War & Peace [A Dynasty-Warriors based RP (Yuna & Loveraiden)]

"My life? Yes. My innocence? Like hell! Urgh!" A frustrated wince left as she continued roughly struggling against Rowen's grip, ignoring the stinging of her face as a second slap connected. Her breathing got faster and more frantic, her heart racing. The hell with self-restraint; this time she did allow another adrenaline rush to take over as she worked desperately and frantically to get out from under Rowen's body.
Her adrenaline was working with her training as she struggled underneath him and just about escaped from his pinning. As he watched this he quickly grabbed her shoulder and threw her to the ground. He knew that if he gave her a chance, she may go for her katana. With an awkward lunge he went after the weapon before she had a chance to recover. He hadn't realized just how strong she was. His fingers wrapped around the scabbard as he held it away from her. He didn't want to but he may very well have to use it.

The logic was dead on. Not only would she have grabbed the katana but castrated him first, possibly killing him after. Even a mere ability to incapacitate him and allow herself the chance to escape would be enough though and thus one of the few things keeping her from taking his life then and there. But he had seemed to read her mind well enough as she felt herself make impact with the floor, rolling a few times, wincing as she finally stopped with her stomach on the floor. Her head glanced up in time as she saw her katana being held away, her glare seeming to get more sharp as her eyes narrowed. "Let go. That is definitely mine regardless of how much you want to dispute I'm yours or not."

Her hands shook as she stayed on the floor, ready to push herself up to her feet at a moment's notice if he moved towards her. While it was true she had decreased the ability to talk her way out of this, it wasn't fully gone ... or so she wanted to believe. Even if only a slim chance .. maybe she could negotiate her way out of this. But ... how to go about doing this? Her heart raced as she tried to think quickly, unsure if she could begin to say or do anything to make up for all that'd happened thus far.
"Yes this is yours, and even if I wanted to claim it, what use would it be. I am skilled with spear and have no interest to learn the sword." He said as he gripped onto the hilt of the blade, threatening to pull it out of the sheathe. "It would be a shame if anything happened to it however." He knew that a warriors life was link to his blade, and he figured that hers would be no different. This was the one thing that he had let her keep from her old life, and he would hate to have to get rid of it.

He pulled the blade free of it's case and placed it point down into the ground at an angle. His foot positioned threateningly against the flat side of the blade. He may not be able to fully bend it in half, but there would be enough force to ruin the integrity of it. "If you would like for this to remain as perfect of a blade, I would get back on that bed." His voice spat poison at her now.

Even before she knew what he had in mind with her blade, she'd gotten up to her feet. Her eyes narrowed as she stared into Rowen's eyes, her fists shaking angrily. Yes, Yue had resorted to some rather drastic tactics in their fight; but she had more honor than to involve other people or dare harm her opponent's weapons. And for that reason alone, she viewed him as a coward ... one who fought even dirtier than herself. "Selfish prick ... " She murmured lowly, ice in her tone as she laid back down slowly on the bed. Her eyes went to her blade as her hands rested at her sides, showing she would keep her word ... and ensure he continued to as well.
He watched as she started to obey him yet again. He let his foot down slowly beside the blade. He never once let his eyes leave her form as he slowly put her blade back carefully in the sheathe. He looked around and found some rope that had been once used to help patch a hole in the ceiling one stormy season. Placing the katana back against the wall, he grabbed the rope and looked at her. "Well then if you are not going to do this the easy way. Then I guess I will just have to tie you down like an animal." He didn't care at this point what she thought of him. He had made this decision and he was going to go through with it. He quickly closed the gap between him and the bed and landed himself on top of her yet again, this time he had a rope in his hands.

Her eyes closed, a low "Ngh!" leaving her lips as she felt pressure on her body. A scoff left as her head shook no. "... Idiot, I'm not being cooperative about this because you tried to sabotage me with this! If you'd issued it as a real order ... and not sneak around behind my back ... I honestly wouldn't be having nearly as much of a fit as I am now. But you can't even look me in the eyes and say what you really want. Coward .... " Yes, she may have been somewhat naive and unsure on it; but she definitely wouldn't have struggled or fought against him nearly as much either. Whether he believed her or not ... she'd find out and part of the way Yue would determine that would be if he still bound her or not. If not .. maybe there'd be a chance this could go just the slightest bit smoother.
Rowen scoffed at her as he reached down and grabbed her wrist. "Order or not, you struck me and I can't let that go unpunished. Even if you had accepted my order, it is too far past that point to matter." He said as he pinned her hand against the railing and tied it firmly to the metal bars that decorated the head of his bed. He had gotten this frame from the local blacksmith in commemoration of his promotion. He didn't understand what the big deal was about such a decoration but now he was glad he accepted the gift. After he was satisfied with the knot he grabbed her other wrist and followed suit, tying her tightly with her arms straight above her head. He wouldn't admit it to her, but the fighting had gotten him rather worked up and he enjoyed having to force himself on her. He was even contemplating this being something that happens more often.

Her fists dug into her palms quickly, the words only angering her more. No fair! It wasn't even against orders! Just following instincts! But he'd already shown and allowed her to feel he didn't give a damn. Her head turned away, her eyes remaining firmly shut. She wanted this to end ... why? Why had he spared her? Only for this? If so, she would almost beg for death over this. She was a soldier, a handmaiden even. But a whore? Never! And yet she was about to be used as one ... and just knowing that much made her shiver, along with the cold metal connecting with her skin.

She stayed silent before finally finding her voice once again. "... Was it really a handmaiden you wanted? Or a loose woman? And why the hell me if the latter?" She found it hard to believe that there were no women within here whom would be much more eager to allow themselves to be fucked .. maybe even ask for it. So why of all people did Rowen insist on her? Gods, he had a reason ... didn't he? Or was he truly that selfish, caring for nothing but himself and his desires?
He figured he would give her a reason before he decided to go through with the act. Satisfied that she was securely tied to the bed he slowly rolled off of her and threw the blanket off of the bed. By now his full ten inches were begging for what he was promising to give it soon. "When I first met you, I wanted a man that would fight along side me and eventually someone I could trust. When I finally found out who you were, I wanted someone who would be around me that would care for me and deal with my personal life. And now that I have seen you fully I want you in every way possible. If I wanted just one of those things, I could have found it somewhere else. But only with you can I have all three. Even if I have to beat it into you, you will meet all three." He said as he reached up and started to remove the last piece of clothing that was covering her body, aching to finally have the reward he had been planning for all day.

" ... So why was all of that so difficult to admit?" She asked her eyes slowly opening to make contact with Rowen once again. "If you'd just said that .... instead of going about the sneaky route ... you definitely wouldn't have gotten a knee to your gut. You do know trust isn't earned by ambushes or similar tactics, right? If you really want all of that ... just be honest with me and say so."

The same gentle and feminine voice he'd heard for the first time was back in his tone. A bit of Yue could see why he'd bothered to these methods at all; habit probably more than anything, maybe even a slight bit of fear --- though he'd never admit the latter if he was anywhere near as prideful as she could guess. Noting out of the corner of her eyes his hand going for her panties, she decided to try to show her words weren't just another lovely lie but a genuine sign of faith as she lifted her hips for him, allowing the fabric to leave her body easier.

"You've seen when I'm given orders, I stick to my word. Has that not been a good enough start for you? If not ... I hope that is and whatever else I can do or show you ... assuming you'll - eventually if not tonight - allow me that."

Gods what was she saying?! Part of her wondered if she'd gone mad or insane. She barely knew the man and hell he'd tried to rape her not but seconds ago. Why did her mind seem to alter? Half of Yue didn't know, the other not caring enough to figure it out.
"You want honesty Yue?" He asked as he watched her moving to allow him to remove her panties, showing her entrance to him, a place he was ready to explore fully with his length. He smirked as he looked over her body, the way she was ted up to his bed. Although he words were breaking the illusion, he had to fight through it. "When I first began to take you and you fought me, it got me eager to win. The more you fought the more it made me want to win. It started as a simple sign to show dominance and now it was the fight that got me to where we are now."

He shook his head as he was breaking the illusion himself. He liked the fact that she was forbidden to him. That she didn't want him and that he didn't care what she thought. Like she said, if he wanted sex he could find it. He was sure he could find a group to all perform on him at the same time. He didn't want willing, he wanted to win the battle of force and accept his prize. His warrior spirit wanted a battle to the death, were the death was ones innocence.

The words made no sense. He'd gone on about wanting someone who'd be by his side and someone he could trust ... yet now he was going on about dominance? It almost felt and seemed as if it were Rowen's turn to try to lie to her. But with how long Yue had done the habit herself, it wasn't as easy to do so to her. But perhaps worse than herself, he was lying to himself it seemed. Her eyes closed as her wrists relaxed slowly against the ropes. A shiver trailed down her body as she waited. Just as Yue had been ready to accept her death, she was ready to do so with the loss of her innocence. She would somehow show him ... non-verbally or otherwise ... that he didn't need to resort to all of this just to obtain a companion. It could easily be some much more simpler, significant ... intimate even. But the very first step which would have to happen is he'd have to realize this then be willing to let her prove herself to him.
After not hearing a response to his reason, he figured the conversation was done. This was fine to him as he was ready to get this over with, as it had seemed the excitement for the fight had left and all the was left was to claim her as his own. He nodded in silence as he placed a hand on each of her knees and pushed them apart, wanting to see her entrance, wanting to look at his goal. He member throbbed back to life as he was continuing with the act, positioning himself between her legs as he climbed up her body

Her heart raced more as her legs were forced apart. Was he really going to be so merciless and just shove in? Not even the slightest bits of preparation? What Rowen may or may not have been expecting was her entrance was completely bald, free of any hints of raven hair that should have been there. The same could be noted easier now that her wrists were bound above her head, the same applied to her underarms. Her eyes slowly opened as she forced herself to make contact again with Rowen.

You've looked and faced through worse ... keep your eyes open. No more trying to hide ...

Her body continued trying to relax as she awaited, knowing the basic concept of what was about to happen to her body soon enough.
Rowen was quite impressed with how well groomed Yue was. He was used to the unkempt ways that most women kept themselves, but this was a welcome changed. He was quite positive that she had never been with a man before, based on her being a man for most of her life. He also knew that the first times were often painful and hard to bear but he was sure that this would compare nothing to what war would do to your body. He had positioned himself just at her entrance as he gave the woman he was just about to enter one last look. She didn't look to have any fear, no pain, simply accepting what was about to happen to her. He started to push his hips forward and felt her entrance open up for the intrusion.

The long awaited feeling covered his body in an indescribable feeling as he continued to slide deeper into her. A small bit of resistence had confirmed his original thoughts as he pushed past the barrier of her innocence before continuing into her. Each each sent a shiver of excitement thrugh his body as he finally had his length buried deep into her.

It was true that she'd endured much worse from previous fights and battles. Still, the fact was pain was still pain. So when Rowen broke her hymen ... she couldn't help but let a cry of agony slip past her lips, her wrists grabbing at the metal bars. Her muscles instinctively clenched around his member as it entered, caressing it even. Her chest heaved as she panted and swallowed, not sure whether to be more astounded at what'd just happened or how easily she had accepted her virginity being taken by someone she barely knew.

She was so confused ... torn. Why was she feeling so nonchalant? Shouldn't she be more angry?

Her wrists let go of the bars as the pain subsided, her pants getting heavier and more frequent as Rowen began to thrust into her. Swallowing softly, she began willingly controlling her muscles, allowing them to continue wrapping and squeezing sensually around the cock that had officially made her a woman.
He heard the slight cry as he broke through her but he paid it no mind for it wasn't long before she was moving her muscles to massage and please the muscle that was buried deep in her, now thrusting back and forth. The feeling was not what he could imagine as his pace was slow at first, trying to enjoy every feeling she was causing him. But he soon picked up the pace as he felt the desire building up even stronger. His hands were clenched into his sheets as his hips slammed deep into her before he would slowly pull them back only to repeat the process. She was so tight and yet it felt like he was fitting perfectly inside her.

The rougher Rowen plowed into her, the more her breasts bounced from the force and momentum. Her muscles continued to squeeze around his cock, noting he was reacting to the pleasure being given rather well. Her body remained still as she tried to think on what was going through her mind and if she was certain. Mentally nodding to herself, Yue allowed her legs to gently wrap around Rowen's waist, pulling him in deeper, her hips beginning to meet up with his thrusts. A shiver trailed down her body as she finally allowed soft moans to begin leaving her lips, her hips continuing to rock gently up and down, accepting and silently hinting that she wanted this as much as him.
Rowen would have never expected for her to not only start moaning as his thrust but to be so into that her legs wrapped around his waist. He didn't put much thought into however, as his mind was more focused on the way her walls massaged him and how warm it felt inside her tight entrance. He lowered his head down and took one of her bouncing breast into his mouth. They were mesmerizing and he couldn't resist his temptation to taste them. He could feel himself becoming addicted to the feelings she was giving him and he had a bad feeling that this would be opening up the doors to something more than just a simple woman to lay from time to time.

Her hands grasped the metal bars again, her head tossing back as another moan left her lips. "Mmm ... " Her hips began moving upward at a faster pace, her muscles following suit as they lightly squeezed around his shaft. A lot of questions and possible answers to them were racing through their mind as Yue continued trying to figure out why she'd accepted this so easily. At one point, she thought she heard something along the lines of it being due to a basic need and desire, at another maybe Stockholm was to blame. But at the moment, Yue was beyond caring even if this seemed like the very wrong reaction.

Seemed like? No, it was. This hadn't started out as something she'd wanted at all and now ... she was all but begging for and embracing the intimate actions.

Her body began to tense up, feeling herself getting close to an orgasm -- her first one at that rate -- as her body continued to get stimulated and pleased. Her head tossed back as far as it could, her hands gripping the bars as hard as she could, moaning long and loud.
Rowen could feel her body tensing up underneath him as his own orgasm was coming quickly to himself. Her increased desire for more and the moaning the echoed in his mind was driving him insane. Maybe he should have just asked her for this, if he knew that she wanted it this bad. His thrusts were now pushing hard enough to move the bed, as the wood underneath them seem to creak against the weight. He let out his own loud moan as he felt everything that had been built up released inside of Yue. His thrusts seemed more punctuated as each hit sent another burst of seed out of his throbbing member and into her vessel.

Not but seconds after Rowen gave in and came, so did she, coating his shaft. Her muscles squeezed around his shaft as tight as they could, her back arching up and remaining there. Only when her orgasm subsided did her back lightly fall against the sheets again, pants still lightly leaving her lips. She couldn't help but wonder ... had Rowen considered the possibility of pregnancy? Was that a goal of his even? Yue realized as the possibilities came to her head that she wasn't sure if this would be a good or bad thing for herself ... hell the both of them. She was so used to being a fighter, a soldier ... how could she raise a child? It didn't help she wasn't out of her teen years yet.

Swallowing softly, her eyes looked up to Rowen's again. Her head lifted up, sitting up as best as she could with his body still upon hers. After a few light breaths, she finally leaned forward and kissed him softly, murmuring a simple phrase into his ear as she pulled away. "Please ... keep going if you desire it. It feels good."
Rowen was pleased that she wanted more, something he was not opposed to. He figured that his life was safe and he would take a risk. Leaning forward he reached up and untied her wrist from the bed posts. His movements caused him to feel the wet sensations his orgasm had caused, sliding his still hardened member like lubricant. Once her wrists were free, he lowered his face to hers and placed a passionate kiss to her lips as his hips went back to forcing in and out of her already filled pussy. He didn't care if his actions led to a child. At the very least he would hope for a son to carry on his name.

A sigh of relief left as her wrists were unbound. It hadn't been overly tight but was getting slightly uncomfortable -- to continue to feel her wrists against a surface such as metal. Massaging them for a few moments first, she then wrapped her arms around Rowen's neck, pulling him closer and deeper inside. Content sighs and moans left as she leaned into the kiss, returning it eagerly and with equal passion that he was giving her. Her legs remained wrapped firmly around his waist, meeting his thrusts with her own, causing her moans to get louder even in the midst of the kiss. Her muscles squeezed faster as she felt her body getting warmer from all the sensations and stimulations swimming through her.

Gods ... so good ...

Her right hand slowly unwrapped from around his neck as it trailed up slowly. Her fingernails lightly teased his collarbone and then she let her hand find his hair, running gently through his locks as she continued to fuck back against him, helping him steadily slide deeper and deeper inside.
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