War & Peace [A Dynasty-Warriors based RP (Yuna & Loveraiden)]

Rowen hadn't slept well as he tried to contemplate what he was to do with his prisoner. She was a skilled warrior, but he couldn't put her out into war, not without worrying about what everyone would think. But he couldn't just kill her, he had this strange feeling that she was going to come to some use to him. He sighed as he turned in his bed and continued to contemplate what to do. It was late when he finally was able to get some sleep and wake up, not feeling rested but having to force himself up. He quickly dressed in his best outfit and headed towards morning counsel. There was always so much work to do after a battle such as the last one. He had guards posted at every exit to his house hold in case Yue had attempted to escape and went on to his job.

After hearing about the number of men that were in prison for not enlisting and then hearing about the rest that were in training, he let a small smile cross his lips. He hated executing people, he felt it was a waste of life. But if they threw it away, he would have to make an example of them. The books of war say that the best example to men is that of their leader's. It was then that he had an idea of how to try and garnish more respect from the men he had acquired and a way to punish the prisoner he had captured. After counsel, he ordered for all of the Shu men to be brought to the main square and to await his arrival. He he had the prisoners to be bound and brought out there. He then made his way to his household, a new drive in his eyes.

More out of habit than anything, Yue had woken up early in the morning ... though with a bit of a start. Light pants left as she quickly sat up, still half-expecting someone to have been towering over her. Thankfully, no one was around .. she had time to remain alone and do some tasks uninterrupted. Allowing her breath to first return to her, Yue then slipped out of the bed, re-making it as a form of 'thanks' to Rowen. The room was relatively easy enough to navigate through and within and soon she found the bath. Dropping no more than two hot coals into the hot-tub sized bath, she dipped two fingers into the water, ensuring first it was warm enough.

Thankfully, the process never took more than but a few seconds and once they reached a good temperature, she pulled her fingers out. Grasping slowly at her panties, she slid them off, the bandages leaving next along with a sigh of relief as her 36Cs were finally allowed the ability to breathe and get some air. After double checking she was alone, she slid inside ... though despite how long Yue wanted to stay inside the water, she didn't. Today would be quite the day and she'd need all her physical and mental strength, something told her.

After a bit over six minutes, she stepped out, taking a towel from a nearby rack and drying her body then hair off. Until she could get more clothes, she would re-use her panties for now. The bandages, however, she grabbed and tossed away. Heading back into the main bedroom, she soon found a closet. Yue knew this was horribly rude; but Rowen hadn't exactly left anyone to say what she could or couldn't do nor a note of any sort. Thankfully, however, she had indeed chosen the correct drawer, seeing it had multiple robes inside.

Grasping the nearest one - one that was dark blue in color - she deftly wrapped it around her, pulling the sash tightly around her body. Her hands had begun to reach out for her katana and strap it to her hip - another habit - before she stopped, the sound of footsteps catching her ears. Her eyes closed as she swallowed anxiously. It seemed she was about to find out what would happen. Standing silently in front of the bed, she awaited for the door to open and to hear what was to occur.

.... Here goes everything and nothing I suppose ... She mused inwardly, trying to keep her body from trembling in anticipation.
Rowen had entered the room where he had left Yue and when he entered he noticed that she had done well to take care of herself, and dressed in of of his robes. He nodded as he looked her over. "I see you have gotten comfortable in your confinement. I have decided that you will not be executed for your dishonor, even if you would deserve such a fate." He continued as he sat in a seat near his bed. He was running his plan through his head as he sat.

"For now you will be my hand maiden. You will obey my every command and you will not leave the household without my permission and even them without two armed guard at your side." He laid down the rules he was going to have her follow while she stayed. He was sure she wouldn't be as willing when she knew what was going on in his mind. "Disregarding these rules, or your duties will come with harsh and severe punishment. But first, you will receive a punishment for your brazen crime of impersonating an officer. You will come with me to the square and I will speak with your men. They will learn who you are and will hear of your punishment." He said as he stood and motioned for her to follow him as he made his way to the square.

Her head slowly shook. "Y-yes. I'm sorry on how abrupt it was and without consent but ... " She ceased, deciding to leave it at that upon hearing he didn't seem displeased. If anything, it was a bit more along the lines of the very opposite, as if he were content that she had enough respect and decency to take care of herself and her body. That .... was a good start, yes? She hoped so and poor Yue felt .... torn almost upon hearing his verdict.

Handmaidens were a nice way of saying 'servant' but ... for the most part, Rowen wasn't seeming quite as perverted as most other men she had run into often acted. In fact, he was more civil and gentleman-like than most others. Still, the fact remained that she barely knew him. Hell it hadn't even been a full day yet; what if this was all just an act? What if deep down he was as selfish and sadistic as most others ... even if she complied?

It was things like that which made shiver after shiver trail down her spine as she kept her dark eyes upon him, trying to peer into his soul and find his true intentions. But when even the faintest hint couldn't be found, it only terrified her more. Words tried to leave her lips, to say she supposed it wouldn't be too bad but refused to. All Yue managed to give for a reply was a light nod.

Her feet almost didn't try to move, fearing what would happen within the square. It shouldn't be more than just announcing the truth, right? But then ... why was she so horrified? Probably all the unknown factors that still remained, if she had to guess.

Exhaling softly, she forced her feet muscles to begin to move, slowly following behind Rowen. She had wanted to do this on her own whim, admittedly -- apologize to Lui Bei and all the troops she led for the acts of lying and deceit but she wasn't in her own territory now. No, she was behind enemy lines and she'd hold her tongue for now to keep them safe; those whom had chosen to ally themselves with Rowen now at least. She highly doubted all of them had ... which made her wonder ... how many were still alive even?

Even as they reached the square, Yue still remained behind Rowen. She had no idea what to say or do at the moment ... so even if somewhat reluctantly, she would follow his lead.
The Shu captives had surrounded the center of town and behind them, Rowen's own men seemed interested in hearing what their commander was to say. He was well loved by the people and although he could be cruel when it was required, morale was never higher in the army. He stopped in the center and smiled. He looked over to Yue and whispered. "Stay here." Before he began to walk around the area that was cleared for his speech. "Great and mighty men of Wei, here we have the enemy general that was foolish enough to meet you in battle. Although he fought bravely and made me sweat during our duel, he still stands among us. Tradition dictates that I execute him in honor of a great battle. But it is what you don't know that has stayed my blade this day." He walked back to Yue and gripped her katana in his hand, pulling it from her sheathe.

"Zhou Xun, great Shu general. You hold many secrets from your men and from your superiors. Yet, you can night hide your secrets from the ancestors, and now it is time for everyone to know as well." He walked behind her and raised her katana high in the air. "Allow me to introduce you to your general." With a swift motion, he dropped the katana, barely missing Yue's body but splitting his robe down the back forcing it to fall from her shoulders. Exposing her true body to her men and to his own. Bending down he grabbed the sheathe to her sword and put it in before placing it again by her feet.

"Yue Xun is my prisoner, for her dishonor to you all she will be my handmaiden. She will be reminded of her crimes everyday and will have to work off her crimes until she has been repent." He said as he turned to Yue and locked eyes with her. He motioned for guards to come and escort her back to his homestead. "I will be home shortly." He said as he turned to let the almost naked Yue go. "I am a man of honor and mercy. You may continue to join my army and be rewarded lavishly, or you can refuse and be given an honorable death by your own blades." As he spoke the Wei shoulders cheered, causing Rowen to smile before bowing low and heading back to his homestead.

Her fists clenched upon being described as 'foolish' but said nothing aloud. Yeah and you were rather cocky you smug son of a bitch! Allowing her retorts to remain within her mind, she felt her heart racing once again, another adrenaline rush trying to take over as it had yesterday. This one, however, she forced to suppress and stay hidden away. Despite how much of her wanted to let it dominate and take over her to retaliate, she wouldn't -- not when she could see the same men she'd led right before her. She wouldn't be the only one to suffer if she truly went about and going to do something that was actually foolish; somehow acting against Rowen.

As her blade got unsheathed, her eyes closed. She'd been ready to be executed .. in front of everyone. Then again, Rowen could have easily had last second thoughts on truly wanting a handmaiden; she wouldn't blame him, really. She'd already shown she had a disobedient side --- one that even now hadn't fully faded. No, Yue just knew her limits and if others hadn't been taken away with her, this would be a completely different story. But she would not cause so many lives to be lost just because she was infuriated at both herself and Rowen. No ... unlike some other generals and military officials she'd met, she wasn't heartless or cruel unless it was absolutely needed.

Now was not one of those times.

A loud rip made her eyes open, her face immediately going red as she felt - thanks to the cold air - and saw what had ended up happening. Her hands instantly covered her breasts, not wanting to be seen like this. Thankfully, her panties concealed her still virgin sex ... they didn't get to see all of her -- no doubt another huge saving grace.

Carefully bending down to grasp her katana, she then followed the escorts back into the manor then into her new 'room'. Yue stayed silent the entire walk back ... though then again, what was there to say? She wouldn't dare ask for an apology -- not when she did deserve some form of punishment for this. And, much as she hated to admit it, Rowen had definitely been merciful to her thus far. She didn't want to push her luck quite yet.

As she arrived back in the room, she set her blade against one of the walls closest to the bed. Unsure of how long she would have to keep waiting, she sat upon the bed, one hand always remaining over her breasts. It seemed logical to get re-dressed ... but that hadn't been an order, technically. So she would wait .. ensure she could do so without risking herself or her men's safety.
Rowen had returned to his house hold and had made his way to his room, nodding to the guards that were settled at the entrance. He figured his show would convince more men to join, and to raise the morale of the men. Regardless he had to speak with his handmaiden. He slowly walked into the bedchambers that he had set her in. This was originally the guest room, where he would house those that needed rest. But now that Yue's role changed, she would need to be shown her new room. He stood in the doorway and looked over her form on the bed. His hands crossed behind his back. "So, Zhou is dead and now all there is life is Yue. Come I will show you to where you will be sleeping." He said as he turned and waited for her to follow him.

The very abrupt change from having become a soldier to a handmaiden in mere moments was still registering in Yue's mind while she waited for Rowen. The cold air danced around her mostly nude body, making her unable to help but shiver a bit, the anticipation easily aiding out. Her head looked up as the door opened once again, her teeth finding her lower lip as she bit anxiously down. Not nearly hard enough to draw blood, but enough to ensure she stayed silent. It took her by surprise to note that even seeing her like this, Rowen seemed to still behave himself. And yet ... it reassured her simultaneously.

Maybe being a handmaiden wouldn't be nearly as bad as she'd been fearing or thinking. The thought made her inwardly smile .. but only in her mind. No emotion or expression - save maybe what few hints of anxiety were escaping - showed on her face or in her eyes. Giving another nod, her left hand re-grasped her katana. She may not have been a soldier anymore, but the blade did still belong to her when all was said and done. Surely another soldier and general could understand why it was so valuable to her.

Keeping her blade by her side, she began to quietly follow behind once again. For a bit, only the silence would linger over them both. Her mouth had opened ... and she nearly asked aloud where exactly he was taking her; as in his room? Another? But she kept the question to herself. After all, it'd be revealed soon enough. Finally, she did allow something to leave ... though certainly not what she had intended or he probably wouldn't expect.

" ... I .. know I definitely don't deserve to still be breathing and standing so ... thank you." She had no reason, at the moment, to take the words back ... and she figured at the very minimum, she could give him that much, yes?
Rowen hadn't changed his expression as he entered into his personal bed chambers allowing her to follow him in before closing the door behind him. "No you do not deserve what you have been given. Many would kill for the mercy I have shown you these last few days. If not for your prowess with that blade, I would have taken your life on the field that day." He said as he moved over to his closest and opened it. He didn't seem to blink an eye at the fact that she was still nearly naked, he would come to that issue in time. "These are my outfits and my armor. You are to make sure they are cleaned and put away every day. When I wake up, you are to dress me, and when I go off to battle you will arm me." He said as he turned toward her. His eyes still cold and unemotional.

"For now you will wear one of my robes, until I can get a seamstress to make up some outfits for you." He said as he nodded towards her katana. "You are allowed to keep that in this room, but you may not wear it outside this room until you earn that honor." He said as he walked over to the bed and stood straight. "Now grab a night robe for me to wear and come dress me as your duty. I need to judge your ability." He ordered as he looked at her, ready for her to act as required of her.

Yue could scarcely believe what she was hearing ... dress him?! That seemed rather ... lazy and slightly awkward. It'd been bad enough that she had to remain mostly nude before him but now ... she would see him that way also? True, it wouldn't last long but ... still. Something about these tasks felt very taboo and wrong, lustful even. Weren't people usually supposed to only see one another during their wedding night? Or consensual nights that involved such intimate activities? All the same, she knew it didn't matter anymore; she'd already signed herself away by having agreed to everything else thus far.

Besides, it couldn't be that bad ... could it?

Setting her katana against the wall first, she then went towards the closet Yue had watched him open. Taking a quick glance back to Rowen, she then looked back into the closet. It didn't take but a few seconds as she grasped a crimson robe to aid out in complimenting his features. Setting it gently down over the bedposts, she then stood in front of him. Her hands remained still, her raven eyes looking right into Rowen's. Finally, she forced her arm away from her breasts as both hands began working on removing article after article of clothing down, folding each neatly away as it left Rowen's skin.

The same deftness and grace she had displayed on the battlefield was in her wrists, hands and arms as she tried to keep from staring at her new 'owner's' body. As she softly swallowed and finished folding away the old clothes, she unwrapped the crimson robe and slid each arm through the respective sleeve, pulling the cloth over his body firmly yet gently. Finally, she found the sash and wrapped it through the loops along the center of the robe.

Pulling the sash through each circle carefully, she pulled the robe again to ensure it kept his body concealed. While keeping his skin hidden, she pulled on the sash and tied it in a knot; though simultaneously made sure it wouldn't be too difficult of one to undo in the morning.

Trying to double check her work quickly, she then moved away, her hand almost hiding her breasts again but stopping, resting at her sides again. Her heart raced as she waited. Personally, she thought she had done well but all it would be Rowen's opinion that mattered, not Yue's. "Where .. do these ... ?" She gave a gentle nod to the old clothes that she'd folded away, waiting first for his verdict before actually grasping them and putting them away to be cleaned up.
Rowen was happy that she still knew how to be a woman, even if she fought like a man. He nodded his head when she finished in acceptance and watched as she mentioned where the clothes had to go. "There is a small wash bin in my washroom you can use to wash those when you have the time. For now, you need to get dressed as well. It would do me no good to have my new maiden sick from the cold." He said with a stern voice. He could feel the desire that was building up in his body for her. He had been resisting it ever since he had discovered her true gender. But he couldn't indulge into those desires now. There was much to be done and much that she needed to learn. Her place was now at his side, to do his bidding and to please him as he chose fit. And soon enough he would give her that very command.

Oh yes, Yue definitely knew how to be a woman. She'd been taught those lessons around the same time she began to self-teach herself how to fight by her mother. And she made damn well sure she got a few basic essentials taught to her child; though obedience had not been one, listening had been. By allowing the order to have echoed a few times in her mind, she used common sense to figure how to go about it ... and wound up getting praised for it in the end. Her head bowed in appreciation as she set the dirty clothes down in an unused chair, grabbing a lighter shade of blue as she wrapped the new robe eagerly around herself.

It wasn't until she finished that another possible realization dawned on her... one that made her heart nearly sink. But she didn't want to assume; in fact, she wanted to be wrong on this guess. But she saw no other bed.

.... He doesn't really expect me to .... does he?!

Her heart raced as she double checked. But unless she was looking the wrong way, still no signs of another bed. Finally, her eyes went back to Rowen's. "Where ... do you want me to ... rest?" She asked, feeling uncertain and uneasy for the first time since her capture. Well, not the first but definitely the emotions were stronger than they'd been before.
Hearing her question, he figured it would be quite apparent. "You will share a bed with me." He said matter of factly as he looked her up and down at the choice of her attire. He turned and left the room, calling out behind him. "Come, I promised wine in celebration of our duel and I intend to hold to that promise." He said as he made his way to his main room and ordered for wine to be brought out for two. He set down at a small table. There were four other small tables set out for when he entertained guest, something he would do often in his role as leader. He smiled to himself as he watched his plans all seem to fall into place. He would drink wine tonight and when returning to bed he would exact a little revenge on being dishonored by fighting a woman.

Suddenly, any and all appetites Yue may have had were abruptly gone. She knew it would be bad to go for too long without food or drink .. but she was genuinely scared and uneasy about the situation she'd been shoved into. Her feet slowly followed behind Rowen as they had when she was led to the square. With some slight hesitation, she sat down in a chair adjacent to Rowen and even more uncertainly, she allowed herself to accept some of the wine. However, she mentally noted to herself when to slow down and drink less, wanting to be sober. This way she was watching out for herself while remaining mostly sober. The alcohol wasn't making her relaxed like it may normally.

Goddamnit all .. She inwardly sighed then groaned as she took yet another sip. Rowen should consider himself lucky she didn't believe in the truly 'dirty' moves of fighting, like aiming for one's crotch or tossing dirt or sand in one's eyes. Because now that she thought on it, if that had been one of the first things she'd done, Yue probably wouldn't be here in this wreck. Her gaze stayed downward as she set her glass down, bowing her head lightly in appreciation for the promise being kept regarding the wine.
"Where did you learn to fight? Although it seems slightly unorthodox, it is a style I am unfamiliar with." He said, speaking the same as if he was praising a fellow in arms. He had been drinking fruitfully and had ordered for food to be brought out as well. The entire time they were out there, it was like a new man was sitting in the room. He was not the cold calculated man, nor the merciful commander. Here he was the man that enjoyed a good time and good company. In his mind, the events of the past two days could wait until later.

After a full jar of wine had been finished and a hardy meal now finished on his table he knew it was time to retire for the night. He stood up, quicker than he probably should have in his current state. But he quickly was able to regain his balance as he turned to Yue. "So my maiden, shall we retire to the room for the night. Tomorrow we must get you fitted for your wardrobe as well as decide on the fate of the everyday issues." He motioned for her to rise and to join him on his venture to his room.

The second she heard Rowen's voice ask a question, her head lifted up. It almost seemed dangerous to reply .. though maybe she was over-thinking, the wine likely aiding out in that. Exhaling softly, she took another sip to try to calm herself. Finally, she began giving her answer to him as they both headed to his room together. "That would be because some of it I self-taught myself. I realized at an early age I had quite the knack with blades, katanas especially. But with my parents being of the commoner class, they wouldn't have been able to properly train me. So I watched soldiers from afar for a while, noting their swings, footing, etcetera. When I realized I'd never be able to join via the more ... traditional ways, that was when I started taking steps to gain my goals despite the laws. I intentionally spent more time nearby the soldiers to heed how they spoke and mimic it myself. Dealing with my appearance was the easiest part; it was keeping the guise up for so long."

She paused, remaining standing even as they entered the room .. for now anyways. Allowing Rowen to let the information sink in for a bit, she resumed, knowing perfectly her story wasn't done. "I officially went into Lui Bei's army and care at thirteen, though some of his own higher ups trained me when they first noticed me practicing on my own at ten. They saw potential in me and asked if I wanted in. By then, I'd long moved away from my parents, knowing neither would wish for me to take up the life of a soldier nor resort to sneaking and lying in order to become one. For the most part, I stole during the dead of night, resorting only to begging if it couldn't be helped. But whenever I was looking honest and innocent, I was always practicing on my skills with my blade; and that was how I got noticed to begin with. Once I was taken in, food and funds were no longer an issue. So for the past several years, I'd been serving Lui Bei, working my way up the ranks all the while."

Her hand covered her mouth as a low yawn left. Finally, Yue allowed herself to sit on the bed. The idea of rest sounded damn good even if she was still a bit uncertain on sharing the same place with a man she barely knew. She could already feel the fatigue was so very close to dominating her, practically forcing her to fall asleep regardless of what she felt or thought on the circumstances.
Rowen nodded at her story, amazed by her tale of woe to warrior. If she had in fact been a male, he would have garnished much respect for her, but as it was he still felt that her current situation was brought on by those very choices. He noticed her yawn and shook his head. "I guess it is time for rest." He said as he stood in the enter of the room. His face became stern again, the same face he held when he initially gave her orders for the day. "Come remove my robes and your own as well." He said as he held his arms out from his sides a little to give her the space she would need to remove his clothes.

He wasn't going to let her know exactly what he had in mind, he was certain she would put up a fight as it was. It would be easier if they were in less clothing and already in bed.

As if this hadn't been more awkward, it somehow got even more. Not only did she have to sleep with him ... but nude too? Her head lowered as she nodded slowly. With how generous he'd been thus far, Yue desperately wanted to believe he'd keep doing that; but could only imagine any man would be incredibly tempted to get a free grope - if not more - from a woman so close to him ... and nude. Her hands barely avoided trembling as she undid his sash, folding the robe neatly up and setting it on the pile of his outfit from earlier. Her eyes glanced down to her own sash as she began working on undoing it, heading to cover herself with the sheets as she got all the clothes neatly placed in the chair. She was weary and anxious ... and more than anything, poor Yue wanted to prove herself wrong for once. But the task was much easier said than done. More often than not, if her gut instincts kicked in, they were correct on what they were telling her.

And right now in her head, she could hear a simple command echoing and screaming in her mind.

Idiot, run! RUN!

But gods help her, she didn't want to assume the worst of Rowen. But she would not accept certain things; and if her mind was anywhere on the correct mindset, what she was fearing would definitely count as such actions.
Keeping up the innocent ploy that this was going to just be a night of sleep, Rowen slid in the covers and laid himself on the pillow. "Come join me Yue." He said as he closed his eyes and waited for her weight. He was a patent man and he was planning on waiting until she was comfortable, certain that she was safe. But then he would over power her. She may have trained as a soldier but he was a man after all, and what kind of man couldn't over power a simple woman. He laid there and waited for his plan to come into fruition. He was ready to get his revenge for making him feel weak. He remembered how he felt like he was at match with her on the battle field, how he was ready to see this warrior as an equal and welcome them into his army. He remembered when that dream crash when he came and found that this same warrior was in fact a woman. He hid the burning anger and desire he was holding in his heart.

Poor Yue's mind and heart had been racing so fast she barely noticed she'd been standing in place like a fool until Rowen spoke. Her head shook at herself as she exhaled once again. The nagging feeling wasn't fully gone ... but enough that she would damn well try to lie down in hopes that not long after her head hit the pillow, she would be asleep. Swallowing softly, she slid in the bed beside Rowen, her own eyes gradually closing. "Night ... " She murmured softly, her body and mind both desperately trying to relax and help her fall asleep.
Certain that she was as comfortable as she was ever going to be, and it was time to put his plan in action. In one swift motion he rolled over on top of the woman laying next to him in the bed. He had taken her wrists in his hands and looked down onto her as he attempted to get into a position to start the act. Normally he would have demanded this as an order instead of forcing himself on her. And he may still do so for later excursions. But for now he needed to show her who truly was in control here and he was going to put her in his place. The desire he was hiding started to boil over as he was working on his plan and it was starting to take over his body. He could feel his loins growing with anticipation as he tried to work himself over her body.

All it took for Yue's eyes to open was the feeling of pressure upon her wrists. " .. Goddamnit!" She hissed, her body instantly going back to following instincts. The hell with orders ... this was pushing it for her. She squirmed violently under him, trying to move her body out from underneath him, her wrists turning at any possible angle it could move. Resolve and anger went right to her eyes as she glared up to Rowen, breathing heavily through her nose. Without bothering to warn him - after all, he hadn't bothered with her - she tried to raise a knee up and ram it into his gut.
Rowen felt a knee slam into his gut as he knew this wasn't going to be easy. He needed to put her in line. "What right to you have to strike me?" He said loudly as he released one of her wrist. He pulled his hand back just enough to slap her across her face. "I told you that you are my maiden and you will now do your duties." he was getting angry now as he sat atop her waist. His hand was raised for a second strike if it was needed.

Her head shook no insistently, remaining turned away from the slap as it harshly connected. "This is no duty! This is worse of a crime than my own lies! What right do you have to go through with this?! And don't just say your military rank or whatnot! That doesn't make these actions anymore justified ... or whatever the hell adjective you desire to use! Now get off!" Noting at least one wrist was free, Yue wasted no time in taking advantage of it and pressed her fingers in between his thumb and index finger which were still pinning her other wrist down.
Seeing as she insisting on fighting he raised his hand and slapped her face again. "I am not even required to give you a reason. Your life is balanced in my palm and I decided to keep you around. You are no longer a soldier but a prize of war and I intend on enjoying the fruits of my labor." He said as he fought his grip against her other hand, trying to wring herself free. He had no intentions of letting her off that easy. If he had to, he was certain he could find some rope to tie her down with. He had hoped this would go smoothly, but he knew that there was no chance of that happening. He knew that threatening her life or the life of her men would be like shooting a dead horse. He had to admit, fighting over this was helping him feel more masculine as he tried to force dominance over her.
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