Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)


Jun 3, 2013
Izaya had his hands in his pockets striding down the street, stopping when his phone beeped. He pulled it out and flipped it open, putting it to his ear. "Here already?" he said, then gave a half chuckle. "Well alright then." He said before closing his phone and continuing on.

"Stupid Izaya... Making me come all the way out to Ikebukuro..." Makise muttered sourly, shoving her phone into her pocket and moving away from the train station.
Ayane worked on wiping down the tables of Russia Sushi, listening with a small smile as Simon yelled at people to come inside and eat.

Shizuo walked around, hands in his pockets, cigarette dangling from his lips as he walked in no specific direction. He stopped when he felt something...odd. He gnawed on his cigarette, eyes narrowed, "Izaya..."
Makise walked past the large Russian man, blinking when a flyer was held in front of her face. "Huh?" She read the paper quickly, then her stomach growled and she made a noise, maybe she should stop here to eat.
"You eat? You like it! It good!" Simon said brightly. Ayane dusted off her apron and fixed her hair, awaiting customers. She loved working here at Russia Sushi; Dennis and Simon were good to her and the pay was good.
Makise took the flyer slowly and looked it over before shrugging slightly and heading inside, pulling out her phone so she could text Izaya. "Hey, meet me at Russia Sushi, I'm starving, we can talk there."
Ayane looked up when a girl with crimson hair and blue eyes stepped inside, looking very awkward. "Ohayo~! Welcome to Russia Sushi~! Sit where-ever you like and order when you're ready~! Would you like some tea or water?" Ayane asked brightly
"Um, just some water would be fine for now." She said, walking to a more secluded area, sitting down and brushing her bangs out of her eyes.
Ayane nodded and retrieved her a glass of water, setting it down on her table politely, "There you are, ma'am! Would you like a little more time? Or did Simon give you a flyer?"
"I'm waiting for someone- but yeah, I did get a flyer." She said, holding out the flyer for Ayane to take, glancing to the front door as she waited for Izaya patiently.
Makise waited, looking around before she spotted Izaya walking in with a slight grin, hands in his pockets. "Maki-chan~" "Don't call me that." "How rude, Maki-chan, I called you down here and you're all cranky.
Ayane came back with the sushi and smiled, "Here you are! Anything else I can-!" She stopped when she saw Izaya and blushed softly, "Get...you...?"
Izaya sat down, flashing Ayane a fox like grin. "No thank you, I'm here on business only~" He said, turning back to Makise, who looked to tired for Izaya's bullshit.
Izaya pulled a thick file from his coat and set it on the table, Makise picking it up and opening it, frowning softly. "Why them?" "Because you still have ties with them and are willing to do whatever you have to for your job, right~?" Makise scowled and put the file on her lap. "Fine, whatever."
"IIIIIIIIIIIIIII-ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" Shizuo's voice yelled from outside. Ayane rushed out, "Shizuo! Shizuo, calm down!" "No! I know he's in there, Mika! GET OUT HERE, YOU RAT BASTARD!!"
Izaya stood up quickly, grinning form ear to ear as he went out to go greet his guest. "Izaya?- Wait you bastard, get back here!" Makise followed after Izaya, scowling faintly.
Shizuo grinned darkly when Izaya came out and he tucked his glasses into his vest pocket, "I thought I told you never to come back here, Izaya. I guess you really do wanna die." "Sh-Shizuo, please!" Ayane pleaded
Makise frowned and looked to Izaya. "Nice friends you have here, can I be their friends too?" She asked sarcastically as Izaya pulled out a switch blade from his coat pocket and pointed it at Shizuo.
"H-Hey now!" Ayane got between them, "There's no need for violence!" "And you know I hate violence!" Shizuo ripped a street sign out of the concrete and nudged Ayane aside before charging at Izaya
Izaya threw the knife and ran, grinning wickedly as he passed Ayane, disappearing down the street. Makise sighed and looked to Ayane. "Can I just get something to go?"
Ayane looked and nodded, "Yes, of course." She said and went to pack up Makise's food.

Shizuo chased after Izaya, "Get back here, you bastard!!"
Izaya laughed and threw three more switch blades at Shizuo, running quickly down alley ways and knocking over trashcans along the way.
Shizuo's cheek was knicked by one blade and he hit the other two with his street sign, jumping over the trash cans and gaining fast on Izaya
Izaya turned a corner fast, then scowled, but regained his grin as he saw it was a dead end, stopping and turning to face Shizuo.
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