War & Peace [A Dynasty-Warriors based RP (Yuna & Loveraiden)]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

A soft sigh left the soldier's lips as dark eyes opened to glance at what could very well be the last sunrise she would ever watch. Of course, to most of the others within those serving the Han Dynasty and their respective lord, she wasn't known for whom she truly was. Yue did direly dislike the sneaky tactics, but knew it had been for the best. She would have otherwise never been able to aid out, never been allowed to join should the other men know she was actually a woman in disguise. And thus, no one addressed her as 'Yue' but rather 'Zhou' Xun.

She'd been born and raised within the area of the growing dynasty and though her parents hadn't been able to train her properly due to neither of them knowing how to do so easily, she managed to self-teach herself how to properly wield and use a blade as early as six years old. Within several years, she altered her appearance, cutting her formerly long hair short, barely touching her shoulders, and took up a false first name.

All of these, Yue knew perfectly, were crimes that should she have been found out about, could very well mean death for her. But the now seventeen year old soldier - and general - was more determined than ever to keep her identity concealed. This campaign she was about to lead would greatly expand the Han dynasty ... and boost not only it's economy - which had taken a slight turn for the worst - but morale also; something the soldiers all direly needed.

Her hand lightly patted her right hip, feeling her katana was indeed still there. A light breeze traveled over her body, gently pushing some raven locks away, only for them to fall before her dark black eyes once again. The sounds of footsteps made her glance back. Slowly but surely, the other soldiers were getting in their respective places and preparing for the oncoming battle that was to begin.

And yet .... something was still bothering Yue. The enemy would truly meet them head-on? Let alone in broad daylight?

Something feels off ... very much so ...

A frown crossed Yue's face but she couldn't pinpoint exacts on why this was pestering her so much. Still, it didn't make her gut feelings shut up; even if she couldn't prove how or why ... something was definitely amiss.
Yunqi Rowen sat at the head of a large table, a map with various trinkets on key locations. A handful of his trusted men sat around the table and were discussing a plan for their attack. Rowen ran his fingers through his hair as he went over the plans a second time. "I want to minimize our loses, it is pointless to lose men against such a small force." He was moderately skilled in tactics, although nothing compared to some of the greats. Where he excelled was o horse back. His trusty spear in his grip. He had arranged for ambushes in various locations. He was trying to bunch the enemy up so his Calvary could charge straight through them.

He had been on a campaign to unite the land under his lord Cao Cao. He was surprised to have been given this order to take the area, and he was not willing to disappoint. He knew of Cao Cao's cruel punishments for failure and knew that it could very well be better to die on the field than to fail him. He just had to make sure neither were to happen. As he heard the last of the preparations and that they were ready to act, he ordered for his spear and his horse. The battle would be soon and he would need to get his men ready.

The crowd erupted in applause as he left the tent and mounted his horse. He was well loved, and often people would give him gifts of appreciation. Even would be requested for wedding daughters. That was one gift he never accepted. He felt that he did not need a wife at his age. He still had fame to earn.

"Men, the forces between us and victory are small, and weak. But this is no reason to be lazy. Our Lord Cao Cao has given us the decree to take the land and to present it to his Lord. And that is what we will." He held his spear up after the last comment before continuing. "And if we lose tonight, I will fall upon my own spear to appease the Gods for the fallen before us." The crowd roared in applause as they started their march. The battle was coming and Rowen was ready for it.

Yue had been so lost in her thoughts - and slight fears - that it took for one of the other soldiers to tap her shoulder to snap her back to reality.

"General Zhou? All the others are ready."

Her head bowed, a small smile managing to cross her face. "Very well. I will join you all soon enough." Waving her hand gently to dismiss him, she glanced back again towards the horizon. Another sigh left, this time a nervous swallow soon following suit as a hand slid through her raven hair. Maybe it was just because of all that was at stake but this fight and battle felt so much more vital to win than most others. Lui Bei may not have been as merciless as Cao Cao - the lord of the enemies that were to be defeated - but it didn't mean he was immune to cruel and harsh measures when needed. Unnecessary failures - for most, if not all lords - was certainly one of these. And with how hard she'd worked and well she got into Lui Bei's graces ... Yue didn't dare wish to lose this fight.

Nodding to herself more than anyone, she mounted a black stallion that matched her eyes. Riding up towards the front, stopping the horse a few paces in front of the other soldiers, her gaze seemed to stay focused on the horizon. Her words, however, were addressed strictly to the men behind her. She first sent up a silent prayer; it'd taken many years and practice but after being around so many males, she had been able to alter her voice well enough that she not only looked like one but sounded as if she were truly one also, the only other tell-tale sign being bound breasts beneath her armor.

Raising her katana, she then pointed towards where she was certain Cao Cao's troops would come from soon enough. "I will not lie ... this will be a difficult fight. But we've had multiple odds against us before ... and have still managed to turn them around in our favor! Today ... let us repeat that again; not just for our sakes but Lord Lui Bei's as well! No matter what may or may not happen, I do not wish to see any of you daring to try to flee lest I or any of the other commanders catch and execute you ourselves!"

Allowing the words to sink in and anyone else to get last second preparations done, she pointed her katana once again. "To victory .... for Lui Bei!" Only after she heard the cheer of the men behind her did she begin to ride off, the sounds of footsteps hinting they were definitely behind her. Some had spears of their own, others blades of all kinds, and more close to the back were archers ready to stay back and try to dwindle the numbers of Cao Cao's troops. With any luck ... the archers would have been something they may not have expected.

But with even more luck ... she would come out of this alive, if not victorious. Of course, she'd highly prefer both ... but her luck with such scenarios could only last for so long, she knew. Her eyes and ears remained wide awake and alert, ready for the slightest hints or sights of Cao Cao's troops to show up.

Even now, the nagging feeling of something being horribly wrong still was trying to haunt poor Yue ... who was doing her damnedest to ignore it.
Rowen's army marched forward, keeping a quick pace as they had to meet the opposing army at just the right spot for the ambush to work. It didn't matter how often he was in battle, he still was nervous as the sound of marching sounded more like a drum roll to his death. He knew that all it would take was one stray arrow, one unseen blade and his reign would be over. He swallowed a lump to let that thought pass as the sun was beating against his armored back. He gripped his spear harder when the sight of men across the horizon had come into view. From his sight, it appeared more like fighting peasant rebels and not an army of the usurper Liu Bei. He smiled as a little confidence came back to him. He stopped as he noticed they were very much nearing the kill zone.

Minutes passed like hours as the men nervously stood as their enemy seemed just out of reach. Some of the soldiers were muttering about their odds and others about women they had back at home. Rowen, unlike most lords, encouraged this behavior. It kept the men comfortable and yet showed the true warriors from the fodder that most end up being. Once the enemy army was close enough, Rowen held up his spear and yelled as loud as he could.

"Archer, fire!" He yelled. If anyone expected a slew of arrows to come from behind them, they were mistaken. Instead, arrows flew from the flanks, aimed at the edges to bunch the army together. After a few volleys were launched the main of the army charged ahead, hoping to prevent them from going after the ambush units.

A loud, masculine voice soon caught Yue's ears. For a few split moments, a smirk crossed her lips as she heard the simple command.

"Archer, fire!"

But the volley she had expected didn't come from behind him; no but from the sides of him! Her eyes widened and though she managed to push her horse forward - barely out of range of the piercing arrows - many of the others that had been behind her did not have that same fortune. In fact, it took out a good portion of the 'army' she'd arrived with, dwindling it to less than she desired to have with her. This ... terrified her, genuinely. With so few on her side, what could she do?!

It was tempting to consider running - riding technically - away and abandoning her duties. But she wouldn't sink that low; no. Yue would much rather die first. Determination managed to dominate the tone of her voice as she spoke again, "Half of you, go after the archers! The rest, follow me!"

Yue didn't need to glance behind her to know the men were probably as scared, if not more so, as herself. Unlike herself, however, she was keeping her true emotions hidden and locked away from her eyes and voice. She doubted the others were able to, let alone trying - to do the same tactic as herself. As she gently kicked the sides of her mount, a figure holding a spear and on his own horse soon began to catch her eyes.

Keeping her katana held firmly in her right, she held it up, her left holding onto the saddle. If she could get rid of him ... it would lower Cao Cao's troops morale drastically and after the horrid loss of her own, she needed it -- now more than ever. Even the most basic of soldiers could use common sense, if nothing else, to know that he was like her; a higher up ranking man if not the same.

Her eyes remained on the figure, keeping her blade held out. When she went to ride by, she turned the blade from making it look as if it'd thrust through his sternum to trying to behead him. Hopefully the quick switching of how her blade had looked and moved to would at least wound him, if nothing else.
Rowen would not have risen so far up the ranks if he had not been skilled with his spear. He was able to quickly change his defense at the charging man, intent on taking his head. Although his action prevented him from counter attacking. Judging by the way the man charged in ahead and went straight for him, this must be the general of the army. He smirked as he griped his spear tighter and brought it up. He was ready to knock him from his horse, give him the advantage of height. He made his strike predictable, appear as if he was trying to skewer the general. But he prepared himself to push against the guard to throw him off of balance. This was his favorite tactic, for being mounted made you harder to hit, where being on the ground put you with the men you commanded.

He prepard himself for the imminent collision between fighters as the rest of his army seemed to group up and push against the demoralized army. The fight was going exactly how he had expected, although his ambush unit was in trouble. With him caught up in this fight, there was no way to help them out and he had to hope that they could fend for themselves. His eyes readjusted to the raven eyes that were his opponent. He hoped for a good fight, this way he could convince the rest of the troops to surrender.

Though the wound failed, Yue had succeeded in one thing; forcing him to defend and thus give up any ability or opportunity to counterattack the swing of her blade. That had been quite the blessing, honestly. Men with spears were often incredibly skilled with such tactics; it would only have been much worse if her assumption upon his rank was as accurate as she was thinking. It only seemed to increase, however, as he didn't back down from the fight. True, it could have been for a simple enough reason like pride or fear ... but within the man's eyes she could see the same determination within her own.

She had given him a challenge and he was more than eager to accept and embrace it. If their own fight hadn't officially begun before her attempt to behead the male, it had now ... with him returning the favor and closing the gap towards them, heading right for her. A combination of her head lowering away from the spear beheading her and her own combat skills aided out with dodging the weapon.

Her horse ... however ... was a completely different story. A low "Damnit .. " left her lips as it reared up, whinnying. Her left hand desperately tried to keep holding onto the saddle but after a certain angle, her grip got weak enough that she fell off, rolling away from it as it rode off without her. An annoyed scoff left as she got up to her feet, black eyes looking up in a mix of anger and resolve.

It would be a bold move on her behalf, she knew .. but she addressed the man as she spoke up. "So, are you going to meet me on your own feet? Or shall I consider borrowing your own mount to finish this fight off, hm?" The voice came out in her same 'masculine' voice ... but rather gentle despite it all. Still, she'd convinced the others it meant nothing ... and they'd all bought the lie, thankfully. Hopefully, her guise could remain hidden with this man.
Everything about this general emanated one of honor and skill. Even they way he fell from his horse and issued a command sounded like it demanded the respect of many. But it was his voice that held a strange tone to it. He had been expecting a deep hard voice, one that had seen many battles. Instead, he was privy to the softness and yet masculine tone that did not seem to match. He shook the quandary from his mind as he twirled his spear in his hand. His blue eyes staring down into the black ones of his opponent.

"You are either very brave, or very stupid to challenge me. Very well, let us see how far your bravery takes you." Rowen said as he dismounted from his horse. He normally preferred to fight mounted, but this was a special occasion. Not just a fight but a duel of honor and dignity. Spreading his feet apart he aimed his spear directly at him and smiled. He waited for her to make the first move. His style, although very defensive, focused more on misleading the target and finding the right moment to strike. Normally he was very patient, but with a battle going on around them, he couldn't afford that luxury.

Yue had seen quite a few battles, yes. And despite the sights of blood baths, bodies torn or ripped apart, she'd been able to take the visions rather well. Probably because none had been personally close to her and it had been expected of all those she'd led before. Death was always a possibility .... and now she was all but staring right at it. A smirk couldn't help but cross her lips at the retort, glad to see at least her enemy had accepted and dismounted. "Perhaps a bit of both. However, you aren't the first to have said that to me."

Her teeth found her lower lip as she bit slightly upon it. Yue did not want to make the first move in this fight. But it was crystal clear the man across from her wouldn't dare do such a thing either. Her own feet parted as she stared at the figure, now at her full height of five feet and seven inches tall. Given her age and gender, it was a bit above average and helped convince the others even easier she truly was a man, thank whatever gods were watching over her. Dark eyes continued to gaze upon the other male until finally, she was certain enough to know what to do.

For a bit, it seemed like a simple charge, her blade aimed again for his sternum. But when she got close to him, the steel moved once again as it had when she was on her horse. This time, however, she went for his right hamstring. If he were to be slowed via his leg muscles getting direly wounded .... she may yet have a chance. When it came to battles, whether against multiple people or duels like this, Yue was one whom would eagerly take any and all advantages she could to win ... if not come out alive. Now was definitely no exception.
Rowen was surprised to see that he was going for a more dirty fight than he expected, as he deflected a blow that was aimed at his leg. He had to be careful if he was going to win this fight. He grunted when he was finally able to get his footing back in place. He knew that he wouldn't last long if he had to keep blocking shots like that. This general had yet left him a chance to counter him. Instead he decided to change his tactics.

"Well it is obvious why you still stand against the other that have challenged you. Not many would expect such a desperate move." He taunted the general, punctuating his last word with a quick thrust of his spear that he led in to a combination of blows, each one meant to tire her down, force her to start making mistakes. At full strength, neither of them would win, this was going to be a battler of vitality, of endurance.

"Then .... they're .... fools!" Each emphasized word was spoken as she stepped back with grace and dexterity, trying to gain some distance between herself and her opponent. "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Is war not one of the most accurate things that would ... constitute in this? I'd assume so ..... " The multiple thrusts made her inwardly frown, glad she'd been able to stop him from gaining too many advantages such as that in the get-go. If that had been from a counterattack ... it made a shiver trail down her spine. It definitely would have been worse sooner .... now that she was seeing the man's skill, she knew if she didn't wind up dead from this fight, she may end up begging for it.

Or ... would she?

The selfish part of her didn't desire Death and yet she knew it was the honorable 'way out', per se. It always had been. Damnit, no! Not here on the damn battlefield!

This was by far one of her worst flaws; over-thinking. She'd been trying to ensure this never happened in such a vital place but her mind had thought too swiftly and before she could second guess herself ... there she was, contemplating on all the 'what-ifs', various outcomes and possibilities, things of the like. Only when wind went past her head and caused some of her raven locks to move and even fall at her side did she realize just how close his spear had come to taking an ear off if not her head.

Her thoughts and mind began to race as swiftly as Yue's heart was doing so by now. Her eyes continued to remain upon the other general though slowly, the guise of not being anxious or scared was fading from them.

Now what?! Don't just stand there .... do something!

But it'd been as if her mind suddenly went blank .... she wasn't sure where to aim for or what to do, afraid he'd only repeat the same patterns and she would as well. And if that happened ... it'd be a draw ... wouldn't it?

Her head shook no as she lunged forward, going for his right shoulder. Neither of them would allow it to remain a draw forever. Eventually, this would end. How ... she didn't yet know but Yue could only hope as best as possible.
The generals fighting was getting sloppy and his defenses seemed to be more luck than skill. He himself was getting tired and he knew that if this end soon than he would lose control of the battle. "Battle is the one place where you show just how dignified you are. It is how men show their respect for one ..." He was caught off when she charged at him. Her blow was going straight for his shoulder, a strike that would quickly end his duel with him unable to continue. The one disadvantage of using a long spear was that it relied on both hands.

Barely in the nick of time he brought the blunt end of his spear up to deflect the blow, using the momentum to counter attack the man, the sharp tip quickly flying towards his thigh. He hoped he could end this here. He had to only make contact enough t drop him, force him to surrender. This general was very skilled and he had realized that his death would be a waste of such great skill, even if it was slightly dirty. He tried his best to not kill his opponent, hoping that he could show mercy and convince him to join on the right side.

When all was said and done, Yue was still in a battle. So when his spear blocked her blade yet again and thrust forward, she'd expected a vital location; her gut, an organ, something of the like. Her blade blocked her upper body in a horizontal direction. But when the spear didn't go anywhere near there, her eyes widened in horror and by the time she began to move her own blade down to block his own, it was too late. Despite most of her body being coated in armor, it could only endure so much punishment and with all the previous battles she'd been in ... the protective layers finally gave in.

A gasp of shock left, soon followed by a hiss of agony and pain as she collapsed on her rear. Her left hand quickly covered her thigh, her right still maintaining a firm enough grip upon her katana. She did not want to give up ... not even with this wound. And it showed ... as she tried to force herself back up on her feet, getting as far as up to her good knee before collapsing again, her right knee remaining on the ground.

Panting and breathing, Yue's eyes almost closed, expecting her life to be taken then and there. But even with the risk and possibility, they remained open, glancing right back into the equally fierce and hellbent orbs before her. Both wanted to win ... and even though it was clear her opponent had probably done just that, it was more so that Yue wasn't willing to easily give up despite the injury given to her.

Regardless, she knew one thing for sure; she wouldn't beg for mercy. Yue wouldn't dare sink that low, either, as she'd sworn to avoid being a coward and run. Her heart continued to race as she silently waited in anticipation to see her fate even though few other options aside from a swift demise came to her mind.
Rowen had taken a moment of pride when his strike hit it's target finally and had sent his opponent to the ground. Although it wasn't a lethal wound, it would need to be looked at and cared for. He watched as the loser of their duel struggled to get up, only to fall back down and close his eyes. They had given up and had accepted their fate. The sign of a true hero among men. He raised his spear up in the sky and brought it down hard into the ground, digging the tip deep into the ground inches from her face. His voice rang out as he made a proclamation.

"Your general has fallen. If you value your lives, throw down your weapons and surrender. We will offer you a place in our army and care for your wounded. If you resist, you will find a swift death." His command echoed through the captains in the army as the fighting seemed to die down at the sound. Not everyone was as easily swayed, but it would be long before the fighting would come to an end. He motioned for a captain that bowed in response.

"Bring me a rope, I will take this general as my captive. Send a runner to inform the healer that there will soon be wounded coming." He said as he looked down to the officer below him. The captain bowed in understanding and was off to do what he was commanded. His voice lowered as he pulled his spear out of the ground and shouldered it. "You will come with me back to town. I will get that wound treated and we will drink wine and discuss our duel." He said as he received a rope and held his other hand to help her up.

Somewhere in between the waiting and staring down of her opponent, Yue's eyes did indeed close, opening as metal connected with .... the .... ground? Her head turned, seeing the spear so very close to her head but not having actually pierced anything? She was confused ... though definitely grateful all the same. Still, why had she been spared? This had been done not certainly out of mercy but for his own motives and desires. Her eyes narrowed as he went on to reveal them all, forcing herself to keep from protesting as he shouted out to what men had survived the onslaught of arrows from the beginning of the fight. It'd been tempting to retort and cry out for them not to do such a thing; but Yue held her tongue.

It pained her, physically and mentally, but she knew she had lost. Her head bowed as she spoke up, though not in rebellion as he may have been expecting. " ... I won't hold any grudges for those whom wish to heed his words and take up the offer." They were all still human when all was said and done; she doubted she was the only one whom desired to get out of this alive. Nor would she blame anyone in wanting a simple enough thing; wouldn't any sane individual desire this?

Her heart raced then froze at the word 'captive', especially to hear she'd be medically treated.

But ... that means ...

If he'd meant to re-fuel her drive and desire to fight, the words had done that. Regardless of whether it'd been on purpose or not - more likely the latter - the same resolve that had been noted from the get go was seen again. Her head shook no firmly, her hands pushing her body back and away from the other general as quickly as possible with the injury.

"I will do no such thing ... " She managed to reply, keeping her voice calm enough despite the dawnings racing through her selfish mind. "There's nothing to discuss ... save maybe why you're going against tradition by sparing me." Her hands continued to try to move herself away, her right remaining upon her katana as she prepared to move it -- to use it to block any possible strike that may be aimed for her.
Rowen was not truly surprised by the reaction he was given, most would look at his choice as worse than death, but he wasn't going to hear of it. "You have lost the fight, and your men are scattered and falling. I have already offered them all safe haven for surrender. It would be a shame if something were to cause my mind to change." It was his turn to play dirty. He may be honorable in fighting, but when it came to the way things worked, he learned that sometimes you have to do whatever it takes. Granted he would feel bad for the men he would lose by slaughtering the POWs, but he would feel worse for slaughtering someone who could easily become more useful than a full regiment of soldiers.

He stared the wounded general down, showing just how serious he was being. He held his spear up in the sky to stop his troops from what they were doing. His dark eyes seemed determined to do just as he suggest. "So what will it be? Shall we get your wound checked out, or will I continue through this land?" His voice was even dark at this point.

"....Why you .... !!" Her right hand trembled angrily, the mere thought of him daring to go back on his word infuriating her worse than the defeat. Her head turned as she finally broke contact with him, her eyes closing once again. She went over the cards laid upon the table .. and carefully as the options slowly echoed in her mind. For a few seconds, she had seriously considered forgetting of the safety of the others whom had been as ready as herself to die here and now.

And as she realized what she'd nearly considered, she mentally slapped herself.

What's wrong with you?! True this probably wasn't what they were expecting but do they not deserve this opportunity?!

Her eyes opened as her gaze remained down towards the bloodstained ground, finally looking back upwards to her opponent. A soft, defeated sigh left as she nodded slowly.

" .... Very well. No .... leave them be. I'll come along."

Sheathing her katana away, she held her hand out, ready to accept his own and - painfully - stand up. Just as this man seemed to be one of his own, she was a woman of her word; she wouldn't go back on it despite how much of her still wanted to try.
More out of tradition, than his feel for the need of it, Rowen tied the rope around the defeated officers waist after lifting him to his feet. He was present a pair of horses, one for himself and one for his prisoner. "Come we will ride ahead so we can get your injury looked at." He said as he helped him to the horse. The rest of the men had been tied up and formed a long line of prisoners for now. They would be tested for their loyalty and if they tried to revolt, would be put down without mercy. He smiled as he heard some of his men singing a song of victory. This was one of the main reasons he allowed their personalities to let out. Some of his men were quite talented and it helped with the moral of the men, not to mention the moral of himself.

A low wince left as she was forced and simultaneously assisted to her feet, a shiver of anticipation trailing down her spine. She glanced down at the rope, supposing that compared to many other things which easily could have gone on, this had been rather ... merciful. In truth, Yue had expected her wrists to be immediately bound behind her back, to be mostly if not completely restrained and rendered helpless. The fact this man was giving her a lot of freedom ... was intriguing. The sounds of hooves, though, made her glance up and she bit down on her lower lip at the sight, knowing what was expected of her.

Another wince left as she pulled herself up, panting as she sat sideways on it. Gripping the saddle firmly with her right hand, she waited for Rowen to get back upon his own mount. Once he was ready, she gave the borrowed mount a light kick to it's side, hinting for it to go on; though she wouldn't dare try to guide it. That would be something she would strictly allow Rowen to do as she didn't know the exact way back.

Knowing it would have been found out eventually, she at least gave her name out. It had definitely been tempting to give away her secret; but she didn't in hopes that his medics would miss it. After all, it was only on her ....


Her head lowered in defeat, mentally scolding herself. Of course they'd find out with such a wound! Her anatomy wouldn't match the masculine tone she'd been giving her opponent! It almost felt useless to keep the guise up ... but perhaps out of fear, she did so anyways, even as she spoke up.

"Zhou Xun .... " She murmured softly, her grip on the saddle tightening as her fists clenched as best as they could. To say Yue was infuriated was quite the understatement right now.
Rowen smiled that this prisoner was acting with honor as he had hoped. He planned to show how respectful of a general he could be in hopes to make convincing him to join the army on his side easier. He lead the horses towards their home base when heard the general announce his name. "Well fought Zhou Xun, I am Yunqi Rowen but please, call me Rowen." He smiled as the sight of the city had come into view and there were people waiting at the gates. It was obviously some of the healers that he had ordered earlier. But some of them were wives and mothers that were hoping their son wasn't the one needing the help.

"Take this man to my home and make sure he is helped with the utmost care." Rowen motioned for a healer as he approached the gates. An elderly man bowed lowly as he hurried to do a he was commanded. Normally Rowen would follow along with them to make sure it went off with a hitch, but he still had to make sure the rest of the soldiers made it to town and command what was to be done with the rest of the prisoners. "If they will join our army, send them to the barracks, if not, lock them up and I will see to them myself." He spoke his order as he finally dismounted his horse and let someone care for the beast. It took most of the afternoon to direct the people to their positions and to re-establish the watch for the gates. The sky was darkening quickly by the time he made his way back to his homestead, intent on checking in on the general.

It was still somewhat reluctantly but Yue did allow herself to be led off by the medic that was to look at her. Within her mind, she wasted no time in doing a countdown. There'd be no way to hide herself anymore, that she wasn't 'Zhou' as she'd just lied about not but seconds ago. Only when she was out of earshot of Rowen did the slightest whimper leave, barely staying in her male voice. Even that was about to not be needed soon .... this was all so weird. Yue was horrified, she had no idea what to expect.

She'd avoided Death in the battlefield but ... what would happen once the doctor put two and two together then informed Rowen? Would her luck continue? How would this go? It caused more shivers to trail down her spine, her feet wanting to purposely slow down and avoid following behind the healer. But if she made too much of a scene or fuss, she had a good enough feeling that her men would immediately be killed upon the spot.

As she arrived at Rowen's manor and was guided upon a medical table, she very slowly laid down. It'd been as she'd expected; once the armor was taken away, the man gave her a slightly odd look to which she gave a slow nod. "You ... you're not seeing things. That's correct."

This time when she spoke, however, it was still much more gentle and soft with no hints of masculinity. No, it was purely feminine in nature as it should have been. Admittedly, it did feel nice to be able to drop it and allow her more natural tone to return .... but the 'what-ifs' on what were about to happen still made Yue very anxious.

Remaining still as he wrapped the wound, a small sigh of relief left as the healer did. It'd been embarrassing, but the fear had begun to make her panties underneath the armor slightly damp. He either hadn't noticed or hadn't said anything -- hopefully just the first one. The fears and anxieties that had been - and still were - flowing through her, unfortunately, made her unable to help but react that way. Her gaze met the floor as Yue found herself playing the waiting game, knowing mercy would be up to Rowen.
Rowen was stopped at the gate of his household by the healer. He suddenly thought that the wound he had given was too infected to be healed or the general had taken a turn for the worse. What he was about to be told was nothing that he would have ever imagined. He blinked as the old man continued to give his reports.

"My lord, the general ... is a woman." Rowen's shock was hidden behind a cold and confused persona. He didn't say anything, just nodded for the healer to leave him. What was worse was this woman almost beat him in a duel. This was unheard of among the finer gender. He wondered why a female would do this, and how Liu Bei's army hadn't noticed it before. Certainly in her time, something would have shown the truth behind her secret. He walked into the are where he was told she was resting and he removed his armor. The sweat from under his armor caused his cotton shirt to cling to his muscles as he made his way to his prisoner.

"So Zhou Xun, it seems you are not who you appear to be." He said, his voice dark with dishonor and shame as he felt anger building up for being led astray. Even if she was an enemy he still expected a certain level of respect.

It had felt like forever but finally, the door opened. Though Yue assumed it to be Rowen, her guess was correct as her black eyes found his now very angry - rightfully so, unfortunately - hues. It went back down towards the floor, her own gentle retort leaving her voice as she spoke up, "If I said the truth earlier on the battlefield, would your mercy have remained? Truthfully? What assurance did I have you wouldn't just try to strike me down then and there? Or worse? Tons of others would have gladly given into such a temptation; I merely did what was best for me. Do not think, however, I have kept the guise up without any consequence; quite the opposite. I worked my way up in the ranks while serving Lui Bei ... and had to lie from back then."

Her eyes glanced back up to Rowen's, the same resolve returning to her voice, "Rest assured, if they knew sooner, we wouldn't have fought. You know how 'taboo' it is for women to fight. I do not regret the actions I've taken; not enough to apologize to anyone. Just the fact I had to lie so many times." She went silent to allow her plea and argument to echo through his ears, a soft sigh leaving as she ran a hand through her short, raven hair.

"Yue Zhao ... " She murmured softly, knowing that would be wanted ... and probably sooner than later.
Rowen didn't know what to think, he didn't know what to say, and he truly had no clue as to what to do. He sighed as he looked at the woman in front of him, no longer clad in armor and a white bandage around her thigh. He listened to her plea and a part of him understood it. If it wasn't for the fight they had, the honor in the duel and her obvious skills with a blade. He very well may have struck her down where she stood. He was torn between publicly executing her, showing the populace the wrong she had done, and deciding if this oddity would be worth keeping around. He had to admit, without her armor and without the voice she obvious had worked on, she was attractive.

"Rest and heal. I will decide what to do with you later." He said shortly as he turned to head to the main room of his household. He needed wine and a meal after the battle. He also needed time to think. He knew he would have to decide what to do, and that he could not hide the fact she was a girl from everyone for long. He had to figure out how to expose her, and more importantly, what do to when he does.

For a reason even Yue couldn't quite place, she didn't feel nearly as much shame as she should have; probably because he was behaving himself despite gazing at a woman with almost nothing on save panties and the bandages which had kept her breasts hidden for so long. Her head nodded slowly as Rowen finally gave a verdict, figuring it was fair enough. He at least hadn't just immediately sided with death or something of the like; that she could be content with and for. But as she slid under the covers and glanced up to the ceiling, she wondered how long that'd last. Her fists clenched the sheets and only when she was absolutely certain Rowen was out of earshot did soft sobs leave.

It'd been bad enough she hadn't wanted to come here to begin with and worse that this happened not only because she lost but people's lives had been put at stake if she refused. "Goddamnit ... " She murmured, keeping the covers firmly over her body, as if terrified someone would try to sneak in and molest her whilst she slept. At least her katana had been allowed to remain with her .. another saving grace. Her eyes opened long enough to lay it beside her and slowly closed once again.

The mental and physical fatigue from the battle along with the silence aided Yue out and within minutes, she'd fallen asleep; maybe not as easily as she'd wanted but all the same it had still happened. Her chest gently rose and fell, her last thoughts before all of her consciousness totally slipped away going to her fate and what was to happen to her now. Lui Bei ... she had guesses and compared to an enemy she barely knew ... she dreaded his verdict.
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