The Life of Thieves and Assassins [(A Fire Emblem RP) Yuna & Veinexes's 1x1]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

Within the capital city of Begnion, there were the usual people out and about in the streets. Hidden further away, though, were what some would deem as the more 'shadier' individuals, revealing themselves seldom if ever; generally only when needed. They could be as simple as mere thieves or complicated like assassins. Some, if one was skilled or lucky enough to find the right person, could be both.

Elise had been found by such a man years ago, when she'd been nothing but a mere child stealing money to survive. The economy had never been the best, though it'd be more astounding if it were to ever thrive. The choices of rules in the past made it damn well nearly impossible to have even one of the largest nations of Tellius prosper. Alas, Begnion was no exception it would seem.

In one of the more secluded and unused houses further away from the crowded regions of Sienne resided two of the shady types. Upon first glance, neither seemed like much ... though a swift encounter with either, especially the elder of the two, would prove they were definitely not mere shove overs.

The younger one, Elise, opened up navy eyes slowly as she felt the slightest hints of light shine through the small window in her room. It was simple though she didn't need too much to begin with. A smirk crossed her face as she let her mind go back to the day she'd dared to steal from her mentor and only person whom had any real importance within her life; Volke.

She'd been ten at the time and her parents had been arrested for failing to be able to pay their taxes. As the old saying went, desperate times called for desperate measures. And so, for the past several months, Elise had been staying to the shadows and pick pocketing any individual whom looked wealthy enough to be able to steal from. There would always be bonus traits she would look for -- namely too stupid or slow should they notice they'd been stolen from.

But first and foremost she always would note how a person carried themselves and their attire.

And it was enough to make a chuckle leave the now seventeen year old's lips, her head gently shaking from side to side. "Heh, I suppose I should have put two and two together back then .... " She murmured, the flashback resuming in her mind.

She'd been referring to the first time her eyes had found Volke, of course. He didn't look too much different back then as he did now; wearing the trenchcoat, pants, and veil across his lips. She supposed though, upon thinking more carefully on it, Elise had never known what the word 'assassin' meant. She learned soon enough, however.

At the time though, she wasn't thinking on things like that. Once her eyes had found Volke, he spelled out 'money' to her ... which she had not only used to aid out in her surviving, but had put some aside to try to get her parents out of jail.

She had trailed him for several minutes now, staying behind him but not immediately so she would be the first thing Volke would see so he turned around. Only when he turned a corner into an empty alleyway did she do the same.

Slowly, her right hand had raised ... and been ready to claim her prize. But before it could even land on the pouch at his side, one of his own had wrapped around her small wrist. By the time her own blue eyes looked up into the onyx ones, she didn't quite find the emotions she'd expected, namely anger and annoyance.

In fact, nothing was really seen. To her, a mere child back then, that had quite the unnatural and eerie feeling behind it. Between that and uncertainty on what would wind up happening to her after the reason why she'd followed him had been made clear, she went with what her instincts were screaming out for.

Run ... she had to try to run. But of course, his grip was much stronger.

Even to this day, Elise wasn't quite sure what ... but she could fairly assume this much. He'd seen enough to spare her. Volke definitely could have easily slit her throat, or just wounded her in a non-vital spot to let her bleed and die.

But he didn't. Instead, he kept a firm grip upon her wrist and began dragging her.

Instincts kicked in again as her mouth opened; but his other hand deftly covered it. They stuck to the alleyways for what felt like forever, though in actuality it was no more than ten minutes before arriving in an empty shack. The hands left her mouth and wrist as she got shoved in, the click which soon followed hinting she was locked in.

For three days, she heard nor saw any signs of Volke. The room had only contained a bed and a very small bathroom, but nothing more. In those days, she had been forced to with no food and at most, the water from the sink.

By the end of the third day, the door finally opened. The slightest hint of a smirk was seen on his lips, even with the veil on as he went to explain he would begin to properly train her. Not just as a thief ... but even better.

The surviving for three days had been her first test and somehow ... she had passed it.

Ever since then, she had remained by Volke's side, lest she was sent off on missions for him. Mainly out of appreciation for being spared since then, she now gave him nothing but the utmost devotion to him, obeying any and all orders without any second thoughts. Just as he trusted her well enough, she returned the favor.

There was, however, a small part that had indeed seen Volke as more than a mentor; but even to this day, she had never dared allow that part of her to show. Thieves and assassins weren't meant to bother with emotions like those ... so she kept them more concealed than her daggers from him.

By now, Elise had gotten herself up to her feet, finishing slipping into her usual outfit which matched Volke's to some degree. It, too, consisted of a trenchcoat, pants, boots, and her own veil; though that remained off and concealed in a pocket until she was sent out. The colors, however, were different. Whereas Volke had black and brown garments, hers were black and dark blue.

After remaking her bed, she sat upon it. Her legs gently swung as she played what seemed to be the favorite game that Volke often forced her to participate in; the Waiting Game. Seldom, if ever, did Elise do anything without being told of the agenda for the day. Today would be no different. She didn't like it always ... but she would wait, like she had many times in the past.

Navy eyes carefully watched, waiting for the faintest hint of the door to open and Volke to soon appear.
The door began to creak asunder as it swung outward in the other room. Nothing moved for a moment as the wind blew through the door moving it again as it passed. As Elise watched for hint of movement so did Volke, silently standing behind her looking over her shoulder at the door she had expected him to come out of. He had sunk in last night while she was asleep and taken a post beneath the bedframe before now.

"So, are you ready for today's assignment ." he stated in an as matter of fact tone from behind her.

As her blue hues caught sight of a shadow behind her, she got quickly up to her feet, turning on her heels and pulled a dagger out. A sigh of relief quickly left as she saw it to only be Volke. Her head shook lightly before she looked back to him. "Damnit, Volke. Have you never considered that trick to be a deadly one if you did that to anyone without self-restraint?" She asked half-teasingly and another half very much seriously. Had she not been trained under someone with a calm composure like Volke himself ... she probably would have at least tried to stab him.

It may not work ... but it wouldn't have stopped her original instincts either, something she'd grown to rely heavily upon since her training days with Volke had begun. Resheathing the small blade away, she gave a nod and inward sigh to herself, feeling herself collected once again. "Yes though, I am." She finally replied, a firm and determined tone leaving her voice as she spoke.
He thought for a moment at what she had said, mainly the part about stopping the surprises. "500 and I may think about it." he responded dryly yet with all seriousness. flattening her bedspread out he began crudely making marks with his fingers to depict alleyways and other streets within the city. "The target is here, the barracks, troop numbers are need, also any vital intel they may have." He wasn't one to mince words.

Her arms went over her chest. "Oh come on, that's not fair. You know I need the funds too. Hell, you made me lose all I built up all those years ago so I've had to start over ... again." That had been, she was relatively sure, one of the worst things of having been dragged away by him. He didn't give her a chance to take anything with her; just the clothes on her back. Her money had been hidden away in a very discreet location and by now, it was likely to be gone. She'd never had a chance to check ... maybe she could try to do that before this mission real fast. Moving a few strands of blue hair aside, she gazed down and watched his fingers carefully, ensuring she understood his markings and where they were meant to indicate.

An eyebrow raised slightly as she continued to silently watch, sneaking a peek back up to the onyx hues as he finished giving the assignment to her. " ... So are these targets from Begnion? Somewhere else? Namely so I know whom exactly to look for .. in case they're allied and have extras with them. Or is that not known?" Her arms stayed across her chest as Elise awaited a reply patiently. Thankfully, when it came to jobs, he answered with serious answers, none that required some ridiculous amount. Well ... not when he was giving them out. Being asked for, maybe. But that wasn't the position she was in, thank gods.
"Not a someone, just documentation; plans, maps things like that. You are to try and use caution and not get to involved with any of the troops as they might remember your face later on which would be problematic." He looked up seeing her posture, it showed annoyance but not overt;y. She still had a ways to go before she would be a proper assassin. For now though she was the best choice for the job, well the best choice that his contact could afford at the moment. Truthfully Volke felt a twinge of guilt sending her into this, but she would need the experience if she were to hope to surpass him.

"I have no intention of doing so." She replied, pulling her dark blue veil out, knowing she would head out soon enough. And once she stepped foot outside, she would begin her true guise. With having been around Volke for so long, she had self-taught herself a few things, one of which included being able to sound like a male. Her hair had been kept short enough, barely touching her shoulders and she always kept her breasts wrapped firmly with bandages under the trenchcoat --- or any top she wore for that matter. In that appearance, she passed off easily as a young man. And never once had the disguise been found out about. Thus, all her previous enemies she had encountered had known her as Xersees.

Her eyes slowly closed, recalling all the movements Volke had made not long ago with his fingers on her bed, recalling where to go for the targets and such. Finally, she gave a light nod as her eyes opened slowly again. "Very well ... I've got all I need. I should be back soon." To be more exact, before the day was completely over. She trusted him to assume that if she didn't return before the sun set .... one of the worst scenarios had happened. But she hadn't had those types of issues before ... why would this one be different?

Giving Volke a light bow of her head, she tied the veil around her face, hiding her mouth from view. As quickly as he had seen her, she would soon vanish, disappearing away from her mentor and outside of their residence of sorts.

Recalling exactly where he had traced to, she began copying the directions, keeping mostly to the shadows the entire way there. Every mission was a bit, if not very, nerve-wracking. But this one was simpler than most ... and she used that knowledge to keep herself calm and collected. Just a 'grab and go' type of thing ... something you've done tons of times before. Keep your composure and you'll be done in no time .... She continued to reassure herself, keeping her footsteps as quiet as possible. Her mindset began to switch to her male guise so that if she was forced to talk, it wouldn't be in her true tone but a masculine one to trick anyone that may find her.
Thanks to the confusion, you're easily able to maneuver through the streets towards your destination. Through your mask, you smell the distinct fragrance of something burning and look up to see smoke billowing from an area not too far off from your destination. As you get closer, soldiers begin running past you, some of them hefting large buckets while others are armed with swords and shields.

Your arrival at the barracks is greeted with very little entourage as it seems most of the soldiers have left to do damage control.

For a few moments, Elise had nearly panicked. Had someone else found out and already burned what she'd been sent after? Thankfully, the barracks were still standing, making a soft sigh of relief pass her lips. It seemed the answer was no though ... what had started the fire? An accident? Person? She couldn't help but wonder a bit, though her head shook no. That doesn't matter ... focus .... Her eyes went back upon the barracks as she slipped inside them.

Though the soldiers were occupied, this did not mean they were stupid nor would remain busy forever. And that knowledge alone was enough to make her quickly gaze around, hoping to finish the 'grab and go' mission swiftly enough. She could fight if needed .. but it wasn't yet her forte. Fast and stealthy movements were and right now, that was what much of this job required. If her eyes caught sight of anything that seemed to fit Volke's description, she wasted no time in slipping the proper papers away into a pocket of her trenchcoat then moving on to look for another item that she was to find and take back with her. She'd repeat the process, getting as many of the papers as possible.
The papers looked official enough, they had been laid out on a table near the back, left in a hurry by soldiers in a rush to check on the fire. nearby stood something seemingly out of place in the barracks, a jail cell. A person sat inside, matted hair covering the face while tatoos did the same to the arms. They made no movements while she stuffed the papers away.

Her eyes narrowed slightly though Elise didn't speak aloud. Still, she definitely noted the individual. Given he was in a jail cell and a fire was happening not too far away ... he - they - seemed a tad too calm for her taste. Then again, she could say the same for herself to some degree. Still, she wasn't directly connected with this barracks or the soldiers; she had no reason to panic like they were doing. So if he was the same as her in that aspect, she could let it slide. Her head slowly shook as she inwardly cursed at herself.

Goddamnit, get a grip of yourself. You're over-thinking. Ignore him and keep working ...

Her eyes went back down to the table and papers once again, stopping only when she believed all had been grabbed. A slight twinge of guilt overcame her for just leaving the person there ... but alas, Volke had made it perfectly clear she wasn't to deal with individuals Just perform the 'grab and go' then leave. And now, she was on the 'departing' step .. and between following her instincts or risking angering or disappointing Volke, she didn't dare have any desire to do the latter. She'd already made that mistake several times in the past; it'd never gone well.

She turned swiftly on her heels, beginning to run out and report back to Volke. So far ... this had been going rather smoothly. While she was proud of that, it always made her a bit anxious, as if she'd missed something. Elise tried to avoid thinking on it but sometimes .. it was an easier said than done task. Now .. was definitely one of those times.
The man looked up seeing her, he first thought she was a bit small for a guard. However when he saw her go about her business he understood. "Please, let me out, they've kept me here for days with barely anything. I didn't do anything wrong, I only tended to my duties, please."

Her half-concealed face turned to gaze at the prisoner. He must have been put there for a reason, that much was clear. Simultaneously, there was a chance it had been mere misfortune ... like her own parents. An inward sigh echoed in her mind. Damnit, Elise ... you're already done. Why are you considering this at all? But to make up for what could be a stupid move, she would take precautions. Or so that became her mental compromise. Unsheathing her dagger, she approached with slow, steady steps that gently echoed on the floor.

Keeping her blade firmly held, she then pulled out a lock pick from a separate pocket. Ah, the perks of being a thief and street urchin; one picked up such devices and tricks to use. Once the lock clicked, she got up to her feet, keeping the blade nearby her. She'd kept her word - honor among thieves if you would. She had some ... and now hopefully this individual had enough sense to let her continue on her way rather than do something ... stupid. It had been the main reason she was so unsure of letting him free to begin with.

Luckily for him, sympathy had been on his side; but that would be it. Merely bowing her head, she turned on her heels and resumed heading out to return to Volke. She'd already taken longer than needed, she wouldn't do so for longer if it could be helped out.
The man knew enough to know that he wouldn't wish to remain for long. Taking the opportunity when it arose, as Elise began to head for the exit, she was met by a soldier in yellow armor; apparently a returner from the advanced party that had gone to put out the fire. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" He looked over to the table to see the documents missing. Putting two and two together, he drew his hatchet and swung at her.

Elise shot an annoyed glare to the prisoner out of the corner of her eyes as the guard showed up. Her right fist clenched, her left slipping the lock pick away back into her pocket. Now, she really had wasted too much time .. and had to make up for it. First thing would be first, however. As the axe approached, she held the dagger up. Even the smallest of weapons could be as deadly as a massive blade, she'd been taught. However, she wasn't going for a killing blow or anything of the sort. No, she was going to ensure this 'grab and go' mission ended with her getting back to Volke alive.

The best part about people who used weapons like hatchets was they always used up so much momentum, something she would take advantage of greatly. While keeping the blade away from her flesh, she shoved him out of her way. And without saying a word to the guard or the former prisoner, she broke off into a run. Her head shook from side to side as a low curse that left in her normal voice echoed softly. "Noted ... never messing with prisoners I don't know again. Goddamnit ... " Even if Volke could have overlooked this mistake when she returned, Elise wouldn't. She was as difficult upon herself as he could be.

Then again, that was what one got from having been around her mentor so long, picking up habits. Not speaking much on the job was usually one as well as pushing herself and being hard on herself. Oh well, at least he knew over the years his training hadn't gone to waste.
The man is pushed to the side. He pulled himself up and attempted to lunge after her when he regained his balance. He grabbed for her sleeve, catching it slightly and pulling back on it. He hoped to pull her back into the room this way. The rest of the barracks were not too far off. He just needed to keep her here long enough for them to return.

Meanwhile, the prisoner was busy looting one of the locker boxes, finding a blade inside in case he'd need to defend himself as well.

Quick thinking had, thankfully, been another trait she mimicked rather well from Volke. She'd hate resorting to this ... but it would be worth it in the end. Not just because she had extra outfits back at the hideout or that it would aid out in getting back to him. More importantly than either of those, they'd need to trace her to being located in the same hideaway with Volke and that was much easier said than done. Few people, if any, even knew where or how to find her mentor. As long as she could get back there, back to him ... she would be safe enough. It didn't change how she felt on going about this ... but with knowing she would be fine after this, she gave herself a light nod.

Looking back only to ensure she got her intended target and nothing more, Elise guided her dagger to cut off the part of the sleeve he was holding. Even behind her veil, she gave him a slight smirk, turned her head around and resumed running. The guard had made another thing clear and thus a separate idea come to her mind; one she was much more fond to go through with. It was now obvious staying on the ground wouldn't be smart, he'd catch up too quickly. Moreover, if back up arrived, it'd be deadly for her to try to go against multiple opponents.

So when she broke into another run, Elise made sure she would have a running start. Her knees bent as she reached up, pulling herself onto the nearest roof. These specific guards didn't appear like they had archers nearby or on duty at the moment and that would have been her only worry from up here. It would take them all much longer to climb and catch up, especially with the assumption that most had a heavy blade of sorts. Once she got up to her feet, she began working on jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

And thus, I win ... She reassured herself, her smirk unable to help but widen slightly. Her eyes didn't even bother glancing back to see what was being said or done. The second her focus left Elise's destination, she'd be likely to lose balance, fall off, and give them too many advantages for her own good. That ... was one of the last things she needed or wanted.
The rooftops offered a good defense as the soldiers ran around, confused below. Soon however, the soldiers began to understand the situation. Some of them lifted javelins and threw them towards the fleeing spy. The height gave them trouble as most didn't even reach above the rooftops and only succeeded in losing their weapons. A sound was soon heard of a heavy leather being tossed up and down. A shadow flew over Elise's head, doing a flyby, as the rider flew past.

Though lacking in their royal knights, Begnion's Wyvern riders still seemed to be lurking around. Another came at Elise, swinging it's axe, barely missing her as it passed over her head. It's a good thing she'd learned how to deal with large and wielding items such as axes early on in her training. They seemed to be trying to herd her to a more sparsely urban area. After running for another few more minutes, the rooftops ran out. Three Wyverns landed, the riders dismounting as they landed.

"Surrender. You have nowhere else to run!" shouted the leader of the Riders. Moving closer, the sky suddenly began to brighten. The tower near the center of Begnion began to glow in a bright, golden light. The intensifying brightness got the attention of the riders who turned around. A bright white flash, like an explosion, emanated from the tower's base covering most of the city in it's brilliance, including Elise and her pursuers.

Everything went silent. Elise would find herself as if having an out-of-body experience. She could not move, paralyzed and held from some unknown force. The world was dark and she couldn't see anything nor hear any sounds.

Now things were going from annoying to ridiculous. First the prisoner had delayed her, she had to endure incompetent guards, and now Wyvern riders? Really? Her eyes rolled, a low scoff passing through her concealed lips. And all for some damn papers? They must be incredibly important to have made such a fuss over. Even as the rooftops ended, her determination wasn't about to fade. She turned on her heels, her other persona taking over and kicking in as she prepared to fully use her disguise. It'd be the same as any other, with any luck .. quick and resulting in success.

A convincing male voice left her lips to keep up her appearances as a simple command left in an icy and venomous tone. "Stay out of my way." Normally, she wouldn't dare let her eyes leave what were deemed her opponents but the glow made her unable to help but give into the temptation. That ... was not her nor Volke's doing. So .. where had it come from? Who was doing that? Though another thought entered her mind, albeit a few seconds too late.

That had been the command to jump off and run away. By the time it finished registering, however, she had already been included in the odd light source.

Her eyes tried to blink but even that typically simple command failed. As she tried again, what would have left her lips only echoed in her mind.

... What the hell?!

Her breathing and pulse were maybe the main things working in this state ... otherwise she felt everything else disabled! Even her hearing ... something she'd never experienced in training before, though maybe she would recommend it to Volke after this was over. Assuming, that was, she got out of this well enough.

But worse than not being able to move, the sensory deprivation was making her panic. And the easiest bit of proof was her heart racing frantically in her chest.
The minutes continued to pile on in the dead silence and numb feelings until finally, it felt like every muscle in her body suddenly relaxed. Light came back in her eyes and sounds returned into her ears. She could feel her breath again and everything around her. In front of her, she saw the forms of the riders, axes still in hands and even their mounts gazing toward the Tower. Now, they were cold, hard stone, frozen in the moment of confusion. Looking over the edge, she would see the soldiers who had been pursuing from the ground in a similar predicament. She could easily assume the same had happened to her but it had also ended. How long would these remain statues before they continued their pursuit?

The minutes felt longer, seeming to pass painachingly slowly. She tried to form fists, turn on her heels, do something, anything. Each failed attempt made her heart beat harder and faster and for the first time in years, the urge to cry was overwhelming her. Even during Volke's training, he'd never pushed her this far, made her feel quite this hopeless and useless. But whatever was doing this ... was succeeding in forcing the sensations upon her. A whimper echoed in her mind and for a while, she feared not only would she stay there. With how still everything was ... was she .... dying?

The sensations of her muscles relaxing made her temporarily believe as much, the fear spiking to a point where she damn well nearly fainted if not worse. Finally, she was allowed control over herself once again, struggled gasps and pants quickly leaving. Her hands clutched her chest, her head quickly darting from side to side. The riders and Wyverns hadn't altered nor had the soldiers.

"What in the fucking hell?!" She cursed, not bothering to keep the masculine voice up. That'd be redundant when everyone else seemed to literally be petrified. And it made her eyes widen, her feet tensing as now she did jump off and resume running. " ..... Volke?!" Had he somehow been caught in this? There were few ways the light could have gotten through with little to no windows... but it wasn't completely impossible either.

Fear for her mentor and now really just wanting to end this mission fueled her on as her speed increased as much as possible for a mere beorc. She wouldn't wish for the others to be permanently stuck .. but definitely long enough to allow her to get away and avoid any further interruptions.
As Elise ran, she neared the gates, passing many more statued people, all in different states of shock and awe. Not just soldiers but citizens too. Even as young as children. The way ahead seemed clear.

Returning to the camp, her heart skipped a beat as she was greeted with nothing save the empty tent. There were no responses to her calls. Upon the table sat a note with only two words upon it.

'Tanis Manor'

It was Volke's handwriting along with a small map to the manor, which lied in the dead forest to the west.

As Elise entered the camp, she quickly pulled the veil off from around her face, slipping it back into the pocket she always kept it in. "Volke?! How much to reassure and prove to me this is a joke? Huh?" Not only did her heart skip a beat but it sunk as no reply caught her ears. Her hands covered her face before she punched the door beside her. Tears had formed but the sight of something upon the table kept them from falling. It wasn't much, but definitely enough to keep her hopes up that Volke was fine.

A note and sure enough, the sight of his handwriting made her pulse slowly return to a more normal pace. A long sigh of relief left and Elise had to admit, she was so glad her mentor wasn't around. She'd no doubt look pathetic to him, having almost seriously cried over him of all things. He'd probably say something along the lines of that being silly to mourn a mere mentor.

... That was all he was to her ... right?

Part of her said yes and now the other ... not so much. She found herself confused. Where had this abruptly come from? Had this always been within her but she'd been too naive to understand it? That was possible. Her head shook in disbelief as she took the map, clutching it in her hands. A sigh of disbelief as she murmured lowly, "You've gotten yourself into a nice mess hm?"

Volke was probably even more emotionless than she could be due to training. It'd be pointless for her to even confess they existed, moreso with the thought he probably didn't have them in that manner for her. As a student? Of course. Anything more? Highly unlikely, unless he was hiding them away like she had somehow been doing for so long.

Her head continued to shake from side to side, hands slightly trembling as she began to walk towards the new destination. Her legs burned slightly from having been forced to run, frozen up, then run again so she kept a slower and more steady pace for now. Besides, she would likely have a head start and wasn't worried about any of the guards catching up. At worst, she feared the unknown and unseen that may lie ahead.
As Elise arrived at the destination, a storm broke out. It hadn't gotten too far in to raining before she was able to get inside the manse. She had managed to beat the worst of it inside. Now was only the matter of finding Volke, which may have been easier said than done. He'd always been a good hider but she hoped he wouldn't hide from her without a good reason. A reason seemed to be presenting itself though. The sound of battle echoed from farther into the halls. Steel and explosions echoed. What had he gotten her into now?

Today was definitely one of the most frustrating days Elise had ever had in her whole life. First the wild goose chase of a mission, then the odd light, the near scare from Volke, a bad storm and now ... a fight? A low groan passed her lips. There were few ways the night could get any worse and all the ideas which she feared the most, Elise refused to allow pass her lips. She didn't even want to think of any of them actually happening. Especially, apparently, the ones involving Volke.

Well, that much had been confirmed. He'd done a damn good job on aiding her train to conceal her feelings. But alas, even that had failed to some degree now that a few had managed to emerge and reveal themselves to Elise. A low sigh left, a shiver trailing down her spine as steel and ... explosions? How did the last one happen? Nothing she could immediately think of in terms of a handheld weapon. Then again, she didn't know every single thing either.

Elise began to follow the noises, pulling her dagger out and keeping it firmly held in her right hand. Volke could usually hold his own really well .. but the note had been written by him. So either this other person had followed him here or made him come here. Hopefully not the latter .. it would mean this opponent would have an advantage over Volke.

Hold on and wait for me, please .. She inwardly prayed, keeping her footsteps as silent but quick as possible while following the noises. Hopefully Volke would have the upper hand ... or be able to gain it swiftly if he didn't yet have that.
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