Axis Powers ヘタリア (DarkMudkip/Jikkah)


Jun 3, 2013
Under a rock
Ireland sat outside on her back porch with a bottle of Guinness, staring out over the cliff to the sea. She enjoyed the sea breeze and the smell of the ocean; it helped her relax after a stressful day of work.

Prussia stalked Germany, waiting for the right time to attack him with brotherly awesomeness.

"MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" America called, "Maddy, where's my Mickey D's gift card!? Its not in my wallet!!"
Germany was going on his usual morning run, sensing a familiar presence behind him as he went along his way up the street, but ignoring it completely.

Alaska winced at her brothers loud call that echoed throughout the house, peering over the edge of her book and setting it down. "You used it all up yesterday!" She called back.
Prussia continued to stalk his brother, smirking, "Kesesese~" He snickered softly as he walked through the bushes

America moved into the room, looking distraught, "Whaaaaaaaaat!? Really!?" He gasped
Germany let out steady, even breaths, going along his usual route before he was about a block from his house. "Gilbert." He called out. "Qvuit following me around und go do somezhing useful, jah?"

Alaska nodded, looking back down at her book. "Why?" She asked absentmindedly.
Prussia popped out of the bushes, grinning widely, "Kesesese~! You're getting better at zhis! I'm so proud..."

"Cuz I'm, like, hungry..." America muttered
Germany didn't stop or look back, keeping his steady jogging pace and keeping focused, jogging up the driveway of his house and up the front steps, stopping and pulling out his keys and unlocking the door, entering and closing the door behind him.

Alaska looked up from her book again. "Didn't I go grocery shopping yesterday...?" She asked.
Prussia raced after him and rushed inside after nearly smacking into the door. "Hey, Vest! Do you vant to go drinking tonight? I zhink zhat frau, Eire, vill be out as vell~!"

"But I want McDoooooooooooooooooooooooooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllddddddddddsssssssssssssssssssssss~~!!!" America whined
Germany looked over, finishing his water, washing the cup, and putting away; he grabbed a washcloth and wiped his forehead off. "Nein."

Alaska bookmarked her book and stood up. "Want me to drive you?"
"But, Vest!! Eire!!" Prussia tried to talk him into going but it didn't seem to work

"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!? I'll totally pay!!" America clasped his hands together
"Jah, und vhat about her? She is a very beautiful voman." Germany said.

"Okay, Okay, let's go to the car." Alaska said, going to get her car keys before heading out to the car.
Germany made a noise, then headed off down the shower. "I'll be out in a vhile." He said.

Alaska got into the car and started it, backing out and heading off, pulling into the MacDonald's drive thru and looking over at Alfred. "What do you want?"
Prussia pumped his fist victoriously and went to change.

"Just say its for Alfred, dude, they'll know." America grinned brightly
Alaska nodded and turned back to order. "It's for Alfred...!" She called and the order appeared on the screen: 1 Big Mac, 1 Quarter Pounder, 1 Large Fry, 1 Large Diet Coke, 1 McFlurry and 1 Cone. "Will that be all, miss?" "Yup." After counting out the money, she drove up to the next window, pulling out her wallet and paying for the large meal, receiving the food in turn.
Alaska held out the food and gave a small smile. "Don't worry about it...!" She said. "Just enjoy your meal today."

After a quick shower, Germany came out in a black top and some slacks, running his fingers through his hair to smooth it back.
Alaska nodded and headed back for home, parking her car and getting out.

Germany looked over to Prussia. "Danke." He said, letting out a breath. "Let's go."
America followed after her, munching on his fries

Prussia grinned and nodded, "I'll drive!" He said and rushed out with the keys before Germany could protest
Germany looked slightly less than panicked, but he followed Prussia out anyway, getting into the car and getting buckled in.
Germany watched the scenery go by as he stared out the window of his car, waiting to arrive at the bar.
Prussia pulled into the parking lot and climbed out, locking the car after Germany exited and went inside. He grinned when he saw a familiar red head in a white tank top, grey baggy shorts and a flat cap, "Eire~!" He called. Ireland looked back and smiled, raising her mug to them
Ireland nodded to him, smiling softly, "Hoi thar, Lu'twig.." Prussia sat on her other side and grinned, "Guten tag, frau!" "Hoi, Gil." Ireland laughed softly
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