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Of gods and mortals. ( Batman4560 Xrwinrich)


Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! BATMAN
Feb 15, 2013
Gotham City
The sound of metal rang out all around the small beach as bodies started to litter the sand and cover it in blood. The sun was now setting on the water and darkening the sky as the Typhon lashed about with its snake like arms. Any of the villagers who were unfortunate enough to be under its mouth as it opened up were instantly burned to a crisp by its molten spit. The male villagers threw spears at the beast but sadly they were destroyed before they ever made contact due to the monsters lava spit.

The male villagers looked up into the skys to attempt to get a good view of the beasts head but could not see that high. It had not even left the waters yet and already loomed over the entirety of the village. At the time the battle was happening Orion, a tall large man who seemed to be blessed by the gods themselves with body the world was envious of, long silk smooth brown hair, deep pools of blue eyes and a skill with a hammer that made the best blacksmiths of Greece come out to learn under him. Orion was indeed crafting a massive shield of the finest metal in his small village to protect from the molten lava like spit that seemed to be the monsters most effective weapon.

Orion was not aware of his relation to the god Apollo but the fact that he was a half god gave him abilities he was not aware of, still he was a brave soul. The moment his shield was ready he strapped the massive thing to his right arm and picked up his sharpest sword. Orion ran down to the beach and attacked the snake like arms of the monster as best as he could....
RE: Of gods and mortals.

Watching from above what this monster was doing to these poor villagers was a goddess who was actually enjoying the devastation, being that she had sent this monster upon them just to test the very one who would save them. She had been watching Orion for such a long time, she even knew that Apollo was the one who had given him his powers and she was going to enjoy revealing that to him at some point.

Being the daughter of Poseidon could be considered a heavy burden but Salacia enjoyed working with her father, she didn't see him at all as hard to handle. Being his only daughter gave her the love of the sea like her father, yet she wanted to find herself a true mate. Salacia had tested many men who were half-god and didn't know it, so far she hadn't found even one she was willing to take as her mate. Except for Orion that is, he was her last hope for the time and she hoped he wouldn't leave her hanging because she saw real potential in him. She could see him as her mate, so far she could.

Salacia appeared in the crowd of onlooking villagers as she wanted to see this fight close up, to assess Orion's skills. Salacia was a real beauty and for her to hide in this crowd wasn't easy, hiding in the back was nearly impossible to her as she wouldn't be able to see then. So, she used her powers to make the villagers see her as nothing but another one of them and they wouldn't question who she was. Although, she didn't make it so for Orion as she wanted to test if he would notice her after the fight as well.

Her complexion was perfect as she was slightly pale, her face was truly that of a goddess holding so much beauty in it, her hair was the color of the night sky, midnight black. Her body was young and yet very sexy as she had all the curves in the right places, her breasts were ever present especially in what she was wearing. Salacia was wearing a sea blue toga style dress that had a very deep neckline, reaching all the way down to show off her bellybutton. Salacia was smiling as she watched Orion fighting off the very creature she had sent upon this village, he was doing very good and it was obvious he was actually starting to win. Salacia was so very pleased, she was able to find someone who would likely be a perfect mate.
RE: Of gods and mortals.

Orion dragged his blade across the beasts right arm and small serpents seemed to drop like blood from the wound he had inflicted. Moving with the momentum of his strike he spun around and came to a stop at the monsters left arm stabbing his sword into it until Orion's blade was completely hidden up to the hilt. As it spit its molten lava like venom Orion lifted his shield arm and saved himself from its attack. At first he hadn't noticed the shield did nothing to protect him and had vaporized on contact. Orion's clothes burnt off as the lava made contact but his skin was fine and not bothered at all.

This was the first sign that he was indeed the son of the god of fire and the Sun itself. Once the lava was around him Orion did not question the fact that he was still alive and instead withdrew his blade. Using the wound he caused as a foothold he stabbed again in the same manner higher up. Again he pulled himself up the arm of the beast and again he stabbed it. Now he could see the torso of the monster that was covered in what seemed to be the feathers of a golden bird.

Orion did't understand what this thing was or how it lived but he knew if he did not kill it then his village would be lost. After climbing his way to the top, to the protest of the monster. Orion took up his sharp blade in both hands and looked at the beast witch had the head of a human. "What are you?" He asked it before running up its shoulder and cutting its throat in one slash of his blade. The beast writhed in pain and fell to its knees under the water.

Slowly it started to slump forward with a mouth that was gaping open. Orion jumped into its mouth and rode it as it fell to the ground hard and covered the beach. For a long moment it seemed that Orion was dead and killed from the lava spit the monster had, but as the beast vomited it washed out Orion with it who slowly stood up and raised his ruined sword in victory. His body burned from the workout he had just put himself threw and he looked around only to see the woman in blue atop the hill that hid his small village. Never before had he seen some one as beautiful. Slowly the naked man made his way up the beach to the woman as the villagers cheered for him.
RE: Of gods and mortals.

Salacia watched the fight unfold and she had to admit that it was interesting to see this young man fight for not only his own life but the life of everyone in the village. He also seemed to have just found out that he was unique and that the spit from this creature didn't kill him as it would from anyone else from his own village. Did he realize what he was, she was sure he didn't at least not yet.

He was able to finally kill the creature and as much as she liked the creature and was fond of it, things were so much better if Orion lived and the creature died. Salacia had no problems getting another one, after all they even enjoyed killing humans. Watching him as he came right out of the creature with no problems, other than being a little worn out.

Salacia was smiling beautifully when Orion finally made his way up to stand in front of her. Reaching out with her right hand, she caresses his cheek. "I knew you would win this one Orion. You are not just a human, you are half-god as well. The one you get your powers from is Apollo but you did win this fight all by yourself. I admire that strength in you so very much. Not to mention everything else about you appeals to me." She had looked him up and down as she said that last part. All of him was so very appealing to her. "I congratulate you on completing your first test to becoming my mate. I am Salacia and you will be seeing more of me. I assure you." With that being said she leans in for a rather passionate kiss, sliding her tongue along his lips, teasing him with a kiss.
RE: Of gods and mortals.

The way she moved her right hand across his cheek caused him to close his eyes for a moment. The softness of her skin sent a felling of cold air threw his body and almost forced him to shiver. She had just told him that he was a half good and son to Apollo witch would explain the fact that he was not killed by the monsters hot spit like so many others. As she revealed that she was Salacia, daughter of Posiden his eyes widened fearing she was here to kill everyone inthe small village but she seemed to want him as a mate. Just as he was about to protest her lips pressed into his and her tongue ran along his lips urging them to open. Her lips teased his senses and as his mouth opened slightly he sucked on her blissful tongue.

He pulled away and looked her up and down. Truly her beauty was great and he could not turn her down based on looks alone. " test my skills you have decided to attack my home? And you expect me to welcome you?" Orion was confused by this course of action and at the same time truly hurt. "People have died this day because you...have sent this....this...beast! Why? To what ends?" Orion took a step back from her as a man approached him with a robe that he swiftly put on over his massive body. "This type of action is wrong, there are other ways of winning a man."
Salacia knew he found her attractive and the kiss, the way he responded to it. He was definitely perfect, he even opened his mouth to suck on her tongue which spoke volumes about him. She would enjoy testing this one each and every day. The taste of him was amazing, he was definitely the son of Apollo. She was looking forward to getting him in her bed and under her sheets, that would be a real test.

When he pulled away she liked that he looked her up and down first, before he started condemning her for her extravagant methods. "I never need to be welcomed and I didn't just do this, I have planned for this very day. To see how you fight and handle yourself is very important to a god. I did all of this because I need a mate and after watching you for so long but seeing no way of testing you without help, I had to. All of those who have died, have died with honor, I would not have it any other way. Yes, for a typical woman there are other ways but for a goddess, this is the only way. I have tested many others, who have failed. You are my first victory. Enjoy it." Seeing the cloth that they were putting on him, she reaches out to touch it, turning it into extravagant cloth that still fit Orion. No one in this village would have something like this.

The man who had clothed Orion would not be able to see Salacia as she was only visible to Orion, yet he would likely understand who Orion was talking to. Everyone knew that gods didn't appear unless they wanted to, for whatever reason that was. "Do understand it is not that I kill just because I want to but because I need a truly strong man to be my mate. You will be tested more than this day and they will not likely be the same. I trust you will understand this is how I must go about finding a mate. I suggest you make use of the very beast you slew, it's skin could be of use to you."
"You...Salacia, what if I said no to you? What if I turned you away?" Orion looked at the cloth he was given by the goddess and while he did like it, was disgusted by the fact that she made would always serve as a reminder of the lives she had taken today. His body tensed up and if he knew he could hurt a god with his apparent half god strength then he would have struck her where she was standing but instead he drew the hood up over his head and headed back down the hill not really caring if she was following or still talking. If Salacia was going to be sending more after him he would need a good armor and weapon...the body and bones of the beast would do just fine.

Walking back to the beach he picked up a sword and slowly started to skin the beast. He worked on skinning the monster of its feathers and scale like flesh for half a day getting more than he could carry. He then took two hours and picked bones out of its body and slowly dragged them back to his forge. After a time he started to craft his best work. A suit of armor all the gods would be envious of. When his armor was finished he donned it and placed the robes he was given over the armor. Packing a months worth of food and water in a bag he slung it over his shoulders and headed off out of the village hoping to keep the people safe from the crazed goddess.

After a few hours of walking along the beach he had become exausted and moved on to a small cave to rest for the morning. Orion set up a fire pit and ate some of his food before falling asleep. Already he was worried about his village....



Salacia liked him even more now. No one would ever refuse her and yet it seemed as though he was planning to refuse her or he already had. He didn't understand that he couldn't refuse her, no matter how much he wanted to. Watching him walk away from her as he obviously didn't care. "You can't refuse me." Was all she said before she vanished. She was still watching him very carefully. The way he went right to work using the very skin and bones from the beast he had just slain, it was enjoyable to watch him. The armor and weapons he created were nothing that she could ever have gotten from anyone greater. He was truly astounding.

Salacia knew he would leave his village hoping to protect those still left, who had cheered at his victory. When he made himself a camp in a small cave she had to appear there, although she did wait for him to fall asleep. Just wanting to see more of him up close. Kneeling down next to him as she runs her hands along his stomach and chest, enjoying the feel of him under her soft hands. She had made it so she was touching bare skin, yet he was still warm. Finally she moves to straddle him as she leans in to kiss him on the lips again, yet this time she moved her kisses down his body, stopping at his bellybutton. Whispering to him, "You will be my champion in more ways than one and trust me, refusing me is not possible. I know your weakness and you wouldn't want those in your village to suffer. I can keep them safe from anything, all you have to do is give in." With that she licks his lips and smiles.
In his sleep he could feel her lips against his. The taste of her mouth caused a stirring in his leather pants. How could he not find her attractive? The way she touched his bare flesh caused his body to writhe in his sleep with pure joy. He moaned as she kissed down his body and started to dream of having his way with her.

The words Salacia spoke echoed in Orion's mind. "All you have to do is give in." It would be hard for him not to, and already in his dreams he was having his way with the beauty witch caused him to let out a soft long moan of pleasure in his sleep. The way her tongue felt on his skin and lips, the way he imagined her flesh tasted and how warm she would be when he entered her were all things that got him hard. In his sleep he begged for the villagers to stay safe. "Please...whatever you want, just leave them alone." He pleaded unknowingly. If he ever had a chance to save the elderly in the village he wanted to do so.

Orion moved his hands up her body in both his sleep and dreams letting his finger tips glide over her every curve and letting out a lustful moan. This goddess was unsurpassed in beauty and for whatever reason she had chosen him as a mate. In many ways it excited him but at the same time it terrified him. Orion had never known his father but it seemed like if he did join her they would indeed meet. Was it wrong of him to want something so much? He had started to kiss her passionately in his dreams but in his sleep he was doing little to please her.
Salacia heard and even felt his reaction to her little teasing and tasting of his body. She knew he must be dreaming about her as she had in a way made it happen, she wanted him to dream about what he would do to her, entice him even further. Looking down she could see that he was truly pleased with all that she had done to him.

The moment he had said those words, no matter that he had said them in his sleep, Salacia would follow through with the promise she had made to him. His village would be kept safe and if he didn't know what he had just done for them, well he would eventually. Once again she moves down his body to kiss at his bellybutton, even take some time to lick inside before moving down to as far as she can go. Then standing up smiling. Teasing him would make it that much easier for her to get him to agree to become her mate. He was beyond perfect for her and he didn't give in so easily as one of the others had done, that had been a test he had failed.

"Orion, I will test you again when you awake but it will not be the same as your last test. Do be prepared, it will test something other than your muscles. I will be watching you, lover." With that she vanishes again.

When the sun comes up Orion hears some crying obviously from a female somewhere nearby. What he finds is a beautiful woman sitting on the sand with her feet in the water. Her hair was silver and she was completely naked, her body was something any man would dream of having. She was a water nymph and she was here to test Orion. Her eyes matched the water at this very moment, a beautiful sea green and they were not just filled with tears but overflowing with them. It was easy enough for her to cry and it was the perfect way to get any man's attention.
Orion watched as the woman on the beach cried and for some reason his heart sank and hurt for her. Taking off the robe he was given by Salacia he moved to stand beside her and dropped to his knees. "Here you must be freezing...I have a camp just up ahead...come and I will make a fire and feed you." He said as he wrapped the robe around her and rubbed her shoulders to try and warm her. "How long have you been here?" He asked as they neared the camp together and he showed her the way threw the small cave.

He didn't have much food but would not sentence someone to die from starvation if he could help it. After the dream he had last night he tried hard to not look at her body, something about that made him feel guilty as if he were cheating on a committed lover. Orion bit his lip and reached into his small sack to withdraw a bowl and some rations. He handed them to her after placing the rations in the bowl and spoke in a near silent tone. "What is your name?"
She allowed him to wrap the robe around her, even rub her shoulders, although she wasn't really cold at all. When she spoke it was in a rather sultry voice one that could seduce any man, at least that was the true hope. Did it work on gods or any half-gods? "I don't really remember how long I've been sitting here on the beach. I don't even know how I got here. But now you are here." She played as coy as she could, at least for the moment.

She accepted the bowl, although she wasn't really hungry. "My name is Airlia and what is your name, Oh mighty warrior?" Setting the bowl down she places her hands on his thighs, slowly moving them in a very provocative way. Airlia had even made it so the robe gapped open to allow him the view of her perfect body. She was here to seduce him as Salacia had told her he was a prime specimen. Salacia had wanted to test if the water nymph could seduce a half-god like Orion like she had been able to with mortal men. "I know you like what you see, don't fight it. Do what feels right, feels natural. Every man always does."
"My name is...Orion" her voice was alluring and erotic. How could he truly resist someone that sounded like that? He watched as she sat down the bowl of food and ran her hands up his thighs. His body wanted nothing more than to take this woman and use her for his own purpose but his mind told him not to.

He couldn't help but look at her body as she revealed it to him threw the robe. His body trembled with want and desire. What kind of magic was this that was effecting him? Orion closed his eyes and pulled away from the woman then stood up straight. "I can't do this. You are in shock. I will help get you to a village if that is what you want but I...I have promised myself to another.

Please make yourself decent and finish eating so that we may be off." Orion looked down at the woman taht called herself Airlia and he frowned. How he wanted to take advantage of the situation but if his dreams from the previous night were any indication than he was already sworn to the Goddess of the sea. He felt pity for the woman at his feet and wanted to help her but if she was another test would taking her to a village be wrong?
Airlia found him so very intriguing, he was able to resist her, no man had ever done something like that. She stands up as she ignores the way the robe was still left gaping open, standing right in front of him as she lightly licks at his lips, all she needed was one little response from him. He was very handsome and if she was able to make him fall for her, she wasn't sure she would give him up.

"I know you feel something for me, I can certainly see from your expression that you are denying it. Just give in, it's so very simple and it will save you the trouble. I can make all your dreams come true." With that she moves her hands over her breasts, rubbing them to elicit a soft moan from her own mouth, something hopefully to entice him to want to touch as well.

Salacia was watching this going on and as much faith as she had in Orion, she knew Airlia was very hard to resist let alone refuse. This might be his undoing and yet she so wanted him to win this test. He was the best hope of her ever being able to have the perfect mate, one who could actually protect her if need be. She wasn't truly toying with him, these tests were very important in telling her what kind of god he would be.
He started to breath heavily and licked his lips as she drew closer and begged for him to give in. The way she touched her body would haunt his dreams for some time. Reaching out he grabbed her shoulders and spoke. "The bag in the may have the clothes that are inside but I require this robe, the one I have promised myself to made it for me." He wrestled it off her body careful to not touch a part of her she might like, or he might for that matter. The taste of her tongue still fresh on his lips was enticing but he pushed threw it.

"I am sorry I could not help you. To the south is a small village, may your trip be swift." He placed his robe back over his body and headed out of the cave. It had taken almost all he had to resist the woman and if she had pressed any further he would have likely given in. Glad to be rid of her he continued down the shore of the beach until it came to a wooded area. By now it was mid day and Orion decided a quick rest was in order. He sat down against a thick tree and looked at the small sack of trail rations he had on his hip. They would get him threw another day or so but he would need to find a bow or set some traps if he were to continue to eat. Did he need to eat? He had never gone thirsty...maybe that was one of his powers. He sat there for a long moment and prayed for an answer to his question, hoping for some sort of guidance.
Airlia heard his breathing and saw his tongue licking his lips, then when he reached out to grab her shoulders, she actually thought he had given in. Well, she was utterly shocked at his reaction and even the way he took off the robe he had put on her, the one she knew Salacia had made for him. As she watched him leave, she couldn't help but to laugh. "He is much stronger than I would have guessed, you win this round Salacia. He has passed my part of the test, good luck with him, I'm sure you'll need it." With that the water nymph disappeared back into the water.

Salacia was so glad to see his reaction to her and his resolve. He would make a fine mate for her, although he still had a few tests left. Even if he passed them would he even say yes to her? That was a true dilemma and she would figure that out at some point. Watching him as she could tell what little rations he had left would not be enough for much more than a day or two. Seeing him actually praying at this point had her smile and appear in front of him. "Orion, are you actually asking a god for help? I find it rather interesting and yet nice. I can give you anything you need, all you need do is ask me for it. Yes, you do need to eat but not as often as mortals do." Bending down as she places a rather chaste kiss on his forehead, although her cleavage was practically in his face, whether it was intentional or not could be debatable.
He looked on at the woman he had sworn to be with in his dreams. Orion always had a funny way of doing whatever he had promised to do in his dreams. Some found it strange that he always remembered his dreams so clearly. Apparently gods did not eat as often as humans did, that was good since he didn't have much to go on. But here was a woman and a god no less that was offering to help him so long as he asked for it. She kissed his forehead and his eyes were drawn to the perfect cleavage in his face. He bit his lip and nearly moaned. Already today he had been sexually teased more than he had ever been in his life.

Thinking for a moment he came to two conclusions. "A forge...a portable forge, or a bow...I can use either one to hunt." He would have constructed a bow with a small forge but to just have a bow from a goddess would have worked just as well. "If it wouldn't be to much trouble to ask for Salacia." Orion found himself blushing as he indeed found her to be very attractive and had she just been honest with him he would have very much accepted her offer. How ironic it was that the one who had attacked his home was now offering him help. The gods seemed to play a cruel and funny joke on Orion this day. "Umm not to look a gift horse in the mouth but...why has my father not appeared before me?"
Salacia enjoyed the way he looked at her cleavage, she knew with the test he had just passed today that if she offered herself to him, he wouldn't hesitate. Yet, she wasn't quite ready for that yet, after all he would likely be able to get her pregnant and she needed him to pass the rest of the tests first. He wanted a portable forge or a bow, well she found it rather interesting to give him both. So, easily enough she waves her hand making a portable forge appear but the finest bow appeared in his very hands. Even the arrows were truly stunning, the craftsmanship was astounding.

Hearing his question about his father had her laugh just a bit. "He will not appear in front of you until you have proved yourself to him. Now, these tests don't seem so bad when you consider the thought of meeting your father, now do they? You also get to not only become my mate, you get to use me sexually, any way you want." That last part was whispered seductively into his ear. "I will say that you have made me so very happy that you passed that last test. A water nymph can be very hard to resist, they are meant to sexually please any man they like and she really liked you. Yet, I'm so very glad you didn't give in and kept to your promise. I will keep your village safe, no one else will die, at least in your home village. I cannot protect other villages, nor could I protect them from your next test. It will be something to look forward to." Smiling this time she kisses him on the lips, licking his lips to replace the taste of the water nymphs with hers.
Orion looked at the wonderful bow and the forge. "Umm I feel bad taking both of these...even the hammer looks to be stronger than the sword I have crafted." he bit his lip and savored the taste of Salacia for a moment before letting out a soft moan and standing up to look her in the eye. "Thank you for the gifts, all three of them. I will not ask you for any more favors, bring on your tests..." He strapped the arrows over his shoulder and looked to the small forge. "Perhaps I can re-shape the sword into something better with the magic of your god forge?" He asked. He wasn't sure if it was magic and if so he would do his best to make a stronger weapon, witch he didn't think was possible.

"Why me?" He asked as he moved to the forge. What made him so deserving of a goddess's love? Aside from helping a few villagers in his home he had done nothing special...up until yesterday. He understood that he was the son of a god but..why did she not choose a god for a mate? All of this bothered Orion to no end, he was great-full for all her help but couldn't ever hope to pay her back. Who was Orion to be better suited than any other man? There were others more noble, more skilled, and braver. After a long moment of looking into the hot molten coals of the fire he asked. "How does it stay hot?"
Salacia didn't mind giving him these things, he did deserve them after passing the first two tests, not everyone was able to pass. Hearing his soft moan from licking his lips, savoring the taste of her on his lips. Now he was ready to take her tests, even though he had already taken two of them it was good news to have him willing now. "I suppose you could give it a go but it does seem plenty strong enough already." His skill with forging weapons was astounding, part of what had drawn her to him was that skill. It helped that he was built like a brick and made her even salivate a bit.

"Why you?" Salacia laughs a bit. "You don't know how many half-gods and gods I have tried to make things work with and I just couldn't do it. None of them appealed to me the way that you do. I'm sure you dream of me, now if you knew how often I watch you it might help. You have been the only one who has actually refused me up front, yelled at me for killing mindlessly. This is honestly the last choice I have, other wise father is going to pick someone for me. I can't have that as I hate the god he is going to pick out for me. Do you not want to lay with me, have your way with me? If I do not appeal to you I can always find some goddess who does." She didn't like the idea of giving him up to anyone else. She wouldn't call it love, at least not at this point. Of course, he was still a man who enjoyed forging weapons. "I do not try to understand how Hephaestus does anything." For the first time in her existence she felt almost ugly, he was practically ignoring her, almost saying that she didn't appeal to him.
"What? Of course you appeal to me. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever had the honor of laying eyes on. I just have little to offer. I don't know how my gratitude is all." Felling the heat from the fire he stopped and took off his armor and top. His body was covered in scars and burns from his previous work. He felt as if the hot embers that burnt him was a way of bonding with his crafts. "I...Umm" He dipped his blade into the hot coals and let it melt a bit before reforging it slowly. "Would you like me to make you something?" He looked over at the beauty and smiled wide at her as hot liquid flame crackled and hit his body. It didn't seem to bother him at all but left a nasty burn. Slowly his blade became a hammer head with a blade across the top moving into a point at the back. He crafted a steel handle to make it look like a sledge hammer and let the metal cool. There was still a bit of gold left over and he looked at her for a long moment. "Perhaps a ring to adorn your beautiful finger?"

Slowly he started to work the metal and did so with much more care than he had with the hammer. It was easy to ruin something so small. He wondered if anything made from this would have a magic property or simply work as all other items made in a forge. Every once in a while he found himself looking at Salacia and licking his lips. Why did she not simply take him now if she wanted him. "So...will you tell me what the other tests are?"
Salacia was so thrown off guard that she had felt unwanted and ugly just because of the way this half-god had jumped to a different subject. He was more of an enigma to her than any of the other's she had tested. Once again she got to see the body that appealed to her so much, the very body she admired. Even watching him work was appealing to her and she had never once enjoyed watching Hephaestus work at all. "As long as you work your hardest to pass these tests then that is all the gratitude you could ever need to show me." When he mentioned making something for her it had her smile, all the jewelry in the world would not compare to this simple ring made by Orion. "That would be lovely, I would be able to wear it for the rest of the tests and hope that you would pass them with flying colors."

After all Hephaestus was with Aphrodite now, not like she wanted to be with that hammer wielding over obsessed god. Salacia actually moves in closer to watch him as he carefully crafts the ring for her. She noticed the way he looked at her, his tongue gliding across his lips, he wanted her it was very obvious and he could taste her. She couldn't have her way with him now as it wouldn't give him something to truly look forward to. "I really wish I could but if you knew then it wouldn't be much of a test, now would it? It needs to surprise you and make you think on your feet. Because when you do become my mate, you will likely have no warnings before something comes after you. I am glad to see that you were able to refuse Airlia, she is the best at what she does. I needed to see if you would keep to your promise and if you did want me enough to refuse others, no matter how appealing they are." Leaning in she licks away at a bead of sweat on his chest, she couldn't help it as she had to taste him again. This was getting so very strange for her, he was also half-mortal and she was already weakening around him.
He nearly dropped his hammer as she licked his chest. Stopping he stood up straight and grasped the still hot ring in his hands. Now that he knew fire and heat would not bother him, he had a new way to cool off his works, with his bare hands. As the ring cooled he took her right hand and slid the ring onto her finger. Somehow he already knew the size of her right ring finger. "Think of this as a wedding ring for when I pass these tests...but in return you must promise me that you will not harm anyone on purpose after the tests." He knew that during these tests that someone would get hurt. If there was something he could do to help those people afterwords he would but for now this was the best he could do.

Orion kissed her hand after sliding the ring on it and looked into her beautiful eyes. "How many more tests?" He figured he had battled a monster and refused temptation already. There would most likely be two more, one to test his brain, and one that would be some form of the last three. Orion had heard tales of others that passed the tests placed before them and most of them seemed to be the same. However he was well equipped to face a more physical challenge. Slowly he backed up and looked at the forge. "how to I make it move with me? Is there a command or maybe I just drag it?" He hoped it folded up or something. It was slightly smaller but would be heavy to move if it had to be dragged.
Salacia saw his reaction to licking a drop of his sweat from his chest, it definitely told her that she could unsettle him a bit, put him off balance. Now it would seem that he knew he didn't need a bucket of water to cool any of his creations, he could use his bare hands. Feeling the ring slid onto her finger, it was the perfect size yet that didn't really surprise her. A wedding ring that he made himself and yet the promise he was asking, wasn't something she couldn't handle, the problem was, she wasn't harming those people on purpose, that was just how the tests went. "I don't generally harm anyone on purpose, things just tend to fall that way but I will keep my promise." He was such a strong and helping soul.

The feel of his lips on her hand had such a new sensation, it was wonderful, truly. "You have three more tests to endure." Yes, he would have to use his brain to outwit that of a creature who wanted to do others harm, the other two would be basically surprises for him. Watching him look at the forge and try to figure out how to move it had her laugh a bit. "It's rather simple, just tell it what you want to do and it will accommodate you. All you need do is tell it to fold up and it will. I don't rightly know why it does so but in a way it's alive. That is Hephaestus for you, always making things that seem alive." Moving over to stand right in front of him, she places each hand on the sides of his face to then kiss him passionately and thoroughly. She couldn't help that she was a goddess but she was so very attracted to Orion.
He smiled at Salacia when she swore to keep her word. And the idea of telling a forge to fold up seemed silly to him but who was he to question a god? Before he could move to pick up his newly crafted hammer, Salacia was placing her beautiful hands on Orion's face and kissing him with a passion he had never before known. Shocked at first his eyes slowly closed and he let out a soft moan as his arms wrapped around her slender curvy body. He pulled her close and pressed her against him. If this was what he had to look forward to then he would pass any test she threw at him. The feel of her lips and the taste of her tongue sliding around his plus the fact that her body was pressed against his bare skin all worked against him. His member stirred to life under his leather pants and pressed against her.

Orion broke the kiss with a playful bite to her lip and moaned out. He was going to be frustrated by the time he actually was allowed to lay with the water goddess. In a whispered voice he asked "Where does my next test take place?" He then took a step back just to keep her body off of his. He didn't want to try to force himself on the woman and things were becoming hard to deal with.
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