in contact with her skin. All the while, her heart continued to race. Even with the legitimate reasons she'd just heard from Volke, they'd never quite been anything like this before to one another. It'd always been a mentor and apprentice type of mindset towards one another. But now ... it felt more ... significant and intimate.

Or was she just over-thinking again? Her hormones seemed to be reacting once more though her body was at the proper age to do such things. Still, it didn't make this any less annoying. She was trying to focus .. and all of this was going completely against the lesson regarding emotions not dominating her. Yet she could feel they were trying to do just that. But that was pointless and stupid. He doesn't think of you like that ... She kept trying to reassure herself.

Or ... did he? Had he been concealing as much as herself if not a bit more? Her mind began to race with her heart as many 'what-ifs' ran through it, each and every one making her cheeks warming even as she tried to dismiss and ignore them all.
As she stopped Volke from continuing, he looked up at her for a moment. He knew that she could do it herself but that's not what mattered right now. He wasn't doing this just to redo her bandages. He'd been worried about her, especially with himself coming so close to having his own near death experience. He'd always known that it would sometime occur but he hoped he could dictate the time and place. The fact of the matter though was he couldn't and it made him worried not just for himself but for her as well. He'd already prepared her though, given her the training, same that he had. He knew that she was ready, even if Death was a factor. Still though, he wished she wouldn't be. Part of him wanted to turn back the clock to before he'd taken her on. She was still young. She didn't need to be in this war.

Finally, he spoke, knowing she'd find it weird if he didn't say anything. "I've taken worse than this. I'll be fine. You haven't been injured as much on the job. You need to make sure that your bones stay aligned fine and your joints work fine for this mission." He pulled his hands away and continued wrapping.

Elise went silent, the words astonishing her. Between that and the difference in Volke's determined grip regaining and resuming control over moving the bandages, she let her hands slowly fall back at her sides. She was trying to read in between the lines ... and words. And right now, her mind was comprehending they weren't merely terms which re-stated the obvious facts. It was odd but for once, Volke was breaking his own rule regarding emotions. She didn't need to turn back to see what must be concern ... the very same that was barely able to be found in his voice. Her mind went back even more, recalling how Volke had been when he brought up the briefing around Bastion.

" ... Your own veil has been concealing much more than your lips, hasn't it?" She finally asked softly, beginning to put two and two together. "Yeah, I know I've been able to avoid most injuries for quite a while. Simultaneously, we've never really had any genuine concerns before now. It's ... now at a more inevitable point due to this conflict and war. I'm ... not at all saying I enjoy the thought of risks even worse than earlier. But I am saying ... I understand they exist. And yet ... that's the opposite of what you've wanted since you gave me the briefing isn't it? Why you didn't even want me to go on this at all?"

It still didn't remove the questions she'd asked him that same day. What would he have expected her to do besides remain with the Greil Mercenaries? She could only do so much and they appeared to have a person for basically every task. She swallowed softly, finally removing her veil for now. It wouldn't be needed until morning or whenever they headed out. " .... I appreciate the concern but ... I understood well enough even back then what exactly I was getting into. Enough anyways." She paused before adding softly, "...Do you regret taking me in now?"

Her head slowly rested against his chest as her body relaxed and allowed him to continue working. The realizations were paining her almost as much as they were Volke. But she'd been taught and adjusted to her life as a concealed shadow so well. Even after getting her parents free and released, there would be no point in going back to them. Her days of being a child - let alone daughter - were long gone and dead. She wouldn't even know how to try to pick up those days and moments. All she really knew by this point ... was how to steal and as of recently, take lives. What normal daughter had such knowledge?
Setting the wrap down, he listened to her. He tried to remember how long it'd been since he had a partner like her. He undid the binding he'd done thus far on her. "You were always better at this anyways. I guess you're right. You have been prepared for this for a long time." He knew that he'd been up against the odds before but going up against a goddess was something he'd never expected. Even he knew he might not get out unscathed.

Slowly putting his hands on Elise's shoulders, he turned her around to face him. He took another moment to make sure he knew what he was doing before reassuring himself of it. Leaning forward, knowing that it was now or never, he kissed her waiting to see how she'd react.

Thank gods .. It was good to hear Volke acknowledging and realizing that he had done all the years of training and teaching for his own reasons, not just the hell of it. She wouldn't try to say she wasn't anxious herself on the entire ordeal .. but Elise had already given her word to see this through to the end. There was no point on turning her back to the Greil Mercenaries nor Volke. Moreover, the better wording was probably she couldn't -- not without hating herself. Volke was all she had left and the reason she was even alive still in this damned world. It wouldn't be right or fair to just toss her hands up and quit -- even at the possibility of Death taking both of them from this next mission.

By the time she was turned, she inwardly cursed. Her cheeks hadn't gotten completely to normal and thus were still crimson. However, she had - even if barely - finished covering her chest, tying the bandages in a firm enough knot. "...Yes?" She asked, staring right up into his eyes to try to figure what exactly he was going for. And for a few seconds, she swore her mind nearly over-reacted again, nearly making her curse aloud this time as opposed to only mentally.

But now all the rules regarding emotions were tossed out the window -- or tent as it were. Her body froze then tensed, unsure for a while what to do. She should push him away ... especially if this was a spur-of-the-moment type of thing. But he wasn't normally like that ... which made her heart race faster. This .. was as genuine as everything could get. Or so she hoped. A nervous though teasing smirk managed to cross her face as her hands slid up and untied Volke's own veil, letting it fall beside him.

"Might be a bit easier without that .. " She whispered softly in his ear, leaning forward as she began her own deep kiss, sighing softly as her arms stayed draped over his shoulders.
He chuckled a bit at his own forgetfulness of the veil he had. "Guess I got ahead of myself." He says, returning the smirk. He slowly began kissing again, increasing the pressure of each as it went on. A hand moved down from her shoulder and even though she'd pain-stakingly already taken the time to wrap herself, he slowly undid the knot and let the cloth fall from her. Following the cloth as it left, he cupped one of her breasts, rolling his fingers over the flesh and his thumb over the nipple as he continued to return the kiss.

A whimper, sigh, and moan all seemed to mix in as he began fondling her breast. "...G...goddamnit Volke I ... I just ... and I thought this was to get ready ...." As if to get back at him in one of the best ways she could think of and knew it would work, she nipped in annoyance on his lower lip then the side of his neck before returning to the kisses. It was a bit mortifying .. knowing he could see not only how red her cheeks were but how hard her nipples had been from changing in front of him. Even in her sleep she was never this vulnerable to him ... it was odd, foreign, slightly nerve-wracking even. But she wouldn't say the worst sensation it could have been either.

Figuring if he was bold enough to grope and massage her, there was no reason for herself to bother with restraining herself either. Gently gripping his shoulders and pulling herself onto his lap, her hands began slipping the long trenchcoat off first. The next action showed she was still somewhat annoyed with him regarding the bandages and a simultaneous way to tease back with the 'We need to get ready' tactic having been delayed because of his abrupt decisions. While the trenchcoat slid off, she snuck one of his blades from the pockets, knowing where he kept them. Keeping it concealed behind his back, she waited until he was too engrossed.

And with a quick but graceful rip, his own tunic got cut in half from the back with one very clean and smooth motion. Pulling it off and tossing it and the blade aside, she leaned further into each kiss, adding more depth into each as he was doing so. Her right hand remained on his shoulder. Her left hesitated ... and then moved from behind his back. It shook a few times before slipping into his lap, slowly moving up and down in between his legs.
Even though he knew she was just teasing him, it had a pronounced effect as he let out a groan while she nipped at him. He pulled his lips away from hers, staring at her for a moment, as if taking it all in before pulling her with him and lying her down upon the bed as he continued to massage her breast. He began kissing at her neck and moving slowly down to her other breast. He began to swirl his tongue around the nipple while fondling the other. His other hand behind her trailed down her back, groping at her cheeks as he squeezed continuing his movements on the rest of her body.

Her body relaxed against Volke's grip as it seemed to surrender and allow it to be moved, guided however he deemed. Her heart pounded in her chest as she returned each kiss. More twinges of guilt would have no doubt been trying to haunt the young rogue though she always managed to keep it shoved away with one memory and bit of knowledge. The one that reminded her Volke had began all of this, wanted this first. True, association would count against her ... though then again she was hardly caring on the rules or more logical part by now. Her head tossed back, her own moan leaving as his lips found her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Gods ... Volke. Mmm .... " Her hand continued trailing up and down his member, feeling their heat begin to mix with one another. It almost began to feel as if she were still fully clothed with how warm her body was soon getting though she knew better. Both were barely in much of anything. Pants, underwear, shoes and socks for herself. That was it ... all that was keeping her entire body from Volke's view and touch. Shudder after shudder trailed down her spine and body as he continued working on her hardened nipples and sensitive breasts, her hand trying to match his pace as it kept moving in between his legs.
He felt her body warming under his touch. Feeling her body relax, he decided to continue forward. While still massaging one of her breasts, he began kissing down towards her stomach. Using the hand that had already moved behind her, he slipped his fingers beneath her waistbands and pulled, moving the fabric slowly down her hips. He moved to follow it and began kissing the sides of her inner thighs while he continued to remove her clothing.

Elise felt her hand forced off as Volke trailed down. It irked her for a few seconds but as she felt him working on getting her mostly - if not completely - nude plus the clever uses of his lips and tongue, she was able to forget about it for now. Her hands grasped the sheets roughly, her back arching. "Goddamn ... " She moaned and murmured softly, her cheeks darkening in color. It hadn't been up until his kisses reached so close to her virgin entrance ... but once Volke arrived there she could detect how fragrant the actions thus far had made her. And knowing he could see and feel everything ... that nothing could be hidden .. made her heart race more.

The same sensations of embarrassment flooded her and for a bit, Elise almost felt like she had to explain herself for her body. But she knew in the end there would be no need; after all, he had to be reacting the same way between the head start she'd had upon jerking him off plus natural instincts. It was tempting to try to glance down and see if it was true for herself ... but she decided against it. Instead, she would allow Volke to keep the gentle but somewhat firm amount of dominance over her, let him continue to work and please her for now. There would be plenty of other chances for her to return the favor to him --- tonight and afterwards.

That, it was becoming clear to Elise, was a definite given factor. She was now hellbent on ensuring both herself and Volke got out of this mission alive; wounded at worst. Maybe near Death ... but not fully embraced by it. No, they would get out of this as alive and well as possible. They now had more reasons to live aside from a natural desire and instinct ... and neither of them were good at losing. It helped reassure her nothing too bad would happen.

Simultaneously, the feeling of Volke's lips and tongue made her snap out of her thoughts and focus on the here and now. Her back arched as soft moans and pants continued to pass her lips, her slit quickly getting drenched with each passing second from desire and anticipation.
As he continued kissing along her thighs, he could feel her body warming up. Sliding her pants the rest of the way off, he decided to stop teasing her -- for the most part and moved forward darting his tongue between her lips. He moved his hand off her breast bringing it down with his other to lift her hips slightly, giving him a better angle. Continuing to dart his tongue in and out from between her lips before moving up and gently nipping at her clit, returning his tongue inside afterwards. After working on her body a bit longer, he moved a hand up to his face, pushing a finger inside which reached further than his tongue.

As her lips got exposed, Volke would see she took rather good care of herself. It made her blush more, knowing her mentor was able to see her bald and exposed entrance. Her pulse increased and cheeks got even darker. Her mouth had opened, the desire to explain herself trying to overwhelm her again. But before she got to begin, she felt his tongue slide in. Her head tossed back as a long moan passed her lips. "Gods ... ohhhh ...." Her hands grabbed at the sheets tighter, her hips bucking instinctively up. She began to quickly pant and whimper, her head tossing from side to side. Just from her clit getting teased, it already got her so close to cumming. Her body was incredibly tense and tight ... and Elise had no idea how much longer she could hold back or how Volke seemed to know what to do to her. He was so good ... it was difficult to believe this was the same man who'd raised and trained her.
Darting his tongue in and out of her slowly, Volke continued teasing the outside of her lips. Pulling his tongue out, he ran it along her lips teasing the outsides. Taking another finger, he slowly pushed it inside. Keeping himself near the top, he circled her clit with his tongue. Reaching down to his hip he retrieves one of his daggers, unhooking it from his belt. He lifts the dagger towards her exposed breasts and began running the flat of the blade along her flesh. He was careful not to cut her but to simply tease.

Her hips continued lightly moving against his face and fingers, moans and whimpers passing her lips faster. Her heart felt like it wanted to leap out of her chest with how fast it was beating, her grip on the sheets was as tight as she could clench down and nearly rip them. "Fuck ... " She murmured, a low groan soon following. Her eyes stayed closed and body still, remaining submissive to her mentor, letting him control the flow of everything. It hadn't been until the soft sounds of metal being pulled made her navy orbs open.

It didn't seem possible ... but her heart raced even faster. "...Volke?" She asked, watching it inch closer. She swallowed, feeling the urge to remain still instantly try to fade as instincts began attempting to take over. But that would definitely make things worse. One wrong move ... that'd be all it'd take. More than that, she did still trust Volke even while he began moving the blade in a dangerous and uncertain manner. Her body trembled, fear adding onto the anticipation she'd been experiencing since their first kiss.

And yet even during the new experiment, she'd noted his fingers and tongue continued to move. Everything began to add up -- the feeling of her inside being tested and barely intact still, her clit being teased and now the blade teasing her skin. It didn't take but a few more movements from his fingers and tongue. Her head tossed back, knowing it wouldn't make the dagger cut through the sensitive skin. It took quite a bit to keep from actually screaming, though a long and loud cry did leave her lips.

Her muscles squeezed around Volke's fingers, her body tensed up more and before she say anything of it, Elise came. Even with the knife in the equation ... somehow it had helped out amongst everything else. Her eyes slowly closed as she panted softly, trying to regain some composure. How was this the same man who had taken her in and trained her? She barely knew ... it was as if this were a completely different person. But goddamn this was so good; she did not want this to cease anytime soon.
He felt her juices wash over his fingers as her muscles clamped down, he smiles pulling the knife away letting her finish before pulling his fingers out. He sat up, smiling down at her, holding his fingers up to her lips to let her clean them off. He was amazed at how responsive her body was. He looked down at her, watching all she was doing, finding it hard to believe that this was the same little girl that he had once trained and taken in like his own daughter. Now when he looked down at her, he didn't see that little girl anymore. He saw a beautiful woman, one that he wanted to protect. He hadn't felt this way in a long time. He shook his head as he caught himself staring, pulling his fingers away when she finished. He leaned down kissing her again, rubbing against her passionately. He continued to kiss and grind against her. Reaching down as he began removing his own trousers. His cock leapt out when he finally got them down around his knees, pressing against her body.

In between soft pants and thinking back to the orgasm that had just swept over her body, Elise soon felt and smelled flesh upon her lips. Her eyes opened once again to find Volke's fingers upon her lips. Her cheeks blushed but she understood the request without him giving any verbal hints. Her mouth opened as she took both inside at once, sighing and moaning softly. She had tasted herself before. It wasn't often but there had been times Elise had been able to touch and play with herself. But the sensations and pleasures were so much better from with Volke assisting out and letting his blade and hands dance along her skin. The difference in how good it had felt compared to with only herself versus while with her mentor was incredible to note.

Her hand had been ready to work on slipping his pants down but he took that initiative for her. Ah well, made the next step easier for her. Pushing herself slowly up while still on the bed, Elise continued returning the kisses, nipping teasingly at his lower lip as she finally pulled away. Her own pulse quickened and by now she'd be astounded if he couldn't hear it also. Guiding herself on her hands and knees, she moved her head down. Her lips parted and what started as slow, unsure licks along his shaft became faster and more confident.

More sighs and moans left, the foreign but incredibly sensual actions getting her even more aroused. She hadn't understood the impulse or desire ... but she'd definitely wanted to do this not long after the first kiss. And now that it was happening ... she couldn't seem to get enough. It was intoxicating -- not just the licking and sucking either, though that was definitely a factor. Each and every sexual action they were giving one another was slowly driving her insane. She barely comprehended the logic behind the new desires ... all Elise really knew or cared much about were a couple things. One, she could give Volke as much pleasure as possible. Two, she would be his first and only woman ... no lover.

Her mouth opened wider as she worked more and more of his member into her mouth. Despite Volke having been her first, some hidden instincts seemed to guide her on what to do ... maybe they were how her mentor had been able to get her off so easily? Her tongue danced up and down each and every vein it could reach. Elise stayed still and quiet, ensuring to pay very close attention. If he throbbed or moaned when her mouth and tongue hit certain spots, Elise would note where ... and then work on them, teasing the same areas mercilessly.

And yet despite her somewhat dominant gestures, she still had quite the submissive and subservient posture to her. It made Elise wonder ... if Volke liked such things? She wanted to test this a bit more. Keeping herself balanced on her knees, she slowly guided her wrists behind her back and held them firmly behind. From there, she'd note his reactions, see what his mind allowed to think about. She knew her own reply ... and between that and feeling herself get drenched at the image of being bound and blindfolded, it fueled her on and got her even warmer. Though it'd been somewhat nerve-wracking, the dagger teasing her skin was definitely in that vision ... and it made her sighs and moans increase in both frequency and volume.

It all felt so very wrong to be enjoying what would otherwise be very taboo. But there was another part of her that was arguing somehow ... this was very right.
Volke moaned as she continued to work on him, throbbing inside her mouth. He moved a hand to the back of her head. Seeing her submissive nature, he took the moment to close his fingers around her hair slowly and then grip it tight, using it like a handle to move her up and down. She was a quick learner, he already knew that. She was already learning how to use her tongue to manipulate him, making it harder to hold back. He waited for her to grow a little bit more accustomed in her breathing and his sighs before pushing her down further to base and holding her there while he thrust his hips.

Reaching back behind her, he slowly moved around to lie on the bed. Lying down, he continued to move her head along his length, letting two fingers move back behind her and pressing into her easily. The lubrication from her arousal made it even easier. He began thrusting them in and out, matching her pace upon his member. Twisting the fingers inside of her each time he pumped in, making sure to cover as much inside of her as he could.

Not but seconds after Volke noted the subservient posture and gestures from her did he eagerly seem to embrace them. And for some twisted reason, it made Elise content to feel him enjoying his role, allowing himself to be much more than a mentor to her. Even if unofficially, he was practically making himself a few more things aside from a lover but the main one getting her attention was more or less a Master. Granted, in a way he already was like this. It'd just stayed on a more professional level, never daring to shift to anything quite as intimate as this. But now that he was letting it and enjoying it ... the experience became even better for Elise. Her cheeks warmed up slightly though it didn't stop a muffled moan and whimper from passing her lips.

Ever since her first mission she'd been sent out on about five years ago, after being laughed at by some of the enemies whom had discovered her to be a girl, she'd kept her blue locks short. Her hair had used to flow halfway down her back ... but after that first espionage mission, it was also when she adopted her persona Xersees and to ensure it remained believable, it meant keeping her hair length about as decreased as Volke's and most other men's. So when his fingers found their way, it hurt a lot more than usual with the lack of slack she had.

Then again, she had somewhat expected the pain ... nor would begin to complain about it. She had begun this experiment after all ... and was certainly astounded with the results so far, all in good ways. She'd initially thought Volke may try to fight against the urges and give in after a bit. To see that if anything he'd done the opposite ... astounded her.

Noting what areas made him groan and twitch the most, Elise continued to work on them, ignoring most of the pain from his grip. It was a bit unorthodox .. but during all the years she'd been with Volke, Elise had never been quite this content before. Even without his guidance, she kept moving her head up and down on her own, teasing the shaft more and more with her mouth and tongue. She closed around him as far as possible without actually biting, letting her teeth lightly graze at most but nothing worse.

Another half-moan and half-whimper left as she felt his fingers slip back in. Even if they were just digits, his hands were naturally bigger than hers. It seemed as if he were trying to test and experiment on her while she did the same back. And if that guess was true ... then neither were likely done with one another. Elise definitely wasn't. The more he was allowing this new dominant side to take over him, the more she was loving it. Elise wanted to see how much he'd accept, how far he'd let it take over him ... and display more to her.

Her muscles began to squeeze and caress as his fingers rammed in and out, her moans and sighs becoming more frequent as they stimulated her body. She began pulling her head up so only the head stayed in her mouth before shoving down to the base and repeating the pattern. She wanted to get more reactions from Volke while simultaneously pleasing and stimulating him.
Volke felt himself getting closer. He knew that pretty soon he'd be exploding inside that little mouth of hers. Seeing how subservient she had been had made him curious. He'd been able to read people a long time ago from when he first started and it was one of his specialties. He couldn't imagine how he could have missed this side of her, how she had hidden it so expertly. He was even more sure she was a perfect person for her to take on as an apprentice with that thought. Pulling her head up quickly, he looked straight into her eyes, seeing the passion she had in them. Pulling his fingers out, he kissed her again before throwing himself upon her. Knowing it would be painful yet fleeting, he took no time and quickly speared himself into her, breaking her with one fell swoop.
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