A Pokemon Journey With A Twist (Lenora (me) & BassEXE)


Jun 18, 2013
It was a bright and sunny day in the region of Unova. All was right in the world of Pokemon and it was training season for new and upcoming trainers. Everywhere you looked, there were Pokemon relaxing and having fun.

Cynder, a young female Blaziken, relaxed under a shady tree, chewing on a nice blade of grass. Beside her, curled up and napping, was her close friend and battle buddy Ember. Ember was a beautiful and glowing Ninetails. Her tails were fluffed and silently, she napped without a care in the world.

Off a little ways, two more members of this 5-Pokemon team played and practiced their battle skills. Grace, a wise Gardevoir, practiced her balance and agility while Sugar, a rare shiny Lopunny, worked on her aim and will power to hit her target.

The only missing member was Ebony. Ebony wasn't one who was seen often. Being a female Absol, she was considered rare in the Pokemon world and seeked refuge in hiding. The branches in the tree above Cynder and Ember were filled with green leaves which enabled her to be hidden to those unaware of her presence. Everything was prefect.
RE: A Pokemon Journey With A Twist

Jake Blaze, a young 19 year old trainer, was currently making food for the group. He had flame red hair, down to the middle of his neck, and ice blue eyes. He wore a red tshirt, blue jeans, white sneakers, a black leather jacket, and black fingerless gloves. He wiped the sweat off his forehead as he finished. "Girls! Lunchtime!" He called out.
It was almost an immediate response. Grace and Sugar were the first to make their way over to Jake. Knowing their rights and the rules, the other three hung back. Those who worked, ate first. It was that simple. Ember rose next and raced over to the smell of food. Cynder followed in trail and finally, Ebony showed herself and slowly trotted over to the table.
Jake grinned and passed out the bowls of food, with a treat cleverly mixed into it, which was part of each of their healthy diets. Jake had a special ability. That was to actually hear his Pokemon. "So girls, tomorrow we reach Castelia City. You excited for the next gym battle?" He asked sweetly.
Ember was the first to break from her eating and reply to her owner. "Yes. I'm very excited. I've been resting up a lot and I feel ready to win our next badge."

Cynder and Grace shook their heads in agreement and Sugar spoke nervously. "I've been practicing on my focus and aim. I'm sure I'm getting better."

"Yeah. Sure you are Sugar." Ebony spoke lightly and smirked. "After that last battle, let's hope you've been practicing on your aim. You are supposed to hit your opponent. Not the opponent's trainer." Taking a few more licks of her food and finishing off her bowl, she turned her focus to Jake. "Jake, are we going to train as a team before we head to the gym? You know the importance of being in sync."

"Ebony, you are such a tactic nerd." Grace teased lightly. All of their play and teasing back and forth were in good fun and they all knew this. Giggling together, the whole team walked to the side and started relaxing again.
Jake simply smiled at his girls. They had come along so far. He leaned back and recalled when he got all five of them in their basic forms. "Okay, girls. Let's practice!" He clapped his hands together.
All five of the girls jumped up and split into their normal pairs. Ember and Cynder stood off to the side and smiled at each other. They always battled either as a team or against each other. It was different since they both were fire types but in a way, they found it helped them. Sugar and Grace were next. With Sugar being a normal type and Grace being a physic type, they made a nice challenge for each other and brought different aspects to each battle.

All that was left, once again, was Ebony. Ebony was fine with this. She laid down off to the side and knew she would get her turn with each of the other girls when they were finished. Ebony saw herself as the teams secret weapon. She was the strongest out of all of them and she knew how to go about battling each type. Basically, she was an Absol with the will power and mind set of a true legendary.
"Okay. Let's run through our tactics again. When I call for Cynder to use Blaze Kick, Ember uses Fire Blast on her feet to make her kick even stronger, got it you two? And Sugar, when I call for Grace to use Psychic on you, use Hi-Jump Kick, so she can throw you into your opponent. Okay, Hyper Potions are at the ready. Let's go!" Jake rased his fist.
All the pokemon nodded and prepared to play their parts. Their was a moment of silence as they awaited their trainers commands. Ebony shook her head as she watched her co-workers put everything into preparing for something so simple.
Jake smiled. "Go! Cynder, use Flamethrower! Sugar, Grace, let Ebony be your leader this time!" He smiled.
Cynder responded and shot a mega flame thrower right at Ember. With her speed giving her an advantage, Ember dodged the attach and slid to a stand still waiting for the command for the return attack.
Ebony perked up as she heard Jake tell her to lead Sugar and Grace. "Really?" She grins and stood up. She stood strong and felt important. "Grace. Sugar. We are going to work on aim and strength of the attacks. Grace, use psychic and Sugar, counter attack it with a High-Jump kick like Jake said to earlier. Grace, use all the strength you've got."
Grace nodded and understood. Powering up, she sent a huge psychic wave towards Sugar. Having great reaction time, Sugar used High-Jump Kick and dove right into the middle of Grace's attack. Their collision sent Sugar flying.
(oh. those tactics were for working as a team....)

Jake smiled. "Excellent dodge! But, Ember, you forgot your Flash Fire ability!" He shouted. "Focus! Use Swift! Cynder, counter with Mega Punch!"
(They work good either way.)

Ember listened and use Swift. Her move had speed to it and almost reached Cynder before she could counter it with Mega Punch. The two moves collided and the stars from Swift spun off like fireworks. It was a sight to be in awe of.
Ebony saw Sugar fly. It was magnificent. The power and the speed she carried with her was perfect. If she was flying towards an opponent, this pairing for an attach would be perfect to follow up with a physical move. As Sugar fell, she spun herself and braced her legs. Landing perfectly, she bounced back and smiled. "Nailed it." Grace smiled and nodded in agreement. It was really nicely executed. Ebony tried to think. "Grace, why don't you try to use Magical Leaf and Sugar, dodge it with a Quick Attack." Grace and Sugar were confused but went with it. While Grace powered up, Sugar prepared for the attack. As Magical Leaf was sent out, Sugar lunged forward and dodged each leaf, zig-zagging in and out before finally reaching Grace and knocking her off her feet. Grace and Sugar both went tumbling to the ground.
Jake smiled, and after 25 minutes of practice, he called them back. "Okay. Time up!" He said happily. He got the Hyper Potions out.
The whole team raced over to him and sat in waiting for their hyper potions. Ebony walked over slowly and smiled. "I'll pass on mine. I feel fine." She laid down and watched her team mate's excitement.
All the girls smiled and nodded. At the same time, they replied "All better." and begun giggling. Ebony giggled a long with them as she found it entertaining how training made everyone's thoughts on the same level and path. She loved seeing her team members like this. They always worked their best as a group and it just showed how strong their person bonds really are.
Jake smiled brightly. "Good." He then stretched and yawned. 'I'm gonna take a little snooze. Anyone want to come with?" He asked kindly.
Ebony smiled. "Sounds nice." She spoke lightly and walked to her trainer. Ember and Cynder smiled and laid down where they were. "I think we will nap here." Ember spoke. Sugar and Grace did some whispering between each other. "Grace and I think we will go exploring. We won't go far." Sugar smiled.
Jake smiled. "Okay. Get back within two hours, kay you two?" He asked Sugar and Grace. He smiled at the two fire types. "Okay girls, have a good one." Jake walked under a tree and brought out his sleeping bag. "C'mon, Ebony." He grinned.
Sugar and Grace headed off towards the woods to explore. Cynder and Ember curled up and drifted right off to sleep. Ebony grins and headed to Jake's side. "Hey Jake... Are we really going to take a nap?" Ebony was the closest to Jake and has been the one by his side the longest. Although their bond isn't apparent to most, she cared deeply for him. With this opportunity at hand, Ebony was wondering if now would be a good time to share her deepest secret with him...
"What do you mean?" He asked.

(Wait...I thought he wouldn't know about their anthro transformations.)

Jake laid lown inside the sleeping bag and patted his side, grinning.
(He doesn't. Their personal secret is their connection. Sorry. Re-read that and the way I worded it was odd.)

"Oh, nothing." She smiled and walked over to his side and laid down. "Hey boss, We are pretty private over here aren't we..."
Lenora said:
(He doesn't. Their personal secret is their connection. Sorry. Re-read that and the way I worded it was odd.)

"Oh, nothing." She smiled and walked over to his side and laid down. "Hey boss, We are pretty private over here aren't we..."

Jake nodded, and chuckled at her calling him "boss". "Yeah. We are. Is something wrong, Ebony?" He asked curiously.
"Nothing is wrong. I just have something I wanted to show you. I never told you about this. None of us have, but your whole team has a secret that not many Pokemon have." She stepped back a little and sighed. "I feel like we have been together long enough that you can handle seeing this. Are you ready?"
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